Processing a call on a system network interface circuit requires a number of signaling and supervision actions. These actions are often common among many call types and are performed in the same sequence. After you have defined these sequences, the system stores them and uses them as needed in the form of inpulse and outpulse rules.
Define inpulse and outpulse rules through the system Data Base Administration Menu (refer to the Cisco VCO/4K System Administrator's Guide). Actions are represented by tokens; you can use up to 16 tokens in each inpulse and outpulse rule you define.
Rules can be "called" like subroutines in a command or, in the case of inpulse rules, executed by default when an incoming port seizes inward. Because rule processing takes place on the system, the amount of processing overhead for the host computer and the communications links is decreased.
This chapter presents a summary of inpulse and outpulse rules, focusing on the interaction between rules and the system command/report set. Detailed information on defining and using rules is contained in the Cisco VCO/4K System Administrator's Guide.
An inpulse rule consists of up to 16 tokens. The tokens can be used to condition a trunk to wait for supervision events, collect MF, DTMF, or Dial Pulse (DP) digits, and store received digit fields in an internal system call record. There are a possible 255 inpulse rules (1 to 255), all of which you can define.
The system can execute inpulse rules for any line or trunk, regardless of its Class of Service (COS). An inpulse rule can also specify to execute an outpulse rule. When the outpulse rule has been completed, the original inpulse rule processing continues.
Inpulse rule tokens available in the basic system software are listed in Table 2-1. Available system tones are listed in "Tone Values," (use the decimal values with inpulse rules). The column [xx] indicates if additional data is required to complete a token. Additional tokens for optional system software (TeleRouter, ISDN and ISDN with NFAS packages) are detailed in the documentation that accompanies those options. For a more detailed description of each of the inpulse rules, refer to the Cisco VCO/4K System Administrator's Guide.
Inpulse rule tokens are functionally divided into the following groups:
Token | Type | Definition | [xx] |
ANSWER | Supervision Control | Seize incoming port (not applicable to SLIC). | |
APEND ANI [xx]1 | Digit Collection | Collect the number of ANI digits specified in field [xx] and append them to the digits in the call record; [xx] not required for MF. | 1 to 40 |
APEND FLD [xx]1 | Digit Collection | Append the incoming digits to the call record field specified in field [xx]. | 1, 2, 3, or 4 |
CLR CHAR1 [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | For DTMF processing, discard collected digits and restart collection when a character specified in field [xx] is detected. | 0 to 9, *, # |
When the system feature flag "Enable 4th Column DTMF" is enabled, valid entry includes A to F. | 0 to 9, *, #, A to F | ||
For MFCR2 processing, set the backward supervision tone to send. | 0 to 15 | ||
CLR CHAR2 [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | For DTMF processing, discard collected digits and restart collection when characters specified in field [xx] are detected. | 0 to 9, *, # |
When the system feature flag "Enable 4th Column DTMF" is enabled, valid entries are A to F. | 0 to 9, *, #, A to F | ||
CONT NREP | Digit Collection Setup | Continue rule processing if a DTMF/DP first digit, interdigit, or field timeout occurs. Do not report timeout to host. Any digits collected at the end of the rule are reported unless overwritten by subsequent collection. | |
CONT REP | Digit Collection Setup | Continue rule processing if a DTMF/DP first digit, interdigit, or field timeout occurs. Report timeout and all digits collected to host. | |
DIGITS [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | Collect number of digits specified in field [xx]; DTMF, DP, and MFCR2 only. | 1 to 40 |
DO IRULE [xx] | Processing Control | Execute inpulse rule specified in field [xx] and return to next token in this rule. | 1 to 255 |
DO ORULE [xx] | Processing Control | Execute outpulse rule specified in field [xx] and return to next token in this rule. | 1 to 255 |
DTMF | Signaling Mode | Attach DTMF receiver; for DID and SLIC collected digits are DTMF; for UTC (operating with VCO/4K system software V5.0 in 2K mode only) collected digits are DP. | |
DTMF4 | Signaling Mode | Allows the END CHARx and CLR CHARx token data fields to accept 4th column DTMF digits. The system feature flag, "Enable 4th Column DTMF," must be enabled to use this token. | |
END CHAR1 [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | For DTMF processing, single end digit collection occurs when characters that are specified in field [xx] are detected. | 0 to 9, *, # |
When the system feature flag "Enable 4th Column DTMF" is enabled, valid entries are A to F. | 0 to 9, *, #, A to F | ||
For MFCR2 processing, set the backward supervision tone after digit collection is complete. | 0 to 15 | ||
END CHAR2 [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | For DTMF processing, double end digit collection when characters in specified field [xx] are detected. | 0 to 9, *, # |
When the system feature flag "Enable 4th Column DTMF" is enabled, valid entries are A to F. | 0 to 9, *, #, A to F | ||
GLARE [xx] | Processing Control | Execute a specified inpulse rule when an ISDN glare condition occurs. | 1 to 30 |
GOTO RULE [xx] | Processing Control | Execute an inpulse rule specified in field [xx] without returning to this rule. | 1 to 255 |
IP ANI [xx]1 | Digit Collection | Collect the number of ANI digits specified in field [xx] and store in call record; [xx] not required for MF. | 1 to 40 |
IP CAT2 | Digit Collection | Allow a single category digit collection. | |
IP FIELD [xx]1 | Digit Collection | Store incoming digits in the call record field specified in field [xx]. | 1, 2, 3, or 4 |
ISDN RX | Supervision Control | Use an ISDN message template during rule processing. | 1 to 96 |
ISDN TX | Supervision Control | Specify which ISDN message template to use to construct an outgoing D-channel message. | 1 to 96 |
LIBRARY [xx] | Prompt/Record Control | The system supports 16 prompt libraries. Hunt for an IPRC port from the announcement resource group that supports the specified prompt library. | 0 to 16, or TMP |
LOOP ALL | Prompt/Record Control | Instruct the IPRC to continually loop the prompt list being played. Continue until a subsequent inpulse rule or host command terminates the operation, or the IPRC playing the prompt list is removed from the call. | |
LOOP LAST | Prompt/Record Control | Instruct the IPRC to continually loop the last prompt in a list of prompts being played. Continue until a subsequent inpulse rule or host command terminates the operation, or the IPRC port playing the prompt list is removed from the call. | |
MAX REC [xx] | Prompt/Record Control | Define an upper limit in seconds for recording a particular prompt. Default value is 0, meaning no limit. | 1 to 255 |
MF | Signaling Mode | Attach MF receiver. | |
MFCR2 | Signaling Mode | Attach MFCR2 transceiver. | |
NO HOST [xx] | Processing Control | Executes a specified inpulse rule setup timer. If no host command is received in that time, the system executes the inpulse rule indicated in the NO HOST [xx] token data field (rule 1 to 255). | 1 to 255 |
NO REP | Reporting Control | Suppress end of rule reporting; no effect on REP EACH or REP NEXT tokens. | |
RECORD [xx] | Prompt/Record Control | Hunt an IPRC containing default or previously defined prompt library. Erase the prompt specified by ID, and begin recording new prompt from the line/trunk port executing the inpulse rule. | 1 to 255 |
RELEASE [xx] | Resource Control | Remove the specified resource type from the call. | IPRC, MRC, DRC, DTG, CPA, or MCR. Data must be typed (case sensitive); it is not selectable. |
REP EACH | Reporting Control | Report all inpulsing events to host when they occur. | |
REP END | Reporting Control | Report collected digits, end of rule, and any errors to host when inpulsing is completed (default). | |
REP NEXT | Reporting Control | Report the next inpulsing event to the host, then revert to previous Report Control mode. | |
RETAIN [xx] | Resource Control | Hold on to the specified resource type from the call. | IPRC, DTMF, MCR, and DRC. Data must be typed (case sensitive); it is not selectable. |
ROUTE (Tx) | Processing Control | Provides call routing based on the digit stored in the specified digit field. Must be the last token defined in an inpulse rule. | For T: A to J For x: 0 to 5 |
SPEAK [xx]1 | Prompt/Record Control | Speak voice prompt specified in field [xx]. | 1 to 255 |
STOP VOIC | Prompt/Record Control | Terminate playback or record operation. | |
TIM FDIG [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | Wait the number of seconds specified in field [xx] for the first digit to be received (max. time between receiver enabled and first digit); DTMF, DP only. | 1 to 30 |
TIM FIELD [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | Wait the number of seconds specified in field [xx] for the number of digits minus one specified in DIGITS [xx] to be received; default value is 20, DTMF, DP only. | 1 to 60 |
TIM INTER [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | Wait the number of seconds specified in field [xx] for another digit after one is received (max. time between digits); default value is 6, DTMF, DP only. | 1 to 10 |
TONE CLR [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | Send tone specified in field [xx] when CLR CHAR is detected. | 0 to 1, 3 to 7, 9 to 632 |
TONE ENAB [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | Send tone specified in field [xx] when receiver is enabled. | 0 to 1, 3 to 7, 9 to 632 |
TONE END [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | Send tone specified in field [xx] when END CHAR is detected. | 0 to 1, 3 to 7, 9 to 632 |
TONE FDIG [xx] | Digit Collection Setup | Send tone specified in field [xx] when first digit is detected by receiver; DTMF, DP only. | 0 to 1, 3 to 7, 9 to 632 |
TONE NOW [xx] | Supervision Control | Send tone specified in field [xx]. | 0 to 632 |
WAIT TIME [xx]1 | Supervision Control | Wait the number of seconds specified in field [xx] before continuing rule processing. | 1 to 10 |
WINK ENAB | Digit Collection Setup | Wink trunk when receiver is enabled. | |
WINK NOW | Supervision Control | Condition trunk circuit to Busy for 250 ms (T1, E+M, DID only) or hookflash for 500 ms UTC only). | |
1Refer to the "Recursive (Looping) Rules" section for information on the use of these tokens in recursive rules. 2Refer to "Tone Values," for decimal tone values and their corresponding tones. |
Inpulse rule processing can begin in one of the following ways:
Inpulse rule processing ends normally when all instructions in the rule (or rules if GOTO RULE or DO IRULE/ORULE tokens are used) have been executed. Processing is aborted in the following cases:
The following reports are produced by inpulse rule processing:
An outpulse rule is a listing of tokens defined by an application designer or system administrator. You can use up to 16 tokens to condition a trunk to wait for supervision events, and outpulse MF/DTMF digits. There are a possible 256 outpulse rules (0 to 255), however; the 0 (zero) outpulse rule is predefined and hard coded. You can define up to 255 (1 to 255) additional outpulse rules.
Outpulse rules can be executed for any line or trunk in the system, regardless of its Class of Service (COS). An outpulse rule can also specify to execute an inpulse rule as part of outpulse rule processing; when the inpulse rule has been completed, the original outpulse rule processing continues.
Available outpulse rule tokens and available system tones are listed in Table 2-2 and Table 2-3. The column [xx] indicates whether additional data is required to complete a token. Additional tokens for optional system software (TeleRouter ISDN, and ISDN with NFAS software packages) are detailed in the documentation that accompanies those options.
Outpulse rule tokens are functionally divided into the following groups:
Token | Type | Definition | [xx] |
ANS SUP [xx] | Supervision Control | Calls the template. Functions as a setup token for a subsequent WAIT SUP or FINAL SUP token. | 1 to 24 |
DO IRULE [xx] | Processing Control | Execute inpulse rule specified in field [xx] and return to next token in this rule. | 1 to 255 |
DO ORULE [xx] | Processing Control | Execute outpulse rule specified in field [xx] and return to next token in this rule. | 1 to 255 |
FINAL SUP1 | Supervision Control | Treat ANS SUP [xx] as FINAL. | Answer supervision template1 to 24, or A. |
GOTO RULE [xx] | Processing Control | Execute outpulse rule specified in field [xx] without returning to this rule. | 1 to 255 |
ISDN RX | Supervision Control | Specify to use an ISDN message template during rule processing. | 1 to 96 |
ISDN SUP | Supervision Control | Specify which ISDN supervision template is used during outpulse rule processing. | 1 to 24 |
ISDN TX | Supervision Control | Specify which ISDN message template to use to construct an outgoing D-channel message. | 1 to 96 |
NOHOST [xx] | Processing Control | Execute a specified inpulse rule upon the expiration of the host setup timer. If no host command is received in that time, the system executes the inpulse rule indicated in the NOHOST [xx] token data field. | 1 to 255 |
OP ANI1 | Digit Field | Outpulse the digits stored in the call record ANI field. | |
OP CAT [xx] | Digit Field | For MFCR2 only. Outpulse the calling Calling Party Category. | 0 to 15 |
OP CAT2 | Digit Field | For MFCR2 only. Outpulse different category digits from within a $69 command. | |
OP DIGIT [xx]1 | Digit Field | Outpulse digit or tone specified in field [xx]. The token data field accepts fourth-column DTMF digits when the system feature flag, "Enable 4th Column DTMF," is enabled. | DTMF mode0 to 9, *, #, A-F (*, E and #, F are interchangeable. MF mode0 to 9, KP, ST, S1, S2, S3. Tone mode0 to 82. |
OP DTMF | Signaling Mode | Outpulse in DTMF mode. | |
OP FIELD [xx]1 | Digit Field | Outpulse the digits stored in the call record field specified in field [xx]. | 1, 2, 3, or 4 |
OP MF | Signaling Mode | Outpulse in MF mode. | |
OP MFCR2 | Signaling Mode | Outpulse in MFCR2 mode. | |
OP PULSE | Signaling Mode | Outpulse in DIAL Pulse mode. | |
OP TONE | Signaling Mode | Outpulse in tone mode. | |
RELEASE [xx] | Reporting Control | Remove the specified resource type from the call. | IPRC, MRC, DRC, DTG, CPA, or MCR. Data must be typed (case sensitive); it is not selectable. |
REP END | Reporting Control | Report the end of outpulse rule processing. | |
REP NEXT | Reporting Control | Used as outpulse rule in MFCR2 processing only. Causes final backward supervision tone to be reported to the host in a $DA report. | |
RETAIN [xx] | Reporting Control | Hold on to the specified resource type from the call. | IPRC, DTMF, MCR, and DRC. Data must be typed (case sensitive); it is not selectable. |
SEIZE | Supervision Control | Perform outward seizure on outgoing trunk. | |
Supervision Control | Wait the number of seconds to receive expected supervision. | 1 to 60 | |
WAIT SUP1 | Supervision Control | Treat ANS SUP [xx] as WAIT Intermediate. | Answer supervision template1 to 24, A or W. Data must be typed (case sensitive); it is not selectable. |
WAIT TIME [xx]1 | Supervision Control | Wait the number of 250 ms intervals specified in field [xx]. | 1 to 10 |
1Refer to the "Recursive (Looping) Rules" section for information on use of these tokens in recursive rules. 2Refer to Table 2-3 for decimal tone values and their corresponding tones. |
Tone | Value |
Quiet Tone | 0 |
Dial Tone | 1 |
Ring Back Tone | 2 |
Busy Tone | 3 |
380 Hz Tone | 4 |
440 Hz Tone | 5 |
480 Hz Tone | 6 |
1400 Hz Tone | 7 |
913.8 Hz SIT | 8 |
Outpulse rule processing can begin in one of the following ways:
Outpulse rule processing ends normally when all the instructions in the rule (or rules, if GOTO RULE or DO IRULE/ORULE tokens are used) have been executed. Processing is aborted when a supervision or resource allocation error occurs.
The Outgoing Port Change of State ($DA) report can be produced by outpulse rule processing.
In MF and DTMF processing, the $DA report indicates the Answer Supervision Template that was executed, and the individual supervision events that were detected. The report is generated only if you specify a WAIT SUP [xx] or FINAL SUP [xx] supervision control token in the outpulse rule. If you use the REP END token, a $DA report is produced to indicate outpulse rule processing has completed.
In MFCR2 processing, the $DA report includes the backward signaling codes. If you use REP NEXT in the outpulse rule template, the final backward supervision signaling code is reported to the host in the report.
You can use processing control tokens to create recursive rules, or rules for which processing eventually returns to the original rule. To create these "looping" rules, use the DO IRULE, DO ORULE, and GOTO RULE tokens. Processing continues until one of the following conditions occurs:
Looping allows single digit collection in inpulse rules, such as that employed when users are prompted (by a Voice Response Unit, or similar peripheral equipment) to answer questions by pressing a button on their phones. The following inpulse rules could be used for that purpose:
DIGITS | 1 |
IP FIELD | 1 |
In addition to user-defined outpulse rules, a predefined Null Outpulse Rule (rule 0) exists in the VCO/4K system software. This rule is not accessible by system administration and cannot be altered. The Null Outpulse Rule is defined as shown below:
TIME SUP | 30 (Only if the Feature Enable grace timing on null rule = Y.) |
The rule performs an outward seizure, starts a 30-second grace timer, and waits for final answer. When the Null rule is specified in an Outgoing Port Control ($69) command executed for an outgoing port, the port is considered answered if either true answer is detected or the grace timer expires.
Supervision processing is performed by a combination of supervision control outpulse rule tokens and answer supervision templates. The outpulse rule token ANS SUP [xx] calls a template, and WAIT SUP and FINAL SUP following this causes intermediate supervision and final supervision, respectively. During outpulse rule processing, these tokens "call" specific answer supervision templates like subroutines. The templates indicate which signaling events must be detected and the system response to each event. When an event is detected, the system response specified in the template is performed; the supervision control outpulse rule token is satisfied and rule processing continues.
Call progress tone events detected during template processing include:
Answer supervision templates accessed via system administration allow users to specify system actions for particular signaling events. Signaling events include the events listed above, plus wink, true answer, supervision timing and hook flash. Condition tokens assigned to each type of signaling event determine system action when these events are detected. Preconfigured templates corresponding to the outpulse rule tokens WAIT SUP A, WAIT SUP W and FINAL SUP A exist for simple wink and answer supervision scenarios. Refer to the Cisco VCO/4K System Administrator's Guide for more information on answer supervision templates.
Posted: Fri Aug 9 11:34:28 PDT 2002
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