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Table Of Contents
Deliver Configuration to Router
Unable to perform `squeeze flash'
File Menu Commands
The following options are available from the Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) File menu.
Save Running Config to PC
Saves the router's running configuration file to a text file on the PC.
Deliver Configuration to Router
This window lets you deliver to the router any configuration changes that you have made using SDM. Note that any changes to the configuration that you made using SDM will not affect the router until you deliver the configuration.
Save Running Config to Router's Startup Config
Check this check box to cause SDM to save the configuration shown in the window to both the router running configuration file and the startup file. The running configuration file is temporary—it is erased when the router is rebooted. Saving the configuration to the router startup configuration causes the configuration changes to be retained after a reboot.
If SDM is being used to configure a Cisco 7000 router, the check box Save running config. to router's startup config. will be disabled if there are boot network or boot host commands present with service config commands in the running configuration.
Click this button to discard the configuration change and close the SDM Deliver to Router dialog box.
Save to File
Click this button to save the configuration changes shown in the window to a text file.
Write to Startup Config
Writes the router's running configuration file to the router startup configuration.
If SDM is being used to configure a Cisco 7000 router, this menu item will be disabled if there are boot network or boot host commands present with service config commands in the running configuration.
Reset to Factory Defaults
See Resetting to Factory Defaults.
File Management
This window allows you to view and manage the file system on your Cisco router flash memory and on USB flash devices connected to that router. Only DOSFS file systems can be viewed and managed in this window.
The left side of window displays an expandible tree representing the directory system on your Cisco router flash memory and on USB flash devices connected to that router.
The right side of the window displays a list of the names of the files and directories found in the directory that is chosen in the left side of the window. It also shows the size of each file in bytes, and the date and time each file and directory was last modified.
You can choose a file or directory in the list on the right side of the window and then choose one of the commands above the list. Directories can be renamed or deleted. Files can be copied, pasted, renamed, or deleted, but files cannot be pasted into the directory from which they were copied.
If your router is booted from a tftp server, then the boot image file will not have the no-write icon and no file operation restrictions are in effect.
Refresh Button
Click the Refresh button to fetch a new image of the directories and files from your Cisco router flash memory and from USB flash devices connected to that router.
Format Button
Click the Format button to reformat your Cisco router flash memory or to reformat a USB flash device connected to that router. The Format button is enabled only if an icon representing your Cisco router flash memory or a USB flash device is chosen in the left side of the window.
CautionReformatting your Cisco router flash memory or a USB flash device connected to that router will erase all of the files in the file system.
New Folder Button
Click the New Folder button to create a new directory in the directory that is chosen in the left side of the window. Folder names cannot contain spaces or question marks ("?").
Load File From PC Button
Click the Load File From PC button to open a file-selection window on the local PC. Choose a file to save to the chosen directory on your Cisco router flash memory or on a USB flash device connected to that router. SDM files and files with names containing spaces cannot be loaded using Load File From PC.
SDM files, such as SDM.tar, can not be loaded using Load File From PC. SDM files should be loaded using Tools > Update SDM.
If you use Load File From PC to load a boot image file, it can not be saved to the current boot image file directory.
Copy Button
Choose a file from the right side of the window and click the Copy button to copy the file.
Paste Button
After you click the Copy button to copy a file, click the Paste button to place the copy of the file in a different directory. Choose a target directory from the left side of the window. You cannot place a copy of the file in the same directory as the original file.
Rename Button
Choose a file or directory from the right side of the window and click the Rename button to change its name. Names cannot contain spaces or question marks ("?").
Delete Button
Choose a file or directory from the right side of the window and click the Delete button to delete it. A file with the no-write icon next to its name cannot be deleted.
Click Name to order the files and directories alphabetically based on name. Clicking Name again will reverse the order.
Click Size to order the files and directories by size. Directories always have a size of zero bytes, even if they are not empty. Clicking Size again will reverse the order.
Time Modified
Click Time Modified to order the files and directories based on modification date and time. Clicking Time Modified again will reverse the order.
This window allows you to rename a file on your Cisco router flash memory or on USB flash devices connected to that router.
Enter the new filename in the New Name field. The path to the location of the file is displayed above the New Name field.
New Folder
This window allows you to name and create a new folder in the directory system on your Cisco router flash memory and on USB flash devices connected to that router.
Enter the name of the new folder in the Folder Name field. The path to the location of the new folder is displayed above the Folder Name field.
Save SDF to PC
If you are working in IPS, you can save the signature definition file (SDF) that you are working on to your PC. Navigate to the directory in which you want to save the file, and click Save.
Exits Cisco Router and Security Device Manager.
Unable to perform `squeeze flash'
This window appears when your router is unable to perform a squeeze flash operation because an erase flash: operation has never been performed on the router. This help topic explains how to download the files you need before performing the erase flash: operation, how to execute erase flash:, and how to load files back onto the router and reconnect to SDM afterward.
Executing the erase flash: command will remove SDM and the Cisco IOS image from the router's Flash memory, and you will lose your connection to the router. You should print the contents of this help topic so that you can use the instructions to obtain a Cisco IOS image and SDM.tar from Cisco.com, and install them on the router.
Step 1
Ensure that the router will not lose power. If the router loses power after an erase flash: operation, there will be no Cisco IOS image in memory.
If the router does lose power after the erase flash operation, you can use the procedure at the following link to recover: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/access/acs_mod/cis3700/sw_conf/37_swcf/appendc.htm#xtocid11
Step 2
Save the router's running configuration to a file on the PC by clicking File > Save Running Config to PC, and entering a filename.
Step 3
Prepare a TFTP server to which you can save files and copy them over to the router. You must have write access to the TFTP server. Your PC can be used for this purpose if it has a TFTP server program.
Step 4
Use the tftpcopy command to copy the Cisco IOS image, the SDM.tar file, and the SDM.shtml file from Flash memory to a TFTP server:
copy flash: tftp://tftp-server-address/filename
copy flash: tftp://
If you prefer to download a Cisco IOS image, the SDM.tar file, and the SDM.shtml file, follow these instructions to use an Internet connection to download an SDM-supported Cisco IOS image, the SDM.tar file, and the SDM.shtml file. Then place those files on a TFTP server.
Click the following link to obtain a Cisco IOS image from the Cisco Software Center:
Obtain an image that supports the features you want on the 12.2(11)T release or later. Save the file to the TFTP server that is accessible from the router.
Use the following link to obtain the SDM.tar and SDM.shtml files. Then save SDM.tar and SDM.shtml to the TFTP server.
Step 5
From the PC, log on to the router using Telnet, and enter Enable mode.
Step 6
Enter the command erase flash:, and confirm. The router's IOS image, configuration file, the SDM.tar file, and the SDM.shtml file are removed from non-volatile RAM (NVRAM).
Step 7
Use the tftpcopy command to first copy the IOS image and then SDM.tar from the TFTP server to the router:
copy tftp://tftp-server-address/filename flash:
copy tftp:// flash:
! Replace ios_image_name with actual name of IOS image
copy tftp:// flash:
Step 8
Start your web browser, and reconnect to SDM, using the same IP address you used when you started the SDM session.
Now that an erase flash: has been performed on the router, you will be able to execute the squeeze flash command when necessary.
Posted: Fri Oct 7 14:12:42 PDT 2005
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