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Table Of Contents
Welcome to the Easy VPN Server Wizard
Group Authorization: Group Policy Lookup
Group Authorization: User Group Policies
Add or Edit Easy VPN Server Connection
Easy VPN Server
The Easy VPN Server feature introduces server support for the Cisco VPN Client Release 3.x and later software clients and Cisco VPN hardware clients. The feature allows a remote end user to communicate using IP Security (IPSec) with any Cisco IOS Virtual Private Network (VPN) gateway. Centrally managed IPSec policies are "pushed" to the client by the server, minimizing configuration by the end user.
The following link provides general information on the Cisco Easy VPN solution, and other links for more specific information:
Create an Easy VPN Server
This wizard will guide you through the necessary steps to configure an Easy VPN Server on this router.
This wizard will guide you in performing the following tasks to successfully configure an Easy VPN Server on this router.
Choosing the interface on which the client connections will terminate
Configuring the group policy lookup method
Configuring IKE policies
Configuring user authentication
Configuring group policies on the local database, if needed
Configuring an IPSec transform set
Create an Easy VPN Server
Click to Create an Easy VPN server configuration on your router.
Launch the Easy VPN Server Wizard Button
Click to start the wizard.
Welcome to the Easy VPN Server Wizard
This window summarizes the tasks you will perform when using the wizard.
Interface and Authentication
This window lets you choose the interface on which you want to configure the Easy VPN Server.
If you choose an interface that is already configured with a site-to-site IPSec policy, SDM displays a message that an IPSec policy already exists on the interface. SDM uses the existing IPSec policy to configure the Easy VPN Server.
If the chosen interface is part of an Easy VPN Remote, GREoIPSec, or DMVPN interface, SDM displays a message to choose another interface.
Click this button to obtain details about the interface you choose. The details window shows any access rules, IPSec policies, NAT rules, or inspection rules associated with the interface.
This button is dimmed when no interface has been chosen.
Choose preshared keys, digital certificates, or both.
If you choose preshared keys, you must enter a key value when you configure the Add Group Policy general setup window.
If you choose digital certificates, the preshared keys fields does not appear in the Add Group Policy general setup window.
If you choose both preshared keys and digital certificates, entering a key value in the Add Group Policy general setup window is optional.
Group Authorization: Group Policy Lookup
This window lets you define a new AAA authorization network method list for group policy lookup or to choose an existing network method list.
Local Only
This option allows you to create a method list for the local database only.
This option allows you to create a method list for a RADIUS database.
RADIUS and Local Only
This option allows you to create a method list for both RADIUS and local database.
What Do You Want to Do?
User Authentication (XAuth)
You can configure user authentication on Easy VPN Server. You can store user authentication details on an external server such as a RADIUS server or a local database or on both. An AAA login authentication method list is used to decide the order in which user authentication details should be searched.
Local Only
This option allows you to add user authentication details for the local database only.
RADIUS and Local Only
This option allows you to add user authentication details for both a RADIUS and local database.
Choose an existing AAA Method List
This option allows you to choose a method list from a list of all method lists configured on the router.
The chosen method list is used for extended authentication.
Add User Credentials Button
Click to add a user account.
User Accounts for XAuth
Add an account for a user you want to authenticate after IKE has authenticated the device.
User Accounts
The user accounts that XAuth will authenticate are listed in this box. The account name and privilege level are visible.
Add or Edit Buttons
Use these buttons to add and edit user accounts. User accounts can be deleted in the Additional Tasks > Router Access > User Accounts/View window.
Existing CLI view user accounts cannot be edited from this window. If you need to edit user accounts, go to Additional Tasks > Router Access >User Accounts/CLI View.
Add RADIUS Server
This window lets you add a new RADIUS server or edit or ping an already existing RADIUS server.
Add a new RADIUS server.
Edit an already exiting RADIUS server configuration.
Ping an already existing RADIUS server or newly configured RADIUS server.
Group Authorization: User Group Policies
This window allows you to add, edit, clone or delete user group policies on the local database.
This lists already configured group policies.
Group Name
Name given to the user group.
Name of the IP address pool from which an IP address is assigned to a user connecting from this group.
Domain Name System (DNS) address of the group.
This DNS address is "pushed" to the users connecting to this group.
Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) address of the group.
This WINS address is "pushed" to the users connecting to this group.
Domain Name
Domain name of the group.
This domain name is "pushed" to the users connecting to this group.
Split ACL
The access control list (ACL) that represents protected subnets for split tunneling purposes.
Idle Timer
Disconnecting idle VPN tunnels can help the Easy VPN Server run more efficiently by reclaiming unused resources.
Click the Configure Idle Timer check box and enter a value for the maximum time that a VPN tunnel can remain idle before being disconnected. Enter hours in the left field, minutes in the middle field, and seconds in the right field. The minimum time allowed is 1 minute.
General Group Information
This window allows you to configure, edit and clone group polices.
Please Enter a Name for This Group
Enter the group name in the field provided. If this group policy is being edited, this field is disabled. If you are cloning a group policy, you must enter a new value in this field.
Preshared Key
Enter the preshared key in the fields provided.
The Current key field cannot be changed.
You do not have to enter a preshared key if you are using digital certificates for group authentication. Digital certificates are also used for user authentication.
Pool Information
Specifies a local pool of IP addresses that are used to allocate IP addresses to clients.
Create a New Pool
Enter the range of IP addresses for the local IP address pool in the IP Address Range field.
Select from an Existing Pool
Choose the range of IP addresses from the existing pool of IP addresses.
This field cannot be edited if there are no predefined IP address pools.
Subnet Mask (Optional)
Enter a subnet mask to send with the IP addresses allocated to clients in this group.
Maximum Connections Allowed
Specify the maximum number of client connections to the Easy VPN Server from this group.
SDM supports a maximum of 5000 connections per group.
What Do You Want to Do?
DNS and WINS Configuration
This window allows you to specify the Domain Name Service (DNS) and Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) information.
Enter the primary and secondary DNS server IP address in the fields provided. Entering a secondary DNS server address is optional.
Enter the primary and secondary WINS server IP address in the fields provided. Entering a secondary WINS server address is optional.
Domain Name
Specify the domain name that should be pushed to the Easy VPN client.
What Do You Want to Do?
Split Tunneling
This window allows you to enable split tunneling for the user group you are adding.
Split tunneling is the ability to have a secure tunnel to the central site and simultaneous clear text tunnels to the Internet. For example, all traffic sourced from the client is sent to the destination subnet through the VPN tunnel.
You can also specify which groups of ACLs represent protected subnets for split tunneling.
Enable Split Tunneling
This box allows you to add protected subnets and ACLs for split tunneling.
Enter the Protected Subnets
Add or remove the subnets for which the packets are tunneled from the VPN clients.
Choose the Split Tunneling ACL
Choose the ACL to use for split tunneling.
Split DNS
Enter the Internet domain names that should be resolved by your network's DNS server. The following restrictions apply:
A maximum of 10 entries is allowed.
Entries must be separated with a comma.
Do not use spaces anywhere in the list of entries.
Duplicate entries or entries with invalid formats are not accepted.
This feature appears only if supported by your Cisco server's IOS release.
What Do You Want to Do?
Client Settings
This window allows you to configure additional attributes for security policy such as adding or removing a backup server, Firewall Are-U-There, and Include-Local-LAN.
Some of the features described below appear only if supported by your Cisco server's IOS release.
Backup Servers
You can specify up to ten servers by IP address or hostname as backup for the Easy VPN server, and order the list to control which servers the router will attempt to connect to first if the primary connection to the Easy VPN server fails.
Click to specify the name or the IP address of an Easy VPN server for the router to connect to when the primary connection fails, and then enter the address or hostname in the window displayed.
Click to delete a specified IP address or hostname.
Configuration Push
You can specify an Easy VPN client configuration file using a URL and version number. The Easy VPN Server sends the URL and version number to Easy VPN hardware clients requesting that information. Only Easy VPN hardware clients belonging to the group policy you are configuring can request the URL and version number you enter in this window.
Enter the URL of the configuration file in the URL field. The URL should begin with an appropriate protocol, and can include usernames and passwords. The following are URL examples for downloading an upgrade file called sdm.exe:
The USB token port number range is 0-9. For example, for a USB token attached to USB port 0, the URL is usbtoken0:sdm.exe.
The USB flash port number range is 0-9. For example, for a USB flash attached to USB port 0, the URL is usbflash0:sdm.exe.
The disk number is 0 or 1. For example, for disk number 0, the URL is disk0:sdm.exe.
In these examples, username is the site username and password is the site password.
Enter the version number of the file in the Version field. The version number must be in the range 1 to 32767.
Browser Proxy
You can specify browser proxy settings for Easy VPN software clients. The Easy VPN Server sends the browser proxy settings to Easy VPN software clients requesting that information. Only Easy VPN software clients belonging to the group policy you are configuring can request the browser proxy settings you enter in this window.
Enter the name under which the browser proxy settings were saved, or choose one of the following from the drop-down menu:
Choose an existing setting...
Opens a window with a list of existing browser proxy settings.
Create a new setting and choose...
Opens a window where you can create new browser proxy settings.
Clears any browser proxy settings assigned to the group.
Firewall Are-U-There
You can restrict VPN connections to clients running Black Ice or Zone Alarm personal firewalls.
Include Local LAN
You can allow a non-split tunneling connection to access the local subnetwork at the same time as the client.
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)
Enable PFS if it is required by the IPSec security association you are using.
What Do You Want to Do?
Choose Browser Proxy Settings
From the drop-down list, choose the browser proxy settings you want to associate with the group.
To add new settings, choose Add Browser Settings from the browser settings drop-down menu in the Client Settings window, or go to VPN Components > Easy VPN Server > Browser Proxy Settings and click Add. To delete settings, go to VPN Components > Easy VPN Server > Browser Proxy Settings and click Delete.
Add or Edit Browser Proxy Settings
This window allows you to add or edit browser proxy settings.
Browser Proxy Settings Name
If you are adding browser proxy settings, enter a name that will appear in drop-down menus listing browser proxy settings. If you are editing browser proxy settings, the name field is read-only.
Proxy Settings
Choose one of the following:
No Proxy Server
You do not want clients in this group to use a proxy server when they use the VPN tunnel.
Automatically Detect Settings
You want clients in this group to automatically detect a proxy server when they use the VPN tunnel.
Manual Proxy Configuration
You want to manually configure a proxy server for clients in this group.
If you choose Manual Proxy Configuration, follow these steps to manually configure a proxy server:
Step 1
Enter the proxy server IP address in the Server IP Address field.
Step 2
Enter the port number that proxy server uses for receiving proxy requests in the Port field.
Step 3
Enter a list of IP addresses for which you do not want clients to use the proxy server.
Separate the addresses with commas, and do not enter any spaces.
Step 4
If you want to prevent clients from using the proxy server for local (LAN) addresses, check the Bypass proxy server for local address check box.
Step 5
Click OK to save the browser proxy settings.
User Authentication (XAuth)
This allows you to configure additional attributes for user authentication, such as Group Lock and save Password Attributes.
XAuth Banner
Enter the text for a banner that is shown to users during XAuth requests.
This feature appears only if supported by your Cisco server's IOS release.
Maximum Logins Allowed Per User:
Specify the maximum number of connections a user can establish at a time. SDM supports a maximum of ten logins per user.
Group Lock
You can restrict a client to connect to the Easy VPN Server only from the specified user group.
Save Password
You can save extended authentication user name and password locally on the Easy VPN Client.
What Do You Want to Do?
Client Update
This window allows you to set up client software or firmware update notifications, and displays existing client update entries. Existing client update entries can be selected for editing or deletion.
Notifications are sent automatically to clients which connect to the server after a new or edited client update configuration is saved. Clients already connected require manual notification. To send a manual IKE notification of update availability, choose a group policy in the group policies window and click the Send Update button. Group clients meeting the client update criteria are sent the notification.
The client update window is available only if supported by your Cisco server's IOS release.
Client Type Column
Shows the type of client for which the revision is intended.
Revisions Column
Shows which revisions are available.
URL Column
Gives the location of the revisions.
Add Button
Click to configure a new client update entry.
Edit Button
Click to edit the specified client update entry.
Delete Button
Click to delete the specified client update entry.
Add or Edit Client Update Entry
This window allows you to configure a new client update entry.
Client Type
Enter a client type or choose one from the drop-down menu. Client type names are case sensitive.
For software clients, the client type is usually the operating system, for example, Windows. For hardware clients, the client type is usually the model number, for example, vpn3002.
If you are editing the client update entry, the client type is read-only.
Enter the URL that leads to the latest software or firmware revision. The URL should begin with an appropriate protocol, and can include usernames and passwords.
The following are URL examples for downloading an upgrade file called vpnclient-4-6.exe:
The USB token port number range is 0-9. For example, for a USB token attached to USB port 0, the URL is usbtoken0:vpnclient-4.6.exe.
The USB flash port number range is 0-9. For example, for a USB flash attached to USB port 0, the URL is usbflash0:vpnclient-4.6.exe.
The disk number is 0 or 1. For example, for disk number 0, the URL is disk0:vpnclient-4.6.exe.
In these examples, username is the site username and password is the site password.
Enter the revision number of the latest update. You can enter multiple revision numbers by separating them with commas, for example, 4.3,4.4,4.5. Do not use any spaces.
This window shows you the Easy VPN Server configuration that you have created, and it allows you to save the configuration. You can review the configuration in this window and click the Back button to change any items.
Clicking the Finish button writes the information to the router running configuration. If the tunnel has been configured to operate in Auto mode, the router also attempts to contact the VPN concentrator or server.
If you want to change the Easy VPN Server configuration at a later time, you can make the changes in the Add or Edit Easy VPN Server panel.
To save this configuration to the router running configuration and leave this wizard, click Finish. Changes will take effect immediately.
Test VPN Connectivity After Configuring
Click to test the VPN connection you have just configured. The results of the test appear in a separate window.
Browser Proxy Settings
This window lists browser proxy settings, showing how they are configured. You can add, edit, or delete browser proxy settings. Use the group policies configuration to associate browser proxy settings with client groups.
The name of the browser proxy settings.
Displays one of the following:
No Proxy Server
No proxy server can be used by clients when they connect through the VPN tunnel.
Automatically Detect Settings
Clients attempt to automatically detect a proxy server.
Manual Proxy Configuration
Settings are manually configured.
Server Details
Displays the proxy server IP address and port number used.
Bypass Local Addresses
If set, prevents clients from using the proxy server for local (LAN) addresses.
Exceptions List
A list of IP addresses for which you do not want clients to use the proxy server.
Add Button
Configure new browser proxy settings.
Edit Button
Edit the specified browser proxy settings.
Delete Button
Delete the specified browser proxy settings. Browser proxy settings associated with one or more group policies can not be deleted before those associations are removed.
Add or Edit Easy VPN Server
This window lets you view and manage Easy VPN server connections.
Click Add to add a new Easy VPN Server.
Click Edit to edit an existing Easy VPN Server configuration.
Click Delete to delete a specified configuration.
Name Column
The name of the IPSec policy associated with this connection.
Interface Column
The name of the interface used for this connection.
Group Authorization Column
The name of the method list used for group policy lookup.
User Authentication Column
The name of the method list used for user authentication lookup.
Mode Configuration
Displays one of the following:
The router is configured to initiate connections with Easy VPN Remote clients.
The router is configured to wait for requests from Easy VPN Remote clients before establishing connections.
Test VPN Server Button
Click to test the chosen VPN tunnel. The results of the test appear in a separate window.
Restrict Access Button
Click this button to restrict group access to the specified Easy VPN Server connection.
This button is enabled only if both of the following conditions are met:
There is more than one Easy VPN Server connection using the local database for user authentication.
There is at least one local group policy configured.
Add or Edit Easy VPN Server Connection
This window lets you add or edit an Easy VPN Server connection.
Choose an Interface
If you are adding a connection, choose the interface to use from this list. If you are editing the connection, this list is disabled.
Choose an IPSec Policy
If you are adding a connection, choose the IPSec policy to use from this list. If you are editing the connection, this list is disabled.
Method List for Group Policy Lookup
Choose the method list to use for group policy lookup from this list. Method lists are configured by clicking Additional Tasks on the SDM taskbar, and then clicking the AAA node.
Enable User Authentication
Check this checkbox if you want to require users to authenticate themselves.
Method List for User Authentication
Choose the method list to use for user authentication from this list. Method lists are configured by clicking Additional tasks on the SDM taskbar, and then clicking the AAA node.
Mode Configuration
Check Initiate if you want the router to initiate connections with Easy VPN Remote clients.
Check Respond if you want the router to wait for requests from Easy VPN Remote clients before establishing connections.
Restrict Access
This window allows you to specify which group policies are allowed to use the Easy VPN connection.
Allow a group access to the Easy VPN Server connection by checking its check box. Deny a group access to the Easy VPN Server connection by unchecking its check box.
What Do You Want to Do?
Group Policies Configuration
This window lets you view, add, clone, and choose group policies for editing or deletion. Group policies are used to identify resources for Easy VPN Remote clients.
Common Pool Button
Click to designate an existing pool as a common pool for all group policies to use. If no local pools have been configured, this button is disabled. Pools can be configured by clicking Additional Tasks > Local Pools, or when you configure Easy VPN Server connections.
Add, Edit, Clone, and Delete Buttons
Use these buttons to manage group policies on the router. Clicking Clone displays the Group Policy edit tabs.
Send Update Button
Click to send an IKE notification of software or firmware updates to active clients of the chosen group. If this button is disabled, the chosen group does not have client update configured.
To set up client update notifications for the chosen group, click the Edit button and then click the Client Update tab.
Group Name Column
The name of the group policy.
Pool Column
The IP address pool used by the clients in this group.
DNS Column
The DNS servers used by the clients in this group.
WINS Column
The WINS servers used by the clients in this group.
Domain Name Column
The domain name used by the clients in this group.
ACL Column
If split tunneling is specified for this group, this column may contain the name of an ACL that defines which traffic is to be encrypted.
Details Window
The Details window is a list of feature settings and their values for the chosen group policy. Feature settings are displayed only if they are supported by your Cisco router's IOS release, and apply only to the chosen group. The following feature settings may appear in the list:
Values indicate a preshared key if one was configured, or a digital certificate if a preshared key was not configured.
Maximum Connections Allowed
Shows the maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed. SDM supports a maximum of 5000 simultaneous connections per group.
Access Restrict
Shows the outside interface to which the specified group is restricted.
Backup Servers
Shows the IP address of backup servers that have been configured.
Firewall Are-U-There
Restricts connections to devices running Black Ice or Zone Alarm firewalls.
Include Local LAN
Allows a connection not using split tunneling to access the local stub network at the same time as the client.
PFS (perfect forward secrecy)
PFS is required for IPSec.
Configuration Push, URL, and Version
The server sends a configuration file from the specified URL and with the specified version number to a client.
Group Lock
Clients are restricted to the group.
Save Password
XAuth credentials can be saved on the client.
Maximum Logins
The maximum number of connections a user can establish simultaneously. SDM supports a maximum of 10 simultaneous logins per user.
XAuth Banner
The text message shown to clients during XAuth requests.
Local Pools
This window lists the IP address pools configured for Easy VPN group policies on the router.
Add or Edit or Delete Buttons
Use these buttons to manage the local pools on the router.
Pool Name Column
The name of the IP address pool.
IP Address Range Column
The IP address range for the selected pool. A range of to provides 255 addresses.
Cache Size Column
The size of the cache for this pool.
Group Name Column
If a local pool is configured with the group option using the CLI, the name of the group is displayed in the group name column.
You cannot configure local pools with the group option using SDM.
Add or Edit IP Local Pool
This window lets you create or edit a local pool of IP addresses.
Pool Name
If you are creating a pool, enter the pool name. If you are editing a pool, this field is disabled.
IP Address Range
Enter or edit the IP address ranges for the pool in this area. A pool can contain more than one IP address range. Use the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons to create additional ranges, edit ranges, and delete IP address ranges.
Cache Size
Enter or edit the cache size for this pool in this field.
Add IP Address Range
This window lets you add an IP address range to an existing pool.
Start IP Address
Enter the lowest IP address in the range.
End IP Address
Enter the highest IP address in the range.
Posted: Fri Oct 7 14:36:07 PDT 2005
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