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show dial-peer video

show dial-peer voice

show dialplan dialpeer

show dialplan incall

show dialplan incall uri

show dialplan in-carrier

show dialplan in-trunk-group-label

show dialplan number

show dialplan uri

show dspfarm

show dspfarm profile

show event-manager consumers

show frame-relay vofr

show gatekeeper calls

show gatekeeper circuits

show gatekeeper cluster

show gatekeeper endpoint circuits

show gatekeeper endpoints

show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix

show gatekeeper performance statistics

show gatekeeper servers

show gatekeeper status

show gatekeeper status cluster

show gatekeeper zone cluster

show gatekeeper zone prefix

show gatekeeper zone status

show dial-peer video

To display configuration information for video dial peers, use the show dial-peer video command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dial-peer video [number] [summary]

Syntax Description


(Optional) A specific video dial peer. Output displays information about that dial peer.


(Optional) Output displays a one-line summary of each video dial peer.


If both the name argument and summary keyword are omitted, command output displays detailed information about all video dial peers.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the configuration for all video dial peers configured for a router. To show configuration information for only one specific dial peer, use the number argument to identify the dial peer.


The following sample output displays detailed information about all configured video dial peers:

Router# show dial-peer video

Video Dial-Peer 1
type = videocodec, destination-pattern = 111
port signal = 1/0, port media = Serial1
nsap = 47.0091810000000050E201B101.00107B09C6F2.C8
Video Dial-Peer 2
type = videoatm, destination-pattern = 222
session-target = ATM0 svc nsap 47.0091810000000050E201B101.00E01E92ADC2.C8
Video Dial-Peer 3
type = videoatm, destination-pattern = 333
session-target = ATM0 pvc 70/70

show dial-peer voice

To display information for voice dial peers, use the show dial-peer voice command in EXEC mode.

show dial-peer voice [number | summary]

Syntax Description


(Optional) A specific voice dial peer. Output displays detailed information about that dial peer.


(Optional) Output displays a short summary of each voice dial peer.


If both the name argument and summary keyword are omitted, output displays detailed information about all voice dial peers.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


The summary keyword was added for Cisco MC3810.


This command was implemented for Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.


This command was implemented for VoFR on the Cisco 7200 series.


This command was implemented for Modem Passthrough over VoIP on the Cisco AS5300.


This command was modified to support VoiceXML applications.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 1750.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 1751, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745.


Support for enhanced MGCP voice gateway interoperability was added to Cisco CallManager Version 3.1 for the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco VG200.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T and Cisco CallManager Version 3.2 and implemented on the and Cisco IAD2420.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the configuration for all VoIP and plain old telephone service (POTS) dial peers configured for a router. To show configuration information for only one specific dial peer, use the number argument to identify the dial peer. To show summary information for all dial peers, use the summary keyword.


The following is sample output from the show dial-peer voice command for a POTS dial peer:

Router> show dial-peer voice 100

information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 100, destination-pattern = `',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 100, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `555....', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'vxml_inb_app'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits default
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with GK = TRUE

Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.

The following is sample output from this command for a VoIP dial peer:

Router> show dial-peer voice 101

information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 101, destination-pattern = `5551212',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 101, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
modem passthrough = system,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: 'vapp1'
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
type = voip, session-target = `ipv4:',
technology prefix:
settle-call = disabled
ip media DSCP = default, ip signaling DSCP = default, UDP checksum = di,
session-protocol = cisco, session-transport = system, req-qos = best-ef
acc-qos = best-effort,
RTP dynamic payload type values: NTE = 101
Cisco: NSE=100, fax=96, fax-ack=97, dtmf=121, fax-relay=122
CAS=123, ClearChan=125, PCM switch over u-law=126,A-law=127
fax rate = voice, payload size = 20 bytes
fax protocol = system
fax NSF = 0xAD0051 (default)
codec = g729r8, payload size = 20 bytes,
Expect factor = 0, Icpif = 20,
Playout Mode is set to default,
Initial 60 ms, Max 300 ms
Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms
Expect factor = 0,
Max Redirects = 1, Icpif = 20,signaling-type = ext-signal,
CLID Restrict = disabled
VAD = enabled, Poor QOV Trap = disabled,
voice class perm tag = `'
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.

Table 52 describes fields shown in this output, in alphabetical order.

Table 52 show dial-peer voice Field Descriptions 


Accepted Calls

Number of calls accepted from this peer since system startup.


Lowest acceptable quality of service configured for calls for this peer.

Admin state

Administrative state of this peer.


Answer address configured for this dial peer.

Charged Units

Total number of charging units that have applied to this peer since system startup, in hundredths of a second.


Default voice codec rate of speech for this peer.

Connect Time

Accumulated connect time to the peer since system startup for both incoming and outgoing calls, in hundredths of a second.


Destination pattern (telephone number) for this peer.


The name of the dialed-number identification service (DNIS) map that is configured in the dial peer, if any.

DTMF Relay

Indicates whether or not dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) relay has been enabled, by using the dtmf-relay command, for this dial peer.

Expect factor

User-requested expectation factor of voice quality for calls through this peer.

Failed Calls

Number of failed call attempts to this peer since system startup.


Fax transmission rate configured for this peer.


Group number associated with this peer.


Indicates whether dial-peer hunting has been turned on, by using the huntstop command, for this dial peer.


Configured calculated planning impairment factor (ICPIF) value for calls sent by a dial peer.

in bound application associated

Interactive voice response (IVR) application that is configured to handle inbound calls to this dial peer.


Full E.164 telephone number to be used to identify the dial peer.

incoming called-number

Indicates the incoming called number if it has been set by using the incoming-called number command.

information type

Information type for this call; for example, voice or fax.

Last Disconnect Cause

Encoded network cause associated with the last call. This value is updated whenever a call is started or cleared and depends on the interface type and session protocol being used on this interface.

Last Disconnect Text

ASCII text describing the reason for the last call termination.

Last Setup Time

Value of the system uptime when the last call to this peer was started.

Modem passthrough

Modem pass-through signaling method is named signaling event (NSE).

Operation state

Operational state of this peer.

out bound application associated

The voice application that is configured to handle outbound calls from this dial peer. Outbound calls are handed off to the named application.

Payload type

NSE payload type.


Configured permission level for this peer.

Poor QOV Trap

Whether poor quality of voice trap messages has been enabled or disabled.


Packet redundancy (RFC 2198) for modem traffic.

Refused Calls

Number of calls from this peer refused since system startup.


Configured requested quality of service for calls for this dial peer.


Session target of this peer.


Session protocol to be used for Internet calls between local and remote routers through the IP backbone.

Successful Calls

Number of completed calls to this peer.


Unique dial peer ID number.


Whether voice activation detection (VAD) is enabled for this dial peer.

The following is sample output from this command:

Router> show dial-peer voice summary

dial-peer hunt 0
3 mmoip up down 0
100 pots up up 0
101 voip up up 5551212 0 syst ipv4:
102 voip up up 5551234 0 syst ipv4:
99 voip up down 0 syst
33 mmoip up down 0

Table 53 describes an the fields shown in this output, in alphabetical order.

Table 53 show dial-peer voice summary Field Descriptions


dial-peer hunt

Hunt group selection order that is defined for the dial peer by using the dial-peer hunt command.


Unique identifier assigned to the dial peer when it was created.


Type of dial peer: POTS, VoIP, VoFR, VoATM, or MMoIP.


Whether the administrative state is up or down.


Whether the operational state is up or down.


Prefix that is configured in the dial peer by using the prefix command.


Destination pattern that is configured in the dial peer by using the destination-pattern command.


Hunt group preference that is configured in the dial peer by using the preference command.


Modem pass-through method that is configured in the dial peer by using the modem passthrough command.


Destination that is configured in the dial peer by using the session target command.


Router voice port that is configured for the dial peer. Valid only for POTS dial peers.

Related Commands


show call active voice

Displays the VoIP active call table.

show call history voice

Displays the VoIP call history table.

show dialplan incall number

Displays which POTS dial peer is matched for a specific calling number or voice port.

show dialplan number

Displays which dial peer is reached when a specific telephone number is dialed.

show num-exp

Displays how the number expansions are configured in VoIP.

show voice port

Displays configuration information about a specific voice port.

show dialplan dialpeer

To display the outbound dial peers that are matched to an incoming dial peer based on the class of restriction (COR) criteria and the dialed number, use the show dialplan dialpeer command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dialplan dialpeer incoming-dialpeer-tag number number [timeout]

Syntax Description


The dial peer COR identifier used to determine the matching outbound dial peer.


The dialed number used in conjunction with the COR identifier to determine the matching outbound dial peer.


(Optional) Allows matching for variable-length destination patterns.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers and on Cisco AS5800 access servers.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 1751 and Cisco 3700 series routers and on Cisco AS5300 access servers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command as a troubleshooting tool to determine which outbound dial peer is matched for an incoming call, based on the COR criteria and dialed number specified in the command line. Use the timeout keyword to enable matching variable-length destination patters associated with dial peers. This can increase your chances of finding a match for the dial peer number you specify.

Note For actual voice calls coming into the router, the incoming corlist of a specified inbound dial peer and the outgoing called number will be used to match the outbound dial peer.


The following sample output shows an incoming call with a dialed number of 19001111 and meeting the COR criteria as part of dial peer 300 with incoming COR-list has been matched to an outbound dial peer with IP address

Router# show dialplan dialpeer 300 number 1900111

information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 900, destination-pattern = `1900',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 900, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
modem passthrough = system,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:to900
type = voip, session-target = `ipv4:',
technology prefix:
settle-call = disabled
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: 19001111 Digits: 4
Target: ipv4:

Table 54 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 54 show dialplan command Field Descriptions 


Macro Exp.

Expected destination pattern for this dial peer.


Dial peer associated with the calling number entered.


Dial peer associated with the calling number entered.

peer type

Type of this dial peer (voice or data).

information type

Information type for this dial peer (voice or data).


Any additional information for this dial peer entered using the description dial peer command.


Unique number identifying the dial peer.


Destination pattern (telephone number) configured for this dial peer.


Answer address (calling number) configured for this dial peer.


Hunt group preference order set for this dial peer.

CLID restriction

Indicates the Caller ID restriction (if any) configured for this dial peer.

CLID Network Number

Indicates the originating network of the Caller ID source.

CLID Second Number sent

Indicates the digits in the second number (if any) forwarded for this dial peer.

source carrier-id

VoIP or POTS source carrier identifier.

source trunk-group-label

VoIP or POTS source trunk group identifier.

numbering Type

Identifies the numbering scheme employed for this dial peer.


Dial peer group in which this dial peer is a member.

Admin state

Administrative state of this dial peer.

Operation state

Operational state of this dial peer.

incoming called-number

Called number (DNIS) configured for this dial peer.


Number of actual and maximum allowable connections associated with this dial peer.

DTMF Relay

Whether the dtmf-relay command is enabled or disabled for this dial peer.

URI classes: Incoming (Request)

URI voice class used for matching dial peer to Request-URI in an incoming SIP Invite message.

URI classes: Incoming (To)

URI voice class used for matching dial peer to the To header in an incoming SIP Invite message.

URI classes: Incoming (From)

URI voice class used for matching dial peer to the From header in an incoming SIP Invite message.

URI classes: Destination

URI voice class used to match the dial peer to the destination URI for an outgoing call.

modem transport

Transport method configured for modem calls. The default is system, which means that the value configured globally is used.


Whether the huntstop command is enabled or disabled for this dial peer.

in bound application associated

IVR application that is associated with this dial peer when this dial peer is used for an inbound call leg.

out bound application associated

IVR application that is associated with this dial peer when this dial peer is used for an outbound call leg.


Name of the dialed-number identification service (DNIS) map that is configured in the dial peer with the dnis-map command.


Configured permission level for this dial peer.

incoming COR list

Class of restriction (COR) criteria associated when matching an incoming dial peer.

outgoing COR list

COR criteria used to determine the appropriate outbound dial peer.

Translation profile (Incoming)

Incoming translation criteria applied to this dial peer.

Translation profile (Outgoing)

Translation criteria applied to this dial peer when matching an outbound dial peer.

incoming call blocking

Indicates whether or not incoming call blocking has been applied for this dial peer.


The predefined translation profile associated with this dial peer.


Encoded network cause associated with the last call.


Voice port through which calls come into this dial peer.


Type of dial peer (POTS or VoIP).


Prefix number that is added to the front of the dial string before it is forwarded to the telephony device.


Which digits are forwarded to the telephony interface as configured using the forward-digits command.


Configured session target (IP address or host name) for this dial peer.


Whether the direct-inward-dial command is enabled or disabled for this dial peer.


Whether digit stripping is enabled or disabled in the dial peer. Enabled is the default.

register E.164 number with GK

Indicates whether or not the dial peer has been configured to register its full E.164-format number with the local gatekeeper.

fax rate

The transmission speed configured for fax calls. The default is system, which means that the value configured globally is used.

payload size

The size (in bytes) for a fax transmission payload.


Session protocol to be used for Internet calls between local and remote router via the IP backbone.


Configured requested quality of service for calls for this dial peer.


Lowest acceptable quality of service configured for calls for this dial peer.


Voice codec configured for this dial peer. Default is G.729 (8 kbps).

Expect factor

User-requested expectation factor of voice quality for calls through this dial peer.


Configured calculated planning impairment factor (ICPIF) value for calls sent by this dial peer.


Indicates whether or not voice activation detection (VAD) is enabled for this dial peer.

voice class sip url

URL format (SIP or TEL) used for SIP calls to this dial peer, as configured with the voice-class sip url command. The default is system, which means that the value configured globally with the url command in voice service VoIP SIP mode is used.

voice class sip rel1xx

Indicates whether or not reliable provisional responses are supported, as configured with the voice-class sip rel1xx command. The default is system, which means that the value configured globally with the rel1xx command in voice service VoIP SIP mode is used.

voice class perm tag

Voice class for a trunk that is assigned to this dial peer with the voice-class permanent command.

Connect Time

Unit of measure indicating the call connection time associated with this dial peer.

Charged Units

Number of call units charged to this dial peer.

Successful Calls

Number of completed calls to this dial peer since system startup.

Failed Calls

Number of uncompleted (failed) calls to this dial peer since system startup.

Incomplete Calls

Number of incomplete calls to this dial peer since system startup.

Accepted Calls

Number of calls from this dial peer accepted since system startup.

Refused Calls

Number of calls from this dial peer refused since system startup.

Last Disconnect Cause

Encoded network cause associated with the last call. This value is updated whenever a call is started or cleared and depends on the interface type and session protocol being used on this interface.

Last Disconnect Text

ASCII text describing the reason for the last call termination.

Last Setup Time

Value of the System Up Time when the last call to this peer was started.


Destination pattern matched for this dial peer.


Number of digits in this destination pattern matched for this dial peer.


Matched session target (IP address or host name) for this dial peer.

Related Commands


show dialplan in-carrier

Displays which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source carrier.

show dialplan in-trunk-group-label

Displays which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source trunk group.

show dialplan incall

Displays which POTS dial peer is matched for a specific calling number or voice port.

show dialplan number

Displays which dial peer is matched for a particular telephone number.

show dialplan incall

To display which incoming POTS dial peer is matched for a specific calling number or voice port, use the show dialplan incall number command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dialplan incall voice-port number calling-number [timeout]

Syntax Description


Voice port location. The syntax of this argument is platform-specific. For information on the syntax for a particular platform, see the voice-port command.


E.164 Calling number or ANI of the incoming voice call.


(Optional) Allows matching for variable-length destination patterns.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 3600 series.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 1751, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745 and the timeout keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command as a troubleshooting tool to determine which POTS dial peer is matched for an incoming call, for the selected calling number and voice port. The router attempts to match these items in the order listed:

1. Calling number with answer-address configured in dial peer

2. Calling number with destination-pattern configured in dial peer

3. Voice port with voice port configured in dial peer

The router first attempts to match a dial peer based on the calling number (ANI). If the router is unable to match a dial peer based on the calling number, it matches the call to a POTS dial peer based on the selected voice interface. If more than one dial peer uses the same voice port, the router selects the first matching dial peer. Use the timeout keyword to enable matching variable-length destination patters associated with dial peers. This can increase you r chances of finding a match for the dial peer number you specify.

Note For actual voice calls coming into the router, the router attempts to match the called number (the dialed number identification service [DNIS] number) with the incoming called-number configured in a dial peer. The router, however, does not consider the called number when using the show dialplan incall number command.


The following sample output shows that an incoming call from interface 1/0/0:D with a calling number of 12345 is matched to POTS dial peer 10:

Router# show dialplan incall 1/0/0:D number 12345

Macro Exp.: 12345

information type = voice,
tag = 10, destination-pattern = `123..',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 10, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: DEFAULT
out bound application associated:
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits default
session-target = `', voice-port = `1/0/0:D',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,

register E.164 number with GK = TRUE
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,

register E.164 number with GK = TRUE
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0,
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: 12345 Digits: 3

The following sample output shows that, if no dial peer has a destination pattern or answer address that matches the calling number of 888, the incoming call is matched to POTS dial peer 99, because the call comes in on voice port 1/0/1:D, which is the voice port configured for this dial peer:

Router# show dialplan incall 1/0/1:D number 888

Macro Exp.: 888

information type = voice,
tag = 99, destination-pattern = `99...',
answer-address = `', preference=1,
numbering Type = `national'
group = 99, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: DEFAULT
out bound application associated:
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
type = pots, prefix = `5',
forward-digits 4
session-target = `', voice-port = `1/0/1:D',
direct-inward-dial = enabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with GK = TRUE
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0,
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: Digits: 0

Note Table 54 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Related Commands


show dialplan dialpeer

Displays which outbound dial peer is matched based upon the incoming dialed number and the COR criteria specified in the command line.

show dialplan in-carrier

Displays which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source carrier.

show dialplan in-trunk-group-label

Displays which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source trunk group.

show dialplan number

Displays which dial peer is matched for a particular telephone number.

show dialplan incall uri

To display which dial peer is matched for a specific uniform resource identifier (URI) in an incoming voice call, use the show dialplan incall uri command in privileged EXEC mode.

H.323 Session Protocol

show dialplan incall uri h323 {called | calling} uri

SIP Session Protocol

show dialplan incall uri sip {from | request | to} uri

Syntax Description


Voice class that is configured in dial peers with the incoming uri called command.


Voice class that is configured in dial peers with the incoming uri calling command.


Voice class that is configured in dial peers with the incoming uri from command.


Voice class that is configured in dial peers with the incoming uri request command.


Voice class that is configured in dial peers with the incoming uri to command.


URI of the incoming call.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command for troubleshooting to determine which dial peer is matched for an incoming call, based on the selected URI and the specified field in the call message.

To set the URI format for matching calls, use the voice class uri command. To set the URI voice class in the inbound dial peer, use the incoming uri command.


The following is sample output from this command for a SIP URI:

Router# show dialplan incall uri sip from sip:5551234

Inbound VoIP dialpeer matching based on SIP URI's

peer type = voice, information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 10, destination-pattern = `',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 10, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
modem transport = system,
URI classes:
Incoming (Request) =
Incoming (To) =
Incoming (From) = 101
Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'get_headers_tcl'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
type = voip, session-target = `',
technology prefix:
settle-call = disabled
ip media DSCP = ef, ip signaling DSCP = af31, UDP checksum = disabled,
session-protocol = sipv2, session-transport = system, req-qos = best-ef
acc-qos = best-effort,
RTP dynamic payload type values: NTE = 101
Cisco: NSE=100, fax=96, fax-ack=97, dtmf=121, fax-relay=122
CAS=123, ClearChan=125, PCM switch over u-law=0,A-law=8
RTP comfort noise payload type = 19
fax rate = voice, payload size = 20 bytes
fax protocol = system
fax-relay ecm enable
fax NSF = 0xAD0051 (default)
codec = g729r8, payload size = 20 bytes,
Expect factor = 0, Icpif = 20,
Playout Mode is set to default,
Initial 60 ms, Max 300 ms
Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms
Fax nominal 300 ms
Max Redirects = 1, signaling-type = ext-signal,
VAD = enabled, Poor QOV Trap = disabled,
Source Interface = NONE
voice class sip url = system,
voice class sip rel1xx = system,
voice class perm tag = `'
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: Digits: 0

The following is sample output from this command for a TEL URI:

Router# show dialplan incall uri h323 called tel:1234567

Inbound VoIP dialpeer matching based on H323 URI's

peer type = voice, information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 25, destination-pattern = `',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 25, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
modem transport = system,
URI classes:
Incoming (Called) = 103
Incoming (Calling) =
Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'callme'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
type = voip, session-target = `ipv4:',
technology prefix:
settle-call = disabled
ip media DSCP = ef, ip signaling DSCP = af31, UDP checksum = disabled,
session-protocol = cisco, session-transport = system, req-qos = best-ef
acc-qos = best-effort,
RTP dynamic payload type values: NTE = 101
Cisco: NSE=100, fax=96, fax-ack=97, dtmf=121, fax-relay=122
CAS=123, ClearChan=125, PCM switch over u-law=0,A-law=8
RTP comfort noise payload type = 19
fax rate = voice, payload size = 20 bytes
fax protocol = system
fax-relay ecm enable
fax NSF = 0xAD0051 (default)
codec = g729r8, payload size = 20 bytes,
Expect factor = 0, Icpif = 20,
Playout Mode is set to default,
Initial 60 ms, Max 300 ms
Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms
Fax nominal 300 ms
Max Redirects = 1, signaling-type = ext-signal,
VAD = enabled, Poor QOV Trap = disabled,
Source Interface = NONE
voice class sip url = system,
voice class sip rel1xx = system,
voice class perm tag = `'
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: Digits: 0

Table 55 describes significant fields in the displays.

Table 55 show dialplan incall uri Field Descriptions 



Dial peer associated with the calling number entered.

information type

Information type for this call; for example, voice or fax.


Unique number that identifies the dial peer.


Destination pattern (called number) configured for this dial peer.


Answer address (calling number) configured for this dial peer.


Hunt group preference order set for this dial peer.

Admin state

Administrative state of this dial peer.

Operation state

Operational state of this dial peer.

incoming called-number

Called number (DNIS) configured for this dial peer.

DTMF Relay

Whether the dtmf-relay command is enabled or disabled for this dial peer.

URI classes: Incoming (Request)

URI voice class used for matching dial peer to Request-URI in an incoming SIP Invite message.

URI classes: Incoming (To)

URI voice class used for matching dial peer to the To header in an incoming SIP Invite message.

URI classes: Incoming (From)

URI voice class used for matching dial peer to the From header in an incoming SIP Invite message.

URI classes: Destination

URI voice class used to match the dial peer to the destination URI for an outgoing call.


Whether the huntstop command is enabled or disabled for this dial peer.

in bound application associated

IVR application that is associated with this dial peer when this dial peer is used for an inbound call leg.

out bound application associated

IVR application that is associated with this dial peer when this dial peer is used for an outbound call leg.


Name of the dialed-number identification service (DNIS) map that is configured in the dial peer with the dnis-map command.


Configured permission level for this peer.


Type of dial peer (POTS or VoIP).


Configured session target (IP address or host name) for this dial peer.


Session protocol to be used for Internet calls between local and remote router via the IP backbone.


Configured requested quality of service for calls for this dial peer.


Lowest acceptable quality of service configured for calls for this peer.


Voice codec configured for this dial peer. Default is G.729 (8 kbps).

Expect factor

User-requested expectation factor of voice quality for calls through this peer.


Configured calculated planning impairment factor (ICPIF) value for calls sent by a dial peer.


Whether voice activation detection (VAD) is enabled for this dial peer.

voice class sip url

URL format (SIP or TEL) used for SIP calls to this dial peer, as configured with the voice-class sip url command. The default is system, which means that the value configured globally with the url command in voice service VoIP SIP mode is used.

voice class sip rel1xx

Whether reliable provisional responses are supported, as configured with the voice-class sip rel1xx command. The default is system, which means that the value configured globally with the rel1xx command in voice service VoIP SIP mode is used.

voice class perm tag

Voice class for a trunk that is assigned to this dial peer with the voice-class permanent command.

Connect Time

Unit of measure indicating the call connection time associated with this dial peer.

Charged Units

Number of call units charged to this dial peer.

Successful Calls

Number of completed calls to this peer since system startup.

Failed Calls

Number of uncompleted (failed) calls to this peer since system startup.

Accepted Calls

Number of calls from this peer accepted since system startup.

Refused Calls

Number of calls from this peer refused since system startup.

Last Disconnect Cause

Encoded network cause associated with the last call. This value is updated whenever a call is started or cleared and depends on the interface type and session protocol being used on this interface.

Last Disconnect Text

ASCII text describing the reason for the last call termination.

Last Setup Time

Value of the System Up Time when the last call to this peer was started.


Destination pattern matched for this dial peer.


Matched session target (IP address or host name) for this dial peer.

Related Commands


debug voice uri

Displays debugging messages related to URI voice classes.

incoming uri

Specifies the voice class used to match a VoIP dial peer to the URI of an incoming call.

session protocol

Specifies the session protocol in the dial peer for calls between the local and remote router.

show dial-peer voice

Displays detailed and summary information about voice dial peers.

show dialplan uri

Displays which outbound dial peer is matched for a specific destination URI.

voice class uri

Creates or modifies a voice class for matching dial peers to calls containing a SIP or TEL URI.

voice class uri sip preference

Sets a preference for selecting voice classes for a SIP URI.

show dialplan in-carrier

To display which incoming VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source carrier or voice port, use the show dialplan in-carrier command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dialplan in-carrier carrier-id [voip | pots]

Syntax Description


VoIP or POTS source carrier identifier.


(Optional) Allows you to limit the search criteria to only VoIP dial peers.


(Optional) Allows you to limit the search criteria to only POTS dial peers.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers and on Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5800 access servers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command as a troubleshooting tool to determine which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for an incoming call, based on the carrier identifier specified in the command line. Use the voip or pots keywords to further limit the scope of possible matches for the dial peer specified in the show dialplan command line.


The following sample output shows a VoIP or POTS dial peer being matched to another POTS dial peer based on its carrier identifier, "aaa":

Router# show dialplan in-carrier aaa pots

Inbound pots dialpeer Matching based on source carrier-id

information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 7777, destination-pattern = `',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
source carrier-id = `aaa', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 7777, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated:'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated:''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
voice-port = `'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits default
session-target = `', up,
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with GK = TRUE
fax rate = system, payload size = 20 bytes

Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: Digits:0

Note Table 54 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Related Commands


show dialplan dialpeer

Displays which outbound dial peer is matched based upon the incoming dialed number and the COR criteria specified in the command line.

show dialplan in-trunk-group-label

Displays which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source trunk group.

show dialplan incall

Displays which POTS dial peer is matched for a specific calling number or voice port.

show dialplan number

Displays which dial peer is matched for a particular telephone number.

show dialplan in-trunk-group-label

To display which incoming VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific trunk group label, use the show dialplan in-trunk-group-label command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dialplan in-trunk-group-label trunk-group-label [pots | voip]

Syntax Description


VoIP or POTS source trunk group identifier.


(Optional) Allows you to limit the search criteria to only VoIP dial peers.


(Optional) Allows you to limit the search criteria to only POTS dial peers.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers and on Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5800 access servers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for an incoming call, based on the identifier of the source trunk group. The router attempts to match these items in the order listed. Use the voip or pots keywords to further limit the scope of possible matches for the dial peer specified in the show dialplan command line.


The following sample output shows an inbound VoIP or POTS dial peer being matched to an outbound POTS dial peer based on the trunk group label "NYtrunk":

Router# show dialplan in-trunk-group-label NYtrunk pots

Inbound pots dialpeer Matching based on source trunk-group-label

information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 2003, destination-pattern = `',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `NYtrunk', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 2003, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated:'debit-card'
out bound application associated:''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
voice-port = `'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits default
session-target = `', up,
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with GK = TRUE
fax rate = system, payload size = 20 bytes

Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: Digits:0

Note Table 54 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Related Commands


show dialplan dialpeer

Displays which outbound dial peer is matched based upon the incoming dialed number and the COR criteria specified in the command line.

show dialplan in-carrier

Displays which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source carrier.

show dialplan incall

Displays which POTS dial peer is matched for a specific calling number or voice port.

show dialplan number

Displays which dial peer is matched for a particular telephone number.

show dialplan number

To display which outgoing dial peer is reached when a particular telephone number is dialed, use the show dialplan number command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dialplan number dial-string [carrier identifier] [fax | huntstop | voice] [timeout]

Syntax Description


Particular destination pattern (E.164 telephone number).


(Optional) Indicates that you wish to base your search for applicable dial peers on the source carrier identifier.


(Optional) Source carrier identifier to accompany the carrier keyword.


(Optional) Fax information type.


(Optional) Terminates further dial-peer hunting upon encountering the first dial-string match.


(Optional) Allows matching for variable-length destination patterns.


(Optional) Voice information type.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 3600 series.


The huntstop keyword was added.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 1751, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745 and the timeout keyword was added.


The carrier, fax, and voice keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to test whether the dial plan configuration is valid and working as expected. Use the timeout keyword to enable matching variable-length destination patters associated with dial peers. This can increase you r chances of finding a match for the dial peer number you specify.


The following is sample output from this command using a destination pattern of 1001:

Router# show dialplan number 1001

Macro Exp.: 1001

information type = voice,
tag = 1003, destination-pattern = `1001',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 1003, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = enabled,
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits default
session-target = `', voice-port = `1/1',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: 1001 Digits: 4

information type = voice,
tag = 1004, destination-pattern = `1001',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 1004, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Matched: 1001 Digits: 4

information type = voice,
tag = 1002, destination-pattern = `1001',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 1002, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Matched: 1001 Digits: 4

information type = voice,
tag = 1001, destination-pattern = `1001',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 1001, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Matched: 1001 Digits: 4

The following is sample output from this command using a destination pattern of 1001 and the huntstop keyword:

Router# show dialplan number 1001 huntstop

Macro Exp.: 1001

information type = voice,
tag = 1003, destination-pattern = `1001',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 1003, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = enabled,
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits default
session-target = `', voice-port = `1/1',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: 1001 Digits: 4

Note Table 54 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Related Commands


show dialplan dialpeer

Displays which outbound dial peer is matched based upon the incoming dialed number and the COR criteria specified in the command line.

show dialplan in-carrier

Displays which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source carrier.

show dialplan in-trunk-group-label

Displays which VoIP or POTS dial peer is matched for a specific source trunk group.

show dialplan incall

Displays which POTS dial peer is matched for a specific calling number or voice port.

show dialplan uri

To display which outbound dial peer is matched for a specific destination uniform resource identifier (URI), use the show dialplan uri command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dialplan uri uri

Syntax Description


Destination Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or telephone (TEL) URI for the outgoing call.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command for troubleshooting to determine which dial peer is matched for an outgoing call, based on the selected URI.

To set the URI format used to match calls, use the voice class uri command. To set the URI voice class in the outbound dial peer, use the destination uri command.


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show dialplan uri sip:123456

Outbound dialpeer matching based on destination URI

peer type = voice, information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 99, destination-pattern = `',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 99, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
modem transport = system,
URI classes:
Incoming (Request) =
Incoming (To) =
Incoming (From) =
Destination = 100
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
type = voip, session-target = `',
technology prefix:
settle-call = disabled
ip media DSCP = ef, ip signaling DSCP = af31, UDP checksum = disabled,
session-protocol = sipv2, session-transport = system, req-qos = best-ef
acc-qos = best-effort,
RTP dynamic payload type values: NTE = 101
Cisco: NSE=100, fax=96, fax-ack=97, dtmf=121, fax-relay=122
CAS=123, ClearChan=125, PCM switch over u-law=0,A-law=8
RTP comfort noise payload type = 19
fax rate = voice, payload size = 20 bytes
fax protocol = system
fax-relay ecm enable
fax NSF = 0xAD0051 (default)
codec = g729r8, payload size = 20 bytes,
Expect factor = 0, Icpif = 20,
Playout Mode is set to default,
Initial 60 ms, Max 300 ms
Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms
Fax nominal 300 ms
Max Redirects = 1, signaling-type = ext-signal,
VAD = enabled, Poor QOV Trap = disabled,
Source Interface = NONE
voice class sip url = system,
voice class sip rel1xx = system,
voice class perm tag = `'
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: Digits: 0

Table 55 describes significant fields in the display.

Related Commands


debug voice uri

Displays debugging messages related to URI voice classes.

destination uri

Specifies the voice class used to match the dial peer to the destination URI for an outgoing call.

show dialplan incall uri

Displays which dial peer is matched for a specific URI in an incoming call.

voice class uri

Creates or modifies a voice class for matching dial peers to a SIP or TEL URI.

voice class uri sip preference

Sets a preference for selecting voice classes for a SIP URI.

show dspfarm

To display digital-signal-processor (DSP) farm-service information such as operational status and DSP resource allocation for transcoding and conferencing, use the show dspfarm command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dspfarm [all | dsp {active | all | idle} | sessions]

Syntax Description


(Optional) All DSP-farm global information.


(Optional) DSP-farm DSP information.


(Optional) Information about active DSPs.


(Optional) Information about all DSP-farm DSPs.


(Optional) Information about the idle DSPs.


(Optional) Information about DSP-farm sessions and connections.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco VG200.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3620, Cisco 3640, Cisco 3660, and Cisco 3700 series.

Usage Guidelines

The router on which this command is used must be equipped with one or more digital T1/E1 packet voice trunk network modules (NM-HDVs) or high-density voice (HDV) transcoding/conferencing DSP farms (NM-HDV-FARMs) to provide DSP resources.


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show dspfarm

DSPFARM Configuration Information: Admin State: UP, Oper Status: ACTIVE - Cause code: NONE Transcoding Sessions: 4, Conferencing Sessions: 0 RTP Timeout: 600

Router# show dspfarm all

DSPFARM Configuration Information:
Admin State: UP, Oper Status: ACTIVE - Cause code: NONE
Transcoding Sessions: 4, Conferencing Sessions: 2
RTP Timeout: 1200
Connection average duration: 3600, Connection check interval 600

Total number of active session(s) 0, and connection(s) 0


1 3 1 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 3 2 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 3 3 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 3 4 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 3 5 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 3 6 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 4 1 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 4 2 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 4 3 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 4 4 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 4 5 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 4 6 UP FREE conf - - - -
1 5 1 UP FREE xcode - - - -
1 5 2 UP FREE xcode - - - -
1 5 3 UP FREE xcode - - - -
1 5 4 UP FREE xcode - - - -
1 5 5 UP FREE xcode - - - -
1 5 6 UP FREE xcode - - - -
1 5 7 UP FREE xcode - - - -
1 5 8 UP FREE xcode - - - -

Total number of DSPFARM DSP channel(s) 20

Router# show dspfarm dsp all

DSPFARM Configuration Information:
Admin State: UP, Oper Status: ACTIVE - Cause code: NONE
Transcoding Sessions: 4, Conferencing Sessions: 2
RTP Timeout: 1200
Connection average duration: 3600, Connection check interval 600

Total number of active session(s) 0, and connection(s) 0


1     3    1     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     3    2     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     3    3     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     3    4     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     3    5     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     3    6     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     4    1     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     4    2     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     4    3     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     4    4     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     4    5     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     4    6     UP      FREE  conf   -        -        -          -
1     5    1     UP      FREE  xcode  -        -        -          -
1     5    2     UP      FREE  xcode  -        -        -          -
1     5    3     UP      FREE  xcode  -        -        -          -
1     5    4     UP      FREE  xcode  -        -        -          -
1     5    5     UP      FREE  xcode  -        -        -          -
1     5    6     UP      FREE  xcode  -        -        -          -
1     5    7     UP      FREE  xcode  -        -        -          -
1     5    8     UP      FREE  xcode  -        -        -          -

Total number of DSPFARM DSP channel(s) 20

Router# show dspfarm sessions

sess_id  conn_id  stype  mode      codec  pkt  ripaddr      rport  sport
4        145      xcode  sendrecv  g711a  20  19460  21284
4        161      xcode  sendrecv  g729   10  19414  20382
5        177      xcode  sendrecv  g711u  20  18290  21170
5        193      xcode  sendrecv  g729b  10  19150  18968

Related Commands


dspfarm (DSP farm)

Enables DSP-farm service.

show dspfarm profile

To display configured digital signal processor (DSP) farm profile information for a selected Cisco CallManager group, use the show dspfarm profile command in privileged EXEC mode.

show dspfarm profile [profile-identifier]

Syntax Description


(Optional) number that uniquely identifies a profile. Range is from 1 to 65535. There is no default.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show dspfarm profile command to verify that the association between SCCP Cisco CallManger and the DSP farm profiles match your organizational plan.


The following output displays DSP farm information for profile 6.

Router# show dspfarm profile 6

Dspfarm Profile Configuration

Profile ID = 6, Service = TRANSCODING, Resource ID = 1
Profile Admin State : UP
Profile Operation State : ACTIVE
Application : SCCP Status : ASSOCIATED
Resource Provider : FLEX_DSPRM Status : UP
Number of Resource Configured : 4
Number of Resource Available : 4
Codec Configuration
Codec : g711ulaw, Maximum Packetization Period : 30
Codec : g711alaw, Maximum Packetization Period : 30
Codec : g729ar8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60
Codec : g729abr8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60
Codec : gsmfr, Maximum Packetization Period : 20
Codec : g729br8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60
Codec : gsmefr, Maximum Packetization Period : 20

Table 56 describes significant fields shown in this output.

Table 56 show dspfarm profile Field Descriptions


Profile ID

Displays the profile ID number.


Displays the service that is associated with the profile.

Resource ID

Displays the ID number that the profile is associated with in the Cisco CallManager register.

Profile Admin State

Shows the status of the profile. If the Profile Admin State is DOWN, use the no shutdown command in the dspfarm profile configuration.

Profile Operation State

Shows the status of the DSP farm profiles registration process with the Cisco CallManager. Status options are as follows:

ACTIVE IN PROGRESS—the profile is still registering with the Cisco CallManager. Please wait for the profile to finish registering.

DOWN—The profile is not registering with the Cisco CallManager. check the connectivity between the DSP farm gateway and the Cisco CallManager.

ACTIVE—The profile is registered with the Cisco CallManager.


Displays the routing protocol being used.

Number of Resource Available

Total number of resources that are configurable.

Number of Resource Configured

Maximum number of sessions that are supported by a profile.

Codec Configuration

Lists the codecs configured.

Note MTP profile supports only one codec per profile.

Related Commands


dsp services dspfarm

Configures DSP farm services for a specified voice card.

dspfarm profile

Enters DSP farm profile configuration mode and defines a profile for DSP farm services.

show media resource status

Displays the current media resource status.

show event-manager consumers

To display event-manager statistics for debugging purposes, use the show event-manager consumers command in privileged EXEC mode.

show event-manager consumers

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example shows one call (two call legs) going through the gateway:

Router# show event-manager consumers

Hash table indexed by AAA_UNIQUE_ID
Uid Consumer_id Consumer_hdl evt_type
00000015 0002 65B35570 START
00000015 0002 65B35570 STOP
00000016 0002 65B34ECC START
00000016 0002 65B34ECC STOP

The following table lists and describes the significant output fields.



User ID.


ID of the consumer client process.


Handler of the consumer client process.


Event type.

Related Commands


show voice statistics csr interval accounting

Displays all accounting CSRs specified by interval number.

show voice statistics csr interval aggregation

Displays signaling CSRs specified by interval number.

show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting

Displays all accounting CSRs since the last reset.

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level

Displays all signaling CSRs since the last reset.

show voice statistics csr since-reset all

Displays all CSRs since the last reset.

show voice statistics interval-tag

Displays the configured interval numbers.

show voice statistics memory-usage

Displays current memory usage.

show frame-relay vofr

To display information about the FRF.11 subchannels being used on Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) data link connection identifiers (DLCIs), use the show frame-relay vofr command in privileged EXEC mode.

show frame-relay vofr [interface [dlci [cid]]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specific interface type and number for which you wish to display FRF.11 subchannel information.


(Optional) Specific data link connection identifier for which you wish to display FRF.11 subchannel information.


(Optional) Specific subchannel for which you wish to display information.


If this command is entered without a specified interface, FRF.11 subchannel information is displayed for all VoFR interfaces and DLCIs configured on the router.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810 series.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


The following is sample output from this command when an interface is not specified:

Router# show frame-relay vofr

interface vofr-type dlci cid cid-type
Serial0/0.1 VoFR 16 4 data
Serial0/0.1 VoFR 16 5 call-control
Serial0/0.1 VoFR 16 10 voice
Serial0/1.1 VoFR cisco 17 4 data

The following is sample output from this command when an interface is specified:

Router# show frame-relay vofr serial0

interface vofr-type dlci cid cid-type
Serial0 VoFR 16 4 data
Serial0 VoFR 16 5 call-control
Serial0 VoFR 16 10 voice

The following is sample output from this command when an interface and a DLCI are specified:

Router# show frame-relay vofr serial0 16

VoFR Configuration for interface Serial0

dlci vofr-type cid cid-type input-pkts output-pkts dropped-pkts
16 VoFR 4 data 0 0 0
16 VoFR 5 call-control 85982 86099 0
16 VoFR 10 voice 2172293 6370815 0

The following is sample output from this command when an interface, a DLCI, and a CID are specified:

Router# show frame-relay vofr serial0 16 10

VoFR Configuration for interface Serial0 dlci 16

vofr-type VoFR cid 10 cid-type voice
input-pkts 2172293 output-pkts 6370815 dropped-pkts 0

Table 57 describes significant fields shown in this output.

Table 57 show frame-relay vofr Field Descriptions



Number of the interface that has been selected for observation of FRF.11 subchannels.


Type of VoFR DLCI being observed.


Portion of the specified DLCI that is carrying the designated traffic type. A DLCI can be subdivided into 255 subchannels.


Type of traffic carried on this subchannel.


Number of packets received by this subchannel.


Number of packets sent on this subchannel.


Total number of packets discarded by this subchannel.

Related Commands


show call active voice

Displays the contents of the active call table.

show call history voice

Displays the contents of the call history table.

show dial-peer voice

Displays configuration information and call statistics for dial peers.

show frame-relay fragment

Displays Frame Relay fragmentation details.

show frame-relay pvc

Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces.

show voice-port

Displays configuration information about a specific voice port.

show gatekeeper calls

To display the status of each ongoing call of which a gatekeeper is aware, use the show gatekeeper calls command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper calls

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T.


The output for this command was changed.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.


Support for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, and Cisco AS5400 is not included in this release.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.This command is supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400 and Cisco AS5850 in this release.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show all active calls currently being handled by a particular Multimedia Conference Manager (MCM) gatekeeper. If you force a disconnect for either a particular call or all calls associated with a particular MCM gatekeeper by using the clear h323 gatekeeper call command, the system does not display information about those calls.


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show gatekeeper calls

Total number of active calls = 1.
LocalCallID Age(secs) BW
12-3339 94 768(Kbps)
Endpt(s):Alias E.164Addr CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port
src EP:epA                      1720        1700
dst EP:epB@zoneB.com
src PX:pxA                      1720       24999
dst PX:pxB                 1720   24999

Table 58 describes significant fields shown in this output.

Table 58 show gatekeeper calls Field Descriptions 



Identification number of the call.


Age of the call, in seconds.


Bandwidth in use, in kilobytes per second.


Role of each endpoint (terminal, gateway, or proxy) in the call (originator, target, or proxy) and the call signaling and Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) protocol address.


H.323-Identification (ID) or Email-ID of the endpoint.


E.164 address of the endpoint.


Call-signaling IP address of the endpoint.


Call-signaling port number of the endpoint.


RAS IP address of the endpoint.


RAS port number of the endpoint.

Related Commands


clear h323 gatekeeper call

Forces the disconnection of a specific call or of all calls active on a particular gatekeeper.

show gatekeeper circuits

To display the circuit information on a gatekeeper, use the show gatekeeper circuits command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper circuits [{begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays all circuits, beginning with the line containing the expression.


(Optional) Displays all circuits, excluding those containing the expression.


(Optional) Displays all circuits, including those containing the expression.


(Optional) Word or phrase used to determine what lines are displayed.


Shows all circuit information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display current configuration information about the circuits that are registered with the gatekeeper.


The following command displays the circuit information for the gatekeeper:

Router# show gatekeeper circuits

Circuit Endpoint Max Calls Avail Calls Resources Zone
------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- ----
CarrierA      Total Endpoints: 2
3640-gw1 25 25 Available
5400-gw1 23 19 Unavailable
CarrierB Total Zones: 1

Table 59 describes the fields shown in this output.

Table 59 show gatekeeper circuits Field Descriptions 



Name of the each circuit connected to the gatekeeper.


Name of each H.323 endpoint.

Max Calls

Maximum number of calls that circuit can handle.

Avail Calls

Number of new calls that the circuit can handle at the current time.


Whether the circuit's resources have exceeded the defined threshold limits. The endpoint resource-threshold command defines these thresholds.


Zone that supports the endpoint. The zone circuit-id command assigns a zone to an endpoint.

Total Endpoints

Total number of endpoints supported by the circuit.

Total Zones

Total number of zones supported by the circuit.

Related Commands


endpoint resource-threshold

Sets a gateway's capacity thresholds in the gatekeeper.

zone circuit-id

Assigns a remote zone to a carrier.

show gatekeeper cluster

To display all the configured clusters and to provide validation of the configuration, use the show gatekeeper cluster command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper cluster

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show gatekeeper cluster

Cluster Name    Type     Local Zone   Elements  IP
------------    ----     ----------   --------  --
Cluster A       Local    AGK1         AGK2 1719
                                      AGK3 1719
Cluster B       Remote                BGK1 1719
                                      BGK2 1719
                                      BGK3 1719

Related Commands


show gatekeeper endpoints

Displays the status of all registered endpoints for a gatekeeper.

show gatekeeper performance statistics

Displays information about the number of calls accepted and rejected and finds the number of endpoints sent to other gatekeepers.

show gatekeeper zone cluster

Displays the dynamic status of all local clusters.

show gatekeeper endpoint circuits

To display the information of all registered endpoints and carriers or trunk groups for a gatekeeper, use the show gatekeeper endpoint circuits command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper endpoint circuits [{begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin

(Optional) Displays all circuits, beginning with the line that contains expression.

| exclude

(Optional) Displays all circuits, excluding those that contain expression.

| include

(Optional) Displays all circuits, including those that contain expression.


(Optional) Word or phrase used to determine what lines are displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The display format was modified for H.323 Version 2.


The display format was modified to show the E.164 ID, carrier and trunk group data, and total number of active calls.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display current configuration information about the endpoints and carriers registered with the gatekeeper. Note that you must type the pipe (|) before any of the optional keywords.


The following command displays the circuit information for the gatekeeper:

Router# show gatekeeper endpoint circuits

CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name Type Flags
--------------- ----- --------------- ----- --------- ---- ----- 1720 51059 LavenderGK VOIP-GW
    E164-ID: 4081234
H323-ID: 3640-gw1
Carrier: CarrierA, Max Calls: 25, Available: 25 1720 57071 LavenderGK VOIP-GW
H323-ID: 5400-gw1
    Carrier: CarrierB, Max Calls: 23, Available: 19
    Carrier: CarrierA, Max Calls: 25, Available: 25
Total number of active registrations = 2

Table 60 describes the fields shown in this output.

Table 60 show gatekeeper endpoint circuits Fields



Call signaling IP address of the endpoint. If the endpoint is also registered with an alias, a list of all aliases registered for that endpoint should be listed on the line below.


Call signaling port number of the endpoint.


RAS IP address of the endpoint.


RAS port number of the endpoint.

Zone Name

Zone name (gatekeeper ID) that this endpoint registered in.


Endpoint type (for example, terminal, gateway, or MCU).


S—Endpoint is statically entered from the alias command rather than being dynamically registered through RAS messages.

O—Endpoint, which is a gateway, has sent notification that it is nearly out of resources.


E.164 ID of the endpoint.


H.323 ID of the endpoint.


Carrier associated with the endpoint.

Max Calls

Maximum number of calls the circuit can handle.


Number of new calls the circuit can handle currently.

Related Commands


endpoint circuit-id h323id

Assigns a circuit to a non-Cisco endpoint.

endpoint resource-threshold

Sets a gateway's capacity thresholds in the gatekeeper.

zone circuit-id

Assigns a circuit to a remote zone.

show gatekeeper endpoints

To display the status of all registered endpoints for a gatekeeper, use the show gatekeeper endpoints command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper endpoints [alternates]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about alternate endpoints. All information normally included with this command is also displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The display format was modified for H.323 Version 2.


The alternates keyword was added.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was not supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, and Cisco AS5400 in this release.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T. The registration and call capacity values were added to the output display.


This command was modified to reflect concurrent calls for the endpoints.


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show gatekeeper endpoints

CallsignalAddr  Port RASSignalAddr  Port Zone Name Type   F
--------------- ---- -------------  ----- ---------- -----    --     1720    24999  sj-gk MCU            H323-ID:joe@cisco.com
           Voice Capacity Max.=23  Avail.=23
           Total number of active registrations = 1     1720    1719 sj-gk VOIP-GW  O   H323-ID:la-gw

Table 61 describes significant fields shown in this output.

Table 61 show gatekeeper endpoints Field Descriptions 



Call signaling IP address of the endpoint. If the endpoint is also registered with an alias (or aliases), a list of all aliases registered for that endpoint should be listed on the line below.


Call signaling port number of the endpoint.


Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) protocol IP address of the endpoint.


RAS port number of the endpoint.

Zone Name

Zone name (gatekeeper identification [ID]) to which this endpoint is registered.


Endpoint type (for example, terminal, gateway, or multipoint control unit [MCU]).


S—Endpoint is statically entered from the alias command rather than being dynamically registered through RAS messages.
O—Endpoint, which is a gateway, has sent notification that it is nearly out of resources.

Voice Capacity Max.

Maximum number of channels available on the endpoint.


Current number of channels available on the endpoint.

Total number of active registrations

Total number of endpoints registered with the gatekeeper.

In the following example, the show gatekeeper endpoints output has been modified to reflect concurrent calls for the endpoint. If an endpoint is not reporting capacity and the endpoint max-calls h323id command is not configured, "Voice Capacity Max." and "Avail." will not be shown. "Current.= 2" indicates that the current active calls for the endpoint are 2.

Router# show gatekeeper endpoints
CallSignalAddr  Port  RASSignalAddr   Port  Zone Name         Type    Flags
--------------- ----  -------------   ----  ---------         ----    -----   1720   49918 GK-1              VOIP-GW
    Voice Capacity Max.=  Avail.=  Current.= 2

If an endpoint is reporting capacity but the endpoint max-calls h323id command is not configured, "Voice Capacity Max." and "Avail." will show reported call capacity of the endpoint as follows:

Router# show gatekeeper endpoints
CallSignalAddr  Port  RASSignalAddr  Port  Zone Name          Type  Flags
--------------  ----  -------------  ----  ---------          ----  -----   1720  53152 GK-2               VOIP-GW
    Voice Capacity Max.= 23 Avail.= 22 Current.= 1

If an endpoint is reporting capacity but the endpoint max-calls h323id command is not configured, "Voice Capacity Max." will show the maximum calls configured and "Avail." will show the available calls of the endpoint. In this example, "Voice Capacity Max.= 10" is showing that the maximum calls configured for the endpoint are 10. "Avail.= 2" shows that currently available calls for the endpoint are 2. "Current.= 8" shows that current active calls for the endpoint are 8.

Router# show gatekeeper endpoints
CallSignalAddr  Port  RASSignalAddr   Port  Zone Name         Type     Flags
--------------  ----  -------------   ----  ---------         ----     -----   1720   49918 GK-1              VOIP-GW
    Voice Capacity Max.= 10  Avail.= 2  Current.= 8

Table 61 describes significant fields in the output examples.

Table 62 show gatekeeper endpoints Field Descriptions 



Call signaling IP address of the endpoint. If the endpoint is also registered with an alias (or aliases), a list of all aliases registered for that endpoint should be listed on the line below.


Call signaling port number of the endpoint.


Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) protocol IP address of the endpoint.


RAS port number of the endpoint.

Zone Name

Zone name (gatekeeper ID) to which this endpoint is registered.


The endpoint type (for example, terminal, gateway, or multipoint control unit [MCU]).


S—Endpoint is statically entered from the alias command rather than being dynamically registered through RAS messages.
O—Endpoint, which is a gateway, has sent notification that it is nearly out of resources.

Related Commands


endpoint resource-threshold

Sets a gateway's capacity thresholds in the gatekeeper.

show gatekeeper endpoint circuits

Displays endpoint and carrier or trunk group call capacities.

show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix

Displays the gateway technology prefix table.

show gatekeeper zone status

Displays the status of zones related to a gatekeeper.

show gateway

Displays the current gateway status.

show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix

To display the gateway technology prefix table, use the show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The display format was modified for H.323 Version 2.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.


This command was not supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, and Cisco AS5400 in this release.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.


The following is sample output from this command for a gatekeeper that controls two local zones, sj-gk and la-gk:

Router# show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix

Prefix:12#* (Default gateway-technology)
Zone sj-gk master gateway list: sj-gw1 sj-gw2 (out-of-resources) sj-gw3
Zone sj-gk prefix 408....... priority gateway list(s):
Priority 10: sj-gw1
Priority 5: sj-gw2 (out-of-resources) sj-gw3
Prefix:7#* (Hopoff zone la-gk)
Statically-configured gateways (not necessarily currently registered):
Zone la-gk master gateway list: la-gw1 la-gw2

Table 63 describes significant fields shown in this output.

Table 63 show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix Field Descriptions 



Technology prefix defined with the gw-type-prefix command.

Zone sj-gk master gateway list

List of all the gateways registered to zone sj-gk with the technology prefix under which they are listed. (This display shows that gateways sj-gw1, sj-gw2, and sj-gw3 have registered in zone sj-gk with the technology prefix 12#.)

Zone sj-gk prefix 408....... priority gateway list(s)

List of prioritized gateways to handle calls to area code 408.

Priority 10

Highest priority level. Gateways listed following "Priority 10" are given the highest priority when selecting a gateway to service calls to the specified area code. (In this display, gateway sj-gw1 is given the highest priority to handle calls to the 408 area code.)

Priority 5

Any gateway that does not have a priority level assigned to it defaults to priority 5.


Indication that the displayed gateway has sent a "low-in-resources" notification.

(Hopoff zone la-gk)

Any call that specifies this technology prefix should be directed to hop off in the la-gk zone, no matter what the area code of the called number is. (In this display, calls that specify technology prefix 7# are always routed to zone la-gk, regardless of the actual zone prefix in the destination address.)

Zone la-gk master gateway list

List of all the gateways registered to la-gk with the technology prefix under which they are listed. (This display shows that gateways la-gw1 and la-gw2 have registered in zone la-gk with the technology prefix 7#. No priority lists are displayed here because none were defined for zone la-gk.)

(Default gateway-technology)

If no gateway-type prefix is specified in a called number, then gateways that register with 12# are the default type to be used for the call.

Statically-configured gateways

List of all IP addresses and port numbers of gateways that are incapable of supplying technology-prefix information when they register. This display shows that, when gateways and register, they are considered to be of type 7#.

Related Commands


show gatekeeper calls

Displays the status of each ongoing call of which a gatekeeper is aware.

show gatekeeper endpoints

Displays the status of all registered endpoints for a gatekeeper.

show gateway

Displays the current gateway status.

show gatekeeper performance statistics

To display information about the number of calls accepted and rejected and to find the number of endpoints sent to other gatekeepers, use the show gatekeeper performance statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper performance statistics [zone [name zone-name]] [cumulative]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Zone statistics for the gatekeeper.


(Optional) Zone name or gatekeeper name.


Local zone name.


(Optional) Total statistics collected by the gatekeeper since the last reload. These values are not reset by the clear h323 gatekeeper statistics command.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


The zone, name, and cumulative keywords were added and zone-name argument was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the number of calls accepted, the number of calls rejected because of overload, and the number of endpoints sent to other gatekeepers.

When you enter this command, statistical data that relates to the router is displayed. You can identify the number of call initiation events using the following:

Automatic repeat request (ARQ)

Admission confirmation (ACF)

Admission rejection (ARJ)

You can identify endpoint contact events that have been requested and either confirmed or rejected on the router using the following:

Location request (LRQ)

Location confirm (LCF)

Location reject (LRJ)

The counts associated with overload and the number of endpoints sent to alternate gatekeepers that are associated with overload conditions are also displayed. Only when the router experiences an overload condition do these counters reveal a value other than zero. The real endpoint count simply displays the number of endpoints registered on this router platform. The time stamp displays the start time when the counters started capturing the data. When you want to request a new start period, enter the clear h323 gatekeeper statistics command. The counters are reset and the time stamp is updated with the new time.

You can identify endpoint contact events that have been requested and either confirmed or rejected on the router using the following:

Location confirm (LCF)

Location rejection (LRJ)

Location request (LRQ)

You can identify zone-level registration statistics using the following:

Registration confirmation (RCF)

Registration rejection (RRJ)

Registration request (RRQ)

You can identify zone-level unregistration statistics using the following:

Unregistration confirmation (UCF)

Unregistration rejection (URJ)

Unregistration request (URQ)


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show gatekeeper performance statistics

Performance statistics captured since:00:14:02 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993

RAS inbound message counters:
Originating ARQ:4 Terminating ARQ:1 LRQ:7
RAS outbound message counters:
ARJ due to overload:0
LRJ due to overload:0

Load balancing events:0
Real endpoints:2

The following is sample BASIC output from the show gatekeeper performance stats command:

Router# show gatekeeper performance stats

-----Gatekeeper Performance Statistics-----

Performance statistics captured since: 00:17:00 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993

Gatekeeper level Admission Statistics:
ARQs received: 1
ARQs received from originating endpoints: 0
ACFs sent: 1
ACFs sent to the originating endpoint: 0
ARJs sent: 0
ARJs sent to the originating endpoint: 0
ARJs sent due to overload: 0
Number of concurrent calls: 0
Number of concurrent originating calls: 0

Gatekeeper level Location Statistics:
LRQs received: 1
LRQs sent: 0
LCFs received: 0
LCFs sent: 1
LRJs received: 0
LRJs sent: 0
LRJs sent due to overload: 0

Gatekeeper level Registration Statistics:
RRJ due to overload: 0
Total Registered Endpoints: 1

Gatekeeper level Disengage Statistics:
DRQs received: 1
DRQs sent: 0
DCFs received: 0
DCFs sent: 1
DRJs received: 0
DRJs sent: 0
Load balancing events: 0

The following CUMULATIVE sample output is the same as for BASIC output; the difference is that the BASIC counters are cleared by the clear h323 gatekeeper statistics command and CUMULATIVE counters are not.

Router# show gatekeeper performance stats zone name voip3-2600-2

Performance statistics for zone voip3-2600-2

-----Zone Level Performance Statistics-----

Performance statistics captured since: 00:17:00 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993

Zone level Admission Statistics:
ARQs received: 1
ARQs received from originating endpoints: 0
ACFs sent: 1
ACFs sent to the originating endpoint: 0
ARJs sent: 0
ARJs sent to the originating endpoint: 0
Number of concurrent total calls: 0
Number of concurrent originating calls: 0

Zone level Location Statistics:
LRQs received: 1
LRQs sent: 0
LCFs received: 0
LCFs sent: 1
LRJs received: 0
LRJs sent: 0

Zone level Registration Statistics:
Full RRQs received: 1
Light RRQs received: 574
RCFs sent: 576
RRJs sent: 0
Total Registered Endpoints: 1

Zone level UnRegistration Statistics:
URQs received: 0
URQs sent: 0
UCFs received: 0
UCFs sent: 0
URJs received: 0
URJs sent: 0
URQs sent due to timeout: 0

Zone level Disengage Statistics:
DRQs received: 1
DRQs sent: 0
DCFs received: 0
DCFs sent: 1
DRJs received: 0
DRJs sent: 0

The following table shows significant fields shown in the displays. Most of the fields are self-explanatory and are not listed the table.


Full RRQs received

A full registration request (RRQ) contains all registration information that is used to establish or change a registration.

Light RRQs received

A light RRQ contains abbreviated registration information that is used to maintain an existing registration.

Related Commands


clear h323 gatekeeper statistics

Clears statistics about gatekeeper performance.

show gatekeeper servers

To display a list of currently registered and statically configured triggers on a gatekeeper router, use the show gatekeeper servers command in EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper servers [gkid]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Local gatekeeper name to which this trigger applies.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2500 series, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 7200, and Cisco MC3810.


The output of this command was modified to show additional server statistics, including the following: gatekeeper server timeout value; Gatekeeper Transaction Message Protocol (GKTMP) version installed; number of Registration Request (RRQ), Registration Response (RRQ), Response Confirmation (RCF), and Response Reject (RRJ) messages received; timeouts encountered; average response time; and if the server is usable.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 3700 series.


The command was modified to show additional server statistics.


The command was modified to show additional server statistics.


The command was modified to show additional server statistics.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show all server triggers (whether dynamically registered from the external servers or statically configured from the command-line interface) on this gatekeeper. If the gatekeeper ID is specified, only triggers applied to the specified gatekeeper zone appear. If the gatekeeper ID is not specified, server triggers for all local zones on this gatekeeper appear.


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show gatekeeper servers


Gatekeeper Server listening port: 8250
Gatekeeper Server timeout value: 30 (100ms)
GateKeeper GKTMP version: 4.1

Gatekeeper-ID: Gatekeeper1
RRQ Priority: 5
Server-ID: Server43
Server IP address:
Server type: dynamically registered
Connection Status: active
Trigger Information:
Trigger unconditionally
Server Statistics:
RESPONSE RRQ Received = 0
RESPONSE RCF Received = 0
RESPONSE RRJ Received = 0
Average response time(ms)=0
Server Usable=TRUE

Timeout Statistics:

Server-ID: Server43
Server IP address:
Server type: dynamically registered
Connection Status: active
Timeout Encountered=0

Table 64 describes significant fields shown in this output.

Table 64 show gatekeeper servers Field Descriptions


GateKeeper GKTMP version

Version of Gatekeeper Transaction Message Protocol installed.

RRQ Priority

Registration priority.


Server ID name.

Server IP address

Server IP address.

Server type

Type of server.

Connection Status

Whether the connection is active or inactive.

Trigger Information

Which Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) messages the Cisco IOS gatekeeper forwards to the external application.


Registration requests received.


Registration responses received.


Response confirmations received.


Response reject messages received.

Related Commands


debug gatekeeper server

Traces all the message exchanges between the Cisco IOS gatekeeper and the external applications.

endpoint circuit-id h323id

Tracks call capacity information on the gatekeeper.

server registration-port

Configures a listening port on the gatekeeper for server registration.

server trigger arq

Configures static triggers on the gatekeeper.

show gatekeeper status

To display overall gatekeeper status, including authorization and authentication status and zone status, use the show gatekeeper status command in EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T.


This command was modified to show information about load balancing and vendor-specific attributes.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was modified to show information about server flow control.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show gatekeeper status

Gatekeeper State: UP
Load Balancing: DISABLED
Flow Control: ENABLED
Zone Name: snet-3660-3
Accounting: DISABLED
Endpoint Throttling: DISABLED
Security: DISABLED
Maximum Remote Bandwidth: unlimited
Current Remote Bandwidth: 0 kbps
Current Remote Bandwidth (w/ Alt GKs): 0 kbps

The following table describes significant fields shown in this output.


Gatekeeper State

Gatekeeper state has the following values:

UP is operational.

DOWN is administratively shut down.

INACTIVE is administratively enabled; that is, the no shutdown command has been issued, but no local zones have been configured.

HSRP STANDBY indicates that the gatekeeper is on hot standby and will take over when the currently active gatekeeper fails.

Load Balancing

Whether load balancing is enabled.

Flow Control

Whether server flow control is enabled.

Zone Name

Zone name to which the gatekeeper belongs.


Whether authorization and accounting features are enabled.

Endpoint Throttling

Whether endpoint throttling is enabled.


Whether security features are enabled.


Maximum remote bandwidth, current remote bandwidth, and current remote bandwidth with alternate gatekeepers.

Related Commands


show gatekeeper servers

Displays statistics about the gatekeeper.

show gatekeeper status cluster

To display information about each element of a local cluster, such as the amount of memory used, the number of active calls, and the number of endpoints registered on the element, use the show gatekeeper status cluster command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper status cluster

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


The following command displays information about elements of a local cluster, two of whose components are RoseGK and LavenderGK:

Router# show gatekeeper status cluster

                           Active     Endpoint       Last
Hostname     %Mem   %CPU    Calls        Count   Announce
--------     ----   ----   ------     -------- --------
RoseGK         72      0        1   Local Host
LavenderGK     30      1        0            4        14s

Related Commands


show gatekeeper endpoints

Displays the status of all registered endpoints for a gatekeeper.

show gatekeeper performance statistics

Displays information about the number of calls accepted and rejected, and finds the number of endpoints sent to other gatekeepers.

show gatekeeper zone cluster

Displays the dynamic status of all local clusters.

show gatekeeper zone cluster

To display the dynamic status of all local clusters, use the show gatekeeper zone cluster command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper zone cluster

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


The following command displays information about the current bandwidth values and about when the last announcement message from the alternate gatekeeper was received. In the following example, PRI represents the priority value assigned to an alternate gatekeeper. This field ranges from 0 to 127, with 127 representing the lowest priority.

Router# show gatekeeper zone cluster

                  LOCAL CLUSTER INFORMATION¸6t
LOCAL GK NAME   ALT GK NAME   PRI  (kbps)   (kbps)   (kbps)   ANNOUNCE   STATUS
-------------   -----------   ---  ------   ------   ------   --------   ------
ParisGK         GenevaGK      120  0        0        0        7s         CONNECTED
NiceGK          ZurichGK      100  0        0        0        7s         CONNECTED

Related Commands


timer cluster-element announce

Defines the time interval between successive announcement messages exchanged between elements of a local cluster.

zone cluster local

Defines a local grouping of gatekeepers.

zone remote

Statically specifies a remote zone if DNS is unavailable or undesirable.

show gatekeeper zone prefix

To display the zone prefix table, use the show gatekeeper zone prefix command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper zone prefix [all]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the dynamic zone prefixes registered by each gateway.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The all keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

If the all keyword is not specified, the show gatekeeper zone prefix command displays the static zone prefixes only. Use the include filter with the all keyword to display the prefixes associated with a particular gateway. For example, the show gatekeeper zone prefix all | include GW1 command displays the dynamic prefixes associated with gateway GW1.


The following command displays the zone prefix table for the gatekeeper:

Router# show gatekeeper zone prefix

------- -----------
gk2 408*
gk2 5551001*
gk2 5551002*
gk2 5553020*
gk2 5553020*
gk1 555....
gk2 719*
gk2 919*

The following command displays the zone prefix table, including the dynamic zone prefixes, for the gatekeeper:

Router# show gatekeeper zone prefix all

GK-NAME E164-PREFIX Dynamic GW-priority
------- ----------- -------------------
gk2 408*
gk2 5551001* GW1 /5
gk2 5551002* GW1 /5 GW2 /10
gk2 5553020* GW1 /8
gk2 5553020*
gk1 555....
gk2 719*
gk2 919* GW2 /5

Table 65 describes significant fields shown in this output.

Table 65 show gatekeeper zone prefix Field Descriptions



Gatekeeper name.


E.164 prefix and a dot that acts as a wildcard for matching each remaining number in the telephone number.

Dynamic GW-priority

Gateway that serves this E164 prefix.

Gateway priority. A 0 value prevents the gatekeeper from using the gateway for that prefix. Value 10 places the highest priority on the gateway. The default priority value for a dynamic gateway is 5.

show gatekeeper zone status

To display the status of zones related to a gatekeeper, use the show gatekeeper zone status command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gatekeeper zone status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The display format was modified for H.323 Version 2.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.


This command was not supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, and Cisco AS5400 in this release.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.


The following is sample output from this command:

Router# show gatekeeper zone status

GK name Domain Name RAS Address PORT FLAGS MAX-BW CUR-BW
(kbps) (kbps)
------- ----------- ----------- ---- ----- ------ ------
sj.xyz.com xyz.com        1719 LS 0
All Other Subnets :(Enabled)
inbound Calls from germany.xyz.com :
to terminals in local zone sj.xyz.com :use proxy
to gateways in local zone sj.xyz.com :do not use proxy
Outbound Calls to germany.xyz.com
from terminals in local zone germany.xyz.com :use proxy
from gateways in local zone germany.xyz.com :do not use proxy
Inbound Calls from all other zones :
to terminals in local zone sj.xyz.com :use proxy
to gateways in local zone sj.xyz.com :do not use proxy
Outbound Calls to all other zones :
from terminals in local zone sj.xyz.com :do not use proxy
from gateways in local zone sj.xyz.com :do not use proxy
tokyo.xyz.co xyz.com        1719 RS 0
milan.xyz.co xyz.com        1719 RS 0

Table 66 describes significant fields shown in this output.

Table 66 show gatekeeper zone status Field Descriptions 


GK name

Gatekeeper name (also known as the zone name), which is truncated after 12 characters in the display.

Domain Name

Domain with which the gatekeeper is associated.

RAS Address

Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) protocol address of the gatekeeper.


Displays the following information:

S = static (CLI-configured, not DNS-discovered)

L = local

R = remote


Maximum bandwidth for the zone, in kbps.


Current bandwidth in use, in kbps.


List of subnets controlled by the local gatekeeper.


Inbound and outbound proxy policies as configured for the local gatekeeper (or zone).

Related Commands


show gatekeeper calls

Displays the status of each ongoing call of which a gatekeeper is aware.

show gatekeeper endpoints

Displays the status of registered endpoints for a gatekeeper.

show gateway

Displays the current gateway status.


Posted: Thu Apr 7 11:24:44 PDT 2005
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