
Table Of Contents


signal did

signal keepalive

signal pattern

signal sequence oos

signal timing idle suppress-voice

signal timing oos

signal timing oos restart

signal timing oos slave-standby

signal timing oos suppress-all

signal timing oos suppress-voice

signal timing oos timeout

signaling forward

signaling forward (dial-peer)






snmp enable peer-trap poor-qov

source carrier-id

source trunk-group-label

srv version


To specify the type of signaling for a voice port, use the signal command in voice-port configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) and Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) Voice Ports

signal {loop-start | ground-start}

no signal {loop-start | ground-start}

Ear and mouth (E&M) Voice Ports

signal {wink-start | immediate | delay-dial | lmr}

no signal {wink-start | immediate | delay-dial | lmr}

Centralized Automatic Message Accounting (CAMA) Ports

signal {cama {kp-0-nxx-xxxx-st | kp-0-npa-nxx-xxxx-st | kp-2-st | kp-npd-nxx-xxxx-st}
groundstart | loopstart}

no signal {cama {kp-0-nxx-xxxx-st | kp-0-npa-nxx-xxxx-st | kp-2-st | kp-npd-nxx-xxxx-st} | groundstart | loopstart}

Syntax Description


Specifies the use of loop start signaling. Used for FXO and FXS interfaces. With loop-start signaling, only one side of a connection can hang up. This is the default setting for FXO and FXS voice ports.

Note The CAMA version of this keyword is "loopstart." Both forms operate identically.


Selects and configures the port for 911 calls.


The calling side seizes the line by going off-hook on its E-lead. After a timing interval, the calling side looks at the supervision from the called side. If the supervision is on-hook, the calling side starts sending information as dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) digits; otherwise, the calling side waits until the called side goes on-hook and then starts sending address information. Used for E&M tie trunk interfaces.


Specifies the use of ground start signaling. Used for FXO and FXS interfaces. Ground start signalling allows both sides of a connection to place a call and to hang up.

Note The CAMA version of this keyword is "groundstart." Both forms operate identically.


The calling side seizes the line by going off-hook on its E-lead and sends address information as DTMF digits. Used for E&M tie trunk interfaces.


10-digit transmission. The E.164 number is fully transmitted.


7-digit automatic number identification (ANI) transmission. The Numbering Plan Area (NPA) or area code is implied by the trunk group and is not transmitted.


Default transmission when the CAMA trunk cannot get a corresponding Numbering Plan Digit (NPD) digit in the look-up table, or when the calling number is fewer than 10 digits in length. (NPA digits are not available.)


8-digit ANI transmission, where the NPD is a single multifrequency (MF) digit that is expanded into the NPA. The NPD table is preprogrammed in the sending and receiving equipment (on each end of the MF trunk); for example: 0= 415, 1=510, 2=650, 3=916

05551234 = (415) 555-1234, 15551234 = (510) 555-1234, and so on. NPD range is from 0 to 3.


Specifies the use of Land Mobile Radio signaling.


The calling side seizes the line by going off-hook on its E-lead then waits for a short off-hook "wink" indication on its M-lead from the called side before sending address information as DTMF digits. Used for E&M tie trunk interfaces. This is the default setting for E&M voice ports.


FXO and FXS interfaces: loop-start
E&M interfaces: wink-start
CAMA interfaces: loop-start

Command Modes

Voice-port configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 3600 series.


This command was modified to support ANI transmission.


The lmr keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies to analog voice ports only.

Using the signal command for an FXO or FXS voice port changes the signal value for both voice ports on a voice port module (VPM) card.

Note If you change the signal type for an FXO voice port on Cisco 3600 series routers, you need to move the appropriate jumper in the voice interface card of the voice network module. For more information about the physical characteristics of the voice network module, refer to the installation documentation, Voice Network Module and Voice Interface Card Configuration Note, that came with your voice network module.

Configuring this command for an E&M voice port changes only the signal value for the selected voice port. In either case, the voice port must be shut down and then activated before the configured values take effect.

Some PBXs miss initial digits if the E&M voice port is configured for immediate start signaling. Immediate start signaling should be used for dial pulse outpulsing only and only on circuits for which the far end is configured to accept digits within a few milliseconds of seizure. Delay dial signaling, which is intended for use on trunks and not lines, relies on the far end to return an off-hook indication on its M-lead as soon as the circuit is seized. When a receiver is attached, the far end removes the off-hook indication to indicate that it is ready to receive digits. Delay dial must be configured on both ends to work properly. Some non-Cisco devices have a limited number of DTMF receivers. This type of equipment must delay the calling side until a DTMF receiver is available.

To specify which VIC-2CAMA ports are designated as dedicated CAMA ports for emergency 911 calls, use the signal cama command. No two service areas in the existing North American telephony infrastructure supporting E911 calls have identical service implementations, and many of the factors that drive the design of emergency call handling are matters of local policy and therefore outside the scope of this document. Local policy determines which ANI format is appropriate for the specified Physical Service Access Point (PSAP) location.

The following four types of ANI transmittal schemes are based on the actual number of digits transmitted toward the E911 tandem. In each instance, the actual calling number is proceeded with a key pulse (KP) followed by an information (I) field or a NPD, which is then followed by the ANI calling number, and finally is followed by a start pulse (ST), STP, ST2P, or ST3P, depending on the trunk group type in the PSTN and the traffic mix carried.

The information field is one or two digits, depending on how the circuit was ordered originally. For one-digit information fields, a value of 0 indicates that the calling number is available. A value of 1 indicates that the calling number is not available. A value of 2 indicates an ANI failure. For a complete list of values for two-digit information fields, refer to SR-2275: Telcordia Notes on the Networks at

7-digit transmission (kp-0-nxx-xxxx-st):

The calling phone number is transmitted, and the NPA is implied by the trunk group and not transmitted.

8-digit transmission (KP-npd-nxx-xxxx-st):

The I field consists of single-digit NPD-to-NPA mapping. When the calling party number of 415-555-0122 places a 911 call, and the Cisco 2600 series or Cisco 3600 series has an NPD (0)-to-NPA (415) mapping, the NPA signaling format is received by the selective router at the central office (CO).

Note NPD values greater than 3 are reserved for signifying error conditions.

10-digit transmission (kp-0-npa-nxx-xxxx-st):

The E.164 number is fully transmitted.

kp-2-st transmission (kp-2-st):

kp-2-st transmission is used if the PBX is unable to out-pulse the ANI. If the ANI received by the Cisco router is not as per configured values, kp-2-st is transmitted. For example, if the voice port is configured for out-pulsing a ten-digit ANI and the 911 call it receives has a seven-digit calling party number, the router transmits kp-2-st.

Note Emergency 911 calls are not rejected for an ANI mismatch. The call establishes a voice path. The E911 network, however, does not receive the ANI.


The following example configures ground-start signaling as the signaling type for a voice port, which means that both sides of a connection can place a call and hang up:

Router(config)# voice-port 1/1/1
Router(config-voiceport)#  signal ground-start

The following example configures a 10-digit ANI transmission:

Router(config)# voice-port 1/0/0
Router(config-voiceport)# signal cama kp-0-npa-nxxx-xxxx-st

Related Commands


ani mapping

Preprograms the NPA, or area code, into a single MF digit.

signal did

To enable direct inward dialing (DID) on a voice port, use the signal did command in voice-port configuration mode. To disable DID and reset to loop-start signaling, use the no form of this command.

signal did {immediate-start | wink-start | delay-start}

no signal did

Syntax Description


Enables immediate-start signaling on the DID voice port.


Enables wink-start signaling on the DID voice port.


Enables delay-dial signaling on the DID voice port.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Voice-port configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T and implemented on the Cisco IAD2420 series.


The following example configures a voice port with immediate-start signaling enabled:

Router# voice-port 1/17
Router (config-voiceport)# signal did immediate-start

signal keepalive

To configure the keepalive signaling packet interval for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks, use the signal keepalive command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal keepalive {seconds | disabled}

no signal keepalive {seconds | disabled}

Syntax Description


Keepalive signaling packet interval, in seconds. Range is from 1 to 65535. Default is 5 seconds.


Specifies that no keepalive signals are sent.


seconds: 5 seconds

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.


The disabled keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring the keepalive signaling interval, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. The voice class must then be assigned to a dial peer using the voice-class permanent (dial-peer) command.

To avoid sending keepalive signals to a multicasting network with no specified destination, we recommend that you use the disabled keyword when configuring this command for use in networks that use connection trunk connections and multicasting.


The following example shows the keepalive signaling interval set to 3 seconds for voice class 10:

voice class permanent 10
 signal keepalive 3
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

Related Commands


dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies a dial-peer type.

signal pattern

Configures the ABCD bit pattern for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Configures the signal timing parameter for the idle state of a call.

signal timing oos

Configures the signal timing parameter for the OOS state of a call.

voice-class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice class permanent

Assigns a previously-configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal pattern

To define the ABCD bit patterns that identify the idle and out-of-service (OOS) states for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks, use the signal pattern command in voice-class configuration mode. To remove the patterns from the voice class, use the no form of this command.

signal pattern {idle receive | idle transmit | oos receive | oos transmit} bit-pattern

no signal pattern {idle receive | idle transmit | oos receive | oos transmit} bit-pattern

Syntax Description

idle receive

Signaling pattern for identifying an idle message from the network. Also defines the idle signaling pattern to be sent to the PBX if the network trunk is out of service and the signal sequence oos idle-only or signal sequence oos both command is configured.

idle transmit

Signaling pattern for identifying an idle message from the PBX.

oos receive

OOS signaling pattern to be sent to the PBX if the network trunk is out of service and the signal sequence oos oos-only or signal sequence oos both command is configured.

oos transmit

Signaling pattern for identifying an OOS message from the PBX.


ABCD bit pattern. Range is from 0000 to 1111.


idle receive

Near-end E&M: 0000 (for T1) or 0001 (for E1)
Near-end FXO loop start: 0101
Near-end FXO ground start: 1111
Near-end FXS: 0101
Near-end MELCAS: 1101

idle transmit

Near-end E&M: 0000
Near-end FXO: 0101
Near-end FXS loop start: 0101
Near-end FXS ground start: 1111
Near-end MELCAS: 1101

oos receive

Near-end E&M: 1111
Near-end FXO loop start: 1111
Near-end FXO ground start: 0000
Near-end FXS loop start: 1111
Near-end FXS ground start: 0101
Near-end MELCAS: 1111

oos transmit

No default signaling pattern is defined.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


Default signaling patterns were defined.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring the signaling pattern, you must use the voice-class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. After you define the voice class, you assign it to a dial peer.

Idle Patterns

An idle state is generated if the router detects an idle signaling pattern coming from either direction. If an idle pattern is configured for only one direction (transmit or receive), an idle state can be detected only in the configured direction. Therefore, you should normally enter both the idle receive and the idle transmit keywords.

To suppress voice packets whenever the transmit or receive trunk is in the idle state, use the idle receive and idle transmit keywords in conjunction with the signal timing idle suppress-voice command.

OOS Patterns

An OOS state is generated differently in each direction under the following conditions:

If the router detects an oos transmit signaling pattern sent from the PBX, the router transmits the oos transmit signaling pattern to the network.

If the signal timing oos timeout timer expires and the router receives no signaling packets from the network (network is OOS), the router sends an oos receive signaling pattern to the PBX. (The oos receive pattern is not matched against the signaling packets received from the network; the receive packets indicate an OOS condition directly by setting the AIS alarm indication bit in the packet.)

To suppress voice packets whenever the transmit or receive trunk is in the OOS state, use the oos receive and oos transmit keywords in conjunction with the signal timing oos suppress-voice command.

To suppress voice and signaling packets whenever the transmit or receive trunk is in the OOS state, use the oos receive and oos transmit keywords in conjunction with the signal timing oos suppress-all command.

PBX Busyout

To "busy out" a PBX if the network connection fails, set the oos receive pattern to match the seized state (busy), and set the signal timing oos timeout value. When the timeout value expires and no signaling packets are received, the router sends the oos receive pattern to the PBX.

Use the busy seized pattern only if the PBX does not have a specified pattern for indicating an OOS state. If the PBX has a specific OOS pattern, use that pattern instead.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, configures the signaling bit pattern for the idle receive and transmit states:

voice class permanent 10  signal keepalive 3  signal pattern idle receive 0101  signal pattern idle transmit 0101  exit
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, configures the signaling bit pattern for the out-of-service receive and transmit states:

voice class permanent 10  signal keepalive 3  signal pattern oos receive 0001  signal pattern oos transmit 0001
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

The following example restores default signaling bit patterns for the receive and transmit idle states:

voice class permanent 10  signal keepalive 3  signal timing idle suppress-voice  no signal pattern idle receive  no signal pattern idle transmit  exit
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

The following example configures nondefault signaling bit patterns for the receive and transmit out-of-service states:

voice class permanent 10  signal keepalive 3  signal pattern oos receive 0001  signal pattern oos transmit 0001
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

Related Commands


dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies a dial-peer type.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Specifies the length of time before voice traffic is stopped after a trunk goes into the idle state.

signal timing oos

Configures the signal timing parameter for the OOS call state.

signal timing oos slave-standby

Specifies that a slave port return to its initial standby state after the trunk has been OOS for a specified time.

signal timing oos suppress-all

Stops sending voice and signaling packets to the network if a transmit OOS signaling pattern id detected from the PBX for a specified time.

signal timing oos suppress-voice

Stops sending voice packets to the network if a transmit OOS signaling pattern is detected from the PBX for a specified time.

signal timing oos timeout

Changes the delay time between the loss of signaling packets from the network and the start time for the OOS state.

voice-class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice class permanent

Assigns a previously-configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal sequence oos

To specify which signaling pattern is sent to the PBX when the far-end keepalive message is lost or an alarm indication signal (AIS) is received from the far end, use the signal sequence oos command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal sequence oos {no-action | idle-only | oos-only | both}

no signal sequence oos

Syntax Description


No signaling pattern is sent.


Only the idle signaling pattern is sent.


Only the out-of-service (OOS) signaling pattern is sent.


Both idle and OOS signaling patterns are sent. This is the default value.


Both idle and OOS signaling patterns are sent.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring the idle or OOS signaling patterns to be sent, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. After you finish defining the voice class, you assign it to a dial peer.

Use the signal sequence oos command to specify which signaling pattern) to send. Use the signal pattern idle receive or the signal pattern oos receive command to define the bit patterns of the signaling patterns if other than the defaults.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, defines voice class 10, sets the signal sequence oos command to send only the idle signal pattern to the PBX, and applies the voice class configuration to VoFR dial peer 100.

voice-class permanent 10
 signal-keepalive 3
 signal sequence oos idle-only
 signal timing idle suppress-voice
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10
 signal-type transparent

Related Commands


dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies a dial-peer type.

signal pattern

Configures the ABCD bit pattern for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Specifies the length of time before the router stops sending voice packets after a trunk goes into the idle state.

signal timing oos

Specifies that a permanent voice connection be torn down and restarted after the trunk has been OOS for a specified time.

signal timing oos slave-standby

Specifies that a slave port return to its initial standby state after the trunk has been OOS for a specified time.

signal timing oos suppress-all

Configures the router or concentrator to stop sending voice and signaling packets to the network if it detects an OOS signaling pattern from the PBX for a specified time.

signal timing oos suppress-voice

Configures the router or concentrator to stop sending voice packets to the network if it detects a transmit OOS signaling pattern from the PBX for a specified time.

signal timing oos timeout

Changes the delay time between the loss of signaling packets from the network and the start time for the OOS state.

voice-class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice class permanent

Assigns a previously-configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

To configure the signal timing parameter for the idle state of a call, use the signal timing idle suppress-voice command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal timing idle suppress-voice seconds

no signal timing idle suppress-voice seconds

Syntax Description


Duration of the idle state, in seconds, before the voice traffic is stopped. Range is from 0 to 65535.


No signal timing idle suppress-voice timer is configured.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


This command was modified to simplify the configuration process.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring the signal timing idle suppress-voice timer, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. The voice class must then be assigned to a dial peer.

The signal timing idle suppress-voice command is used when the signal-type command is set to transparent in the dial peer for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk connection. The router stops sending voice packets when the timer expires. Signaling packets are still sent.

To detect an idle trunk state, the router or concentrator monitors both transmit and receive signaling for the idle transmit and idle receive signaling patterns. These can be configured by the signal pattern idle transmit or signal pattern idle receive command, or they can be the defaults. The default idle receive pattern is the idle pattern of the local voice port. The default idle transmit pattern is the idle pattern of the far-end voice port.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, sets the signal timing idle suppress-voice timer to 5 seconds for the idle state on voice class 10.

voice class permanent 10
 signal keepalive 3  signal pattern idle receive 0101  signal pattern idle transmit 0101  signal timing idle suppress-voice 5
 dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10
 signal-type transparent

The following example defines voice class 10, sets the idle detection time to 5 seconds, configures the trunk to use the default transmit and receive idle signal patterns, and applies the voice class configuration to VoFR dial peer 100.

voice class permanent 10
 signal keepalive 3  signal timing idle suppress-voice 5
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10
 signal-type transparent

Related Commands


dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice encapsulation.

signal keepalive

Configures the keepalive signaling packet interval for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal pattern

Defines the ABCD bit patterns that identify the idle and oos states for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing oos

Configures the signal timing parameter for the OOS state of a call.


Sets the signaling type to be used when connecting to a dial peer.

voice-class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice class permanent (dial peer)

Assigns a previously-configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal timing oos

To configure the signal timing parameter for the out-of-service (OOS) state of the call, use the signal timing oos command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal timing oos {restart | slave-standby | suppress-all | suppress-voice | timeout} seconds

no signal timing oos {restart | slave-standby | suppress-all | suppress-voice | timeout} seconds

Syntax Description


If no signaling packets are received for this period, the permanent voice connection is torn down and an attempt to achieve reconnection is made.


If no signaling packets are received for this period, a slave port returns to its initial standby state. This option applies only to slave ports (ports configured using the connection trunk number answer-mode command).


If the transmit OOS pattern (from the PBX to the network) matches for this period of time, the router stops sending all packets to the network.


If the transmit OOS pattern (from the PBX to the network) matches for this period of time, the router stops sending voice packets to the network. signaling packets continue to be sent with the alarm indication set (AIS).


If no signaling packets are received for this period of time, the router sends the configured receive OOS pattern to the PBX. Also, the router stops sending voice packets to the network. Use this option to perform busyout to the PBX.


Duration, in seconds, for the above settings. Range is from 0 to 65535.


No signal timing OOS pattern parameters are configured.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring signal timing OOS parameters, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. The voice class must then be assigned to a dial peer.

You can enter several values for this command. However, the suppress-all and suppress-voice options are mutually exclusive.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, configures the signal timeout parameter for the OOS state on voice class 10. The signal timing oos timeout command is set to 60 seconds.

voice-class permanent 10
 signal-keepalive 3  signal pattern oos receive 0001  signal pattern oos transmit 0001  signal timing oos timeout 60
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

Related Commands



Specifies a connection mode for a voice port.

dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice encapsulation.

signal keepalive

Configures the keepalive signaling packet interval for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal pattern

Defines the ABCD bit patterns that identify the idle and oos states for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Configures the signal timing parameter for the idle state of the call.


Sets the signaling type to be used when connecting to a dial peer.

voice class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice-class permanent (dial-peer)

Assigns a previously configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal timing oos restart

To specify that a permanent voice connection be torn down and restarted after the trunk has been out-of-service (OOS) for a specified time, use the signal timing oos restart command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal timing oos restart seconds

no signal timing oos restart

Syntax Description


Delay duration, in seconds, for the restart attempt. Range is from 0 to 65535. There is no default.


No restart attempt is made if the trunk becomes OOS.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring signal timing OOS parameters, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. You then assign the voice class to a dial peer.

The signal timing oos restart command is valid only if the signal timing oos timeout command is enabled, which controls the start time for the OOS state. The timer for the signal timing oos restart command does not start until the trunk is OOS.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, creates voice class 10, sets the OOS timeout time to 60 seconds and sets the restart time to 30 seconds:

voice-class permanent 10
 signal-keepalive 3  signal pattern oos receive 0001  signal pattern oos transmit 0001  signal timing oos timeout 60
 signal timing oos restart 30
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

Related Commands



Specifies a connection mode for a voice port.

dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice encapsulation.

signal keepalive

Configures the keepalive signaling packet interval for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal pattern

Defines the ABCD bit patterns that identify the idle and oos states for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Configures the signal timing parameter for the idle state of a call.


Sets the signaling type to be used when connecting to a dial peer.

voice class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice-class permanent (dial-peer)

Assigns a previously-configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal timing oos slave-standby

To configure a slave port to return to its initial standby state after the trunk has been out-of-service (OOS) for a specified time, use the signal timing oos slave-standby command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal timing oos slave-standby seconds

no signal timing oos slave-standby

Syntax Description


Delay duration, in seconds. If no signaling packets are received for this period, the slave port returns to its initial standby state. Range is from 0 to 65535. There is no default.


The slave port does not return to its standby state if the trunk becomes OOS.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring signal timing OOS parameters, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. After you finish defining the voice class, you assign it to a dial peer.

If no signaling packets are received for the specified delay period, the slave port returns to its initial standby state. The signal timing oos slave-standby command is valid only if both of the following conditions are true:

The signal timing oos timeout command is enabled, which controls the start time for the OOS state. The timer for the signal timing oos slave-standby command does not start until the trunk is OOS.

The voice port is configured as a slave port with the connection trunk digits answer-mode command.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, creates a voice port as a slave voice port, creates voice class 10, sets the OOS timeout time to 60 seconds, and sets the return-to-slave-standby time to 120 seconds:

voice-port 1/0/0
 connection trunk 5559262 answer-mode
 voice-class permanent 10
 signal-keepalive 3  signal pattern oos receive 0001  signal pattern oos transmit 0001  signal timing oos timeout 60
 signal timing oos slave-standby 120
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

Related Commands



Specifies a connection mode for a voice port.

dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice encapsulation.

signal keepalive

Configures the keepalive signaling packet interval for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal pattern

Defines the ABCD bit patterns that identify the idle and oos states for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Configures the signal timing parameter for the idle state of a call.


Sets the signaling type to be used when connecting to a dial peer.

voice class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice-class permanent (dial-peer)

Assigns a previously configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal timing oos suppress-all

To configure the router or concentrator to stop sending voice and signaling packets to the network if it detects a transmit out-of-service (OOS) signaling pattern from the PBX for a specified time, use the signal timing oos suppress-all command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal timing oos suppress-all seconds

no signal timing oos suppress-all

Syntax Description


Delay duration, in seconds, before packet transmission is stopped. Range is from 0 to 65535. There is no default.


The router or concentrator does not stop sending packets to the network if it detects a transmit OOS signaling pattern from the PBX.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring signal timing OOS parameters, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. After you finish defining the voice class, you assign it to a dial peer.

The signal timing oos suppress-all command is valid only if you configure an OOS transmit signaling pattern with the signal pattern oos transmit command. (There is no default oos transmit signaling pattern.)

The signal timing oos suppress-all command is valid whether or not the signal timing oos timeout command is enabled, which controls the start time for the OOS state. The timer for the signal timing oos suppress-all command starts immediately when the OOS transmit signaling pattern is matched.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, creates voice class 10, sets the OOS timeout time to 60 seconds, and sets the packet suppression time to 60 seconds:

voice-class permanent 10
 signal-keepalive 3  signal pattern oos receive 0001  signal pattern oos transmit 0001  signal timing oos timeout 60
 signal timing oos suppress-all 60
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

Related Commands



Specifies a connection mode for a voice port.

dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice encapsulation.

signal keepalive

Configures the keepalive signaling packet interval for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal pattern

Defines the ABCD bit patterns that identify the idle and oos states for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Configures the signal timing parameter for the idle state of a call.


Sets the signaling type to be used when connecting to a dial peer.

voice class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice-class permanent (dial-peer)

Assigns a previously configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal timing oos suppress-voice

To configure the router or concentrator to stop sending voice packets to the network if it detects a transmit out-of-service (OOS) signaling pattern from the PBX for a specified time, use the signal timing oos suppress-voice command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal timing oos suppress-voice seconds

no signal timing oos suppress-voice

Syntax Description


Delay duration, in seconds, before voice-packet transmission is stopped. Range is from 0 to 65535. There is no default.


The router or concentrator does not stop sending voice packets to the network if it detects a transmit OOS signaling pattern from the PBX.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring signal timing OOS parameters, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. After you finish defining the voice class, you assign it to a dial peer.

The signal timing oos suppress-voice command is valid only if you configure an OOS transmit signaling pattern with the signal pattern oos transmit command. (There is no default oos transmit signaling pattern.)

The signal timing oos suppress-voice s command is valid whether or not the signal timing oos timeout command is enabled, which controls the start time for the OOS state. The timer for the signal timing oos suppress-voice command starts immediately when the OOS transmit signaling pattern is matched.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, creates voice class 10, sets the OOS timeout time to 60 seconds, and sets the packet suppression time to 60 seconds:

voice-class permanent 10
 signal-keepalive 3  signal pattern oos receive 0001  signal pattern oos transmit 0001  signal timing oos timeout 60
 signal timing oos suppress-voice 60
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

Related Commands



Specifies a connection mode for a voice port.

dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice encapsulation.

signal keepalive

Configures the keepalive signaling packet interval for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal pattern

Defines the ABCD bit patterns that identify the idle and oos states for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Configures the signal timing parameter for the idle state of a call.


Sets the signaling type to be used when connecting to a dial peer.

voice class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice-class permanent (dial-peer)

Assigns a previously configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signal timing oos timeout

To change the delay time between the loss of signaling packets from the network and the start time for the out-of-service (OOS) state, use the signal timing oos timeout command in voice-class configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal timing oos timeout [seconds | disabled]

no signal timing oos timeout

Syntax Description


(Optional) Delay duration, in seconds, between the loss of signaling packets and the beginning of the OOS state. Range is from 1 to 65535. Default is 30.


(Optional) Deactivates the detection of packet loss. If no signaling packets are received from the network, the router does not sent an OOS pattern to the PBX and it continues sending voice packets to the network. Use this option to disable busyout to the PBX.


No signal timing OOS pattern parameters are configured.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring signal timing OOS parameters, you must use the voice class permanent command in global configuration mode to create a voice class for the Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk. After you finish defining the voice class, you assign it to a dial peer.

You can use the signal timing oos timeout command to enable busyout to the PBX.

The signal timing oos timeout command controls the starting time for the signal timing oos restart and signal timing oos slave-standby commands. If this command is entered with the disabled keyword, the signal timing oos restart and signal timing oos slave-standby commands are ineffective.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, creates voice class 10 and sets the OOS timeout time to 60 seconds:

voice-class permanent 10
 signal-keepalive 3  signal pattern oos receive 0001  signal pattern oos transmit 0001  signal timing oos timeout 60
dial-peer voice 100 vofr
 voice-class permanent 10

Related Commands



Specifies a connection mode for a voice port.

dial-peer voice

Enters dial-peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice encapsulation.

signal keepalive

Configures the keepalive signaling packet interval for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal pattern

Defines the ABCD bit patterns that identify the idle and oos states for Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks.

signal timing idle suppress-voice

Configures the signal timing parameter for the idle state of a call.


Sets the signaling type to be used when connecting to a dial peer.

voice class permanent

Creates a voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk.

voice-class permanent (dial-peer)

Assigns a previously configured voice class for a Cisco trunk or FRF.11 trunk to a dial peer.

signaling forward

To enable a Cisco IOS gateway to forward the Generic Transparency Descriptor (GTD) payload to another gateway or gatekeeper system-wide, use the signaling forward command in global configuration mode. To disable forwarding, use the no form of this command.

signaling forward {conditional | unconditional | none}

no signaling forward

Syntax Description


Changes the forwarding behavior on the basis of the target defined in the session target command. If the target is a non-Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) target, the original signaling payload is forwarded to the H.323 endpoint using H.225 messages.


Tunnels the GTD payload in the H.225 SETUP message to the final endpoint in the network. The gatekeeper sends its own GTD back to itself in this situation.


Prevents the gateway from forwarding the GTD payload to endpoints in the network.


Signaling forwarding is conditional.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5850.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used with the Cisco PGW 2200 in the Cisco SS7 Interconnect for Voice Gateways solution. You must configure the Cisco PGW 2200 to encapsulate SS7 ISUP messages in GTD format before using this command on the Cisco gateway.

If the target is a RAS target, for a non-GTD signaling payload, the original payload is forwarded. For a GTD signaling payload, the payload is encapsulated in an admission request (ARQ)/disengage request (DRQ) message and sent to the originating gatekeeper. The gatekeeper conveys the payload to the Gatekeeper Transaction Message Protocol (GKTMP) and external route server for a flexible route decision based upon the ISDN User Part (ISUP) GTD parameters. The gateway then conditionally forwards the GTD payload on the basis of the instruction from the route server.

This command does not prevent sending the GTD to a gatekeeper. Any GTD on the originating gateway is sent to the gatekeeper for use in routing decisions. To prevent GTD creation, the signal-end-to-end command-line interface (CLI) option on the R2 interfaces should be disabled, and the Cisco PGW 2200 should be configured not to send GTD to the gateway.


The following example sets unconditional signal forwarding on a system-wide basis, where the GTD payload is tunneled in H.225 SETUP messages to endpoints:

Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(conf-voi-serv)# signaling forward unconditional
Router(conf-voi-serv)# ^Z
Router# show running-config

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 4201 bytes
version 12.2
service config
no service single-slot-reload-enable
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
service internal
service udp-small-servers
hostname as5300-2
no logging buffered
logging rate-limit console 10 except errors
aaa new-model
voice service voip
signaling forward unconditional

Related Commands


clid network-number

Configures a network number in the router for CLID and uses it as the calling party number.

clid restrict

Prevents the calling party number from being presented by CLID.

clid second-number strip

Prevents the second network number from being sent in the CLID information.

session target

Specifies a network-specific address for a dial peer.

signaling forward (dial-peer)

To enable a Cisco IOS gateway to forward the Generic Transparency Descriptor (GTD) payload to another gateway or gatekeeper for an individual dial peer, use the signaling forward command in dial-peer configuration mode. To disable forwarding, use the no form of this command.

signaling forward {conditional | unconditional | none}

no signaling forward

Syntax Description


Changes the forwarding behavior on the basis of the target defined in the session target command. If the target is a non-Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) target, the original signaling payload is forwarded to the H.323 endpoint using H.225 messages.


Tunnels the GTD payload in the H.225 SETUP message to the final endpoint in the network. The gatekeeper sends its own GTD back to itself in this situation.


Prevents the gateway from passing the GTD payload to endpoints in the network.


The default is the value that is configured system-wide, or conditional if signaling forward is not configured system-wide.

Command Modes

Dial-peer configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5850.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used with the Cisco PGW 2200 Signaling Controller in the Cisco SS7 Interconnect for Voice Gateways solution. You must configure the Cisco PGW 2200 to encapsulate SS7 ISUP messages in GTD format before using this command on the Cisco gateway.

If the target is a RAS target, for a non-GTD signaling payload, the original payload is forwarded. For a GTD signaling payload, the payload is encapsulated in an admission request (ARQ)/disengage request (DRQ) message and sent to the originating gatekeeper. The gatekeeper conveys the payload to the Gatekeeper Transaction Message Protocol (GKTMP) and external route server for a flexible route decision based upon the ISDN User Part (ISUP) GTD parameters. The gateway then conditionally forwards the GTD payload on the basis of the instruction from the route server.

This command does not prevent sending the GTD to a gatekeeper. Any GTD on the originating gateway is sent to the gatekeeper for use in routing decisions. To prevent GTD creation, the signal-end-to-end command-line interface (CLI) option on the R2 interfaces should be disabled, and the Cisco PGW 2200 should be configured not to send GTD to the gateway.


The following example sets unconditional signal forwarding on a system-wide basis, where the GTD payload is tunneled in H.225 SETUP messages to endpoints:

Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(conf-voi-serv)# signaling forward unconditional
Router(conf-voi-serv)# ^Z
Router# show running-config

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 4201 bytes
version 12.2
service config
no service single-slot-reload-enable
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
service internal
service udp-small-servers
hostname as5300-2
no logging buffered
logging rate-limit console 10 except errors
aaa new-model
voice service voip
signaling forward unconditional

Related Commands


clid network-number

Configures a network number in the router for CLID and uses it as the calling party number.

clid restrict

Prevents the calling party number from being presented by CLID.

clid second-number strip

Prevents the second network number from being sent in the CLID information.

session target

Specifies a network-specific address for a dial peer.


To set the signaling type to be used when connecting to a dial peer, use the signal-type command in dial-peer configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

signal-type {cas | cept | ext-signal | transparent}

no signal-type

Syntax Description


North American EIA-464 channel-associated signaling (robbed bit signaling). If the Digital T1 Packet Voice Trunk Network Module is installed, this option might not be available.


Provides a basic E1 ABCD signaling protocol. Used primarily for E&M interfaces. When used with FXS/FXO interfaces, this protocol is equivalent to MELCAS.


External signaling. The digital signal processor (DSP) does not generate any signaling frames. Use this option when there is an external signaling channel, for example, CCS, or when you need to have a permanent "dumb" voice pipe.


Selecting this option produces different results depending on whether you are using a digital voice module (DVM) or an analog voice module (AVM).

For a DVM: The ABCD signaling bits are copied from or transported through the T1/E1 interface "transparently" without modification or interpretation. This enables the handling of arbitrary or unknown signaling protocols.

For an AVM: It is not possible to provide "transparent" behavior without interpreting the signaling information to read and write the correct state to the analog hardware. This option is mapped to be equal to cas.



Command Modes

Dial-peer configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600, Cisco 3600, and Cisco MC3810.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series.


The cept and transparent keywords, previously supported only on the Cisco MC3810, are now supported on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and 7200 series.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies to Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) and Voice over ATM (VoATM) dial peers. It is used with permanent connections only (Cisco trunks and FRF.11 trunks), not with switched calls.

This command is used to inform the local telephony interface of the type of signaling it should expect to receive from the far-end dial peer. To turn signaling off at this dial peer, select the ext-signal option. If signaling is turned off and there are no external signaling channels, a "hot" line exists, enabling this dial peer to connect to anything at the far end.

When you connect an FXS to another FXS, or if you have anything other than an FXS/FXO or E&M/E&M pair, the appropriate signaling type on Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 series routers is ext-signal (disabled).

If you have a digital E1 connection at the remote end that is running cept/MELCAS signaling and you then trunk that across to an analog port, you should make sure that you configure both ends for the cept signal type.

If you have a T1 or E1 connection at both ends and the T1/E1 is running a signaling protocol that is neither EIA-464, or cept/MELCAS, you might want to configure the signal type for the transparent option in order to pass through the signaling.


The following example disables signaling for VoFR dial peer 200:

dial-peer voice 200 vofr
 signal-type ext-signal

Related Commands


codec (dial-peer)

Specifies the voice coder rate of speech for a dial peer.


Specifies the connection mode for a voice port.


Specifies the telephone number associated with a dial peer.


Enables the DSP to generate FRF.11 Annex A frames for a dial peer.


Enables the preferred dial peer to be selected when multiple dial peers within a hunt group are matched for a dial string.


Enables the generation of sequence numbers in each frame generated by the DSP.

session protocol

Establishes the VoFR protocol for calls between local and remote routers.

session target

Specifies a network-specific address for a dial peer.


To configure the voice dial peer for a Type 2 silent fax machine, use the silent-fax command in dial-peer voice configuration mode. To disable a silent fax call to any POTS ports, use the no form of this command.


no silent-fax

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Silent fax is not configured.

Command Modes

Dial-peer voice configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 803, Cisco 804, and Cisco 813.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the router to send a no ring alert tone to a Type 2 silent fax machine that is connected to any of the POTS ports. To check the status of the silent-fax configuration, use the show running-config command.


The following example shows that the silent-fax command has been configured on POTS port 1 but not on POTS port 2.

dial-peer voice 1 pots
 destination-pattern 5551111
 port 1
 no call-waiting
 ring 0
 volume 4
 caller-number 3334444 ring 1
 subaddress 20

dial-peer voice 2 pots
 destination-pattern 5552222
 port 2
 no call-waiting
 ring 0
 volume 2
 caller-number 3214567 ring 2
 subaddress 10


To enter SIP configuration mode, use the sip command in voice-service VoIP configuration mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Voice-service VoIP configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the following platforms: Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 7200 series, Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, and Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T. support for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.

Usage Guidelines

From the voice-service VoIP configuration mode, this command enables you to enter SIP configuration mode. From this mode, several SIP commands are available, such as the bind, session transport, and url. commands.


The following example enters SIP configuration mode and sets the bind command on the SIP network:

Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(config-voi-srv)# sip
Router(conf-serv-sip)# bind control source-interface FastEthernet 0

Related Commands


session transport

Configures the voice dial peer to use TCP or UDP as the underlying transport layer protocol for SIP messages.

voice service voip

Enters voice-service configuration mode.


To configure a network address for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server interface, use the sip-server command in SIP user-agent configuration mode. To remove a network address configured for SIP, use the no form of this command.

sip-server {dns:[host-name] | ipv4:ip-addr [:port-num]}

no sip-server {dns:[host-name] | ipv4:ip-addr [:port-num]}

Syntax Description


Sets the global SIP server interface to a Domain Name System (DNS) host name. If you do not specify a host name, the default DNS defined by the ip name-server command is used.


(Optional) Valid DNS host name in the following format:


Sets the global SIP server interface to an IP address. A valid IP address takes the following format:


(Optional) Port number for the SIP server.


Null value

Command Modes

SIP user-agent configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco AS5300.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series. Support for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T. This command is supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 in this release.

Usage Guidelines

If you use this command, you can also use the session target {sip-server} command on each dial peer instead of repeatedly entering the SIP server interface address for each dial peer. Configuring a SIP server as a session target is useful if there is a Cisco SIP proxy server (CSPS) present in the network. With a CSPS, you can configure the SIP server option and have the interested dial peers use the CSPS by default.

To reset this command to a null value, use the default command.


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, sets the global SIP server interface to the DNS host name "" If you also use the command session target {sip server}, you do not have to set the DNS host name for each individual dial peer.


dial-peer voice 29 voip
 session target sip-server

The following example sets the global SIP server interface to an IP address:

 sip-server ipv4:

Related Commands


ip name-server

Specifies the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address resolution.

session target (VoIP)

Specifies a network-specific address for a dial peer.


Enters SIP user-agent configuration mode in order to configure the SIP user agent.


To enable Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) user-agent configuration commands, in order to configure the user agent, use the sip-ua command in global configuration mode. To reset all SIP user-agent configuration commands to their default values, use the no form of this command.


no sip-ua

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco AS5300.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series. Support for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T. This command is supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 in this release.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter SIP user-agent configuration mode. Table 154 lists the SIP user-agent configuration mode commands:

Table 154 SIP User-Agent Configuration Mode Commands 



Exits SIP user-agent configuration mode.


This command is no longer supported as of Cisco IOS Release 12.2. This command is no longer needed because the gateway handles remote or local ringback on the basis of SIP messaging.


Specifies the maximum number of hops for a request.


Configures the SIP signaling timers for retry attempts.


Configures a SIP server interface.


Configures the SIP signaling timers.


Enables or disables a SIP user agent transport for TCP or UDP that the protocol SIP user agents listen for on port 5060 (default).


The following example, beginning in global configuration mode, enters SIP user-agent configuration mode, configures the SIP user agent, and then returns to global configuration mode:

 retry invite 2
 retry response 2
 retry bye 2
 retry cancel 2
 sip-server ipv4:
 timers invite-wait-100 500

Related Commands



Exits SIP user-agent configuration mode.


Specifies the maximum number of hops for a request.


Configures the retry attempts for SIP messages.

show sip-ua

Displays statistics for SIP retries, timers, and current listener status.


Configures the SIP server interface.


Configures the SIP signaling timers.


Configures the SIP user agent (gateway) for SIP signaling messages on inbound calls through the SIP TCP or UDP socket.

snmp enable peer-trap poor-qov

To generate poor-quality-of-voice notifications for applicable calls associated with VoIP dial peers, use the snmp enable peer-trap poor-qov command in dial-peer configuration mode. To disable notification, use the no form of this command.

snmp enable peer-trap poor-qov

no snmp enable peer-trap poor-qov

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Dial-peer configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to generate poor-quality-of-voice notification for applicable calls associated with a dial peer. If you have a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) manager that uses SNMP messages when voice quality drops, you might want to enable this command. Otherwise, you should disable this command to reduce unnecessary network traffic.


The following example enables poor-quality-of-voice notification for calls associated with VoIP dial peer 10:

dial-peer voice 10 voip
 snmp enable peer-trap poor-qov

Related Commands


snmp-server enable traps

Enables a router to send SNMP traps and information.

snmp trap link-status

Enables SNMP trap messages to be generated when a specific port is brought up or down.

source carrier-id

To configure debug filtering for the source carrier ID, use the source carrier-id command in call filter match list configuration mode. To disable, use the no form of this command.

source carrier-id string

no source carrier-id string

Syntax Description


Alphanumeric identifier for the carrier ID.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Call filter match list configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example shows the voice call debug filter set to match source carrier ID 4321:

call filter match-list 1 voice
 source carrier-id 4321

Related Commands


call filter match-list voice

Create a call filter match list for debugging voice calls.

debug condition match-list

Run a filtered debug on a voice call.

show call filter match-list

Display call filter match lists.

source trunk-group-label

Configure debug filtering for a source trunk group.

target carrier-id

Configure debug filtering for the target carrier ID.

target trunk-group-label

Configure debug filtering for a target trunk group.

source trunk-group-label

To configure debug filtering for a source trunk group, use the source trunk-group-label command in call filter match list configuration mode. To disable, use the no form of this command.

source trunk-group-label group_number

no source trunk-group-label group_number

Syntax Description


A value from 0 to 23 that identifies the trunk group.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Call filter match list configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example shows the voice call debug filter set to match source trunk group 21:

call filter match-list 1 voice
 source trunk-group-label 21

Related Commands


call filter match-list voice

Create a call filter match list for debugging voice calls.

debug condition match-list

Run a filtered debug on a voice call.

show call filter match-list

Display call filter match lists.

source carrier-id

Configure debug filtering for the source carrier ID.

target carrier-id

Configure debug filtering for the target carrier ID.

target trunk-group-label

Configure debug filtering for a target trunk group.

srv version

To generate Domain Name System Server (DNS SRV) queries with either RFC 2052 or RFC 2782 format, use the srv version command in SIP user-agent configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

srv version {1 | 2}

no srv version

Syntax Description


Domain-name prefix of format protocol.transport. (RFC 2052 style).


Domain-name prefix of format _protocol._transport. (RFC 2782 style).


2 (RFC 2782 style)

Command Modes

SIP user-agent configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T. Support for the Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T. This command is supported on the Cisco AS5850 in this release.

Usage Guidelines

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) on Cisco VoIP gateways uses DNS SRV queries to determine the IP address of the user endpoint. The query string has a prefix in the form of "protocol.transport." (RFC 2052) or "_protocol._transport." (RFC 2782). The selected string is then attached to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the next hop SIP server.

By choosing the value of 1, this command provides compatibility with older equipment that supports only RFC 2052.


The following example sets up the srv version command in the RFC 2782 style (underscores surrounding the protocol):

Router(config)# sip-ua
Router(config-sip-ua)# srv version 2

Related Commands


show sip-ua status

Displays SIP status.


Posted: Thu Apr 7 11:20:43 PDT 2005
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