
Table Of Contents

IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler


Prerequisites for the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

Information About the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

Scheduling of Multiple IP SLAs Operations

How to Schedule Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Verifying the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

Configuration Examples for Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations: Example

Additional References

Related Documents




Technical Assistance

Command Reference

rtr group schedule

rtr schedule

show rtr configuration

show rtr group schedule

IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

The IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler feature provides a highly scalable infrastructure for Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs) by allowing you to schedule multiple IP SLAs operations using a single command. When enabled, this feature automatically distributes the operations to start at equal intervals over a specified time frame. This distribution helps to minimize the CPU utilization and thereby enhances the scalability of large networks. This functionality also simplifies the configuration significantly as a single command is used to start and stop multiple IP SLAs operations.

The IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler feature is an enhancement to the Cisco IOS IP SLAs technology that allows Cisco customers to understand IP service levels, increase productivity, lower operational costs, and reduce the frequency of network outages. Cisco IOS IP SLAs utilizes active monitoring of network performance and can be used for network troubleshooting, network assessment, and health monitoring.

As an additional part of this feature, the IP SLAs scheduling functionality has been enhanced to allow you to schedule a single recurring IP SLAs operation to start automatically at a specified time every day.

History for the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler Feature



This feature was introduced.

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Prerequisites for the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

Information About the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

How to Schedule Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Configuration Examples for Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Additional References

Command Reference

Prerequisites for the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

Configure the IP SLAs operations before group scheduling those operations.

Determine the IP SLAs operations you want to schedule as a single group.

Identify the network traffic type and the location of your network management station.

Identify the topology and the types of devices in your network.

Decide on the frequency of testing for each operation.

Information About the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

To schedule multiple or recurring IP SLAs operations, you should understand the following concept:

Scheduling of Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Scheduling of Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Normal scheduling of IP SLAs operations allows you to schedule one operation at a time. If you have large networks with thousands of IP SLAs operations to monitor network performance, normal scheduling (scheduling each operation individually) will be inefficient and time-consuming.

Multiple operations scheduling allows you to schedule multiple IP SLAs operations using a single command through the command line interface (CLI) or the CISCO-RTTMON-MIB. This feature allows you to control the amount of IP SLAs monitoring traffic by scheduling the operations to run at evenly distributed times. You must specify the operation ID numbers to be scheduled and the time range over which all the IP SLAs operations should start. This feature automatically distributes the IP SLAs operations at equal intervals over a specified time frame. The spacing between the operations (start interval) is calculated and the operations are started. This distribution of IP SLAs operations helps minimize the CPU utilization and thereby enhances the scalability of the network.

The IP SLAs multiple operations scheduling functionality allows you to schedule multiple IP SLAs operations as a group using the rtr group schedule command. The following parameters can be configured with this command:

Group operation number—Group configuration or group schedule number of the IP SLAs operation to be scheduled.

Operation ID numbers—A list of IP SLAs operation ID numbers in the scheduled group operation.

Schedule period—Amount of time for which the IP SLAs group operation is scheduled.

Ageout—Amount of time to keep the operation in memory when it is not actively collecting information. By default, the operation remains in memory indefinitely.

Frequency—Amount of time after which each IP SLAs operation is restarted.

Life—Amount of time the operation actively collects information. The operation can be configured to run indefinitely. By default, the lifetime of an operation is one hour.

Start time—Time when the operation starts collecting information. You can specify an operation to start immediately or at an absolute start time using hours, minutes, seconds, day, and month.

The IP SLAs multiple operations scheduling functionality schedules the maximum number of operations possible without aborting. However, this functionality skips those IP SLAs operations that are already running or those that are not configured and hence do not exist. The total number of operations will be calculated based on the number of operations specified in the command, irrespective of the number of operations that are missing or already running. The IP SLAs multiple operations scheduling functionality displays a message showing the number of active and missing operations. However, these messages are displayed only if you schedule operations that are not configured or are already running.

A main benefit for scheduling multiple IP SLAs operations is that the load on the network is reduced by distributing the operations equally over a scheduled period. This distribution helps you to achieve more consistent monitoring coverage. To illustrate this scenario, consider configuring 60 operations to start during the same 1-second interval over a 60-second schedule period. If a network failure occurs 30 seconds after all 60 operations have started and the network is restored before the operations are due to start again (in another 30 seconds), then this failure would never be detected by any of the 60 operations. However, if the 60 operations are distributed equally at 1-second intervals over a 60-second schedule period, then some of the operations would detect the network failure. Conversely, if a network failure occurs when all 60 operations are active, then all 60 operations would fail, indicating that the failure is possibly more severe than it really is.

Operations of the same type and same frequency should be used for IP SLAs multiple operations scheduling. If you do not specify a frequency, the default frequency will be the same as that of the schedule period. The schedule period is the period of time in which all the specified operations should run. The following sections explain the IP SLAs multiple operations scheduling process:

Default Behavior of the IP SLAs Multioperations Scheduler

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations When Schedule Period Is Less Than Frequency

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations When Number of Operations Is Greater Than Schedule Period

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations When Schedule Period Is Greater Than Frequency

Note The examples that follow focus on the interaction of the schedule period and frequency values, so the additional command syntax, such as start time and lifetime values, is not included in the illustrations.

Default Behavior of the IP SLAs Multioperations Scheduler

The IP SLAs Multiple Operations Scheduling feature allows you to schedule multiple IP SLAs operations as a group using the rtr group schedule command. In the example shown in Figure 1, the rtr group schedule 1 1-10 schedule-period 20 [frequency 20] command is configured. This example schedules operation 1 to operation 10 within operation group 1. Operation group 1 has a schedule period of 20 seconds, which means that all operations in the group will be started at equal intervals within a 20-second period. By default, the frequency is set to the same value as the configured schedule period. As shown in Figure 1, configuring the frequency is optional because 20 is the default.

Figure 1 Schedule Period Equals Frequency—Default Behavior

In this example, the first operation (operation 1) in operation group 1 will start at 0 seconds. All 10 operations in operation group 1 (operation 1 to operation 10) must be started in the schedule period of 20 seconds. The start time of each IP SLAs operation is evenly distributed over the schedule period by dividing the schedule period by the number of operations (20 seconds divided by 10 operations). Therefore, each operation will start 2 seconds after the previous operation.

The frequency is the period of time that passes before the group operation is started again (repeated). If the frequency is not specified, the frequency is set to the value of the schedule period. In the example shown in Figure 1, operation group 1 will start again every 20 seconds. This configuration provides optimal division (spacing) of operations over the specified schedule period.

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations When Schedule Period Is Less Than Frequency

As the frequency value in the rtr group schedule configuration is the amount of time that passes before the schedule group is restarted, if the schedule period is less than the frequency, there will be a period of time in which no operations are started.

In the example shown in Figure 2, the rtr group schedule 1 1-10 schedule-period 20 frequency 30 command is configured. This example schedules operation 1 to operation 10 within operation group 2. Operation group 2 has a schedule period of 20 seconds and a frequency of 30 seconds.

Figure 2 Schedule Period Is Less Than Frequency

In this example, the first operation (operation 1) in operation group 2 will start at 0 seconds. All 10 operations in operation group 2 (operation 1 to operation 10) must be started in the schedule period of 20 seconds. The start time of each IP SLAs operation is evenly distributed over the schedule period by dividing the schedule period by the number of operations (20 seconds divided by 10 operations). Therefore, each operation will start 2 seconds after the previous operation.

In the first iteration of operation group 2, operation 1 starts at 0 seconds, and the last operation (operation 10) starts at 18 seconds. However, because the group frequency has been configured to 30 seconds each operation in the group operation is restarted every 30 seconds. So, after 18 seconds, there is a gap of 10 seconds as no operations are started in the time from 19 seconds to 29 seconds. Hence, at 30 seconds, the second iteration of operation group 2 starts. As all ten operations in the operation group 2 must start at an evenly distributed interval in the configured schedule period of 20 seconds, the last operation (operation 10) in the operation group 2 will always start 18 seconds after the first operation (operation 1).

As shown in Figure 2, the following events occur when the rtr group schedule 1 1-10 schedule-period 20 frequency 30 command is configured:

At 0 seconds, the first operation (operation 1) in operation group 2 is started.

At 18 seconds, the last operation (operation 10) in operation group 2 is started. This means that the first iteration (schedule period) of operation group 1 ends here.

From 19 to 29 seconds, no operations are started.

At 30 seconds, the first operation (operation 1) in operation group 2 is started again. The second iteration of operation group 2 starts here.

At 48 seconds (18 seconds after the second iteration started) the last operation (operation 10) in operation group 2 is started, and the second iteration of operation group 2 ends.

At 60 seconds, the third iteration of operation group 2 starts.

This process continues until the lifetime of operation group 2 ends. The lifetime can be configured using the rtr group schedule command. The default lifetime for a group operation is forever.

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations When Number of Operations Is Greater Than Schedule Period

The minimum time interval between the start of IP SLAs operations in a group operation is 1 second. Therefore, if the number of operations to be multiple scheduled is greater than the schedule period, the IP SLAs multiple operations scheduling functionality will schedule more than one operation to start within the same 1-second interval. If the number of operations getting scheduled does not equally divide into 1-second intervals, then the operations are equally divided at the start of the schedule period with the remaining operations to start at the last 1-second interval.

In the example shown in Figure 3, the rtr group schedule 3 1-10 schedule-period 5 frequency 10 command is configured. This example schedules operation 1 to operation 10 within operation group 3. Operation group 3 has a schedule period of 5 seconds and a frequency of 10 seconds.

Figure 3 Number of IP SLAs Operations Is Greater Than Schedule Period—Even Distribution

In this example, when dividing the schedule period by the number of operations (5 seconds divided by 10 operations, which equals one operation every 0.5 seconds) the start time of each IP SLAs operation is less than 1 second. Since the minimum time interval between the start of IP SLAs operations in a group operation is 1 second, the IP SLAs multiple operations scheduling functionality instead calculates how many operations it should start in each 1-second interval by dividing the number of operations by the schedule period (10 operations divided by 5 seconds). Therefore, as shown in Figure 3, two operations will be started every 1 second.

As the frequency is set to 10 in this example, each iteration of operation group 3 will start 10 seconds after the start of the previous iteration. However, this distribution is not optimal as there is a gap of 5 seconds (frequency minus schedule period) between the cycles.

If the number of operations getting scheduled does not equally divide into 1-second intervals, then the operations are equally divided at the start of the schedule period with the remaining operations to start at the last 1-second interval.

In the example shown in Figure 4, the rtr group schedule 4 1-10 schedule-period 4 frequency 5 command is configured. This example schedules operation 1 to operation 10 within operation group 4. Operation group 4 has a schedule period of 4 seconds and a frequency of 5 seconds.

Figure 4 Number of IP SLAs Operations Is Greater Than Schedule Period—Uneven Distribution

In this example, the IP SLAs multiple operations scheduling functionality calculates how many operations it should start in each 1-second interval by dividing the number of operations by the schedule period (10 operations divided by 4 seconds, which equals 2.5 operations every 1 second). Since the number of operations does not equally divide into 1-second intervals, this number will be rounded off to the next whole number (see Figure 4) with the remaining operations to start at the last 1-second interval.

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations When Schedule Period Is Greater Than Frequency

As the frequency value in the rtr group schedule configuration is the amount of time that passes before the schedule group is restarted, if the schedule period is greater than the frequency, there will be a period of time in which the operations in one iteration of a group operation overlap with the operations of the following iteration.

In the example shown in Figure 5, the rtr group schedule 5 1-10 schedule-period 20 frequency 10 command is configured. This example schedules operation 1 to operation 10 within operation group 5. Operation group 5 has a schedule period of 20 seconds and a frequency of 10 seconds.

Figure 5 Schedule Period Is Greater Than Frequency

In this example, the first operation (operation 1) in operation group 5 will start at 0 seconds. All 10 operations in operation group 5 (operation 1 to operation 10) must be started in the schedule period of 20 seconds. The start time of each IP SLAs operation is evenly distributed over the schedule period by dividing the schedule period by the number of operations (20 seconds divided by 10 operations). Therefore, each operation will start 2 seconds after the previous operation.

In the first iteration of operation group 5, operation 1 starts at 0 seconds, and operation 10, the last operation in the group operation, starts at 18 seconds. Because the group operation is configured to restart every 10 seconds (frequency is set to 10 seconds), the second iteration of operation group 5 starts again at 10 seconds, before the first iteration is completed. Therefore, an overlap of operations 6 to 10 of the first iteration occurs with operations 1 to 5 of the second iteration during the time period of 10 to 18 seconds (see Figure 5). Similarly, there is an overlap of operations 6 to 10 of the second iteration with operations 1 to 5 of the third iteration during the time period of 20 to 28 seconds.

In this example, the start time of operation 1 and operation 6 need not be at exactly the same time, but will be within the same 2-second interval.

The configuration described in this section is not recommended as you can configure multiple operations to start within the same 1-second interval by configuring the number of operations greater than the schedule period (see the "Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations When Number of Operations Is Greater Than Schedule Period" section).

How to Schedule Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations (required)

Verifying the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler (optional)

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations

Perform this task to schedule multiple IP SLAs operations using a single command.


Before scheduling a group of operations, you should configure all the IP SLAs operations that will be used in that group.


The frequency of all operations scheduled in the group operation should be the same.

The operation ID numbers are limited to a maximum of 125 characters. Do not give large integer values as operation ID numbers.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. rtr group schedule group-operation-number operation-id-numbers schedule-period schedule-period-range [ageout seconds] [frequency group-operation-frequency] [life {forever | seconds}] [start-time {hh:mm[:ss] [month day | day month] | pending | now | after hh:mm:ss}]

4. exit

5. show rtr group schedule

6. show rtr configuration


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

rtr group schedule group-operation-number operation-id-numbers schedule-period schedule-period-range [ageout  seconds] [frequency group-operation-frequency] [life {foreverseconds}] [start-time {hh:mm[:ss] [month day | day month] | pending | now | after hh:mm:ss}]

Router# rtr group schedule 1 3,4,6-9

Specifies an IP SLAs group operation number and the range of operation numbers to be scheduled in global configuration mode.

The group-operation-number argument identifies the IP SLAs operation ID to be group scheduled.

The operation-id-numbers argument specifies the number of operations that need to be group scheduled.

Step 4 



Router# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5 

show rtr group schedule

Router# show rtr group schedule

(Optional) Displays the IP SLAs group schedule details.

Step 6 

show rtr configuration
Router# show rtr configuration

(Optional) Displays the IP SLAs configuration details.

Verifying the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler

To verify and analyze the scheduled operation, use the show commands presented in this section.


1. show rtr statistics

2. show rtr collection-statistics

3. show rtr group schedule

4. show rtr configuration


Command or Action

Step 1 

show rtr statistics


Router# show rtr statistics

(Optional) Displays the IP SLAs operation details.

Step 2 

show rtr collection-statistics


Router# show rtr collection-statistics

(Optional) Displays the IP SLAs collection details.

Step 3 

show rtr group schedule


Router# show rtr group schedule

(Optional) Displays the IP SLAs group schedule details.

Step 4 

show rtr configuration


Router# show rtr configuration

(Optional) Displays the IP SLAs configuration details.


After you have scheduled the multiple IP SLAs operations, you can verify the latest operation details using the above show commands.

The following example schedules IP SLAs operations 1 through 20 in the operation group 1 with a schedule period of 60 seconds and a life value of 1200 seconds. By default, the frequency is equivalent to the schedule period. In this example, the start interval is 3 seconds (schedule period divided by number of operations).

Router# rtr group schedule 1 1-20 schedule-period 60 life 1200

The following is sample output from the show rtr group schedule command showing the details of IP SLAs operation group 1.

Router# show rtr group schedule

Group Entry Number: 1
Probes to be scheduled: 1-20
Total number of probes: 20
Schedule period: 60
Group operation frequency: Equals schedule period
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed
Life (seconds): 1200
Entry Ageout (seconds): never

The following is sample output from the show rtr configuration command showing the details of the IP SLAs operation 1. The last line in the example indicates that this IP SLAs operation is part of an IP SLAs group schedule.

Router# show rtr configuration 1

Entry number: 1
Type of operation to perform: udpEcho
Target address:
Source address:
Target port: 9001
Source port: 0
Request size (ARR data portion): 16
Operation timeout (milliseconds): 5000
Type Of Service parameters: 0x0
Verify data: No
Data pattern:
Vrf Name:
Control Packets: enabled
Operation frequency (seconds): 60
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed
Life (seconds): 1200
Entry Ageout (seconds): never
Recurring (Starting Everyday): FALSE
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active
Threshold (milliseconds): 5000
Number of statistic hours kept: 2
Number of statistic distribution buckets kept: 1
Statistic distribution interval (milliseconds): 20
Enhanced History:
Number of history Lives kept: 0
Number of history Buckets kept: 15
History Filter Type: None
Group Scheduled : TRUE

The following is sample output from the show rtr statistics command showing the latest start times of the individual IP SLAs operations in an IP SLAs group operation:

Router# show rtr statistics | include Latest operation start time

Latest operation start time: *03:06:21.760 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:24.754 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:27.751 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:30.752 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:33.754 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:36.755 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:39.752 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:42.753 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:45.755 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:48.752 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:51.753 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:54.755 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:06:57.752 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:07:00.753 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:07:03.754 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:07:06.752 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:07:09.752 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:07:12.753 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:07:15.755 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003
Latest operation start time: *03:07:18.752 UTC Tue Oct 21 2003

Configuration Examples for Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations

This section provides the following configuration example:

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations: Example

Scheduling Multiple IP SLAs Operations: Example

The following example shows how to schedule IP SLAs operations 1 to 10 in the operation group 1 with a schedule period of 20 seconds. By default, the frequency is equivalent to the schedule period.

Router# rtr group schedule 1 1-10 schedule-period 20

The following example shows the details of the scheduled multiple IP SLAs operation using the show rtr group schedule command. The last line in the example indicates that the IP SLAs operations are multiple scheduled (TRUE).

Router# show rtr group schedule

Multi-Scheduling Configuration:
Group Entry Number: 1
Probes to be scheduled: 1-10
Schedule period :20
Group operation frequency: 20
Multi-scheduled: TRUE

Additional References

The following sections provide references related to the IP SLAs Multioperation Scheduler feature.

Related Documents

Related Topic
Document Title

Cisco IOS IP SLAs configuration

Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals and Network Management Configuration Guide, Release 12.2

Cisco IOS IP SLAs commands

Cisco IOS IP SLAs Command Reference, Release 12.2 SB



No new or modified standards are supported by this feature.


MIBs Link


To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:



No new or modified RFCs are supported by this feature.

Technical Assistance


Technical Assistance Center (TAC) home page, containing 30,000 pages of searchable technical content, including links to products, technologies, solutions, technical tips, and tools. Registered users can log in from this page to access even more content.

Command Reference

This section documents modified commands only.

rtr group schedule

rtr schedule

show rtr configuration

show rtr group schedule

rtr group schedule

To schedule multiple Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs) operations, use the rtr group schedule command in global configuration mode. To stop all the individual IP SLAs operations of a group schedule, use the no form of this command.

rtr group schedule group-operation-number operation-id-numbers schedule-period schedule-period-range [ageout seconds] [frequency group-operation-frequency] [life {forever | seconds}] [start-time {hh:mm[:ss] [month day | day month] | pending | now | after hh:mm:ss}]

no rtr group schedule

Syntax Description


Group configuration or group schedule number of the group of IP SLAs operations to be scheduled.

Valid values range from 0 to 65535.


The list of IP SLAs operation ID numbers in the scheduled group operation. Indicate ranges of operation ID numbers with a hyphen. Individual ID numbers and ranges of ID numbers are delimited by a comma. For example, enter a list of operation ID numbers in any of the following ways:

2, 3, 4, 9, 20

10-20, 30-35, 60-70

2, 3, 4, 90-100, 105-115

The operation-id-numbers argument can include a maximum of 125 characters.

schedule-period schedule-period-range

Time (in seconds) for which the IP SLAs group operation is scheduled.

Valid values are from 1 to 604800 seconds.

ageout seconds

(Optional) Number of seconds to keep the operation in memory when it is not actively collecting information. The default is 0 seconds (never ages out).

frequency  group-operation-frequency

(Optional) Number of seconds after which each IP SLAs operation is restarted.

Valid values are from 1 to 604800 seconds.

life forever

(Optional) Schedules the operation to run indefinitely.

life seconds

(Optional) Number of seconds the operation actively collects information. The default is 3600 seconds (one hour).


(Optional) Time when the operation starts collecting information. If the start-time is not specified, no information is collected until the start-time is configured or a trigger occurs that performs a start-time now.


(Optional) Specifies an absolute start time using hours, minutes, and (optionally) seconds. Use the 24-hour clock notation. For example, start-time 01:02 means "start at 1:02 a.m.," and start-time 13:01:30 means "start at 1:01 p.m. and 30 seconds." The current day is implied unless you specify a month and day.


(Optional) Name of the month to start the operation in. If month is not specified, the current month is used. Use of this argument requires that a day be specified as well. You can specify the month by using either the full English name or the first three letters of the month.


(Optional) Number of the day (in the range 1 to 31) to start the operation on. If a day is not specified, the current day is used. Use of this argument requires that a month be specified as well.


(Optional) No information is collected. This is the default value.


(Optional) Indicates that the operation should start immediately.

after hh:mm:ss

(Optional) Indicates that the operation should start hh hours, mm minutes, and ss seconds after this command was entered.


The operation is placed in a pending state (that is, the operation is enabled but is not actively collecting information).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.

Usage Guidelines

Though IP SLAs multioperations scheduling functionality helps in scheduling thousands of operations, you should be cautious while specifying the number of operations, the schedule period, and the group operation frequency to avoid CPU hogging.

For example, consider a scenario where you are scheduling 1 to 780 operations at a schedule period of 60 seconds, the command would be as follows:

rtr group schedule 2 1-780 schedule-period 60 start-now

IP SLAs calculates how many operations it should start in each 1-second interval by dividing the number of operations by the schedule period (780 operations divided by 60 seconds, which is 13 operations per second). Operations 1 to 13 in operation group 2 start after 0 seconds, operations 14 to 26 start after 1 second, operations 27 to 40 start after 2 seconds, and the iteration continues until operations 768 to 780 start after 59 seconds. This high value of operations starting at every 1-second interval (especially for jitter operations) can load the CPU to very high values.

The maximum recommended value of operations per second is 6 or 7. This is approximately 350 to 400 operations per minute. This value of 6 or 7 operation per second will be the maximum that does not have any major performance (CPU) impact. However, this value varies from platform to platform. The above value is verified and tested on a Cisco 2600 router.

Note No warning messages will be displayed if IP SLAs multioperations scheduling leads to a high number of operations starting per second.

When you reboot the router, the IP SLAs multioperations scheduling functionality schedules the operations in the same order as was done before the reboot. For example, assume the following operation had been scheduled:

rtr group schedule 2 1-20 schedule-period 40 start-time now

Over a range of 40 seconds, 20 operations have to be started (that is, one operation every 2 seconds). After the system reboot, operation 1 will start at t seconds and operation 2 starts at t+2 seconds, operation 3 starts at t+4 seconds, and so on.

The IP SLAs multioperations scheduling functionality schedules the maximum number of operations possible without aborting. However, this functionality skips those IP SLAs operations that are already running or those that are not configured and hence do not exist. The total number of operations will be calculated based on the number of operations specified in the command, irrespective of the number of operations that are missing or already running. The IP SLAs multioperations scheduling functionality displays a message showing the number of active and missing operations. However, these messages are displayed only if you schedule operations that are not configured or are already running.


The following example shows how to schedule IP SLAs operations 3, 4, and 6 to 10 in operation group 1:

Router(config)# rtr group schedule 1 3, 4, 6-10

The following example shows how to schedule IP SLAs operations 3, 4, and 6 to 10 in operation group 1, with a schedule period of 20 seconds:

Router(config)# rtr group schedule 1 3, 4, 6-10 schedule-period 20

The following example shows how to schedule IP SLAs operations 3, 4, and 6 to 10 in operation group 1, with a schedule period of 20 seconds with start time as now:

Router(config)# rtr group schedule 1 3, 4, 6-10 schedule-period 20 start-time now

Related Commands


rtr schedule

Enters rtr scheduling mode.

show rtr collection

Displays the collection details of the IP SLAs operation.

show rtr configuration

Displays the configuration details of the IP SLAs operation.

show rtr operation

Displays the operation details of the IP SLAs operation.

rtr schedule

To configure the scheduling parameters for an individual Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs) operation, use the rtr schedule command in global configuration mode. To stop the operation and place it in the default pending state, use the no form of this command.

rtr schedule operation-number [life {forever | seconds}] [start-time {hh:mm[:ss] [month day | day month] | pending | now | after hh:mm:ss}] [ageout seconds] [recurring]

no rtr schedule group-operation-number

Syntax Description


Operation number of the IP SLAs operation being scheduled.

life forever

(Optional) Schedules the operation to run indefinitely.

life seconds

(Optional) Number of seconds the operation actively collects information. The default is 3600 seconds (one hour).


Time when the operation starts.


Specifies an absolute start time using hour, minute, and (optionally) second. Use the 24-hour clock notation. For example, start-time 01:02 means "start at 1:02 a.m.," and start-time 13:01:30 means "start at 1:01 p.m. and 30 seconds." The current day is implied unless you specify a month and day.


(Optional) Name of the month to start the operation in. If month is not specified, the current month is used. Use of this argument requires that a day be specified as well. You can specify the month by using either the full English name or the first three letters of the month.


(Optional) Number of the day (in the range 1 to 31) to start the operation on. If a day is not specified, the current day is used. Use of this argument requires that a month be specified as well.


(Optional) No information is collected. This is the default value.


(Optional) Indicates that the operation should start immediately.

after hh:mm:ss

(Optional) Indicates that the operation should start hh hours, mm minutes, and ss seconds after this command was entered.

ageout seconds

(Optional) Number of seconds to keep the operation in memory when it is not actively collecting information. The default is 0 seconds (never ages out).


(Optional) Indicates that the operation will start automatically at the specified time and for the specified duration every day.


The operation is placed in a pending state (that is, the operation is enabled but not actively collecting information).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The after and forever keywords were added.


The recurring keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S with the recurring keyword.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S. This integration includes the recurring keyword.

Usage Guidelines

After you schedule the operation with the rtr schedule command, you cannot change the configuration of the operation. To change the configuration of the operation, use the no form of the rtr global configuration command and reenter the configuration information.

If the operation is in a pending state, you can define the conditions under which the operation makes the transition from pending to active with the rtr reaction-trigger and rtr reaction-configuration global configuration commands. When the operation is in an active state, it immediately begins collecting information.

The following time line shows the age-out process of the operation:



W is the time the operation was configured with the rtr global configuration command.

X is the start time or start of life of the operation (that is, when the operation became "active").

Y is the end of life as configured with the rtr schedule global configuration command (life seconds have counted down to zero).

Z is the age out of the operation.

Age out starts counting down at W and Y, is suspended between X and Y, and is reset to its configured size at Y.

It is possible for the operation to age out before it executes (that is, Z can occur before X). To ensure that this does not happen, the difference between the operation's configuration time and start time (X and W) must be less than the age-out seconds.

Note The total RAM required to hold the history and statistics tables is allocated at the time of scheduling the IP SLAs operation. This prevents router memory problems when the router gets heavily loaded and lowers the amount of overhead an IP SLAs operation causes on a router when it is active.

For Service Level Monitoring (SLM) operations (type slm), the operation will always start at the nearest 15-minute interval since the router start time. For example, if the rtr schedule 1 start-time now command is used, the operation will not start until the next quarter-hour time increment.

The recurring keyword is only supported for scheduling single IP SLAs operations. You cannot schedule multiple IP SLAs operations using the rtr schedule command. The life value for a recurring IP SLAs operation should be less than one day. The ageout value for a recurring operation must be "never" (which is specified with the value 0), or the sum of the life and ageout values must be more than one day. If the recurring option is not specified, the operations are started in the existing normal scheduling mode.


In the following example, operation 25 begins actively collecting data at 3:00 p.m. on April 5. This operation will age out after 12 hours of inactivity, which can be before it starts or after it has finished with its life. When this operation ages out, all configuration information for the operation is removed (that is, the configuration information is no longer in the running-config in RAM).

Router(config)# rtr schedule 25 life 43200 start-time 15:00 apr 5 ageout 43200

In the following example, operation 1 begins collecting data after a 5-minute delay:

Router(config)# rtr schedule 1 start after 00:05:00

In the following example, operation 3 begins collecting data immediately and is scheduled to run indefinitely:

Router(config)# rtr schedule 3 start-time now life forever

In the following example, operation 15 begins automatically collecting data every day at 1:30 a.m.:

Router(config)# rtr schedule 15 start-time 01:30:00 recurring

Related Commands



Specifies an IP SLAs operation and enters IP SLA configuration mode.

rtr group schedule

Performs group scheduling for IP SLAs operations.

rtr reaction-configuration

Configures certain actions to occur based on events under the control of IP SLAs.

rtr reaction-trigger

Defines a second IP SLAs operation to make the transition from a pending state to an active state when one of the trigger action-type options is defined with the rtr reaction-configuration global configuration command.

show rtr configuration

Displays the configuration details of the IP SLAs operation.

show rtr configuration

To display configuration values including all defaults for all Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs) operations or the specified operation, use the show rtr configuration command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show rtr configuration [operation-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of the IP SLAs operation for which the details will be displayed.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The tabular and full keywords were removed.


Output was added to show the VRF assignment name (if configured).


Output specific to the jitter (codec) operation type was added.


Output pertaining to the RTR reaction configuration (threshold values, reaction types) was removed from the output. RTR reaction configuration is now displayed using the show rtr reaction-configuration command.


Output was added to show the group schedule and the recurring schedule details for the IP SLAs operations.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S. This integration includes output showing the group schedule and the recurring schedule details for the IP SLAs operations.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S. This integration includes output showing the group schedule and the recurring schedule details for the IP SLAs operations.


The following is sample output from the show rtr configuration command for an IP SLAs echo operation:

Router# show rtr configuration

Complete Configuration Table (includes defaults)
Entry Number: 1
Owner: "Sample Owner"
Tag: "Sample Tag Group"
Type of Operation to Perform: echo
Reaction and History Threshold (milliseconds): 5000
Operation Frequency (seconds): 60
Operation Timeout (milliseconds): 5000
Verify Data: FALSE
Status of Entry (SNMP RowStatus): active
Protocol Type: ipIcmpEcho
Target Address:
Request Size (ARR data portion): 1
Response Size (ARR data portion): 1
Life (seconds): 3600
Next Start Time: Start Time already passed
Entry Ageout (seconds): 3600

Number of Statistic Hours kept: 2
Number of Statistic Paths kept: 1
Number of Statistic Hops kept: 1
Number of Statistic Distribution Buckets kept: 1
Number of Statistic Distribution Intervals (milliseconds): 20
Number of History Lives kept: 0
Number of History Buckets kept: 50
Number of History Samples kept: 1
History Filter Type: none

The following is sample output from the show rtr configuration command that verifies the configuration of an IP SLAs HTTP operation:

Router# show rtr configuration

Complete Configuration Table (includes defaults)
Entry Number:3
Type of Operation to Perform:http
Reaction and History Threshold (milliseconds):5000
Operation Frequency (seconds):60
Operation Timeout (milliseconds):5000
Verify Data:FALSE
Status of Entry (SNMP RowStatus):active
Protocol Type:httpAppl
Target Address:
Source Address:
Target Port:0
Source Port:0
Request Size (ARR data portion):1
Response Size (ARR data portion):1
Control Packets:enabled
Loose Source Routing:disabled
LSR Path:
Type of Service Parameters:0x0
HTTP Operation:get
HTTP Server Version:1.0
Cache Control:enabled
Life (seconds):3600
Next Scheduled Start Time:Start Time already passed
Entry Ageout:never

Number of Statistic Hours kept:2
Number of Statistic Paths kept:1
Number of Statistic Hops kept:1
Number of Statistic Distribution Buckets kept:1
Statistic Distribution Interval (milliseconds):20
Number of History Lives kept:0
Number of History Buckets kept:15
Number of History Samples kept:1
History Filter Type:none

The following is sample output from the show rtr configuration command that shows output for a PathJitter operation associated with the VPN vrf1:

Router# show rtr configuration 1

Entry number: 1
Type of operation to perform: pathJitter
Destination address:
Source address:
Number of packets: 10
Interval (milliseconds): 20
Target Only: Disabled
Request size (ARR data portion): 1
Operation timeout (milliseconds): 5000
Type Of Service parameters: 0x0
Verify data: No
Loose Source Routing: Disabled
Vrf Name: vrf1
LSR Path:
Operation frequency (seconds): 60
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed
Life (seconds): 2000
Entry Ageout (seconds): never
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active

The following is sample output from the show rtr configuration command that includes output for the type jitter (codec) operation for VoIP metric monitoring:

Router# show rtr configuration

Entry number: 10
Owner: admin_bofh
Type of operation to perform: jitter
Target address:
Source address:
Target port: 16384
Source port: 0
Operation timeout (milliseconds): 5000
Codec Type: g711alaw
Codec Number Of Packets: 1000
Codec Packet Size: 172
Codec Interval (milliseconds): 20
Advantage Factor: 2
Type Of Service parameters: 0x0
Verify data: No
Vrf Name:
Control Packets: enabled
Operation frequency (seconds): 60
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed
Life (seconds): 3600
Entry Ageout (seconds): never
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active
Threshold (milliseconds): 5000
Number of statistic hours kept: 2
Number of statistic distribution buckets kept: 1
Statistic distribution interval (milliseconds): 20
Enhanced History:

The following is sample output from the show rtr configuration command for a recurring IP SLAs operation, with the recurring state as TRUE:

Router# show rtr configuration

Entry number: 5
Type of operation to perform: udpEcho
Target address:
Source address:
Target port: 989
Source port: 0
Request size (ARR data portion): 16
Operation timeout (milliseconds): 5000
Type Of Service parameters: 0x0
Verify data: No
Data pattern:
Vrf Name:
Control Packets: enabled
Operation frequency (seconds): 60
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed
Group Scheduled: FALSE
Group Schedule Entry number :
Life (seconds): 3600
Entry Ageout (seconds): never
Recurring (Starting everyday): TRUE
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active
Connection loss reaction enabled: No

Related Commands


show rtr application

Displays global information about IP SLAs.

show rtr collection-statistics

Displays statistical errors for all IP SLAs operations or the specified operation.

show rtr distributions-statistics

Displays statistical distribution information (captured response times) for all IP SLAs operations or the specified operation.

show rtr group schedule

Displays the group schedule details of the specified IP SLAs operation.

show rtr history

Displays history collected for all IP SLAs operations or the specified operation.

show rtr operational-state

Displays the operational state of all IP SLAs operations or the specified operation.

show rtr reaction-trigger

Displays the reaction trigger information for all IP SLAs operations or the specified operation.

show rtr totals-statistics

Displays the total statistical values (accumulation of error counts and completions) for all IP SLAs operations or the specified operation.

show rtr group schedule

To display scheduling details of a Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs) group operation, use the show rtr group schedule command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show rtr group schedule [group-operation-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of the IP SLAs group operation to display.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


The following is sample output for the show rtr group schedule command that shows multioperation scheduling information. The last line in the example indicates that the IP SLAs operations are part of a multioperation schedule.

Router# show rtr group schedule

Multi-Scheduling Configuration:
Group Entry Number: 1
Probes to be scheduled: 2,3,4,9-30,89
Schedule period :60
Group operation frequency: 30
Multi-scheduled: TRUE

The following is sample output for the show rtr group schedule command that shows multioperation scheduling information. In this example, the frequency value is the same as the schedule-period value, the life value is 3600 seconds, and the ageout value is never.

Router# show rtr group schedule
Group Entry Number: 1
Probes to be scheduled: 3,4,6-10
Total number of probes: 7
Schedule period: 20
Group operation frequency: Equals schedule period
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed
Life (seconds): 3600
Entry Ageout (seconds): never

Table 1 describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 1 show rtr group schedule Field Descriptions 


Group Entry Number

The group operation number specified for an IP SLAs group operation.

Probes to be scheduled

The operation numbers specified in the operation group 1.

Scheduled period

The time in seconds specified when scheduling the operation.

Group operation frequency

The frequency at which each operation is started.


The value TRUE shows that group scheduling is active.

Related Commands


show rtr configuration

Displays the scheduling details.

show running configuration

Displays the configuration details which includes the IP SLAs multioperation scheduling information.


Posted: Tue Nov 22 16:10:24 PST 2005
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