
Table Of Contents

CNS Image Agent

CNS Image Agent

The CNS Image Agent feature is an infrastructure in Cisco IOS software to enable automated installation and activation of Cisco IOS images on Cisco IOS networking devices.

Configuration Information

Configuration information is included in the "Cisco Networking Services" module of the Cisco IOS Network Management Configuration Guide, Release 12.4T, at the following URL:

The following sections provide information about this feature:

Prerequisites for CNS

Restrictions for CNS

CNS Image Agent

Configuring the CNS Image Agent

Retrieving a CNS Image from a Server

Troubleshooting CNS Agents

Enabling and Configuring CNS Agents: Example

Retrieving a CNS Image from a Server: Examples

For a complete list of features included in the "Cisco Networking Services" module, see the Feature Information Table located toward the end of the module.

Command Reference Information

Command reference information is included in the Cisco IOS Networking Services Command Reference, Release 12.2SB, at the following URL:

New or Modified Commands

The following commands are new or modified for this feature:

clear cns image connections

clear cns image status

cns id

cns image

cns image password

cns image retrieve

cns image retry

debug cns image

show cns image connections

show cns image inventory

show cns image status


Posted: Mon Dec 4 18:07:34 PST 2006
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