Quality of Service for Voice on the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
Feature Overview
This feature describes the software enhancements that support quality of service (QoS) features for voice transmission over a DOCSIS cable network. These enhancements include improving support for
- Delay/jitter requirements of real-time traffic typical of voice, video, and Fax traffic
- Increase in per-modem data throughput,
- New Media Access Control (MAC) scheduler
- MAC messaging support to help support real-time response to your service requests
This feature improves voice transmission over a DOCSIS cable network.
Baseline Privacy Interface (BPI) encryption is not supported when using dynamic Service IDs (SIDs).
Related Features and Technologies
Table 1 lists the IOS cable router features released in the IOS 12.0 timeframe.
Table 1 uBR7200 Series Cable Router Features Available Since 12.0 T
Available With: |
Category |
Feature |
11.3(5)NA & 12.0(3)T
Cable Features
Feature Enhancements
MC16 Modem Card
Access List Support Enhancements
Downstream Channel ID Configuration
Multiple Service ID Support
Cable Modem and Host Subnet Addressing
Telephone Return
Time Server Functionality
Amplitude Averaging Compensation
Cable Interface Bundling
Enhanced Modem Status Display
Show Interface Cable Command Verbose Enhancements
IP Address Verification
Registration Timeout Configuration
Show Cable Modem Command Enhancements
Modem Status Summary Enhancements
Show Controller Command Enhancements
Configuring Concatenation
Virtual Private Network Support
Blind Hopping Support on the MC16S Modem Card
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Data Support
11.3(9)NA and 12.0(4)T
Cable QoS
QoS Profile Enforcement
Quality of Service for Voice
Network Management
Upstream Traffic Shaping Feature
Enhanced-Spectrum Management
Downstream Rate Shaping with TOS bits
Spectrum Management Using the MC16S Modem Card
Downstream Test Signals Configuration
Wireless Features
Point-to-Point Wireless Support
Related Documents
The uBR7200 series cable router is described in Voice, Video, and Home Applications Configuration Guide for Cisco IOS Release 12.0 and in the following online feature modules:
- Cisco uBR7246 Universal Broadband Router Feature Enhancements
- MC16 Modem Card for uBR7200
- uBR7200 Series Access List Support Enhancements
- QoS Profile Enforcement for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Router
- Upstream Traffic Shaping Feature
- Configuring Downstream Channel IDs
- Telephone Return for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Enhanced-Spectrum Management for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Time Server Functionality
- Cable Interface Bundling for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Quality of Service for Voice on the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router (this feature)
- Modem Status Enhancements for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Load Sharing Support
- Cable Modem and Host Subnet Addressing
- MGX Resource Pool Management Hardware Diagnostics
- IP Address Verification for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Configuring the Registration Timeout Value for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Spectrum Management Using the MC16S Modem Card on the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Configuring Downstream Test Signals for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Configuring Concatenation on the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Point-to-Point Wireless Support for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router
- Blind Hopping Support on the MC16S Modem Card for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Downstream Rate Shaping with TOS bits on the uBR7200 Series Cable Router
- Amplitude Averaging Compensation on the Cisco uBR7200 Series Cable Router
Supported Platforms
uBR7200 series cable router
Supported Standards, MIBs, and RFCs
No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature.
No new or modified RFCs are supported by this feature.
Configuration Tasks
See the following to configure this quality of service feature.
Configuring a Modulation Profile
Step |
Command |
Purpose |
Router(config)# cable qos-profile n name
Assigns a name to the QoS profile.
Router(config)# cable qos-profile n priority
Sets the upstream traffic priority.
Router(config)# qos-profile n max-upstream
Sets the maximum upstream traffic rate.
Router(config)# qos-profile n guaranteed-upstream
Sets the guaranteed upstream traffic rate.
Router(config)# qos-profile n grant-size
Sets the size for unsolicited grants.
Router(config)# qos-profile n grant-interval
Sets the interval for unsolicited grants.
Router(config)# qos-profile n max-burst
Sets the maximum rate for upstream transmission bursts.
Router(config)# qos-profile n tos-overwrite
Sets the mask bits to overwrite the Type of Service byte.
Router(config)# qos-profile n max-downstream
Sets the maximum downstream traffic rate.
Router(config)# qos-profile n privacy
Enables baseline privacy.
Router(config)# qos-profile n ip-precedence
Downstream settings are based on IP precedence.
Monitoring and Maintaining QoS for Voice
Command |
Purpose |
Router# s how cable qos profile n
Displays the configuration for the specified profile.
Router# show interface cable x/y sid
Displays each Qos profile configured for the specified cable interface.
Router# show interface cable x/y upstream
Displays quality of service statistics for the upstream channel.
Configuration Examples
The following example shows how a cable modem with a QoS profile 30 created by the cable router (mgmt):
cable qos profile 30 name qostest
cable qos profile 30 grant-int 55
cable qos profile 30 grant-size 100
cable qos profile 30 guaranteed 60000
cable qos profile 30 ip-prec 7
cable qos profile 30 max-bur 256
cable qos profile 30 max-down 3000
cable qos profile 30 max-up 6000
cable qos profile 30 prior 7
cable qos profile 30 privacy
show cable qos profile 30
ID Prio Max Guarantee Max Max TOS TOS Create B IP prec.
upstream upstream downstream tx mask value by priv rate
bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth burst enab enab
30 7 6000000 60000000 100000000 256 0x0 0x0 mgmt yes no
Command Reference
This section documents modified commands. All other commands used with this feature are documented in the Cisco IOS Release 12.0T command reference publications.
- cable qos profile
- show cable qos profile
Note For show and more commands: Required information. When show or more commands are
documented for a feature, you must include the following standard text about the search and filter
functionality (introduced in Release 12.0(1)T) immediately after the bulleted list of commands.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(1)T or later releases, you can search and filter the output for show and more commands. This functionality is useful when you need to sort through large amounts of output, or if you want to exclude output that you do not need to see.
To use this functionality, enter a show or more command followed by the "pipe" character (|), one of the keywords begin, include, or exclude, and an expression that you want to search or filter on:
- command | {begin | include | exclude} regular-expression
See the following example of the show atm vc command in which you want the command output to begin with the first line where the expression "PeakRate" appears:
- show atm vc | begin PeakRate
For more information on the search and filter functionality, refer to the Cisco IOS Release 12.0(1)T feature module CLI String Search.
cable qos profile
To configure a QoS profile, enter the cable qos profile global configuration command. To either set default values for profile group numbers 1 or 2 or remove the QoS profile if no specific parameters remain, enter the no form of this command.
- cable qos profile {groupnum | grant-interval {interval} | grant-size {size} | guaranteed-upstream {rate} | ip-precedence {value} | max-burst {rate} | max-downstream {rate} | max-upstream {rate} | name {string} | priority {value} | privacy | tos-overwrite {value}}
- no cable qos profile {groupnum | grant-interval {interval} | grant-size {size} | guaranteed-upstream {rate} | ip-precedence {value} | max-burst {rate} | max-downstream {rate} | max-upstream {rate} | name {string} | priority {value} | privacy | tos-overwrite {value}}
Syntax Description
QoS profile group number. Qos profiles 1 and 2 are required by the system. QoS profile 1 is used during registration, and QoS profile 2 is the default QoS profile. Both profiles are preconfigured and cannot be removed. However, you can modify these profiles.
The periodic interval in microseconds at which the cable modem (CM) wants to send the fixed-sized upstream MAC frames. It is used to compute the period in between constant bit rate (CBR) slots for the CM. Valid range is from 0 to 65535.
The size of the DOCSIS MAC frame the CM wants periodically to send on the upstream transmission. This value in bytes does not include any PHY layer overhead. It includes the complete fixed MAC frame size starting from the frame control byte to the CRC of the protocol data unit (PDU). This parameter is used by the CMTS to set the size of the periodic CBR slot for the CM after adding the PHY overhead.
Guaranteed minimum upstream rate in kilobytes per second. Valid values are from 0 to 100000. Default value is 0 (no reserved rate).
Bits in the TOS byte that enable you to configure individual data rate limits on a per modem basis. Valid values are from 0 to 7.
Maximum upstream transmit burst size in bytes that the modem can send for any single transmit burst. Valid values are from 0 to 65535 bytes. Default value is 0 (no limit).
Maximum downstream data rate in kilobytes per second that a modem using this QoS profile receives. Valid values are from 0 to 100000. Default value is 0 (no downstream rate limit).
Maximum upstream data rate in kilobytes per second that a modem using this QoS profile receives. Valid values are from 0 to 255. Default value is 0 (no upstream rate limit).
QoS name string.
Relative priority number assigned to upstream traffic by this QoS profile. Valid values are from 0 to 7 with 7 being the highest priority. Default value is 0.
Enables cable baseline privacy.
Overwrite the Type of Service (TOS) field in the IP datagrams received on the upstream before forwarding them downstream (or IP backbone). This parameter sets the hexadecimal mask bits to a hexadecimal value, thereby helping the CMTS identify datagrams for QoS on the backbone. Valid range is from 0x0 to 0xFF.
The value substituted for the TOS value. See tos_overwrite.
No default behavior or values.
Command Mode
Global configuration
Command History
Release |
Modification |
11.3 NA
This command was introduced.
Command was included in the mainline release.
The ip-precedence keyword was added and the max-downstream range was increased.
Output was reorganized and name, grant-size, and grant-interval parameters were added.
See the following example to configure QoS profile 4 with guaranteed upstream of 2 kbps, maximum transmission burst of 2, an IP precedence of 7, a maximum downstream rate of 300 kbps, with a priority of 4, cable baseline privacy set, and a tos-overwrite mask and value byte (in hex) of 0x7:
cable qos profile 4 name Mondayqos
cable qos profile 4 guaranteed-upstream 2
cable qos profile 4 max-burst 2
cable qos profile 4 ip-precedence 7 max-downstream 300
cable qos profile 4 priority 4
cable qos profile 4 tos-overwrite 0x7
Related Commands
Command |
Description |
cable qos permission
Configures permissions for updating the QoS table.
show cable qos profile
Displays QoS profiles.
show cable qos profile
To display QoS profiles, use the show cable qos profile privileged EXEC configuration command.
- show cable qos profile qos profile index [verbose]
Syntax Description
qos profile index
(Optional) Displays the index of the QoS profile specified.
(Optional) Displays all details for the specified QoS profile index.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
This command was introduced.
The command was included in the mainline release.
tos-overwrite option was added.
verbose option was added.
The following example shows the full QoS table for profile 30:
show cable qos profile 30 verbose
Upstream Traffic Priority 7
Upstream Maximum Rate (bps) 6000000
Upstream Guaranteed Rate (bps) 60000000
Unsolicited Grant Size (bytes) 100
Unsolicited Grant Interval (usecs) 55000
Upstream Maximum Transmit Burst (bytes) 256
IP Type of Service Overwrite Mask 0x0
IP Type of Service Overwrite Value 0x0
Downstream Maximum Rate (bps) 100000000
Baseline Privacy Enabled yes
IP precedence rate limits
Table 2 describes the fields shown in the show cable qos profile displays.
Table 2 Show cable qos profile Command Field Descriptions
Field |
Description |
Profile Index
Profile number.
The name string for this profile.
Upstream Traffic Priority
Priority level for upstream traffic.
Upstream Maximum Rate (bps)
Maximum upstream transmission rate in bits per second.
Upstream Guarantee Rate (bps)
Guaranteed minimum upstream rate in bits per second.
Unsolicited Grant Size (bytes)
Number of grant-size parameters in bytes. Grant Size is used by the CMTS to set the size of the periodic CBR slot for the CM after adding the PHY overhead.
Unsolicited Grant Interval (usecs)
Number of unsolicited grant intervals in microseconds. The grant-interval parameter is used to compute the period in between CBR slots for the CM.
Upstream Maximum Transmit Burst (bytes)
Maximum transmit burst size in bytes.
IP Type of Service Overwrite Mask
Hex value of the mask bits.
IP Type of Service Overwrite Value
Value of the mask byte. This is the value the CMTS will overwrite into the ToS field (after masking bits specified in the ToS-mask parameter) of the IP datagram before forwarding the datagram into IP backbone/downstream. The IP ToS overwrite feature helps to propagate cable access QoS onto the IP backbone.
Downstream Maximum Rate (bps)
Minimum upstream transmission rate in bits per second.
Created by
Identity of the profile creator.
Baseline Privacy Enabled
Reports yes if Baseline Privacy is enabled for this QoS profile. Reports no if Baseline Privacy is not enabled for this Qos profile.
IP Precedence rate limits
Value of the IP precedence and the transmission rate limit in bits per second.
Related Commands
Command |
Description |
cable qos permission
Sets permissions for updating QoS tables.
cable qos profile
Configures QoS profiles.
show cable qos permission
Displays the status of permissions for updating QoS tables.
Debug Commands
This section documents new debug commands. All other commands used with this feature are documented in the Cisco IOS Release 12.0T command reference publications.
- debug cable dynsrv
- debug cable scheduler
debug cable dynsrv
To display debug messages for all dynamic MAC messages at the router, use the debug cable dynsrv privileged EXEC mode command. To stop debugging dynamic MAC messages, use the no form of this command.
- [no] debug cable dynsrv
Syntax Description
- This command has no arguments or keywords.
No default behavior or values.
Command History
Release |
Modification |
This command was introduced.
The following example shows the message you receive when you turn debugging on and off:
debug cable dynsrv
CMTS dynsrv debugging is on
no debug cable dynsrv
CMTS dynsrv debugging is off
Related Commands
Command |
Description |
debug cable scheduler
Displays debug messages for admission control activity and reception of unsolicited grants.
debug cable scheduler
To display debug messages for admission control activity and reception of unsolicited grants, use the debug cable scheduler privileged EXEC command. To stop debugging, use the no form of this command.
- [no] debug cable scheduler [admission-control | unsolicited-grants]
Syntax Description
Debugs admission control activity.
Debugs the average delay and maximum delay jitter of unsolicited grants received by a specified SID for a specified cable interface.
Note: Make sure only one debugging SID is active per cable interface at a time.
No default behavior or values.
Command History
Release |
Modification |
This command was introduced.
The following example shows the message you receive when you turn debugging on and off:
debug cable sched
CMTS scheduler debugging is on
no debug cable sched
CMTS scheduler debugging is off
To debug admission control activity of the new MAC scheduler on a cable interface c3/0, see the following command:
debug cable scheduler admission-control
debug cable interface cable 3/0
To debug the average delay, maximum delay jitter on the unsolicited grants received by SID 9 on cable interface cable 3/0, see the following command:
debug cable scheduler unsolicited-grants
debug cable interface cable 3/0 sid 9
Related Commands
Command |
Description |
debug cable dynsrv
Debugs dynamic MAC messages.







Posted: Wed Dec 17 09:20:41 PST 2003
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