
Table of Contents

ATM Commands

ATM Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Wide-Area Networking Command Reference.

atm aal aal3/4

To enable support for ATM adaptation layer 3/4 (AAL3/4) on an ATM interface, use the atm aal aal3/4 interface configuration command. To disable support for ATM adaptation layer 3/4 (AAL3/4) on an ATM interface, use the no form of this command.

atm aal aal3/4
no atm aal aal3/4

atm address-registration

To enable the router to engage in address registration and callback functions with the Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI), use the atm address-registration interface configuration command. To disable ILMI address registration functions, use the no form of this command.

atm address-registration
no atm address-registration

atm arp-server

To identify an ATM Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) server for the IP network or set time-to-live (TTL) values for entries in the ATM ARP table, use the atm arp-server interface configuration command. To remove the definition of an ATM ARP server, use the no form of this command.

atm arp-server [self [time-out minutes] | nsap nsap-address]]
no atm arp-server
[self [time-out minutes] | nsap nsap-address]]

self (Optional) Specifies the current router as the ATM ARP server.
time-out minutes (Optional) Number of minutes a destination entry listed in the ATM ARP server's ARP table will be kept before the server takes any action to verify or time out the entry. The default is 20 minutes.
nsap nsap-address (Optional) Network service access point (NSAP) address of an ATM ARP server.

atm backward-max-burst-size-clp0

To change the maximum number of high-priority cells coming from the destination router to the source router at the burst level on the switched virtual circuit (SVC), use the atm backward-max-burst-size-clp0 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default.

atm backward-max-burst-size-clp0 cell-count
no atm backward-max-burst-size-clp0

cell-count Maximum number of high-priority cells coming from the destination router at the burst level. Default is -1.

atm backward-max-burst-size-clp1

To request the maximum number of low-priority and high-priority cells coming from the destination router to the source router at the burst level on the SVC, use the atm backward-max-burst-size-clp1 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm backward-max-burst-size-clp1 cell-count
no atm backward-max-burst-size-clp1

cell-count Maximum number of low-priority and high-priority cells coming from the destination router at the burst level. Default is -1.

atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp0

To change the peak rate of high-priority cells coming from the destination router to the source router on the SVC, use the atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp0 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default.

atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp0 rate
no atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp0

rate Maximum rate in kilobits per second (kbps) at which this SVC can receive high-priority cells from the destination router. Default is -1. Maximum upper range is 155,000 kbps.

atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp1

To request the peak rate of low-priority and high-priority cells coming from the destination router to the source router on the SVC, use the atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp1 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default.

atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp1 rate
no atm backward-peak-cell-rate-clp1

rate Maximum rate in kilobits per second (kbps) at which this SVC can receive low-priority and high-priority cells from the destination router. Default is -1. Maximum upper range is 7,113,539 kbps (limited by 0xffffff cells-per-second).

atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0

To change the sustainable rate of high-priority cells coming from the destination router to the source router on the SVC, use the atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default.

atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0 rate
no atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0

rate Sustainable rate in kilobits per second (kbps) at which this SVC can receive high-priority cells from the destination router. Default is -1. Maximum upper range is 155,000 kbps.

atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1

To request the sustainable rate of low-priority and high-priority cells coming from the destination router to the source router on the SVC, use the atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1 rate
no atm backward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1

rate Sustainable rate in kilobits per second (kbps) at which this SVC can receive low-priority and high-priority cells from the destination router. Default is -1. Maximum upper range is 7,113,539 kbps (limited by 0xffffff cells-per-second).

atm class

To specify a class for an ATM interface, use the atm class global configuration command. The no form of this command deletes this class from the interface.

atm class class-name
no atm class

class-name User-assigned name of the traffic parameters table.

atm clock internal

To cause the ATM interface to generate the transmit clock internally, use the atm clock internal interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm clock internal
no atm
clock internal

atm ds3-scramble

To enable scrambling of the ATM cell payload for the DS-3 PLIM, use the atm ds3-scramble interface configuration command. To disable this functionality, use the no form of this command.

atm ds3-scramble
no atm ds3-scramble

atm esi-address

To enter the end station ID (ESI) and selector byte fields of the ATM NSAP address, use the atm esi-address interface configuration command. The NSAP address prefix is filled in via ILMI from the ATM switch. The no form deletes the end station address.

atm esi-address esi.selector
no atm esi-address

esi End station ID field value in hexadecimal; 6 bytes long.
selector Selector field value in hexadecimal; 1 byte long.

atm exception-queue

To set the exception queue length, use the atm exception-queue interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm exception-queue number
no atm

number Number of entries in the range of 8 to 256. Default is 32 entries.

atm forward-max-burst-size-clp0

To change the maximum number of high-priority cells going from the source router to the destination router at the burst level on the SVC, use the atm forward-max-burst-size-clp0 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm forward-max-burst-size-clp0 cell-count
no atm forward-max-burst-size-clp0

cell-count Maximum number of high-priority cells going from the source router at the burst level. Default is -1.

atm forward-max-burst-size-clp1

To request the maximum number of low-priority and high-priority cells going from the source router to the destination router at the burst level on the SVC, use the atm forward-max-burst-size-clp1 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm forward-max-burst-size-clp1 cell-count
no atm forward-max-burst-size-clp1

cell-count Maximum number of low-priority and high-priority cells going from the source router at the burst level. Default is -1.

atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp0

To change the peak rate of high-priority cells going from the source router to the destination router on the SVC, use the atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp0 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp0 rate
no atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp0

rate Maximum rate in kilobits per second (kbps) at which this SVC can send high-priority cells from the source router. Default is -1. Maximum upper range is 155,000 kbps.

atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp1

To request the peak rate of low-priority and high-priority cells coming from the source router to the destination router on the SVC, use the atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp1 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp1 rate
no atm forward-peak-cell-rate-clp1

rate Maximum rate in kilobits per second (kbps) at which this SVC can send low-priority and high-priority cells from the source router. Default is -1. Maximum upper range is 7,113,539 kbps (limited by 0xffffff cells-per-second).

atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0

To change the sustainable rate of high-priority cells coming from the source router to the destination router on the SVC, use the atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0 rate
no atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp0

rate Sustainable rate in kilobits per second (kbps) at which this SVC can send high-priority cells from the source router. Default is -1. Maximum upper range is 155,000 kbps.

atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1

To request the sustainable rate of low-priority and high-priority cells coming from the source router to the destination router on the SVC, use the atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1 map-class configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1 rate
no atm forward-sustainable-cell-rate-clp1

rate Sustainable rate in kilobits per second (kbps) at which this SVC can send low-priority and high-priority cells from the source router. Default is -1. Maximum upper range is 7,113,539 kbps (limited by 0xffffff cells-per-second).

atm framing (DS3)

To specify DS3 line framing on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers, use the following form of the atm framing interface configuration command. To return to the default C-bit with Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP) framing, use the no form of this command.

atm framing [m23adm | cbitplcp | m23plcp]
no atm framing
[m23adm | cbitplcp | m23plcp]

m23adm (Optional) Specifies M-23 ATM direct mapping.
cbitplcp (Optional) Specifies C-bit with PLCP framing.
m23plcp (Optional) Specifies M-23 with PLCP framing.

atm framing (E3)

To specify E3 line framing, use the atm framing interface configuration command. To return to the default G.751 Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP) framing, use the no form of this command.

atm framing g832adm (Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers)
no atm framing g832adm

atm framing [g832adm | g751adm] (Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers)
no atm framing
[g832adm | g751adm]

g832adm (Required for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers; optional for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers) Specifies G.832 ATM Direct Mapping.
g751adm (Optional) Specifies G.751 ATM Direct Mapping.

atm idle-timeout

To change the idle timer for SVCs on an interface that will cause the SVCs to disconnect when inactive for a specified interval, use the atm idle-timeout interface configuration command. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

atm idle-timeout seconds
no atm idle-timeout

seconds Number of seconds the SVC can be inactive before disconnecting. Setting seconds to 0 disables idle timeouts.

atm ilmi-keepalive

To enable Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) keepalives, use the atm ilmi-keepalive interface configuration command. To disable ILMI keepalives, use the no form of this command.

atm ilmi-keepalive [seconds]
no atm ilmi-keepalive

seconds (Optional) Number of seconds between keepalives. The default is 3 seconds. Values less than 3 seconds are rounded to 3 seconds, and there is no upper bound to the range of values.

atm maxvc

To set the ceiling value of the virtual circuit descriptor (VCD) on the ATM interface, use the atm maxvc interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

atm maxvc number
no atm maxvc

number Maximum number of supported virtual circuits. Valid values are 256, 512, 1024, or 2048. Default is 2048.

atm mid-per-vc

To limit the number of message identifier (MID) numbers allowed on each virtual circuit, use the atm mid-per-vc interface configuration command.

atm mid-per-vc maximum

maximum Number of MIDs allowed per virtual circuit on this interface. The values allowed are 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024. The default is 16 MIDs per virtual circuit.

atm multicast

To assign a Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) E.164 multicast address to the ATM subinterface that supports AAL3/4 and SMDS encapsulation, use the atm multicast interface configuration command.

atm multicast address

address Multicast E.164 address assigned to the subinterface.

atm multipoint-interval

To specify how often new destinations can be added to multipoint calls to an ATM switch in the network, use the atm multipoint-interval interface configuration command. To return to the default interval, use the no form of this command.

atm multipoint-interval interval
no atm multipoint-interval

interval Interval length in seconds, in the range between 0 and 4294967. The default is 30 seconds.

atm multipoint-signalling

To enable point-to-multipoint signaling to the ATM switch, use the atm multipoint-signalling interface configuration command. To disable point-to-multipoint signaling to the ATM switch, use the no form of this command.

atm multipoint-signalling
no atm multipoint-signalling


To define an ATM map statement for an SVC, use the atm-nsap map-list configuration command in conjunction with the map-list global configuration command. The no form of this command removes the address.

protocol protocol-address atm-nsap atm-nsap-address [class class-name] [broadcast]
protocol protocol-address atm-nsap atm-nsap-address [class class-name] [broadcast]

protocol One of the following keywords: appletalk, apollo, bridge, clns, decnet, ip, ipx, vines, xns.
protocol-address Destination address that is being mapped to this SVC.
atm-nsap-address Destination ATM NSAP address. Must be exactly 40 hexadecimal digits long and in the correct dotted format.
class class-name (Optional) Name of a table that contains encapsulation-specific parameters. Such a table can be shared between maps that have the same encapsulation.
broadcast (Optional) Indicates this map entry is to be used when the corresponding protocol sends broadcast packets to the interface--for example, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) updates.

atm nsap-address

To set the NSAP address for an ATM interface using SVC mode, use the atm nsap-address interface configuration command. The no form of this command removes any configured address for the interface.

atm nsap-address nsap-address
no atm nsap-address

nsap-address The 40-digit hexadecimal NSAP address of this interface (the source address).

atm pvc

To create a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) on an ATM interface and, optionally, to generate Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) F5 loopback cells or enable Inverse ATM ARP, use the atm pvc interface configuration command. The no form of this command removes the specified PVC.

atm pvc vcd vpi vci aal-encap [[midlow midhigh] [peak average [burst]]] [inarp [minutes]]
oam [seconds]]
no atm pvc vcd vpi vci aal-encap [[midlow midhigh] [peak average [burst]]] [inarp [minutes]]
oam [seconds]]

atm pvc vcd vpi vci aal5ciscoppp [peak average [burst]] [oam [seconds]] virtual-template
number (used for PPP over ATM only)
no atm pvc
vcd vpi vci aal5ciscoppp [peak average [burst]] [oam [seconds]]
number (used for PPP over ATM only)

vcd Virtual circuit descriptor. A unique number that identifies to the processor which VPI-VCI pair to use for a particular packet. Valid values range from 1 to the value set with the atm maxvc command. The AIP or ATM port adapter requires this feature to manage packet transmission. The vcd value is not associated with the VPI-VCI pair used for the ATM network cells. The NPM has a hard coded max vcd value of 1023.
vpi ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) of this PVC. On the Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers, this value ranges from 0 to 255; on the Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 series, this value ranges from 0 to 1 less than the quotient of 8192 divided by the value set by the atm vc-per-vp command.

The VPI is an 8-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VPI value is unique only on a single link, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only. The VPI value must match that of the switch.

The arguments vpi and vci cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.

vci ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) of this PVC, in the range of 0 to 1 less than the maximum value set for this interface by the atm vc-per-vp command. Typically, lower values 0 to 31 are reserved for specific traffic (for example, F4 OAM, SVC signaling, ILMI, and so on) and should not be used.

The VCI is a 16-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VCI value is unique only on a single link, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only.

The arguments vpi and vci cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.

aal-encap ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and encapsulation type. When the aal5mux keyword is specified, a protocol is required. Possible values are as follows:

· aal34smds--Encapsulation for SMDS networks. This option is supported on the AIP and is not available for the ATM port adapter.

· aal5nlpid--Encapsulation that allows ATM interfaces to interoperate with High-Speed Serial Interfaces (HSSIs) that are using an ATM data service unit (ADSU) and running ATM-Data Exchange Interface (DXI).

· aal5mux apollo--A multiplex (MUX)-type virtual circuit.

· aal5mux appletalk--A MUX-type virtual circuit.

· aal5mux decnet--A MUX-type virtual circuit.

· aal5mux ip--A MUX-type virtual circuit.

· aal5mux ipx--A MUX-type virtual circuit.

· aal5mux vines--A MUX-type virtual circuit.

· aal5mux xns--A MUX-type virtual circuit.

· aal5ciscoppp--Encapsulation for PPP over ATM.

· aal5snap--Logical Link Control/Subnetwork Access Protocol (LLC/SNAP) precedes the protocol datagram. This is the only encapsulation supported for Inverse ARP.

· ilmi--Used to set up communication with the ILMI; the associated vpi and vci values are ordinarily 0 and 16, respectively.

· qsaal--A signaling-type PVC used for setting up or tearing down SVCs; the associated vpi and vci values are ordinarily 0 and 5, respectively.

midlow (Set for the aal34smds encapsulation only) (Optional) Starting message identifier (MID) number for this PVC. The default is 0. If you set the peak and average (burst is optional) values for aal34smds encapsulation, you must also set the midlow and midhigh values.

This option is not available for the ATM port adapter.

midhigh (Set for the aal34smds encapsulation only) (Optional) Ending MID number for this PVC. The default is 0. If you set the peak and average (burst is optional) values for aal34smds encapsulation, you must also set the midlow and midhigh values.

This option is not available for the ATM port adapter.

peak (Optional) Maximum rate (in kbps) at which this virtual circuit can transmit. Valid values are in the range from 1 to the maximum rate set for a rate queue. If you set this value, you must also specify the average (burst is optional) value. If you set the peak and average values for aal34smds encapsulation, you must also set the midlow and midhigh values.

This option is not available for the ATM port adapter.

average (Optional) Average rate (in kbps) at which this virtual circuit transmits. Valid values are platform dependent. If you set this value, you must also specify the peak (burst is optional) value. If you set the peak and average values for aal34smds encapsulation, you must also set the midlow and midhigh values.

This option is not available for the ATM port adapter.

burst (Optional) Value that relates to the maximum number of ATM cells the virtual circuit can transmit to the network at the peak rate of the PVC. On the AIP, the actual burst cells equals burst * 32 cells, thereby allowing for a burst size of 32 cells to 2016 cells. On the ATMZR the value is not multiplied. If you set this value, you must also specify a value for the peak and average values.

On the AIP, burst can range from 1 to 63

On the ATMZR, burst can range from 1 to 65535

This option is not available for the ATM port adapter.

inarp minutes (Set for the aal5snap encapsulation only) (Optional) Specifies how often Inverse ARP datagrams are sent on this virtual circuit. The default value is 15 minutes.
oam seconds (Optional) Specifies how often to generate an OAM F5 loopback cell from this virtual circuit. The default value is 10 seconds.
virtual-template number (Required for aal5ciscoppp encapsulation only) Specifies the number used to identify the virtual template.

atm rate-queue

To create a permanent rate queue for the AIP or NPM, use the atm rate-queue interface configuration command. The no form of this command removes the rate queue.

atm rate-queue queue-number speed
no atm rate-queue

queue-number Queue number in the range 0 through 7 for the Cisco 7500 series, and in the range 0 through 3 for the Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700.

Queues 0 through 3 are in the high-priority bank, and queues 4 through 7 are in the low-priority bank. Queues in the same priority bank have the same priority; for example, queues 0 and 3 have the same priority.

speed Speed in megabits per second (Mbps) in the range from 1 through 155. The maximum speed is determined by the detected PLIM type on the AIP or NPM:

· 34 Mbps for E3

· 45 Mbps for DS-3

· 100 Mbps for Transparent Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver Interface (TAXI)

· 155 Mbps for Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)

atm rawq-size

To define the AIP raw-queue size, use the atm rawq-size interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm rawq-size number
no atm rawq-size

number Maximum number of cells in the raw queue simultaneously, in the range 8 through 256. Default is 32.

atm rxbuff

To set the maximum number of receive buffers for simultaneous packet reassembly, use the atm rxbuff interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm rxbuff number
no atm rxbuff

number Maximum number of packet reassemblies that the AIP can perform simultaneously, in the range 0 through 512. Default is 256.

atmsig close atm

To disconnect an SVC, use the atmsig close EXEC command.

atmsig close atm slot/0 vcd (for the AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers, for the ATM port adapter
on Cisco 7200 series routers)

atmsig close atm
slot/port-adapter/0 vcd (for the ATM port adapter on Cisco 7500 series routers)

atmsig close atm number vcd (for the NPM on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers)

number ATM network processor module number for the NPM on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers.
port-adapter ATM port adapter number for the ATM port adapter on the Cisco 7500 series routers.
slot ATM slot number for the following:

· AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers.

· ATM port adapter on Cisco 7200 series routers and Cisco 7500 series routers.

vcd Virtual circuit descriptor of the signaling SVC to close.

atm sig-traffic-shaping strict

To specify that an SVC should be established on an ATM interface only if shaping can be done per the signaled traffic parameters, use the atm sig-traffic-shaping strict interface configuration command. To disable strict traffic shaping, use the no form of this command.

atm sig-traffic-shaping strict
no atm sig-traffic-shaping

atm smds-address

To assign a unicast E.164 address to the ATM subinterface that supports AAL3/4 and SMDS encapsulation, use the atm smds-address interface configuration command.

atm smds-address address

address Unicast E.164 address assigned to the subinterface.

atm sonet stm-1

To set the mode of operation and thus control type of ATM cell used for cell-rate decoupling on the SONET PLIM, use the atm sonet interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default Synchronous Transport Signal level 3, concatenated (STS-3c) operation.

atm sonet stm-1
no atm sonet stm-1

stm-1 Synchronous Digital Hierarchy/Synchronous Transport Signal level 1 (SDH/STM-1) operation (ITU-T specification).

atm txbuff

To set the maximum number of transmit buffers for simultaneous packet fragmentation, use the atm txbuff interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm txbuff number
no atm txbuff

number Maximum number of packet fragmentations that the AIP can perform simultaneously, in the range 0 through 512. Default is 256.

atm uni-version

To specify the User-Network Interface (UNI) version (3.0 or 3.1) the router should use when ILMI link autodetermination is unsuccessful or ILMI is disabled, use the atm uni-version interface configuration command. To restore the default value to 3.0, use the no form of this command.

atm uni-version version-number
no atm uni-version version-number

version-number UNI version selected on an interface. Valid values are 3.0 and 3.1.


To define an ATM map statement for a PVC, use the atm-vc map-list configuration command in conjunction with the map-list global configuration command. To remove the address, use the no form of this command.

protocol protocol-address atm-vc vcd [broadcast]
no protocol protocol-address atm-vc vcd [broadcast]

protocol One of the following keywords: appletalk, apollo, bridge, clns, decnet, ip, ipx, vines, or xns.
protocol-address Destination address that is being mapped to this PVC.
vcd Virtual circuit descriptor of the PVC.
broadcast (Optional) Indicates that this map entry is to be used when the corresponding protocol sends broadcast packets to the interface--for example, IGRP updates. Provides pseudobroadcasting support.

atm vc-per-vp

To set the maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI, use the atm vc-per-vp interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm vc-per-vp number
no atm vc-per-vp

number Maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI. On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series routers, valid values are: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024. On the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7200 series and Cisco 7500 series routers, valid values are: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, or 2048. On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers, valid values are: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192. Default is 1024.

atm vp-filter

To set the AIP filter register, use the atm vp-filter interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

atm vp-filter hexvalue
no atm vp-filter

hexvalue Value in hexadecimal format. Default is 0x7B.

dxi map

To map a protocol address to a given VPI and VCI, use the dxi map interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the mapping for that protocol and protocol address.

dxi map protocol protocol-address vpi vci [broadcast]
no dxi map
protocol protocol-address

protocol One of the following bridging or protocol keywords: apollo, appletalk, bridge, clns, decnet, ip, novell, vines, or xns.
protocol-address Protocol-specific address.
vpi Virtual path identifier in the range 0 to 15.
vci Virtual circuit identifier in the range 0 to 63.
broadcast (Optional) Broadcasts should be forwarded to this address.

dxi pvc

To configure multiprotocol or single protocol ATM-DXI encapsulation, use the dxi pvc interface configuration command. The no form of this command disables multiprotocol ATM-DXI encapsulation.

dxi pvc vpi vci [snap | nlpid | mux]
no dxi pvc
vpi vci [snap | nlpid | mux]


ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) of this PVC, in the range from 0 through 255. The VPI is an 8-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VPI value is unique only on a single interface, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only.

Both vpi and vci cannot be specified as 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.


ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) of this PVC, in the range of 0 through 65535. The VCI is a 16-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VCI value is unique only on a single interface, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only.

Both vpi and vci cannot be specified as 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.


(Optional) LLC/SNAP encapsulation based on the protocol used in the packet. This keyword defines a PVC that can carry multiple network protocols. This is the default.

nlpid (Optional) RFC 1294/1490 encapsulation. This option is provided for backward compatibility with the default encapsulation in earlier versions of the Cisco IOS software.
mux (Optional) MUX encapsulation; the carried protocol is defined by the dxi map command when the PVC is set up. This keyword defines a PVC that carries only one network protocol.

encapsulation atm-dxi

Use the encapsulation atm-dxi interface configuration command to enable ATM-DXI encapsulation. The no form of this command disables ATM-DXI.

encapsulation atm-dxi
no encapsulation atm-dxi

interface atm

To configure an ATM interface type and enter interface configuration mode, use the interface atm global configuration command.

interface atm number (for the NPM on Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers)
interface atm slot/0  (for the AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers; for the ATM port adapter on
Cisco 7200 series routers)
interface atm slot/port-adapter/0  (for the ATM port adapter on Cisco 7500 series routers)

interface atm number.subinterface-number {multipoint | point-to-point} (for the NPM on
Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers)
interface atm slot/0.subinterface-number {multipoint | point-to-point} (for the AIP on
Cisco 7500 series routers; for the ATM port adapter on Cisco 7200 series routers)
interface atm slot/port-adapter/0.subinterface-number {multipoint | point-to-point} (for the
ATM port adapter on Cisco 7500 series routers)

number On Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers, specifies the NPM number. The numbers are assigned at the factory at the time of installation or when added to a system, and can be displayed with the show interfaces command.
port-adapter ATM port adapter number for the ATM port adapter on Cisco 7500 series routers. The value can be 0 or 1.
slot On the Cisco 7000 series routers with RSP7000 and Cisco 7200 series, specifies the backplane slot number. On the 7000, value can be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. On the Cisco 7010, value can be 0, 1, or 2. The slots are numbered from left to right. On the Cisco 7505, the slot number can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 from bottom to top. On the Cisco 7507, the slot number can be 0 and 1 (CyBus0) and 4 through 6 (Cybus1), from left to right. On the Cisco 7513, the slot numbers are 0 through 5 (CyBus 0) and 8 through 12 (CyBus 1), from left to right.
.subinterface-number Subinterface number in the range 1 to 4294967293.
multipoint | point-to-point Specifies a multipoint or point-to-point subinterface. There is no default.


Use the following form of the loopback interface configuration command, to place one of the following into to loopback mode:

loopback [diagnostic | line]
no loopback [diagnostic | line]

loopback [cell | diagnostic | line | payload]
no loopback
[cell | diagnostic | line | payload]

cell (Optional) Place the interface into external loopback at cell level.
diagnostic (Optional) Place the interface into internal loopback at the PLIM.
line (Optional) Place the interface into external loopback at the line. This is the default.
payload (Optional) Place the interface into external loopback at the payload level.

map-class atm

To enter map-class configuration mode to define parameters used to signal a request for an ATM SVC (the SETUP message), use the map-class atm global configuration command. The no form of this command deletes this class.

map-class atm class-name
no map-class atm

class-name User-assigned name of the traffic parameters table.


To associate an ATM map list to an interface or subinterface for either a PVC or SVC, use the map-group interface configuration command. The no form of this command removes the reference to the map list.

map-group name
no map-group

name Name of the map list identified by the map-list command.


To define an ATM map statement for either a PVC or SVC, use the map-list global configuration command. The no form of this command deletes this list and all associated map statements.

map-list name
no map-list

name Name of the map list.

show atm arp-server

To display the ATM ARP server's information about one specific interface or all interfaces, use the show atm arp-server user EXEC command.

show atm arp-server [atm slot/port[.subinterface-number]] (Cisco 7200 series with ATM port
Cisco 7500 series with AIP)
show atm arp-server [atm slot/port-adapter/port[.subinterface-number]] (Cisco 7500 series
with ATM port adapter)
show atm arp-server [atm number[.subinterface-number]] (Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700

atm slot/port (Optional) ATM slot and port numbers on the following:

· Cisco 7200 series with ATM port adapter

· Cisco 7500 series with AIP

atm slot/port-adapter/port (Optional) ATM slot, port adapter, and port numbers on the following on the Cisco 7500 series with ATM port adapter
atm number (Optional) ATM network processor module (NPM) number on the Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers.
.subinterface-number (Optional) Subinterface number.

show atm interface atm

To display ATM-specific information about an ATM interface, use the show atm interface atm privileged EXEC command.

show atm interface atm slot/port (Cisco 7200 series with ATM port adapter; Cisco 7500 series
with AIP)
show atm interface atm
slot/port-adapter/port (Cisco 7500 series with ATM port adapter)
show atm interface atm number (Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers)

slot/port ATM slot number and port number on the following:

· Cisco 7200 series with ATM port adapter

· Cisco 7500 series with AIP

slot/port-adapter/port ATM slot, port adapter, and port number on the Cisco 7500 series with ATM port adapter
number NPM number for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers.

show atm map

To display the list of all configured ATM static maps to remote hosts on an ATM network, use the show atm map privileged EXEC command.

show atm map

show atm traffic

To display current, global ATM traffic information to and from all ATM networks connected to the router, use the show atm traffic privileged EXEC command.

show atm traffic

show atm vc

To display all active ATM virtual circuits (PVCs and SVCs) and traffic information, use the show atm vc privileged EXEC command.

show atm vc [vcd]

vcd (Optional) Specifies which virtual circuit about which to display information.

show dxi map

To display all the protocol addresses mapped to a serial interface, use the show dxi map EXEC command.

show dxi map

show dxi pvc

To display the PVC statistics for a serial interface, use the show dxi pvc EXEC command.

show dxi pvc

show interfaces atm

Use the show interfaces atm privileged EXEC command to display information about the ATM interface.

show interfaces atm [slot/port] (Cisco 7200 series with ATM port adapter; and Cisco 7500
series with AIP)

show interfaces atm [slot/port-adapter/port] (Cisco 7500 series with ATM port adapter)

slot (Optional) ATM slot number for the following:

· AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers.

· ATM port adapter on Cisco 7200 series routers and Cisco 7500 series routers.

port-adapter (Optional) Port adapter number on the VIP2, either 0 or 1.
port (Optional) Port number; the value must be 0.

show sscop

To show Service-Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol (SSCOP) details for all ATM interfaces, use the show sscop privileged EXEC command.

show sscop

sscop cc-timer

To change the connection control timer, use the sscop cc-timer interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

sscop cc-timer seconds
no sscop cc-timer

seconds Number of seconds between Begin messages. Default is 10 seconds.

sscop keepalive-timer

To change the keepalive timer, use the sscop keepalive-timer interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

sscop keepalive-timer seconds
no sscop keepalive-timer

seconds Number of seconds the router waits between transmission of POLL PDUs when no sequential data (SD) or SDP PDUs are queued for transmission or are outstanding pending acknowledgments.

sscop max-cc

To change the retry count of connection control, use the sscop max-cc interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

sscop max-cc retries
no sscop max-cc

retries Number of times that SSCOP will retry to transmit BGN (establishment), END (release), or RS (resynchronization) PDUs as long as an acknowledgment has not been received. Valid range is 1 to 6000. The default is 10.

sscop poll-timer

To change the poll timer, use the sscop poll-timer interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

sscop poll-timer seconds
no sscop poll-timer

seconds Number of seconds the router waits between transmission of POLL PDUs. The default is 10 seconds.

sscop rcv-window

To change the receiver window, use the sscop rcv-window interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

sscop rcv-window packets
no sscop rcv-window

packets Number of packets the interface can receive before it must send an acknowledgment to the ATM switch. Valid range is 1 to 6000. The default is 7.

sscop send-window

To change the transmitter window, use the sscop send-window interface configuration command. The no form of this command restores the default value.

sscop send-window packets
no sscop send-window

packets Number of packets the interface can send before it must receive an acknowledgment from the ATM switch. Valid range is 1 to 6000. The default is 7.

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