
Table of Contents

AppleTalk Commands

AppleTalk Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for AppleTalk commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 2.

access-list additional-zones

To define the default action to take for access checks that apply to zones, use the access-list additional-zones global configuration command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} additional-zones

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.

access-list cable-range

To define an AppleTalk access list for a cable range (for extended networks only), use the access-list cable-range global configuration command. To remove an access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} cable-range cable-range
[broadcast-deny | broadcast-permit]
no access-list access-list-number [{deny | permit} cable-range cable-range
[broadcast-deny | broadcast-permit]]

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.
cable-range Cable range value. The argument specifies the start and end of the cable range, separated by a hyphen. These values are decimal numbers from 1 to 65279. The starting network number must be less than or equal to the ending network number.
broadcast-deny (Optional) Denies access to broadcast packets if the conditions are matched.
broadcast-permit (Optional) Permits access to broadcast packets if the conditions are met.

access-list includes

To define an AppleTalk access list that overlaps any part of a range of network numbers or cable ranges (for both extended and nonextended networks), use the access-list includes global configuration command. To remove an access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} includes cable-range
[broadcast-deny | broadcast-permit]
no access-list access-list-number [{deny | permit} includes cable-range
[broadcast-deny | broadcast-permit]]

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.
cable-range Cable range or network number. The argument specifies the start and end of the cable range, separated by a hyphen. These values are decimal numbers from 1 to 65279. The starting network number must be less than or equal to the ending network number. To specify a network number, set the starting and ending network numbers to the same value.
broadcast-deny (Optional) Denies access to broadcast packets if the conditions are matched.
broadcast-permit (Optional) Permits access to broadcast packets if the conditions are met.

access-list nbp

To define an AppleTalk access list entry for a particular Name Binding Protocol (NBP) named entity, class of NBP named entities, NBP packet type, or NBP named entities belonging to a specific zone, use the access-list nbp global configuration command. To remove an NBP access list entry from the access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} nbp sequence-number {BrRq | FwdRq |
Lookup | LkReply |  object string | type string | zone string}
no access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} nbp sequence-number {BrRq | FwdRq |
Lookup | LkReply |  object string | type string | zone string}

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if conditions are matched.
sequence-number A number used to tie together two or three portions of an NBP name tuple and to keep track of the number of access-list nbp entries in an access list. Each command entry must have a sequence number.
BrRq Broadcast Request packet type.
FwdRq Forward Request packet type.
Lookup Lookup packet type.
LkReply Lookup Reply packet type.
object Characterizes string as the portion of an NBP name that identifies a particular object or named entity.
type Characterizes string as the portion of an NBP name that identifies a category or type of named entity.
zone Characterizes string as the portion of an NBP name that identifies an AppleTalk zone.
string A portion of an NBP name identifying the object, type, or zone of a named entity. The name string can be up to 32 characters long, and it can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, type a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For an NBP name with a leading space, enter the first character as the special sequence: 20.

access-list network

To define an AppleTalk access list for a single network number (that is, for a nonextended network), use the access-list network global configuration command. To remove an access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} network network
[broadcast-deny | broadcast-permit]
no access-list access-list-number [{deny | permit} network network
[broadcast-deny | broadcast-permit]]

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.
network AppleTalk network number.
broadcast-deny (Optional) Denies access to broadcast packets if the conditions are matched.
broadcast-permit (Optional) Permits access to broadcast packets if the conditions are met.

access-list other-access

To define the default action to take for subsequent access checks that apply to networks or cable ranges, use the access-list other-access global configuration command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} other-access

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.

access-list other-nbps

To define the default action to take for access checks that apply to NBP packets from named entities not otherwise explicitly denied or permitted, use the access-list other-nbps global configuration command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} other-nbps
no access-list
access-list-number {deny | permit} other-nbps

access-list-number Number of the access list for AppleTalk. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if conditions are matched.

access-list within

To define an AppleTalk access list for an extended or a nonextended network whose network number or cable range is included entirely within the specified cable range, use the access-list within global configuration command. To remove this access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} within cable-range
no access-list
access-list-number [{deny | permit} within cable-range]

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.
cable-range Cable range or network number. The argument specifies the start and end of the cable range, separated by a hyphen. These values are decimal numbers from 1 to 65279. The starting network number must be less than or equal to the ending network number. To specify a network number, set the starting and ending network numbers to the same value.

access-list zone

To define an AppleTalk access list that applies to a zone, use the access-list zone global configuration command. To remove an access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} zone zone-name
no access-list
access-list-number [{deny | permit} zone zone-name]

access-list number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.
zone-name Name of the zone. The name can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, type a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence :20.

appletalk access-group

To assign an access list to an interface, use the appletalk access-group interface configuration command. To remove the access list, use the no form of this command.

appletalk access-group access-list-number [in | out]
no appletalk access-group access-list-number

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.
in (Optional) Filters on incoming packets.
out (Optional) Filters on outgoing packets. This is the default direction.

appletalk address

To enable nonextended AppleTalk routing on an interface, use the appletalk address interface configuration command. To disable nonextended AppleTalk routing, use the no form of this command.

appletalk address network.node
no appletalk address [network.node]

network.node AppleTalk network address assigned to the interface. The argument network is the 16-bit network number in the range 0 to 65279. The argument node is the 8-bit node number in the range 0 to 254. Both numbers are decimal and separated by a period.

appletalk alternate-addressing

To display network numbers in a two-octet format, use the appletalk alternate-addressing global configuration command. To return to displaying network numbers in the format network.node, use the no form of this command.

appletalk alternate-addressing
no appletalk alternate-addressing

appletalk arp interval

To specify the time interval between retransmissions of Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets, use the appletalk arp interval global configuration command. To restore both default intervals, use the no form of this command.

appletalk arp [probe | request] interval interval
no appletalk arp
[probe | request] interval interval

probe (Optional) Interval to be used with AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol (AARP) requests that are trying to determine the address of the local router when the Cisco IOS software is being configured. If you omit probe and request, probe is the default.
request (Optional) Indicates that the interval specified is to be used when AARP is attempting to determine the hardware address of another node so that AARP can deliver a packet.
interval Interval, in milliseconds, between AARP transmissions. The minimum value is 33 ms. When used with the probe keyword, the default interval is 200 ms. When used with the request keyword, the default interval is 1,000 ms.

appletalk arp retransmit-count

To specify the number of AARP probe or request transmissions, use the appletalk arp retransmit-count global configuration command. To restore both default values, use the no form of this command.

appletalk arp [probe | request] retransmit-count number
no appletalk arp
[probe | request] retransmit-count number

probe (Optional) Indicates that the number specified is to be used with AARP requests that are trying to determined the address of the local router when the Cisco IOS software is being configured. If you omit probe and request, probe is the default.
request (Optional) Indicates that the number specified is to be used when AARP is attempting to determine the hardware address of another node so that AARP can deliver a packet.
number Number of AARP retransmissions that will occur. The minimum number is 1. When used with the probe keyword, the default value is 10 retransmissions. When used with the request keyword, the default value is 5 retransmissions. Specifying 0 selects the default value.

appletalk arp-timeout

To specify the interval at which entries are aged out of the ARP table, use the appletalk arp-timeout interface configuration command. To return to the default timeout, use the no form of this command.

appletalk arp-timeout interval
no appletalk arp-timeout

interval Time, in minutes, after which an entry is removed from the AppleTalk ARP table. The default is 240 minutes (4 hours).

appletalk aurp tickle-time

To set the Apple Update-Based Routing Protocol (AURP) last-heard-from timer value, use the appletalk aurp tickle-time interface configuration command. To return to the default last-heard-from timer value, use the no form of this command.

appletalk aurp tickle-time seconds
no appletalk aurp tickle-time [seconds]

seconds Time-out value, in seconds. This value can be a number in the range 30 to infinity. The default is 90 seconds.

appletalk aurp update-interval

To set the minimum interval between AURP routing updates, use the appletalk aurp update-interval global configuration command. To return to the default interval, use the no form of this command.

appletalk aurp update-interval seconds
no appletalk aurp update-interval [seconds]

seconds AURP routing update interval, in seconds. This interval must be a multiple of 10. The default is 30 seconds.

appletalk cable-range

To enable an extended AppleTalk network, use the appletalk cable-range interface configuration command. To disable an extended AppleTalk network, use the no form of this command.

appletalk cable-range cable-range [network.node]
no appletalk cable-range cable-range [network.node]

cable-range Cable range value. The argument specifies the start and end of the cable range, separated by a hyphen. These values are decimal number from 0 to 65279. The starting network number must be less than or equal to the ending network number.
network.node (Optional) Suggested AppleTalk address for the interface. The argument network is the 16-bit network number, and the argument node is the 8-bit node number. Both numbers are decimal and separated by a period. The suggested network number must fall within the specified range of network numbers.

appletalk checksum

To enable the generation and verification of checksums for all AppleTalk packets (except routed packets), use the appletalk checksum global configuration command. To disable checksum generation and verification, use the no form of this command.

appletalk checksum
no appletalk checksum

appletalk client-mode

To allow users to access an AppleTalk zone when dialing into an asynchronous line (on Cisco routers, only via the auxiliary port) use the appletalk client-mode interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

appletalk client-mode
no appletalk client-mode

appletalk discovery

To place an interface into discovery mode, use the appletalk discovery interface configuration command. To disable discovery mode, use the no form of this command.

appletalk discovery
no appletalk discovery

appletalk distribute-list in

To filter routing updates received from other routers over a specified interface, use the appletalk distribute-list in interface configuration command. To remove the routing table update filter, use the no form of this command.

appletalk distribute-list access-list-number in
no appletalk distribute-list
[access-list-number in]

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.

appletalk distribute-list out

To filter routing updates transmitted to other routers, use the appletalk distribute-list out interface configuration command. To remove the routing table update filter, use the no form of this command.

appletalk distribute-list access-list-number out
no appletalk distribute-list
[access-list-number out]

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.

appletalk domain-group

To assign a predefined domain number to an interface, use the appletalk domain-group interface configuration command. To remove an interface from a domain, use the no form of this command.

appletalk domain-group domain-number
no appletalk domain-group

domain-number Number of an AppleTalk domain. It can be a decimal integer from 1 to 1000000.

appletalk domain hop-reduction

To reduce the hop-count value in packets traveling between segments of a domains, use the appletalk domain hop-reduction global configuration command. To disable the reduction of hop-count values, use the no form of this command.

appletalk domain domain-number hop-reduction
no appletalk domain
domain-number hop-reduction

domain-number Number of an AppleTalk domain. It can be a decimal integer from 1 to 1000000.

appletalk domain name

To create a domain and assign it a name and number, use the appletalk domain name global configuration command. To remove a domain, use the no form of this command.

appletalk domain domain-number name domain-name
no appletalk domain domain-number name domain-name

domain-number Number of an AppleTalk domain. It can be a decimal integer from 1 to 1000000.
domain-name Name of an AppleTalk domain. The name must be unique across the AppleTalk internetwork. It can be up to 32 characters long and can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, type a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequenc: 20.

appletalk domain remap-range

To remap ranges of AppleTalk network numbers or cable ranges between two segments of a domain, use the appletalk domain remap-range global configuration command. To disable remapping, use the no form of this command.

appletalk domain domain-number remap-range {in | out} cable-range
no appletalk domain domain-number remap-range {in | out} [cable-range]

domain-number Number of an AppleTalk domain. It can be a decimal integer from 1 to 1000000.
in Specifies that the remapping is performed on inbound packets (that is, on packets arriving into the local interenterprise network). All network numbers or cable ranges coming from the domain are remapped into the specified range.
out Specifies that the remapping is performed on outbound packets (that is, on packets exiting from the local interenterprise network). All network numbers or cable ranges going to the domain are remapped into the specified range.
cable-range The argument specifies the start and end of the cable range, separated by a hyphen. The starting network must be the first AppleTalk network number or the beginning of the cable range to remap. The number must be immediately followed by a hyphen. The ending network must be the last AppleTalk network number or the end of the cable range to remap.

appletalk eigrp active-time

To specify the length of time that Enhanced IGRP routes can be active, use the appletalk eigrp active-time global configuration command. To return to the default value of one minute, use the no form of the command.

appletalk eigrp active-time {minutes | disabled}
no appletalk eigrp active-time

minutes Enhanced IGRP active state time (in minutes). Valid values are from 1 to 4294967295 minutes.
disabled Disables the Enhanced IGRP active state time limit. Routes remain active indefinitely.

appletalk eigrp-bandwidth-percent

To configure the percentage of bandwidth that may be used by Enhanced IGRP on an interface, use the appletalk eigrp-bandwidth-percent interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

appletalk eigrp-bandwidth-percent percent
no appletalk eigrp-bandwidth-percent

percent Percentage of bandwidth that Enhanced IGRP may use.

appletalk eigrp log-neighbor-changes

To enable the logging of changes in Enhanced IGRP neighbor adjacencies, use the appletalk eigrp log-neighbor-changes global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

appletalk eigrp log-neighbor-changes
no appletalk eigrp log-neighbor-changes

The arguments have the following meanings:
address Neighbor address.
state Up or down.
reason Reason for change.

appletalk eigrp-splithorizon

To enable split horizon, use the appletalk eigrp-splithorizon interface configuration command. To disable split horizon, use the no form of this command.

appletalk eigrp-splithorizon
no appletalk eigrp-splithorizon

appletalk eigrp-timers

To configure the AppleTalk Enhanced IGRP hello packet interval and the route hold time, use the appletalk eigrp-timers interface configuration command. To return to the default values for these timers, use the no form of this command.

appletalk eigrp-timers hello-interval hold-time
no appletalk eigrp-timers
hello-interval hold-time

hello-interval Interval between hello packets, in seconds. The default interval is 5 seconds. It can be a maximum of 30 seconds.
hold-time Hold time, in seconds. The hold time is advertised in hello packets and indicates to neighbors the length of time they should consider the sender valid. The hold time can be in the range 15 to 90 seconds.

appletalk event-logging

To log significant network events, use the appletalk event-logging global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

appletalk event-logging
no appletalk event-logging

appletalk free-trade-zone

To establish a free-trade zone, use the appletalk free-trade-zone interface configuration command. To disable a free-trade zone, use the no form of this command.

appletalk free-trade-zone
no appletalk free-trade-zone

appletalk getzonelist-filter

To filter GZL replies, use the appletalk getzonelist-filter interface configuration command. To remove a filter, use the no form of this command.

appletalk getzonelist-filter access-list-number
no appletalk getzonelist-filter

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.

appletalk glean-packets

To derive AARP table entries from incoming packets, use the appletalk glean-packets interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

appletalk glean-packets
no appletalk glean-packets

appletalk ignore-verify-errors

To allow the Cisco IOS software to start functioning even if the network is misconfigured, use the appletalk ignore-verify-errors global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

appletalk ignore-verify-errors
no appletalk ignore-verify-errors

appletalk iptalk

To enable IPTalk encapsulation on a tunnel interface, use the appletalk iptalk interface configuration command. To disable IPTalk encapsulation, use the no form of this command.

appletalk iptalk network zone
no appletalk iptalk [network zone]

network AppleTalk network address assigned to the interface. The argument network is the 16-bit network number in decimal.
zone Name of the zone for the connected AppleTalk network.

appletalk iptalk-baseport

To specify the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number when configuring IPTalk, use the appletalk iptalk-baseport global configuration command. To return to the default UDP port number, use the no form of this command.

appletalk iptalk-baseport port-number
no appletalk iptalk-baseport [port-number]

port-number First UDP port number in the range of UDP ports used in mapping AppleTalk well-known DDP socket numbers to UDP ports.

appletalk lookup-type

To specify which NBP service types are retained in the name cache, use the appletalk lookup-type global configuration command. To disable the caching of services, use the no form of this command.

appletalk lookup-type service-type
no appletalk lookup-type

service-type AppleTalk service types. The name of a service type can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, type a colon followed by two hexadecimal numbers. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence: 20.

appletalk macip dynamic

To allocate IP addresses to dynamic MacIP clients, use the appletalk macip dynamic global configuration command. To delete a MacIP dynamic address assignment, use the no form of this command.

appletalk macip dynamic ip-address [ip-address] zone server-zone
no appletalk macip
[dynamic ip-address [ip-address] zone server-zone]

ip-address IP address, in four-part, dotted decimal notation. To specify a range, enter two IP addresses, which represent the first and last addresses in the range.
zone server-zone Zone in which the MacIP server resides. The argument server-zone can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, specify a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence :20. For a list of Macintosh characters, refer to Apple Computer's Inside AppleTalk publication.

appletalk macip server

To establish a MacIP server for a zone, use the appletalk macip server global configuration command. To shut down a MacIP server, use the no form of this command.

appletalk macip server ip-address zone server-zone
no appletalk macip
[server ip-address zone server-zone]

ip-address IP address, in four-part dotted decimal notation. It is suggested that this address match the address of an existing IP interface.
zone server-zone Zone in which the MacIP server resides. The argument server-zone can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, specify a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence :20. For a list of Macintosh characters, refer to Apple Computer's Inside AppleTalk publication.

appletalk macip static

To allocate an IP address to be used by a MacIP client that has reserved a static IP address, use the appletalk macip static global configuration command. To delete a MacIP static address assignment, use the no form of this command.

appletalk macip static ip-address [ip-address] zone server-zone
no appletalk macip
[static ip-address [ip-address] zone server-zone]

ip-address IP address, in four-part, dotted decimal format. To specify a range, enter two IP addresses, which represent the first and last addresses in the range.
zone server-zone Zone in which the MacIP server resides. The argument server-zone can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, specify a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence :20. For a list of Macintosh characters, refer to Apple Computer's Inside AppleTalk publication.

appletalk maximum-paths

To define the maximum number of equal-cost paths the router should use when balancing the traffic load, use the appletalk maximum-paths global configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

appletalk maximum-paths [paths]
no appletalk maximum-paths [paths]

paths Maximum number of equal-cost paths to be used for balancing the traffic load. The paths argument is a decimal number in the range of 1 to 16.

appletalk name-lookup-interval

To set the interval between service pollings by the router on its AppleTalk interfaces, use the appletalk name-lookup-interval global configuration command. To purge the name cache and return to the default polling interval, use the no form of this command.

appletalk name-lookup-interval seconds
no appletalk name-lookup-interval

seconds Interval, in seconds, between NBP lookup pollings. This can be any positive integer; there is no upper limit. It is recommended that you use an interval between 300 seconds (5 minutes) and 1,200 seconds (20 minutes). The smaller the interval, the more packets are generated to handle the names. Specifying an interval of 0 purges all entries from the name cache and disables the caching of service type information that is controlled by the appletalk lookup-type command, including the caching of information about our routers.

appletalk permit-partial-zones

To permit access to the other networks in a zone when access to one of those networks is denied, use the appletalk permit-partial-zones global configuration command. To deny access to all networks in a zone if access to one of those networks is denied, use the no form of this command.

appletalk permit-partial-zones
no appletalk permit-partial-zones

appletalk pre-fdditalk

To enable the recognition of pre-FDDITalk packets, use the appletalk pre-fdditalk global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

appletalk pre-fdditalk
no appletalk pre-fdditalk

appletalk protocol

To specify the routing protocol to use on an interface, use the appletalk protocol interface configuration command. To disable a routing protocol, use the no form of this command.

appletalk protocol {aurp | eigrp | rtmp}
no appletalk protocol {aurp | eigrp
| rtmp}

aurp Specifies that the routing protocol to use is AURP. You can enable AURP only on tunnel interfaces.
eigrp Specifies that the routing protocol to use is Enhanced IGRP.
rtmp Specifies that the routing protocol to use is RTMP, which is enabled by default.

appletalk proxy-nbp

To assign a proxy network number for each zone in which there is a router that supports only nonextended AppleTalk, use the appletalk proxy-nbp global configuration command. To delete the proxy, use the no form of this command.

appletalk proxy-nbp network-number zone-name
no appletalk proxy-nbp
[network-number zone-name]

network-number Network number of the proxy. It is a 16-bit decimal number and must be unique on the network. This is the network number that will be advertised by the Cisco IOS software as if it were a real network number.
zone-name Name of the zone that contains the devices that support only nonextended AppleTalk. The name can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, type a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence :20.

appletalk require-route-zones

To prevent the advertisement of routes (network numbers or cable ranges) that have no assigned zone, use the appletalk require-route-zones global configuration command. To disable this option and allow the Cisco IOS software to advertise to its neighbors routes that have no network-zone association, use the no form of this command.

appletalk require-route-zones
no appletalk require-route-zones

appletalk route-cache

To enable fast switching on all supported interfaces, use the appletalk route-cache interface configuration command. To disable fast switching, use the no form of this command.

appletalk route-cache
no appletalk route-cache

appletalk route-redistribution

To redistribute RTMP routes into AppleTalk Enhanced IGRP and vice versa, use the appletalk route-redistribution global configuration command. To keep Enhanced IGRP and RTMP routes separate, use the no form of this command.

appletalk route-redistribution
no appletalk route-redistribution

appletalk routing

To enable AppleTalk routing, use the appletalk routing global configuration command. To disable AppleTalk routing, use the no form of this command.

appletalk routing [eigrp router-number]
no appletalk routing
[eigrp router-number]

eigrp router-number (Optional) Specifies the Enhanced IGRP routing protocol. The argument router-number is the router ID. It can be a decimal integer from 1 to 65535. It must be unique in your AppleTalk Enhanced IGRP internetwork.

appletalk rtmp-stub

To enable AppleTalk RTMP stub mode, use the appletalk rtmp-stub interface configuration command. To disable this mode, use the no form of the command.

appletalk rtmp-stub
no appletalk rtmp-stub

appletalk send-rtmps

To allow the Cisco IOS software to send routing updates to its neighbors, use the appletalk send-rtmps interface configuration command. To block updates from being sent, use the no form of this command.

appletalk send-rtmps
no appletalk send-rtmps

appletalk static cable-range

To define a static route or a floating static route on an extended network, use the appletalk static cable-range global configuration command. To remove a static route, use the no form of this command.

appletalk static cable-range cable-range to network.node [floating] zone zone-name
no appletalk static cable-range cable-range to network.node [floating] [zone zone-name]

cable-range Cable range value. The argument specifies the start and end of the cable range, separated by a hyphen. These values are decimal number from 0 to 65279. The starting network number must be less than or equal to the ending network number.
to network.node AppleTalk network address of the remote router. The argument network is the 16-bit network number in the range 0 to 65279. The argument node is the 8-bit node number in the range 0 to 254. Both numbers are decimal.
floating (Optional) Specifies that this route is a floating static route, which is a static route that can be overridden by a dynamically learned route.
zone zone-name Name of the zone on the remote network. The name can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, type a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence :20.

appletalk static network

To define a static route or a floating static route on a nonextended network, use the appletalk static network global configuration command. To remove a static route, use the no form of this command.

appletalk static network network-number to network.node [floating] zone zone-name
no appletalk static network network-number to network.node [floating] [zone zone-name]

network-number AppleTalk network number assigned to the interface. It is a 16-bit decimal number and must be unique on the network. This is the network number that will be advertised by the Cisco IOS software as if it were a real network number.
to network.node AppleTalk network address of the remote router. The argument network is the 16-bit network number in the range 0 to 65279. The argument node is the 8-bit node number in the range 0 to 254. Both numbers are decimal.
floating (Optional) Specifies that this route is a floating static route, which is a static route that can be overridden by a dynamically learned route.
zone zone-name Name of the zone on the remote network. The name can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, type a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence :20.

appletalk strict-rtmp-checking

To perform maximum checking of routing updates to ensure their validity, use the appletalk strict-rtmp-checking global configuration command. To disable the maximum checking, use the no form of this command.

appletalk strict-rtmp-checking
no appletalk strict-rtmp-checking

appletalk timers

To change the routing update timers, use the appletalk timers global configuration command. To return to the default routing update timers, use the no form of this command.

appletalk timers update-interval valid-interval invalid-interval
no appletalk timers
[update-interval valid-interval invalid-interval]

update-interval Time, in seconds, between routing updates sent to other routers on the network. The default is 10 seconds.
valid-interval Time, in seconds, that the Cisco IOS software will consider a route valid without having heard a routing update for that route. The default is 20 seconds (two times the update interval).
invalid-interval Time, in seconds, that the route is retained after the last update. The default is 60 seconds (three times the valid interval).

appletalk virtual-net

To add AppleTalk users logging in on an asynchronous line and using PPP encapsulation to an internal network, use the appletalk virtual-net global configuration command. To remove an internal network, use the no form of this command.

appletalk virtual-net network-number zone-name
no appletalk virtual-net network-number zone-name

network-number AppleTalk network address assigned to the interface. This is a 16-bit decimal network number in the range 0 to 65279. The network address must be unique across your AppleTalk internetwork.
zone-name Name of a new or existing zone to which the AppleTalk user will belong.

appletalk zip-query-interval

To specify the interval at which the Cisco IOS software sends ZIP queries, use the appletalk zip-query-interval global configuration command. To return to the default interval, use the no form of this command.

appletalk zip-query-interval interval
no zip-query-interval

interval Interval, in seconds, at which the software sends ZIP queries. It can be any positive integer. The default is 10 seconds.

appletalk zip-reply-filter

To configure a ZIP reply filter, use the appletalk zip-reply-filter interface configuration command. To remove a filter, use the no form of this command.

appletalk zip-reply-filter access-list-number
no appletalk zip-reply-filter [access-list-number]

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 600 to 699.

appletalk zone

To set the zone name for the connected AppleTalk network, use the appletalk zone interface configuration command. To delete a zone, use the no form of this command.

appletalk zone zone-name
no appletalk zone

zone-name Name of the zone. The name can include special characters from the Apple Macintosh character set. To include a special character, type a colon followed by two hexadecimal characters. For zone names with a leading space character, enter the first character as the special sequence :20.

clear appletalk arp

To delete all entries or a specified entry from the AARP table, use the clear appletalk arp EXEC command.

clear appletalk arp [network.node]

network.node (Optional) AppleTalk network address to be deleted from the AARP table. The argument network is the 16-bit network number in the range 0 to 65279. The argument node is the 8-bit node number in the range 0 to 254. Both numbers are decimal.

clear appletalk neighbor

To delete all entries or a specified entry from the neighbor table, use the clear appletalk neighbor EXEC command.

clear appletalk neighbor [neighbor-address]

neighbor-address (Optional) Network address of the neighboring router to be deleted from the neighbor table. The address is in the format network.node. The argument network is the 16-bit network number in the range 1 to 65279. The argument node is the 8-bit node number in the range 0 to 254. Both numbers are decimal.

clear appletalk route

To delete entries from the routing table, use the clear appletalk route EXEC command.

clear appletalk route [network]

network (Optional) Number of the network to which the route provides access.

clear appletalk traffic

To reset AppleTalk traffic counters, use the clear appletalk traffic EXEC command.

clear appletalk traffic

clear smrp mcache

To remove all fast-switching entries in the Sample Multicast Routing Protocol (SMRP) fast-switching cache table, use the clear smrp mcache EXEC command.

clear smrp mcache

ping (privileged)

To check host reachability and network connectivity, use the ping privileged EXEC command.

ping [appletalk] [network.node]

appletalk (Optional) Specifies the AppleTalk protocol.
network.node (Optional) AppleTalk address of the system to ping.

ping (user)

To check host reachability and network connectivity, use the ping user EXEC command.

ping appletalk network.node

appletalk Specifies the AppleTalk protocol.
network.node AppleTalk address of the system to ping.

show appletalk access-lists

To display the AppleTalk access lists currently defined, use the show appletalk access-lists user EXEC command.

show appletalk access-lists

show appletalk adjacent-routes

To display routes to networks that are directly connected or that are one hop away, use the show appletalk adjacent-routes privileged EXEC command.

show appletalk adjacent-routes

show appletalk arp

To display the entries in the ARP cache, use the show appletalk arp privileged EXEC command.

show appletalk arp

show appletalk aurp events

To display the pending events in the AURP update-events queue, use the show appletalk aurp events privileged EXEC command.

show appletalk aurp events

show appletalk aurp topology

To display entries in the AURP private path database, which consists of all paths learned from exterior routers, use the show appletalk aurp topology privileged EXEC command.

show appletalk aurp topology

show appletalk cache

To display the routes in the AppleTalk fast-switching table on an extended AppleTalk network, use the show appletalk cache EXEC command.

show appletalk cache

show appletalk domain

To display all domain-related information, use the show appletalk domain EXEC command.

show appletalk domain [domain-number]

domain-number (Optional) Number of an AppleTalk domain about which to display information. It can be a decimal integer from 1 to 1000000.

show appletalk eigrp interfaces

To display information about interfaces configured for Enhanced IGRP, use the show appletalk eigrp interfaces EXEC command.

show appletalk eigrp interfaces [type number]

type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show appletalk eigrp neighbors

To display the neighbors discovered by Enhanced IGRP, use the show appletalk eigrp neighbors EXEC command.

show appletalk eigrp neighbors [interface]

interface (Optional) Displays information about the specified neighbor router.

show appletalk eigrp topology

To display the AppleTalk Enhanced IGRP topology table, use the show appletalk eigrp topology EXEC command.

show appletalk eigrp topology [network-number | active | zero-successors]

network-number (Optional) Number of the AppleTalk network whose topology table entry you want to display.
active (Optional) Displays the entries for all active routes.
zero-successors (Optional) Displays the entries for destinations for which no successors exist. These entries are destinations that the Cisco IOS software currently does not know how to reach via Enhanced IGRP. This option is useful for debugging network problems.

show appletalk globals

To display information and settings about the AppleTalk internetwork and other parameters, use the show appletalk globals EXEC command.

show appletalk globals

show appletalk interface

To display the status of the AppleTalk interfaces configured in the Cisco IOS software and the parameters configured on each interface, use the show appletalk interface privileged EXEC command.

show appletalk interface [brief] [type number]

brief (Optional) Displays a brief summary of the status of the AppleTalk interfaces.
type (Optional) Interface type. It can be one of the following types: asynchronous, dialer, Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), Token Ring
(IEEE 802.5), FDDI, High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI), Virtual Interface, ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI), ATM interface, loopback, null, or serial.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show appletalk macip-clients

To display status information about all known MacIP clients, use the show appletalk macip-clients EXEC command.

show appletalk macip-clients

show appletalk macip-servers

To display status information about related servers, use the show appletalk macip-servers EXEC command.

show appletalk macip-servers

show appletalk macip-traffic

To display statistics about MacIP traffic through the router, use the show appletalk macip-traffic privileged EXEC command.

show appletalk macip-traffic

show appletalk name-cache

To display a list of NBP services offered by nearby routers and other devices that support NBP, use the show appletalk name-cache privileged EXEC command.

show appletalk name-cache

show appletalk nbp

To display the contents of the NBP name registration table, use the show appletalk nbp EXEC command.

show appletalk nbp

show appletalk neighbors

To display information about the AppleTalk routers that are directly connected to any of the networks to which this router is directly connected, use the show appletalk neighbors EXEC command.

show appletalk neighbors [neighbor-address]

neighbor-address (Optional) Displays information about the specified neighbor router.

show appletalk remap

To display domain remapping information, use the show appletalk remap EXEC command.

show appletalk remap [domain domain-number [{in | out} [{to | from} domain-network]]]

domain domain-number (Optional) Number of an AppleTalk domain about which to display remapping information. It can be a decimal integer from 1 through 1000000.
in (Optional) Displays remapping information about inbound packets, that is, on packets entering the local segment of the domain.
out (Optional) Displays remapping information about outbound packets, that is on packets exiting from the local segment of the domain.
to (Optional) Displays information about the network number or cable range to which an address has been remapped.
from (Optional) Displays information about the original network number or cable range.
domain-network (Optional) Number of an AppleTalk network.

show appletalk route

To display all entries or specified entries in the AppleTalk routing table, use the show appletalk route EXEC command.

show appletalk route [network | type number]

network (Optional) Displays the routing table entry for the specified network.
type number (Optional) Displays the routing table entries for networks that can be reached via the specified interface type and number.

show appletalk sockets

To display all information or specified information about process-level operation in the sockets of an AppleTalk interface, use the show appletalk sockets privileged EXEC command.

show appletalk sockets [socket-number]

socket-number (Optional) Displays information about the specified socket number.

show appletalk static

To display information about the statically defined routes, including floating static routes, use the show appletalk static EXEC command.

show appletalk static

show appletalk traffic

To display statistics about AppleTalk traffic, including MacIP traffic, use the show appletalk traffic EXEC command.

show appletalk traffic

show appletalk zone

To display all entries or specified entries in the zone information table, use the show appletalk zone EXEC command.

show appletalk zone [zone-name]

zone-name (Optional) Displays the entry for the specified zone.

show smrp forward

To display all entries or specific entries in the SMRP forwarding table, use the show smrp forward EXEC command.

show smrp forward [appletalk [group-address]]


(Optional) Displays SMRP forwarding table entries for all AppleTalk networks. Currently SMRP services are supported over AppleTalk only.

group-address (Optional) SMRP group address. All members of a group listen for multicast packets on this address.

show smrp globals

To display global information about SMRP--such as whether SMRP is enabled and running and settings for timers, most of which are used internally--use the show smrp globals EXEC command.

show smrp globals

show smrp group

To display all entries or specific entries in the SMRP group table, use the show smrp group EXEC command.

show smrp group [appletalk [group-address]]


(Optional) Displays SMRP group table entries for all AppleTalk networks. Currently SMRP services are supported over AppleTalk networks only.

group-address (Optional) SMRP group address.

show smrp mcache

To display the SMRP fast-switching cache table, use the show smrp mcache EXEC command.

show smrp mcache [appletalk [group-address]]


(Optional) Displays the SMRP fast-switching cache table entries for all AppleTalk network groups. Currently, SMRP services are supported over AppleTalk only.

group-address (Optional) SMRP group address. Use this argument to display only this group's fast-switching cache table entry.

show smrp neighbor

To display all entries or specific entries in the SMRP neighbor table, use the show smrp neighbor EXEC command.

show smrp neighbor [appletalk [network-address]]


(Optional) Displays SMRP neighbor table entries for all AppleTalk networks. Currently SMRP services are supported over AppleTalk networks only.

network-address (Optional) Network address of the neighbor router.

show smrp port

To display all entries or specific entries in the SMRP port table, use the show smrp port EXEC command.

show smrp port [appletalk [type number]]


(Optional) Displays SMRP port table entries for all AppleTalk networks. Currently SMRP services are supported over AppleTalk networks only.

type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show smrp route

To display all entries or specific entries in the SMRP routing table, use the show smrp route EXEC command.

show smrp route [appletalk [network] | type number]


(Optional) Displays SMRP route table entries for all AppleTalk networks. Currently SMRP services are supported over AppleTalk networks only.

network (Optional) SMRP network range.
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show smrp traffic

To display all entries or specific entries in the SMRP traffic table, use the show smrp traffic EXEC command.

show smrp traffic [all | group | neighbor | port | route | transaction]


(Optional) Displays SMRP traffic for SMRP groups, neighbors, ports, routes, and transactions.

group (Optional) Displays SMRP traffic for SMRP groups.
neighbor (Optional) Displays SMRP traffic for neighbors.
port (Optional) Displays SMRP traffic for ports.
route (Optional) Displays SMRP traffic for routes.
transaction (Optional) Displays SMRP traffic for transactions.

smrp mroute-cache protocol appletalk

To enable SMRP fast-switching on a port, use the smrp mroute-cache protocol appletalk interface configuration command. To disable SMRP fast-switching, use the no form of the command.

smrp mroute-cache protocol appletalk
no smrp mroute-cache protocol appletalk

smrp protocol appletalk

To make SMRP multicast services available over AppleTalk for a specific interface, use the smrp protocol appletalk interface configuration command. To disable SMRP over AppleTalk for a specific interface, use the no form of the command.

smrp protocol appletalk [network-range beginning-end]
no smrp protocol appletalk [network-range beginning-end]

network-range (Optional) SMRP network range for the interface. We recommend that you do not specify an SMRP network range. When you omit the range, the Cisco IOS software uses the AppleTalk cable range configured for the interface as the SMRP network range. If you specify a range, it must fall within the SMRP network range 1 to 65535.
beginning-end (Optional) The beginning and end of the SMRP network range for this AppleTalk network. If you specify a range, it must fall within the SMRP network range 1 to 65535.

smrp routing

To enable the use of the multicast transport services provided by the SMRP, use the smrp routing global configuration command. To disable SMRP services for all interfaces, use the no form of this command.

smrp routing
no smrp routing

test appletalk

To enter the test mode, use the test appletalk privileged EXEC command.

test appletalk

tunnel mode

To set the encapsulation mode for the tunnel interface, use the tunnel mode interface configuration command. To set to the default, use the no form of this command.

tunnel mode {aurp | cayman | dvmrp | eon | gre ip | nos}
no tunnel mode

aurp AppleTalk Update Routing Protocol (AURP).
cayman Cayman TunnelTalk AppleTalk encapsulation.
dvmrp Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP).
eon EON-compatible Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) tunnel.
gre ip Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) protocol over IP.
nos KA9Q/NOS compatible IP over IP.

tunnel source

To set a tunnel interface's source address, use the tunnel source interface configuration command. To remove the source address, use the no form of this command.

tunnel source {ip-address | type number}
no tunnel source

ip-address IP address to use as the source address for packets in the tunnel.
type All interface types.
number Specifies the port, connector, or interface card number. The numbers are assigned at the factory at the time of installation or when added to a system, and can be displayed with the show interfaces command.

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