
Table of Contents

Router and Network Monitoring Commands

Router and Network Monitoring Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for router and network monitoring commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference.


To set the number of history buckets that are kept during the response time reporter probe's lifetime, use the buckets-of-history-kept response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

buckets-of-history-kept size
no buckets-of-history-kept

size Number of history buckets kept during the response time reporter probe's lifetime. The default is 50 buckets.

cdp enable

To enable Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on an interface, use the cdp enable interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable CDP on an interface.

cdp enable
no cdp enable

cdp holdtime

To specify the amount of time the receiving device should hold a CDP packet from your router before discarding it, use the cdp holdtime global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.

cdp holdtime seconds
no cdp holdtime

seconds Specifies the hold time to be sent in the CDP update packets.

cdp run

To enable CDP, use the cdp run global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable CDP.

cdp run
no cdp run

cdp timer

To specify how often the Cisco IOS software sends CDP updates, use the cdp timer global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default setting.

cdp timer seconds
no cdp timer

seconds Specifies how often the Cisco IOS software sends CDP updates.

clear cdp counters

To reset CDP traffic counters to zero (0), use the clear cdp counters privileged EXEC command.

clear cdp counters

clear cdp table

To clear the table that contains CDP information about neighbors, use the clear cdp table privileged EXEC command.

clear cdp table


To set the number of statistic distributions kept per hop during the response time reporter probe's lifetime, use the distributions-of-statistics-kept response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

distributions-of-statistics-kept size
no distributions-of-statistics-kept

size Number of statistic distributions kept per hop. The default is 1 distribution.


To define the type of information kept in the history table for the response time reporter probe, use the filter-for-history response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

filter-for-history {none | all | overThreshold | failures}
no filter-for-history
{none | all | overThreshold | failures}

none No history kept. This is the default.
all All probe operations attempted are kept in the history table.
overThreshold Only packets that are over the threshold are kept in the history table.
failures Only packets that fail for any reason are kept in the history table.


To set the rate at which the response time reporter probe starts a response time operation, use the frequency response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

frequency second
no frequency

second Number of seconds between the probe's response time reporter operations. The default value is 60 seconds.


To set the number of hops for which statistics are maintained per path for the response time reporter probe, use the hops-of-statistics-kept response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

hops-of-statistics-kept size
no hops-of-statistics-kept

size Number of hops for which statistics are maintained per path. The default is 16 hops for type pathEcho and 1 hop for type echo.


To set the number of hours for which statistics are maintained for the response time reporter probe, use the hours-of-statistics-kept response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

hours-of-statistics-kept hours
no hours-of-statistics-kept

hours Number of hours that the router maintains statistics. The default is 2 hours.


To set the number of lives maintained in the history table for the response time reporter probe, use the lives-of-history-kept response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

lives-of-history-kept lives
no lives-of-history-kept

lives Number of lives maintained in the history table for the probe. The default is 0 lives.


To configure the SNMP owner of the response time reporter probe, use the owner response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

owner text
no owner

text Name of the SNMP owner from 0 to 255 ASCII characters. The default is none.


To set the number of paths for which statistics are maintained per hour for the response time reporter probe, use the paths-of-statistics-kept response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

paths-of-statistics-kept size
no paths-of-statistics-kept

size Number of paths for which statistics are maintained per hour. The default is 5 paths for type pathEcho and 1 path for type echo.


To set the protocol data size in the payload of the response time reporter probe's request packet, use the request-data-size response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

request-data-size byte
no request-data-size

byte Size of the protocol data in the payload of the probe's request packet. Range is 0 to the protocol's maximum. The default is 1 byte.


To set the protocol data size in the payload of the response time reporter probe's response packet, use the response-data-size response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

response-data-size byte
no response-data-size

byte Size of the protocol data in the payload in the probe's response packet. For "appl" protocols, the default is 0 bytes. For all others, the default is the same value as the request-data-size.


To enable Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) on an Ethernet interface, use the rmon interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable RMON on the interface.

rmon {native | promiscuous}
no rmon

native Enables RMON on the Ethernet interface. In native mode, the router processes only packets destined for this interface.
promiscuous Enables RMON on the Ethernet interface. In promiscuous mode, the router examines every packet.

rmon alarm

To set an alarm on any MIB object, use the rmon alarm global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable the alarm.

rmon alarm number variable interval {delta | absolute} rising-threshold value [event-number]
falling-threshold value [event-number] [owner string]
no rmon alarm number

number Alarm number, which is identical to the alarmIndex in the alarmTable in the Remote Monitoring (RMON) MIB.
variable MIB object to monitor, which translates into the alarmVariable used in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB.
interval Time in seconds the alarm monitors the MIB variable, which is identical to the alarmInterval used in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB.
delta Tests the change between MIB variables, which affects the alarmSampleType in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB.
absolute Tests each MIB variable directly, which affects the alarmSampleType in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB.
rising-threshold value Value at which the alarm is triggered.
event-number (Optional) Event number to trigger when the rising or falling threshold exceeds its limit. This value is identical to the alarmRisingEventIndex or the alarmFallingEventIndex in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB.
falling-threshold value Value at which the alarm is reset.
owner string (Optional) Specifies an owner for the alarm, which is identical to the alarmOwner in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB.

rmon event

To add or remove an event in the RMON event table that is associated with an RMON event number, use the rmon event global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable RMON on the interface.

rmon event number [log] [trap community] [description string] [owner string]
no rmon event number

number Assigned event number, which is identical to the eventIndex in the eventTable in the RMON MIB.
log (Optional) Generates an RMON log entry when the event is triggered and sets the eventType in the RMON MIB to log or log-and-trap.
trap community (Optional) SNMP community string used for this trap. Configures the setting of the eventType in the RMON MIB for this row as either snmp-trap or log-and-trap. This value is identical to the eventCommunityValue in the eventTable in the RMON MIB.
description string (Optional) Specifies a description of the event, which is identical to the event description in the eventTable of the RMON MIB.
owner string (Optional) Owner of this event, which is identical to the eventOwner in the eventTable of the RMON MIB.

rmon queuesize

To change the size of the queue that holds packets for analysis by the Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) process, use the rmon queuesize global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

rmon queuesize size
no rmon queuesize

size Number of packets allowed in the queue awaiting RMON analysis. Default queue size is 64 packets.


To configure a response time reporter probe, use the rtr global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove all configuration information for a probe including the probe's schedule, reaction configuration, and reaction triggers.

rtr probe
no rtr

probe Number of the response time reporter probe (instance) to configure.

rtr reaction-configuration

To configure certain actions to occur based on events under the control of the response time reporter, use the rtr reaction-configuration global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the probe's default values.

rtr reaction-configuration probe [connection-loss-enable] [timeout-enable]
milliseconds] [threshold-type option] [action-type option]
no rtr reaction-configuration

probe Number of the response time reporter probe to configure.
connection-loss-enable (Optional) Enable checking for connection loss in connection-oriented protocols. The default is disabled.
timeout-enable (Optional) Enable checking for response time reporting operation timeouts based on the timeout value configured for the probe with the timeout response time reporter configuration command. The default is disabled.
threshold-falling milliseconds (Optional) Set the falling threshold (standard RMON-type hysteresis mechanism) in milliseconds. When the falling threshold is met, generate a resolution reaction event. The probe's rising over threshold is set with the threshold response time reporter configuration command. The default value is 3000 ms.
threshold-type option (Optional) Specify the algorithm used by the response time reporter to calculate over and falling threshold violations. Option can be one of the following keywords:

· never--Do not calculate threshold violations (the default).

· immediate--When the response time exceeds the rising over threshold or drops below the falling threshold, immediately perform the action defined by action-type.

· consecutive [occurrences]--When the response time exceeds the rising threshold consecutively 5 times or drops below the falling threshold consecutively 5 times, perform the action defined by action-type. Optionally specify the number of consecutive occurrences. The default is 5.

· xofy [x-value y-value]--When the response time exceeds the rising threshold 5 out of the last 5 times or drops below the falling threshold 5 out of the last 5 times, perform the action defined by action-type. Optionally specify the number of violations that must occur and the number that must occur within a specified number. The default is 5 for both x-value and y-value.

· average [attempts]--When the average of the last 5 response times exceeds the rising threshold or when the average of the last 5 response times drops below the falling threshold, perform the action defined by action-type. Optionally specify the number of operations to average. The default is the average of the last 5 response time operations. For example: if the probe's threshold is 5000 ms and the probe's last 3 attempts results are 6000, 6000, and 5000 ms, the average would be 6000+6000+5000=17000/3>5000, thus violating the 5000-ms threshold.
action-type option (Optional) Specify what action or combination of actions the probe performs when you configure connection-loss-enable or timeout-enable, or threshold events occur. For the action-type to occur for threshold events, the threshold-type must be defined to anything other than never. Option can be one of the following keywords:

· none--No action is taken.

· trapOnly--Send an SNMP trap on both over and falling threshold violations.

· nmvtOnly--Send an SNA NMVT Alert on over threshold violation and an SNA NMVT Resolution on falling threshold violations.

· triggerOnly--Have one or more target probe's operational state make the transition from "pending" to "active" on over (and falling) threshold violations. The target probes are defined with the rtr reaction-trigger command. A target probe will continue until its life expires as specified by the target probe's life value configured with the rtr schedule global configuration command. A triggered target probe must finish its life before it can be triggered again.

· trapAndNmvt--Send a combination of trapOnly and nmvtOnly.

· trapAndTrigger--Send a combination of trapOnly and triggerOnly.

· nmvtAndTrigger--Send a combination of nmvtOnly and triggerOnly.

· trapNmvtAndTrigger--Send a combination of trapOnly, nmvtOnly, and triggerOnly.

rtr reaction-trigger

To define a second response time reporter probe to make the transition from a "pending" state to an "active" state when one of the trigger action-type options are defined with the rtr reaction-configuration global configuration command, use the rtr reaction-trigger global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the trigger combination.

rtr reaction-trigger probe target-probe
no rtr reaction-trigger

probe Number of the probe in the "active" state that has the action-type set with the rtr reaction-configuration global configuration command.
target-probe Number of the probe in the "pending" state that is waiting to be triggered with the rtr global configuration command.

rtr reset

To perform a shutdown and restart of the response time reporter, use the rtr reset global configuration command.

rtr reset

rtr schedule

To configure the time parameters for a response time reporter probe, use the rtr schedule global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to stop the probe and restart it with the default parameters (that is, pending).

rtr schedule probe [life seconds] [start-time {pending | now | hh:mm [month day |
day month]}] [ageout seconds]
no rtr schedule

probe Number of the response time reporter probe to schedule.
life seconds (Optional) Number of seconds the probe actively collects information. The default is 3600 seconds (one hour).
start-time (Optional) Time when the probe starts collecting information. If the start-time is not specified, no information is collected until the start-time is configured or a trigger occurs that performs a start-time now.
pending No information is collected. This is the default value.
now Information is immediately collected.
hh:mm Information is collected at the specified time (use a 24-hour clock). The time is the current day if you do not specify the month and day.
month (Optional) Name of the month. If month is not specified, the current month is used. This requires a day.
day Number of the day in the range 1 to 31. If day is not specified, the current day is used. This requires a month.
ageout seconds (Optional) Number of seconds to keep the probe when it is not actively collecting information. The default is 0 seconds (never ages out).


To set the number of entries kept in the history table per bucket for the response time reporter probe, use the samples-of-history-kept response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

samples-of-history-kept samples
no samples-of-history-kept

samples Number of entries kept in the history table per bucket. The default is 16 entries for type pathEcho and 1 entry for type echo.

show cdp

To display global CDP information, including timer and hold-time information, use the show cdp privileged EXEC command.

show cdp

show cdp entry

To display information about a neighbor device listed in the CDP table, use the show cdp entry privileged EXEC command.

show cdp entry {* | entry-name [protocol | version]}

* Shows all of the CDP neighbors.
entry-name Name of neighbor about which you want information.

You can enter an asterisk (*) at the end of an entry-name, such as show cdp entry dev*, which would show information about the neighbor,

protocol (Optional) Limits the display to information about the protocols enabled on a router.
version (Optional) Limits the display to information about the version of software running on the router.

show cdp interface

To display information about the interfaces on which CDP is enabled, use the show cdp interface privileged EXEC command.

show cdp interface [type number]

type (Optional) Type of interface about which you want information.
number (Optional) Number of the interface about which you want information.

show cdp neighbors

To display information about neighbors, use the show cdp neighbors privileged EXEC command.

show cdp neighbors [type number] [detail]

type (Optional) Type of the interface connected to the neighbors about which you want information.
number (Optional) Number of the interface connected to the neighbors about which you want information.
detail (Optional) Displays detailed information about a neighbor (or neighbors) including network address, enabled protocols, hold time, and software version.

show cdp traffic

To display traffic information from the CDP table, use the show cdp traffic privileged EXEC command.

show cdp traffic

show rmon

Use the show rmon EXEC command to display the current RMON agent status on the router.

show rmon [alarms | capture | events | filter | history | hosts | matrix | statistics | task | topn]

alarms (Optional) Displays the RMON alarm table.
capture (Optional) Displays the RMON buffer capture table. Available on Cisco 2500 series and Cisco AS5200 series only.
events (Optional) Displays the RMON event table.
filter (Optional) Displays the RMON filter table. Available on Cisco 2500 series and Cisco AS5200 series only.
history (Optional) Displays the RMON history table. Available on Cisco 2500 series and Cisco AS5200 series only.
hosts (Optional) Displays the RMON hosts table. Available on Cisco 2500 series and Cisco AS5200 series only.
matrix (Optional) Displays the RMON matrix table. Available on Cisco 2500 series and Cisco AS5200 series only.
statistics (Optional) Displays the RMON statistics table. Available on Cisco 2500 series and Cisco AS5200 series only.
task (Optional) Displays general RMON statistics. This is the default.
topn (Optional) Displays the RMON top-n hosts table. Available on Cisco 2500 series and Cisco AS5200 series only.

show rmon alarms

Use the show rmon alarms EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON alarm table.

show rmon alarms

show rmon capture

Use the show rmon capture EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON capture table.

show rmon capture

show rmon events

Use the show rmon events EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON event table.

show rmon events

show rmon filter

Use the show rmon filter EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON filter table.

show rmon filter

show rmon history

Use the show rmon history EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON history table.

show rmon history

show rmon hosts

Use the show rmon hosts EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON hosts table.

show rmon hosts

show rmon matrix

Use the show rmon matrix EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON matrix table.

show rmon matrix

show rmon statistics

Use the show rmon statistics EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON statistics table.

show rmon statistics

show rmon topn

Use the show rmon topn EXEC command to display the contents of the router's RMON Top-N host table.

show rmon topn

show rtr application

Use the show rtr application EXEC command to display global information about the response time reporter feature.

show rtr application [tabular | full]

tabular (Optional) Display information in a column format reducing the number of screens required to display the information.
full (Optional) Display all information using identifiers next to each displayed value. This is the default.

show rtr collection-statistics

Use the show rtr collection-statistics EXEC command to display statistical errors for all response time reporter probes or the specified probe.

show rtr collection-statistics [probe] [tabular | full]

probe (Optional) Number of the response time reporter probe to display.
tabular (Optional) Display information in a column format reducing the number of screens required to display the information.
full (Optional) Display all information using identifiers next to each displayed value. This is the default.

show rtr configuration

Use the show rtr configuration EXEC command to display configuration values including all defaults for all response time reporter probes or the specified probe.

show rtr configuration [probe] [tabular | full]

probe (Optional) Number of the response time reporter probe to display.
tabular (Optional) Display information in a column format reducing the number of screens required to display the information.
full (Optional) Display all information using identifiers next to each displayed value. This is the default.

show rtr distributions-statistics

Use the show rtr distributions-statistics EXEC command to display statistic distribution information (captured response times) for all response time reporter probes or the specified probe.

show rtr distributions-statistics [probe] [tabular | full]

probe (Optional) Number of the response time reporter probe to display.
tabular (Optional) Display information in a column format reducing the number of screens required to display the information. This is the default.
full (Optional) Display all information using identifiers next to each displayed value.

show rtr history

Use the show rtr history EXEC command to display history collected for all response time reporter probes or the specified probe.

show rtr history [probe] [tabular | full]

probe (Optional) Number of the response time reporter probe to display.
tabular (Optional) Display information in a column format reducing the number of screens required to display the information. This is the default.
full (Optional) Display all information using identifiers next to each displayed value.

show rtr operational-state

Use the show rtr operational-state EXEC command to display the operational state of all response time reporter probes or the specified probe.

show rtr operational-state [probe] [tabular | full]

probe (Optional) Number of the response time reporter probe to display.
tabular (Optional) Display information in a column format reducing the number of screens required to display the information.
full (Optional) Display all information using identifiers next to each displayed value. This is the default.

show rtr reaction-trigger

Use the show rtr reaction-trigger EXEC command to display the reaction trigger information for all response time reporter probes or the specified probe.

show rtr reaction-trigger [probe] [tabular | full]

probe (Optional) Number of the response time reporter probe to display.
tabular (Optional) Display information in a column format reducing the number of screens required to display the information.
full (Optional) Display all information using identifiers next to each displayed value. This is the default.

show rtr totals-statistics

Use the show rtr totals-statistics EXEC command to display the total statistical values (accumulation of error counts and completions) for all response time reporter probes or the specified probe.

show rtr totals-statistics [probe] [tabular | full]

probe (Optional) Number of the response time reporter probe to display.
tabular (Optional) Display information in a column format reducing the number of screens required to display the information.
full (Optional) Display all information using identifiers next to each displayed value. This is the default.

show snmp

To check the status of SNMP communications, use the show snmp EXEC command.

show snmp

snmp-server access-policy

This command is no longer valid. The functionality provided by this command has been removed from the Cisco IOS software.

snmp-server chassis-id

To provide a message line identifying the SNMP server serial number, use the snmp-server chassis-id global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value, if any.

snmp-server chassis-id text
no snmp-server chassis-id

text Message you want to enter to identify the chassis serial number.

snmp-server community

To set up the community access string to permit access to the SNMP protocol, use the snmp-server community global configuration command. The no form of this command removes the specified community string.

snmp-server community string [view view-name] [ro | rw] [number]
no snmp-server community string

string Community string that acts like a password and permits access to the SNMP protocol.
view view-name (Optional) Name of a previously defined view. The view defines the objects available to the community.
ro (Optional) Specifies read-only access. Authorized management stations are only able to retrieve MIB objects.
rw (Optional) Specifies read-write access. Authorized management stations are able to both retrieve and modify MIB objects.
number (Optional) Integer from 1 to 99 that specifies an access list of IP addresses that are allowed to use the community string to gain access to the SNMP agent.

snmp-server contact

To set the system contact (sysContact) string, use the snmp-server contact global configuration command. Use the no form to remove the system contact information.

snmp-server contact text
no snmp-server contact

text String that describes the system contact information.

snmp-server context

This command is no longer valid. The functionality provided by this command has been removed from the Cisco IOS software.

snmp-server enable traps

To enable the router to send SNMP traps, use the snmp-server enable traps global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable SNMP traps.

snmp-server enable traps [trap-type] [trap-option]
no snmp-server enable traps
[trap-type] [trap-option]

trap-type (Optional) Type of trap to enable. If no type is specified, all traps are sent (including the envmon and repeater traps). The trap type can be one of the following keywords:

· bgp--Sends Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) state change traps.

· config--Sends configuration traps.

· entity--Sends Entity MIB modification traps.

· envmon--Sends Cisco enterprise-specific environmental monitor traps when an environmental threshold is exceeded. When the envmon keyword is used, you can specify a trap-option value.

· frame-relay--Sends Frame Relay traps.

· isdn--Sends Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) traps. When the isdn keyword is used on Cisco 1600 series routers, you can specify a trap-option value.

· repeater--Sends Ethernet hub repeater traps. When the repeater keyword is selected, you can specify a trap-option value.

· rtr--Sends response time reporter (RTR) traps.

· snmp--Sends Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps. When the snmp keyword is used, you can specify a trap-option value.

· syslog--Sends error message traps (Cisco Syslog MIB). Specify the level of messages to be sent with the logging history level command.

trap-option (Optional) When the envmon keyword is used, you can enable a specific environmental trap type, or accept all trap types from the environmental monitor system. If no option is specified, all environmental types are enabled. The option can be one or more of the following keywords: voltage, shutdown, supply, fan, and temperature.

When the isdn keyword is used on Cisco 1600 series routers, you can specify the call-information keyword to enable an SNMP ISDN call information trap for the ISDN MIB subsystem, or you can specify the isdnu-interface keyword to enable an SNMP ISDN U interface trap for the ISDN U interface MIB subsystem.

When the repeater keyword is used, you can specify the repeater option. If no option is specified, all repeater types are enabled. The option can be one or more of the following keywords:

· health--Enables IETF Repeater Hub MIB (RFC 1516) health trap.

· reset--Enables IETF Repeater Hub MIB (RFC 1516) reset trap.

When the snmp keyword is used, you can specify the authentication option to enable SNMP Authentication Failure traps. (The snmp-sever enable traps snmp authentication command replaces the snmp-server trap-authentication command.) If no option is specified, all SNMP traps are enabled.

snmp-server host

To specify the recipient of an SNMP trap operation, use the snmp-server host global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified host.

snmp-server host host [version {1 | 2c}] community-string [udp-port port] [trap-type]
no snmp-server host host

host Name or Internet address of the host.
version (Optional) Version of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) used to send the traps.

· 1--SNMPv1

· 2c --SNMPv2C

community-string Password-like community string sent with the trap operation.
udp-port port UDP port of the host to use. The default is 162.
trap-type (Optional) Type of trap to be sent to the host. If no type is specified, all traps are sent. The trap type can be one or more of the following keywords:

· bgp--Sends Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) state change traps.

· config--Sends configuration traps.

· dspu--Sends downstream physical unit (DSPU) traps.

· entity--Sends Entity MIB modification traps.

· envmon--Sends Cisco enterprise-specific environmental monitor traps when an environmental threshold is exceeded.

· frame-relay--Sends Frame Relay traps.

· isdn--Sends Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) traps.

· llc2--Sends Logical Link Control, type 2 (LLC2) traps.

· rptr--Sends standard repeater (hub) traps.

· rsrb--Sends remote source-route bridging (RSRB) traps.

· rtr--Sends response time reporter (RTR) traps.

· sdlc--Sends Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) traps.

· sdllc--Sends SDLLC traps.

· snmp--Sends Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps defined in RFC 1157.

· stun--Sends serial tunnel (STUN) traps.

· syslog--Sends error message traps (Cisco Syslog MIB). Specify the level of messages to be sent with the logging history level command.

· tty--Sends Cisco enterprise-specific traps when a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection closes.

· x25--Sends X.25 event traps.

snmp-server location

To set the system location string, use the snmp-server location global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the location string.

snmp-server location text
no snmp-server location

text String that describes the system location information.

snmp-server packetsize

To establish control over the largest SNMP packet size permitted when the SNMP server is receiving a request or generating a reply, use the snmp-server packetsize global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

snmp-server packetsize byte-count
no snmp-server packetsize

byte-count Integer byte count from 484 to 8192. The default is 1500 bytes.

snmp-server party

This command is no longer valid. The functionality provided by this command has been removed from the Cisco IOS software.

snmp-server queue-length

To establish the message queue length for each trap host, use the snmp-server queue-length global configuration command.

snmp-server queue-length length

length Integer that specifies the number of trap events that can be held before the queue must be emptied.

snmp-server system-shutdown

To use the SNMP message reload feature, the router configuration must include the snmp-server system-shutdown global configuration command. The no form of this command prevents an SNMP system-shutdown request (from an SNMP manager) from resetting the Cisco agent.

snmp-server system-shutdown
no snmp-server system-shutdown

snmp-server tftp-server-list

To limit the TFTP servers used via SNMP-controlled TFTP operations (saving and loading configuration files) to the servers specified in an access list, use the snmp-server tftp-server-list global configuration command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server tftp-server-list number
no snmp-server tftp-server-list

number Standard IP access list number from 1 to 99.

snmp-server trap-authentication

The snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication command replaces this command. Refer to the description of snmp-server enable traps for more information.

snmp-server trap-source

To specify the interface (and hence the corresponding IP address) that an SNMP trap should originate from, use the snmp-server trap-source global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to remove the source designation.

snmp-server trap-source interface
no snmp-server trap-source

interface Interface from which the SNMP trap originates. The argument includes the interface type and number in platform-specific syntax.

snmp-server trap-timeout

To define how often to try resending trap messages on the retransmission queue, use the snmp-server trap-timeout global configuration command.

snmp-server trap-timeout seconds

seconds Integer that sets the interval, in seconds, for resending the messages.

snmp-server view

To create or update a view entry, use the snmp-server view global configuration command. To remove the specified SNMP server view entry, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server view view-name oid-tree {included | excluded}
no snmp-server view

view-name Label for the view record that you are updating or creating. The name is used to reference the record.
oid-tree Object identifier of the ASN.1 subtree to be included or excluded from the view. To identify the subtree, specify a text string consisting of numbers, such as, or a word, such as system. Replace a single subidentifier with the asterisk (*) wildcard to specify a subtree family; for example 1.3.*.4.
included | excluded Type of view. You must specify either included or excluded.

snmp trap link-status

To enable SNMP link trap generation, use the snmp trap link-status interface configuration command. To disable SNMP link traps, use the no form of this command.

snmp trap link-status
no snmp trap link-status


To set the time interval for each statistics distribution kept for the response time reporter, use the statistics-distribution-interval response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

statistics-distribution-interval milliseconds
no statistics-distribution-interval

milliseconds Number of milliseconds used for each statistics distribution kept. The default is 20 ms.


To create a user-specified identifier for a response time reporter probe, use the tag response time reporter configuration command. It is normally used to logically link probes in a group. Use the no form of this command to remove a tag from a probe.

tag text
no tag

text Name of a group that this probe belongs to. From 0 to 16 ASCII characters.


To set the rising threshold (hysteresis) that generates a reaction event and stores history information for the response time reporter probe, use the threshold response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

threshold millisecond
no threshold

millisecond Number of milliseconds required for a rising threshold to be declared. The default value is 5000 ms.


To set the amount of time the response time reporter probe waits for a response from its request packet, use the timeout response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

timeout millisecond
no timeout

millisecond Number of milliseconds the probe waits to receive a response from its request packet. The default is 5000 ms.


To configure the type of response time reporter probe, use the type response time reporter configuration command. You must configure the probe's type before you can configure any of the other characteristics of the probe. Use the no form of this command to remove the type configuration for the probe.

type {echo | pathEcho} protocol type type-target
no type
{echo | pathEcho} protocol type type-target

echo Perform end-to-end response time reporter operations only.
pathEcho Perform response time reporter operations by using a route discovery algorithm to find a path to the destination and echo each device on the path.
protocol type type-target Protocol used by the probe. Type can be one of the following keywords (whether the keyword is available depends on the Cisco IOS software features installed on your router) followed by the required type parameter:

· ipIcmpEcho {ip-address | ip-host-name}--IP/ICMP Echo that requires a destination IP address or IP host name.

· snaRUEcho sna-host-name--SNA's SSCP Native Echo that requires the host name defined for the SNA's Physical Unit connection to VTAM.

· snaLU0EchoAppl sna-host-name [sna-application] [sna-mode]--An SNA LU Type 0 connection to Cisco's NSPECHO host application that requires the host name defined for the SNA's Physical Unit connection to VTAM. Optionally specify the host application name (the default is NSPECHO) and SNA mode to access the application.

· snaLU2EchoAppl sna-host-name [sna-application] [sna-mode]--An SNA LU Type 2 connection to Cisco's NSPECHO host application that requires the host name defined for the SNA's Physical Unit connection to VTAM. Optionally specify the host application name (the default is NSPECHO), and SNA mode to access the application.


To cause the response time reporter probe to check each response for corruption, use the verify-data response time reporter configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

no verify-data

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