
Table of Contents

Router Memory Commands

Router Memory Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for router memory commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference.


To set the default Flash device for the system, use the cd EXEC command.

cd [device:]

device: (Optional) Default device. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family. For the Cisco 7000 family, this device is the initial default device and the default device when you omit the device: argument.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.


To copy any file from a source to a destination, use the copy EXEC command.

copy source destination

source The source location for the file to be copied.
destination Destination of the copied file.

copy verify

The verify or verify flash command replaces this command. Refer to the descriptions of the verify and verify flash commands in the "System Image and Microcode Commands" chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference for more information.

copy verify bootflash

The verify bootflash command replaces this command. Refer to the description of the verify bootflash command in the "System Image and Microcode Commands" chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference for more information.


To delete any file on a Flash memory device of the Cisco 7000 family, use the delete EXEC command.

delete [device:]filename

device: (Optional) Device containing the file to be deleted. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family. For the Cisco 7000 family, this device is the initial default device.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slavebootflash--Internal Flash memory on the slave RSP card of a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot0--First PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot1--Second PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

filename Name of the file to be deleted. The maximum filename length is 63 characters.


To display a list of files on a Flash memory device of the Cisco 7000 family, use the dir EXEC command.

dir [/all | /deleted | /long] [device:][filename]

/all (Optional) Lists deleted files, undeleted files, and files with errors.
/deleted (Optional) Lists only the deleted files.
/long (Optional) Lists only valid files. Valid files are those that are undeleted and without errors.
device: (Optional) Device containing the file(s) to list. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family. For the Cisco 7000 family, this device is the initial default device.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slavebootflash--Internal Flash memory on the slave RSP card of a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot0--First PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot1--Second PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

filename (Optional) Name of the file(s) to display on a specified device. The files can be of any type. You can use wildcards in the filename. A wildcard character (*) matches all patterns. Strings after a wildcard are ignored.


To erase a file, use one of the erase EXEC commands.

erase device:[partition-number] (Cisco 1600 series and Cisco 3600 only)

device: Device containing the file to delete. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· flash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 1600 series and Cisco 3600 series. This device is the initial default device. This is the only valid device for the Cisco 1600 series.

· slot0-- Flash memory card in PCMCIA slot 0 on the Cisco 3600 series.

· slot1--Flash memory card in PCMCIA slot 1 on the Cisco 3600 series.

partition-number (Optional) Partition number to erase.
filename Name of the file to delete. The files can be of any type. This command does not support wildcards in the filename.

erase bootflash

To erase the boot image in boot Flash memory, use the erase bootflash EXEC command.

erase bootflash

erase flash

To erase internal Flash memory, use the erase flash EXEC command. This command replaces the copy erase flash command.

erase flash


To format Flash memory on the Cisco 7000 family, use the format EXEC command.

format [spare spare-number] device1: [[device2:][monlib-filename]]

spare (Optional) Reserves spare sectors as specified by the spare-number argument when formatting a device.
spare-number (Optional) Number of the spare sectors to reserve on formatted device. Valid values are 0 to 16. The default value is zero.
device1: Device to format. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slavebootflash--Internal Flash memory on the slave RSP card of a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot0--First PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot1--Second PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

device2: (Optional) Device containing the monlib file to use for formatting device1. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family. For the Cisco 7000 family, this device is the initial default device.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

monlib-filename (Optional) Name of the ROM monitor library file (monlib file) to use for formatting device1. The default monlib file is the one bundled with the system software.

When used with HSA and you do not specify the monlib-filename, the system takes ROM monitor library file from the slave image bundle. If you specify the monlib-filename, the system assumes that the files reside on the slave devices.

memory-size iomem

To reallocate the percentage of DRAM memory to use for I/O memory and processor memory on Cisco 3600 series routers, use the memory-size iomem global configuration command. The no form of this command reverts to the default allocation of 25 percent I/O memory and 75 percent processor memory.

memory-size iomem I/O-memory-percentage
no memory-size iomem I/O-memory-percentage

I/O-memory-percentage The percentage of DRAM allocated to I/O memory. The values permitted are 25, 30, 40, and 50 percent.


To separate Flash memory into partitions on the Cisco 1600 series and Cisco 3600 series, use the partition global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to undo partitioning and to restore Flash memory to one partition.

partition device: [number-of-partitions][partition-size]
no partition device:

device One of the following devices, which must be followed by a colon (:). The Cisco 1600 series can only use the flash keyword.

· flash--Internal Flash memory

· slot0--Flash memory card in PCMCIA slot 0

· slot1--Flash memory card in PCMCIA slot 1

number-of-partitions (Optional) Number of partitions in Flash memory.
partition-size (Optional) Size of each partition. The number of partition size entries must be equal to the number of specified partitions.

partition flash

To separate Flash memory into two partitions, use the partition flash global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to undo partitioning and restore Flash memory to one partition.

partition flash partitions [size1 size2]
no partition flash

partitions Number of partitions in Flash memory. Can be 1 or 2.
size1 (Optional) Size of the first partition in megabytes.
size2 (Optional) Size of the second partition in megabytes.


To show the current setting of the cd command on the Cisco 7000 family, use the pwd EXEC command.


show bootflash

To display information about boot Flash memory, use the show bootflash EXEC command.

show bootflash

show flash

To display the layout and contents of Flash memory, use one of the following show flash EXEC commands:

show flash [all | chips | detailed | err | partition number [all | chips | detailed | err] | summary]
show device: [all | chips | detailed | err | partition number | summary] (Cisco 1600 series and Cisco 3600 series)
show flash [all | chips | filesys] [device:] (Cisco 7000 family only)

all (Optional) On all platforms except the Cisco 7000 family, all shows complete information about Flash memory, including information about the individual ROM devices in Flash memory and the names and sizes of all system image files stored in Flash memory, including those that are invalid.

On the Cisco 7000 family, all shows the following information:

· The information displayed by the dir command when you use the /all and /long keywords together.

· The information displayed by the filesys keyword.

· The information displayed by the chips keyword.

chips (Optional) Shows information per partition and per chip, including which bank the chip is in plus its code, size, and name.
detailed (Optional) Shows detailed file directory information per partition, including file length, address, name, Flash memory checksum, computer checksum, bytes used, bytes available, total bytes, and bytes of system Flash memory.
err (Optional) Shows write or erase failures in the form of number of retries.
partition number (Optional) Shows output for the specified partition number. If you specify the partition keyword, you must specify a partition number. You can use this keyword only when Flash memory has multiple partitions.
summary (Optional) Shows summary information per partition, including the partition size, bank size, state, and method by which files can be copied into a particular partition. You can use this keyword only when Flash memory has multiple partitions.
filesys (Optional) Shows the Device Info Block, the Status Info, and the Usage Info.
device: (Optional for the Cisco 7000 family) Specifies the device about which to show Flash information.

For the Cisco 7000 family, the device is optional; but when it is used, the colon (:) is required. When it is omitted, the default device is that specified by the cd command.

Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 7000 family.

· flash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 3600 series. A Flash memory PC card on the Cisco 1600 series. This is the only valid device for the Cisco 1600 series.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 3600 series and Cisco 7000 family.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 3600 series and Cisco 7000 family.

· slavebootflash--Internal Flash memory on the slave RSP card of a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot0--First PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot1--Second PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

show flash devices

To display the names of the Flash devices supported on the Cisco 7000 family, use the show flash devices EXEC command.

show flash devices


To permanently delete Flash files on the Cisco 7000 family, use the squeeze EXEC command.

squeeze device:

device: Flash device from which to permanently delete files. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slavebootflash--Internal Flash memory on the slave RSP card of a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot0--First PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot1--Second PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.


To recover a deleted file on a specified device of the Cisco 7000 family, use the undelete EXEC command.

undelete index [device:]

index Number that indexes the file in the dir command output.
device: (Optional) Device to contain the recovered configuration file. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory in the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot on the Cisco 7000 family.

· slavebootflash--Internal Flash memory on the slave RSP card of a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot0--First PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot1--Second PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

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