
Table of Contents

Configuration File Commands

Configuration File Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for configuration file commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference.

boot buffersize

To modify the buffer size used to load configuration files, use the boot buffersize global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.

boot buffersize bytes
no boot buffersize

bytes Specifies the size of the buffer to be used. There is no minimum or maximum size that can be specified.

boot config

On the Cisco 7000 family, to specify the device and filename of the configuration file from which the router configures itself during initialization (startup), use the boot config global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to remove this specification.

boot config device:filename
no boot config

device: Device containing the configuration file. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory.

· nvram--Nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM). If you specify NVRAM, omit the filename.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot.

filename Name of the configuration file. The configuration file must be an ASCII file. The maximum filename length is 63 characters.

boot host

To change the default name of the host configuration filename from which you want to load configuration commands, use the boot host global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the host configuration filename to the default.

boot host mop filename [mac-address] [interface]
no boot host mop
filename [mac-address] [interface]

boot host
[tftp | rcp] filename [ip-address]
no boot host
[tftp | rcp] filename [ip-address]

mop Configures the router from a configuration file stored on a DEC MOP server.
filename Name of the file from which you want to load configuration commands.
mac-address (Optional) MAC address of the MOP server on which the file resides. If the MAC address argument is not included, a broadcast message is sent to all MOP boot servers. The first MOP server to indicate that it has the file is the server from which the router gets the boot image.
interface (Optional) Interface out which the router should send MOP requests to reach the MOP server. The interface options are async, dialer, ethernet, serial, and tunnel. If the interface argument is not specified, a request is sent on all interfaces that have MOP enabled. The interface from which the first response is received is the interface used to load the software.
tftp (Optional) Configures the router from a configuration file stored on a TFTP server.
rcp (Optional) Configures the router from a configuration file stored on an rcp server.
ip-address (Optional) IP address of the TFTP server on which the file resides. If omitted, this value defaults to the IP broadcast address of

boot network

To change the default name of the network configuration file from which you want to load configuration commands, use the boot network global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the network configuration filename to the default.

boot network mop filename [mac-address] [interface]
no boot network mop
filename [mac-address] [interface]

boot network
[tftp | rcp] filename [ip-address]
no boot network [tftp | rcp] filename [ip-address]

mop Configures the router to download the configuration file from a network server using the Digital Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOP) protocol.
filename Name of the file from which you want to load configuration commands. The default filename is network-config.
mac-address (Optional) If mop is specified, the MAC address of the network server on which the file resides. If the MAC address argument is not included, a broadcast message is sent to all MOP boot servers. The first server to indicate that it has the file is the server from which the router gets the boot image.
interface (Optional) If mop is specified, the interface out which the router should send MOP requests to reach the server. The interface options are async, dialer, ethernet, serial, and tunnel. If the interface argument is not specified, a request will be sent on all interfaces that have MOP enabled, and the interface from which the first response is received will be used to load the software.
tftp (Optional) Configures the router to download the configuration file from a network server using TFTP. If omitted and rcp is not specified, defaults to tftp.
rcp (Optional) Configures the router to download the configuration file from a network server using rcp. If omitted, defaults to tftp.
ip-address (Optional) If rcp or tftp is specified, the IP address of the network server on which the compressed image file resides. If the IP address is omitted, this value defaults to the IP broadcast address of


To enter global configuration mode, use the configure privileged EXEC command. You must be in global configuration mode to enter global configuration commands.

configure {terminal | memory | network}

terminal Executes configuration commands from the terminal.
memory For all platforms except the Cisco 7000 family, executes the commands stored in NVRAM.

For the Cisco 7000 family, executes the configuration specified by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

network The copy rcp running-config or copy tftp running-config command replaces the configure network command. If you use rcp, see the copy rcp command for more information on copy rcp running-config. If you use TFTP, see the copy tftp command for more information on copy tftp running-config.

configure overwrite-network

The copy rcp startup-config or copy tftp startup-config command replaces the configure overwrite-network command. See the copy command in the "Router Memory Commands" chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference for more information on copy rcp startup-config and copy tftp startup-config.

erase startup-config

To erase a saved configuration, use the erase startup-config EXEC command. The erase startup-config command replaces the write erase command.

erase startup-config

service compress-config

To compress configuration files, use the service compress-config global configuration command. To disable compression, use the no form of this command.

service compress-config
no service compress-config

service config

To enable autoloading of configuration files from a network server, use the service config global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default.

service config
no service config

show configuration

The show startup-config command replaces this command. Refer to the description of the
show startup-config command for more information.

show file

To display the configuration stored in a specified file on the Cisco 7000 family, use the show file EXEC command.

show file [device:] filename

device: (Optional) Device containing the configuration file. The colon (:) is required. Valid devices are as follows:

· bootflash--Internal Flash memory.

· slot0--First PCMCIA slot. This device is the initial default device.

· slot1--Second PCMCIA slot.

· nvram--Router's NVRAM. If you specify NVRAM, omit the filename. The colon (:) is required.

· slavebootflash--Internal Flash memory on the slave RSP card of a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot0--First PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slaveslot1--Second PCMCIA slot of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA.

· slavenvram--NVRAM of the slave RSP card on a Cisco 7507 or Cisco 7513 configured for HSA. If you specify the slave NVRAM, omit the filename.

If you omit the device: argument, the system uses the default device specified by the cd command.

filename Name of the file. The file can be of any type. The maximum filename length is 63 characters.

show running-config

To display the configuration information currently running on the terminal, use the show running-config EXEC command. This command replaces the write terminal command.

show running-config

show startup-config

To display the contents of NVRAM (if present and valid) or to show the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable, use the show startup-config EXEC command. This command replaces the show configuration command.

show startup-config

write erase

The erase startup-config command replaces this command. Refer to the description of the erase startup-config command for more information.

write memory

The copy running-config startup-config command replaces this command. Refer to the description of the copy command in the "Router Memory Commands" chapter in the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference for more information on copy running-config startup-config.

write network

The copy running-config rcp or copy running-config tftp command replaces this command. Refer to the description of the copy command in the "Router Memory Commands" chapter in the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference for more information on copy running-config rcp or copy running-config tftp.

write terminal

The show running-config command replaces this command. Refer to the description of
show running-config for more information.

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