
Table of Contents

Basic Command Line Interface Commands

Basic Command Line Interface Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for basic command line interface commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference.


To exit privileged EXEC mode and return to user EXEC mode, enter the disable EXEC command.

disable [level]

level (Optional) Specifies the user-privilege level.


To enable enhanced editing mode for a particular line, use the editing line configuration command. To disable the enhanced editing mode, use the no form of this command.

no editing


To enter privileged EXEC mode, use the enable EXEC command.

enable [level]

level (Optional) Privileged level on which to log in.


To exit configuration mode, or any of the configuration submodes, use the end global configuration command.



To exit any configuration mode or close an active terminal session and terminate the EXEC, use the exit command at the system prompt.



To get help for the full set of user-level commands, use the full-help line configuration command.



To display a brief description of the help system, enter the help command.



To enable the command history function, or to change the command history buffer size for a particular line, use the history line configuration command. To disable the command history feature, use the no form of this command.

history [size number-of-lines]
no history
[size number-of-lines]

size number-of-lines (Optional) Specifies the number of command lines that the system will record in its history buffer. The range is 0 to 256. The default is 10.


If you are Telneting to a Cisco IOS platform and you want to display 8-bit and multibyte international characters (for example, Japanese) and print the ESC character as a single character instead of as the caret and bracket symbols (^[), use the international line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to display characters in 7-bit format.

no international

ip http access-class

To assign an access list to the HTTP server used by the Cisco IOS ClickStart software or the Cisco Web browser interface, use the ip http access-class global configuration command. To remove the assigned access list, use the no form of this command.

ip http access-class {access-list-number | name}
no ip http access-class
{access-list-number | name}

access-list-number Standard IP access list number in the range 0 to 99, as configured by the access-list (standard) command.
name Name of a standard IP access list, as configured by the ip access-list command.

ip http authentication

Use the ip http authentication global configuration command to specify a particular authentication method for HTTP server users. Use the no form of this command to disable a configured authentication method.

ip http authentication {aaa | enable | local | tacacs}
no ip http authentication {aaa | enable | local | tacacs}

aaa Indicates that the AAA facility is used for authentication.
enable Indicates that the enable password method, which is the default method of HTTP server user authentication, is used for authentication.
local Indicates that the local user database as defined on the Cisco router or access server is used for authentication.
tacacs Indicates that the TACACS or XTACACS server is used for authentication.

ip http port

To specify the port to be used by the Cisco IOS ClickStart software or the Cisco Web browser interface, use the ip http port global configuration command. To use the default port, use the no form of this command.

ip http port number
no ip http port

number Port number for use by ClickStart or the Cisco Web browser interface. The default is 80.

ip http server

To enable a Cisco 1003, Cisco 1004, or Cisco 1005 router to be configured from a browser using the Cisco IOS ClickStart software, and to enable any router to be monitored or have its configuration modified from a browser using the Cisco Web browser interface, use the ip http server global configuration command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

ip http server
no ip http server

menu (EXEC)

Use the menu EXEC command to invoke a user menu.

menu name

name The configuration name of the menu.

menu (global)

Use the menu global configuration command with the appropriate keyword to specify menu-display options. Use the no form of the global configuration command to delete a specified, or named, menu from the configuration.

menu name [clear-screen | line-mode | single-space | status-line]
no menu

name The configuration name of the menu.
clear-screen (Optional) Clears the terminal screen before displaying a menu.
line-mode (Optional) In a menu of nine or fewer items, you ordinarily select a menu item by entering the item number. In line mode, you select a menu entry by entering the item number and pressing Return. Line mode allows you to backspace over the selected number and enter another number before pressing Return to execute the command. This option is activated automatically when more than nine menu items are defined but also can be configured explicitly for menus of nine or fewer items.
single-space (Optional) Displays menu items single-spaced rather than double-spaced. This option is activated automatically when more than nine menu items are defined but also can be configured explicitly for menus of nine or fewer items.
status-line (Optional) Displays a line of status information about the current user.

menu command

Use the menu command global configuration command to specify underlying commands for user interface menus.

menu name command number

name The configuration name of the menu. You can specify a maximum of 20 characters.
number The selection number associated with the menu entry. This number is displayed to the left of the menu entry. You can specify a maximum of 18 menu entries. When the tenth item is added to the menu, the line-mode and single-space options are activated automatically.

menu text

Use the menu text global configuration command to specify the text of a menu item in a user interface menu.

menu name text number

name The configuration name of the menu. You can specify a maximum of 20 characters.
number The selection number associated with the menu item. This number is displayed to the left of the menu item. You can specify a maximum of 18 menu items. When the tenth item is added to the menu, the line-mode and single-space options are activated automatically.

menu title

Use the menu title global configuration command to create a title, or banner, for a user menu.

menu name title delimiter title delimiter

name The configuration name of the menu. You can specify a maximum of 20 characters.
delimiter Characters that mark the beginning and end of a title. Text delimiters are characters that do not ordinarily appear within the text of a title, such as slash ( / ), double quote ("), and tilde ( ~ ). Ctrl-C is reserved for special use and should not be used in the text of the title.
title The lines of text to appear at the top of the menu.

show history

To list the commands you have entered in the current EXEC session, use the show history EXEC command.

show history

terminal editing

To enable the enhanced editing mode on the local line, use the terminal editing EXEC command. To disable the enhanced editing mode on the current line, use the no form of this command.

terminal editing
terminal no editing

terminal full-help

To get help for the full set of user-level commands, use the terminal full-help EXEC command.

terminal full-help

terminal history

To enable the command history feature for the current terminal session or change the size of the command history buffer for the current terminal session, use the terminal history EXEC command. To disable the command history feature or reset the command history buffer to its default size, use the no form of this command.

terminal history [size number-of-lines]
terminal no history

size (Optional) Sets command history buffer size.
number-of-lines (Optional) Specifies the number of command lines that the system will record in its history buffer. The range is 0 to 256. The default is 10.

terminal international

If you are Telneting to a Cisco IOS platform and you want to display 8-bit and multibyte international characters (for example, Japanese) and print the ESC character as a single character instead of as the caret and bracket symbols (^[) for a current Telnet session, use the terminal international EXEC command. Use the no form of this command to display characters in 7-bit format for a current Telnet session.

terminal international
no terminal international

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