
Table of Contents

Terminal Operating Characteristics Commands

Terminal Operating Characteristics Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for terminal operating characteristics commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference.


To define the character you enter at a vacant terminal to begin a terminal session, use the activation-character line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to make any character activate a terminal.

activation-character ascii-number
no activation-character

ascii-number Decimal representation of the activation character.


To set the line for automatic baud detection, use the autobaud line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default.

no autobaud


To set the number of data bits per character that are interpreted and generated by the router hardware, use the databits line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to restore the default value.

databits {5 | 6 | 7 | 8}
no databits

5 Five data bits per character.
6 Six data bits per character.
7 Seven data bits per character.
8 Eight data bits per character.


To set the number of data bits per character that are interpreted and generated by the Cisco IOS software, use the data-character-bits line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to restore the default value.

data-character-bits {7 | 8}
no data-character-bits

7 Seven data bits per character.
8 Eight data bits per character.

default-value exec-character-bits

To define the EXEC character width for either 7 bits or 8 bits, use the default-value exec-character-bits global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to restore the default value.

default-value exec-character-bits {7 | 8}
no default-value exec-character-bits

7 Selects the 7-bit ASCII character set.
8 Selects the full 8-bit ASCII character set.

default-value special-character-bits

To configure the flow control default value from a 7-bit width to an 8-bit width, use the default-value special-character-bits global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to restore the default value.

default-value special-character-bits {7 | 8}
no default-value special-character-bits

7 Selects the 7-bit character set.
8 Selects the full 8-bit character set.


To define a character to disconnect a session, use the disconnect-character line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the disconnect character.

disconnect-character ascii-number
no disconnect-character

ascii-number Decimal representation of the session disconnect character.


To define a character that causes a packet to be sent, use the dispatch-character line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the definition of the specified dispatch character.

dispatch-character ascii-number1 [ascii-number2 . . . ascii-number]
no dispatch-character
ascii-number1 [ascii-number2 . . . ascii-number]

ascii-number Decimal representation of the character, such as Return (decimal 13) for line-at-a-time transmissions.


To specify an identifier for a TCP packet dispatch state machine on a particular line, use the dispatch-machine line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to disable a state machine on a particular line

dispatch-machine name
no dispatch-machine

name Name of the state machine that determines when to send packets on the asynchronous line.


To set the character dispatch timer, use the dispatch-timeout line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the timeout definition.

dispatch-timeout milliseconds
no dispatch-timeout

milliseconds Integer that specifies the number of milliseconds that the Cisco IOS software waits after putting the first character into a packet buffer before sending the packet. During this interval, more characters might be added to the packet, which increases the processing efficiency of the remote host.


To define a system escape character, use the escape-character line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to set the escape character to Break.

escape-character {ascii-number | none}
no escape-character

ascii-number Either the decimal representation of the character or a control sequence (Ctrl-E, for example).
none Disables escape entirely.


To configure the character widths of EXEC and configuration command characters, use the exec-character-bits line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to restore the default value.

exec-character-bits {7 | 8}
no exec-character-bits

7 Selects the 7-bit character set.
8 Selects the full 8-bit character set for use of international and graphical characters in banner messages, prompts, and so forth.


To define the local hold character used to pause output to the terminal screen, use the
hold-character line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default.

hold-character ascii-number
no hold-character

ascii-number Either the decimal representation of the hold character or a control sequence (for example, Ctrl-P)


To set the line as an insecure location, use the insecure line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

no insecure


To set the terminal screen length, use the length line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to restore the default value.

length screen-length
no length

screen-length Number of lines on the screen. A value of zero disables pausing between screens of output.


To record the location of a serial device, use the location line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the description.

location text
no location

text Location description.


To enable the lock EXEC command, use the lockable global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to reinstate the default--the terminal cannot be locked.

no lockable


To warn users of an impending forced timeout, use the logout-warning line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default.

logout-warning [number]

number (Optional) Number of seconds that are counted down before session termination. If no number is specified, the default of 20 seconds is used.


To enable terminal notification about pending output from other Telnet connections, use the notify line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to end notification.

no notify


To set the padding on a specific output character, use the padding line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove padding for the specified output character.

padding ascii-number count
no padding

ascii-number Decimal representation of the character.
count Number of NULL bytes sent after that character, up to 255 padding characters in length.


To define generation of a parity bit, use the parity line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to specify no parity.

parity {none | even | odd | space | mark}
no parity

none No parity.
even Even parity.
odd Odd parity.
space Space parity.
mark Mark parity.

printer (LPD)

To configure a printer and assign a server TTY line (or lines) to it, use the printer global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to disable printing on a TTY line.

printer printer-name {line number | rotary number} [newline-convert | formfeed]
no printer

printer-name Printer name.
line number Assigns a TTY line to the printer.
rotary number Assigns a rotary group of TTY lines to the printer.
newline-convert (Optional) Converts newline (linefeed) characters to a two-character sequence "carriage-return, linefeed."
formfeed (Optional) Causes the Cisco IOS software to send a form-feed character (ASCII 0x0C) to the printer TTY line immediately following each print job received from the network.


To save user EXEC command changes between terminal sessions, use the private line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default condition.

no private

show whoami

To display information about the current user's terminal line, including hostname, line number, line speed, and location, use the show whoami EXEC command.

show whoami [text]

text (Optional) Additional data to print to the screen.


To configure the number of data bits per character for special characters such as software flow control characters and escape characters, use the special-character-bits line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to restore the default value.

special-character-bits {7 | 8}
no special-character-bits

7 Selects the 7-bit ASCII character set.
8 Selects the full 8-bit character set for special characters.


To specify the transition criteria for the state of a particular state machine, use the state-machine global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to delete a particular state machine.

state-machine name state firstchar... lastchar [nextstate | transmit]
no state-machine name

name Specifies the name for the state machine (used in the dispatch-machine line command). The user can specify any number of state machines, but each line can have only one state machine associated with it.
state Defines which state is being modified. There are a maximum of eight states per state machine. Lines are initialized to state 0 and return to state 0 after a packet is transmitted.
firstchar... lastchar Specify a range of characters. If the state machine is in the indicated state, and the next character input is within this range, the process goes to the specified next state. Full 8-bit character comparisons are done, so the maximum value is 255. Take care that the line is configured to strip parity bits (or not generate them), or duplicate the low characters in the upper half of the space.
nextstate (Optional) Defines the state to enter if the character is in the specified range.
transmit (Optional) Causes the packet to be transmitted and the state machine to be reset to state 0. Recurring characters that have not been explicitly defined to have a particular action return the state machine to state 0.


To set the number of the stop bits transmitted per byte, use the stopbits line configuration command. Use the no form of the command to restore the default value.

stopbits {1 | 1.5 | 2}
no stopbits

1 One stop bit.
1.5 One and one-half stop bits.
2 Two stop bits.

terminal databits

To change the number of data bits per character for the current terminal line for this session, use the terminal databits EXEC command.

terminal databits {5 | 6 | 7 | 8}

5 Five data bits per character.
6 Six data bits per character.
7 Seven data bits per character.
8 Eight data bits per character.

terminal data-character-bits

To set the number of data bits per character that are interpreted and generated by the Cisco IOS software for the current line and session, use the terminal data-character-bits EXEC command.

terminal data-character-bits {7 | 8}

7 Seven data character bits.
8 Eight data character bits.

terminal dispatch-character

To define a character that causes a packet to be sent for the current session, use the terminal dispatch-character EXEC command.

terminal dispatch-character ASCII-number1 [ASCII-number2 . . . ASCII-number]

ASCII-number The ASCII decimal representation of the character, such as Return (ASCII character 13) for line-at-a-time transmissions. The command can take multiple arguments, so you can define any number of characters as the dispatch character.

terminal dispatch-timeout

To set the character dispatch timer for the current terminal line for the current session, use the terminal dispatch-timeout EXEC command.

terminal dispatch-timeout milliseconds

milliseconds An integer that specifies the number of milliseconds that the router waits after it puts the first character into a packet buffer before sending the packet. During this interval, more characters can be added to the packet, which increases processing efficiency of the remote host.

terminal download

To temporarily set the ability of a line to act as a transparent pipe for file transfers for the current session, use the terminal download EXEC command.

terminal download

terminal escape-character

To set the escape character for the current terminal line for the current session, use the terminal escape-character EXEC command.

terminal escape-character ASCII-number

ASCII-number Either the ASCII decimal representation of the escape character or a control sequence (Ctrl-P, for example). Entering the escape character followed by X returns you to the EXEC when you are connected to another computer. See the "ASCII Character Set" appendix in the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference for a list of ASCII characters.

terminal exec-character-bits

To locally change the ASCII character set used in EXEC and configuration command characters for the current session, use the terminal exec-character-bits EXEC command.

terminal exec-character-bits {7 | 8}

7 Selects the 7-bit ASCII character set.
8 Selects the full 8-bit character set.

terminal flowcontrol

To set flow control for the current terminal line for the current session, use the terminal flowcontrol EXEC command.

terminal flowcontrol {none | software [in | out] | hardware}

none Prevents flow control.
software Sets software flow control.
in | out (Optional) Specifies the direction: in causes the router to listen to flow control from the attached device, and out causes the router to send flow control information to the attached device. If you do not specify a direction, both directions are assumed.
hardware Sets hardware flow control.

terminal hold-character

To set or change the hold character for the current session, use the terminal hold-character EXEC command. Use the terminal no hold-character command to delete the hold character.

terminal hold-character ASCII-number
terminal no hold-character

ASCII-number Either the ASCII decimal representation of the hold character or a control sequence (for example, Ctrl-P). By default, no local hold character is set. The Break character is represented by zero; NULL cannot be represented.

terminal keymap-type

To specify the current keyboard type for the current session, use the terminal keymap-type EXEC command.

terminal keymap-type keymap-name

keymap-name Name defining the current keyboard type.

terminal length

To set the number of lines on the current terminal screen for the current session, use the terminal length EXEC command.

terminal length screen-length

screen-length Your desired number of lines on the screen. The router uses this value to determine when to pause during multiple-screen output. A value of zero prevents the router from pausing between screens of output. When the output exceeds the screen length, it scrolls past.

terminal monitor

To display debug command output and system error messages for the current terminal and session, use the terminal monitor EXEC command.

terminal monitor

terminal notify

To configure a line to inform a user who has multiple concurrent Telnet connections when output is pending on a connection other than the current one, use the terminal notify EXEC command.

terminal notify

terminal padding

To change the character padding on a specific output character for the current session, use the terminal padding EXEC command.

terminal padding ASCII-number count

ASCII-number The ASCII decimal representation of the character.
count The number of NULL bytes sent after that character, up to 255 padding characters in length.

terminal parity

To define the generation of the parity bit for the current terminal line for the current session, use the terminal parity EXEC command.

terminal parity {none | even | odd | space | mark}

none No parity. This is the default.
even Even parity.
odd Odd parity.
space Space.
mark Mark.

terminal-queue entry-retry-interval

To change the retry interval for a terminal port queue, use the terminal-queue global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the default terminal port queue interval.

terminal-queue entry-retry-interval interval
no terminal-queue

interval Number of seconds between terminal port retries.

terminal rxspeed

To set the terminal receive speed (how fast information is sent to the terminal) for the current line and session, use the terminal rxspeed EXEC command.

terminal rxspeed bps

bps Baud rate in bits per second (bps).

terminal special-character-bits

To change the ASCII character widths to accept special characters for the current terminal line and session, use the terminal special-character-bits EXEC command.

terminal special-character-bits {7 | 8}

7 Selects the 7-bit ASCII character set.
8 Selects the full 8-bit ASCII character set. Configuring the width to 8 bits enables you to use twice as many special characters as with the 7-bit setting. This selection enables you to add special graphical and international characters in banners, prompts, and so forth.

terminal speed

To set the transmit and receive speeds of the current terminal line for the current session, use the terminal speed EXEC command.

terminal speed bps

bps The baud rate in bits per second (bps).

terminal start-character

To change the flow control start character for the current session, use the terminal start-character EXEC command.

terminal start-character ASCII-number

ASCII-number The ASCII decimal representation of the start character.

terminal stopbits

To change the number of stop bits transmitted per byte by the current terminal line during an active session, use the terminal stopbits EXEC command.

terminal stopbits {1 | 1.5 | 2}

1 One stop bit.
1.5 One and a half stop bits.
2 Two stop bits.

terminal stop-character

To change the flow control stop character for the current session, use the terminal stop-character EXEC command.

terminal stop-character ASCII-number

ASCII-number The ASCII decimal representation of the stop character.

terminal telnet break-on-ip

To cause the access server to generate a hardware Break signal for the current session on a line associated with a reverse Telnet connection, use the terminal telnet break-on-ip EXEC command.

terminal telnet break-on-ip

terminal telnet refuse-negotiations

To set the current line to refuse to negotiate full-duplex, remote echo options on incoming connections for current sessions, use the terminal telnet refuse-negotiations EXEC command.

terminal telnet refuse-negotiations

terminal telnet speed

To allow the access server to negotiate transmission speed for the current line and session, use the terminal telnet speed EXEC command.

terminal telnet speed default-speed maximum-speed

default-speed Line speed (in bps) that the access server will use if the device on the other end of the connection has not specified a speed.
maximum-speed Maximum line speed (in bps) that the device on the other end of the connection can use.

terminal telnet sync-on-break

To cause the access server to send a Telnet Synchronize signal when it receives a Telnet Break signal on the current line and session, use the terminal telnet sync-on-break EXEC command.

terminal telnet sync-on-break

terminal telnet transparent

To cause the current terminal line to send a Return character (CR) as a CR followed by a NULL instead of a CR followed by a Line Feed (LF) for the current session, use the terminal telnet transparent EXEC command.

terminal telnet transparent

terminal terminal-type

To specify the type of terminal connected to the current line for the current session, use the terminal terminal-type EXEC command.

terminal terminal-type terminal-type

terminal-type Defines the terminal name and type and permits terminal negotiation by hosts that provide that type of service.

terminal txspeed

To set the terminal transmit speed (how fast the terminal can send information) on the current line and session, use the terminal txspeed EXEC command.

terminal txspeed bps

bps Baud rate in bits per second (bps).


To specify the type of terminal connected to a line, use the terminal-type line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove any information about the type of terminal and reset the line to the default terminal emulation.

terminal-type {terminal-name | terminal-type}
no terminal-type

terminal-name Terminal name.
terminal-type Terminal type.

terminal width

To set the number of character columns on the terminal screen for the current line for a session, use the terminal width EXEC command.

terminal width characters

characters Number of character columns displayed on the terminal.


To set the terminal screen width, use the width line configuration command. This command sets the number of character columns displayed on the attached terminal. Use the no form of this command to return to the default screen width.

width characters
no width

characters Integer that specifies the number of character columns displayed on the terminal.

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