
Table of Contents

Multichassis Multilink PPP Commands

Multichassis Multilink PPP Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for Multichassis Multilink PPP (MMP) commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Dial Solutions Command Reference.

sgbp group

To define a named stack group and make this router a member of that stack group, use the sgbp group global configuration command.

sgbp group name

name Name of the stack group the system belongs to.

sgbp member

To specify the host name and IP address of a router or access server that is a peer member of a stack group, use the sgbp member global configuration command.

sgbp member peer-name [peer-ip-address]

peer-name Host name of the peer member.
peer-ip-address (Optional) IP address of the peer member. If the domain name system (DNS) can perform a lookup on the peer-name value, the IP address is not required. Otherwise, it must be specified.

sgbp ppp-forward

To enable forwarding of PPP calls--in addition to Multilink PPP calls--to the winner of the SGBP bid, use the sgbp ppp-forward global configuration command.

sgbp ppp-forward

sgbp seed-bid

To set the bidding level that a stack group member can bid with for a bundle, use the sgbp seed-bid global configuration command.

sgbp seed-bid {default | offload | forward-only | bid}

default If set across all members of a stack group, indicates that the member which receives the first call for a certain user always wins the bid and hosts the master bundle interface. All subsequent calls to the same user received by another stack group member will project to this stackgroup member. This is the default.
offload Indicates that this router is a relatively higher powered stack group member, is to function as an offload server, and host the master bundle interface.
forward-only Indicates that this router or access server is to forward calls to another system and never wins the bid to host a master interface. This router or access server should hang up--instead of answering a call--if all the offload servers are down.
bid Bid level, an integer in the range 0 through 9999.

show sgbp

To display the status of the stack group members, use the show sgbp EXEC command.

show sgbp

show sgbp queries

To display the current seed bid value, use the show sgbp queries EXEC command.

show sgbp queries

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