
Table of Contents

Protocol Translation and Virtual Asynchronous Device Commands

Protocol Translation and Virtual Asynchronous Device Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for protocol translation commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Dial Solutions Command Reference.

service pt-vty-logging

To log the X.121 calling address, Call User Data (CUD), and the IP address assigned to a VTY asynchronous connection, use the service pt-vty-logging global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

service pt-vty-logging
no service pt-vty-logging

show interfaces virtual-access

Use the show interfaces virtual-access EXEC command to display information about virtual access interfaces.

show interfaces virtual-access number

number Number of the virtual terminal (VTY) line on which the virtual access interface has been created.

show translate

To view translation sessions that have been configured, use the show translate global configuration command.

show translate

show users (virtual access interfaces)

To display information about the active lines on the router, use the show users user EXEC command.

show users [all]

all (Optional) Specifies that all lines be displayed, regardless of whether anyone is using them.

translate lat

When receiving a LAT connection request to a service name, the Cisco router can automatically translate the request to another outgoing protocol connection type. To set this up, use the translate global configuration command.

translate lat incoming-service-name [in-option] protocol outgoing-address [out-options]

incoming-service-name A LAT service name. When used on the incoming portion, service-name is the name of the service that users specify when trying to make a translated connection. This name can match the name of final destination resource, but this is not required. This can be useful when making remote translated connections.
in-option (Optional) Incoming connection request option:
· unadvertised--Prevents service advertisements from being broadcast to the network. This can be useful, for example, when you define translations for many printers, and you do not want these services advertised to other LAT terminal servers. (VMS systems will be able to connect to the service even though it is not advertised.)
protocol outgoing-address A protocol name followed by an IP address or host name. The host name is translated to an IP address during configuration, unless you use the tcp host-name option, which allows load balancing by dynamically resolving an IP address from a host name. These arguments can have the following values:
· x25 X.121-address--X.25 and an X.121 address. The X.121 address must conform to specifications provided in the CCITT 1984 Red Book. This number generally consists of a portion that is administered by the PDN and a portion that is locally assigned. You must be sure that the numbers that you assign agree with the addresses assigned to you by the X.25 service provider. The X.121 addresses will generally be subaddresses of the X.121 address for the X.25 network interface. Typically, the interface address will be a 12-digit number. Any additional digits are interpreted as a subaddress. The PDN still routes these calls to the interface, and the Cisco IOS software itself is responsible for dealing with the extra digits appropriately.
· tcp ip-address--TCP/IP Telnet and a standard IP address or host name. The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS) or explicit specification in an ip host command.
· slip ip-address--The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS).
· ppp ip-address--The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS).
· autocommand--Enables you to specify a string for an outgoing connection. The string executes upon connection to a host. If you want to enable ARA on an outgoing connection, you need to specify autocommand arap.

The autocommand option is necessary for ARA, because ARA does not use addressing, and autocommand permits you to invoke the arap string.

If the string following autocommand has one or more spaces as part of the string, you must place quotation marks (" ") around the string. For example, if you specify autocommand tn3270 abracadabra, you must enclose tn3270 abracadabra in quotes.

The autocommand option applies only to outgoing connections.

You can issue any EXEC command and any switch or host name as an argument to the autocommand option.
out-options (Optional) Incoming and outgoing connection request options. These arguments can have the following values:
X.25 translation options:
· cud c-u-data--Sends the specified Call User Data (CUD) text (c-u-data) as part of an outgoing call request after the protocol identification bytes.
· no-reverse--Specifies that outgoing calls are not to use reverse charging, when the interface default is that all outgoing calls are reverse charged.
· profile profile--Sets the X.3 PAD parameters as defined in the profile created by the x29 profile command.
· reverse--Provides reverse charging for X.25 on a per-call rather than a per-interface basis. Requests reverse charges on a specified X.121 address, even if the serial interface is not configured to request reverse charge calls. This is an outgoing option only.
Telnet TCP translation option:
· port number--For incoming connections, number of the port to match. The default is port 23 (any port). For outgoing connections, number of the port to use. The default is port 23 (Telnet).
SLIP and PPP translation options:
· ip-pool--Obtain an IP address from a DHCP proxy client or a local pool. If the scope-name option is not specified, the address is obtained from a DHCP proxy client. If the scope-name option is specified, the IP address is obtained from the specified local pool.
· scope-name--Specific local scope name from which to obtain an IP address. Can specify a range of IP addresses.
· header-compression [passive]--Implements header compression on IP packets only. The option passive for SLIP connections permits compression on outgoing packets only if incoming TCP packets on the same virtual asynchronous interface are compressed. The default (without the passive option) permits compression on all traffic.
· routing--Permits routing updates between connections. This option is required if the destination device is not on a subnet connected to one of the interfaces on the router.
· mtu bytes--Permits you to change the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of packets that the virtual asynchronous interface supports. The default MTU is 1500 bytes on a virtual asynchronous interface. The acceptable range is 64 through 1,000,000 bytes.
More PPP translation options:
· keepalive number-of-seconds--Permits you to specify the interval at which keepalive packets are sent on SLIP and PPP virtual asynchronous interfaces. By default, keepalive packets are enabled and are sent every 10 seconds. To shut off keepalive packets, use a value of 0. The active keepalive interval is 1 through 32767 seconds. When you do not change from the default of 10, the keepalive interval does not appear in show running-config or show translate output.
· authentication {chap | pap}--Use CHAP or PAP authentication for PPP on virtual asynchronous interfaces. If you specify both options, order is significant; the system will try to use the first authentication type, then the second.
· ppp use-tacacs--Enables TACACS authentication for CHAP or PAP on virtual asynchronous interfaces (for PPP only; TACACS authentication is not supported for SLIP).
· ipx loopback number--Permits clients running IPX-PPP over X.25 to connect through virtual terminal (VTY) lines on the router. The loopback number option specifies the loopback interface to be created. A loopback interface must have been created and configured with a Novell IPX network number before IPX-PPP can work on the VTY line. The VTY line is assigned to the loopback interface.
global-options (Optional) Translation options that can be used by any connection type. It can be one or more of the following:
· access-class number--Allows the incoming call to be used by source hosts that match the access list parameters. The argument number is the number (integer) previously assigned to an access list. The standard access list is 1-99.
· max-users number--Limits the number of simultaneous users of the translation to number (an integer you specify).
· local--Allows Telnet protocol negotiations to not be translated.
· rotor--Provides a basic load sharing of the IP destinations.
· login--Requires that the user log in before the outgoing connection is made. This type of login is specified on the VTY lines with the login command.
· quiet--Suppresses printing of user-information messages.

translate lat (virtual access interfaces)

When receiving a LAT connection request to a service name, the Cisco router can automatically translate the request to another outgoing protocol connection type. To set this up, use the translate lat global configuration command.

translate lat incoming-service-name [unadvertised] virtual-template number [global-options]

incoming-service-name A LAT service name. When used on the incoming portion of the translate lat command, service-name is the name of the service that users specify when trying to make a translated connection. This name can match the name of the final destination resource, but this match is not required. Such matches can be useful when making remote translated connections.
unadvertised (Optional) The only incoming connection request option for LAT--Prevents service advertisements from being broadcast to the network. This can be useful, for example, when you define translations for many printers, and you do not want these services advertised to other LAT terminal servers. (VMS systems will be able to connect to the service even though it is not advertised.)
virtual-template number Applies the virtual interface template specified by number in place of outgoing options.
global-options (Optional) Translation options that can be used by any connection type. It can be one or more of the following:
· access-class number--Allows the incoming call to be used by source hosts that match the access list parameters. The argument number is the number (integer) previously assigned to an access list. The standard access list is 1 to 99.
· max-users number--Limits the number of simultaneous users of the translation to number (an integer you specify).
· local--Allows Telnet protocol negotiations to not be translated.
· rotor--Provides a basic load sharing of the IP destinations.
· login--Requires that the user log in before the outgoing connection is made. This type of login is specified on the VTY lines with the login command.
· quiet--Suppresses printing of user-information messages.

translate tcp

When receiving a TCP connection request to a particular destination address or host name, the Cisco router can automatically translate the request to another outgoing protocol connection type. To set this up, use the translate global configuration command.

translate tcp incoming-address [in-options] protocol outgoing-address [out-options]

incoming-address TCP/IP Telnet and a standard IP address or host name. The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS) or explicit specification in an ip host command.
in-options (Optional) Incoming connection request options. These arguments can have the following values:
Telnet TCP translation options:
· binary--Negotiates Telnet binary mode on the Telnet connection. (This was the default in previous versions of the protocol translation software and is set automatically when you enter at translate command in the old format.)
· port number--For incoming connections, number of the port to match. The default is port 23 (any port). For outgoing connections, number of the port to use. The default is port 23 (Telnet).
· printer--Supports LAT and X.25 printing over a TCP network among multiple sites. Causes the protocol translation software to delay the completion of an incoming Telnet connection until after the outgoing protocol connection (to LAT or X.25) has been successfully established. An unsuccessful outgoing connection attempt results in the TCP connection to the router being refused, rather than being accepted and then closed, which is the default behavior. Note that using this option will force the global option quiet to be applied to the translation.
· stream--Performs stream processing, which enables a raw TCP stream with no Telnet control sequences. A stream connection does not process or generate any Telnet options, and prevents Telnet processing of the data stream as well. This option might be useful for connections to ports running UUCP or other non-Telnet protocols, or to ports connected to printers. For ports connected to printers using Telnet, the stream option prevents some of usual problems associated with using Telnet for printers, such as strange things happening to bare carriage returns or line feeds and echoing of data back to VMS systems.
protocol outgoing-address Name of a protocol followed by a service name, IP address, or host name. The host name is translated to an IP address during configuration. These arguments can have the following values:
· lat service-name--LAT and a LAT service name. You must learn the service name, through LAT service advertisements, before you can use it.
· x25 X.121-address--X.25 and an X.121 address. The X.121 address must conform to specifications provided in the CCITT 1984 Red Book. This number generally consists of a portion that is administered by the PDN and a portion that is locally assigned. You must be sure that the numbers that you assign agree with the addresses assigned to you by the X.25 service provider. The X.121 addresses will generally be subaddresses of the X.121 address for the X.25 network interface.
· slip ip-address--The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS). The slip argument applies only to outgoing connections; SLIP is not supported on incoming protocol translation connections.
· ppp ip-address--The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS). The ppp argument applies only to outgoing connections; PPP is not supported for incoming protocol translation connections.
· autocommand--Enables you to specify a string for an outgoing connection. The string executes upon connection to a host. If you want to enable ARA on an outgoing connection, you need to specify autocommand arap.

The autocommand option is necessary for ARA, because ARA does not use addressing, and autocommand permits you to invoke the arap string.

If the string following autocommand has one or more spaces as part of the string, you must place quotation marks (" ") around the string. For example, if you specify autocommand tn3270 abracadabra, you must enclose tn3270 abracadabra in quotes.

The autocommand option applies only to outgoing connections.

You can issue any EXEC command and any switch or host name as an argument to the autocommand option.
out-options (Optional) Outgoing connection request options. These arguments can have the following values:
LAT translation options:
· node node-name--Connects to the specified node (node-name) that offers a service. By default, the connection is made to the highest-rated node that offers the service.
· port port-name--Destination LAT port name (port-name) in the format of the remote system. This parameter is usually ignored in most timesharing systems, but is used by terminal servers that offer reverse-LAT services.
X.25 translation options:
· cud c-u-data--Sends the specified Call User Data (CUD) text (c-u-data) as part of an outgoing call request after the protocol identification bytes.
· no-reverse--Specifies that outgoing calls are not to use reverse charging, when the interface default is that all outgoing calls are reverse charged.
· profile profile--Sets the X.3 PAD parameters as defined in the profile created by the x29 profile command.
· reverse--Provides reverse charging for X.25 on a per-call rather than a per-interface basis. Requests reverse charges on a specified X.121 address, even if the serial interface is not configured to request reverse charge calls. This is an outgoing option only.
SLIP and PPP translation options:
· ip-pool--Obtain an IP address from a DHCP proxy client or a local pool. If the scope-name option is not specified, the address is obtained from a DHCP proxy client. If the scope-name option is specified, the IP address is obtained from the specified local pool.
· scope-name--Specific local scope name from which to obtain an IP address. Can specify a range of IP addresses.
· header-compression [passive]--Implements header compression on IP packets only. The option passive for SLIP connections permits compression on outgoing packets only if incoming TCP packets on the same virtual asynchronous interface are compressed. The default (without the passive option) permits compression on all traffic.
· routing--Permits routing updates between connections. This option is required if the destination device is not on a subnet connected to one of the interfaces on the router.
· mtu bytes--Permits you to change the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of packets that the virtual asynchronous interface supports. The default MTU is 1500 bytes on a virtual asynchronous interface. The acceptable range is 64 through 1,000,000 bytes.
More PPP translation options:
· keepalive number-of-seconds--Permits you to specify the interval at which keepalive packets are sent on SLIP and PPP virtual asynchronous interfaces. By default, keepalive packets are enabled and are sent every 10 seconds. To shut off keepalive packets, use a value of 0. The active keepalive interval is 1 through 32767 seconds. When you do not change from the default of 10, the keepalive interval does not appear in show running-config or show translate output.
· authentication {chap | pap}--Use CHAP or PAP authentication for PPP on virtual asynchronous interfaces. If you specify both options, order is significant; the system will try to use the first authentication type, then the second.
· ppp use-tacacs--Enables TACACS authentication for CHAP or PAP on virtual asynchronous interfaces (for PPP only; TACACS authentication is not supported for SLIP).
· ipx loopback number--Permits clients running IPX-PPP over X.25 to connect through virtual terminal (VTY) lines on the router. The loopback number option specifies the loopback interface to be created. A loopback interface must have been created and configured with a Novell IPX network number before IPX-PPP can work on the VTY line. The VTY line is assigned to the loopback interface.
global-options (Optional) Translation options that can be used by any connection type. It can be one or more of the following:
· access-class number--Allows the incoming call to be used by source hosts that match the access list parameters. The argument number is the number (integer) previously assigned to an access list. The standard access list is 1-99.
· max-users number--Limits the number of simultaneous users of the translation to number (an integer you specify).
· local--Allows Telnet protocol negotiations to not be translated.
· rotor--Provides a basic load sharing of the IP destinations.
· login--Requires that the user log in before the outgoing connection is made. This type of login is specified on the VTY lines with the login command.
· quiet--Suppresses printing of user-information messages.

translate tcp (virtual access interfaces)

When receiving a TCP connection request to a particular destination address or host name, the Cisco router can automatically translate the request to another outgoing protocol connection type. To set this up, use the translate tcp global configuration command.

translate tcp incoming-address [in-options] virtual-template number [global-options]

incoming-address TCP/IP Telnet and a standard IP address or host name. The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS) or explicit specification in an ip host command.
in-options (Optional) Incoming connection request options. These arguments can have the following values:
· binary--Negotiates Telnet binary mode on the Telnet connection. (This was the default in previous versions of the Cisco IOS software and is set automatically when you enter at translate command in the old format.)
· port number--For incoming connections, enter the number of the port to match. The default is port 23 (any port). For outgoing connections, enter the number of the port to use. The default is port 23 (Telnet).
· printer--Supports LAT and X.25 printing over a TCP network among multiple sites. This option causes the Cisco IOS software to delay the completion of an incoming Telnet connection until after the outgoing protocol connection (to LAT or X.25) has been successfully established. An unsuccessful outgoing connection attempt results in the TCP connection to the router being refused, rather than being accepted and then closed, which is the default behavior. Note that using this option will force the global option quiet to be applied to the translation.
· stream--Performs stream processing, which enables a raw TCP stream with no Telnet control sequences. A stream connection does not process or generate any Telnet options, and prevents Telnet processing of the data stream as well. This option might be useful for connections to ports running UUCP or other non-Telnet protocols, or to ports connected to printers. For ports connected to printers using Telnet, the stream option prevents some of the usual problems associated with using Telnet for printers, such as strange things happening to bare carriage returns or line feeds and echoing of data back to VMS systems.
virtual-template number Applies the virtual interface template specified by number in place of outgoing options.
global-options (Optional) Translation options that can be used by any connection type. It can be one or more of the following:
· access-class number--Allows the incoming call to be used by source hosts that match the access list parameters. The argument number is an integer value previously assigned to an access list. The standard access list range is from 1 to 99.
· local--Allows Telnet protocol negotiations to not be translated.
· login--Requires that the user log in before the outgoing connection is made. This type of login is specified on the VTY lines with the login command.
· max-users number--Maximum number of simultaneous users of the translation.
· quiet--Suppresses printing of user-information messages.
· rotor--Provides a basic load sharing of the IP destinations.

translate x25

When receiving an X.25 connection request to a particular destination address, the Cisco router can automatically translate the request to another outgoing protocol connection type. To set this up, use the translate global configuration command.

translate x25 incoming-address [in-options] protocol outgoing-address [out-options]

incoming-address X.25 and an X.121 address. The X.121 address must conform to specifications provided in the CCITT 1984 Red Book. This number generally consists of a portion that is administered by the PDN and a portion that is locally assigned. You must be sure that the numbers that you assign agree with the addresses assigned to you by the X.25 service provider. The X.121 addresses will generally be subaddresses of the X.121 address for the X.25 network interface. Typically, the interface address will be a 12-digit number. Any additional digits are interpreted as a subaddress. The PDN still routes these calls to the interface, and the Cisco IOS software itself is responsible for dealing with the extra digits appropriately. Do not use the same address on the interface and for translation.
in-options (Optional) Incoming connection request options. These arguments can have the following values:
· accept-reverse--Accepts reverse charged calls on an X.121 address even if the serial interface is not configured to accept reverse charged calls. This is an incoming option only.
· cud c-u-data--Sends the specified Call User Data (CUD) text (c-u-data) as part of an outgoing call request after the protocol identification bytes.
· idle minutes--Specifies the number of minutes the VC is idle. This option enables the protocol translation function to clear a switched virtual circuit (SVC) after a set period of inactivity, where minutes is the number of minutes in the period. Calls either originated or terminated are cleared. The maximum value of minutes is 255. The default value of minutes is zero.
· printer--Supports LAT and TCP printing over an X.25 network among multiple sites. Provides an "interlock mechanism" between the acceptance of an incoming X.25 connection and the opening of an outgoing LAT or TCP connection. The option causes the Cisco IOS software to delay the call confirmation of an incoming X.25 call request until the outgoing protocol connection (to TCP or LAT) has been successfully established. An unsuccessful outgoing connection attempt to the router results in the incoming X.25 connection being refused, rather than being confirmed and then cleared, which is the default behavior. Note that using this option will force the global option quiet to be applied to the translation.
· profile profile--Sets the X.3 PAD parameters as defined in the profile created by the x29 profile command.
protocol outgoing-address Name of a protocol followed by a service name, IP address, or host name. The host name is translated to an IP address during configuration, unless you use the TCP host-name option, which allows load balancing by dynamically resolving an IP address from a host name. These arguments can have the following values:
· lat service-name--LAT and a LAT service name. You must learn the service name, through LAT service advertisements, before you can use it.
· tcp ip-address--TCP/IP Telnet and a standard IP address or host name. The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS) or explicit specification in an ip host command.
· slip ip-address--The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS). The slip argument applies only to outgoing connections; SLIP is not supported on incoming protocol translation connections.
· ppp ip-address--The argument ip-address is a standard, four-part dotted decimal IP address or the name of an IP host that can be resolved by the Domain Name System (DNS). The ppp argument applies only to outgoing connections; PPP is not supported for incoming protocol translation connections.
· autocommand--Enables you to specify a string for an outgoing connection. The string executes upon connection to a host. If you want to enable ARA on an outgoing connection, you need to specify the autocommand arap string.

The autocommand option is necessary for ARA, because ARA does not use addressing, and autocommand permits you to invoke the arap string.

If the string following autocommand has one or more spaces as part of the string, you must place quotation marks (" ") around the string. For example, if you specify autocommand tn3270 abracadabra, you must enclose the tn3270 abracadabra string in quotes.

The autocommand option applies only to outgoing connections.

You can issue any EXEC command and any switch or host name as an argument to the autocommand option.
out-options (Optional) Outgoing connection request options. These arguments can have the following values:
· use-map--Applies x25 map pad command entry options (such as CUD and idle) and facilities (such as packet in, packet out, win in, and win out) to the outgoing protocol translation call. This application occurs when the protocol translation function searches the X.25 map PAD entries and finds a matching X.121 destination address. The X.25 map facilities applied to the outgoing translation can be viewed with the show translation command throughout the duration of the translation session.
LAT translation options:
· node node-name--Connects to the specified node (node-name) that offers a service. By default, the connection is made to the highest-rated node that offers the service.
· port port-name--Destination LAT port name (port-name) in the format of the remote system. This parameter is usually ignored in most timesharing systems but is used by terminal servers that offer reverse-LAT services.
Telnet TCP translation options:
· port number--For incoming connections, number of the port to match. The default is port 23 (any port). For outgoing connections, number of the port to use. The default is port 23 (Telnet).
SLIP and PPP translation options:
· ip-pool--Obtain an IP address from a DHCP proxy client or a local pool. If the scope-name option is not specified, the address is obtained from a DHCP proxy client. If the scope-name option is specified, the IP address is obtained from the specified local pool.
· scope-name--Specific local scope name from which to obtain an IP address. This option can specify a range of IP addresses.
· header-compression [passive]--Implements header compression on IP packets only. The option passive for SLIP connections permits compression on outgoing packets only if incoming TCP packets on the same virtual asynchronous interface are compressed. The default (without the passive option) permits compression on all traffic.
· routing--Permits routing updates between connections. This option is required if the destination device is not on a subnet connected to one of the interfaces on the router.
· mtu bytes--Permits you to change the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of packets that the virtual asynchronous interface supports. The default MTU is 1500 bytes on a virtual asynchronous interface. The acceptable range is 64 to 1,000,000 bytes.
PPP translation options:
· keepalive number-of-seconds--Permits you to specify the interval at which keepalive packets are sent on SLIP and PPP virtual asynchronous interfaces. By default, keepalive packets are enabled and are sent every 10 seconds. To shut off keepalive packets, use a value of 0. The active keepalive interval is 1 to 32767 seconds. When you do not change from the default of 10, the keepalive interval does not appear in the show running-config or show translate command output.
· authentication {chap | pap}--Use CHAP or PAP authentication for PPP on virtual asynchronous interfaces. If you specify both options, order is significant; the system will try to use the first authentication type, then the second.
· ppp use-tacacs--Enables TACACS authentication for CHAP or PAP on virtual asynchronous interfaces (for PPP only; TACACS authentication is not supported for SLIP).
· ipx loopback number--Specifies the loopback interface to be created and permits clients running IPX-PPP over X.25 to connect through virtual terminal (VTY) lines on the router. A loopback interface must have been created and configured with a Novell IPX network number before IPX-PPP can work on the VTY line. The VTY line is assigned to the loopback interface.
global-options (Optional) Translation options that can be used by any connection type. It can be one or more of the following:
· access-class number--Allows the incoming call to be used by source hosts that match the access list parameters. The argument number is the number (integer) previously assigned to an access list. The standard access list is 1 to 99.
· max-users number--Limits the number of simultaneous users of the translation to number (an integer you specify).
· local--Prevents Telnet protocol negotiations to from being translated.
· login--Requires that the user log in before the outgoing connection is made. This type of login is specified on the VTY lines with the login command.
· rotor--Provides a basic load sharing of the IP destinations.
· quiet--Suppresses printing of user-information messages.
· swap--Allows X.3 parameters to be set on the router by the host originating the X.25 call or by an X.29 profile. This configuration enables incoming and outgoing X.25 connections to be swapped so that the device is treated like a PAD when it accepts a call. By default, the router functions like a PAD for calls that it initiates, and like an X.25 host for calls it accepts. The swap keyword allows connections from an X.25 host that wants to connect to the router, and then treats it like a PAD. For X.25-to-TCP translations only.
· pvc number {[interface serial number] [packetsize in-size out-size] [windowsize in-size out-size]}--Specifies that the incoming or outgoing connection is actually a permanent virtual circuit (PVC). Only one session is allowed per PVC, where:

number --Specifies the virtual-circuit channel number of the incoming connection, which must be less than the virtual circuits assigned to the switched virtual circuits (SVC).

serial number--Specifies a PVC interface on which to set up the PVC connection.

in-size out-size--Specifies the input packet size (in-size) and output packet size (out-size) for the PVC. Following are valid packet size values:

16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 1024, 2048, or 4096

in-size out-size--Specifies the packet count for input windows (in-size) and output windows (out-size) for the outgoing translation. Values of in-size and out-size range 1 to 127 and must not be greater than the value set for the x25 modulo command. You must specify the same value for in-size and out-size.

translate x25 (virtual access interfaces)

When receiving a X.25 connection request to a particular destination address, the Cisco router can automatically translate the request to another outgoing protocol connection type. To set up this feature, use the translate x25 global configuration command.

translate x25 incoming-address [in-options] virtual-template number [global-options]

incoming-address X.25 and an X.121 address. The X.121 address must conform to specifications provided in the CCITT 1984 Red Book. This number generally consists of a portion that is administered by the PDN and a portion that is locally assigned. You must be sure that the numbers that you assign agree with the addresses assigned to you by the X.25 service provider. The X.121 addresses will generally be subaddresses of the X.121 address for the X.25 network interface. Typically, the interface address will be a 12-digit number. Any additional digits are interpreted as a subaddress. The PDN still routes these calls to the interface, and the Cisco IOS software is responsible for appropriately dealing with the extra digits. Do not use the same address on the interface and for translation.
in-options (Optional) Incoming connection request options. These arguments can have the following values:
· accept-reverse--Accepts reverse charged calls on an X.121 address even if the serial interface is not configured to accept reverse charged calls. This is an incoming option only.
· cud c-u-data--Sends the specified Call User Data (CUD) text (c-u-data) as part of an outgoing call request after the protocol identification bytes.
· printer--Supports LAT and TCP printing over an X.25 network among multiple sites. Provides an "interlock mechanism" between the acceptance of an incoming X.25 connection and the opening of an outgoing LAT or TCP connection. The option causes the Cisco IOS software to delay the call confirmation of an incoming X.25 call request until the outgoing protocol connection (to TCP or LAT) has been successfully established. An unsuccessful outgoing connection attempt to the router results in the incoming X.25 connection being refused, rather than being confirmed and then cleared, which is the default behavior. Note that using this option will force the global option quiet to be applied to the translation.
· profile profile--Sets the X.3 PAD parameters as defined in the profile created by the x29 profile command.
· pvc number--Specifies that the incoming connection (identified by the argument number) is actually a permanent virtual circuit (PVC).
virtual-template number Apply the virtual interface template specified by number in place of outgoing options.
global-options (Optional) Translation options that can be used by any connection type. It can be one or more of the following:
· access-class number--Allows the incoming call to be used by source hosts that match the access list parameters. The argument number is an integer in the range 1 to 99 that was previously assigned to an access list.
· max-users number--Limits the number of simultaneous users of the translation to number (an integer you specify).
· local--Allows Telnet protocol negotiations to not be translated.
· login--Requires that the user log in before the outgoing connection is made. This type of login is specified on the VTY lines with the login command.
· rotor--Provides a basic load sharing of the IP destinations.
· quiet--Suppresses printing of user-information messages.
· swap--Allows X.3 parameters to be set on the router by the host originating the X.25 call, or by an X.29 profile. This allows incoming and outgoing X.25 connections to be swapped so that the device is treated like a PAD when it accepts a call. By default, the router functions like a PAD for calls that it initiates, and like an X.25 host for calls it accepts. The swap keyword allows connections from an X.25 host that wants to connect to the router, and then treats it like a PAD. For X.25-to-TCP translations only.


To configure all virtual terminal lines on a router to support asynchronous protocol features, use the vty-async global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable asynchronous protocol features on virtual terminal lines.

no vty-async

vty-async dynamic-routing

To enable dynamic routing on all virtual asynchronous interfaces, use the vty-async dynamic-routing global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable asynchronous protocol features on virtual terminal lines and, therefore, disable routing on virtual terminal lines.

vty-async dynamic-routing
no vty-async

vty-async header-compression

To compress the headers of all TCP packets on virtual asynchronous interfaces, use the vty-async header-compression global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable virtual asynchronous interfaces and header compression.

vty-async header-compression [passive]
no vty-async

passive (Optional) Specifies that outgoing packets to be compressed only if TCP incoming packets on the same virtual asynchronous interface are compressed. For SLIP, if you do not specify this option, the Cisco IOS software will compress all traffic. The default is no compression. For PPP, the Cisco IOS software always negotiates header compression.

vty-async ipx ppp-client loopback

To enable IPX-PPP on virtual terminal (VTY) lines, use the vty-async ipx ppp-client loopback global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable IPX-PPP sessions on VTYs.

vty-async ipx ppp-client loopback number
no vty-async

number Number of the loopback interface configured for IPX to which the VTY lines are assigned.

vty-async keepalive

To change the frequency of keepalive packets on all virtual asynchronous interfaces, use the vty-async keepalive global configuration command. Use the no vty-async command to disable asynchronous protocol features on virtual terminal lines, or the vty-async keepalive 0 command to disable keepalive packets on virtual terminal lines.

vty-async keepalive seconds
no vty-async
vty-async keepalive 0

seconds The frequency, in seconds, with which the Cisco IOS software sends keepalive messages to the other end of a virtual asynchronous interface. To disable keepalive packets, use a value of 0. The active keepalive interval is 1 to 32767 seconds. The default is 10 seconds.

vty-async mtu

To set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size on virtual asynchronous interfaces, use the vty-async mtu global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable asynchronous protocol features on virtual terminal lines.

vty-async mtu bytes
no vty-async

bytes MTU size of IP packets that the virtual asynchronous interface can support. The default MTU is 1500 bytes, the minimum MTU is 64 bytes, and the maximum is 1,000,000 bytes.

vty-async ppp authentication

To enable PPP authentication on virtual asynchronous interfaces, use the vty-async ppp authentication {chap | pap} global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable PPP authentication.

vty-async ppp authentication {chap | pap}
no vty-async ppp authentication {chap | pap}

chap Enable CHAP on all virtual asynchronous interfaces.
pap Enable PAP on all virtual asynchronous interfaces.

vty-async ppp use-tacacs

To enable TACACS authentication for PPP on virtual asynchronous interfaces, use the vty-async ppp use-tacacs global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable TACACS authentication on virtual asynchronous interfaces.

vty-async ppp use-tacacs
vty-async ppp use-tacacs

vty-async virtual-template

To configure virtual terminal (VTY) lines to support asynchronous protocol functions based on the definition of a virtual interface template, use the vty-async virtual-template global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable virtual interface templates for asynchronous functions on virtual terminal lines.

vty-async virtual-template number
no vty-async

number The virtual interface number.

x25 host

Use the x25 host global configuration command to define a static host name-to-address mapping. Use the no form of this command to remove the host name.

x25 host name x.121-address [cud call-user-data]
no x25 host name

name Host name.
x.121-address X.121 address.
cud call-user-data (Optional) Specifies the Call User Data (CUD) field in the X.25 Call Request packet.

x29 access-list

To limit access to the access server from certain X.25 hosts, use the x29 access-list global configuration command. To delete an entire access list, use the no form of this command.

x29 access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} rx121-address
no x29 access-list

access-list-number Number of the access list. It can be a value between 1 and 199.
deny Denies access and clears call requests immediately.
permit Permits access to the router.
x121-address If applied as an inbound access class, specifies the X.121 address that can or cannot have access (with or without regular expression pattern-matching characters). The X.121 address is the source address of the incoming packet.

If applied as an outbound access class, then the address specifies a destination to where connections are allowed.

x29 profile

To create a PAD profile script for use by the translate command, use the x29 profile global configuration command.

x29 profile {default | name} parameter:value [parameter:value]

default Specifies default profile script.
name Name of the PAD profile script.
parameter:value X.3 PAD parameter number and value separated by a colon. You can specify multiple parameter-value pairs.

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