
Table of Contents

Asynchronous PPP and SLIP Commands

Asynchronous PPP and SLIP Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for the commands to enable PPP and SLIP on asynchronous interfaces. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Dial Solutions Command Reference.

async mode dedicated

To place a line into dedicated asynchronous mode using SLIP or PPP encapsulation, use the async mode dedicated interface configuration command. To return the line to interactive mode, use the no form of this command.

async mode dedicated
no async mode dedicated

async mode interactive

To return a line that has been placed into dedicated asynchronous network mode to interactive mode, thereby enabling the slip and ppp EXEC commands, use the async mode interactive interface configuration command. To prevent users from implementing SLIP and PPP at the EXEC level, use the no form of this command.

async mode interactive
no async mode interactive


To configure a line to start an ARA, PPP, or SLIP session, use the autoselect line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this function on a line.

autoselect {arap | ppp | slip | during-login}
no autoselect

arap Configures the Cisco IOS software to allow an ARA session to start up automatically.
ppp Configures the Cisco IOS software to allow a PPP session to start up automatically.
slip Configures the Cisco IOS software to allow a SLIP session to start up automatically.
during-login The username and/or password prompt is displayed without pressing the Return key. After the user logs in, the autoselect function begins.


To configure SLIP or PPP encapsulation as the default on an asynchronous interface, use the encapsulation interface configuration command. To disable encapsulation, use the no form of this command.

encapsulation {slip | ppp}
no encapsulation
{slip | ppp}

slip Specifies SLIP encapsulation for an interface configured for dedicated asynchronous mode or DDR.
ppp Specifies PPP encapsulation for an interface configured for dedicated asynchronous mode or dial-on-demand routing (DDR).

ip access-group

To configure an access list to be used for packets transmitted to and from the asynchronous host, use the ip access-group interface configuration command. To disable control over packets transmitted to or from an asynchronous host, use the no form of this command.

ip access-group access-list-number {in | out}
no ip access-group access-list-number

access-list-number Assigned IP access list number.
in Defines access control on packets transmitted from the asynchronous host.
out Defines access control on packets being sent to the asynchronous host.

ip address

To set IP addresses for an interface, use the ip address interface configuration command. To remove the specified addresses, use the no form of this command.

ip address address mask [secondary]
no ip address address mask [secondary]

address IP address.
mask Network mask for the associated IP network.
secondary (Optional) Specifies additional IP addresses.

ip tcp header-compression

To configure TCP header compression on the asynchronous link, use the ip tcp header-compression interface configuration command. To disable header compression, use the no form of this command.

ip tcp header-compression [on | off | passive]
no ip tcp header-compression

on (Optional) Turns header compression on.
off (Optional) Turns header compression off.
passive (Optional) On SLIP lines, prevents transmission of compressed packets until a compressed packet arrives from the asynchronous link, unless a user specifies SLIP on the command line. For PPP, this option functions the same as the on option.

ip unnumbered

To conserve network resources, use the ip unnumbered interface configuration command. To disable unnumbered interfaces, use the no form of this command.

ip unnumbered type number
no ip unnumbered

type Interface type.
number Interface number.

ipx compression cipx

To enable compression of IPX packet headers in a PPP session, use the ipx compression cipx interface configuration command. To disable compression of IPX packet headers in a PPP session, use the no form of this command.

ipx compression cipx number-of-slots
no ipx compression cipx

number-of-slots Number of stored IPX headers allowed. The range is from 10 to 256. The default is 16.

A slot is similar to a table entry for a complete IPX header. When a packet is received, the receiver stores the complete IPX header in a slot and tells the destination which slot it used. As subsequent CIPX packets are sent, the receiver uses the slot number field to determine which complete IPX header to associate with the CIPX packet before passing the packet up to IPX.

ipx ppp-client

To enable a non-routing IPX client to connect to an asynchronous interface, the interface must be associated with a loopback interface configured to run IPX. To permit such connections, use the ipx ppp-client interface configuration command. To disable a non-routing IPX client, use the no form of this command.

ipx ppp-client loopback number
no ipx ppp-client loopback number

loopback Loopback interface configured with a unique IPX network number.
number Number of the loopback interface.

peer default ip address

Use the peer default ip address interface configuration command to specify an IP address, an address from a specific IP address pool, or an address from the DHCP mechanism to be returned to a remote peer connecting to this interface. This command sets the address used on the remote (PC) side. Use the no form of this command to disable a prior peer IP address pooling configuration on an interface.

peer default ip address {ip-address | dhcp | pool [poolname]}
no peer default ip address

ip-address Specific IP address to be assigned to a remote peer dialing in to this interface. To prevent the assignment of duplicate IP addresses on two or more interfaces, this form of the command cannot be applied to a dialer rotary group nor to an ISDN interface.
dhcp Retrieve an IP address from the DHCP server.
pool Use the Global Default Mechanism as defined by the ip address-pool command unless the optional poolname is supplied.
poolname (Optional) Name of a local address pool created using the ip local pool command. The router retrieves an address from this pool regardless of the Global Default Mechanism setting.


To start an asynchronous connection using PPP, use the ppp EXEC command.

ppp {/default | {remote-ip-address | remote-name} [@tacacs-server]} [/routing]

/default (Optional) Makes a PPP connection when a default address has been configured.
remote-ip-address IP address of the client workstation or PC. This parameter can only be specified if the line is set for dynamic addresses using the async address dynamic line configuration command.
remote-name Name of the client workstation or PC. This parameter can be specified if the line is set for dynamic addresses using the async address dynamic line configuration command.
@tacacs-server (Optional) IP address or IP host name of the TACACS server to which the user's TACACS authentication request is sent.
/routing (Optional) Indicates that the remote system is a router and that routing messages should be exchanged over the link. The line must be configured for asynchronous routing using PPP encapsulation.

service old-slip-prompts

To provide backward compatibility for client software scripts expecting SLIP and PPP dialogs to be formatted with software release 9.1 or earlier, use the service old-slip-prompts global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

service old-slip-prompts
no service old-slip-prompts

show ipx compression

To show the current status and statistics of IPX header compression during PPP sessions, use the show ipx compression EXEC command.

show ipx compression detail int-spec

detail Shows detailed link-state database information for NLSP.
int-spec Interface type.


To start a serial connection to a remote host by using SLIP, use the slip EXEC command.

slip [/default] {remote-ip-address | remote-name} [@tacacs-server] [/routing]} [/compressed]

/default (Optional) Makes a SLIP connection when a default address has been configured.
remote-ip-address IP address of the client workstation or PC.
remote-name Name of the client workstation or PC.
@tacacs-server (Optional) IP address or IP host name of the TACACS server to which your TACACS authentication request is sent.
/routing (Optional) Indicates that the remote system is a router. Line must be configured for asynchronous routing using SLIP encapsulation.
/compressed (Optional) Indicates that IP header compression should be negotiated.

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