
Table of Contents

Modem Management Commands

Modem Management Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for modem management commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Dial Solutions Command Reference.

clear modem

To reset a manageable modem's hardware on an access server or router, use the clear modem EXEC command.

clear modem [slot/port | group group-number]

slot/port Slot and modem port number. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.
group group-number Modem group.

clear modem at-mode

To clear an attention (AT) directly connected session to a manageable Microcom modem from a second Telnet session, use the clear modem at-mode EXEC command.

clear modem at-mode slot/port

at-mode An AT directly connected session.
slot/port Slot and modem port number. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.

clear modem counters

To clear the statistical counters on a manageable modem installed in an access server, use the clear modem counters EXEC command.

clear modem counters [slot/port | group group-number]

slot/port (Optional) Slot and modem port number. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.
group group-number (Optional) Modem group.

copy modem

To copy modem firmware to integrated modems in an access server, use the copy modem EXEC command.

copy {flash | tftp | rcp} modem

flash Copies firmware from Flash memory to the modems.
tftp Copies firmware from a local TFTP server on your network to the modems.
rcp Copies firmware from a local rcp server on your network to the modems.

modem answer-timeout

To set the amount of time that the Cisco IOS software waits for the Clear to Send (CTS) signal after raising the data terminal ready (DTR) signal in response to RING, use the modem answer-timeout line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default value.

modem answer-timeout seconds
no modem answer-timeout

seconds Specifies the timeout interval in seconds.

modem at-mode

To open a directly connected session and enter AT command mode, which is used for sending AT commands to Microcom manageable modems, use the modem at-mode EXEC command.

modem at-mode slot/port

slot/port Slot and modem port number. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.

modem at-mode-permit

To permit a Microcom modem to accept a directly connected session, use the modem at-mode-permit line configuration command. The no form of this command disables permission for modems to accept a direct connection.

modem at-mode-permit
no modem at-mode-permit

modem autoconfigure discovery

To configure a line to discover what kind of modem is connected to the router and to configure that modem automatically, use the modem autoconfigure discovery line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

modem autoconfigure discovery

modem autoconfigure type

To direct a line to attempt to configure the attached modem using the entry for modem-name, use the modem autoconfigure type line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

modem autoconfigure type modem-name
no modem autoconfigure type

modem-name The name of the modem (such as Codex_3260).

modem autotest

To automatically and periodically perform a modem diagnostics test for modems inside the access server or router, use the modem autotest global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable or turn off the modem autotest service.

modem autotest {error threshold | minimum modem | time hh:mm [interval]}
no modem autotest

error threshold Maximum modem error threshold. When the system detects this many errors with the modems, the modem diagnostics test is automatically triggered. Specify a threshold count between 3 and 50.
minimum modem Minimum number of modems that will remain untested and available to accept calls during each test cycle. You can specify between 5 and 48 modems. The default is 6 modems.
time hh:mm Time you want the modem autotest to begin. You must use the military time convention and a required colon (:) between the hours and minutes variables for this feature. For example, 1:30 a.m. is issued as 01:30.
interval (Optional) Long-range time variable used to set the modem autotest more than one day in advance. The range of hours is between 1 hour and 168 hours. For example if you want to run the test once per week, issue 168. There are 168 hours in one week.

modem bad

To remove an integrated modem from service and indicate it as suspected or proven to be inoperable, use the modem bad line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore a modem to service.

modem bad
no modem bad

modem buffer-size

To configure the size of the history event queue buffer for integrated modems installed in an access server or router, use the modem buffer-size command.

modem buffer-size number

number Defined number of modem events that each manageable modem is able to store.

modem busyout

To gracefully disable a modem from dialing or answering calls, use the modem busyout line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to re-enable a modem.

modem busyout
no modem busyout

modemcap edit

To change a modem value that was returned from the show modemcap command, use the modemcap edit global configuration command.

modemcap edit modem-name attribute value

modem-name Name of the modem whose values are being edited.
attribute Modem capability, or attribute, as defined by the show modemcap command.
value The AT command equivalent (such as &F).

modemcap entry

To store and compress information about the capability of a specified modem, use the modemcap entry global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

modemcap entry modem-type

modem-type Type of modem.

modem hold-reset

To reset and isolate integrated modems for extensive troubleshooting, use the modem hold-reset line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restart a modem.

modem hold-reset
no modem hold-reset

modem poll retry

To set the maximum number of polling attempts used to retrieve performance statistics from a modem installed in an access server or router, use the modem poll retry global configuration command.

modem poll retry number

number Maximum number of polling attempts. The configuration range is from 0 to 10 attempts.

modem poll time

To set the time interval between modem polls, which are used to periodically retrieved and report modem statistics, use the modem poll time global configuration command. To restore the 12-second default setting, use the no form of this command.

modem poll time seconds
no modem poll time

seconds Number of seconds between polls. The configuration range is from 2 to 120 seconds.

modem recovery-time

To set the maximum amount of time the call-switching module waits for a local modem to respond to a request before it is considered locked in a suspended state, use the modem recovery-time global configuration command. The no form of this command sets a 5-minute response time, which is the default setting.

modem recovery-time minutes
no modem recovery-time

minutes Maximum amount of time local modems wait for a response.

modem shutdown

To abruptly shut down an active or idle modem installed in an access server or router, use the modem shutdown line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to take the modem out of a shutdown state and place it back in service.

modem shutdown
no modem shutdown

modem startup-test

To perform diagnostic testing on each integrated modem during the rebooting process, use the modem startup-test global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable startup testing.

modem startup-test
no modem startup-test

modem status-poll

To poll for modem statistics through a modem's out-of-band feature, use the modem status-poll line configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable status polling through the out-of-band feature for a specified modem.

modem status-poll
no modem status-poll

show modem

To display a high-level performance report for all the modems or a single modem inside an access server or router, use the show modem EXEC command.

show modem [slot/port | group number]

slot/port (Optional) Specifies the location of a slot and modem port. If this number is not specified, statistics for all connected modems are displayed. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.
group number (Optional) Specifies a modem group to which a specified modem belongs. The group number range is between 1 and 200.

show modem at-mode

To display a list of the manageable Microcom modems that have open AT sessions and a list of users logged in to those sessions, use the show modem at-mode EXEC command.

show modem at-mode

show modem call-stats

To display the local disconnect reasons for all modems inside an access server or router, use the show modem call-stats EXEC command.

show modem call-stats [slot]

slot (Optional) Specifies the slot number, which limits the display output to a particular range of modems in the system.

show modem connect-speeds

To display connection speed statistics for all the modems running in an access server or router, use the show modem connect-speeds EXEC command.

show modem connect-speeds [max-speed [slot]]

max-speed (Optional) Maximum speed you want displayed in the shifting speed window. You can specify from 12,000 to 56,000 bps.
slot (Optional) Specifies the slot number, which limits the display output to a particular range of modems in the system.

show modem cookie

To display information about the modem cookie, use the show modem cookie EXEC command.

show modem cookie

show modem csm

To display the internal status of the call switching module for modems inside access servers or routers, use the show modem csm EXEC command.

show modem csm [slot/port | group number]

slot/port (Optional) Specifies the location of a slot and modem port. If this number is not specified, statistics for all connected modems are displayed. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.
group number (Optional) Specifies the location of a specific group of modems. If this number is not specified, statistics for all modems in the access server are displayed. The group number range is between 1 and 200.

show modem log

To display the modem history event status performed on a manageable modem or group of modems, use the show modem log EXEC command.

show modem log [slot/port | group number]

slot/port (Optional) Specifies the location of a slot and modem port. If this number is not specified, statistics for all connected modems are displayed. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.
group number (Optional) Specifies the location of a specific group of modems. If this number is not specified, statistics for all modems in the access server are displayed. The group number range is between 1 and 200.

show modem summary

To display a high-level report for all manageable modems dialing into and out of the network, use the show modem summary EXEC command.

show modem summary

show modem test

To display the modem test log, use the show modem test EXEC command.

show modem test

show modem version

To display version information about the modem firmware, controller and DSP code (for 56K modems only), and boot code, use the show modem version EXEC command.

show modem version

test modem back-to-back

To diagnose an integrated modem that may not be functioning properly, use the test modem back-to-back EXEC command.

test modem back-to-back first-slot/port second-slot/port

first-slot/port Slot and modem number of the first test modem. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.
second-slot/port Slot and modem number of the second test modem. Remember to include the forward slash (/) when entering this variable.

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