
Table of Contents

IBM Network Media Translation Commands

IBM Network Media Translation Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) or SDLLC connection commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Bridging and IBM Networking Command Reference.

qllc accept-all-calls

Use the qllc accept-all-calls interface configuration command to enable the router to accept a call from any remote X.25 device. Use the no form of this command to cancel the request.

qllc accept-all-calls
no qllc accept-all-calls

qllc largest-packet

Use the qllc largest-packet interface configuration command to indicate the maximum size of the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) packet that can be sent or received on an X.25 interface configured for QLLC conversion. Use the no form of this command to restore the default largest packet size.

qllc largest-packet virtual-mac-addr max-size
no qllc largest-packet virtual-mac-addr max-size

virtual-mac-addr Virtual Media Access Control (MAC) address associated with the remote X.25 device, as defined using the x25 map qllc or x25 pvc qllc interface configuration commands. This address is written as a dotted triple of four-digit hexadecimal numbers.
max-size Maximum size, in bytes, of the SNA packet that can be sent or received on the X.25 interface configured for QLLC conversion. This value agrees with the value configured in the remote SNA device. The valid range is 0 to 1024.

qllc npsi-poll

Use the qllc npsi-poll interface configuration command to enable a connection between a PU 2 on the LAN side and a front-end processor (FEP) running NPSI on the X.25 side. Use the no form of this command to disable this capability.

qllc npsi-poll virtual-mac-addr
no qllc npsi-poll virtual-mac-addr

virtual-mac-addr MAC address associated with the remote X.25 device, as defined using the x25 map qllc or x25 pvc qllc interface configuration commands. This address is written as a dotted triple of four-digit hexadecimal numbers.

qllc partner

Use the qllc partner interface configuration command to enable a router configured for QLLC conversion to open a connection to the local Token Ring device on behalf of the remote X.25 device when an incoming call is received. Use the no form of this command to disable this capability.

qllc partner virtual-mac-addr mac-addr
no qllc partner virtual-mac-addr mac-addr

virtual-mac-addr MAC address associated with the remote X.25 device, as defined using the x25 map qllc or x25 pvc qllc interface configuration commands. This address is written as a dotted triple of four-digit hexadecimal numbers.
mac-addr 48-bit MAC address of the Token Ring host that will communicate with the remote X.25 device.

qllc sap

Use the qllc sap interface configuration command to associate a service access point (SAP) value other than the default SAP value with a serial interface configured for X.25 communication and QLLC conversion. The no form of this command returns this SAP value to its default state.

qllc sap virtual-mac-addr ssap dsap
no qllc sap virtual-mac-addr ssap dsap

virtual-mac-addr MAC address associated with the remote X.25 device, as defined using the x25 map qllc or x25 pvc qllc interface configuration commands. This address is written as a dotted triple of four-digit hexadecimal numbers.
ssap Source SAP value. It can be a decimal number in the range 2 to 254. The default is 4.
dsap Destination SAP value. It can be a decimal number in the range 2 to 254. The default is 4.

qllc srb

Use the qllc srb interface configuration command to enable QLLC conversion on a serial interface configured for X.25 communication. The no form of this command disables QLLC conversion on the interface.

qllc srb virtual-mac-addr srn trn
no qllc srb srn trn

virtual-mac-addr MAC address associated with the remote X.25 device, as defined using the x25 map qllc or x25 pvc qllc interface configuration commands. It can be 1 to 15 digits long.
srn Source ring number. This value defines a virtual ring for all of the remote X.25 devices attached to the QLLC interface.
trn Target ring number. It must be a virtual ring group that has been defined with the source-bridge ring-group global configuration command.

qllc xid

Use the qllc xid interface configuration command to associate an exchange ID (XID) value with the remote X.25 device that communicates through the Cisco IOS software using QLLC conversion. The no form of this command disables XID processing for this address.

qllc xid virtual-mac-addr xid
no qllc xid virtual-mac-addr xid

virtual-mac-addr MAC address associated with the remote X.25 device, as defined using the x25 map qllc or x25 pvc qllc interface configuration command. This address is written as a dotted triple of four-digit hexadecimal numbers.
xid Combined XID IDBLK and XID IDNUM you are associating with the X.25 device at this X.121 address. This hexadecimal value must be four bytes (eight digits) in length.

sdllc partner

Use the sdllc partner interface configuration command to enable device-initiated connections for SDLLC. This command must be specified for the serial interface that links to the serial line device. Use the no form of this command to cancel the original instruction.

sdllc partner mac-address sdlc-address
no sdllc partner mac-address sdlc-address

mac-address MAC address of the Token Ring host.
sdlc-address SDLC address of the serial device that will communicate with the Token Ring host.

sdllc ring-largest-frame

Use the sdllc ring-largest-frame interface configuration command to indicate the largest I-frame size that can be sent to or received from the LLC2 primary station. Use the no form of this command to return to the default.

sdllc ring-largest-frame value  
no sdllc ring-largest-frame value  

value Frame size in bytes. Possible values include 516, 1500, 2052, 4472, 8144, 11407, and 17800.

sdllc sap

Use the sdllc sap interface configuration command to associate a SAP value other than the default SAP value with a serial interface configured for SDLLC. Use the no form of this command to return this SAP value to its default state.

sdllc sap sdlc-address ssap dsap
no sdllc sap sdlc-address ssap dsap

sdlc-address MAC address associated with the remote SDLC device.
ssap Source SAP value. It must be in the range 1 to 254. The default is 4.
dsap Destination SAP value. It must be in the range 1 to 254. The default is 4.

sdllc sdlc-largest-frame

Use the sdllc sdlc-largest-frame interface configuration command to indicate the largest information frame (I-frame) size that can be sent or received by the designated SDLC station. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

sdllc sdlc-largest-frame address value  
no sdllc sdlc-largest-frame address value

address Address of the SDLC station that will communicate with the Token Ring host.
value Largest frame size that can be sent or received by this SDLC station. The default is 265 bytes.

sdllc traddr

Use the sdllc traddr interface configuration command to enable SDLLC media translation on a serial interface. The address specified is a MAC address to be assigned to the serial station. Use the no form of this command to disable SDLLC media translation on the interface.

sdllc traddr xxxx.xxxx.xx00 lr bn tr  
no sdllc traddr xxxx.xxxx.xx00 lr bn tr

xxxx.xxxx.xx00 MAC address to be assigned to the serial interface.
lr SDLLC virtual ring number.
bn SDLLC bridge number.
tr SDLLC target ring number.

sdllc xid

Use the sdllc xid interface configuration command to specify an XID value appropriate for the designated SDLC station associated with this serial interface. Use the no form of this command to disable XID processing for this address.

sdllc xid address xxxxxxxx  
no sdllc xid address xxxxxxxx  

address Address of the SDLC station associated with this interface.
xxxxxxxx XID the Cisco IOS software will use to respond to XID requests received on the Token Ring (LLC2) side of the connection. This value must be 4 bytes (8 digits) in length and is specified with hexadecimal digits.

show interfaces

Use the show interfaces privileged EXEC command to display the SDLC information for a given SDLC interface.

show interfaces

show qllc

Use the show qllc EXEC command to display the current state of any QLLC connections.

show qllc

show sdllc local-ack

Use the show sdllc local-ack privileged EXEC command to display the current state of any current local acknowledgment connections, as well as any configured passthrough rings.

show sdllc local-ack

source-bridge fst-peername

Use the source-bridge fst-peername global configuration command to set up a Fast-Sequenced Transport (FST) peer name. Use the no form of this command to disable the IP address assignment.

source-bridge fst-peername local-interface-address
no source-bridge fst-peername local-interface-address

local-interface-address IP address to assign to the local router.

source-bridge qllc-local-ack

Use the source-bridge qllc-local-ack global configuration command to enable or disable QLLC local acknowledgment for all QLLC conversion connections. The no form of this command disables this capability.

source-bridge qllc-local-ack
no source-bridge qllc-local-ack

source-bridge remote-peer fst

Use the source-bridge remote-peer fst global configuration command to specify a Fast-Sequenced Transport (FST) encapsulation connection. Use the no form of this command to disable the previous assignments.

source-bridge remote-peer ring-group fst ip-address [lf size] [version number]
no source-bridge remote-peer ring-group fst ip-address

ring-group Ring group number. This ring group number must match the number you have specified with the source-bridge ring-group command. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
ip-address IP address of the remote peer with which the router will communicate.
lf size (Optional) Maximum size frame to be sent to this remote peer. The Cisco IOS software negotiates all transit routes down to this size or lower. Use this argument to prevent timeouts in end hosts by reducing the amount of data they have to transmit in a fixed interval. The legal values for this argument are 516, 1500, 2052, 4472, 8144, 11407, and 17800 bytes.
version number (Optional) Forces RSRB protocol version number for the remote peer. Because all FST peers support version 2 RSRB, the version keyword is always specified.

source-bridge remote-peer interface

Use the source-bridge remote-peer interface global configuration command when specifying a point-to-point direct encapsulation connection. Use the no form of this command to disable previous interface assignments.

source-bridge remote-peer ring-group interface interface-name [mac-address] [lf size]
no source-bridge remote-peer ring-group interface interface-name

ring-group Ring group number. This ring group number must match the number you have specified with the source-bridge ring-group command. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
interface-name Name of the serial interface over which to send source-route bridged traffic.
mac-address (Optional) MAC address for the interface you specify using the interface-name argument. This argument is required for nonserial interfaces. You can obtain the value of this MAC address by using the show interfaces command, and then scanning the display for the interface specified by interface-name.
lf size (Optional) Maximum size frame to be sent to this remote peer. The Cisco IOS software negotiates all transit routes down to this size or lower. This argument is useful in preventing timeouts in end hosts by reducing the amount of data they have to transmit in a fixed interval. The legal values for this argument are 516, 1500, 2052, 4472, 8144, 11407, and 17800 bytes.

source-bridge remote-peer tcp

Use the source-bridge remote-peer tcp global configuration command to identify the IP address of a peer in the ring group with which to exchange source-bridge traffic using TCP. Use the no form of this command to remove a remote peer for the specified ring group.

source-bridge remote-peer ring-group tcp ip-address [lf size] [local-ack] [priority]
no source-bridge remote-peer ring-group tcp ip-address

ring-group Ring group number. This ring group number must match the number you have specified with the source-bridge ring-group command. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
ip-address IP address of the remote peer with which the router will communicate.
lf size (Optional) Maximum size frame to be sent to this remote peer. The Cisco IOS software negotiates all transit routes down to this size or lower. Use this argument to prevent timeouts in end hosts by reducing the amount of data they have to transmit in a fixed interval. The valid values for this argument are 516, 1500, 2052, 4472, 8144, 11407, and 17800 bytes.
local-ack (Optional) LLC2 sessions destined for a specific remote peer are to be locally terminated and acknowledged. Local acknowledgment should be used for LLC2 sessions going to this remote peer.
priority (Optional) Enables prioritization over a TCP network. You must specify the keyword local-ack earlier in the same source-bridge remote-peer command. The keyword priority is a prerequisite for features such as SNA class of service and SNA logical unit (LU) address prioritization over a TCP network.

source-bridge ring-group

Use the source-bridge ring-group global configuration command to define or remove a ring group from the configuration. Use the no form of this command to cancel previous assignments.

source-bridge ring-group ring-group [virtual-mac-address]
no source-bridge ring-group ring-group [virtual-mac-address]

ring-group Ring group number. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
virtual-mac-address (Optional) 12-digit hexadecimal string written as a dotted triplet (for example, 0010.0a00.20a6).

source-bridge sdllc-local-ack

Use the source-bridge sdllc-local-ack global configuration command to activate local acknowledgment for SDLLC sessions on a particular interface. Use the no form of this command to deactivate local acknowledgment for SDLLC sessions.

source-bridge sdllc-local-ack
no source-bridge sdllc-local-ack

x25 map qllc

Use the x25 map qllc interface configuration command to specify the X.121 address of the remote X.25 device with which you plan to communicate using QLLC conversion. The no form of this command disables QLLC conversion to this X.121 address.

x25 map qllc x121-addr [x25-map-options]
no x25 map qllc x121-addr [x25-map-options]

x121-addr X.121 address of the remote X.25 device you are associating with this virtual MAC address. It can be from 1 to 15 digits long.
x25-map-options (Optional) Additional functionality that can be specified for originated calls.

x25 pvc qllc

Use the x25 pvc qllc interface configuration command to associate a virtual MAC address with a PVC for communication using QLLC conversion. The no form of this command removes the association.

x25 pvc circuit qllc x121-address [x25-map-options]
no x25 pvc circuit qllc x121-address [x25-map-options]

circuit PVC you are associating with the virtual MAC address. This must be lower than any number assigned to switched virtual circuits.
x121-address X.121 address.
x25-map-options (Optional) Additional functionality that can be specified for originated calls.

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