
Table of Contents

IBM Channel Attach Commands

IBM Channel Attach Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for IBM channel attach interface commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Bridging and IBM Networking Command Reference.


Use the adapter internal LAN configuration command to configure an internal adapter interface on an internal LAN. Use the no form of this command to remove an internal adapter configuration.

adapter adapter-number mac-address
no adapter adapter-number mac-address

adapter-number Number in the range 0 to 17 that uniquely identifies the relative adapter number (ADAPNO) on this interface. This value must correspond to the ADAPNO parameter configured in the corresponding virtual telecommunications access method (VTAM) XCA definition.
mac-address Media access control (MAC) address of this relative adapter. This is a hexadecimal value in the form of xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.


Use the channel-protocol interface configuration command to define a data rate of either 3 megabytes per second or 4.5 megabytes per second for the Parallel Channel Adapter (PCA) card.

channel-protocol [s | s4]

s (Optional) Specifies a data rate of 3 megabytes per second.
s4 (Optional) Specifies a data rate of 4.5 megabytes per second.


Use the claw interface configuration command to establish the IBM channel attach configuration for an ESCON Channel Adapter (ECA) interface or bus-and-tag Parallel Channel Adapter (PCA) interface on the Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series.

claw path device-address ip-address host-name device-name host-app device-app [broadcast]

path Hexadecimal value in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. This value specifies the data path and consists of two digits for the physical connection (either on the host or on the ESCON director switch); one digit for the control unit logical address, and one digit for the channel logical address. If not specified in the IOCP, the control unit logical address and channel logical address default to 0.
device-address Hexadecimal value in the range 0x00 to 0xFE. This is the unit address associated with the control unit number and path as specified in the host IOCP file. The device address must have an even value.
ip-address IP address specified in the HOME statement of the host TCP/IP application configuration file.
host-name Host name specified in the device statement in the host TCP/IP application configuration file.
device-name CLAW workstation name specified in the device statement in the host TCP/IP application configuration file.
host-app Host application name as specified in the host application file. When connected to the IBM TCP host offerings, this value will be tcpip, which is the constant specified in the host TCP/IP application file. When attached to other applications, this value must match the value hard coded in the host application.
device-app CLAW workstation application specified in the host TCPIP application. When connected to the IBM TCP host offerings, this value will be tcpip, which is the constant specified in the host TCP/IP application file. When attached to other applications, this value must match the value hard coded in the host application.
broadcast (Optional) Enables broadcast processing for this subchannel.

client (lu limit)

Use the client TN3270 configuration command to limit the number of LU sessions that can be established from a client IP address. Use the no form of this command to remove a single LU limit associated with a particular IP address.

client [ip [ip-mask]] lu maximum number
no client
[ip [ip-mask]] [lu maximum number]

ip (Optional) IP address of the client. The ip value is optional when setting the maximum number of LU sessions. If no IP address is specified then the limit is applied to all clients.
ip-mask (Optional) IP network mask for the client. The default is
number (Optional and ignored in no form of the command) Maximum number of LU sessions. The allowed value is from 0 to 65535.

client (lu nailing)

Use the client TN3270 PU configuration mode command to define a range of locaddrs to be reserved for remote devices. Use the no form of this command to cancel this definition.

client [printer] ip ip-address [mask] lu first-locaddr [last-locaddr]
no client
[printer] ip ip-address [mask] lu first-locaddr [last-locaddr]

printer (Optional) Specifies that a client connection from the nailed IP addresses will be nailed to one of the specified LUs only if the client-session negotiates a model type of 328n, where n is any alphanumeric character. Moreover, it ensures that a printer matching the IP address condition can only use an LU nailed as a printer LU.

If the printer keyword is not specified for any client statement that has this IP address set, all model types can use this range of LUs.

ip-address Specifies remote client IP address.
mask The mask applied to the remote device address. Multiple client IP addresses in the same subnet can be nailed to the same range of locaddrs.
first-locaddr Defines a single locaddr to nail.
last-locaddr (Optional) Defines the end range of inclusive locaddrs to be nailed from first-locaddr to last-locaddr.


Use the cmpc interface configuration command to configure a CMPC read subchannel and a CMPC write subchannel. Use the no form of this command to remove a subchannel definition and to deactivate the transmission group.

cmpc path device tg-name {read | write}
no cmpc
path device

path A four-digit hexadecimal value ranging from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. For PCA (Bus and Tag) use the value 0x0100.
device A two-digit hexadecimal value that specifies the device address of the CPMC subchannel.
tg-name The name of the CMPC transmission group. The maximum length of the name is 8 characters.
{read | write} The same value, read or write, as specified in the TRL major node.


Use the csna interface configuration command to specify the path and device/subchannel on a physical channel of the Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series router to communicate with an attached mainframe. Use the no form of this command to delete the CIP SNA (CSNA) path.

csna path device [maxpiu value] [time-delay value] [length-delay value]
no csna path device

path Four-digit hexadecimal value in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. This value specifies the data path and consists of two digits for the physical connection (either on the mainframe or on the ESCON director switch): one digit for the control unit address, and one digit for the channel logical address. The control unit address and channel logical address must be specified. For PCA, use the value 0x0100.
device Device address transmitted on the channel path to select the channel-attached device. For PCA (bus-and-tag), this value refers to the subchannel defined in the XCA major node on the host system.
maxpiu value (Optional) Maximum packet size in bytes that will be transmitted on the interface. The range is 4096 to 65535. The default is 20470 bytes.
time-delay value (Optional) Number of milliseconds to delay before transmitting a received packet on the interface. The range is 0 to 100. The default is 10 ms.
length-delay value (Optional) Amount of data to accumulate, in bytes, before transmitting on the interface. The range is 0 to 65535. The default is 20470 bytes.


Use the dlur TN3270 configuration command to enable the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) session switch function on the CIP, or to enter dependent logical unit requester (DLUR) configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable the SNA session switch function and discard all parameter values associated with the SNA session switch.

dlur fq-cpname fq-dlusname
no dlur

fq-cpname Fully qualified control point (CP) name used by the SNA session switch and the logical unit (LU) name for the DLUR function. This name must be unique among APPN nodes in the network including other fq-cpname values specified on all other TN3270 servers running under the Cisco IOS software.
fq-dlusname Fully qualified name of the primary choice for the dependent LU server (DLUS). This is the name of an LU, usually a CP, in an APPN host. The fq-dlusname value can be repeated and shared across servers.


Use the dlus-backup DLUR configuration command to specify a backup DLUS for the DLUR function. Use the no form of this command to remove a backup DLUS name.

dlus-backup dlusname2
no dlus-backup

dlusname2 Fully qualified name of the backup DLUS for the DLUR.


Use the generic-pool TN3270 configuration command to specify whether or not left-over LUs will be made available to TN3270 sessions that do not request a specific LU or LU pool through TN3270E. Use the no form of this command to selectively remove the permit or deny condition of generic pool use.

generic-pool {permit | deny}
no generic-pool

permit Left-over LUs should be made available to TN3270 users wanting generic sessions. This value is the default.
deny Left-over LUs should not be given to a generic pool. The physical unit (PU) is not automatically fully populated with 255 LOCADDR definitions. The default is the value configured in TN3270 configuration mode.


Use the idle-time TN3270 configuration command to specify how many seconds of LU inactivity, from both host and client, before the TN3270 session is disconnected. Use the no form of this command to cancel the idle time period and return to the default.

idle-time seconds
no idle-time

seconds Number of seconds, from 0 to 65535. A value of 0 means the session is never disconnected.

interface channel

Use the interface channel global configuration command to specify a channel attach interface and enter interface configuration mode.

interface channel slot/port

slot Specifies the slot number where the CIP is located. The value is in the range 0 to 5.
port Specifies the port number where the CIP is located. The value is in the range 0 to 2. Port 0 and 1 are for physical interfaces. Port 2 is for configuring an internal LAN interface on the CIP.

ip precedence

Use the ip precedence command to specify the precedence level for IP traffic in the TN3270 server. The no form of this command removes the precedence value.

ip precedence {screen | printer} value
no ip precedence
{screen | printer}

screen Specifies the precedence is for screen devices.
printer Specifies the precedence is for printer devices.
value Sets the precedence priority. A value between 0 and 7, with 7 being the highest priority. The default is 0.

ip tos

Use the ip tos command to specify the TOS level for IP traffic in the TN3270 server. The no form of this command removes the TOS value.

ip tos {screen | printer} value
no ip tos
{screen | printer}

screen Specifies the TOS is for screen devices.
printer Specifies the TOS is for printer devices.
value Sets the TOS priority. A value between 0 and 15. The default is 0.


Use the keepalive TN3270 configuration command to specify how many seconds of inactivity elapse before transmission of a DO TIMING-MARK to the TN3270 client. Use the no form of this command to cancel the keepalive period and return to the default.

keepalive seconds
no keepalive

seconds Number of seconds, from 0 to 65535. A value of 0 means no keepalive signals are sent. The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).


Use the lan interface configuration command to configure an internal LAN on a CIP interface. Use the no form of the command to remove an internal LAN interface.

lan type lan-id
no lan type lan-id

type Interface type for this internal LAN: ethernet, tokenring, or fddi.
lan-id A number 0 to 31 that uniquely identifies this internal LAN on this CIP. This value must be unique between all internal LANs of the same interface type on a CIP.


Use the link DLUR SAP configuration command to define and activate a link to a host. Use the no form of this command to delete the link definition.

link name [rmac rmac] [rsap rsap]
no link name

name Link name, from one to eight alphanumeric characters. The first character must be alphabetic. The name must be unique within the DLUR function.
rmac (Optional) Remote MAC address of the form xxxx.xxxx.xxxx in hexadecimal. If not specified, a loopback link to another SAP on the same internal LAN adapter is assumed.
rsap (Optional) Remote SAP address, 04 to FC in hexadecimal. The rsap value must be even and should be a multiple of 4, but this requirement is not enforced. The rsap value default is 04.


Use the lsap DLUR configuration command to create a SAP in the SNA session switch, or to enter DLUR SAP configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete a SAP and all SNA session switch links using the internal LAN interface.

type adapter-number [lsap]
no lsap type adapter-number [lsap]

type Internal adapter type on the CIP card, which corresponds to the value specified in the lan internal LAN configuration command. The currently supported type is token-adapter.
adapter-number Internal adapter interface on the CIP card, which is the same value specified in the adapter internal LAN configuration command.
lsap (Optional) Local SAP number, 04 to FC, in hex. The value must be even and should normally be a multiple of four. It must be unique within the internal adapter in that no other 802.2 clients of that adapter, in the router or in a host, should be allocated the same SAP. The default value is C0.


Use the max-llc2-sessions internal adapter configuration command to specify the number of concurrent LLC2 sessions that will be supported on the CIP interface. Use the no form of this command to remove a value.

max-llc2-sessions number
no max-llc2-sessions number

number A value in the range 0 to 4000. If no value is specified, the default is 256.


Use the maximum-lus TN3270 configuration command to limit the number of LU control blocks that will be allocated for TN3270 server use. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

maximum-lus number
no maximum-lus

number Maximum number of LU control blocks allowed. The allowed range is 0 to 32000. However, the practical upper limit for concurrently operating TN3270 sessions depends on the hardware and usage characteristics. The default is 2100.


Use the name internal adapter configuration command to give a name to the internal adapter. Use the no form of the command to remove the name assigned to an internal adapter.

name name
no name name

name Name that identifies this internal adapter. Consists of up to 8 characters that does not include blanks.


Use the offload interface configuration command to configure an offload task on the CIP. Use the no form of this command to cancel the offload task on the CIP.

offload path device-address ip-address host-name device-name host-app device-app host-link
no offload path device-address

path Hexadecimal value in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. This value specifies the data path and consists of two digits for the physical connection (either on the host or on the ESCON director switch): one digit for the control unit address, and one digit for the channel logical address. If not specified in the IOCP, the control unit address and channel logical address default to 0.
device-address Hexadecimal value in the range 0x00 to 0xFE. This is the unit address associated with the control unit number and path as specified in the host IOCP file. The device address must have an even value.
ip-address IP address specified in the host TCP/IP application configuration file.
host-name Host name specified in the device statement in the host TCP/IP application configuration file.
device-name CLAW workstation name specified in the device statement in the host TCP/IP application configuration file.
host-app Host application name as specified in the host application file. When connected to the IBM TCP host offerings, this value will be tcpip, which is the constant specified in the host TCP/IP application file. When attached to other applications, this value must match the value hard-coded in the host application.
device-app CLAW workstation application specified in the host TCP/IP application. When connected to the IBM TCP host offerings, this value will be tcpip, which is the constant specified in the host TCP/IP application file. When attached to other applications, this value must match the value hard-coded in the host application.
host-link Host application name providing the CLAW API link. For IBM compatible offload software, this will always be tcpip.
device-link CLAW workstation application name providing the CLAW API link. For IBM compatible offload software, this will always be api.
broadcast (Optional) Enables broadcast processing for this subchannel.


Use the preferred-nnserver DLUR configuration command to specify a preferred network node (NN) as server. Use the no form of this command to remove the preference.

preferred-nnserver name
no preferred-nnserver

name A fully qualified name of a NN.

pu (DLUR)

Use the pu DLUR configuration command to create a PU entity that has no direct link to a host or to enter PU configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove the PU entity.

pu pu-name
pu pu-name idblk-idnum ip-address
no pu pu-name

pu-name Name that uniquely identifies this PU.
idblk-idnum This value must match the idblk-idnum value defined at the host. The value must be unique within the subarea; however, the TN3270 server generally cannot tell which remote hosts are in which subareas, so the server only enforces uniqueness within the set of DLUR PUs.
ip-address IP address that the clients should use as host IP address to map to LU sessions under this PU.

pu (direct)

Use the pu TN3270 configuration command to create a PU entity that has its own direct link to a host, or to enter PU configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove the PU entity.

pu pu-name idblk-idnum ip-address type adapter-number lsap [rmac rmac] [rsap rsap]
[lu-seed lu-name-stem]
no pu pu-name

pu-name Name that uniquely identifies this PU.
idblk-idnum This value must match the IDBLK-IDNUM value defined at the host. The value must be unique within the subarea; however, the TN3270 Server cannot tell which remote hosts are in which subareas and does not enforce the unique value requirement.
ip-address IP address that the clients should use as host IP address to map to LU sessions under this PU.
type Internal adapter type on the CIP card, which corresponds to the value specified in the lan internal LAN configuration command. The currently supported type is token-adapter.
adapter-number Internal adapter interface on the CIP card, which is the same value specified in the adapter internal LAN configuration command.
lsap Local SAP number in hexadecimal, ranging from 04 to FC. The value must be even, and must be unique within the internal adapter so that no other 802.2 clients of that adapter, in the router or in a host, should be allocated the same SAP. Other direct links from TN3270 server direct PUs may use the same value on the internal adapter as long as the remote MAC or SAP is different.
rmac rmac (Optional) Remote MAC address. The remote MAC address of the form xxxx.xxxx.xxxx hexadecimal, specifying the MAC address of the remote host. If not specified, a loopback link to another SAP on the same internal LAN adapter is assumed.
rsap rsap (Optional) Remote SAP address. The remote SAP address is a one- or two-character hexadecimal string, ranging from 04 to FC, specifying the SAP address of the remote host. The default is 04.
lu-seed lu-name-stem (Optional) Provides an LU name that the client can use when a specific LU name request is needed. The format can be x...x## or x...x### where x..x is an alphanumeric string. When ## is specified, it is replaced with the LU LOCADDR in hexadecimal digits to form the complete LU name. When ### is specified, decimal digits are used, padded with leading zeroes to make three characters. The first x must be alphabetic and the entire string, including the # symbols, must not exceed 8 characters.

show extended channel cmpc

Use the show extended channel cmpc privileged EXEC command to display information about each CMPC subchannel configured on the specified CIP interface.

show extended channel slot/port cmpc [path [device]]

slot Slot number.
port Port number, which must be 0 or 1.
path (Optional) A 4-digit hexadecimal value in the ranging from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. For PCA (Bus and Tag) use the value 0x0100. If specified, status for all CMPC devices for the specified path will be displayed. If not specified, status for all CMPC devices for all paths under that interface will be displayed.
device (Optional) A 2-digit hexadecimal value that specifies a device address of the CPMC subchannel. If specified, only status for that CMPC device will be displayed. If not specified, status for all CMPC devices for the specified path will be displayed.

show extended channel icmp-stack

Use the show extended channel icmp-stack privileged EXEC command to display information about the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) stack running on the CIP interfaces in a Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series.

show extended channel slot/port icmp-stack [ip-address]

slot Slot number.
port Port number.
ip-address (Optional) Offload IP address.

show extended channel ip-stack

Use the show extended channel ip-stack privileged EXEC command to display information about the IP stack running on the CIP interfaces in a Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series.

show extended channel slot/port ip-stack [ip-address]

slot Slot number.
port Port number.
ip-address (Optional) IP address specified by the offload interface configuration command.

show extended channel llc2

Use the show extended channel llc2 privileged EXEC command to display information about the LLC2 sessions running on the CIP interfaces in a Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series.

show extended channel slot/port llc2 [admin | oper | stats] [lmac [lsap [rmac [rsap]]]]

slot Slot number.
port Port number.
admin (Optional) Shows configured values. This is the default.
oper (Optional) Shows operational values.
stats (Optional) Shows statistics.
lmac (Optional) Local MAC address.
lsap (Optional) Local service access point (SAP) address, 0 to 256.
rmac (Optional) Remote MAC address.
rsap (Optional) Remote SAP address, 0 to 256.

show extended channel statistics

Use the show extended channel statistics privileged EXEC command to display information about the CIP interfaces on the Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series. This command displays information that is specific to the interface hardware. The information is generally useful only for diagnostic tasks performed by technical support personnel.

show extended channel slot/port statistics [path [device-address]]

slot Slot number.
port Port number.
path (Optional) Hexadecimal value in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. This specifies the data path and consists of two digits for the physical connection (either on the host or on the ESCON Director switch): one digit for the control unit address, and one digit for the channel logical address. If not specified, the control unit address and channel logical address default to 0.
device-address (Optional) Hexadecimal value in the range 0x00 to 0xFE. This value is the unit address associated with the control unit number and path as specified in the host IOCP file. For CLAW and offload support, the device address must have an even value.

show extended channel subchannel

Use the show extended channel subchannel privileged EXEC command to display information about the CIP interfaces on the Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series. This command displays information that is specific to the interface hardware. The information displayed is generally useful only for diagnostic tasks performed by technical support personnel.

show extended channel slot/port subchannel

slot Slot number.
port Port number.

show extended channel tcp-stack

Use the show extended channel tcp-stack privileged EXEC command to display information about the TCP stack running on the CIP interfaces in a Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series.

show extended channel slot/port tcp-stack [ip-address]

slot Slot number.
port Port number.
tcp-stack IP address for the TCP stack on the CIP.
ip-address (Optional) IP address specified in an offload interface configuration command or tn3270-server PU configuration command.

show extended channel tg

Use the show extended channel tg privileged EXEC command to display configuration, operational information, and statistics information for CMPC transmission groups configured on the specified CIP internal LAN interface.

show extended channel slot/2 tg [oper | stats] [detailed] [tg-name]

slot/2 Slot number.
oper (Optional) Operational parameters for the CMPC transmission group values.
stats (Optional) Statistical values for the CMPC transmission group.
detailed (Optional) Additional LLC information about the CMPC transmission group.
tg-name (Optional) Information for the specified tg-name.

show extended channel tn3270-server

Use the show extended channel tn3270-server privileged EXEC command to display current server configuration parameters and the status of the PUs defined in each TN3270 server.

show extended channel slot/2 tn3270-server

slot/2 Specifies a particular CIP in the router where slot is the slot number. The port value for a TN3270 server is always 2.

show extended channel tn3270-server client-ip-address

Use the show extended channel tn3270-server client-ip-address privileged EXEC command to display information about all clients at a specific IP address.

show extended channel slot/2 tn3270-server client-ip-address ip-address [disconnected |
in-session | pending]

slot/2 (Optional) Specifies a particular CIP in the router where slot is the slot number. The port value for a TN3270 server will always be 2.
ip-address IP address of the client.
disconnected (Optional) Shows all clients with ip-address in disconnected state. Disconnected state refers to an LU session state of ACTIVE or INACTIVE. In this case, the ip-address refers to the client that last used the LU.
in-session (Optional) Shows all clients with ip-address in active session state. Active session state refers to an LU session state of ACT/SESS.
pending (Optional) Shows all clients with ip-address in pending state. Pending session state refers to an LU session state of P-SDT, P-ACTLU, P-NTF/AV, P-NTF/UA, P-RESET, P-PSID, P-BIND, P-UNBIND, WT-UNBND, WT-SDT or UNKNOWN.

show extended channel tn3270-server dlur

Use the show extended channel tn3270-server dlur privileged EXEC command to display information about the SNA session switch.

show extended channel slot/2 tn3270-server dlur

slot/2 Specifies a particular CIP in the router where slot is the slot number. The port value for a TN3270 server will always be 2.

show extended channel tn3270-server dlurlink

Use the show extended channel tn3270-server dlurlink privileged EXEC command to display information about the DLUR components.

show extended channel slot/2 tn3270-server dlurlink name

slot/2 Specifies a particular CIP in the router where slot is the slot number. The port value for a TN3270 server will always be 2.
name Name of the SNA session switch link to be displayed.

show extended channel tn3270-server nailed-ip

Use the show extended channel tn3270-server nailed-ip privileged EXEC command to display mappings between a nailed client IP address and nailed LUs.

show extended channel slot/2 tn3270-server nailed-ip ip-address

slot/2 Slot number.
ip-address Specifies remote client IP address.

show extended channel tn3270-server pu

Use the show extended channel tn3270-server pu privileged EXEC command to display the PU configuration parameters, statistics and all the LUs currently attached to the PU.

show extended channel slot/2 tn3270-server pu pu-name

extended channel slot/2 (Optional) Specifies a particular CIP in the router where slot is the slot number. The port value for a TN3270 server will always be 2.
pu-name PU name that uniquely identifies this PU.

show extended channel tn3270-server pu lu

Use the show extended channel tn3270-server pu lu privileged EXEC command to display information about the TN3270 server LUs running on CIP interface in a Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series.

show extended channel slot/2 tn3270-server pu pu-name lu locaddr [history]

slot/2 Specifies a particular CIP in the router where slot is the slot number. The port value for a TN3270 server will always be 2.
pu-name PU name that uniquely identifies this PU.
locaddr LU LOCADDR that uniquely identifies the LU.
history (Optional) Displays the LU trace history.

show extended channel udp-listeners

Use the show extended channel udp-listeners privileged EXEC command to display information about the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener sockets running on the CIP interfaces in a Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series.

show extended channel slot/port udp-listeners [ip-address]

slot Slot number.
port Port number.
udp-listeners Specifies UDP listener port display.
ip-address (Optional) IP address specified in an offload interface configuration command.

show extended channel udp-stack

Use the show extended channel udp-stack privileged EXEC command to display information about the UDP stack running on the CIP interfaces in a Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series.

show extended channel slot/port udp-stack [ip-address]

slot Slot number.
port Port number.
udp-stack Selects UDP stack display.
ip-address (Optional) IP address specified in an offload interface configuration command.

show interfaces channel

Use the show interfaces channel privileged EXEC command to display information about the CIP interfaces on the Cisco 7000 with RSP7000 and Cisco 7500 series. This command displays information that is specific to the interface hardware. The information displayed is generally useful for diagnostic tasks performed by technical support personnel only.

show interfaces channel slot/port [accounting]

slot Slot number.
port Port number.
accounting (Optional) Shows interface accounting information.


Use the shutdown interface configuration command to shutdown a physical interface or the internal LAN interface on the CIP when you are in interface configuration mode. The shutdown command also shuts down TN3270 entities, such as PU, DLUR, and DLUR SAP, depending on which configuration mode you are in when the command is issued. Use the no form of this command to restart the interface or entity. The entity affected depends on the mode in which the command is issued.

no shutdown


Use the tcp-port TN3270 configuration command to override the default TCP port setting of 23. Use the no form of this command to restore the default.

tcp-port port-number
no tcp-port

port-number A valid TCP port number in the range of 0 to 65534. The default is 23, which is the IETF standard. The value 65535 is reserved by the TN3270 server.


Use the tg interface configuration command to define LLC connection parameters for the CMPC transmission group. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified transmission group from the configuration, which also deactivates the transmission group.

tg name llc type adapter-number lsap [rmac rmac] [rsap rsap]
no tg

name The name of the CMPC transmission group. The maximum length of the name is eight characters. This must match the name specified on the cmpc statements.
llc Specifies that this TG is connected to the LLC stack on the CIP card.
type Internal adapter type on the CIP card, which corresponds to the value specified in the lan internal LAN configuration command. The currently supported type is token-adapter.
adapter-number Internal adapter number on the CIP card, which is the same value specified in the adapter internal LAN configuration command.
lsap Local SAP number, 04 to FC, in hexadecimal. The value must be even and should normally be a multiple of four. It must be unique within the internal adapter in that no other IEEE 802.2 clients of that adapter, in the router or in a host, can use the same SAP.
rmac rmac (Optional) Remote MAC address of the form xxxx.xxxx.xxxx in hexadecimal. If not specified, a loopback link to another SAP on the same internal LAN adapter is assumed.
rsap rsap (Optional) Remote SAP address, 04 to FC in hexadecimal. The rsap value must be even and should be a multiple of 4, but this requirement is not enforced. The rsap value default is 04.


Use the timing-mark TN3270 configuration mode command to select whether a WILL TIMING-MARK is transmitted when the host application needs an SNA response (definite or pacing response). Use the no form of the command to turn off WILL TIMING-MARK transmission except as used by the keepalive function.

no timing-mark


Use the tn3270-server interface configuration command to start the TN3270 server on a CIP or to enter TN3270 configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable all TN3270 server activity on a CIP.

no tn3270-server


Use the unbind-action TN3270 configuration command to select what action to take when the TN3270 server receives an UNBIND. Use the no form of this command to restore the default.

unbind-action {keep | disconnect}
no unbind-action

keep No automatic disconnect will be made by the server upon receipt of an UNBIND.
disconnect Session will be disconnected upon receipt of an UNBIND.


Use the vrn DLUR SAP configuration command to tell the SNA session switch which connection network the internal adapter interface on the CIP card belongs to. Use the no form of this command to remove a network name.

vrn vrn-name
no vrn

vrn-name Fully qualified name.

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