
Table of Contents

DLSw+ Configuration Commands

DLSw+ Configuration Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for data-link switching plus (DLSw+) commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Bridging and IBM Networking Command Reference.

clear dlsw circuit

Use the clear dlsw circuit privileged EXEC command to cause all DLSw+ circuits to be closed.

clear dlsw circuit

clear dlsw reachability

Use the clear dlsw reachability privileged EXEC command to remove all entries from the dlsw reachability cache.

clear dlsw reachability

clear dlsw statistics

Use the clear dlsw statistics privileged EXEC command to reset to zero the number of frames that have been processed in the local, remote, and group cache.

clear dlsw statistics

dlsw allroute-netbios

Use the dlsw allroute-netbios global configuration command to change the single-route explorer to an all-route broadcast for NetBIOS. Use the no form of this command to return to the default single-route explorer.

dlsw allroute-netbios
no dlsw allroute-netbios

dlsw allroute-sna

Use the dlsw allroute-sna global configuration command to change the single-route explorer to an all-route broadcast for SNA. Use the no form of this command to return to the default single-route explorer.

dlsw allroute-sna
no dlsw allroute-sna

dlsw bgroup-list

Use the dlsw bgroup-list global configuration command to map traffic on the local Ethernet bridge group interface to remote peers. Use the no form of this command to cancel the map.

dlsw bgroup-list list-number bgroups number
no dlsw bgroup-list

list-number The ring list number. This number is subsequently used in the dlsw remote-peer command to define the segment to which the bridge-group should be applied. The valid range is 1 to 255.
bgroups The transparent bridge group to which DLSw+ will be attached. The valid range is 1 to 63.
number The transparent bridge group list number. The valid range is 1 to 63.

dlsw bridge-group

Use the dlsw bridge-group global configuration command to link DLSw+ to the bridge group of the Ethernet LANs. Use the no form of this command to disable the link.

dlsw bridge-group group-number [llc2 [N2 number] [ack-delay-time milliseconds]
[ack-max number] [idle-time milliseconds] [local-window number] [t1-time milliseconds]
tbusy-time milliseconds] [tpf-time milliseconds] [trej-time milliseconds]
txq-max number] [xid-neg-val-time milliseconds] [xid-retry-time milliseconds]]
locaddr-priority] [sap-priority]
no dlsw bridge-group
group-number [llc2 [N2 number] [ack-delay-time milliseconds]
[ack-max number] [idle-time milliseconds] [local-window number] [t1-time milliseconds]
tbusy-time milliseconds] [tpf-time milliseconds] [trej-time milliseconds]
txq-max number] [xid-neg-val-time milliseconds] [xid-retry-time milliseconds]]
locaddr-priority] [sap-priority]

group-number The transparent bridge group to which DLSw+ will be attached. The valid range is 1 to 63.
llc2 LLC2 interface subcommands.
N2 number Number of times router should retry various operations.
The valid range is 1 to 255.
ack-delay-time milliseconds Max time the router allows incoming I-frames to stay unacknowledged.
The valid range is 1 to 60000.
ack-max number] Max number of I-frames received before an acknowledgment must be sent.
The valid range is 1 to 255.
idle-time milliseconds Frequency of polls during periods of idle traffic.
The valid range is 1 to 60000.
local-window number Max number of I-frames to send before waiting for an acknowledgment.
The valid range is 1 to 127.
t1-time milliseconds] How long router waits for an acknowledgment to transmitted I-frames.
The valid range is 1 to 60000.
tbusy-time milliseconds Amount of time router waits while the other LLC2 station is in a busy state before attempting to poll the remote station.
The valid range is 1 to 60000.
tpf-time milliseconds Amount of time router waits for a final response to a poll frame before re-sending the original poll frame.
The valid range is 1 to 60000.
trej-time milliseconds Amount of time router waits for a resend of a rejected frame before sending the reject command.
The valid range is 1 to 60000.
txq-max number Queue for holding llc2 information frames.
The valid range is 20 to 200.
xid-neg-val-time milliseconds] Frequency of exchange of identification (XID).
The valid range is 1 to 60000.
xid-retry-time milliseconds How long router waits for reply to XID

The valid range is 1 to 60000.

locaddr-priority Assign an input SNA LU Addr priority list to this bridge group.
sap-priority Assign an input sap priority list to this bridge group.

dlsw disable

Use the dlsw disable global configuration command to disable and reenable DLSw+ without altering the configuration.

dlsw disable
no dlsw disable

dlsw duplicate-path-bias

Use the dlsw duplicate-path-bias global configuration command to specify how DLSw+ handles duplicate paths to the same Media Access Control (MAC) address or NetBIOS name. Use the no form of the command to return to the default (fault-tolerance).

dlsw duplicate-path-bias [load-balance]
no dlsw duplicate-path-bias [load-balance]

load-balance (Optional) Specifies that sessions are load-balanced across duplicate paths.

dlsw group-cache disable

Use the dlsw group cache disable global configuration command to disable the border peer caching feature. Use the no form of this command to return to the default peer caching feature.

dlsw group-cache disable
no dlsw group-cache disable

dlsw group-cache max-entries

Use the dlsw group-cache max entries global configuration command to limit the number of entries in the group cache. Use the no form of this command to return to the default.

dlsw group-cache max-entries number
no dlsw group-cache max entries

number Maximum number of entries allowed in the group cache. The valid range is 0 through 12000. If the value is set to 0, then there is no limit to the number of entries. The default is 2000.

dlsw icannotreach saps

Use the dlsw icannotreach saps global configuration command to configure a list of service access points (SAPs) not locally reachable by the router. Use the no form of this command to remove the list.

dlsw icannotreach saps sap [sap...]
no dlsw icannotreach saps sap [sap...]

sap sap... Array of SAPs.

dlsw icanreach

Use the dlsw icanreach global configuration command to configure a resource that is locally reachable by this router. Use the no form of this command to remove the resource.

dlsw icanreach {mac-exclusive | netbios-exclusive | mac-address mac-addr
mask mask] | netbios-name name | saps}
no dlsw icanreach {mac-exclusive | netbios-exclusive | mac-address mac-addr
mask mask] | netbios-name name | saps}

mac-exclusive Router can reach only the MAC addresses that are user configured.
netbios-exclusive Router can reach only the NetBIOS names that are user configured.
mac-address mac-addr Configures a MAC address that this router can locally reach.
mask mask (Optional) MAC address mask in hexadecimal h.h.h. The mask indicates which bits in the MAC address are relevant.
netbios-name name Configures a NetBIOS name that this router can locally reach. Wildcards (*) are allowed at the end of the name. Trailing white spaces are ignored when comparing against an actual name in a NetBIOS frame.
saps (Optional) Array of saps.

dlsw llc2 nornr

Use the dlsw llc2 nornr global configuration command to prevent the receiver not ready (RNR) message from being sent while establishing an LLC2 connection. Use the no form of this command to return to the default.

dlsw llc2 nornr
no dlsw llc2 nornr

dlsw local-peer

Use the dlsw local-peer global configuration command to define the parameters of the DLSw+ local peer. Use the no form of this command to cancel the definitions.

dlsw local-peer [peer-id ip-address] [group group] [border] [cost cost]
lf size] [keepalive seconds] [passive] [promiscuous] [biu-segment]
init-pacing-window size] [max-pacing-window size]
no dlsw local-peer [peer-id ip-address] [group group] [border] [cost cost]
lf size] [keepalive seconds] [passive] [promiscuous] [biu-segment]
init-pacing-window size] [max-pacing-window size]

peer-id ip-address (Optional) Local peer IP address; required for Fast-Sequenced Transport (FST) and TCP.
group group (Optional) Peer group number for this router. The valid range is 1 to 255.
border (Optional) Enables as a border peer. Group option must be specified in order to use the border peer option.
cost cost (Optional) Peer cost advertised to remote peers in the capabilities exchange. The valid range is 1 to 5.
lf size (Optional) Largest frame size for this local peer. Valid sizes are the following:
516-516 byte maximum frame size
1470-1470 byte maximum frame size
1500-1500 byte maximum frame size
2052-2052 byte maximum frame size
4472-4472 byte maximum frame size
8144-8144 byte maximum frame size
11407-11407 byte maximum frame size
11454-11454 byte maximum frame size
17800-17800 byte maximum frame size
keepalive seconds (Optional) Default remote peer keepalive interval in seconds. The valid range is 0 to 1200 seconds. The default is 30 seconds. The value 0 means no keepalives.
passive (Optional) Specifies that this router will not initiate remote peer connections to configured peers.
promiscuous (Optional) Accepts connections from nonconfigured remote peers.
biu-segment (Optional) Causes DLSw+ to spoof the maximum receivable I-frame size in XID so that each end station sends the largest frame it can.
init-pacing-window size (Optional) Size of the initial pacing window, as defined in RFC 1795. The valid range is 1-2000.
max-pacing-window size (Optional) Maximum size of the pacing window, as defined in RFC 1795. The valid range is 1-2000.

dlsw mac-addr

Use the dlsw mac-addr global configuration command to configure a static MAC address. Use the no form of this command to cancel the configuration.

dlsw mac-addr mac-addr {ring ring -number| remote-peer {interface serial number |
ip-address ip-address}| rif rif-string | }
no dlsw mac-addr mac-addr {ring ring -number| remote-peer {interface serial number |
ip-address ip-address}| rif rif-string | group group}

mac-addr Specifies the MAC address.
ring ring-number Maps the MAC address to a ring number or ring group number. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
remote-peer Maps the MAC address to a specific remote peer.
interface serial number Specifies the remote peer by direct serial interface.
ip-address ip-address Specifies the remote peer by IP address.
rif rif-string Maps the MAC address to a local interface using a RIF string. The RIF string describes a source-routed path from the router to the MAC address. It starts at the router's ring-group and ends on the ring where the MAC address is located. The direction should be from the router toward the MAC address. See IEEE 802.5 standard for details.
group group Maps the MAC address to a specified peer group. Valid numbers are in the range 1 to 255.

dlsw netbios-keepalive-filter

Use the dlsw netbios-keepalive-filter global configuration command to enable the NetBIOS Dial-on-Demanding Routing (DDR) feature. Use the no form of this command to turn off the feature.

dlsw netbios-keepalive-filter
no dlsw netbios-keepalive-filter

dlsw netbios-name

Use the dlsw netbios-name global configuration command to configure a static NetBIOS name. Use the no form of this command to cancel the configuration.

dlsw netbios-name netbios-name {ring ring-number | remote-peer {interface serial number |
ip-address ip-address}| rif rif-string | group group}
no dlsw netbios-name netbios-name {ring ring-number | remote-peer
{interface serial number | ip-address ip-address}| rif rif-string | group group}

netbios-name Specifies the NetBIOS name. Wildcards are allowed.
ring ring number Maps the NetBIOS name to a ring number or ring group number. Test frames for this name will only be sent to LAN ports in this ring group.
remote-peer Maps the NetBIOS name to a specific remote peer.
interface serial number Specifies the remote peer by direct interface.
ip-address ip-address Specifies the remote peer by IP address.
rif rif- string Maps the MAC address to a local interface using a RIF string. The RIF string describes a source-routed path from the router to the MAC address. It starts at the router's ring-group and ends on the ring where the MAC address is located. The direction should be from the router towards the MAC address. See IEEE 802.5 standard for details
group group Maps the NetBIOS name to a specified peer group. Valid numbers are in the range 1 to 255.

dlsw peer-on-demand-defaults

Use the dlsw peer-on-demand-defaults global configuration command to configure defaults for peer-on-demand transport. Use the no form of this command to disable the previous assignment.

dlsw peer-on-demand-defaults [fst] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost]
[dest-mac destination mac address] [dmac-output-list access list number]
[host-netbios-out host-list-name] [inactivity minutes] [keepalive seconds] [lf size]
lsap-output-list list] [port-list port-list-number] [priority] [tcp-queue-max]
no dlsw peer-on-demand-defaults [fst] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost]
[dest-mac destination mac address] [dmac-output-list access list number]
[host-netbios-out host-list-name] [inactivity minutes] [keepalive seconds] [lf size]
lsap-output-list list] [port-list port-list-number] [priority] [tcp-queue-max]

fst (Optional) Use FST encapsulation for all peers-on-demand being established by this router.
bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS bytes output filtering for peer-on-demand peers. The bytes-list-name is the name of the previously defined netbios bytes access list filter.
cost cost (Optional) Specifies the cost to reach peer-on-demand peers. The valid range is 1 to 5. The default cost is 3.
dest-mac destination mac address (Optional) Specifies the exclusive destination MAC address for peer-on-demand peers.
dmac-output-list access list number (Optional) Specifies the filter output destination MAC addresses.
host-netbios-out host-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS host output filtering for peer-on-demand peers. The host-list-name is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS host access list filter.
inactivity minutes (Optional) Configures the length of time after the peer's circuit count is zero that the peer-on-demand is disconnected. The valid range is 0 to1440 seconds. The default is 10 minutes.
keepalive seconds (Optional) Configures the peer-on-demand keepalive interval. The valid range is 0 to 1200 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
lf size (Optional) Largest frame size for this remote peer. Valid sizes are the following:
516-516 byte maximum frame size
1470-1470 byte maximum frame size
1500-1500 byte maximum frame size
2052-2052 byte maximum frame size
4472-4472 byte maximum frame size
8144-8144 byte maximum frame size
11407-11407 byte maximum frame size
11454-11454 byte maximum frame size
17800-17800 byte maximum frame size
lsap-output-list list (Optional) Configures local service access point (LSAP) output filtering for peer-on-demand peers. Valid numbers are in the range 200 to 299.
port-list port-list-number (Optional) Configures a port list for peer-on-demand peers. Valid numbers are in the range 0 to 4095.
priority (Optional) Configures prioritization for peer-on-demand peers. The default state is off.
tcp-queue-max (Optional) Configures the maximum output TCP queue size for peer-on-demand peers.

dlsw port-list

Use the dlsw port-list global configuration command to map traffic on a local interface (Ethernet, Token Ring, or serial) to remote peers. Use the no form of this command to disable the previous map assignment.

dlsw port-list list-number type number
no dlsw port-list list-number type number

list-number Port list number. The valid range is 1 to 255.
type Interface type.
number Interface number.

dlsw prom-peer-defaults

Use the dlsw prom-peer-defaults global configuration command to configure defaults for promiscuous transport. Use the no form of this command to disable the previous assignment.

dlsw prom-peer-defaults [fst] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost]
dest-mac destination mac address] [dmac-output-list access list number]
host-netbios-out host-list-name] [keepalive seconds] [lf size]
lsap-output-list list] [tcp-queue-max size]

no dlsw prom-peer-defaults [fst] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost]
dest-mac destination mac address] [dmac-output-list access list number]
host-netbios-out host-list-name] [keepalive seconds] [lf size]
lsap-output-list list] [tcp-queue-max size]

bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS bytes output filtering for promiscuous peers. The bytes-list-name is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS bytes access list filter.
cost cost (Optional) Specifies the cost to reach promiscuous peers. The valid range is 1 to 5. The default cost is 3.
dest-mac destination mac address Specifies the exclusive destination MAC address for promiscuous peers.
dmac-output-list access list number Specifies the filter output destination MAC addresses.
fst (Optional) Use FST encapsulation for all prom peers being established by this router.
host-netbios-out host-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS host output filtering for promiscuous peers. The host-list-name is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS host access list filter.
keepalive seconds (Optional) Configures the promiscuous keepalive interval. The valid range is 0 to 1200 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
lf size (Optional) Largest frame size for this promiscuous peer. Valid sizes are the following:
516-516 byte maximum frame size
1470-1470 byte maximum frame size
1500-1500 byte maximum frame size
2052-2052 byte maximum frame size
4472-4472 byte maximum frame size
8144-8144 byte maximum frame size
11407-11407 byte maximum frame size
11454-11454 byte maximum frame size
17800-17800 byte maximum frame size
lsap-output-list list (Optional) Configures LSAP output filtering for promiscuous peers. Valid numbers are in the range 200 to 299.
tcp-queue-max size (Optional) Configures the maximum output TCP queue size for promiscuous peers.

dlsw remote-peer frame relay

Use the dlsw remote-peer frame relay global configuration command to specify the remote peer with which the router will connect. Use the no form of this command to disable the previous assignments.

dlsw remote-peer list-number frame-relay interface serial number dlci-number
[backup-peer [ip-address | frame-relay interface serial number dlci-number |
interface name]] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost] [dest-mac mac-address]
dmac-output-list access-list-number] [host-netbios-out host-list-name]
keepalive seconds] [lf size] [linger minutes] [lsap-output-list list] [passive]
no dlsw remote-peer list-number frame-relay interface serial number dlci-number
[backup-peer [ip-address | frame-relay interface serial number dlci-number |
interface name]] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost] [dest-mac mac-address]
dmac-output-list access-list-number] [host-netbios-out host-list-name]
keepalive seconds] [lf size] [linger minutes] [lsap-output-list list] [passive]

list-number Ring list number. The valid range is 1 to 255. The default is 0, which means DLSw+ forwards explorers over all ports or bridge groups on which DLSw+ is enabled.
interface serial number Serial interface number of the remote peer with which the router is to communicate.
dlci-number DLCI number of the remote peer.
backup-peer ip-address (Optional) IP address of the existing TCP/FST peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
backup-peer frame-relay interface serial number dlci-number (Optional) Serial interface and DLCI number of the existing Direct /LLC2 frame-relay peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
backup-peer interface name (Optional) Interface name of the existing direct peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS bytes output filtering for this peer. The bytes-list-name argument is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS bytes access list filter.
cost cost (Optional) Cost to reach this remote peer. The valid range is 1 to 5.
dest-mac mac-address (Optional) Permits the connection to be established only when there is an explorer frame destined for the specified 48-bit MAC address written in dotted triplet form.
dmac-output-list access-list-number (Optional) Permits the connection to be established only when the explorer frame passes the specified access list. The access-list-number is the list number specified in the access-list command.
host-netbios-out host-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS host output filtering for this peer. The host-list-name is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS host access list filter.
keepalive seconds (Optional) Sets the keepalive interval for this remote peer. The range is 0 to 1200 seconds.
lf size (Optional) Largest frame size, in bytes, this local peer will use on a circuit to avoid segmented frames. Valid sizes are 516, 1470, 1500, 2052, 4472, 8144, 11407, 11454, and 17800 bytes.
linger minutes (Optional) Configures length of time the backup peer remains connected after the primary peer connection is reestablished. The valid range is 1 to 300 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
lsap-output-list list (Optional) Filters output IEEE 802.5 encapsulated packets. Valid access list numbers are in the range 200 to 299.
passive (Optional) Designates this remote peer as passive.
pass-thru (Optional) Selects passthrough mode. The default is local acknowledgment mode.

dlsw remote-peer fst

Use the dlsw remote-peer fst global configuration command to specify an FST encapsulation connection for remote peer transport. Use the no form of this command to disable the previous FST assignments.

dlsw remote-peer list-number fst ip-address [backup-peer [ip-address | frame-relay
interface serial
number dlci-number | interface name]]
[bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost] [dest-mac mac-address]
dmac-output-list access-list-number] [host-netbios-out host-list-name]
[keepalive seconds] [lf size] [linger minutes] [lsap-output-list list] [passive]
no dlsw remote-peer list-number fst ip-address [backup-peer [ip-address | frame-relay
interface serial
number dlci-number | interface name]]
[bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost] [dest-mac mac-address]
dmac-output-list access-list-number] [host-netbios-out host-list-name]
[keepalive seconds] [lf size] [linger minutes] [lsap-output-list list] [passive]

list-number Ring list number. The valid range is 1 to 255. The default is 0, which means DLSw+ forwards explorers over all ports or bridge groups on which DLSw+ is enabled.
ip-address IP address of the remote peer with which the router is to communicate.
backup-peer ip-address (Optional) IP address of the existing TCP/FST peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
backup-peer frame-relay-interface serial number dlci number (Optional) Serial interface and DLCI number of the existing Direct /LLC2 frame-relay peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
backup-peer interface name (Optional) Interface name of the existing direct peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS bytes output filtering for this peer. The bytes-list-name argument is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS bytes access list filter.
cost cost (Optional) Cost to reach this remote peer. The valid range is 1 to 5.
dest-mac mac-address (Optional) Permits the connection to be established only when there is an explorer frame destined for the specified 48-bit MAC address written in dotted triplet form.
dmac-output-list access-list-number (Optional) Permits the connection to be established only when the explorer frame passes the specified access list. The access-list-number is the list number specified in the access-list command.
host-netbios-out host-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS host output filtering for this peer. The host-list-name is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS host access list filter.
keepalive seconds (Optional) Sets the keepalive interval for this remote peer. The range is 0 to 1200 seconds.
lf size (Optional) Largest frame size this local peer will use on a circuit to avoid segmented frames. Valid sizes are 516, 1470, 1500, 2052, 4472, 8144, 11407, 11454, and 17800 bytes.
linger minutes (Optional) Configures length of time the backup peer remains connected after the primary peer connection is reestablished. The valid range is 1 to 300 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
lsap-output-list list (Optional) Filters output IEEE 802.5 encapsulated packets. Valid access list numbers are in the range 200 to 299.
passive (Optional) Designates this remote peer as passive.

dlsw remote-peer interface

Use the dlsw remote-peer interface global configuration command when specifying a point-to-point direct encapsulation connection. Use the no form of this command to disable previous interface assignments.

dlsw remote-peer list-number interface serial number [backup-peer [ip-address | frame-relay
interface serial
number dlci-number | interface name]] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name]
[cost cost] [dest-mac mac-address] [dmac-output-list access-list-number]
[host-netbios-out host-list-name] [keepalive seconds] [lf size] [linger minutes]
lsap-output-list list] [passive] [pass-thru]

no dlsw remote-peer list-number interface serial number [backup-peer [ip-address |
frame-relay interface serial number dlci-number | interface name]]
[bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name] [cost cost] [dest-mac mac-address]
dmac-output-list access-list-number] [host-netbios-out host-list-name]
[keepalive seconds] [lf size] [linger minutes] [lsap-output-list list] [passive]

list-number Ring list number. The valid range is 1 to 255. The default is 0, which means all.
serial number Specifies the remote peer by direct serial interface.
backup-peer ip-address (Optional) IP address of the existing TCP/FST peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
backup-peer frame-relay interface serial number dlci number (Optional) Serial interface and DLCI number of the existing Direct /LLC2 frame-relay peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
backup-peer interface name (Optional) Interface name of the existing direct peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS bytes output filtering for this peer. The bytes-list-name argument is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS bytes access list filter.
cost cost (Optional) Cost to reach this remote peer. The valid range is 1 to 5.
dest-mac mac-address (Optional) Permits the connection to be established only when there is an explorer frame destined for the specified 48-bit MAC address written in dotted triplet form.
dmac-output-list access-list-number (Optional) Permits the connection to be established only when the explorer frame passes the specified access list. The access-list-number is the list number specified in the access-list command.
host-netbios-out host-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS host output filtering for this peer. The host-list-name is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS host access list filter.
keepalive seconds (Optional) Sets the keepalive interval for this remote peer. The range is 0 to 1200 seconds.
lf size (Optional) Largest frame size, in bytes, this local peer will use on a circuit to avoid segmented frames. Valid sizes are 516, 1470, 1500, 2052, 4472, 8144, 11407, 11454, and 17800 bytes.
linger minutes (Optional) Configures length of time the backup peer remains connected after the primary peer connection is reestablished. The valid range is 1 to 300 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
lsap-output-list list (Optional) Filters output IEEE 802.5 encapsulated packets. Valid access list numbers are in the range 200 to 299.
passive (Optional) Designates this remote peer as passive.
pass-thru (Optional) Selects passthrough mode. The default is local acknowledgment mode.

dlsw remote-peer tcp

Use the dlsw remote-peer tcp global configuration command to identify the IP address of a peer with which to exchange traffic using TCP. Use the no form of this command to remove a remote peer.

dlsw remote-peer list-number tcp ip-address [backup-peer [ip-address | frame-relay
interface serial
number dlci-number | interface name]] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name]
cost cost] [dest-mac mac-address] [dmac-output-list access-list-number] [dynamic]
host-netbios-out host-list-name] [inactivity minutes] [dynamic] [keepalive seconds]
lf size] [linger minutes] [lsap-output-list list] [no-llc minutes] [passive] [priority]
[tcp-queue-max size] [timeout seconds]
no dlsw remote-peer list-number tcp ip-address [backup-peer [ip-address | frame-relay
interface serial
number dlci-number | interface name]] [bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name]
cost cost] [dest-mac mac-address] [dmac-output-list access-list-number] [dynamic]
host-netbios-out host-list-name] [inactivity minutes] [dynamic] [keepalive seconds]
lf size] [linger minutes] [lsap-output-list list] [no-llc minutes] [passive] [priority]
[tcp-queue-max size] [timeout seconds]

list-number Remote peer ring group list number. This ring group list number default is 0. Otherwise, this value must match the number you specify with the dlsw ring-list, dlsw port-list or dlsw bgroup-list command.
tcp ip-address IP address of the remote peer with which the router is to communicate.
backup-peer ip-address (Optional) IP address of the existing TCP/FST peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
backup-peer frame-relay interface serial number dlci number (Optional) Serial interface and DLCI number of the existing Direct /LLC2 frame-relay peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
backup-peer interface name (Optional) Interface name of the existing direct peer for which this peer is the backup peer.
bytes-netbios-out bytes-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS bytes output filtering for this peer. The bytes-list-name argument is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS bytes access list filter.
cost cost (Optional) The cost to reach this remote peer. The valid range is 1 to 5.
dest-mac mac-address (Optional) Permits the TCP connection to be established only when there is an explorer frame destined for the specified 48-bit MAC address written in dotted triplet form.
dmac-output-list access-list-number (Optional) Permits the TCP connection to be established only when the explorer frame passes the specified access list. The access-list-number is the list number specified in an access-list command.
dynamic (Optional) Permits the TCP connection to be established only when there is DLSw+ data to send.
host-netbios-out host-list-name (Optional) Configures NetBIOS host output filtering for this peer. The host-list-name is the name of the previously defined NetBIOS host access list filter.
inactivity minutes (Optional) Configures the length of time a connection can be idle before closing the dynamic remote peer connection. The valid range is 1 to 300 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
keepalive seconds (Required) Sets the keepalive interval for this remote peer. The range is 0 to 1200 seconds.
lf size (Optional) Largest frame size, in bytes, this local peer will use on a circuit to avoid segmented frames. Valid sizes are 516, 1470, 1500, 2052, 4472, 8144, 11407, 11454, and 17800 bytes.
linger minutes (Optional) Configures length of time the backup peer remains connected after the primary peer connection is reestablished. The valid range is 1 to 300 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
lsap-output-list list (Optional) Filters output IEEE 802.5 encapsulated packets. Valid access list numbers are in the range 200 to 299.
no-llc minutes (Optional) Configures the length of time a remote peer remains connected after all LLC2 connections are gone. The valid range is 1 to 300 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
passive (Optional) Designates this remote peer as passive.
priority (Optional) Enables prioritization features for this remote peer. Valid TCP port numbers are the following:

· High: 2065

· Medium: 1981

· Normal: 1982

· Low: 1983

tcp-queue-max size (Optional) Maximum output TCP queue size for this remote peer. The valid maximum TCP queue size is a number in the range 10 to 2000.
timeout seconds (Optional) Configures the retransmit time limit for TCP. The valid range is 5 to 1200 seconds. The default is 90 seconds.

dlsw ring-list

Use the dlsw ring-list to configure a ring list, mapping traffic on a local interface to remote peers. Use the no form of this command to cancel the definition.

dlsw ring-list list-number rings ring-number
no dlsw ring-list list-number rings ring-number

list-number Ring list number. The valid range is 1 to 255.
rings Specify one or more physical or virtual rings.
ring-number Physical or virtual ring number. The valid range is 1 to 4095.

dlsw timer

Use the dlsw timer global configuration command to tune an existing configuration parameter. Use the no form of this command to restore the default parameters.

dlsw timer {icannotreach-block-time | netbios-cache-timeout | netbios-explorer-timeout |
netbios-group-cache | netbios-retry-interval | netbios-verify-interval |
sna-cache-timeout | explorer-delay-time | sna-explorer-timeout | explorer-wait-time |
sna-group-cache | sna-retry-interval | sna-verify-interval} time
no dlsw timer {icannotreach-block-time | netbios-cache-timeout |
netbios-explorer-timeout | netbios-group-cache | netbios-retry-interval |
netbios-verify-interval | sna-cache-timeout | explorer-delay-time | sna-explorer-timeout
| explorer-wait-time | sna-group-cache | sna-retry-interval | sna-verify-interval} time

icannotreach-block-time Cache life of unreachable resource; during this time searches for the resource are blocked. The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 0 (disabled).
netbios-cache-timeout Cache life of NetBIOS name location for the local and remote reachability caches. The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 960 seconds (16 minutes).
netbios-explorer-timeout Length of time that the Cisco IOS software waits for an explorer response before marking a resource unreachable (on both a LAN and a WAN). The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 6 seconds.
netbios-group-cache Cache life of NetBIOS entries in the group cache. The valid range is 1 to 86000 seconds. The default is 240 seconds (4 minutes).
netbios-retry-interval NetBIOS explorer retry interval (on a LAN only). The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 1 second.
netbios-verify-interval Number of seconds between a cache entry's creation and its marking as stale. If a search request comes in for a stale cache entry, a directed verify query is sent to ensure the cache still exists. The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 240 seconds (4 minutes).
sna-cache-timeout Length of time that an SNA MAC/service access point (SAP) location cache entry exists before it is discarded (for local and remote caches). The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 960 seconds (16 minutes).
explorer-delay-time Time to wait before sending or accepting explorers. The valid range is 1 to 5 minutes. The default is 0.
sna-group-cache Cache life of SNA entries in the group cache. The valid range is 1 to 86000 seconds. The default is 240 seconds (4 minutes).
sna-explorer-timeout Length of time that the Cisco IOS software waits for an explorer response before marking a resource unreachable (on a LAN and WAN). The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 180 seconds (3 minutes).
explorer-wait-time Time to wait for all stations to respond to explorers. The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 0.
sna-retry-interval Interval between SNA explorer retries (on a LAN). The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
sna-verify-interval Number of seconds between a cache entry's creation and its marking as stale. If a search request comes in for a stale cache entry, a directed verify query is sent to ensure that the cache still exists. The valid range is 1 to 86400 seconds. The default is 240 seconds (4 minutes).

dlsw udp-disable

Use the dlsw udp-disable global configuration command to disable the UDP Unicast feature. Use the no form of this command to return to the default UDP Unicast feature.

dlsw udp-disable
no dlsw udp-disable

qllc dlsw

Use the qllc dlsw interface configuration command to enable DLSw+ over Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC). Use the no form of this command to cancel the configuration.

qllc dlsw {subaddress subaddress | pvc pvc-low [pvc-high]} [vmac vmacaddr
[poolsize]] [partner partner-macaddr] [sap ssap dsap] [xid xidstring] [npsi-poll]
no qllc dlsw {subaddress subaddress | pvc pvc-low [pvc-high]} [vmac vmacaddr
[poolsize]] [partner partner-macaddr] [sap ssap dsap] [xid xidstring] [npsi-poll]

subaddress subaddress An X.121 subaddress.
pvc Map one or more permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) to a particular QLLC service (in this case DLSw+). QLLC will attempt to reach the partner by sending and ID.STN.IND to DLSw+.
pvc-low Lowest logical channel number (LCN) for a range of X.25 PVCs. Acceptable values for PVCs are decimal numbers between 1 and 4095. There is no default value.
pvc-high (Optional) Highest LCN. If not specified the range of PVCs consists of just one PVC.
vmac vmacaddr (Optional) Defines either the only virtual MAC address used for DLSw+ or the lowest virtual MAC address in a pool of virtual MAC addresses.
poolsize (Optional) Specify the number of contiguous virtual MAC addresses that have been reserved for DLSw+. If the parameter is not present, then just one virtual MAC address is available.
partner partner-macaddr Virtual MAC address to which an incoming call wishes to connect. The qllc dlsw command must be repeated for each different partner. Each partner is identified by a unique subaddress.
sap ssap dsap Overrides the default SAP values (04) for a Token Ring connection. dsap refers to the partner's SAP address; ssap applies to the virtual MAC address that corresponds to the X.121 device.
xid xidstring XID format 0 type 2 string.
npsi-poll Inhibits forwarding a null XID on the X.25 link. Instead the Cisco IOS software will send a null XID response back to the device that sent the null XID command.

sdlc dlsw

Use the sdlc dlsw interface configuration command to attach SDLC addresses to DLSw+. Use the no form of this command to cancel the configuration.

sdlc dlsw {sdlc-address | default | partner mac address [inbound | outbound]}
no sdlc dlsw {sdlc-address | default | partner mac address [inbound | outbound]}

sdlc-address SDLC address in hexadecimal. The valid range is 1 to FE.
default Allows the user to configure an unlimited number of SDLC addresses to DLSw+.
partner mac address MAC address for default partner
inbound Partner will initiate connection.
outbound Initiate connection to partner.

show dlsw capabilities

Use the show dlsw capabilities privileged EXEC command to display the configuration of a specific peer or all peers.

show dlsw capabilities [interface type number | ip-address ip-address | local]

interface (Optional) Specifies the interface for which the DLSw+ capabilities are to be displayed.
type Interface type is indicated by the keyword serial.
number Interface number.
ip-address ip-address (Optional) Specifies a peer by its IP address.
local (Optional) Specifies the local DLSw+ peer.

show dlsw circuits

Use the show dlsw circuits privileged EXEC command to display the state of all circuits involving this MAC address as a source and destination.

show dlsw circuits [detail] [mac-address address | sap-value value | circuit ID]

detail (Optional) Display circuit state information in expanded format.
mac-address address (Optional) Specifies the MAC address to be used in the circuit search.
sap-value value (Optional) Specifies the SAP to be used in the circuit search.
circuit id (Optional) Specifies the circuit ID of the circuit index.

show dlsw fastcache

Use the show dlsw fastcache privileged EXEC command to display the fast cache for FST and direct-encapsulated peers.

show dlsw fastcache

show dlsw peers

Use the show dlsw peers privileged EXEC command to display DLSw peer information.

show dlsw peers [interface type number | ip-address ip-address | udp]

interface (Optional) Specifies the interface for which the DLSw+ peer information is to be displayed.
type Interface type, indicated by the keyword serial.
number Interface number.
ip-address ip-address (Optional) Specifies a remote peer by its IP address.
udp (Optional) Specifies a remote peer by its UDP capabilities.

show dlsw reachability

Use the show dlsw reachability privileged EXEC command to display DLSw reachability information.

show dlsw reachability [[group [value] | local | remote] | [mac-address [address]
netbios-names [name]]

group (Optional) Displays contents of group reachability cache only.
value (Optional) Specifies the group number for the reachability check. Only displays group cache entries for the specified group. The valid range is 1 to 255.
local (Optional) Displays contents of local reachabilty cache only.
remote (Optional) Displays contents of remote reachabilty cache only.
mac-address (Optional) Displays DLSw reachability for MAC addresses only.
address (Optional) Specifies the MAC address for which to search in the reachability cache.
netbios-names (Optional) Displays DLSw reachability for NetBIOS names only.
name (Optional) Specifies the NetBIOS name for which to search in the reachability cache.

show dlsw statistics

Use the show dlsw statistics privileged EXEC command to display the number of frames that have been processed in the local, remote, and group cache.

show dlsw statistics [border-peers]

border-peers (Optional) Displays the number of frames processed in the local, remote, and group caches.

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