
Table of Contents

APPN Configuration Commands

APPN Configuration Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Bridging and IBM Networking Command Reference.


Use the adjacent-cp-name APPN link station configuration command to specify the name of the partner node for the link station. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

adjacent-cp-name netid.cpname
no adjacent-cp-name

netid.cpname Fully qualified network name of the remote control point.
A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number. The default is that no partner nodes are specified.

appn class-of-service

Use the appn class-of-service global configuration command to define an APPN class of service that is not an IBM-supplied default. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition. This command begins the APPN class of service configuration command mode.

appn class-of-service cosname
no appn class-of-service cosname

cosname Class of service (COS) name not among IBM default names. COS names must be a Type A character string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

appn connection-network

Use the appn connection-network global configuration command to specify the fully qualified network name for the connection network. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition. This command begins the APPN connection network configuration command mode.

appn connection-network netid.cnname
no appn connection-network netid.cnname

netid.cnname Fully qualified network name for the connection network. cnname is the name of the virtual network node in the connection network.
A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number.

appn control-point

Use the appn control-point global configuration command to specify the fully qualified control point name for the node. Use the no form of this command to delete the name and clear all APPN definitions. This command begins the APPN control point configuration command mode.

appn control-point netid.cpname
no appn control-point netid.cpname

netid.cpname Fully qualified control point name for the local node.
A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number.

appn link-station

Use the appn link-station global configuration command to assign the name of an adjacent link station. Use the no form of this command to delete the link station name. This command begins the APPN link station configuration command mode.

appn link-station linkname
no appn link-station linkname

linkname Name that identifies the link station. The name must be a Type A string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

appn mode

Use the appn mode global configuration command to specify a new mode or to change an IBM-defined mode and identify the class of service associated with the mode name. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition. This command begins the APPN mode configuration command mode.

appn mode modename
no appn mode modename

modename Name of the mode. A Type A character string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

appn partner-lu-location

Use the appn partner-lu-location global configuration command to specify an LU that would be the destination LU for an LU-LU session request from an LU using this node for network services. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition. This command begins the APPN partner LU configuration command mode.

appn partner-lu-location netid.luname
no appn partner-lu-location netid.luname

netid.luname Fully qualified name of the partner LU. A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number.

appn path-switch connection

Use the appn path-switch connection EXEC command to manually initiate a path switch if a better path exists.

appn path-switch connection rtp-connection-id

rtp-connection-id An RTP connection ID is a 16-byte hexadecimal number.

appn port

Use the appn port global configuration command to define an APPN port and relate it to a previously defined interface.

appn port portname {interface | rsrb | vdlc}
no appn port portname

portname Port name to be associated with the interface.
interface Previously defined interface type and number with which the port name is to be associated.
rsrb Specify rsrb instead of an interface if this port will utilize RSRB as a transport protocol.
vdlc Specify vdlc to allow link stations using this virtual port to connect over DLSw+, or any other higher-layer protocol that is CLSI-compliant, using virtual data-link control (VDLC).

appn routing

Use the appn routing global configuration command to indicate that APPN routing should be activated. Use the no form to deactivate APPN routing.

appn routing
no appn routing

appn start

Use the appn start EXEC command to activate the APPN subsystem in this node.

appn start

appn start link-station

Use the appn start link-station EXEC command to activate a logical APPN link.

appn start link-station linkname

linkname Name of the link-station. Must be a Type A character string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

appn start port

Use the appn start port EXEC command to activate APPN routing over a particular port.

appn start port portname

portname Name of the port. Must be a Type A character string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

appn stop

Use the appn stop EXEC command to deactivate APPN routing without affecting the current configuration.

appn stop

appn stop link-station

Use the appn stop link-station EXEC command to deactivate an APPN connection between the local node and an adjacent node.

appn stop link-station linkname

linkname Name of the link station. The name must be a Type A character string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

appn stop port

Use the appn stop port EXEC command to deactivate APPN routing over a specified port.

appn stop port portname

portname Name of the port. Must be a Type A character string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @


Use the atm-dest-address APPN link station configuration command to specify the address of the partner node for ATM links. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

atm-dest-address pvc
no atm-dest-address

pvc Permanent virtual circuit (PVC) of the remote node. Valid range is 1 to 4096.

backup-dlus (APPN control point)

Use the backup dlus APPN control point configuration command to specify the name of the default backup DLUS, which performs SSCP services for downstream PUs if the default DLUS is unable to provide the services. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

backup-dlus netid.cpname
no backup-dlus

netid.cpname Fully qualified network name. A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number.

backup-dlus (APPN link station)

Use the backup-dlus APPN link station configuration command to specify the default backup DLUS node that provides SSCP services to the downstream PUs of the link in the event that the DLUS is unable to provide the DLUR function. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

backup-dlus netid.cpname
no backup-dlus

netid.cpname Fully qualified network name. A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number.


Use the buffer-percent APPN control point configuration command to specify the percent of buffers that are reserved for use by APPN. Use the no form of this command to cancel the buffer reservation.

buffer-percent number
no buffer-percent

number Maximum percentage of I/O memory that APPN is allowed to allocate for buffers. The valid range is 1 to 100 percent. The default is 100 percent.


Use the central-resource-registration APPN control point configuration command to enable the central resource registration function. Use the no form of this command to disable the central resource registration function.

no central-resource-registration


Use the class-of-service APPN mode configuration command to specify the class of service that maps to a particular mode name. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

class-of-service cosname
no class-of-service

cosname Name of the class of service. Must be a Type A character string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

The default is #CONNECT.


Use the connect-at-startup APPN link station configuration command to specify that the link will call out to the partner and attempt to bring up the link when the link's definition is complete. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

no connect-at-startup

cost-per-byte (APPN link station)

Use the cost-per-byte APPN link station configuration command to specify the cost per byte of transmitting a byte of data over this connection. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

cost-per-byte cost
no cost-per-byte

cost Number in the range 0 to 255. The default is the value specified in the appn port command.

cost-per-byte (APPN port)

Use the cost-per-byte APPN port configuration command to specify the cost per byte of transmitting a byte of data through this port. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

cost-per-byte cost
no cost-per-byte

cost Number in the range 0 to 255. The default is 0.

cost-per-connect-time (APPN link station)

Use the cost-per-connect-tine APPN link station configuration command to specify the relative cost of the link. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

cost-per-connect-time cost
no cost-per-connect-time

cost Number in the range 0 to 255. The default is the value specified in the appn port command.

cost-per-connect-time (APPN port)

Use the cost-per-connect-time APPN port configuration command to specify the cost per connect time. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

cost-per-connect-time cost
no cost-per-connect-time

cost Number in the range 0 to 255. The default is 0.


Use the cp-cp-sessions-supported APPN link station configuration command to specify that a control point-control point (CP-CP) session can be established over this connection. Use the no form of this command to specify that a CP-CP session cannot be established over this link.

no cp-cp-sessions-supported


Use the desired-max-send-btu-size APPN port configuration command to specify the maximum BTU size on this link. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

desired-max-send-btu-size size
no desired-max-send-btu-size

size BTU size (in bytes) on this link, in the range 99 to 5107. The default is 1024 bytes.


Use the dlur APPN control point configuration command to specify that the Dependent LU Requestor (DLUR) function is supported on this CP. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

no dlur


Use the dlur-dspu-name APPN link station configuration command to specify the name of the downstream PU connected by this link. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

dlur-dspu-name pu-name
no dlur-dspu-name

pu-name Type A character string. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

dlus (APPN control point)

Use the dlus APPN control point configuration command to specify the name of the default Dependent LU Server (DLUS) that provides SSCP services to the downstream PUs. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

dlus netid.cpname
no dlus

netid.cpname Fully qualified CP name. A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number.

dlus (APPN link station)

Use the dlus APPN link station configuration command to specify the name of the default Dependent LU Server (DLUS) node that provides SSCP services to the downstream PUs of this link station. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

dlus netid.cpname
no dlus

netid.cpname Fully qualified CP name. A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another a string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number.

effective-capacity (APPN link station)

Use the effective-capacity APPN link station configuration command to specify the bit rate for the connection. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

effective-capacity capacity
no effective-capacity

capacity Number of bits per second in the range 0 to 100000000. The default is the value specified in the appn port command.

effective-capacity (APPN port)

Use the effective-capacity APPN port configuration command to specify the effective capacity of a link. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

effective-capacity capacity
no effective-capacity

capacity Number of bits per second in the range 0 to 100000000. The default is media dependent.


Use the fr-dest-address APPN link station configuration command to specify the address of the partner node for Frame Relay links. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

fr-dest-address dlci [sap]
no fr-dest-address

dlci Number in the range 16 to 1007 that represents the DLCI, or virtual circuit, for a Frame Relay connection.
sap (Optional) 1-byte hexadecimal number in the range 04 to EC, and divisible by 4.

hpr (APPN control point)

Use the hpr APPN control point configuration command to specify that HPR is supported in this router. Use the no form of this command to disable HPR in this router.

no hpr

hpr (APPN link station)

Use the hpr APPN link station configuration command to specify that HPR is supported over the indicated link station. Use the no form of this command to disable HPR over the link station.

no hpr

hpr (APPN port)

Use the hpr APPN port configuration command to specify that HPR is supported over the indicated port. Use the no form of this command to disable HPR over the link station.

no hpr

hpr max-sessions

Use the hpr max-sessions APPN control point configuration command to specify the maximum number of sessions allowed over an RTP connection. Use the no form of this command to cancel the specification.

hpr max-sessions num-sessions
no hpr max-sessions

num-sessions Maximum number of sessions allowed over an RTP connection. The valid range is 1 to 65535. The default is 65535.

hpr retries

Use the hpr retries APPN control point configuration command to specify the number of times to retry sending a packet before initiating a path switch of the RTP connection. Use the no form of this command to cancel the specification.

hpr retries low-retries medium-retries high-retries network-retries
no hpr retries

low-retries Number of times to retry sending a low-priority packet before initiating a path switch. Valid values are 0 to 10. The default is 6.
medium-retries Number of times to retry sending a medium-priority packet before initiating a path switch. Valid values are 0 to 10. The default is 6.
high-retries Number of times to retry sending a high-priority packet before initiating a path switch. Valid values are 0 to 10. The default is 6.
network-retries Number of times to retry sending a network-priority packet before initiating a path switch. Valid values are 0 to 10. The default is 6.

hpr sap

Use the hpr sap APPN port configuration command to specify the SAP for automatic network routing frames. Use the no form of this command to cancel the SAP specification and revert to the default SAP.

hpr sap sap
no hpr sap

sap SAP value, in hexadecimal, used for automatic network routing frames. Valid hexadecimal values are even numbers in the range 0x02 to 0xFE. The default SAP value is 0xc8.

hpr timers liveness

Use the hpr timers liveness APPN control point configuration command to specify how many seconds to wait for a packet to be received before initiating a path switch. Use the no form of this command to cancel the timers.

hpr timers liveness low-time medium-time high-time network-time
no hpr timers liveness

low-time Time, in seconds, for a node to wait to send an HPR status request when no low-priority data traffic is present. The valid range is 1 to 180 seconds. The default time is 45 seconds.
medium-time Time, in seconds, for a node to wait to send an HPR status request when no medium-priority data traffic is present. The valid range is 1 to 180 seconds. The default time is 45 seconds.
high-time Time, in seconds, for a node to wait to send an HPR status request when no high-priority data traffic is present. The valid range is 1 to 180 seconds. The default time is 45 seconds.
network-time Time, in seconds, for a node to wait to send an HPR status request when no network-priority data traffic is present. The valid range is 1 to 180 seconds. The default time is 45 seconds.

hpr timers path-switch

Use the hpr timers path-switch APPN control point configuration command to specify the amount of time allowed to attempt a path switch for an RTP connection. Use the no form of this command to cancel the specification.

hpr timers path-switch low-time medium-time high-time network-time
no hpr timers

low-time Time, in seconds, allowed to perform a path switch for a low-priority RTP connection. The valid range is 0 to
7200 seconds. The default is 480 seconds.
medium-time Time, in seconds, allowed to perform a path switch for a medium-priority RTP connection. The valid range is 0 to
7200 seconds. The default is 240 seconds.
high-time Time, in seconds, allowed to perform a path switch for a high-priority RTP connection. The valid range is 0 to
7200 seconds. The default is 120 seconds.
network-time Time, in seconds, allowed to perform a path switch for a network-priority RTP connection. The valid range is 0 to
7200 seconds. The default is 60 seconds.


Use the interrupt-switched APPN control point configuration command to specify that ISR should be processed at the interrupt level. Us the no form of this command to cancel the specification.

no interrupt-switched


Use the lan-dest-address APPN link station configuration command to specify the MAC address of the partner node. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

lan-dest-address lan-addr [sap]
no lan-dest-address

lan-addr 12-byte hexadecimal number in the form xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.
sap (Optional) 1-byte hexadecimal number in the range 04 to EC, and divisible by 4.

limited-resource (APPN link station)

Use the limited-resource APPN link station configuration command to specify that the connection be taken down when no sessions are using it. Use the no form of this command to specify that the connection will remain active when no sessions are using it.


limited-resource (APPN port)

Use the limited-resource APPN link station configuration command to specify that the link be taken down when no sessions are using the link. Use the no form of this command to specify that the link will remain active when no sessions are using the link.



Use the link-queuing APPN link station configuration command to specify queuing options and parameters for the link station. Use the no form of the command to cancel the option.

link-queuing {priority level | custom queue-number}
no link-queuing

priority level Priority level, indicated by one of the following keywords: high, medium, normal, low.
custom queue-number Priority number used to specify custom queuing for the link station. The default is that no number is assigned.


Use the local-sap APPN port configuration command to specify the local service access point (SAP) to activate on the interface. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

local-sap sap
no local-sap

sap Hexadecimal number in the range 04 to EC, and divisible by 4. The default is 04.


Use the locate-queuing APPN control point configuration command to enable the Locate Throttling function on this control point and prevent multiple broadcast locate searches to the same destination LU. Use the no form of this command to disable the Locate Throttling function.

no locate-queuing


Use the max-cached-entries APPN control point configuration command to specify the maximum number of cached directory entries. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

max-cached-entries number
no max-cached-entries

number Maximum number of cached directory entries. The valid range is 0 to 32767. The default is 255.


Use the max-cached-trees APPN control point configuration command to specify the maximum number of cached class of service routing trees. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

max-cached-trees number
no max-cached-trees

number Maximum number of cached class of service routing trees. The valid range is 0 to 32767. The default is 20.


Use the maximum-memory APPN control point configuration command to specify the maximum amount of memory available to APPN. Use the no form of the command to cancel the specification.

maximum-memory bytes
no maximum-memory

bytes Maximum amount of memory (in bytes) available to APPN. The valid range is 3000000 to 64000000 bytes. The default is that APPN has access to all memory.


Use the max-link-stations APPN port configuration command to specify the maximum number of active link stations allowed on this port. Use the no form of the command to delete the definition.

max-link-stations number
no max-link-stations

number Number in the range 1 to 255. Must be greater than or equal to the sum of reserved-inbound and reserved-outbound. The default is media dependent.


Use the max-rcv-btu-size APPN port configuration command to specify the desired maximum receive BTU. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

max-rcv-btu-size size
no max-rcv-btu-size

size Maximum receive BTU (in bytes), in the range 99 to 5107. The default is 1024 bytes.


Use the minimum-memory APPN control point configuration command to specify the minimum amount of memory available to APPN. Use the no form of the command to cancel the specification.

minimum-memory bytes
no minimum-memory

bytes Maximum amount of memory (in bytes) available to APPN. The valid range is 1000000 to 64000000. The default is 1000000 bytes.


Use the negative-caching APPN control point configuration command to specify that the negative caching function is enabled on this control point. Use the no form of this command to disable the negative caching function.

negative-caching [time] time [threshold] threshold-value
no negative-caching

time time Length of time, in seconds, that the negative cache entry will remain in the directory database. This timer determines how long a resource is considered unreachable. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds. The default is 60 seconds.
threshold threshold-value Number of locate searches to be rejected. When this threshold expires, the negative cache entry will be removed from the directory database. The range is 0 to 1000 searches. The default is 20 searches.


Use the node-row APPN class of service configuration command to specify a node description or node row, and associated weights defined for this class of service. Use the no form of this command to delete a previous node row description.

node-row index weight weight congestion {yes | no} {yes | no} route-additional-resistance
min max
no node-row index

index Specifies which row is being entered. The valid range is 1 to 8.
weight weight Weight assigned to a node, given the characteristics identified in the remainder of the row. The weight of row n must be less than the weight of row n + 1. The valid range is 0 to 255.
congestion Minimum and maximum congestion tolerance for the node row.
yes yes Only yes. Only congested transmission groups match this row.
no yes Yes or no. Congestion does not affect class of service row.
no no Only no. Only noncongested transmission groups match this row. The default is no no.
route-additional-resistance min max Minimum and maximum additional resistance value for the row. The value is compared to the same parameter defined in the CP for each network node and exchanged on the topology database updates. The valid range for minimum and maximum is 0 to 255. The default range for minimum and maximum
is 0 0.


Use the null-xid-poll APPN port configuration command to specify that the null XID should be used to poll the remote node associated with this APPN port. Use the no form of the command to cancel the specification.

no null-xid-poll


Use the owning-cp APPN partner LU location configuration command to specify the name of the CP that owns the partner LU. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

owning-cp netid.cpname
no owning-cp

netid.cpname Fully qualified network name. A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number.

port (APPN connection network)

Use the port APPN connection network configuration command to specify the ports that have visibility to the connection network. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

port portname
no port portname

portname Type A name. A Type A character string contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @

port (APPN link station)

Use the port APPN link station configuration command to specify the port that can be used to access the link station. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

port portname
no port

portname Type A name. (Required when defining a new link station; optional on subsequent changes to the link station.) A Type A character contains 1 to 8 of the following characters:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @


Use the ppp-dest-address APPN link station configuration command to specify the remote SAP of a node across a PPP interface. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

ppp-dest-address sap
no ppp-dest-address

sap Service access point of the remote node. The default is 04 hexadecimal.

propagation-delay (APPN link station)

Use the propagation-delay APPN link station configuration command to specify the amount of inherent delay of the connection. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

propagation-delay {minimum | lan | telephone | packet-switched | satellite | maximum}
no propagation-delay

minimum No delay.
lan Less than 480 microseconds delay.
telephone Between 480 and 49152 microseconds delay.
packet-switched Between 49152 and 245760 microseconds delay.
satellite Greater than 245760 microseconds delay.
maximum Maximum delay allowed.

propagation-delay (APPN port)

Use the propagation-delay APPN port configuration command to specify the propagation delay of the link. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

propagation-delay {minimum | lan | telephone | packet-switched | satellite | maximum}
no propagation-delay

minimum No delay.
lan Less than 480 microseconds delay.
telephone Between 480 and 49152 microseconds delay.
packet-switched Between 49152 and 245760 microseconds delay.
satellite Greater than 245760 microseconds delay.
maximum Maximum delay allowed.


Use the pu-type-20 APPN link station configuration command to indicate that the downstream PU whose dependent LU request is propagated through the link is a PU type 2.0. Use the no form of this command, or omit this command, to indicate that the downstream PU is a type 2.1.



Use the reserved-inbound APPN port configuration command to specify the number of link stations (out of max-link-stations) to be reserved for inbound links (partner initiates). Use the no form of this command to delete a previous definition.

reserved-inbound number
no reserved-inbound

number Number in the range 0 to 255. The default is 0.


Used the reserved-outbound APPN port configuration command to specify the number of link stations (of max-link-stations) to be reserved for outbound link stations where this node initiates the connection. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

reserved-outbound number
no reserved-outbound

number Number in the range 0 to 255. The default is 0.

retry-limit (APPN link station)

Use the retry-limit APPN link station configuration command to specify the number of times a link station attempts reactivation after failure. Use the no form of this command to specify the default.

retry-limit {retries | infinite [interval]}
no retry-limit

retries Number of reactivation attempts. The valid range is 0 to 255 (0 equals infinite retries). The default is 5.
infinite Infinite retries.
interval (Optional) Amount of time allowed between reactivation attempts (in seconds). The valid range is 0 to 32767 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

retry-limit (APPN port)

Use the retry-limit APPN port configuration command to specify how many times a line will attempt reactivation after failure. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

retry-limit {retries | infinite} [interval]
no retry-limit

retries Number of reactivation attempts. The valid range is 0 to 255 (0 equals infinite retries). The default is 5.
infinite Infinite retries.
interval (Optional) Amount of time allowed between reactivation attempts (in seconds). The default is 30 seconds.

role (APPN link station)

Use the role APPN link station configuration command to specify the link station role used in XID negotiations. Use the no form of this command to delete a previous definition.

role {negotiable | primary | secondary}
no role

negotiable The link station can be the primary or secondary end of the link station connection.
primary The link station is the primary end of the link station connection.
secondary The link station is the secondary end of the link station connection.

role (APPN port)

Use the role APPN port configuration command to specify the link station role used in XID negotiations for all link stations defined through this port. Use the no form of this command to delete a previous definition.

role {negotiable | primary | secondary}
no role

negotiable The link station can be the primary or secondary end of the link station connection.
primary The link station is the primary end of the link station connection.
secondary The link station is the secondary end of the link station connection.


Use the route-additional-resistance APPN control point configuration command to specify an arbitrary value for the local node. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

route-additional-resistance number
no route-additional-resistance

number Arbitrary value in the range of 0 to 255. The default is 128.


Use the rsrb-virtual-station APPN port configuration command to configure APPN for remote source-route bridging. Use the no form of this command to delete the configuration.

rsrb-virtual-station mac-address local-ring bridge-number target-ring
no rsrb-virtual-station

mac-address Virtual MAC address on which APPN resides.
local-ring Virtual ring number on which the APPN station resides. The valid range is 1 to 255.
bridge-number Bridge number connecting the local virtual ring and the RSRB target virtual ring. The valid range is 1 to 15.
target-ring Target ring through which the local ring bridges data. The valid range is 1 to 255.


Use the safe-store-cycle APPN control point configuration command to specify the number of cache instances to be saved. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

safe-store-cycle number
no safe-store-cycle

number Number of cache instances to be saved. The valid range is 1 to 99. The default is 2.


Use the safe-store-host APPN control point configuration command to specify the IP host address and the file path for safe store. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

safe-store-host ip-address address directory path
no safe-store-host

ip-address address Host IP address.
directory path File path for safe store.


Use the safe-store-interval APPN control point configuration command to specify how often the directory database is stored to permanent media. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

safe-store-interval interval
no safe-store-interval

interval Interval in minutes between storage of the directory database to permanent media. The valid range is 0 to 32767 minutes. The default is 20 minutes.


Use the sdlc-dest-address APPN link station configuration command to specify the local address of the partner node for nonswitched SDLC. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

sdlc-dest-address address
no sdlc-dest-address address

address 2-digit hexadecimal number in the range of 00 to FE.


Use the sdlc-sec-addr command to configure APPN for SDLC. Use the no form of this command to delete the configuration.

sdlc-sec-addr sdlc-address
no sdlc-sec-addr

sdlc-address SDLC secondary address. The valid range is 00 to FE (hexadecimal). The default is 00.

security (APPN link station)

Use the security APPN link station configuration command to specify the security level of the connection. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

security security-level
no security

security-level One of the following keywords: nonsecure, public-switched, underground-cable, secure-conduit, guarded-conduit, encrypted, guarded-radiation. The default is the value specified in the appn port command.

security (APPN port)

Use the security APPN port configuration command to specify security level of the connection. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

security security-level
no security

security-level One of the following keywords: nonsecure, public-switched, underground-cable, secure-conduit, guarded-conduit, encrypted, guarded-radiation. The default is nonsecure.


Use the service-any APPN port configuration command to specify that this port will create dynamic transmission groups for outbound or inbound links. Use the no form of this command to specify that the link station must be defined through configuration commands.



Use the serving-nn APPN partner LU location configuration command to specify the name of the network node server servicing the partner LU. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

serving-nn netid.cpname
no serving-nn

netid.cpname Fully qualified network name. A fully qualified name is a string of 1 to 8 characters, a period, and another string of 1 to 8 characters. The following characters are acceptable:
A-Z, a-z
$ # @
The first character of either string must not be a number. The default is the CP name of the local network node.

show appn class-of-service

Use the show appn class-of-service EXEC command to display the APPN classes of service defined to the local node.

show appn class-of-service [brief | detail]

brief (Optional) Short display of APPN classes of service.
detail (Optional) Long display of APPN classes of service.

show appn connection-network

Use the show appn connection-network EXEC command to display the APPN connection networks defined to the local node.

show appn connection-network [brief | detail]

brief (Optional) Short display of APPN connection networks.
detail (Optional) Long display of APPN connection networks.

show appn directory

Use the show appn directory EXEC command to display negative cache entries and the remaining time and threshold-count values.

show appn directory

show appn dlur-lu

Use the show appn dlur-lu EXEC command to display all active SSCP dependent LUs known to DLUR.

show appn dlur-lu [pu pu-name] [brief | detail]

pu pu-name 8-character Type-A string of a specific PU.
brief (Optional) Short display of the APPN directory database.
detail (Optional) Long display of the APPN directory database.

show appn dlur-pu

Use the show appn dlur-pu EXEC command to display all active SSCP dependent PUs known to DLUR.

show appn dlur-pu [dlus dlus-name] [brief | detail]

dlus dlus-name (Optional) 17-character Type-A string of a specific DLUS.
brief (Optional) Short display of the APPN directory database.
detail (Optional) Long display of the APPN directory database.

show appn dlus

Use the show appn dlus EXEC command to display all LUs known to DLUR.

show appn dlus [brief | detail]

brief (Optional) Short display of the APPN directory database.
detail (Optional) Long display of the APPN directory database.

show appn intermediate-session

Use the show appn intermediate-session EXEC command to display information about the SNA sessions that are currently being routed through the local node.

show appn intermediate-session [pcid pcid ] [name lu-name] [brief | detail]

pcid pcid (Optional) Filter by procedure correlation identifier (PCID). PCID is a 16-byte hexadecimal number.
name lu-name (Optional) Filter by fully qualified LU name.
brief (Optional) Short display of APPN intermediate session information.
detail (Optional) Long display of APPN intermediate session information.

show appn link-station

Use the show appn link-station EXEC command to display information about the APPN link stations active on or defined to the local node.

show appn link-station [name link-station-name] [port port-name] [brief | detail]

name link-station-name (Optional) Filter by link station name.
port port-name (Optional) Filter by port name.
brief (Optional) Short display of active APPN links. Brief is the default display.
detail (Optional) Long display of active APPN links with more information.

show appn mode

Use the show appn mode EXEC command to display information about the APPN modes defined to the local node.

show appn mode

show appn node

Use the show appn node EXEC command to display information about the local APPN control point.

show appn node

show appn port

Use the show appn port EXEC command to display information about the APPN ports active on the local node.

show appn port [port port-name] [brief | detail]

port port-name (Optional) Filter by port name.
brief (Optional) Short display of APPN port definitions.
detail (Optional) Long display of APPN port definitions.

show appn rtp

Use the show appn rtp EXEC command to display information about the RTP connections.

show appn rtp [brief | detail]

brief (Optional) Short display of APPN RTP connections.
detail (Optional) Long display of APPN RTP connections.

show appn session

Use the show appn session EXEC command to display information about the SNA LU 6.2 sessions, such as CP-CP sessions, that originate from the local node.

show appn session [pcid pcid] [name lu-name] [brief | detail]

pcid pcid (Optional) Filter by procedure correlator identifier (PCID). PCID is a 16-byte hexadecimal number.
name lu-name (Optional) Filter by fully qualified LU name.
brief (Optional) Short display of APPN session information.
detail (Optional) Long display of APPN session information.

show appn topology

Use the show appn topology EXEC command to display the contents of the APPN topology database.

show appn topology [name cp-name] [brief | detail]

name cp-name (Optional) Filter by fully qualified CP name.
brief (Optional) Short display of APPN topology information.
detail (Optional) Long display of APPN topology information.


Use the smds-dest-address APPN link station configuration command to specify the SMDS address of the partner node. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

smds-dest-address smds-addr [sap]
no smds-dest-address

smds-addr 8-byte hexadecimal number in the form HD.DD.DD.HH.
sap 1-byte hexadecimal number in the range 04 to EC, and divisible by 4.


Use the tg-number APPN link station configuration command to specify the transmission group number for the connection. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

tg-number number
no tg-number

number Number in the range 0 to 255. The default is 0.


Use the tg-row APPN class of service configuration command to specify a transmission group description, or transmission group row, and associated weight for the row. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

tg-row index weight weight byte min max time min max capacity min max delay min max
security min max user1 min max user2 min max user3 min max
no tg-row index

index Specifies which row is being entered. The valid range is 1 to 8.
weight weight Weight assigned to a transmission group, given the characteristics defined in the remainder of the row.
byte min max Minimum and maximum cost-per-byte values, compared with the cost-per-byte command on the port or link station command.
time min max Minimum and maximum cost-per-connect-time values, compared with the cost-per-connect-time command on the port or link station command.
capacity min max Minimum and maximum capacity values, compared with the effective-capacity command on the port or link station command.
delay min max Two values compared with the propagation-delay command.
security min max Value compared with the security command. The minimum and maximum are specified with one the defined values, in ascending order:
user1 min max Number in the range 1 to 255.
user2 min max Number in the range 1 to 255.
user3 min max Number in the range 1 to 255.


Use the transmission-priority APPN class of service configuration command to specify the transmission priority for the class of service. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

transmission priority priority
no transmission priority

priority One of the following keywords: network, high, medium, low.

user-defined-1 (APPN link station)

Use the user-defined-1 APPN link station configuration command to specify the relative value for a network-unique transmission group characteristic. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

user-defined-1 value
no user-defined-1

value Number in the range 0 to 255 used to specify the relative value. The default is the value specified in the appn port command.

user-defined-1 (APPN port)

Use the user-defined-1 APPN port configuration command to specify the relative value for a network-unique transmission group characteristic. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

user-defined-1 value
no user-defined-1

value Number in the range 0 to 255 used to specify the relative value. The default is 128.

user-defined-2 (APPN link station)

Use the user-defined-2 APPN link station configuration command to specify the relative value for a network-unique transmission group characteristic. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

user-defined-2 value
no user-defined-2

value Number in the range 0 to 255 used to specify the relative value. The default is the value specified in the appn port command.

user-defined-2 (APPN port)

Use the user-defined-2 APPN port configuration command to specify the relative value for a network-unique transmission group characteristic. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

user-defined-2 value
no user-defined-2

value Number in the range 0 to 255 used to specify the relative value. The default is 128.

user-defined-3 (APPN link station)

Use the user-defined-3 APPN link station configuration command to specify the relative value for a network-unique transmission group characteristic. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

user-defined-3 value
no user-defined-3

value Number in the range 0 to 255 used to specify the relative value. The default is the value specified in the appn port command.

user-defined-3 (APPN port)

Use the user-defined-3 APPN port configuration command to specify the relative value for a network-unique transmission group characteristic. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

user-defined-3 value
no user-defined-3

value Number in the range 0 to 255 used to specify the relative value. The default is 128.


Use the vdlc APPN port configuration command to identify which ring group the APPN VDLC port uses and, optionally, which virtual MAC address is used as the local MAC address identifying this APPN port. Use the no form of this command to delete the configuration.

vdlc ring-group [vmac vdlc-mac-address]
no vdlc ring-group [vmac vdlc-mac-address]

ring-group Ring group number matching the number you specified with the source-bridge ring-group command. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
vmac vdlc-mac-address (Optional) Virtual MAC address used as the local MAC address identifying this APPN port.


Use the verify-adjacent-node-type APPN link station configuration command to specify that the adjacent node type must be verified as a requirement of link activation. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

verify-adjacent-node-type {learn | len | nn}
no verify-adjacent-node-type

learn Any adjacent node type is accepted.
len Only LEN adjacent node type is accepted.
nn Only NN adjacent node type is accepted.


Use the wildcard APPN partner LU location configuration command to specify this entry as a "wildcard." Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.



Use the x25-dest-address APPN link station configuration command to specify the local address of the partner node for QLLC. Use the no form of this command to delete the specification.

x25-dest-address [pvc | svc] address
no x25-dest-address

pvc (Optional) Uses X.25 permanent virtual circuit.
svc (Optional) Uses X.25 switched virtual circuit.
address X.25 destination link station address.


Use the x25-subaddress APPN port configuration command to configure APPN over QLLC. Use the no form of this command to delete the configuration.

x25-subaddress [pvc | svc] address
no x25-subaddress

pvc (Optional) Uses X.25 permanent virtual circuit.
svc (Optional) Uses X.25 switched virtual circuit.
address X.25 subaddress from which data is received.


Use the xid-block-number APPN control point configuration command to specify the first three digits of the node identifier for the local node. Use the no form of this command to delete the definition.

xid-block-number number
no xid-block-number

number Three-digit hexadecimal number in the range 000 to FFF. The default is 077.


Use the xid-id-number APPN control point configuration command to specify the last five digits of the node ID for the local node. Use the no form of this command to delete the previous definition.

xid-id-number number
no xid-id-number

number Five-digit hexadecimal number in the range 00000 to FFFFF.

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