
Table of Contents

Source-Route Bridging Commands

Source-Route Bridging Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for source-route bridging (SRB) commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Bridging and IBM Networking Command Reference.


Use the access-expression interface configuration command to define an access expression. Use the no form of this command to remove the access expression from the given interface. You use this command in conjunction with the access-list interface configuration command.

access-expression {in | out} expression
no access-expression {in | out} expression

in | out Either in or out is specified to indicate whether the access expression is applied to packets entering or leaving this interface.
You can specify both an input and an output access expression for an interface, but only one of each.
expression Boolean access list expression.


Use the access-list global configuration command to configure the access list mechanism for filtering frames by protocol type or vendor code. Use the no form of this command to remove the single specified entry from the access list.

access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} {type-code wild-mask | address mask}
no access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} {type-code wild-mask | address mask}

access-list-number Integer that identifies the access list. If the type-code wild-mask arguments are included, this integer ranges from 200 to 299, indicating that filtering is by protocol type. If the address and mask arguments are included, this integer ranges from 700 to 799, indicating that filtering is by vendor code.
permit Permits the frame.
deny Denies the frame.
type-code 16-bit hexadecimal number written with a leading 0x; for example, 0x6000. Specify either a Link Service Access Point (LSAP) type code for 802-encapsulated packets or a SNAP type code for SNAP-encapsulated packets. (LSAP, sometimes called SAP, refers to the type codes found in the DSAP and SSAP fields of the 802 header.)
wild-mask 16-bit hexadecimal number whose ones bits correspond to bits in the type-code argument. The wild-mask indicates which bits in the type-code argument should be ignored when making a comparison. (A mask for a DSAP/SSAP pair should always be 0x0101 because these two bits are used for purposes other than identifying the SAP code.)

48-bit Token Ring address written in dotted triplet form. This field is used for filtering by vendor code.

48-bit Token Ring address written in dotted triplet form. The ones bits in mask are the bits to be ignored in address. This field is used for filtering by vendor code.

bridge protocol ibm

Use the bridge protocol ibm global configuration command to create a bridge group that runs the automatic spanning-tree function. Use the no form of this command to cancel the previous assignment.

bridge bridge-group protocol ibm
no bridge
bridge-group protocol ibm

bridge-group Number in the range 1 to 9 that you choose to refer to a particular set of bridged interfaces.

clear netbios-cache

Use the clear netbios-cache privileged EXEC command to clear the entries of all dynamically learned NetBIOS names. This command will not remove statically defined name cache entries.

clear netbios-cache

clear rif-cache

Use the clear rif-cache privileged EXEC command to clear the entire RIF cache.

clear rif-cache

clear source-bridge

Use the clear source-bridge privileged EXEC command to clear the source-bridge statistical counters.

clear source-bridge

clear sse

Use the clear sse privileged EXEC command to reinitialize the Silicon Switch Processor (SSP) on the Cisco 7000 series routers with RSP7000.

clear sse


Use the ethernet-transit-oui interface configuration command to choose the Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) code to be used in the encapsulation of Ethernet Type II frames across Token Ring backbone networks. Various versions of this OUI code are used by Ethernet/Token Ring translational bridges. Use the no form of this command to return the default OUI code.

ethernet-transit-oui [90-compatible | standard | cisco]
no ethernet-transit-oui

90-compatible (Optional) Default OUI form.
standard (Optional) Standard OUI form.
cisco (Optional) Cisco's OUI form.

lnm alternate

Use the lnm alternate interface configuration command to specify the threshold reporting link number. In order for a LAN Reporting Manager (LRM) to change parameters, it must be attached to the reporting link with the lowest reporting link number, and that reporting link number must be lower than this threshold reporting link number. Use the no form of this command to restore the default of 0.

lnm alternate number
no lnm alternate

number Threshold reporting link number. It must be in the range 0 to 3.

lnm crs

Use the lnm crs interface configuration command to monitor the current logical configuration of a Token Ring. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

lnm crs
no lnm crs

lnm disabled

Use the lnm disabled global configuration command to disable LNM functionality. Use the no form of this command to restore LNM functionality.

lnm disabled
no lnm disabled

lnm loss-threshold

Use the lnm loss-threshold interface configuration command to set the threshold at which the Cisco IOS software sends a message informing all attached LNMs that it is dropping frames. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

lnm loss-threshold number  
no lnm loss-threshold

number A single number expressing the percentage loss rate in hundredths of a percent. The valid range is 0 to 9999.

lnm password

Use the lnm password interface configuration command to set the password for the reporting link. Use the no form of this command to return the password to its default value of 00000000.

lnm password number string  
no lnm password number

number Number of the reporting link to which to apply the password. This value should be in the range 0 to 3.
string Password you enter at the keyboard. In order to maintain compatibility with LNM, the parameter string should be a six- to eight-character string.

lnm pathtrace-disabled

Use the lnm pathtrace-disabled global configuration command to disable pathtrace reporting to LNM stations. Use the no form of this command to restore pathtrace reporting functionality.

lnm pathtrace-disabled [all | origin]
no lnm pathtrace-disabled

all Disable pathtrace reporting to the LNM and originating stations.
origin Disable pathtrace reporting to originating stations only.

lnm rem

Use the lnm rem interface configuration command to monitor errors reported by any station on the ring. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

lnm rem
no lnm rem

lnm rps

Use the lnm rps interface configuration command to ensure that all stations on a ring are using a consistent set of reporting parameters. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

lnm rps
no lnm rps

lnm snmp-only

Use the lnm snmp-only global configuration command to prevent any LNM stations from modifying parameters in the Cisco IOS software. Use the no form of this command to allow modifications.

lnm snmp-only
no lnm snmp-only

lnm softerr

Use the lnm softerr interface configuration command to set the time interval in which the Cisco IOS software will accumulate error messages before sending them. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

lnm softerr milliseconds 
no lnm softerr

milliseconds Time interval in tens of milliseconds between error messages. The valid range is 0 to 65535.


Use the mac-address interface configuration command to set the MAC layer address of the Cisco Token Ring.

mac-address ieee-address 

ieee-address 48-bit IEEE MAC address written as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers


Use the multiring interface configuration command to enable collection and use of RIF information. Use the no form of this command to disable the use of RIF information for the protocol specified.

multiring {protocol-keyword [all-routes | spanning] | all | other}
no multiring {protocol-keyword [all-routes | spanning] | all | other}

protocol-keyword Specifies a protocol.
all-routes Uses all-routes explorers.
spanning Uses spanning-tree explorers.
all Enables the multiring for all frames.
other Enables the multiring for any routed frame not included in the previous list of supported protocols.

netbios access-list bytes

Use the netbios access-list bytes global configuration command to define the offset and hexadecimal patterns with which to match byte offsets in NetBIOS packets. Use the no form of this command to remove an entire list or the entry specified with the pattern argument.

netbios access-list bytes name {permit | deny} offset pattern
no netbios access-list bytes name {permit | deny} offset pattern

name Name of the access list being defined.
permit Permits the condition.
deny Denies the condition.
offset Decimal number indicating the number of bytes into the packet where the byte comparison should begin. An offset of zero points to the very beginning of the NetBIOS header. Therefore, the NetBIOS delimiter string (0xFFEF), for example, begins at offset 2.
pattern Hexadecimal string of digits representing a byte pattern. The argument pattern must conform to certain conventions.

netbios access-list host

Use the netbios access-list host global configuration command to assign the name of the access list to a station or set of stations on the network. The NetBIOS station access list contains the station name to match, along with a permit or deny condition. Use the no form of this command to remove either an entire list or just a single entry from a list, depending upon the argument given for pattern.

netbios access-list host name {permit | deny} pattern
no netbios access-list host name {permit | deny} pattern

name Name of the access list being defined.
permit Permits the condition.
deny Denies the condition.
pattern A set of characters. The characters can be the name of the station, or a combination of characters and pattern-matching symbols that establish a pattern for a set of NetBIOS station names. This combination can be especially useful when stations have names with the same characters, such as a prefix.

netbios enable-name-cache

Use the netbios enable-name-cache interface configuration command to enable NetBIOS name caching. Use the no form of this command to disable the name-cache behavior.

netbios enable-name-cache
no netbios enable-name-cache

netbios input-access-filter bytes

Use the netbios input-access-filter bytes interface configuration command to define a byte access list filter on incoming messages. The actual access filter byte offsets and patterns used are defined in one or more netbios-access-list bytes commands. Use the no form of this command with the appropriate name to remove the entire access list.

netbios input-access-filter bytes name
no netbios input-access-filter bytes name

name Name of a NetBIOS access filter previously defined with one or more of the netbios access-list bytes global configuration commands.

netbios input-access-filter host

Use the netbios input-access-filter host interface configuration command to define a station access list filter on incoming messages. The access lists of station names are defined in netbios access-list host commands. Use the no form of this command with the appropriate argument to remove the entire access list.

netbios input-access-filter host name
no netbios input-access-filter host name

name Name of a NetBIOS access filter previously defined with one or more of the netbios access-list host global configuration commands.

netbios name-cache

Use the netbios name-cache global configuration command to define a static NetBIOS name cache entry, tying the server with the name netbios-name to the mac-address, and specifying that the server is accessible either locally via the interface-name specified, or remotely, via the ring-group group-number specified. Use the no form of this command to remove the entry.

netbios name-cache mac-address netbios-name {interface-name | ring-group group-number}
no netbios name-cache mac-address netbios-name

mac-address The MAC address.
netbios-name Server name linked to the MAC address.
interface-name Name of the interface by which the server is accessible locally.
ring-group Specifies that the link is accessible remotely.
group-number Number of the ring group by which the server is accessible remotely. This ring group number must match the number you have specified with the source-bridge ring-group command. The valid range is 1 to 4095.

netbios name-cache name-len

Use the netbios name-cache name-len global configuration command to specify how many characters of the NetBIOS type name the name cache will validate.

netbios name-cache name-len length
length Length of the NetBIOS type name. The range is 8 to 16 characters.

netbios name-cache proxy-datagram

Use the netbios name-cache proxy-datagram global configuration command to enable the Cisco IOS software to act as a proxy and send NetBIOS datagram type frames.

netbios name-cache proxy-datagram seconds

seconds Time interval, in seconds, that the software forwards a route broadcast datagram type packet. The valid range is any number greater than 0.

netbios name-cache query-timeout

Use the netbios name-cache query-timeout global configuration command to specify the "dead" time, in seconds, that starts when a host sends any ADD_NAME_QUERY, ADD_GROUP_NAME, or STATUS_QUERY frame. During this dead time, the Cisco IOS software drops any repeat, duplicate ADD_NAME_QUERY, ADD_GROUP_NAME, or STATUS_QUERY frame sent by the same host. This timeout is only effective at the time of the login negotiation process. Use the no form of this command to bring the time back to the default of 6 seconds.

netbios name-cache query-timeout seconds
no netbios name-cache query-timeout

seconds Dead time period in seconds. Default is 6 seconds.

netbios name-cache recognized-timeout

Use the netbios name-cache recognized-timeout global configuration command to specify the "dead" time, in seconds, that starts when a host sends any FIND_NAME or NAME_RECOGNIZED frame. During this dead time, the Cisco IOS software drops any repeat, duplicate FIND_NAME or NAME_RECOGNIZED frame sent by the same host. This timeout is only effective at the time of the login negotiation process. Use the no form of this command to bring the time back to the default of 6 seconds.

netbios name-cache recognized-timeout seconds
no netbios name-cache recognized-timeout

seconds Dead time period in seconds. Default is 6 seconds.

netbios name-cache timeout

Use the netbios name-cache timeout global configuration command to enable NetBIOS name caching and to set the time that entries can remain in the NetBIOS name cache. Use the no form of this command to bring the time back to the default of 15 minutes.

netbios name-cache timeout minutes
no netbios name-cache timeout minutes

minutes Time, in minutes, that entries can remain in the NetBIOS name cache. Once the time expires, the entry will be deleted from the cache. Default is 15 minutes.

netbios output-access-filter bytes

Use the netbios output-access-filter bytes interface configuration command to define a byte access list filter on outgoing messages. Use the no form of this command to remove the entire access list.

netbios output-access-filter bytes name
no netbios output-access-filter bytes name

name Name of a NetBIOS access filter previously defined with one or more of the netbios access-list bytes global configuration commands.

netbios output-access-filter host

Use the netbios output-access-filter host interface configuration command to define a station access list filter on outgoing messages. Use the no form of this command to remove the entire access list.

netbios output-access-filter host name
no netbios output-access-filter host name

name Name of a NetBIOS access filter previously defined with one or more of the netbios access-list host global configuration commands.


Use the rif global configuration command to enter static source-route information into the Routing Information Field (RIF) cache. If a Token Ring host does not support the use of IEEE 802.2 TEST or XID datagrams as explorer packets, you may need to add static information to the RIF cache of the router. Use the no form of this command to remove an entry from the cache.

rif mac-address rif-string {interface-name | ring-group ring}
no rif mac-address {interface-name | ring-group ring}

mac-address 12-digit hexadecimal string written as a dotted triplet; for example, 0010.0a00.20a6.
rif-string Series of 4-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by a period (.). This RIF string is inserted into the packets sent to the specified MAC address.
interface-name Interface name (for example, tokenring 0) that indicates the origin of the RIF.
ring-group Specifies the origin of the RIF is a ring group.
ring Ring group number that indicates the origin of the RIF. This ring group number must match the number you have specified with the source-bridge ring-group command. The valid range is 1 to 4095.

rif timeout

Use the rif timeout global configuration command to determine the number of minutes an inactive RIF entry is kept. RIF information is maintained in a cache whose entries are aged. Use the no form of this command to restore the default.

rif timeout minutes  
no rif timeout

minutes Number of minutes an inactive RIF entry is kept. The value must be greater than 0. Default is 15 minutes.

rif validate-age

Use the rif validate-age global configuration command to define the validation time when the Cisco IOS software is acting as a proxy for NetBIOS NAME_QUERY packet or for explorer frames.

rif validate-age seconds

seconds Interval, in seconds, at which a proxy is sent. The valid range is any number greater than 0. Default is 2 seconds.

rif validate-enable

Use the rif validate-enable global configuration command to enable RIF validation for entries learned on an interface (Token Ring or FDDI). Use the no form of this command to disable the specification.

rif validate-enable
no rif validate-enable

rif validate-enable-age

Use the rif validate-enable-age global configuration command to enable RIF validation for stations on a source-route bridge network that do not respond to an IEEE TEST command. Use the no form of this command to disable the specification.

rif validate-enable-age
no rif validate-enable-age

rif validate-enable-route-cache

Use the rif validate-enable-route-cache global configuration command to enable synchronization of the RIF cache with the protocol route cache. Use the no form of this command to disable the specification.

rif validate-enable-route-cache
no rif validate-enable-route-cache

show controllers token

Use the show controllers token privileged EXEC command to display information about memory management, error counters, and the board itself. Depending on the board being used, the output can vary. This command also displays proprietary information. Thus, the information that show controllers token displays is of primary use to our technical personnel. Information that is useful to users can be obtained with the show interfaces tokenring command, described later.

show controllers token

show interfaces tokenring

Use the show interfaces tokenring privileged EXEC command to display information about the Token Ring interface and the state of source-route bridging.

show interfaces tokenring [number]

number (Optional) Interface number. If you do not provide a value, the command will display statistics for all Token Ring interfaces.

show lnm bridge

Use the show lnm bridge privileged EXEC command to display all currently configured bridges and all parameters that are related to the bridge as a whole, not to one of its interfaces.

show lnm bridge

show lnm config

Use the show lnm config privileged EXEC command to display the logical configuration of all bridges configured in a router. This information is needed to configure an LNM Management Station to communicate with a router. This is especially important when the router is configured as a multiport bridge, thus employing the concept of a virtual ring.

show lnm config

show lnm interface

Use the show lnm interface privileged EXEC command to display all LNM-related information about a specific interface or all interfaces.

show lnm interface [type number]

type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show lnm ring

Use the show lnm ring privileged EXEC command to display all LNM information about a specific Token Ring or all Token Rings. If a specific interface is requested, it also displays a list of all currently active stations on that interface.

show lnm ring [ring-number]

ring-number (Optional) Number of a specific Token Ring. It can be a value in the range 1 to 4095.

show lnm station

Use the show lnm station privileged EXEC command to display LNM-related information about a specific station or all known stations on all rings. If a specific station is requested, it also displays a detailed list of that station's current MAC-level parameters.

show lnm station [address]

address (Optional) Address of a specific LNM station.

show netbios-cache

Use the show netbios-cache privileged EXEC command to display a list of NetBIOS cache entries.

show netbios-cache

show rif

Use the show rif privileged EXEC command to display the current contents of the RIF cache.

show rif

show source-bridge

Use the show source-bridge privileged EXEC command to display the current source bridge configuration and miscellaneous statistics.

show source-bridge

show span

Use the show span EXEC command to display the spanning-tree topology known to the router.

show span

show sse summary

Use the show sse summary EXEC command to display a summary of Silicon Switch Processor (SSP) statistics:

show sse summary


Use the source-bridge interface configuration command to configure an interface for source-route bridging. Use the no form of this command to disable source-route bridging on an interface.

source-bridge source-ring-number bridge-number target-ring-number [conserve-ring]
no source-bridge
source-ring-number bridge-number target-ring-number [conserve-ring]

source-ring-number Ring number for the interface's Token Ring or FDDI ring. It must be a decimal number in the range 1 to 4095 that uniquely identifies a network segment or ring within the bridged Token Ring or FDDI network
bridge-number Number that uniquely identifies the bridge connecting the source and target rings. It must be a decimal number in the range 1 to 15.
target-ring-number Ring number of the destination ring on this router. It must be unique within the bridged Token Ring or FDDI network. The target ring can also be a ring group. Must be a decimal number.
conserve-ring (Optional) Keyword to enable SRB over Frame Relay. When this option is configured, the SRB software does not add the ring number associated with the Frame Relay PVC (the partner's virtual ring) to outbound explorer frames. This option is permitted for Frame Relay subinterfaces only.

source-bridge connection-timeout

Use the source-bridge connection-timeout global configuration command to establish the interval of time between first attempt to open a connection until a timeout is declared. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

source-bridge connection-timeout seconds
no source-bridge connection-timeout seconds

seconds Interval of time, in seconds, before a connection attempt to a remote peer is aborted.

source-bridge enable-80d5

Use the source-bridge enable-80d5 global configuration command to change the router's Token Ring to Ethernet translation behavior. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

source-bridge enable-80d5
no source-bridge enable-80d5

source-bridge explorer-dup-ARE-filter

Use the source-bridge explorer-dup-ARE-filter global configuration command to prevent excessive forwarding of explorers in networks with redundant topologies. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

source-bridge explorer-dup-ARE-filter
no source-bridge explorer-dup-ARE-filter

source-bridge explorer-fastswitch

Use the source-bridge explorer-fastswitch global configuration command to enable explorer fast switching. To disable explorer fast switching, use the no form of this command.

source-bridge explorer-fastswitch
no source-bridge explorer-fastswitch

source-bridge explorer-maxrate

Use the source-bridge explorer-maxrate global configuration command to set the maximum byte rate of explorers per ring. To reset the default rate, use the no form of this command.

source-bridge explorer-maxrate maxrate
no source-bridge explorer-maxrate maxrate

maxrate Number in the range 100 to 1000000000 (in bytes per second). The default maximum byte rate is 38400 bytes per second.

source-bridge explorerq-depth

Use the source-bridge explorerq-depth global configuration command to set the maximum explorer queue depth. To reset the default value, use the no form of this command.

source-bridge explorerq-depth depth
no source-bridge explorerq-depth depth

depth The maximum number of incoming packets. The valid range is 1 to 500.

source-bridge input-address-list

Use the source-bridge input-address-list interface configuration command to assign an access list to a particular input interface. This command filters packets coming into the router. Use the no form of this command to remove the application of the access list.

source-bridge input-address-list access-list-number
no source-bridge input-address-list access-list-number

access-list-number Number of the access list. The value must be in the range 700 to 799.

source-bridge input-lsap-list

Use the source-bridge input-lsap-list interface configuration command to filter, on input, FDDI and IEEE 802-encapsulated packets that include the destination service access point (DSAP) and source service access point (SSAP) fields in their frame formats. The access list specifying the type codes to be filtered is given by this variation of the source-bridge interface configuration command.

source-bridge input-lsap-list access-list-number

access-list-number Number of the access list. This access list is applied to all IEEE 802 or FDDI frames received on that interface prior to the source-routing process. Specify zero (0) to disable the filter. The value must be in the range 200 to 299.

source-bridge input-type-list

Use the source-bridge input-type-list interface configuration command to filter SNAP-encapsulated packets on input.

source-bridge input-type-list access-list-number

access-list-number Number of the access list. This access list is applied to all SNAP frames received on that interface prior to the source-routing process. Specify zero (0) to disable the application of the access list on the bridge group. The value must be in the range 200 to 299.

source-bridge max-hops

Use the source-bridge max-hops interface configuration command to control the forwarding or blocking of all-routes explorer frames received on an interface. Use the no form of this command to reset the count to the maximum value.

source-bridge max-hops count
no source-bridge max-hops

count Determines the number of bridges an explorer packet can traverse. Typically, the maximum number of bridges for interoperability with IBM equipment is seven.

source-bridge max-in-hops

Use the source-bridge max-in-hops interface configuration command to control the forwarding or blocking of spanning-tree explorer frames received on an interface. Use the no form of this command to reset the count to the maximum value.

source-bridge max-in-hops count
no source-bridge max-in-hops

count Determines the number of bridges an explorer packet can traverse. Typically, the maximum number of bridges for interoperability with IBM equipment is seven.

source-bridge max-out-hops

Use the source-bridge max-out-hops interface configuration command to control the forwarding or blocking of spanning-tree explorer frames sent from this interface. Use the no form of this command to reset the count to the maximum value.

source-bridge max-out-hops count
no source-bridge max-out-hops

count Determines the number of bridges an explorer packet can traverse. Typically, the maximum number of bridges for interoperability with IBM equipment is seven.

source-bridge output-address-list

Use the source-bridge output-address-list interface configuration command to assign an access list to a particular output interface. This command filters packets sent out from the router. Use the no form of this command to remove the application of the access list.

source-bridge output-address-list access-list-number
no source-bridge output-address-list access-list-number

access-list-number Number of the access list. The value must be in the range 700 to 799.

source-bridge output-lsap-list

Use the source-bridge output-lsap-list interface configuration command to filter, on output, FDDI and IEEE 802-encapsulated packets that have destination service access point (DSAP) and source service access point (SSAP) fields in their frame formats.

source-bridge output-lsap-list access-list-number  

access-list-number Number of the access list. This access list is applied just before sending out a frame to an interface. Specify zero (0) to disable the filter. The value must be in the range 200 to 299.

source-bridge output-type-list

Use the source-bridge output-type-list interface configuration command to filter SNAP-encapsulated frames by type code on output.

source-bridge output-type-list access-list-number

access-list-number Number of the access list. This access list is applied just before sending out a frame to an interface. Specify zero (0) to disable the application of the access list on the bridge group. The value must be in the range 200 to 299.

source-bridge proxy-explorer

Use the source-bridge proxy-explorer interface configuration command to configure the interface to respond to any explorer packets from a source node that meet the conditions described below. Use the no form of this command to cancel responding to explorer packets with proxy explorers.

source-bridge proxy-explorer
no source-bridge proxy-explorer

source-bridge proxy-netbios-only

Use the source-bridge proxy-netbios-only global configuration command to enable proxy explorers for the NetBIOS name-caching function. Use the no form of this command to disable the NetBIOS name-caching function.

source-bridge proxy-netbios-only
no source-bridge proxy-netbios-only

source-bridge ring-group

Use the source-bridge ring-group global configuration command to define or remove a ring group from the configuration. Use the no form of this command to cancel previous assignments.

source-bridge ring-group ring-group [virtual-mac-address]
no source-bridge ring-group ring-group [virtual-mac-address]

ring-group Ring group number. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
virtual-mac-address (Optional) 12-digit hexadecimal string written as a dotted triplet (for example, 0010.0a00.20a6).

source-bridge route-cache

Use the source-bridge route-cache interface configuration command to enable fast switching. Use the no form of this command to disable fast switching.

source-bridge route-cache
no source-bridge route-cache

source-bridge route-cache cbus

Use the source-bridge route-cache cbus interface configuration command to enable autonomous switching. Use the no form of this command to disable autonomous switching.

source-bridge route-cache cbus
no source-bridge route-cache cbus

source-bridge route-cache sse

Use the source-bridge route-cache sse interface configuration command to enable Cisco's silicon switching engine (SSE) switching function. Use the no form of this command to disable SSE switching.

source-bridge route-cache sse
no source-bridge route-cache sse

source-bridge sap-80d5

Use the source-bridge sap-80d5 global configuration command to allow non-IBM hosts (attached to a router with 80d5 processing enabled) to use the standard Token Ring to Ethernet LLC2 translation instead of the nonstandard Token Ring to Ethernet 80d5 translation. This command allows you to set the translation on a per-DSAP basis. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

source-bridge sap-80d5 dsap  
no source-bridge sap-80d5 dsap

source-bridge spanning (automatic)

Use the automatic version of the source-bridge spanning interface configuration command to enable the automatic spanning-tree function for a specified group of bridged interfaces. Use the no source-bridge spanning command to return to the default disabled state. Use the no source-bridge spanning path-cost command to return an assigned path cost to the default path cost of 16.

source-bridge spanning bridge-group [path-cost path-cost]
no source-bridge spanning bridge-group [path-cost path-cost]

bridge-group Number in the range 1 to 9 that you choose to refer to a particular group of bridged interfaces. This must be the same number as assigned in the
bridge protocol ibm command.
path-cost (Optional) Assign a path cost for a specified interface.
path-cost (Optional) Path cost for the interface. The valid range is 0 to 65535.

source-bridge spanning (manual)

Use the source-bridge spanning interface configuration command to enable use of spanning explorers. The no form of this command disables their use. Only spanning explorers will be blocked; everything else will be forwarded.

source-bridge spanning
no source-bridge spanning

source-bridge transparent

Use the source-bridge transparent global configuration command to establish bridging between transparent bridging and source-route bridging. Use the no form of this command to disable a previously established link between a source-bridge ring group and a transparent bridge group.

source-bridge transparent ring-group pseudo-ring bridge-number tb-group [oui]
no source-bridge transparent ring-group pseudo-ring bridge-number tb-group

ring-group Virtual ring group created by the source-bridge ring-group command. This is the source-bridge virtual ring to associate with the transparent bridge group. This ring group number must match the number you have specified with the source-bridge ring-group command. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
pseudo-ring Ring number used to represent the transparent bridging domain to the source-route bridged domain. This number must be a unique number, not used by any other ring in your source-route bridged network.
bridge-number Bridge number of the bridge that leads to the transparent bridging domain.
tb-group Number of the transparent bridge group that you want to tie into your source-route bridged domain. The no form of this command disables this feature.
oui (Optional) Organizational unique identifier. Possible values include the following:

  • 90-compatible

  • standard

  • cisco

source-bridge transparent fastswitch

Use the source-bridge transparent fastswitch global configuration command to enable fast switching of packets between the SRB and transparent domains. Use the no form of this command to disable fast switching of packets.

source-bridge transparent ring-group fastswitch
no source-bridge transparent
ring-group fastswitch

ring-group Virtual ring group created by the source-bridge ring-group command. This is the source-bridge virtual ring to associate with the transparent bridge group. This ring group number must match the number you have specified with the source-bridge ring-group command. The valid range is 1 to 4095.
fastswitch Fast-switched SR/TLB enables the Cisco IOS software to process packets at the interrupt level.

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