
Table of Contents

Frame Relay Commands

Frame Relay Commands

Use the commands described in this chapter to configure access to Frame Relay networks.

For Frame Relay configuration information and examples, refer to the "Configuring Frame Relay" chapter in the Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide.

class (map-list configuration)

To associate a map class with a protocol-and-address combination, use the class map-list configuration command.

protocol protocol-address class map-class [broadcast] [trigger] [ietf]
Syntax Description
protocol Supported protocol, bridging, or logical link control keywords: appletalk, bridging, clns, decnet, dlsw, ip, ipx, llc2, rsrb, vines, and xns.
protocol-address Protocol address. The bridge and clns keywords do not use protocol addresses.
class map-class Name of the map class from which to derive quality of service (QOS) information.
broadcast (Optional) Allows broadcasts on this SVC.
trigger (Optional) Enables a broadcast packet to trigger an SVC. If an SVC already exists that uses this map class, the SVC will carry the broadcast. This keyword can be configured only if broadcast is also configured.
ietf (Optional) Specifies RFC 1490 encapsulation. The default is Cisco encapsulation.

No protocol, protocol address, and map class are defined. If the ietf keyword is not specified, the default is Cisco encapsulation. If the broadcast keyword is not specified, no broadcasts are sent.

Command Mode

Map-list configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

This command is used for Frame Relay switched virtual circuits (SVCs); the parameters within the map class are used to negotiate for network resources.

The class is associated with a static map that is configured under a map list.


In the following example, if IP triggers the call, the SVC is set up with the QOS parameters defined within the class hawaii. However, if AppleTalk triggers the call, the SVC is set up with the QOS parameters defined in the class rainbow. An SVC triggered by either protocol results in two SVC maps, one for IP and one for AppleTalk. Two maps are set up because these protocol-and-address combinations are heading for the same destination, as defined by the dest-addr keyword and the values following it in the map-list command.

map-list bermuda source-addr E164 14085551212 dest-addr E164 15085551212 ip class hawaii appletalk 1000.2 class rainbow

In the following example, the trigger keyword allows AppleTalk broadcast packets to trigger an SVC:

ip class jamaica broadcast ietf appletalk 1000.2 class jamaica broadcast trigger ietf
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

map-class frame-relay

class (virtual circuit configuration)

To associate a map class with a specified data-link connection identifier (DLCI), use the class virtual circuit configuration command. To remove the association between the DLCI and the map class, use the no form of this command.

class name
no class name
Syntax Description
name Name of map class to associate with this DLCI.

No map class is defined.

Command Mode

Virtual circuit configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

This command applies to DLCIs. The class parameter values are specified with the map-class frame-relay command.


The following example shows how to define map class slow_vcs and apply it to DLCI 100:

interface serial 0.1 point-to-point frame-relay interface-dlci 100   class slow_vcs map-class frame-relay slow_vcs frame-relay cir out 9600

The following example shows how to apply a map class to a DLCI for which a frame-relay map statement exists. The frame-relay interface-dlci command must also be used.

interface serial 0.2 point-to-multipoint frame-relay map ip 100 frame-relay interface-dlci 100   class slow_vcs interface serial 0 frame-relay interface-dlci 100  class fast_vc map-class frame-relay fast_vc  frame-relay traffic-rate 56000 128000  frame-relay idle-timer 30
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay interface-dlci
frame-relay map

map-class frame-relay

clear frame-relay-inarp

To clear dynamically created Frame Relay maps, which are created by the use of Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), use the clear frame-relay-inarp EXEC command.

clear frame-relay-inarp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example clears dynamically created Frame Relay maps:

clear frame-relay-inarp
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay inverse-arp
show frame-relay map

encapsulation frame-relay

To enable Frame Relay encapsulation, use the encapsulation frame-relay interface configuration command. To disable Frame Relay encapsulation, use the no form of this command.

encapsulation frame-relay [cisco | ietf]
no encapsulation frame-relay [ietf]
Syntax Description
cisco (Optional) Uses Cisco's own encapsulation, which is a 4-byte header, with 2 bytes to identify the data-link connection identifier (DLCI) and 2 bytes to identify the packet type. This is the default.
ietf (Optional) Sets the encapsulation method to comply with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard (RFC 1490). Use this keyword when connecting to another vendor's equipment across a Frame Relay network.


Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Use this command with no keywords to restore the default Cisco encapsulation, which is a 4-byte header with 2 bytes for the DLCI and 2 bytes to identify the packet type.

We recommend that you shut down the interface prior to changing encapsulation types. Although this is not required, shutting down the interface ensures the interface is reset for the new encapsulation.


The following example configures Cisco Frame Relay encapsulation on interface serial 1:

interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay

Use the ietf keyword if your router or access server is connected to another vendor's equipment across a Frame Relay network to conform with RFC 1490:

interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay ietf

frame-relay adaptive-shaping

Use the frame-relay adaptive-shaping map-class subcommand to select the type of backward notification you want to use. Use the no form of the command to disable backward notification.

frame-relay adaptive-shaping {becn | foresight}
no frame-relay adaptive-shaping
Syntax Description
becn Enables rate adjustment in response to BECN.
foresight Enables rate adjustment in response to ForeSight messages.


Command Mode

Map-class subcommand

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.3.

This command replaces the frame-relay becn-response-enable command, which will be removed in a future Cisco IOS release. If you use the frame-relay becn-response-enable command in scripts, you should replace it with the frame-relay adaptive-shaping command.

The frame-relay adaptive-shaping command configures a router to respond to either BECN or ForeSight backward congestion notification messages.

Include this command in a map-class definition and apply the map class to either the main interface or to a subinterface.


This example shows the map-class definition for a router configured with traffic shaping and Router ForeSight enabled.

 interface Serial0   no ip address   encapsulation frame-relay   frame-relay traffic-shaping   frame-relay class control-A   map-class frame-relay control-A     frame-relay adaptive-shaping foresight     frame-relay cir 56000     frame-relay bc 64000
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay traffic-shaping
map-class frame-relay

frame-relay bc

To specify the incoming or outgoing committed burst size (Bc) for a Frame Relay virtual circuit, use the frame-relay bc map-class configuration command. To reset the committed burst size to the default, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay bc {in | out} bits
no frame-relay bc
{in | out} bits
Syntax Description
in | out Incoming or outgoing; if neither is specified, both in and out values are set.
bits Committed burst size, in bits. Default is 7000 bits.

7000 bits

Command Mode

Map-class configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

The Frame Relay committed burst size is specified within a map class to request a certain burst rate for the circuit. Although it is specified in bits, an implicit time factor is the sampling interval Tc on the switch, which is defined as the burst size Bc divided by the committed information rate (CIR).


In the following example, the serial interface already has a basic configuration, and a map group called bermuda has already been defined. The example shows a map-list configuration that defines the source and destination addresses for bermuda, provides IP and IPX addresses, and ties the map list definition to the map class called jamaica. Then traffic shaping parameters are defined for the map class.

map-list bermuda local-addr X121 31383040703500 dest-addr X121 31383040709000 ip class jamaica ietf ipx 123.0000.0c07.d530 class jamaica ietf map-class frame-relay jamaica frame-relay cir in 2000000 frame-relay mincir in 1000000 frame-relay cir out 15000 frame-relay mincir out 10000 frame-relay bc in 15000 frame-relay bc out 9600 frame-relay be in 10000 frame-relay be out 10000 frame-relay idle-timer 30
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay be
frame-relay cir

frame-relay be

To set the incoming or outgoing excess burst size (Be) for a Frame Relay virtual circuit, use the frame-relay be map-class configuration command. To reset the excess burst size to the default, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay be {in | out} bits
no frame-relay be
{in | out} bits
Syntax Description
in | out Incoming or outgoing.
bits Excess burst size, in bits. Default is 7000 bits.

7000 bits

Command Mode

Map-class configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

The Frame Relay excess burst size is specified within a map class to request a certain burst rate for the circuit. Although it is specified in bytes, an implicit time factor is the sampling interval Tc on the switch, which is defined as the burst size Bc divided by the committed information rate (CIR).


In the following example, the serial interface already has a basic configuration, and a map group called bermuda has already been defined. The example shows a map-list configuration that defines the source and destination addresses for bermuda, provides IP and IPX addresses, and ties the map list definition to the map class called jamaica. Then traffic shaping parameters are defined for the map class.

map-list bermuda local-addr X121 31383040703500 dest-addr X121 31383040709000 ip class jamaica ietf ipx 123.0000.0c07.d530 class jamaica ietf map-class frame-relay jamaica frame-relay cir in 2000000 frame-relay mincir in 1000000 frame-relay cir out 15000 frame-relay mincir out 10000 frame-relay bc in 15000 frame-relay bc out 9600 frame-relay be in 10000 frame-relay be out 10000 frame-relay idle-timer 30
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay bc
frame-relay cir

frame-relay becn-response-enable

This command has been replaced by the frame-relay adaptive-shaping command. If you use the frame-relay becn-response-enable command in scripts, you should replace it with the frame-relay adaptive-shaping command. This command will be removed from the product in a future release.

frame-relay broadcast-queue

To create a special queue for a specified interface to hold broadcast traffic that has been replicated for transmission on multiple DLCIs, use the frame-relay broadcast-queue interface configuration command.

frame-relay broadcast-queue size byte-rate packet-rate
Syntax Description
size Number of packets to hold in the broadcast queue. The default is 64 packets.
byte-rate Maximum number of bytes to be transmitted per second. The default is 256000 bytes per second.
packet-rate Maximum number of packets to be transmitted per second. The default is 36 packets per second.

The default values are as follows:

size--64 packets
byte-rate--256000 bytes per second
packet-rate--36 packets per second

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.3.

For purposes of the Frame Relay broadcast queue, broadcast traffic is defined as packets that have been replicated for transmission on multiple DLCIs. However, the broadcast traffic does not include the original routing packet or service access point (SAP) packet, which passes through the normal queue. Due to timing sensitivity, bridged broadcasts and spanning-tree packets are also sent through the normal queue.

The Frame Relay broadcast queue is managed independently of the normal interface queue. It has its own buffers and a configurable service rate.

A broadcast queue is given a maximum transmission rate (throughput) limit measured in bytes per second and packets per second. The queue is serviced to ensure that only this maximum is provided. The broadcast queue has priority when transmitting at a rate below the configured maximum, and hence has a guaranteed minimum bandwidth allocation. The two transmission rate limits are intended to avoid flooding the interface with broadcasts. The actual limit in any second is the first rate limit that is reached.

Given the transmission rate restriction, additional buffering is required to store broadcast packets. The broadcast queue is configurable to store large numbers of broadcast packets.

The queue size should be set to avoid loss of broadcast routing update packets. The exact size will depend on the protocol being used and the number of packets required for each update. To be safe, set the queue size so that one complete routing update from each protocol and for each DLCI can be stored. As a general rule, start with 20 packets per DLCI.

As a general rule, the byte rate should be less than both of the following:

The packet rate is not critical if you set the byte rate conservatively. As a general rule, set the packet rate assuming 250-byte packets.


The following example specifies a broadcast queue to hold 80 packets, to have a maximum byte transmission rate of 240,000 bytes per second, and to have a maximum packet transmission rate of 160 packets per second:

frame-relay broadcast-queue 80 240000 160

frame-relay cir

To specify the incoming or outgoing committed information rate (CIR) for a Frame Relay virtual circuit, use the frame-relay cir map-class configuration command. To reset the CIR to the default, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay cir {in | out} bps
no frame-relay cir
{in | out} bps
Syntax Description
in | out Incoming or outgoing.
bps Committed information rate (CIR), in bits per second. Default is 56000 kps.

56000 bits per second

Command Mode

Map-class configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Use this command to specify a CIR for an SVC. The specified CIR value is sent through the SETUP message to the switch, which then attempts to provision network resources to support this value.


The following example sets a higher committed information rate for incoming traffic than for outgoing traffic (which is going out on a slow WAN line):

frame-relay cir in 2000000 frame-relay cir out 9600
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay bc
frame-relay be

frame-relay class

To associate a map class with an interface or subinterface, use the frame-relay class interface configuration command. To remove the association between in the interface or subinterface and the named map class, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay class name
no frame-relay class name
Syntax Description
name Name of the map class to associate with this interface or subinterface.

No map class is defined.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

This command can apply to interfaces or subinterfaces.

All relevant parameters defined in the name map class are inherited by each virtual circuit created on the interface or subinterface. For each virtual circuit, the precedence rules are as follows:

  1. Use the map class associated with the virtual circuit if it exists.

  2. If not, use the map class associated with the subinterface if the map class exists.

  3. If not, use map class associated with interface if the map class exists.

  4. If not, use the interface default parameters.

In the following example, the map class slow_vcs is associated with the serial 0.1 subinterface and the map class slow_vcs is defined to have an outbound CIR value of 9600:

interface serial 0.1 frame-relay class slow_vcs map-class frame-relay slow_vcs frame-relay cir out 9600

If a virtual circuit exists on the serial 0.1 interface and is associated with some other map class, the parameter values of the second map class override those defined in the slow_vc map class for that virtual circuit.

Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

map-class frame-relay

frame-relay custom-queue-list

To specify a custom queue to be used for the virtual circuit queuing associated with a specified map class, use the frame-relay custom-queue-list map-class configuration command. To remove the specified queuing from the virtual circuit and cause it to revert to the default first-come-first-served queuing, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay custom-queue-list list-number
no frame-relay custom-queue-list list-number
Syntax Description
list-number List number.

If this command is not entered, the default queuing is first come first served.

Command Mode

Map-class configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Definition of the custom queue takes place in the existing manner (through queue-list commands).

Only one form of queuing can be associated with a particular map class; subsequent definitions overwrite previous ones.


The following example configures a custom queue list for the fast_vcs map class:

map-class frame-relay fast_vcs  frame-relay custom-queue-list 1 queue-list 1 queue 4 byte-count 100
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

map-class frame-relay

frame-relay de-group

To specify the discard eligibility (DE) group number to be used for a specified DLCI, use the frame-relay de-group interface configuration command. To disable a previously defined group number assigned to a specified DLCI, use the no form of the command with the relevant keyword and arguments.

frame-relay de-group group-number dlci
no frame-relay de-group
[group-number] [dlci]
Syntax Description
group-number DE group number to apply to the specified DLCI number, in the range from 1 through 10.
dlci DLCI number.

No DE group is defined.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

To disable all previously defined group numbers, use the no form of this command with no arguments.

This command requires that Frame Relay software be enabled.

The DE bit is not set or recognized by the Frame Relay switching code, but must be recognized and interpreted by the Frame Relay network.


The following example specifies that group number 3 will be used for DLCI 170:

frame-relay de-group 3 170
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay de-list

frame-relay de-list

To define a discard eligibility (DE) list specifying the packets that have the DE bit set and thus are eligible for discarding when congestion is experienced on the Frame Relay switch, use the frame-relay de-list global configuration command. To delete a portion of a previously defined DE list, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay de-list list-number {protocol protocol | interface type number} characteristic
no frame-relay de-list
list-number {protocol protocol | interface type number} characteristic
Syntax Description
list-number Number of the DE list.
protocol protocol One of the following keywords corresponding to a supported protocol or device:
arp--Address Resolution Protocol.
apollo--Apollo Domain.
bridge--bridging device.
clns--ISO Connectionless Network Service.
clns_es--CLNS end systems.
clns_is--CLNS intermediate systems.
compressedtcp--Compressed Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
decnet_node--DECnet end node.
decnet_router-L1--DECnet Level 1 (intra-area) router.
decnet_router-L2--DECnet Level 2 (interarea) router.
ip--Internet Protocol.
ipx--Novell Internet Packet Exchange Protocol.
vines--Banyan VINES.
xns--Xerox Network Systems.
interface type One of the following interface types: serial, null, or ethernet.
number Interface number.
characteristic One of the following:

fragments--Fragmented IP packets.
tcp port--TCP packets to or from a specified port.
udp port--User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets to or from a specified port.
list access-list-number--Previously defined access list number.
gt bytes--Sets the DE bit for packets larger than the specified number of bytes.
lt bytes--Sets the DE bit for packets smaller than the specified number of bytes.


Discard eligibility is not defined.

Command Mode

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

To remove an entire DE list, use the no form of this command with no options and arguments.

This prioritizing feature requires that the Frame Relay network be able to interpret the DE bit as indicating which packets can be dropped first in case of congestion, or which packets are less time sensitive, or both.


The following example specifies that IP packets larger than 512 bytes will have the DE bit set:

frame-relay de-list 1 protocol ip gt 512

frame-relay idle-timer

To specify the idle timeout interval for a switched virtual circuit, use the frame-relay idle-timer map-class configuration command. To reset the idle timer to its default interval, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay idle-timer seconds
no frame-relay idle-timer
Syntax Description
seconds Time interval, in seconds, with no frames exchanged on a switched virtual circuit, after which the SVC is released. Default is 120 seconds.

120 seconds

Command Mode

Map-class configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

The frame-relay idle-timer command applies to switched virtual circuits that are associated with the map class where the idle-timer is defined.

The idle timer must be tuned for each application. Routing protocols such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) might keep the SVC up indefinitely because updates go out every 10 seconds.


The following example defines the traffic rate and idle timer for the fast_vcs map class and applies those values to DLCI 100, which is associated with that map class:

interface serial 0 frame-relay interface-dlci 100  class fast_vc map-class frame-relay fast_vcs  frame-relay traffic-rate 56000 128000  frame-relay idle-timer 30
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

map-class frame-relay

frame-relay interface-dlci

To assign a data link connection identifier (DLCI) to a specified Frame Relay subinterface on the router or access server, use the frame-relay interface-dlci interface configuration command. To remove this assignment, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay interface-dlci dlci [ietf | cisco]
no frame-relay interface-dlci dlci [ietf | cisco]

frame-relay interface-dlci dlci [protocol ip ip-address] (for a BOOTP server only)
Syntax Description
dlci DLCI number to be used on the specified subinterface.
ietf | cisco (Optional) Encapsulation type: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Frame Relay encapsulation or Cisco Frame Relay encapsulation.
protocol ip ip-address (Optional) Indicates the IP address of the main interface of a new router or access server onto which a router configuration file is to be automatically installed over a Frame Relay network. Use this option only when this device will act as the BOOTP server for automatic installation over Frame Relay.

No DLCI is assigned.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

This command is typically used for subinterfaces; however, it can also be used on main interfaces. Using the frame-relay interface-dlci command on main interfaces will enable the use of routing protocols on interfaces that use Inverse ARP. The frame-relay interface-dlci command on a main interface is also valuable for assigning a specific class to a single PVC where special characteristics are desired. Subinterfaces are logical interfaces associated with a physical interface. You must specify the interface and subinterface before you can use this command to assign any DLCIs and any encapsulation or broadcast options. See the "Example" section for the sequence of commands.

This command is required for all point-to-point subinterfaces; it is also required for multipoint subinterfaces for which dynamic address resolution is enabled. It is not required for multipoint subinterfaces configured with static address mappings.

Use the protocol ip ip-address option only when this router or access server will act as the BOOTP server for autoinstallation over Frame Relay.

For more information about automatically installing router configuration files over a Frame Relay network, see the "Loading System Images and Microcode" chapter in the Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.


The following example assigns DLCI 100 to serial subinterface 5.17:

! Enter interface configuration and begin assignments on interface serial 5 interface serial 5 ! Enter subinterface configuration by assigning subinterface 17 interface serial 5.17 ! Now assign a DLCI number to subinterface 5.17 frame-relay interface-dlci 100
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay class

frame-relay intf-type

Use the frame-relay intf-type interface configuration command to configure a Frame Relay switch type. Use the no form of this command to disable the switch.

frame-relay intf-type [dce | dte | nni]
no frame-relay intf-type [dce | dte | nni]
Syntax Description
dce (Optional) Router or access server functions as a switch connected to a router.
dte (Optional) Router or access server is connected to a Frame Relay network. This is the default.
nni (Optional) Router or access server functions as a switch connected to a switch--supports Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) connections.


Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

This command can be used only if Frame Relay switching has previously been enabled globally by use of the frame-relay switching command.


The following example configures a data terminal equipment (DTE) switch type:

frame-relay switching ! interface serial 2 frame-relay intf-type dte

frame-relay inverse-arp

If the Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (Inverse ARP) was previously disabled on a router or access server configured for Frame Relay, use the frame-relay inverse-arp interface configuration command to reenable Inverse ARP on a specified interface or subinterface. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

frame-relay inverse-arp [protocol] [dlci]
no frame-relay inverse-arp
[protocol] [dlci]
Syntax Description
protocol Supported protocols: appletalk, decnet, ip, ipx, vines, and xns.
dlci One of the DLCI numbers used on the interface. Acceptable numbers are integers in the range 16 through 1007.


Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

To enable Inverse ARP for all protocols that were enabled before the prior no frame-relay inverse-arp command was issued, use the frame-relay inverse-arp command without arguments. To disable Inverse ARP for all protocols of an interface, use the no frame-relay inverse-arp command without arguments.

To enable or disable Inverse ARP for a specific protocol and DLCI pair, use both the protocol and dlci arguments. To enable or disable Inverse ARP for all protocols on a DLCI, use only the dlci argument. To enable or disable Inverse ARP for a protocol for all DLCIs on the specified interface or subinterface, use only the protocol argument.

This implementation of Inverse ARP is based on RFC 1293. It allows a router or access server running Frame Relay to discover the protocol address of a device associated with the virtual circuit.

In Frame Relay, permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) are identified by a DLCI, which is the equivalent of a hardware address. By exchanging signaling messages, a network announces a new virtual circuit, and with Inverse ARP, the protocol address at the other side of the circuit can be discovered.

The show frame-relay map command displays the word "dynamic" to flag virtual circuits that are created dynamically by Inverse ARP.


The following example sets Inverse ARP on an interface running AppleTalk:

interface serial 0 frame-relay inverse-arp appletalk 100
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

clear frame-relay-inarp
show frame-relay map

frame-relay ip tcp header-compression

To configure an interface to ensure that the associated PVC will always carry outgoing Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) headers in compressed form, use the frame-relay ip tcp header-compression interface configuration command. To disable compression of TCP/IP packet headers on the interface, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay ip tcp header-compression [passive]
no frame-relay ip tcp header-compression
Syntax Description
passive (Optional) Compresses the outgoing TCP/IP packet header only if an incoming packet had a compressed header.

Active TCP/IP header compression; all outgoing TCP/IP packets are subjected to header compression.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

This command applies to interfaces that support Frame Relay encapsulation, specifically serial ports and High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI).

Frame Relay must be configured on the interface before this command can be used.

TCP/IP header compression and IETF encapsulation are mutually exclusive. If an interface is changed to IETF encapsulation, all encapsulation and compression characteristics are lost.

When you use this command to enable TCP/IP header compression, every IP map inherits the compression characteristics of the interface, unless header compression is explicitly rejected or modified by use of the frame-relay map ip tcp header compression command.

We recommend that you shut down the interface prior to changing encapsulation types. Although this is not required, shutting down the interface ensures the interface is reset for the new


The following example configures serial interface 1 to use the default encapsulation (cisco) and passive TCP header compression:

interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay ip tcp header-compression passive
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay map ip tcp header-compression

frame-relay lapf frmr

To resume the default setting of sending the Frame Reject (FRMR) frame at the LAPF Frame Reject procedure after having set the option of not sending the frame, use the frame-relay frmr command. To set the option of not sending the Frame Reject (FRMR) frame at the LAPF Frame Reject procedure, use the no frame-relay lapf frmr interface configuration command.

frame-relay frmr
no frame-relay lapf frmr
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.


Send FRMR during the Frame Reject procedure.

Command Mode

Interface configuration command

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

If the Frame Relay switch does not support FRMR, use the no form of this command to suppress the transmission of FRMR frames.


The following example suppresses the transmission of FRMR frames:

no frame-relay lapf frmr

frame-relay lapf k

To set the Link Access Procedure for Frame Relay (LAPF) window size k, use the frame-relay lapf k interface configuration command. To reset the maximum window size k to the default value, use the no form of this command

frame-relay lapf k number
no frame-relay lapf k
Syntax Description
number Maximum number of Information frames that are either outstanding for transmission or are transmitted but unacknowledged, in the range 1 through 127. Default is 7 frames.

7 frames

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting.

Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.


The following example resets the LAPF window size k to the default value:

no frame-relay lapf k
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay lapf t203

frame-relay lapf n200

To set the LAPF maximum retransmission count N200, use the frame-relay lapf n200 interface configuration command. To reset the maximum retransmission count to the default of 3, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lapf n200 retries
no frame-relay lapf n200
Syntax Description
retries Maximum number of retransmissions of a frame. Default is 3 retransmissions.

3 retransmissions

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting.

Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.


The following example resets the N200 maximum retransmission count to the default value:

no frame-relay lapf n200

frame-relay lapf n201

To set the LAPF N201 value (the maximum length of the Information field of the LAPF I frame), use the frame-relay lapf n201 interface configuration command. To reset the maximum length of the Information field to the default of 260 bytes (octets), use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lapf n201 bytes
no frame-relay lapf n201
Syntax Description
bytes Maximum number of bytes in the Information field of the LAPF I frame, in the range 1 through 16384. Default is 260 bytes.

260 bytes

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting.

Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.


The following example resets the N201 maximum information field length to the default value:

no frame-relay lapf n201

frame-relay lapf t200

To set the LAPF retransmission timer value T200, use the frame-relay lapf t200 interface configuration command. To reset the T200 timer to the default value of 15, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lapf t200 tenths-of-a-second
no frame-relay lapf t200
Syntax Description
tenths-of-a-second Time, in tenths of a second, in the range 1 through 100. Default is 15 tenths of a second (1.5 seconds).

15 tenths of a second (1.5 seconds)

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

The retransmission timer value T200 should be less than the link idle timer value T203 (using the same time unit).

This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting.

Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.


The following example resets the T200 timer to the default value:

no frame-relay lapf t200
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay lapf t203

frame-relay lapf t203

To set the LAPF link idle timer value T203 of DLCI 0, use the frame-relay lapf t203 interface configuration command. To reset the link idle timer to the default value, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lapf t203 seconds
no frame-relay lapf t203
Syntax Description
seconds Maximum time allowed with no frames exchanged, in the range 1 through 65535 seconds. Default is 30 seconds.

30 seconds

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

The frame-relay lapf t203 command applies to the link; that is, it applies to DLCI 0. Circuits other than DLCI 0 are not affected.

The link idle timer value T203 should be greater than the retransmission timer value T200 (using the same time unit).

This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting.

Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.


The following example resets the T203 idle link timer to the default value:

no frame-relay lapf t203
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay lapf k
frame-relay lapf t200

frame-relay lmi-n391dte

To set a full status polling interval, use the frame-relay lmi-n391dte interface configuration command. To restore the default interval value, assuming an LMI has been configured, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lmi-n391dte keep-exchanges
no frame-relay lmi-n391dte
Syntax Description
keep-exchanges Number of keep exchanges to be done before requesting a full status message. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range 1 through 255.

6 keep exchanges

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Use this command when the interface is configured as data terminal equipment (DTE) or a Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) as a means of setting the full status message polling interval.


In the following example, one out of every four status inquiries generated will request a full status response from the switch. The other three status inquiries will request keepalive exchanges only.

interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DTE frame-relay lmi-n391dte 4

frame-relay lmi-n392dce

To set the DCE and the Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) error threshold, use the frame-relay lmi-n392dce interface configuration command. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lmi-n392dce threshold
no frame-relay lmi-n392dce
Syntax Description
threshold Error threshold value. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range 1 through 10. Default is 2 errors.

2 errors

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

In Cisco's implementation, N392 errors must occur within the number defined by the N393 event count in order for the link to be declared down. Therefore, the threshold value for this command must be less than the count value defined in the frame-relay lmi-n393dce command.


In the following example, the LMI failure threshold is set to 3. The router acts as a Frame Relay DCE or NNI switch.

interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DCE frame-relay lmi-n392dce 3
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay lmi-n393dce

frame-relay lmi-n392dte

To set the error threshold on a DTE or NNI interface, use the frame-relay lmi-n392dte interface configuration command. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lmi-n392dte threshold
no frame-relay lmi-n392dte
Syntax Description
threshold Error threshold value. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range 1 through 10. Default is 3 errors.

3 errors

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


In the following example, the LMI failure threshold is set to 3. The router acts as a Frame Relay DTE or NNI switch.

interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DTE frame-relay lmi-n392dte 3

frame-relay lmi-n393dce

To set the DCE and NNI monitored events count, use the frame-relay lmi-n393dce interface configuration command. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lmi-n393dce events
no frame-relay lmi-n393dce
Syntax Description
events Monitored events count value. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range 1 through 10. Default is 2 events.

2 events

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

This command and the frame-relay lmi-n392dce command define the condition that causes the link to be declared down. In Cisco's implementation, N392 errors must occur within the events count in order for the link to be declared down. Therefore, the events value defined in this command must be greater than the threshold value defined in the frame-relay lmi-n392dce command.


In the following example, the LMI monitored events count is set to 3. The router acts as a Frame Relay DCE or NNI switch.

interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DCE frame-relay lmi-n393dce 3
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay lmi-n392dce

frame-relay lmi-n393dte

To set the monitored event count on a DTE or NNI interface, use the frame-relay lmi-n393dte interface configuration command. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lmi-n393dte events
no frame-relay lmi-n393dte
Syntax Description
events Monitored events count value. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range 1 through 10. Default is 4 events.

4 events

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


In the following example, the LMI monitored events count is set to 3. The router acts as a Frame Relay DTE or NNI switch.

interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DTE frame-relay lmi-n393dte 3

frame-relay lmi-t392dce

To set the polling verification timer on a DCE or NNI interface, use the frame-relay lmi-t392dce interface configuration command. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lmi-t392dce seconds
no frame-relay lmi-t392dce
Syntax Description
seconds Polling verification timer value, in seconds. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range 5 through 30. Default is 15 seconds.

15 seconds

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

The value for the timer must be greater than the DTE or NNI keepalive timer.


The following example indicates a polling verification timer on a DCE or NNI interface set to 20 seconds:

interface serial 3 frame-relay intf-type DCE frame-relay lmi-t392dce 20
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.


frame-relay lmi-type

To select the Local Management Interface (LMI) type, use the frame-relay lmi-type interface configuration command. To return to the default LMI type, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay lmi-type {ansi | cisco | q933a}
no frame-relay lmi-type {ansi | q933a}
Syntax Description
ansi Annex D defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard T1.617.
cisco LMI type defined jointly by Cisco and three other companies.
q933a ITU-T Q.933 Annex A.

Note The International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) carries out the functions of the former Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT).

LMI autosense is active and determines the LMI type by communicating with the switch.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Cisco's implementation of Frame Relay supports three LMI types: Cisco, ANSI Annex D, and
ITU-T Q.933 Annex A.

The LMI type is set on a per-interface basis and is shown in the output of the show interfaces EXEC command.

If you want to deactivate LMI autosense, use this command and the keepalive command to configure the LMI. For more information about LMI autosense and configuring the LMI, see the "Configuring Frame Relay" chapter in the Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide.


The following is an example of the commands you might enter to configure an interface for the ANSI Annex D LMI type:

interface Serial1 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type ansi keepalive 15

frame-relay local-dlci

To set the source DLCI for use when the LMI is not supported, use the frame-relay local-dlci interface configuration command. To remove the DLCI number, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay local-dlci number
no frame-relay local-dlci
Syntax Description
number Local (source) DLCI number to be used.

No source DLCI is set.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

If LMI is supported and the multicast information element is present, the network server sets its local DLCI based on information provided via the LMI.

Note The frame-relay local-dlci command is provided mainly to allow testing of the Frame Relay encapsulation in a setting where two servers are connected back-to-back. This command is not required in a live Frame Relay network.

The following example specifies 100 as the local DLCI:

interface serial 4 frame-relay local-dlci 100

frame-relay map

To define the mapping between a destination protocol address and the DLCI used to connect to the destination address, use the frame-relay map interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to delete the map entry.

frame-relay map protocol protocol-address dlci [broadcast] [ietf | cisco]
[payload-compress {packet-by-packet | frf9 stac [hardware-options] } ]
no frame-relay map protocol protocol-address

Syntax Description
protocol Supported protocol, bridging, or logical link control keywords: appletalk, decnet, dlsw, ip, ipx, llc2, rsrb, vines and xns.
protocol-address Destination protocol address.
dlci DLCI number used to connect to the specified protocol address on the interface.
broadcast (Optional) Forwards broadcasts to this address when multicast is not enabled (see the frame-relay multicast-dlci command for more information about multicasts). This keyword also simplifies the configuration of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) (see the "Usage Guidelines" section for more detail).
ietf (Optional) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) form of Frame Relay encapsulation. Used when the router or access server is connected to another vendor's equipment across a Frame Relay network.
cisco (Optional) Cisco encapsulation method.
payload-compress packet-by-packet (Optional) Packet-by-packet payload compression using the Stacker method.
payload-compress frf9 stac (Optional) Enables FRF.9 compression using the Stacker method.

· If the router contains a compression service adapter (CSA), compression is performed in the CSA hardware (hardware compression).

· If the CSA is not available, compression is performed in the software installed on the VIP2 (distributed compression).

· If the VIP2 is not available, compression is performed in the router's main processor (software compression).

hardware-options distributed

(Optional) Specifies that compression is implemented in the software that is installed in a VIP2. If the VIP2 is not available, compression is performed in the router's main processor (software compression). This option applies only to the Cisco 7500 series.


(Optional) Specifies that compression is implemented in the Cisco IOS software installed in the router's main processor.

csa csa_number

(Optional) Specifies the CSA to use for a particular interface. This option applies only to Cisco 7200 series routers.


No mapping is defined.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

The payload-compress frf9 stac keyword first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.3.

There can be many DLCIs known by a router or access server that can send data to many different places, but they are all multiplexed over one physical link. The Frame Relay map defines the logical connection between a specific protocol and address pair and the correct DLCI.

The optional ietf and cisco keywords allow flexibility in the configuration. If no keywords are specified, the map inherits the attributes set with the encapsulation frame-relay command. You can also use the encapsulation options to specify that, for example, all interfaces use IETF encapsulation except one, which needs the original Cisco encapsulation method and can be configured through use of the cisco keyword with the frame-relay map command.

Packet-by-packet compression is Cisco-proprietary and will not interoperate with routers of other manufacturers.

You can disable payload compression by entering the no frame-relay map payload command and then entering the frame-relay map command again with one of the other encapsulation keywords (cisco or ietf).

Use the frame-relay map command to enable or disable payload compression on multipoint interfaces. Use the frame-relay payload-compress command to enable or disable payload compression on point-to-point interfaces.

We recommend that you shut down the interface prior to changing encapsulation types. Although this is not required, shutting down the interface ensures the interface is reset for the new encapsulation.

The broadcast keyword provides two functions: it forwards broadcasts when multicasting is not enabled, and it simplifies the configuration of OSPF for nonbroadcast networks that will use Frame Relay.

The broadcast keyword might also be required for some routing protocols--for example, AppleTalk--that depend on regular routing table updates, especially when the router at the remote end is waiting for a routing update packet to arrive before adding the route.

By requiring selection of a designated router, OSPF treats a nonbroadcast, multiaccess network such as Frame Relay in much the same way as it treats a broadcast network. In previous releases, this required manual assignment in the OSPF configuration using the neighbor interface router command. When the frame-relay map command is included in the configuration with the broadcast keyword, and the ip ospf network command (with the broadcast keyword) is configured, there is no need to configure any neighbors manually. OSPF will now automatically run over the Frame Relay network as a broadcast network. (Refer to the ip ospf network interface command for more detail.)

Note The OSPF broadcast mechanism assumes that IP class D addresses are never used for regular traffic over Frame Relay.

The following example maps the destination IP address to DLCI 100:

interface serial 0 frame-relay map IP 100 broadcast

OSPF will use DLCI 100 to broadcast updates.

The example shows FRF.9 compression configuration using the frame-relay map command.

! interface Serial2/0/1 ip address no ip route-cache encapsulation frame-relay IETF no keepalive shutdown frame-relay map ip 105 IETF payload-compression FRF9 stac !
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay payload-compress

frame-relay map bridge

To specify that broadcasts are to be forwarded during bridging, use the frame-relay map bridge interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to delete the map entry.

frame-relay map bridge dlci [broadcast] [ietf]
no frame-relay map bridge dlci
Syntax Description
dlci DLCI number to be used for bridging on the specified interface or subinterface.
broadcast (Optional) Broadcasts are forwarded when multicast is not enabled.
ietf (Optional) IETF form of Frame Relay encapsulation. Use when the router or access server is connected to another vendor's equipment across a Frame Relay network.

No broadcasts are forwarded.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example uses DLCI 144 for bridging:

interface serial 0 frame-relay map bridge 144 broadcast

The following example sets up separate point-to-point links over a subinterface and runs transparent bridging over it:

interface serial 0 bridge-group 1 encapsulation frame-relay interface serial 0.1 bridge-group 1 frame-relay map bridge 42 broadcast interface serial 0.2 bridge-group 1 frame-relay map bridge 64 broadcast interface serial 0.3 bridge-group 1 frame-relay map bridge 73 broadcast

DLCI 42 is used as the link; see the section "Frame Relay Configuration Examples" in the Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide for more examples of subinterfaces.

frame-relay map clns

To forward broadcasts when ISO CLNS is used for routing, use the frame-relay map clns interface configuration command. Use the no form of this interface configuration command to delete the map entry.

frame-relay map clns dlci [broadcast]
no frame-relay map clns
Syntax Description
dlci DLCI number to which CLNS broadcasts are forwarded on the specified interface.
broadcast (Optional) Broadcasts are forwarded when multicast is not enabled.

No broadcasts are forwarded.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example uses DLCI 125 for ISO CLNS routing:

interface serial 0 frame-relay map clns 125 broadcast

frame-relay map ip tcp header-compression

To assign header compression characteristics to an IP map that differ from the compression characteristics of the interface with which the IP map is associated, use the frame-relay map ip tcp header-compression interface configuration command. To remove the IP map, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci [broadcast] [cisco | ietf] [nocompress]
tcp header-compression
{active | passive}
no frame-relay map ip
ip-address dlci
Syntax Description
ip-address IP address.
dlci DLCI number.
broadcast (Optional) Forwards broadcasts to the specified IP address.
cisco (Optional) Uses Cisco's proprietary encapsulation. This is the default.
ietf (Optional) Uses RFC 1490 encapsulation. No TCP/IP header compression is done if IETF encapsulation is chosen for the IP map or the associated interface.
nocompress (Optional) Disables TCP/IP header compression for this map.
active Compresses the header of every outgoing TCP/IP packet.
passive Compresses the header of an outgoing TCP/IP packet only if an incoming TCP/IP packet had a compressed header.

The default encapsulation is cisco.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

To disable TCP/IP header compression on the IP map, use the nocompress form of the command.

IP maps inherit the compression characteristics of the associated interface unless this command is used to provide different characteristics. This command can also reconfigure an IP map that existed before TCP header compression was configured on the associated interface.

When IP maps at both ends of a connection inherit passive compression, the connection will never transfer compressed traffic because neither side will generate a packet with a compressed header.

If you change the encapsulation characteristics of the interface to IETF, you lose the TCP header compression configuration of the associated IP map.

The command frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci tcp header-compression active can also be entered as frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci active tcp header-compression.

We recommend that you shut down the interface prior to changing encapsulation types. Although this is not required, shutting down the interface ensures the interface is reset for the new encapsulation.


The following example illustrates a command sequence configuring an IP map associated with serial interface 1 to enable active TCP/IP header compression:

interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay ip address frame-relay map ip 190 cisco tcp header-compression active
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay ip tcp header-compression

frame-relay mincir

To specify the minimum acceptable incoming or outgoing committed information rate (CIR) for a Frame Relay virtual circuit, use the frame-relay mincir map-class configuration command. To reset the minimum acceptable CIR to the default, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay mincir {in | out} bps
Syntax Description
in | out Incoming or outgoing.
bps Committed information rate, in bits per second. Default is 56000 bps.

56000 bps

Command Mode

Map-class configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Rate values greater than 2048 must be entered with trailing zeros. For example, 2048000 and 5120000.

The network uses the mincir value when allocating resources for the SVC. If the mincir value cannot be supported, the call is cleared.


The following example defines the peak and average traffic rate, the minimum CIR, and the idle timer for the fast_vcs map class and applies those values to DLCI 100, which is associated with that map class:

interface serial 0 frame-relay interface-dlci 100  class fast_vc map-class frame-relay fast_vc  frame-relay traffic-rate 56000 128000  frame-relay idle-timer 30  frame-relay mincir out 48000
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

map-class frame-relay

frame-relay multicast-dlci

Use the frame-relay multicast-dlci interface configuration command to define the DLCI to be used for multicasts. Use the no form of this command to remove the multicast group.

frame-relay multicast-dlci number
no frame-relay multicast-dlci
Syntax Description
number Multicast DLCI.

No DLCI is defined.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Use this command when the multicast facility is not supported. Network transmissions (packets) sent to a multicast DLCI are delivered to all network servers defined as members of the multicast group.

Note The frame-relay multicast-dlci command is provided mainly to allow testing of the Frame Relay encapsulation in a setting where two servers are connected back-to-back. This command is not required in a live Frame Relay network.

The following example specifies 1022 as the multicast DLCI:

interface serial 0 frame-relay multicast-dlci 1022

frame-relay payload-compress

Use the frame-relay payload-compress interface configuration command to enable Stacker payload compression on a specified point-to-point interface or subinterface, To disable payload compression on a specified point-to-point interface or subinterface, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay payload-compress {packet-by-packet | frf9 stac [hardware-options ]}
no frame-relay payload-compress
{packet-by-packet | frf9 stac}
Syntax Description
packet-by-packet Packet-by-packet payload compression, using the Stacker method.
frf9 stac Optional) Enables FRF.9 compression using the Stacker method.

· If the router contains a compression service adapter (CSA), compression is performed in the CSA hardware (hardware compression).

· If the CSA is not available, compression is performed in the software installed on the VIP2 (distributed compression).

· If the VIP2 is not available, compression is performed in the router's main processor (software compression).

hardware-options distributed

(Optional) Specifies that compression is implemented in the software that is installed in a VIP2. If the VIP2 is not available, compression is performed in the router's main processor (software compression). This option applies only to the Cisco 7500 series.


(Optional) Specifies that compression is implemented in the Cisco IOS software installed in the router's main processor.

csa csa_number

(Optional) Specifies the CSA to use for a particular interface. This option applies only to Cisco 7200 series routers.



Command Mode

Subinterface configuration

Usage Guidelines

The frame-relay payload-compress command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.0.
The packet-by-packet keyword first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.
The frf9 stac keyword first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.3.

Use the frame-relay payload-compress command to enable or disable payload compression on a point-to-point interface or subinterface. Use the frame-relay map command to enable or disable payload compression on a multipoint interface or subinterface.

We recommend that you shut down the interface prior to changing encapsulation types. Although this is not required, shutting down the interface ensures the interface is reset for the new encapsulation.


This example shows FRF.9 compression configuration for subinterfaces.

! interface Serial2/0/0 no ip address no ip route-cache encapsulation frame-relay ip route-cache distributed no keepalive shutdown ! interface Serial2/0/0.500 point-to-point ip address no cdp enable frame-relay interface-dlci 500 IETF frame-relay payload-compression FRF9 stac !

Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay map

frame-relay priority-dlci-group

To prioritize multiple DLCIs based on the type of Frame Relay traffic, use the frame-relay priority-dlci-group interface configuration command. Associate the DLCIs to their perspective groups and define their priority levels. This command is used for multiple DLCIs, where the source and destination endpoints are the same (parallel paths). This command should not be used on a main interface, or point-to-point subintereface, where only a single DLCI is configured.

frame-relay priority-dlci-group group-number high-dlci medium-dlci normal-dlci low-dlci 
Syntax Description 
group-number Specific group number.
high-dlci DLCI that is to have highest priority level.
medium-dlci DLCI that is to have medium priority level.
normal-dlci DLCI that is to have normal priority level.
low-dlci DLCI that is to have lowest priority level.


Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.0.

This command is applied at the interface or subinterface level.

Levels in descending order are high, medium, normal, and low.

This command allows you to define different DLCIs for different categories of traffic based on traffic priorities. This command does not itself define priority queuing, but it can be used in conjunction with priority queuing.

A global priority list must be defined, and the associated DLCIs must already be applied to the configuration before you enable this command.

A DLCI can only be affiliated with a single priority-group; however, there can be multiple groups per interface or subinterface.

You must configure the high-priority and medium-priority DLCI values. If you do not explicitly associate a DLCI for the normal-dlci and low-dlci priority levels, the last DLCI specified in the command line is used as the value of the remaining arguments. For example, the following two commands are equivalent:

frame-relay priority-dlci-group 1 40 50 frame-relay priority-dlci-group 1 40 50 50 50

When you configure static map entries using frame-relay map commands or use Inverse ARP, the high-level DLCI is the only DLCI that is mapped. In the example, DLCI 40 is defined as having the highest priority. Therefore, DLCI 40 is the only DLCI that should be included in the frame-relay map command. DLCI 50 should not be included in a frame-relay map command.


The following example shows the frame-relay priority-dlci-group command configured on a main interface with a static Frame Relay map entry. Note that DLCI 40 is the high-priority DLCI as defined in the frame-relay priority-dlci-group command and the only DLCI included in the frame-relay map command.

interface serial 1  ip address  encapsulation frame-relay  frame-relay priority-dlci-group 1 40  frame-relay map ip 40 broadcast

The following example shows the frame-relay priority-dlci-group command configured on subinterfaces where multiple priority groups are defined. DLCI 40 is the high-priority DLCI in group 1, and DLCI 80 is the high-priority DLCI in group 2.

interface Serial3 no ip address  encapsulation frame-relay ! interface Serial3.2 multipoint ip address frame-relay interface-dlci 40  frame-relay priority-dlci-group 1 40 ! interface Serial3.3 multipoint ip address frame-relay priority-dlci-group 2 80 90 100 100 frame-relay interface-dlci 80 ! interface Serial 4  no ip address  encapsulation frame-relay ! interface serial4.1 multipoint  ip address  frame-relay priority-dlci-group 3 200 210 300 300  frame-relay priority-dlci-group 4 400 410 410 410  frame-relay interface-dlci 200  frame-relay interface-dlci 400 !
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay map

frame-relay priority-group

To assign a priority queue to virtual circuits associated with a map class, use the frame-relay priority-group map-class configuration command. To remove the specified queuing from the virtual circuit and cause it to revert to the default first-come-first-served queuing, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay priority-group list-number
no frame-relay priority-group list-number
Syntax Description
list-number Priority-list number to be associated with the specified map class.

If this command is not entered, the default is first-come-first-served queuing.

Command Mode

Map-class configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Definition of the priority queue takes place in the existing manner (through priority-list commands).

Because only one form of queuing can be associated with a particular map class, subsequent definitions overwrite previous ones.


The following example configures a map class for a specified DLCI, specifies a priority list for the map class, and then defines the priority list:

interface serial 0  encapsulation frame-relay  frame-relay interface-dlci 100  class pri_vc  map-class frame-relay pri_vc  frame-relay priority-group 1 priority-list 1 protocol ip high
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

class (virtual circuit configuration)
frame-relay interface-dlci
map-class frame-relay

frame-relay qos-autosense

Use the frame-relay qos-autosense interface configuration command to enable Enhanced Local Management Interface on the Cisco router. Use the no form of this command to disable Enhanced Local Management Interface on the Cisco router.

frame-relay qos-autosense
frame-relay qos-autosense

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Enhanced Local Management Interface must be configured on both the Cisco router and the Cisco StrataCom switch.

Traffic shaping is optional with Enhanced Local Management Interface. Configure traffic shaping on the interface if you want QOS information to be used by the router for traffic rate enforcement.


This configuration example shows a Frame Relay interface enabled to receive Enhanced Local Management Interface messages from the Cisco StrataCom switch that is also configured with Enhanced Local Management Interface enabled. Traffic shaping is also configured on the interface for traffic rate enforcement and dynamic rate throttling. This allows the router to adjust its output rate based on congestion information it receives from the switch.

interface serial0   no ip address   encapsulation frame-relay   frame-relay lmi-type ansi   frame-relay traffic-shaping   frame-relay qos-autosense interface serial0.1 point-to-point   no ip address   frame-relay interface-dlci 101
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay adaptive-shaping
frame-relay traffic-shaping
show frame-relay qos-autosense

frame-relay route

Use the frame-relay route interface configuration command to specify the static route for PVC switching. Use the no form of this command to remove a static route.

frame-relay route in-dlci out-interface out-dlci
no frame-relay route
in-dlci out-interface out-dlci
Syntax Description
in-dlci DLCI on which the packet is received on the interface.
out-interface Interface that the router or access server uses to transmit the packet.
out-dlci DLCI that the router or access server uses to transmit the packet over the specified out-interface.

No static route is specified.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example configures a static route that allows packets in DLCI 100 and transmits packets out over DLCI 200 on interface serial 2:

frame-relay route 100 interface Serial2 200

The following example illustrates the commands you enter for a complete configuration that includes two static routes for PVC switching between interface serial 1 and interface serial 2:

interface Serial1 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay keepalive 15 frame-relay lmi-type ansi frame-relay intf-type dce frame-relay route 100 interface Serial2 200 frame-relay route 101 interface Serial2 201 clockrate 2000000

frame-relay svc

To enable Frame Relay SVC operation on the specified interface, use the frame-relay svc interface configuration command. To disable SVC operation on the specified interface, use the no form of this command

frame-relay svc
no frame-relay svc
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.



Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

SVC operation can be enabled at the interface level only. Once it is enabled at the interface level, it is enabled on all subinterfaces on the interface. One signaling channel, DLCI 0, is set up for the interface, and all SVCs are controlled from the physical interface.

The first use of this command on the router starts all SVC-related processes on the router. If they are already up and running because SVCs are enabled on another interface, no additional action is taken. These processes are not removed once they are created.


The following example enables Frame Relay SVC operation on serial interface 0 and starts SVC-related processes on the router:

interface serial 0 ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type q933a frame-relay svc
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

interface serial
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay lmi-type

frame-relay switching

Use the frame-relay switching global configuration command to enable PVC switching on a Frame Relay DCE or an NNI. Use the no form of this command to disable switching.

frame-relay switching
no frame-relay switching
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Mode

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

You must add this command to the configuration file before configuring the routes.


The following example shows the simple command that is entered in the configuration file before the Frame Relay configuration commands to enable switching:

frame-relay switching

frame-relay traffic-rate

To configure all the traffic shaping characteristics of a virtual circuit in a single command, use the frame-relay traffic-rate map-class configuration command. To remove the specified traffic shaping from the map class, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay traffic-rate average [peak]
no frame-relay traffic-rate average [peak]
Syntax Description
average Average rate, in bits per second; equivalent to specifying the contracted CIR.
peak (Optional) Peak rate, in bits per second; equivalent to
CIR + Be/Tc = CIR (1 + Be/Bc) = CIR + EIR.

If the peak rate is omitted, the default value used is the line rate, which is derived from the bandwidth command.

Command Mode

Map-class configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

For SVCs, the configured peak and average rates are converted to the equivalent CIR, excess burst size (Be), and committed burst size (Bc) values for use by SVC signaling.

This command lets you configure all the traffic shaping characteristics of a virtual circuit in a single command. Using it is simpler than the alternative of entering the three subcommands frame-relay cir out, frame-relay be out and frame-relay bc out, but offers slightly less flexibility.


The following example associates a map class with specified DLCI and then sets a traffic rate for the map-class (and thus for the DLCI):

interface serial 0 frame-relay interface-dlci 100  class fast_vc map-class frame-relay fast_vc  frame-relay traffic-rate 56000 128000
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay bc out
frame-relay be out
frame-relay cir out

frame-relay traffic-shaping

To enable both traffic shaping and per-virtual circuit queuing for all PVCs and SVCs on a Frame Relay interface, use the frame-relay traffic-shaping interface configuration command. To disable traffic shaping and per-virtual circuit queuing, use the no form of this command.

frame-relay traffic-shaping
no frame-relay traffic-shaping
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.



Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

For virtual circuits for which no specific traffic shaping or queuing parameters are specified, a set of default values are used. The default queuing is performed on a first-come-first-served basis.

Frame Relay traffic shaping is not effective for Layer 2 PVC switching using the frame-relay route command.


The following example enables both traffic shaping and per-virtual circuit queuing:

frame-relay traffic-shaping
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay class
frame-relay custom-queue-list
frame-relay priority-group
frame-relay traffic-rate
map-class frame-relay


To enable the Local Management Interface (LMI) mechanism for serial lines using Frame Relay encapsulation, use the keepalive interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this capability.

keepalive number

no keepalive
Syntax Description
number Number of seconds that defines the keepalive interval. The interval must be set as a positive integer that is less than the interval set on the switch; see the frame-relay lmi-t392dce command description. Default is 10 seconds.

10 seconds

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

The keepalive command enables the keepalive sequence, which is part of the Local Management Interface (LMI) protocol.

Note When booting from a network server over Frame Relay, you might need to disable keepalives.

The following example sets the keepalive timer on the server for a period that is two or three seconds faster (shorter interval) than the interval set on the keepalive timer of the Frame Relay switch. The difference in keepalive intervals ensures proper synchronization between the Cisco server and the Frame Relay switch.

interface serial 3 keepalive 8
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands

frame-relay lmi-t392dce

map-class frame-relay

To specify a map class to define quality of service (QOS) values for an SVC, use the map-class frame-relay global configuration command.

map-class frame-relay map-class-name
Syntax Description
frame-relay Keyword specifying the type of map class.
map-class-name Name of this map class.

Disabled. No default name is defined.

Command Mode

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

After you specify the named map class, you can specify the QOS parameters--such as incoming and outgoing CIR, committed burst rate, excess burst rate, and the idle timer--for the map class.

To specify the protocol-and-address combination to which the QOS parameters are to be applied, associate this map class with the static maps under a map list.


The following example specifies a map class called hawaii and defines three QOS parameters for it. The hawaii map class is associated with a protocol-and-address static map defined under the map-list command.

map-list bermuda source-addr E164 123456 dest-addr E164 654321  ip class hawaii  appletalk 1000.2 class hawaii map-class frame-relay hawaii  frame-relay cir in 2000000  frame-relay cir out 56000  frame-relay be out 9000
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay bc
frame-relay be
frame-relay cir
frame-relay idle-timer


To associate a map list with a specific interface, use the map-group interface configuration command.

map-group group-name
Syntax Description
group-name Name used in a map-list command.

Disabled. No map group name is defined.

Command Mode

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

A map-group association with an interface is required for SVC operation. In addition, a map list must be configured.

The map-group command applies to the interface or subinterface on which it is configured. The associated E.164 or X.121 address is defined by the map-list command, and the associated protocol addresses are defined by using the class command under the map-list command.


The following example configures a physical interface, applies a map group to the physical interface, and then defines the map group:

interface serial 0 ip address encapsulation frame-relay map-group bermuda frame-relay lmi-type q933a frame-relay svc map-list bermuda source-addr E164 123456 dest-addr E164 654321 ip class hawaii appletalk 1000.2 class rainbow
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

class (map-list configuration)


To specify a map group and link it to a local E.164 or X.121 source address and a remote E.164 or X.121 destination address for Frame Relay SVCs, use the map-list global configuration command. To delete a previous map-group link, use the no form of this command.

map-list map-group-name source-addr {e164 | x121} source-address dest-addr {e164 | x121}
no map-list
map-group-name source-addr {e164 | x121} source-address dest-addr
| x121} destination-address
Syntax Description
map-group-name Name of the map group. This map group must be associated with a physical interface.
source-addr {e164 | x121} Type of source address.
source-address Address of the type specified (E.164 or X.121).
dest-addr {e164 | x121} Type of destination address.
destination-address Address of the type specified (E.164 or X.121).

Disabled. No default list name and no default address type are defined.

Command Mode

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Use the map-class command and its subcommands to define quality of service (QOS) parameters--such as incoming and outgoing CIR, committed burst rate, excess burst rate, and the idle timer--for the static maps defined under a map list.

Each SVC needs to use a source and destination number, in much the same way that a public telephone network needs to use source and destination numbers. These numbers allow the network to route calls from a specific source to a specific destination. This specification is done through map lists.

Based on switch configuration, addressing can take either of two forms: E.164 or X.121.

An X.121 number is 14 digits long and has the following form:


Table 9 describes the codes in an X.121 number form.

Table  9: X.121 Numbers
Code Meaning Value
Z Zone code 3 for North America
C Country code 10-16 for the United States
P Public data network (PDN) code Provided by the PDN
N 10-digit number Set by the network for the specific destination

An E.164 number has a variable length; the maximum length is 15 digits. An E.164 number has the fields shown in Figure 2 and described in Table 10.

Figure 2:
E.164 Address Format

Table  10:
E.164 Address Field Descriptions
Field Description
Country Code Can be 1, 2, or 3 digits long. Some current values are the following:

  • Code 1--United States of America

  • Code 44--United Kingdom

  • Code 61--Australia

National Destination Code + Subscriber Number

Referred to as the National ISDN number; the maximum length is 12, 13, or 14 based on the country code.
ISDN Subaddress Identifies one of many devices at the termination point. An ISDN subaddress is similar to an extension on a PBX.

In the following SVC example, if IP or AppleTalk triggers the call, the SVC is set up with the QOS parameters defined within the class hawaii. An SVC triggered by either protocol results in two SVC maps, one for IP and one for AppleTalk. Two maps are set up because these protocol-and-address combinations are heading for the same destination, as defined by the dest-addr keyword and the values following it in the map-list command.

map-list bermuda source-addr E164 123456 dest-addr E164 654321 ip class hawaii appletalk 1000.2 class hawaii
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

class (map-list configuration)
map-class frame-relay

show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression

To display statistics and TCP/IP header compression information for the interface, use the show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression EXEC command.

show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.3.

Sample Display

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression command:

Router# show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression DLCI 200 Link/Destination info: ip Interface Serial0: Rcvd: 40 total, 36 compressed, 0 errors 0 dropped, 0 buffer copies, 0 buffer failures Sent: 0 total, 0 compressed 0 bytes saved, 0 bytes sent Connect: 16 rx slots, 16 tx slots, 0 long searches, 0 misses, 0% hit ratio Five minute miss rate 0 misses/sec, 0 max misses/sec

Table 11 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 11: Show Frame-Relay IP TCP Header-Compression Field Descriptions
Field Description
total Sum of compressed and uncompressed packets received.
compressed Number of compressed packets received.
errors Number of errors caused by errors in the header fields (version, total length, or IP checksum).
dropped Number of packets discarded. Seen only after line errors.
buffer copies Number of times that a new buffer was needed to put the uncompressed packet in.
buffer failures Number of times that a new buffer was needed but was not obtained.
total Sum of compressed and uncompressed packets sent.
compressed Number of compressed packets sent.
bytes saved Number of bytes reduced because of the compression.
bytes sent Actual number of bytes transmitted.
rx slots, tx slots Number of states allowed over one TCP connection. A state is recognized by a source address, a destination address, and an IP header length.
long searches Number of times that the connection ID in the incoming packet was not the same as the previous one that was processed.
misses Number of times that a matching entry was not found within the connection table and a new entry had to be entered.
hit ratio Percentage of times that a matching entry was found in the compression tables and the header was compressed.
Five minute miss rate Miss rate computed over the most recent 5 minutes and the maximum per-second miss rate during that period.

show frame-relay lapf

To display information about the status of the internals of Frame Relay Layer 2 (LAPF) if SVCs are configured, use the show frame-relay lapf EXEC command.

show frame-relay lapf
Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Sample Display

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay lapf command.

raven# show frame-relay lapf Interface = Serial1 (up), LAPF state = TEI_ASSIGNED (down) SVC disabled, link down cause = LMI down, #link-reset = 0 T200 = 1.5 sec., T203 = 30 sec., N200 = 3, k = 7, N201 = 260 I xmt = 0, I rcv = 0, I reXmt = 0, I queued = 0 I xmt dropped = 0, I rcv dropped = 0, Rcv pak dropped = 0 RR xmt = 0, RR rcv = 0, RNR xmt = 0, RNR rcv = 0 REJ xmt = 0, REJ rcv = 0, FRMR xmt = 0, FRMR rcv = 0 DM xmt = 0, DM rcv = 0, DISC xmt = 0, DISC rcv = 0 SABME xmt = 0, SABME rcv = 0, UA xmt = 0, UA rcv = 0 V(S) = 0, V(A) = 0, V(R) = 0, N(S) = 0, N(R) = 0 Xmt FRMR at Frame Reject

Table 12 describes significant fields in this output.


Table 12: Show Frame-Relay LAPF Field Descriptions
Field Description
Interface Identifies the interface and indicates the line status (up, down, administratively down)
LAPF state A LAPF state of MULTIPLE FRAME ESTABLISHED or RIMER_RECOVERY indicates that Layer 2 is functional. Others, including TEI_ASSIGNED, AWAITING_ESTABLISHMENT, and AWAITING_RELEASE indicate that Layer 2 is not functional.
SVC disabled Indicates whether SVCs are enabled or disabled.
link down cause Indicates the reason that the link is down. For example, N200 error, memory out, peer disconnect, LMI down, line down, and SVC disabled. Many other causes are described in the Q.922 specification.
#link-reset Number of times the Layer 2 link has been reset.
T200 , T203, N200 , k, N201 Values of Layer 2 parameters.
I xmt, I rcv, I reXmt,
I queued
Number of I frames transmitted, received, retransmitted, and queued for transmission, respectively.
I xmt dropped Number of transmitted I frames that were dropped.
I rcv dropped Number of I frames received over DLCI 0 that were dropped.
Rcv pak dropped Number of received packets that were dropped.
RR xmt, RR rcv Number of RR frames transmitted; number of RR frames received.
RNR xmt, RNR rcv Number of RNR frames transmitted; number of RNR frames received.
REJ xmt, REJ rcv Number of REJ frames transmitted; number of REJ frames received.
FRMR xmt, FRMR rcv Number of FRMR frames transmitted; number of FRMR frames received.
DM xmt, DM rcv Number of DM frames transmitted; number of DM frames received.
DISC xmt, DISC rcv Number of DISC frames transmitted; number of DISC frames received.
SABME xmt, SABME rcv Number of SABME frames transmitted; number of SABME frames received.
UA xmt, UA rcv Number of UA frames transmitted; number of UA frames received.
V(S) 0, V(A) 0, V(R) 0, N(S) 0, N(R) 0 Layer 2 sequence numbers.
Xmt FRMR at Frame Reject Indicates whether the FRMR frame is transmitted at Frame Reject.

show frame-relay lmi

To display statistics about the Local Management Interface (LMI), use the show frame-relay lmi EXEC command.

show frame-relay lmi [type number]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type; it must be serial.
number (Optional) Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Enter the command without arguments to obtain statistics about all Frame Relay interfaces.

Sample Displays

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay lmi command when the interface is a DTE:

Router# show frame-relay lmi LMI Statistics for interface Serial1 (Frame Relay DTE) LMI TYPE = ANSI Invalid Unnumbered info 0 Invalid Prot Disc 0 Invalid dummy Call Ref 0 Invalid Msg Type 0 Invalid Status Message 0 Invalid Lock Shift 0 Invalid Information ID 0 Invalid Report IE Len 0 Invalid Report Request 0 Invalid Keep IE Len 0 Num Status Enq. Sent 9 Num Status msgs Rcvd 0 Num Update Status Rcvd 0 Num Status Timeouts 9

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay lmi command when the interface is an NNI:

Router# show frame-relay lmi LMI Statistics for interface Serial3 (Frame Relay NNI) LMI TYPE = CISCO Invalid Unnumbered info 0 Invalid Prot Disc 0 Invalid dummy Call Ref 0 Invalid Msg Type 0 Invalid Status Message 0 Invalid Lock Shift 0 Invalid Information ID 0 Invalid Report IE Len 0 Invalid Report Request 0 Invalid Keep IE Len 0 Num Status Enq. Rcvd 11 Num Status msgs Sent 11 Num Update Status Rcvd 0 Num St Enq. Timeouts 0 Num Status Enq. Sent 10 Num Status msgs Rcvd 10 Num Update Status Sent 0 Num Status Timeouts 0

Table 13 describes significant fields shown in the output.

Table  13: Show Frame-Relay LMI Field Descriptions
Field Description
LMI Statistics Signaling or LMI specification: CISCO, ANSI, or ITU-T.
Invalid Unnumbered info Number of received LMI messages with invalid unnumbered information field.
Invalid Prot Disc Number of received LMI messages with invalid protocol discriminator.
Invalid dummy Call Ref Number of received LMI messages with invalid dummy call references.
Invalid Msg Type Number of received LMI messages with invalid message type.
Invalid Status Message Number of received LMI messages with invalid status message.
Invalid Lock Shift Number of received LMI messages with invalid lock shift type.
Invalid Information ID Number of received LMI messages with invalid information identifier.
Invalid Report IE Len Number of received LMI messages with invalid Report IE Length.
Invalid Report Request Number of received LMI messages with invalid Report Request.
Invalid Keep IE Len Number of received LMI messages with invalid Keep IE Length.
Num Status Enq. Sent Number of LMI status inquiry messages sent.
Num Status Msgs Rcvd Number of LMI status messages received.
Num Update Status Rcvd Number of LMI asynchronous update status messages received.
Num Status Timeouts Number of times the status message was not received within the keepalive time value.
Num Status Enq. Rcvd Number of LMI status enquiry messages received.
Num Status Msgs Sent Number of LMI status messages sent.
Num Status Enq. Timeouts Number of times the status enquiry message was not received within the T392 DCE timer value.
Num Update Status Sent Number of LMI asynchronous update status messages sent.

show frame-relay map

To display the current map entries and information about the connections, use the show frame-relay map EXEC command.

show frame-relay map
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Sample Display

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay map command:

Router# show frame-relay map Serial 1 (administratively down): ip dlci 177 (0xB1,0x2C10), static, broadcast, CISCO TCP/IP Header Compression (inherited), passive (inherited)

Table 14 describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table  14: Show Frame-Relay Map Field Descriptions
Field Description
Serial 1 (administratively down) Identifies a Frame Relay interface and its status (up or down).
ip Destination IP address.
dlci 177 (0xB1,0x2C10) DLCI that identifies the logical connection being used to reach this interface. This value is displayed in three ways: its decimal value (177), its hexadecimal value (0xB1), and its value as it would appear on the wire (0x2C10).
static Indicates whether this is a static or dynamic entry.
CISCO Indicates the encapsulation type for this map; either CISCO or IETF.
TCP/IP Header Compression (inherited), passive (inherited) Indicates whether the TCP/IP header compression characteristics were inherited from the interface or were explicitly configured for the IP map.
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

show frame-relay pvc

show frame-relay pvc

To display statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces, use the show frame-relay pvc EXEC command.

show frame-relay pvc [type number [dlci]]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
dlci (Optional) One of the specific DLCI numbers used on the interface. Statistics for the specified PVC display when a DLCI is also specified.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Statistics Reporting

To obtain statistics about PVCs on all Frame Relay interfaces, use this command with no arguments.

Per VC counters are not incremented at all when either autonomous or SSE switching is configured; therefore, PVC values will be inaccurate if either switching method is used.

DCE, DTE, and Logical Interfaces

When the interface is configured as a DCE and the DLCI usage is SWITCHED, the value displayed in the PVC STATUS field is determined by the status of outgoing interfaces (up or down) and the status of the outgoing PVC. The status of the outgoing PVC is updated in the Local Management Interface (LMI) message exchange. PVCs terminated on a DCE interface use the status of the interface to set the PVC STATUS.

In the case of a hybrid DTE switch, the PVC status on the DTE side is determined by the PVC status reported by the external Frame Relay network through the LMI.

If the outgoing interface is a tunnel, the PVC status is determined by what is learned from the tunnel.

Traffic Shaping

Congestion control mechanisms are currently not supported, but the switch passes forward explicit congestion notification (FECN) bits, backward explicit congestion notification (BECN) bits, and discard eligibility (DE) bits unchanged from entry to exit points in the network.

If an LMI status report indicates that a PVC is not active, then it is marked as inactive. A PVC is marked as deleted if it is not listed in a periodic LMI status message.

Sample Displays

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command:

Router# show frame-relay pvc PVC Statistics for interface Serial (Frame Relay DCE) DLCI = 22, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial3/1:1.1 input pkts 9 output pkts 300008 in bytes 2754 out bytes 161802283 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 1 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 outbcast pkts 0 outbcast bytes 0 Shaping adapts to ForeSight in ForeSight signals 1304 pvc create time 1d05h, last time pvc status changed 00:11:00

If the circuit is configured for shaping to adapt to BECN, it is indicated in the display:

Shaping adapts to BECN

If traffic shaping on the circuit does not adapt to either BECN or ForeSight, nothing extra shows:

DLCI = 100, DLCI USAGE = SWITCHED, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE input pkts 0 output pkts 0 in bytes 0 out bytes 0 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 outbcast pkts 0 outbcast bytes 0 pvc create time 0:03:03 last time pvc status changed 0:03:03 Num Pkts Switched 0

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command for multipoint subinterfaces. The output displays both the subinterface number and the DLCI. This display is the same whether the PVC is configured for static or dynamic addressing.

DLCI = 300, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial0.103 input pkts 10 output pkts 7 in bytes 6222 out bytes 6034 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 outbcast pkts 0 outbcast bytes 0 pvc create time 0:13:11 last time pvc status changed 0:11:46 DLCI = 400, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial0.104 input pkts 20 output pkts 8 in bytes 5624 out bytes 5222 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 outbcast pkts 0 outbcast bytes 0 pvc create time 0:03:57 last time pvc status changed 0:03:48

Table 15 describes the fields shown in the displays.

Table 15: Show Frame-Relay PVC Field Descriptions
Field Description
DLCI One of the data link connection identifier (DLCI) numbers for the PVC.
DLCI USAGE Lists SWITCHED when the router or access server is used as a switch, or LOCAL when the router or access server is used as a DTE.
INTERFACE = Serial0.103 Specific subinterface associated with this DLCI.
input pkts Number of packets received on this PVC.
output pkts Number of packets sent on this PVC.
in bytes Number of bytes received.
out bytes Number of bytes sent.
dropped pkts Number of packets dropped by the router at Frame Relay level because an active outbound DLCI was not found
in FECN pkts Number of packets received with the FECN bit set.
in BECN pkts Number of packets received with the BECN bit set.
out FECN pkts Number of packets sent with the FECN bit set.
out BECN pkts Number of packets sent with the BECN bit set.
in DE pkts Number of DE packets received.
out DE pkts Number of DE packets sent.
outbcast pkts Number of output broadcast packets.
outbcast bytes Number of output broadcast bytes.
pvc create time Time the PVC was created.
last time pvc status changed Time the PVC changed status (active to inactive).
Num Pkts Switched Number of packets switched within the router or access server; this PVC is the source PVC.

This sample output shows output from the show frame-relay pvc command with no traffic shaping configured on the interface.

Router# show frame-relay pvc PVC Statistics for interface Serial1 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 100, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial1 input pkts 0 output pkts 0 in bytes 0 out bytes 0 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0   out bcast pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0

This sample output shows output from the show frame-relay pvc command when traffic shaping is in effect:

Router# show frame-relay pvc PVC Statistics for interface Serial1 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 101, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial1 input pkts 14046    output pkts 4339    in bytes 960362 out bytes 675566    dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 148    out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 44       out DE pkts 0   out bcast pkts 4034          out bcast bytes 427346 pvc create time 11:59:29, last time pvc status changed 11:59:29 CIR 64000         BC 8000         BE 1600     limit 2000      interval 125 mincir 32000      byte incremen 500           BECN response yes pkts 9776         bytes 838676     pkts delayed 0         bytes delayed 0 shaping inactive List Queue Args 1 4 byte-count 100 Output queues: (queue #: size/max/drops) 0: 0/20/0 1: 0/20/0 2: 0/20/0 3: 0/20/0 4: 0/20/0 5: 0/20/0 6: 0/20/0 7: 0/20/0 8: 0/20/0 9: 0/20/0 10: 0/20/0 11: 0/20/0 12: 0/20/0 13: 0/20/0 14: 0/20/0 15: 0/20/0 16: 0/20/0

Table 16 describes the additional fields shown in the display when traffic shaping is in effect.

Table  16: Show Frame-Relay PVC Field Descriptions with Traffic Shaping in Effect
Field Description
CIR Current committed information rate (CIR), in bits per second.
BC Current committed burst size, in bits.
BE Current excess burst size, in bits.
limit Maximum number of bytes transmitted per internal interval. (excess plus sustained)
interval Interval being used internally interval being used internally (may be smaller than the interval derived from Bc/CIR; this happens when the router determines that traffic flow will be more stable with a smaller configured interval)
mincir Minimum committed information rate (CIR) for the PVC.
incremen Number of bytes that will be sustained per internal interval
BECN response Frame Relay has BECN Adaptation configured
List Queue Args Identifier and parameter values for a custom queue list defined for the PVC. These identifiers and values correspond to the command queue-list 1 queue 4 byte-count 100.
Output queues Output queues used for the PVC, with the current size, the maximum size, and the number of dropped frames shown for each queue.

The packet and byte values are counts for the number for the number of packets and bytes that have gone through the traffic shaping system.

show frame-relay qos-autosense

Use the show frame-relay qos-autosense EXEC command to show the QOS values sensed from the switch.

show frame-relay qos-autosense [interface number]
Syntax Description
interface number (Optional) Indicates the number of the physical interface for which you want to display QOS information.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Sample Displays

This sample display shows the output of the show frame-relay qos-autosense command when Enhanced Local Management Interface is enabled.

router# show frame-relay qos-autosense ELMI information for interface Serial1 Connected to switch:FRSM-4T1 Platform:AXIS Vendor:cisco (Time elapsed since last update 00:00:30) DLCI = 100 OUT: CIR 64000 BC 50000 BE 25000 FMIF 4497 IN: CIR 32000 BC 25000 BE 12500 FMIF 4497 Priority 0 (Time elapsed since last update 00:00:12) DLCI = 200 OUT: CIR 128000 BC 50000 BE 5100 FMIF 4497 IN: CIR Unknown BC Unknown BE Unknown FMIF 4497 Priority 0 (Time elapsed since last update 00:00:13)

Table 17 describes the significant fields in the output display.

Table 17: Show Frame-Relay QOS-Autosense Field Descriptions
Field Description
ELMI information for interface Serial1 Label indicating the port for which the status is being displayed. it also displays the name, platform, and vendor information about the switch.
DLCI Value that indicates which PVC statistics are being reported
Out: Values reporting settings configured for the outgoing Committed Information Rate, Burst Size, Excess Burst Size, and FMIF.
In: Values reporting settings configured for the incoming Committed Information Rate, Burst Size, Excess Burst Size, and FMIF
Priority Value indicating priority level (currently not used).
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

frame-relay qos-autosense
show frame-relay pvc

show frame-relay route

Use the show frame-relay route EXEC command to display all configured Frame Relay routes, along with their status.

show frame-relay route
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Sample Display

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay route command:

Router# show frame-relay route Input Intf Input Dlci Output Intf Output Dlci Status Serial1 100 Serial2 200 active Serial1 101 Serial2 201 active Serial1 102 Serial2 202 active Serial1 103 Serial3 203 inactive Serial2 200 Serial1 100 active Serial2 201 Serial1 101 active Serial2 202 Serial1 102 active Serial3 203 Serial1 103 inactive

Table 18 describes significant fields shown in the output.

Table  18: Show Frame-Relay Route Field Descriptions
Field Description
Input Intf Input interface and unit.
Input Dlci Input DLCI number.
Output Intf Output interface and unit.
Output Dlci Output DLCI number.
Status Status of the connection: active or inactive.

show frame-relay svc maplist

To display all the SVCs under a specified map list, use the show frame-relay svc maplist EXEC command.

show frame-relay svc maplist name
Syntax Description
name Name of the map list.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Sample Output

The following example shows, first, the configuration of the map-list shank and, second, the corresponding output of the show frame-relay svc maplist command. The following lines show the configuration:

map-list shank local-addr X121 87654321 dest-addr X121 12345678 ip class shank ietf ipx 123.0000.0c07.d530 class shank ietf ! map-class frame-relay shank frame-relay incir 192000 frame-relay min-incir 19200 frame-relay outcir 192000 frame-relay min-outcir 19200 frame-relay incbr(bytes) 15000 frame-relay outcbr(bytes) 15000

The following lines show the output of the show frame-relay svc maplist command for the preceding configuration.

Router# show frame-relay svc maplist shank Map List : shank Local Address : 87654321 Type: X121 Destination Address: 12345678 Type: X121 Protocol : ip Protocol : ipx 123.0000.0c07.d530 Encapsulation : IETF Call Reference : 1 DLCI : 501 Configured Frame Mode Information Field Size : Incoming : 1500 Outgoing : 1500 Frame Mode Information Field Size : Incoming : 1500 Outgoing : 1500 Configured Committed Information Rate (CIR) : Incoming : 192 * (10**3) Outgoing : 192 * (10**3) Committed Information Rate (CIR) : Incoming : 192 * (10**3) Outgoing : 192 * (10**3) Configured Minimum Acceptable CIR : Incoming : 192 * (10**2) Outgoing : 192 * (10**2) Minimum Acceptable CIR : Incoming : 0 * (10**0) Outgoing : 0 * (10**0) Configured Committed Burst Rate (bytes) : Incoming : 15000 Outgoing : 15000 Committed Burst Rate (bytes) : Incoming : 15000 Outgoing : 15000 Configured Excess Burst Rate (bytes) : Incoming : 16000 Outgoing : 1200 Excess Burst Rate (bytes) : Incoming : 16000 Outgoing : 1200

Table 19 describes significant fields in the output.


Table 19: Show Frame-Relay SVC Maplist Field Descriptions
Field Description
Map List Name of the configured map-list.
Local Address...Type Configured source address type (E.164 or X.121) for the call.
Destination Address...Type Configured destination address type (E.164 or X.121) for the call.
Protocol : ip ...
Protocol : ipx ...
Destination protocol addresses configured for the map-list.
Encapsulation Configured encapsulation type (CISCO or IETF) for the specified destination protocol address.
Call Reference Call identifier.
DLCI : 501 Number assigned by the switch as the DLCI for the call.
Configured Frame Mode Information Field Size:
Incoming :   Outgoing :

Frame Mode Information Field Size :
Incoming : 1500 Outgoing : 1500

Lines that contrast the configured and actual frame mode information field size settings used for the calls.
Configured Committed Information Rate (CIR) :
Incoming : 192 * (10**3)
Outgoing : 192 * (10**3)

Committed Information Rate (CIR) :
Incoming : 192 * (10**3)
Outgoing : 192 * (10**3)

Lines that contrast the configured and actual committed information rate (CIR) settings used for the calls.
Configured Minimum Acceptable CIR :
Incoming : 192 * (10**2)
Outgoing : 192 * (10**2)

Minimum Acceptable CIR :
Incoming : 0 * (10**0)
Outgoing : 0 * (10**0)

Lines that contrast the configured and actual minimum acceptable CIR settings used for the calls.
Configured Committed Burst Rate (bytes) :
Incoming : 15000 Outgoing : 15000

Committed Burst Rate (bytes) :
Incoming : 15000 Outgoing : 15000

Lines that contrast the configured and actual committed burst rate (bytes) settings used for the calls.
Configured Excess Burst Rate (bytes) :
Incoming : 16000 Outgoing : 1200

Excess Burst Rate (bytes) :
Incoming : 16000 Outgoing : 1200

Lines that contrast the configured and actual excess burst rate (bytes) settings used for the calls.
Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

class (map-list configuration)
frame-relay bc
frame-relay cir
frame-relay mincir
map-class frame-relay

show frame-relay traffic

To display the global Frame Relay statistics since the last reload, use the show frame-relay traffic EXEC command.

show frame-relay traffic
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Sample Display

The following is sample output from the show frame-relay traffic command:

Router# show frame-relay traffic Frame Relay statistics: ARP requests sent 14, ARP replies sent 0 ARP request recvd 0, ARP replies recvd 10

Information shown in the display is self-explanatory.

show interfaces serial

Use the show interfaces serial EXEC command to display information about a serial interface. When using the Frame Relay encapsulation, use the show interfaces serial command to display information about the multicast DLCI, the DLCIs used on the interface, and the DLCI used for the Local Management Interface (LMI).

show interfaces serial number
Syntax Description
number Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Use this command to determine the status of the Frame Relay link. This display also indicates Layer 2 status if SVCs are configured.

Sample Displays

The following is sample output from the show interfaces serial command for a serial interface with the CISCO LMI enabled:

Router# show interface serial 1 Serial1 is up, line protocol is down Hardware is MCI Serial Internet address is, subnet mask is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 246/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) LMI enq sent 2, LMI stat recvd 0, LMI upd recvd 0, DTE LMI down LMI enq recvd 266, LMI stat sent 264, LMI upd sent 0 LMI DLCI 1023 LMI type is CISCO frame relay DTE Last input 0:00:04, output 0:00:02, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 0:44:32 Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops Five minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec Five minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 307 packets input, 6615 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 266 packets output, 3810 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets, 0 restarts 178 carrier transitions

The display shows the statistics for the LMI as the number of status inquiry messages sent (LMI enq and LMI stat sent), the number of status messages received (LMI enq and LMI stat recvd), and the number of status updates received (LMI upd recvd). See the Frame Relay Interface specification for additional explanations of this output.

The following is sample output from the show interfaces serial command for a serial interface with the ANSI LMI enabled:

Router# show interface serial 1 Serial1 is up, line protocol is down Hardware is MCI Serial Internet address is, subnet mask is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 249/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) LMI enq sent 4, LMI stat recvd 0, LMI upd recvd 0, DTE LMI down LMI enq recvd 268, LMI stat sent 264, LMI upd sent 0 LMI DLCI 0 LMI type is ANSI Annex D frame relay DTE Last input 0:00:09, output 0:00:07, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 0:44:57 Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops Five minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec Five minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 309 packets input, 6641 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 268 packets output, 3836 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets, 0 restarts 180 carrier transitions

Each display provides statistics and information about the type of LMI configured, either CISCO for the Cisco LMI type, ANSI for the ANSI T1.617 Annex D LMI type, or ITU-T for the ITU-T Q.933 Annex A LMI type. See the show interfaces command for a description of the other fields displayed by this command.

Related Commands

You can use the master indexes or search online to find documentation of related commands.

show interfaces

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