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Release Notes for Catalyst 5000 Family RSM/VIP2 Cisco IOS 11.2P Software Releases

Release Notes for Catalyst 5000 Family RSM/VIP2 Cisco IOS 11.2P Software Releases

April 16, 2001

Current Release:

Note   Cisco IOS Release 11.2(26)P is the last scheduled maintenance release for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P. TAC Support will continue to be available. These release notes will be the last release notes published for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P.

Previous Releases:
11.2(25)P, 11.2(24)P, 11.2(23)P, 11.2(22a)P, 11.2(22)P, 11.2(21)P, 11.2(20)P, 11.2(19)P, 11.2(18)P, 11.2(17)P, 11.2(16)P, 11.2(14)P, 11.2(13)P, 11.2(12a)P1, 11.2(12a)P, 11.2(12)P, 11.2(9)P, 11.2(7)P, 11.2(7)P1

Note   You can find the most current Cisco IOS documentation on Cisco.com. These electronic documents may contain updates and modifications made after the hard copy documents were printed.

These release notes for the Catalyst 5000 family Route Switch Module (RSM) and the optional Versatile Interface Processor 2 (VIP2) support Cisco IOS Release 11.2P. These release notes are updated to describe new memory requirements, hardware support, software platform deferrals, and changes to the microcode or modem code and related documents.

For a list of the software caveats that apply to Release 11.2(26)P, refer to Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P that accompanies these release notes. This caveats document is updated for every maintenance release and is located on Cisco.com and the Documentation CD-ROM.

Use these release notes with Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 11.2 on Cisco.com and the Documentation CD-ROM.

Note   The RSM ships with Cisco IOS software installed. However, before this module can run in your Catalyst 5000 family switch, be sure that the Catalyst 5000 family supervisor engine module is running supervisor engine software release 3.2(1) or later. A copy of release 3.2(1) or later is provided in the enclosed DOS floppy disk. Software images are also available with File Transfer Protocol (FTP) as described later in these notes.


These release notes discuss the following topics:

System Requirements

This section describes the system requirements for Release 11.2P:

Memory Requirements

Table 1 describes the memory requirements of the Cisco IOS feature sets for the Catalyst 5000 family
RSM and VIP2 for Release 11.2(26)P.

Table 1: Memory Requirements for the Catalyst 5000 Family RSM and VIP2
Image Name Software Name Required Flash Memory Required DRAM Memory Runs From



16 MB

32 MB




16 MB

32 MB




16 MB

32 MB




16 MB

24 MB




16 MB

32 MB




16 MB

32 MB


Hardware Supported

Cisco IOS Release 11.2(26)P supports the following Cisco Catalyst 5000 family RSM and the optional VIP2:

For detailed descriptions of the new hardware features for release 11.2(26)P, refer to the Cross-Platform Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P.

Determining the Software Version

To determine the version of Cisco IOS software running on your Catalyst 5000 family RSM and VIP2, log in to the Catalyst 5000 family RSM and VIP2, and enter the show version EXEC command:

Cat5k> show version WS-C5500 Software, Version McpSW: 2.3(1) NmpSW: 2.3(1) Copyright (c) 1995,1996 by Cisco Systems NMP S/W compiled on Feb 19 1997, 12:18:17 MCP S/W compiled on Jan 22 1997, 16:22:37 System Bootstrap Version: 2.3(1) Hardware Version: 1.3 Model: WS-C5500 Serial #: 001905891 Module Ports Model Serial # Hw Fw Fw1 Sw ------ ----- ---------- --------- ------ ------- ------- -------------------- 1 2 WS-X5509 001905891 0.213 2.2(181 2.2(181 2.3(1) 3 24 ws-x5223 000000021 0.1 2.2(4) 2.3(1) 4 1 WS-X5302 003629954 1.0 201.78 11.2(19970206: 5 2 WS-X5101 002774545 1.0 1.1 1.3 2.1(2) Module DRAM FLASH NVRAM Used Available ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- 1 16384K 4096K 256K 58K 198K Uptime is 0 day, 2 hours, 34 minutes

Determining the Hardware Version

Use one of the following two methods to identify the RSM hardware revision level:

The example used in "Determining the Software Version" shows an RSM in slot 4, with a hardware revision level of 1.0. With this revision level, you need to install the RSM in slots 3 through 8, with the slot immediately above the RSM left empty.

With the RSM front panel at the bottom and the component side facing you, locate the assembly number on the top right edge of the board. If the assembly number is 73-2119-05 or earlier, you must install the RSM in slots 3 through 8, with the slot immediately above the RSM left empty.

Upgrading to a New Software Release

For general information about upgrading to a new software release, refer to the product bulletin "Cisco IOS Upgrade Ordering Instructions" on Cisco.com located at


Feature Set Tables

For a complete list of supported features on RSM in software release 11.2P, refer to Release Notes for Cisco 7000 Family for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P. The supported features are the same on RSM in software release 11.2P.

The feature set tables are located on Cisco.com at


New and Changed Information

The following sections describe the new hardware and software features supported by the Catalyst 5000 family RSM and VIP2 for Release 11.2(26)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(26)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(26)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(26)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(26)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(25)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(25)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(25)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(25)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(24)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(24)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(24)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(24)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(23)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(23)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(23)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(23)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22a)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(22a)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22a)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(22a)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(22)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(22)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(21)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(21)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(21)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(21)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(20)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(20)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(20)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(20)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(19)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(19)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(19)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(19)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(18)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(18)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(18)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(18)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(17)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(17)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(17)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(17)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(16)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(16)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(16)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(16)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(14)P

The RSM/VIP2 supports the PA-FE-TX and PA-FE-FX port adapters in Release 11.2(14)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(14)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(14)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(13)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(13)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(13)P

The RSM supports all IBM protocols on the Token Ring port adapter in Release 11.2(13)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P1

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(12a)P1.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P1

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(12a)P1.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(12a)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P

The IOS Enterprise (-jsv-) images support IBM protocols. The RSM does not support these protocols, with the exception of IBM bridging, which is supported in Release 11.2(12)P. Routed protocols and transparent bridging are supported on the Token Ring port adapter.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(12)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12)P

The RSM supports IBM bridging in Release 11.2(12)P.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(9)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(9)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(9)P

The RSM supports bridging in the IOS Desktop (-dv-) images beginning with Release 11.2(9)P.

Starting with Release 11.2(9)P, all images ship with the Catalyst VIP2 microcode bundle. Image names have been changed to reflect this change. Available images are c5rsm-boot-mz, c5rsm-isv-mz, c5rsm-dsv-mz, and c5rsm-jsv-mz.

New Hardware Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(7)P

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(7)P.

New Software Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(7)P1

No new features were introduced in Release 11.2(7)P1.

Important Notes

The Catalyst 5000 Family RSM/VIP2 images have been deferred in Cisco IOS Release 11.2(26)P1 through Release 11.2(26) P3 due to a severe defect. The software solution for these deferred images is Cisco IOS Release 11.2(26)P4, which is available on Cisco.com.

In order to increase network availability, Cisco recommends that you upgrade affected IOS images with the suggested replacement software images. Cisco will discontinue manufacturing shipment of affected IOS images. Any pending order will be substituted by the replacement software images.

The Release 11.2(12a)P1 image was built because the Release 11.2(12a)P image was deferred due to the CSCdj80853 and CSCdj84704 caveats.

Do not use this image. If you have already loaded this image, upgrade to Release 11.2(12a)P1.

The Release 11.2(12a)P image was built because the previous image was deferred due to the CSCdj52309 caveat. (CSCdj52309 described a catastrophic problem affecting all Cisco 7500 and Catalyst 5000 RSM users.)

A serious defect was identified in the manufacturing test process. The defect was introduced by a regression of CSCdj80853 and fixed by CSCdj84704. The Release 11.2(12a)P image failed a test setup that consisted of sending two bidirectional, full-duplex, 100-Mbps streams with the maximum Ethernet packet size through the RSM. The test failed because SAGE recovery logic was put into Release 11.2(12a)P to correct CSCdj80853. Although the test fails because of packet drops, this problem should not affect normal customer traffic. The problem seems to be caused by bad packet lengths returned by the hardware.

This bug was fixed in CSCdj84704. The SAGE reset fix detected the incorrect packet length and caused the SAGE to reset and drop packets. The fix completely disregards the length returned by the hardware and takes the packet length from the synergy header as the true length.

The RSM does not support bridging in the IOS Desktop (-d-) images in Release 11.2(7)P.


Caveats describe unexpected behavior in Cisco IOS software releases. Severity 1 caveats are the most serious caveats; severity 2 caveats are less serious.

For information on caveats in Cisco IOS Release 11.2(26)P, refer to Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P, which lists severity 1 and 2 caveats for Release 11.2P on Cisco.com and the Documentation CD-ROM.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(26)P

There are no open caveats for RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(26)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(26)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(26)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(25)P

There are no open caveats for RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(25)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(25)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(25)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(24)P

There are no open caveats for RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(24)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(24)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(24)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(23)P

There are no open caveats for RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(23)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(23)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(23)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22a)P

The following caveats apply:

A defect in multiple versions of Cisco IOS software causes a Cisco router or switch to stop and reload if the Cisco IOS HTTP service is enabled and an attempt is made to browse to http://<router-ip. This defect can be exploited to produce a denial of service (DoS) attack. This defect has been discussed on public mailing lists and should be considered public information.

The defect, identified as Cisco bug ID CSCdr36952, affects virtually all mainstream Cisco routers and switches running Cisco IOS Release 11.1 through Release 12.1. The defect has been corrected, and Cisco is making fixed versions available to replace all affected Cisco IOS releases.

Cisco recommends that you upgrade to releases that are not affected by this defect.

Workaround: To nullify this defect, you can do one of the following:

The IOS HTTP server is not enabled by default except on a small number of router models in specific circumstances.

For the latest complete version of this security advisory, go to this website:


Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22a)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22a)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(22)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(21)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(21)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(21)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(21)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(20)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(20)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(20)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(20)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(19)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(19)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(19)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(19)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(18)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(18)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(18)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(18)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(17)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(17)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(17)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(17)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(16)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(16)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(16)P

Many dmac-synch errors can cause the RSM to stop receiving packets. Symptoms of the defect include packets that are not routing and the inability to use the session command on the RSM.

Workaround. After the defect occurs, the error condition persists until you reset the C5IP backplane interface. Enter the test rsp stall command to reset this backplane interface and clear the error condition.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(14)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(14)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(14)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(14)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(13)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(13)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(13)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(13)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P1

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P1.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P1

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P1.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12a)P

The recovery logic that occurs after detecting a SAGE synchronization problem takes too long and results in dropped packets. The direct memory access (DMA) synchronization recovery logic has been enhanced.

A switch configuration that includes the Supervisor Engine III and the RSM causes invalid packet lengths. A Catalyst 5000 RSM in a Catalyst 5500 or Catalyst 5505 chassis determines the length of a received packet incorrectly. This situation only occurs with a Supervisor Engine III. Symptoms include poor RSM performance and frequent dmac-synch errors (seen by entering show controller c5ip).

Workaround: Disable the bursting mode of the Phoenix ASIC, which degrades switch performance.

A serious defect was identified in the manufacturing test process. The defect was introduced by a regression of CSCdj80853 and fixed by CSCdj84704. The Release 11.2(12a)P image failed a test setup that consisted of sending two bidirectional, full-duplex, 100-Mbps streams with the maximum Ethernet packet size through the RSM. The test failed because SAGE recovery logic was put into Release 11.2(12a)P to correct CSCdj80853. Although the test fails because of packet drops, this problem should not affect normal customer traffic. The problem seems to be caused by bad packet lengths returned by the hardware.

This bug was fixed in CSCdj84704. The SAGE reset fix detected the incorrect packet length and caused the SAGE to reset and drop packets. The fix disregards the length returned by the hardware and takes the packet length from the synergy header as the true length.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(12)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(9)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(9)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(9)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(9)P.

Open Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(7)P

There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(7)P.

Resolved Caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(7)P

There are no resolved caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 11.2(7)P.

Supported Port Adapters

Table 2 lists the port adapters supported in Release 11.2(26)P.

Note   Port adapters and the Catalyst VIP2-40 are supported in Release 11.2(9)P and later releases.
Table 2: Supported Port Adapters
Port Adapter Product Number

PA-8T-232 Synchronous Serial


SA-Comp/1 and SA-Comp/4 Data Compression Service Adapter

SA-Comp/1 and SA-Comp/4

PA-8T-V35 Synchronous Serial


PA-8T-X21 Synchronous Serial


PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial


PA-4E 10BASE-T Ethernet


PA-F/FD-MM and PA-F/FD-SM Full-Duplex FDDI


PA-4R-FDX Full-Duplex Token Ring


Channelized E1

PA-2CE1/PRI-75 and PA-2CE1/PRI-120

PA-4R Token Ring


PA-8E 10BASE-T Ethernet


PA-F-MM and PA-F-SM Half-Duplex FDDI


Channelized T1








1Refer to the "Port Adapter Usage Guidelines" section for restrictions on using the HSSI port adapter.

Port Adapter Usage Guidelines

The following guidelines apply to port adapters used in the Catalyst 5000 family RSM/VIP2:


The following sections describe restrictions for the 11.2 P software.

Unavailable 40-Bit Encryption Images

Cisco is conducting an internal review of the build and distribution processes associated with the 40-bit IOS cryptographic products. Cisco will provide you access to the most current 40-bit encryption images, beginning with Releases 11.2 (12), 11.2(12)P, and 11.3(2) so that you can easily access the IOS 40-bit encryption capability. The following 40-bit encryption images are unavailable indefinitely: Releases 11.2(1)-11.2(11.2), 11.2(2)P-11.2(11.1)P, 11.2(1)F-11.2(4)F, and 11.3(1).

Catalyst 5500 Series Switch Slot Restrictions

The RSM can be field-upgraded to support an optional Catalyst VIP2 module (refer to "Catalyst VIP2 Module,", for details). When you install the RSM in a Catalyst 5500, be aware that early versions of the RSM have a slot restriction. This slot restriction is only for RSMs that are upgraded with the optional Catalyst VIP2.

If you plan on upgrading RSM hardware revision 2.0 (73-2119-05) or earlier with the Catalyst VIP2, you must install the RSM in slots 3 through 8, and leave the slot immediately above it empty. You will not need to move modules between slots when upgrading the RSM with the Catalyst VIP2.

To determine the hardware revision number, refer to the section "Determining the Hardware Version,".

If you do not upgrade the RSM with the Catalyst VIP2, you can install the RSM in any slot from 2 through 12.

Note   There are no slot dependencies for the RSM or Catalyst VIP2 in the Catalyst 5000 or
Catalyst 5505 chassis.

Catalyst VIP2 Module

The RSM can be field-upgraded to support an optional Catalyst VIP2 module. You can use the RSM as a standalone interVLAN router or add a Catalyst VIP2 to provide direct external network connections through a variety of media with the same port adapters used on Cisco 7500 series routers. The RSM/VIP2 is a double-wide module that occupies two consecutive Catalyst 5000, Catalyst 5505, or Catalyst 5500 slots.

The Catalyst VIP2 is available in two models:

The Catalyst VIP2-15 has 1-MB SRAM and 16-MB DRAM.

The Catalyst VIP2-40 has 2-MB SRAM and 32-MB DRAM.

Related Documentation

The following sections describe the documentation available for Cisco 5000 family switches. These documents consist of hardware and software installation guides, Cisco IOS configuration and command references, system error messages, and other documents. Documentation is available as printed manuals or electronic documents.

Use these release notes with these documents:

Release-Specific Documents

The following documents are specific to Release 11.2(26)P and are located on Cisco.com and the Documentation CD-ROM:

Product specific release notes for Cisco IOS Release 11.2 are located on Cisco.com at


Product specific release notes for Cisco IOS Release 11.2 are located on the Documentation CD-ROM at

Cisco Product Documentation: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 11.2: Product Specific Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 11.2


Refer to Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P, which contain caveats applicable to all platforms for all maintenance releases of 11.2P.

Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P are located on Cisco.com at


Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P are located on the Documentation CD-ROM at

Cisco Product Documentation: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 11.2: Product Specific Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 11.2: Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P

Note   If you have an account with Cisco.com, you can use Bug Navigator II to find caveats of any severity for any release. You can reach Bug Navigator II on Cisco.com at Software Center: Cisco IOS Software: Cisco Bug Toolkit: Cisco Bugtool Navigator II or at http://www.cisco.com/support/bugtools.

Platform-Specific Documents

The following documents are available for the Catalyst 5000 family RSM/VIP2:

Feature Modules

Feature modules describe new features supported by Release 11.2(26)P and are an update to the Cisco IOS documentation set. A feature module consists of a brief overview of the feature, benefits, configuration tasks, and a command reference. As updates, the feature modules are available online on Cisco.com or the documentation CD-ROM. The feature module information is incorporated in the next printing of the Cisco IOS documentation set.

Feature module information is located on Cisco.com at


Feature module information is located on the Documentation CD-ROM at

Cisco Product Documentation: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 11.2: Feature Guide for Cisco IOS Release 11.2P

Cisco IOS Software Documentation Set

The Cisco IOS software documentation set consists of the Cisco IOS configuration guides, Cisco IOS command references, and several other supporting documents that are shipped with your order in electronic form on the Documentation CD-ROM—unless you specifically ordered the printed versions.

Documentation Modules

Each module in the Cisco IOS documentation set consists of two books: a configuration guide and a corresponding command reference. Chapters in a configuration guide describe protocols, configuration tasks, and Cisco IOS software functionality and contain comprehensive configuration examples. Chapters in a command reference provide complete command syntax information. You can use each configuration guide in conjunction with its corresponding command reference.

Located on Cisco.com and the Documentation CD-ROM, two master hot-linked documents provide information for the Cisco IOS software documentation set.

The documentation modules are located on Cisco.com at


The documentation modules are located on the Documentation CD-ROM at

Cisco Products Documentation: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 11.2: Ciscio IOS Release 11.2 Configuration Guides/Command References

Release 11.2 Documentation Set

You can find the most current Cisco IOS documentation on Cisco.com and the Documentation CD-ROM. These electronic documents may contain updates and modifications made after the paper documents were printed.

Release 11.2 documentation set is located on Cisco.com at


Release 11.2 documentation set is located on the Documentation CD-ROM at

Cisco Products Documentation: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 11.2

Books Chapter Topics
  • Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide

  • Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference

Configuration Fundamentals Overview
Cisco IOS User Interfaces
File Management
System Management

  • Bridging and IBM Networking Configuration Guide

  • Bridging and IBM Networking Command Reference

Transparent Bridging
Source-Route Bridging
Token Ring Inter-Switch Link
Remote Source-Route Bridging
IBM Network Media Translation
DSPU and SNA Service Point
SNA Frame Relay Access Support
Cisco Database Connection
NCIA Client/Server Topologies
Cisco Mainframe Channel Connection
Airline Product Set

  • Dial Solutions Configuration Guide

  • Dial Solutions Command Reference

X.25 over ISDN
Appletalk Remote Access
Asynchronous Callback, DDR, PPP, SLIP
Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
ISDN Basic Rate Service
ISDN Caller ID Callback
PPP Callback for DDR
Channelized E1 & T1
Dial Backup for Dialer Profiles
Dial Backup Using Dialer Watch
Dial Backup for Serial Lines
Peer-to-Peer DDR with Dialer Profiles
Dial-In Terminal Services
Dial-on-Demand Routing (DDR)
Dial Backup
Dial-Out Modem Pooling
Large-Scale Dial Solutions
Cost-Control Solutions
Virtual Private Dialup Networks
Dial Business Solutions and Examples

  • Cisco IOS Interface Configuration Guide

  • Cisco IOS Interface Command Reference

Interface Configuration Overview
LAN Interfaces
Logical Interfaces
Serial Interfaces

  • Network Protocols Configuration Guide, Part 1

  • Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 1

IP Overview
IP Addressing and Services
IP Routing Protocols

  • Network Protocols Configuration Guide, Part 2

  • Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 2

Novell IPX

  • Network Protocols Configuration Guide, Part 3

  • Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 3

Network Protocols Overview
Apollo Domain
Banyan VINES

  • Security Configuration Guide

  • Security Command Reference

AAA Security Services
Security Server Protocols
Traffic Filtering and Firewalls
IP Security and Encryption
Passwords and Privileges
Neighbor Router Authentication
IP Security Options

  • Cisco IOS Switching Services Configuration Guide

  • Cisco IOS Switching Services Command Reference

Switching Services
Switching Paths for IP Networks
Virtual LAN (VLAN) Switching and Routing

  • Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide

  • Wide-Area Networking Command Reference

Wide-Area Network Overview
Frame Relay
X.25 and LAPB

  • Voice, Video, and Home Applications Configuration Guide

  • Voice, Video, and Home Applications Command Reference

Voice over IP
Voice over Frame Relay
Voice over ATM
Voice over HDLC
Frame Relay-ATM Internetworking
Synchronized Clocks
Video Support
Universal Broadband Features

  • Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide

  • Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference

Policy-Based Routing
QoS Policy Propagation via BGP
Committed Access Rate
Weighted Fair Queueing
Custom Queueing
Priority Queueing
Weighted Random
Early Detection
Packet Drop
Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
Link Fragmentation
RTP Header Compression

  • Cisco IOS Software Command Summary

  • Dial Solutions Quick Configuration Guide

  • System Error Messages

  • Debug Command Reference


Obtaining Documentation

The following sections provide sources for obtaining documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at the following sites:

Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or as an annual subscription.

Ordering Documentation

Cisco documentation is available in the following ways:



Documentation Feedback

If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit technical comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco.

You can e-mail your comments to bug-doc@cisco.com.

To submit your comments by mail, for your convenience many documents contain a response card behind the front cover. Otherwise, you can mail your comments to the following address:

Cisco Systems, Inc.
Document Resource Connection
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883

We appreciate your comments.

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco provides Cisco.com as a starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can obtain documentation, troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from online tools. For Cisco.com registered users, additional troubleshooting tools are available from the TAC website.


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Cisco.com provides a broad range of features and services to help customers and partners streamline business processes and improve productivity. Through Cisco.com, you can find information about Cisco and our networking solutions, services, and programs. In addition, you can resolve technical issues with online technical support, download and test software packages, and order Cisco learning materials and merchandise. Valuable online skill assessment, training, and certification programs are also available.

Customers and partners can self-register on Cisco.com to obtain additional personalized information and services. Registered users can order products, check on the status of an order, access technical support, and view benefits specific to their relationships with Cisco.

To access Cisco.com, go to the following website:


Technical Assistance Center

The Cisco TAC website is available to all customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product or technology that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract.

Contacting TAC by Using the Cisco TAC Website

If you have a priority level 3 (P3) or priority level 4 (P4) problem, contact TAC by going to the TAC website:


P3 and P4 level problems are defined as follows:

In each of the above cases, use the Cisco TAC website to quickly find answers to your questions.

To register for Cisco.com, go to the following website:


If you cannot resolve your technical issue by using the TAC online resources, Cisco.com registered users can open a case online by using the TAC Case Open tool at the following website:


Contacting TAC by Telephone

If you have a priority level 1(P1) or priority level 2 (P2) problem, contact TAC by telephone and immediately open a case. To obtain a directory of toll-free numbers for your country, go to the following website:


P1 and P2 level problems are defined as follows:

Posted: Tue Dec 17 20:39:46 PST 2002
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