
Table of Contents

About This Manual

About This Manual

This section discusses the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of the Access and Communication Servers Configuration Guide.

Document Objectives

This publication describes the tasks necessary to configure and maintain your access server or communication server. It includes task overviews, expanded descriptions of tasks, and comprehensive configuration examples. It does not provide complete command syntax information, and therefore must be used in conjunction with the Access and Communication Servers Command Reference publication.

Note The term communication server refers to the ASM-CS and 500-CS systems; the term access server refers to the Cisco 2500 Series system supporting either eight or sixteen asynchronous ports. Throughout the remainder of this publication, in decriptions that apply equally to communication servers and access servers, access servers are referred to as communication servers. When there is a need to highlight specific access server features or capabilities, the term access server is used.

See the Cisco Access Connection Guide for information about making connections to communication servers.


This publication is intended primarily for users who will be configuring and maintaining communication servers, but are not necessarily familiar with tasks, the relationship between tasks, or the commands necessary to perform particular tasks.

Document Organization

This publication is divided into seven main parts. Each part comprises chapters describing related tasks or functions. The organization of parts and chapters in this publication matches the organization of parts and chapters in the Access and Communication Servers Command Reference publication, except that this document does not contain appendixes.

The parts in this publication are as follows:

Document Conventions

Software and hardware documentation uses the following conventions:

For example, the key combination ^D means hold down the Control key while you press the
D key.
For example, when setting up a community string for SNMP to "public," do not use quotes around the string, or the string will include the quotation marks.

Command descriptions use these conventions:

Examples use these conventions:

Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.
Caution Means reader be careful. You are capable of doing something that might result in equipment damage or loss of data.

Copyright 1989-1997 © Cisco Systems Inc.