
Table of Contents



This chapter provides an overview of the hardware installation and software configuration process for the router. It outlines the tasks you must perform to set up your router with the features you need, including protocol translation, if your system image has this option.

The primary focus of this guide is to describe the setup command facility and its use in the installation and configuration process. The setup command facility lets you start using your router quickly and without extensive background knowledge by prompting you for the information required for basic configuration.

You can use the setup command facility both at initial system configuration and for later changes to the basic configuration. The facility also helps you become familiar with the command sequence as you step through the configuration process. Because of these unique characteristics, setup is referred to as a command facility rather than simply as a command.

Installation and Configuration Process

The installation and configuration process has seven phases. Each phase includes tasks that help you use your router to meet your networking needs. Figure 1-1 shows the order of the phases and the tasks within each phase.

The details about each phase of the installation and configuration process are available in this guide and in other referenced publications. A brief description of phase 1, Preinstallation, and phase 2, Installing Your Router, follows Figure 1-1. These phases are hardware related and are not described in this guide.

Phases 3, 4, and 5 are described in this guide, while phases 6 and 7 are described in the publications Router Products Configuration Guide and Router Products Command Reference.

For information about setting up a router for protocol translation, refer to the publication Protocol Translator Configuration Guide and Command Reference.

Figure 1-1: Installation and Configuration Process


Preinstallation refers to the tasks you must perform before starting actual system hardware installation. The preinstallation tasks are as follows:

Refer to the appropriate hardware installation and maintenance publication for your router for more detailed information about preinstallation tasks.

Installing Your Router

After you have completed the preinstallation tasks, you are ready to install the router components. For the A+, M, and C chassis, you do the following tasks:

For Cisco 2500 and Cisco 3000 chassis, you do the following tasks:

For the Cisco 7000 chassis, you do the following tasks:

Refer to the appropriate hardware installation and maintenance publication for your router for detailed information about router installation tasks.

To work with the router, you must attach an ASCII terminal to the system console port located at the rear of the router. This port functions as a data communications equipment (DCE) device and requires that you use a "straight-through" type RS-232 cable. Configure the terminal to operate at the following settings:

Note We recommend that you make network cable connections before first-time startup. Refer to the appropriate hardware installation and maintenance publication for details about cabling considerations and establishing electrical connections.

After connecting to the console port, go on to complete the Global Configuration Worksheet in the chapter "Preparing for First-Time Startup."

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