
Table of Contents

Release Notes for the Cisco Voice Routing Center, 1.2.1
Supported Hardware
Software Compatibility
Important Notes
Feature Notes
Problems Fixed in This Release
Known Problems in This Release
Related Documentation
Obtaining Documentation
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Release Notes for the Cisco Voice Routing Center, 1.2.1

April 25, 2003

These release notes provide information about the Cisco Voice Routing Center (VRC), software version 1.2.1. These release notes are updated as needed to describe new and changed information, caveats, and documentation updates.

Cisco Voice Routing Center version 1.2.1 adds the following features to existing VRC functionality:


The Cisco Voice Routing Center is a network management tool for dial plans in a Voice-over-IP (VoIP) network (for example, an H.323-based network). VRC is used as an integrated product with the Cisco Packet Telephony Center (PTC) Solution.

With VRC, you can archive and restore dial plans and validate a configuration before you download it to the network elements. You can deploy VRC in a network with an existing dial plan or use it to create new dial plans.

Supported Hardware

The Cisco VRC is based on a server and client architecture and supports the platforms listed in Table 1.

Table 1   Supported Hardware Platforms

Component Server Client


  • Sun Ultra SPARC 10 or 60
  • Sun Blade 150 or 2000

Intel Pentium III, or later

Operating System

Sun Solaris 2.7 or 2.8

Microsoft Windows NT4 or 2000

Web Browsers

  • Microsoft IE version 5.0 or 5.5
  • Netscape 7.0 with a PC or Sun client

Table 2 lists the Cisco products that VRC supports as gateways and gatekeepers.

Table 2   Supported Cisco Gateways and Gatekeepers

Cisco Gateway Cisco Gatekeeper

1750 Access Router

3640 Multiservice Platform

Catalyst 2600 Series Switches

3660 Multiservice Platform

3600 Series Routers

7200 Series Routers

AS5300 Series Universal Access Server

AS5350 Universal Gateway

AS5400 Series Universal Gateways

AS5800 Series Universal Access Servers

AS5850 Universal Gateway

7200 Series Routers

Note   The Cisco VRC does not manage third-party gatekeepers, however, it does co-exist with them.

Software Compatibility

Table 3 lists the Cisco IOS software releases supported by Cisco VRC version 1.2.1

Table 3   Cisco Platform and Software Specifications

Cisco Platform Cisco IOS Release

Cisco IOS Gatekeeper Release—Cisco 3640, 3660, and 7200 platforms

12.2(2)XA, 12.2(2)T, 12.2(11)T,

12.2(2)XU (Cisco 3660 and 7200 only)

Cisco IOS Gateway Release—Cisco 1750 and 2600 platforms


Cisco IOS Gateway Release—Cisco 3640, 3660, and 7200 platforms

12.2.7, 12.2(2)XA, 12.2(11)T

Cisco IOS Gateway Release—Cisco 5300, 5350, 5400, 5800, and 5850 platforms

12.2.7 (no 5350 or 5850), 12.2(2)XB, 12.2(11)T

12.2(2)XU (no 5800)

Important Notes

This section describes important notes about VRC software, version 1.2.1.

Feature Notes

This section describes general notes about VRC features.


The following sections list limitations for VRC software, version 1.2.1.

Preconfiguration Limitations

VRC software version 1.2.1 does not configure:

The following management functions are not supported by VRC software, version 1.2.1:

Client/Server Limitations

Network Configuration Limitations

Ordering and Naming Limitations

The following information is not preserved during the discovery process:

Zone Management Limitations

Problems Fixed in This Release

This section lists the Cisco VRC software, version 1.1 problems fixed in the Cisco VRC software, version 1.2.1.

Reason 807 - Error - Failed to parse running-config for the element. Element Name = w.x.y.z is not active.

where w.x.y.z is the IP address of a directory gatekeeper.

Known Problems in This Release

This section lists the known problems with the Cisco VRC software, version 1.2.1.

1. CSCdz70702: (File prompt quiet mode breaks discovery and should be documented)

Symptom/Condition: If an IOS device is configured with file prompt quiet mode, this causes dial plan discovery in VRC to fail.

Workaround: Do not configure the IOS device with file prompt quiet mode.

2. CSCdz73629: (Cancel not allowed in all cases)

Symptom/Condition: The multi stage operation (MSO) mechanism does not always support the Cancel operation.

Workaround: None

3. CSCdz73779: (Dial Plan negation causes no call success)

Symptom/Condition: The VRC mechanism of dial plan negation when committing a design results in out of service for any new calls during the commit time frame.

Workaround: None

4. CSCea19670: (VRC GUI on Netscape (UNIX) does not take keystrokes)


    a. A user invokes a dialog of VRC (which contains a text field) from the VRC main Applet window. (At this time, the focus is OK. The end user can input info in the text field.)

    b. A user moves the focus from the dialog to the VRC main window (activates the main window), and then moves the focus back to the dialog.

    c. The focus on the text field is lost. The user can no longer type in information.


    a. Move the focus to the VRC main window again (activate it second time).

    b. Move the focus back to the dialog a second time. The focus on the text field comes back.

5. CSCea37743: (Add 12.2(7c) device fails in dial plan design)

Symptom/Condition: This problem was observed when VRC tried to add devices with the 12.2(7c) IOS image as gateways to a dial-plan in the design view.

During testing, VRC failed to add an AS5300 element with c5300-is-mz.122-7c.bin to a managed zone, and showed the error message below:

"Failed 807 - Error - Failed to parse running-config for the element. Reason =
818 - Error - Topology IP Address not found in the configuration file. Possibly
wrong file read..."


    a. The device has the 12.2(7c) IOS image.

    b. The gateway command is missing in the running-config of the device.

Workaround: The IP address and running-config actually can be parsed by VRC. Adding the gateway command in the running-config can resolve the problem.

6. CSCuk35599: (Assign a translation profile to an NFAS interface not supported)

Symptom/Condition: VRC does not support the ability to assign a translation profile to an NFAS interface.

Workaround: You may enter the CLI command through the CLI console. Alternatively, you may do it by making sure the gateway is impacted and then do a commit. When VRC is paused, modify the CLI that will be pushed onto the gateway so that is has the CLI needed to assign the translation profile to the NFAS interface.

7. CSCuk35988: (Improve consistency of DP1.0 trunk group treatment)

Symptom/Condition: Trunk group configurations are not supported for all IOS images and may be modified during a VRC dial plan distribution. Trunk groups may be defined and used on gateways running IOS images released prior to 12.2(11)T. VRC only supports trunk groups for IOS images 12.2(11)T and later.

Workaround: Upgrade IOS images to 12.2(11)T or later.

8. CSCuk40861: (Duplicate gateways on discovery if two keywords are present)

Symptom/Condition: The Discovery process gives a duplicated gateway in the resulting design view. This condition is caused by the simultaneous presence of the gw-priority <value> <gateway-name> keyword and parameters on the zone prefix command along with the gw ipaddr <gateway-ip-address> keyword and parameter on the gw-type-prefix command when the <gateway-name> and <gateway-ip-address> parameters refer to the same gateway.

Workaround: Remove the gw ipaddr <gateway-ip-address> keyword and parameter from the appropriate gatekeeper and re-run discovery.

9. CSCuk40865: (Regional discovery may break inter-region connections)

Symptom/Condition: Inter-region connections are no longer present. This condition may occur if a regional discovery is performed on a network with inter-connected regions.

Workaround: Use design view to add the missing connections back to the dial plan and commit the design.

Related Documentation

This section lists documentation related to the Cisco Voice Routing Center.

Other VRC documentation:

Documentation for Cisco Packet Telephony Center - Virtual Switch:

The Cisco Packet Telephony Center - Virtual Switch 3.0 documentation can be found at the following URL:

Obtaining Documentation

Cisco provides several ways to obtain documentation, technical assistance, and other technical resources. These sections explain how to obtain technical information from Cisco Systems.

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Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online and printed sources.

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Posted: Mon Apr 28 09:32:28 PDT 2003
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