
Table of Contents

Managing Images and Scheduling Actions with Cisco UGM

Managing Images and Scheduling Actions with Cisco UGM

This chapter contains the following sections:

Overview of Managing Images

Overview of Managing Images

Many users can access Cisco UGM—like all Element Management Systems—on the Cisco EMF platform. You must take precautions to avoid simultaneously accessing and modifying the same network object or any of its components.

Note   Establish access schedules for all your users.

This table shows image management actions available for Cisco UGM-managed devices Cisco AS5300, AS5350, AS5400, AS5800, and AS5850:

Table 4-1: Image Management Actions and the Devices Where They Are Supported

AS5300 AS5350 AS5400 AS5800 AS5850 State Change Can Be Scheduled








Upgrade IOS Image








Upgrade Modem Image








Upgrade SPE Image








Upgrade VFC Image








1For Cisco AS5800 devices, the VFC image is always bundled with the Cisco IOS image.

With Cisco UGM, you can install an image file on several managed devices. In order to do this, you must first associate the image file with the devices; then, download the image to the devices.

Note   When you complete Cisco IOS operations on the devices, do not close the IOS Operations dialog box. After the operations are completed, an Action Report window shows the status of all attempted Cisco IOS operations.

Note   Cisco IOS image operations do not cause a state change in the managed device, and cannot be scheduled.

Task 1: Authenticating the Device Object

Changes that you make in the Device Authentication Information dialog box are applied only to the selected device object.

Step 1   From a container or device object to be configured, select Configure Device > Open Device Authentication Information.

Step 2   Enter the Login User Name as configured on the device.

Step 3   Enter a Login Password.

Note   If the device has vty line password configured, enter the vty line password for the Login Password.

Step 4   Enter an Enable password.

Step 5   Enter the Operation Timeout value in seconds. The default value is 240 seconds.

You can change this value located at:

IOSConfigCtrlUserData.ini attrValueOpTimeout=n

Step 6   Enter the Prompt Timeout value in seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.

You can change this value located at:

IOSConfigCtrlUserData.ini attrValuePromptTimeout=n
Note   Enter values in all the fields in this dialog box. If you do not enter these values, the following commands will fail:
Show CLI
Configure Administrative State
All actions on the IOS Operations dialog box.

Step 7   Enter a user name.

Step 8   Enter a user password.

Step 9   Click Save.

Task 2: Selecting Upgrade, Reload, and TFTP Host Options

You can download images by using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) that downloads the image from the Cisco UGM server to the Flash memory on the device.

You can also download the image from the Cisco UGM server to a managed device (on a WAN), and then download the image from that device to the other managed devices in the network (on a LAN).

Step 1   Choose AS5xxx > Configure Device > Perform IOS Operations.

Step 2   Under Options, select an SPE Upgrade Method:

A card does not move to the busyout state if even one of its modems is processing a call. This can prevent the firmware upgrade. You can terminate calls by using the Cisco IOS clear command.

You can schedule download-maintenance windows by using Cisco IOS commands. When you select the download-maintenance option for firmware upgrade, the modems run the old firmware until Cisco UGM enters the scheduled maintenance window. During this scheduled maintenance, any calls in progress are dropped. When the firmware upgrade is complete, the modems resume call processing by using the new firmware.

Step 3   Select a Modem Upgrade Method:

These methods are described in Step 2 of this procedure.

Note   You can select the firmware upgrade here or in the Build Configuration File from Default 5xxx Template dialog box (see the "Entering Modem and SPE Parameters (SPE and Modem Tabs)" section).

You set the same Cisco UGM variable when you select the firmware upgrade from either location.

Step 4   Select an option for Reload After IOS Image Upgrade.

Step 5   Select an option for Reload After VFC Image Upgrade.

See Note in Step 4.

Step 6   Specify if you will use a TFTP host.

Step 7   Click Save.

Task 3: Option 1: Importing a Non-AS5800 Image File into the NAS-File-Repository

Caution   Cisco UGM does not check the integrity of the type of image selected. In other words, it does not check if the modem image file imported is indeed a modem image.

Cisco UGM only checks if the imported file is in binary format. If the file is in ASCII format, the import fails.

Caution   Cisco UGM does not check for compatibility between the Cisco IOS image and firmware (modem and SPE) image installed on a device.

Before installing images on your managed devices, check if they are compatible by contacting the Cisco Technical Assistance Center.

Step 1   From the AS5xxxImages folder in the NAS-File-Repository, choose Deployment > Import NAS File Object.

The Deployment Wizard appears.

Step 2   In the Template Choices window, select the option appropriate for the file that you want to import.

To import an image file for the AS5800, see the "Task 3: Option 2: Importing an AS5800 Image File into the NAS-File-Repository" section.

Step 3   Click Forward.

Step 4   In the first Object Parameters window, enter the name of the image file object as it will appear in the Map Viewer.

Step 5   Enter the path, filename, and description of the image file that you want to import into the NAS-File-Repository.

Note   If you enter an incorrect filename or path for the image file, the import fails.

If you do not enter a path, the import operation fails.

Step 6   Click Forward.

Step 7   View the summary dialog box. If this is correct, click Finish.

The user-supplied image file is now stored in the /tftpdir directory on the
Cisco UGM server, and appears in the appropriate folder (AS5300Images, AS5350Images, AS5400Images, AS5800Images, AS5850Images, ModemImages, SPEImages, or VFCImages) under the NAS-File-Repository object. Now you can associate it with a specific device in the network.

Task 3: Option 2: Importing an AS5800 Image File into the NAS-File-Repository

Caution   Cisco UGM does not check for compatibility between the Cisco IOS image and firmware (modem and SPE) image installed on a device.

Before installing images on your managed devices, check if they are compatible by contacting the Cisco Technical Assistance Center.

Step 1   From the AS5800Images folder in the NAS-File-Repository, choose Deployment > Import NAS File Object.

The Deployment Wizard appears.

Step 2   In the Template Choices window, select Store AS5800 Image File.

To import an image file for any of the other managed devices, see the "Task 3: Option 1: Importing a Non-AS5800 Image File into the NAS-File-Repository" section.

Step 3   Click Forward.

Step 4   In the first Object Parameters window, enter the name of the image file object as it will appear in the Map Viewer.

Step 5   Enter the complete path and the filename of the router shelf image.

Step 6   Enter the complete path and the filename of the dial shelf image.

Note   If you enter an incorrect complete path and filename for either image file, the import fails.

Cisco UGM checks if the image file is a binary file; if it is not binary, the import fails.

Caution   The router shelf and the dial shelf must both run images from the same
Cisco IOS version. If you upgrade one image, the other must be upgraded as well.

Step 7   Enter the description of the image file.

Step 8   Click Forward.

Step 9   View the summary dialog box. If this is correct, click Finish.

The user-supplied image files are now stored in the AS5800Images folder in the NAS-File-Repository view.

Task 4: Option 1: Associating a Cisco IOS Image with a Device Object

You must associate an image file with a device before you can download it to the device.

Step 1   From a container or device object, choose Configure Device > Associate IOS Image File Object with Devices.

Step 2   In the Associate Image File Object with Devices dialog box, select a device object.

If you select multiple devices, make sure that they are all of the same type: all Cisco AS5300, AS5350, AS5400, AS5800, or AS5850 devices.

Step 3   From the Image File Category, select the correct group of images for the device.

Note   Cisco UGM checks for a match between the device and the Image File Category that you selected. If you select an incorrect group of images for the device, the association fails at Step 6.

Caution   Cisco UGM does not check for compatibility between the Cisco IOS image and firmware (modem and SPE) image installed on a device.

Before installing images on your managed devices, check if they are compatible by contacting the Cisco Technical Assistance Center.

Step 4   Select the image file to associate with the device object.

Step 5   Enter a description for the selected Cisco IOS image file.

Step 6   Click Save Association.

The Image field in the Device panel is updated to reflect the new Cisco IOS image file association.

The Map Viewer does not indicate which Cisco IOS image is associated with a device. To check this association, access the Associate Image File Object with Devices dialog box.

You can now proceed to the ""Task 5: Option 2: Downloading a Modem Image" section.

Task 4: Option 2: Associating a Firmware Image with a Device Object

You must associate an image file with a device before you can download it to the device.

Step 1   From a container or device object, choose Configure Device > Associate Firmware File Object with Devices.

Step 2   In the Associate Firmware File Object with Devices dialog box, select a device object.

If you select multiple devices, make sure that they are all of the same type: all Cisco AS5300, AS5350, AS5400, AS5800, or AS5850 devices.

Step 3   From the Firmware File Category, select the type of image that you want to install on the device.

Note   Cisco UGM checks for a match between the device and the Firmware File Category that you selected. If you select an incorrect group of firmware images for the device, the association fails at Step 6.

Caution   Cisco UGM does not check for compatibility between the Cisco IOS image and firmware image installed on a device.

Before installing images on your managed devices, check that they are compatible by contacting the Cisco Technical Assistance Center.

Step 4   Select the firmware file to associate with the device object.

Step 5   Enter a description for the firmware file.

Step 6   Click Save Association.

The SPE File, Modem File, or VFC File field in the Associated With panel is updated to reflect the new firmware image file association.

The Map Viewer does not indicate which firmware image is associated with a device. To check this association, access the Associate Firmware File Object with Devices dialog box.

Task 4: Option 3: Associating a NAS TFTP Server with a Device

To download upgraded images from one managed device to other managed devices, you must associate a NAS TFTP server with the devices.

Note   Make sure that the device that acts as a TFTP server has been configured to do so by using configlets, building a configuration file, or Cisco IOS commands.

For details on the Cisco IOS commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Release 12.0 Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide. (Chapter: File Management, Section: Configuring Additional File Transfer Functions.)

Step 1   From a container or device object, choose Configure Device > Open Associate NAS TFTP Server with Device.

Step 2   In the Associate NAS TFTP Server with Device dialog box, from the list on the left, select one or more device objects.

Step 3   From the list on the right, select one device that functions as the TFTP server. The upgraded image will be downloaded from this device to the other devices.

Step 4   Click Save Association.

Step 5   Check that the correct TFTP server path appears in the Associated With window.

You can now proceed to one of these options:

Task 5: Option 1: Downloading a Cisco IOS Image

You can schedule an image download to a device for a later date or time. A Scheduled Action object is created under the ScheduledActions view. The target devices appear under the scheduled action object. You can cancel the scheduled action by deleting the scheduled action object from the ScheduledActions view.

See the "(Optional) Task 6: Viewing or Cancelling Scheduled Actions" section.

The router shelf image is copied to the Flash memory on the router shelf, and the dial shelf image is copied to the boot Flash memory on the dial shelf.

Note   If the image installation fails, you must manually reinstall the Cisco IOS image on the target device immediately to prevent an unscheduled restart that sends the device into boot mode.

Changes in Device State During a Cisco IOS Image Upgrade

Step 1   Check the Cisco IOS image file associated with the device object. (See the "Task 4: Option 1: Associating a Cisco IOS Image with a Device Object" section .)

Step 2   From a container or device object, choose Configure Device > Perform IOS Operations.

Step 3   Select the devices from the list in the left panel and click Upgrade IOS Image.

If you selected more than one device, each device is upgraded with its associated image. The device reboots if you selected the Reload After IOS Image Download option. (See the "Task 2: Selecting Upgrade, Reload, and TFTP Host Options" section.)

Note   If you used a TFTP server to download the image, be aware that the files in the /tftpdir directory are not erased with the Cisco EMF reset command.

When you reset Cisco EMF, go into the /tftpdir directory and delete all files with a series of numbers as the filename. (Example: 545648).

Troubleshooting Alarms Generated During a Cisco IOS Image Upgrade


This major alarm is raised against the device when the Cisco IOS image upgrade fails. Some of the reasons for this occurrence:

The device returns to the normal state.


This major alarm is raised against the device when the Cisco IOS image upgrade is interrupted because the ASMainCtrl process crashed or stopped.

The alarm is raised when the ASMainCtrl process restarts. The device returns to the normal state.

Task 5: Option 2: Downloading a Modem Image

Note   Modem images are upgraded on MICA cards in Cisco AS5300 and AS5800 devices only.

You can schedule an image download to a device for a later date or time. A Scheduled Action object is created under the ScheduledActions view. The target devices appear under the scheduled action object. You can cancel the scheduled action by deleting the scheduled action object from the ScheduledActions view.

See the "(Optional) Task 6: Viewing or Cancelling Scheduled Actions" section.

You can press the Upgrade Modem Image button in the Performing IOS Operations dialog box to download an associated image file from the Cisco UGM server to a managed device.

Changes in Device State During a Modem Image Upgrade

Step 1   Check that the modem image file is associated with the device object. (See the "Task 4: Option 2: Associating a Firmware Image with a Device Object" section.)

Step 2   From a container or device object, choose Configure Device > Perform IOS Operations.

Step 3   Select the devices from the list in the left panel and click Upgrade Modem Image.

If you selected more than one device, each device is upgraded with its associated image. The device reboots in keeping with the Modem Upgrade Method you selected. (See the "Task 2: Selecting Upgrade, Reload, and TFTP Host Options" section.)

Note   If you used a TFTP server to download the image, the files in the /tftpdir directory are not erased, even with the Cisco EMF reset command.

When you reset Cisco EMF, go into the /tftpdir directory and delete all files with a series of numbers as the filename. (Example: 545648).

Troubleshooting Alarms Generated During a Modem Image Upgrade


This major alarm is raised against the device when the modem image upgrade fails. Some of the reasons for this occurrence:

The device returns to the normal state.


This major alarm is raised against the device when the modem image upgrade is interrupted because the ASMainCtrl process crashed or stopped.

The alarm is raised when the ASMainCtrl process restarts. The device is returned to the normal state.

Task 5: Option 3: Downloading an SPE Image

You can schedule an image download to a device for a later date or time. A Scheduled Action object is created under the ScheduledActions view. The target devices appear under the scheduled action object. You can cancel the scheduled action by deleting the scheduled action object from the ScheduledActions view.

See the "(Optional) Task 6: Viewing or Cancelling Scheduled Actions" section.

Changes in Device State During an SPE Image Upgrade

Step 1   Check that the SPE image file is associated with the device object. (See the "Task 4: Option 2: Associating a Firmware Image with a Device Object" section.)

Step 2   From a container or device object, choose Configure Device > Perform IOS Operations.

Step 3   Select the devices from the list in the left panel and click Upgrade SPE Image.

If you selected more than one device, each device is upgraded with its associated image. The device reboots in keeping with the SPE Upgrade Method that you selected. (See the "Task 2: Selecting Upgrade, Reload, and TFTP Host Options" section.)

Note   If you used a TFTP server to download the image, the files in the /tftpdir directory are not erased, even with the Cisco EMF reset command.

When you reset Cisco EMF, go into the /tftpdir directory and delete all files with a series of numbers as the filename. (Example: 545648).

Troubleshooting Alarms Generated During an SPE Image Upgrade


This major alarm is raised against the device when the SPE image upgrade fails. See the following reasons for this occurrence:

The device is returned to the normal state.


This major alarm is raised against the device when the SPE image upgrade is interrupted because the ASMainCtrl process crashed or stopped.

The alarm is raised when the ASMainCtrl process restarts. The device returns to the normal state.

Task 5: Option 4: Downloading a VFC Image

For details on VFC image upgrade, see the Upgrading Cisco AS5300 Voice-over-IP Feature Card VCWare document available on

You can schedule an image download to a device for a later date or time. A Scheduled Action object is created under the ScheduledActions view. The target devices appear under the scheduled action object. You can cancel the scheduled action by deleting the scheduled action object from the ScheduledActions view.

See the "(Optional) Task 6: Viewing or Cancelling Scheduled Actions" section.

Changes in Device State During a VFC Image Upgrade

Step 1   Check that the VFC image file is associated with the device object. (See the "Task 4: Option 2: Associating a Firmware Image with a Device Object" section.)

Step 2   From a container or device object, choose Configure Device > Perform IOS Operations.

Step 3   Select the devices from the list in the left panel and click Upgrade VFC Image.

If you selected more than one device, each device is upgraded with its associated image. The device reboots in keeping with the VFC Upgrade Method you selected. (See the "Task 2: Selecting Upgrade, Reload, and TFTP Host Options" section.)

Note   If you used a TFTP server to download the image, the files in the /tftpdir directory are not erased, even with the Cisco EMF reset command.

When you reset Cisco EMF, go into the /tftpdir directory and delete all files with a series of numbers as the filename. (Example: 545648).

Troubleshooting Alarms Generated during a VFC Image Upgrade


This major alarm is raised against the device when the VFC image upgrade fails. See the following reasons for this occurrence:

The device returns to the normal state.


This major alarm is raised against the device when the VFC image upgrade is interrupted because the ASMainCtrl process crashed or stopped.

The alarm is raised when the ASMainCtrl process restarts. The device returns to the normal state.

(Optional) Task 6: Viewing or Cancelling Scheduled Actions

Tip Deleting the device object from the scheduled action object deletes the device object from all Cisco UGM views.

Step 1   To view the scheduled but unexecuted image installations, expand the Scheduled Actions root node in the Map Viewer.

The scheduled operations are labeled by type (Cisco IOS image installation, Modem image installation, or SPE image installation) and a random number.

Step 2   (Optional) To view the time of a scheduled action, right-click and select Scheduled Action Details.

Step 3   (Optional) To view the target devices of a scheduled action, expand that action object.

Step 4   (Optional) To cancel a scheduled action, right-click the scheduled action and select Deployment > Delete.

Posted: Wed Dec 4 14:27:08 PST 2002
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