
Table of Contents

Installing and Deinstalling the Software

Installing and Deinstalling the Software

This chapter describes how to install the required network components for the Cisco Universal Gateway Manager (Cisco UGM), and contains the following topics:

Overview of Installing Cisco UGM

To install Cisco UGM, you must first install Cisco EMF which is a separate software package with its own installation procedure. To install Cisco EMF and Cisco UGM, follow these steps:

    1. Make sure that you satisfy the requirements described in the "Cisco EMF Server Requirements and Guidelines for Cisco UGM" section, and the "Cisco EMF Client Server Requirements and Guidelines for Cisco UGM" section.

    2. Obtain a Cisco EMF license.
    See the "Obtaining a Cisco EMF License" section, and also refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Licensing Guide.

    3. Plan the hard drive partitions and swap space.
    See the "Obtaining a Cisco EMF License" section, and "Setting Up Cooked Partitions for Cisco EMF (Default)" section.

    4. Find out the host name and host ID.

    5. Install the Sun Microsystems Solaris 2.6 Operating System and patches.

    6. If you are planning to operate Cisco UGM with CiscoView:

    7. Install the Cisco EMF software.
    See the
    "Overview of Installing Cisco EMF" section, and also refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Licensing Guide.

    8. Install Cisco EMF patches (if necessary).
    See the Release Notes that shipped with your Cisco UGM software.

    9. Install the Cisco UGM software.
    See the "Overview of Installing Cisco UGM" section.

    10. Install Cisco UGM patches (if necessary).
    See the Release Notes that shipped with your Cisco UGM software.

Obtaining a Cisco EMF License

You need a valid license key available on the system to start the Cisco EMF server. If you do not have a license key, you can install the software, but you cannot start Cisco EMF.

To update the Cisco EMF license currently in use, for example if you wish to extend an evaluation license or convert an evaluation system to a proper installation with a permanent license, refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Licensing Guide.

Step 1   If you are a registered user, go to the Cisco Software Registration site at:


If you are not a registered user, go to the Cisco Software Registration site at:

Step 2   Click Cisco Element Management Framework.

Step 3   In the Contact Information section, fill all required fields (denoted by an asterisk).

Step 4   In the Version number field, select the version of the Cisco EMF product that you want a license for.

Step 5   If it was not automatically filled in for you when you filled in the Contact Information, enter the Product Authorization Key (PAK) number.

The PAK number is provided on the Cisco EMF product CD sleeve.

Step 6   Specify the hostname of the server where the Cisco EMF product is installed.

You can obtain the hostname of the server by entering hostname at the command line prompt.

Step 7   Specify the host ID (a hexadecimal string that identifies the system—not the IP address) of the server where the Cisco EMF product is installed.

You can obtain the host ID of the server by entering the hostid command.

Step 8   Enter the answers to the questions at the end of the form and click Enter Form.

Overview of Partitioning the Hard Disk

To partition the server hard drive that Cisco UGM is installed on, follow these guidelines:

Table 2-1: Partitioning the Cisco UGM Server Hard Disk
Partition Size

250 MB


2 GB on server; 1 GB on client


513 MB


2 GB


2 GB



Remainder of disk

To increase system performance, create the ObjectStore transaction log (default/opt/transact.log) and ObjectStore database (default/opt/cemf/db) on separate disks.

Viewing the Disk Space

Enter the following command:

host_name# df -k

The available disk space appears as blocks or KB.

Setting Up Cooked Partitions for Cisco EMF (Default)

By following this procedure, you can improve your system performance.

Note   Do not install databases on the same drive as the Cisco EMF software.

Step 1   Move cache files to a separate drive (not partition).

Step 2   On a separate drive, add a partition and copy that partition to /ostart_cache.

Step 3   Create the file in the following directory:

<CEMF Directory>/config/env/

Step 4   Enter:

OS_CACHE_DIR=/ostore_cache ; export OS_CACHE_DIR

OS_COMMSEG_DIR=/ostore_cache ; export OS_COMMSEG_DIR

Step 5   Place the transaction log on a different drive from the installation, cache, and database files.

Setting Up Raw Partitions for Cisco EMF

By following this procedure, you can improve your system performance.

Note   Do not install raw partitions on the same drive as the Cisco EMF software.

Step 1   Move the cache files to a separate drive (not partition).

Step 2   On a separate drive, add a partition and copy that partition to /ostart_cache.

Step 3   Create the file in the following directory:
<CEMF Directory>/config/env/

Step 4   Enter:

OS_CACHE_DIR=/ostore_cache ; export OS_CACHE_DIR

OS_COMMSEG_DIR=/ostore_cache ; export OS_COMMSEG_DIR

Step 5   Make sure that the transaction log is in the raw partition, and the server parameter file does not have an entry for the transaction log.

Note   The server parameter file is located in <CEMF directory>/ODI/OS5.1/ostore/etc/hostname_server_parameter (where hostname is the workstation's hostname).

Overview of Installing Cisco EMF

You can enter the cemfinstall command with optional parameters to install and deinstall Cisco EMF.

Note   You must log in as superuser (su) to use cemfinstall.

Table 2-2: cemfinstall Command Parameters
Parameter Description

When you don't specify any parameters, the installation menu appears.

-choice <choice>

Select the <choice> menu option. For example, by entering cemfinstall -c 3, you select the third menu option.

-dir {<directory>]

Displays the location of the packages.


Does not run (only echoes) the commands.


Displays Help.


Removes an existing installation.


Shows all packages installed by cemfinstall.


Answer Yes to all cemfinstall script questions.

Installing the Cisco EMF Server Image

Step 1   Log in as superuser (su) to the workstation where you want to install Cisco EMF.

Step 2   Insert the Cisco EMF product CD into the CD-ROM drive.

Step 3   Change to the CD-ROM drive and enter:

host# cd /cdrom/cdrom0

Step 4   To start the Cisco EMF installation script, enter:

host# ./cemfinstall

Step 5   Select option 1 to install the server image.

The server processes and a local client are installed on a server workstation.

Step 6   Specify a directory for the installation files. The default location is /opt/cemf.

Step 7   If the default location is acceptable, press Enter.


If the default is not acceptable:

Step 8   Enter the directory to be used for backing up and restoring data. The default directory /opt/Backup appears.

Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User's Guide for details of the data backup and restore processes.

Step 9   If the server has more than one hostname, the hostname menu appears. Select the correct hostname and press Enter.


If the correct hostname is not listed in the menu, enter the hostname and press Enter.

Step 10   If the Server Hostname and Server IP Address setup is correct, press Enter.


To change these values, enter n.

Tip Change these values if your system has multiple network card interfaces.

Step 11   Configure the ObjectStore option for your installation.

Refer to the Cisco Element Framework Management Installation, Configuration, and Licensing Guide for details on ObjectStore.

Step 12   To accept the default DNS domain, enter y.


To change the default:

Step 13   To use the FlexLM daemon provided with Cisco EMF, enter y.

Step 14   If you have a valid license file available on your network, enter the full name and path of the license file.

Note   To obtain a license, see the "Obtaini ng a Cisco EMF License" section.

Step 15   To use an existing license, enter n.

Step 16   To verify the location of the license file, enter y.

Note   If you do not have a valid license file you can still continue with the installation by entering n. The installation process continues; however you cannot start the Cisco EMF Server until a valid license key is provided. Enter the <CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf license command to update the license information.

Step 17   When the installation is complete, leave the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory and enter eject.

Step 18   Remove the Cisco EMF product CD from the CD-ROM drive.

Installing the Cisco EMF Client Image

Note   If you have already installed the server image on your server, do not install the client image on the same server. (The Cisco EMF server image also contains the client image.)
See the "Installi ng the Cisco EMF Server Image" section.

Follow this procedure to install Cisco EMF on additional client workstations. You can do this in order to relieve the server from some processes or to support additional system users.

See the "Cisco EMF Server Requirements and Guidelines for Cisco UGM" section.

Step 1   Log in as superuser (su) to the workstation where you want to install Cisco EMF.

Step 2   Insert the Cisco EMF product CD into the CD-ROM drive.

Step 3   Change to the CD-ROM drive and enter:

host# cd /cdrom/cdrom0

Step 4   To start the Cisco EMF installation script, enter:

host# ./cemfinstall

Step 5   Select option 2 to install the client processes on a client workstation.

The default location for installing the Cisco EMF client is /opt/cemf.

Step 6   If the default installation location is acceptable, press Enter.


If the default is not acceptable:

Step 7   Enter and verify the hostname of the system where you want to install the Cisco EMF server image.

Step 8   If the Server Hostname and Server IP Address setup is correct, press Enter.


To change these values, enter n.

Tip Change these values if your system has multiple network card interfaces.

Step 9   When the installation is complete, leave the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory and enter eject.

Step 10   Remove the Cisco EMF product CD from the CD-ROM drive.

Installing Cisco EMF Patches

You may have to install one or more patches for Cisco EMF. Refer to the Release Notes that shipped with Cisco UGM for the exact patch version and location from where you can download the patch.

Tip All Cisco EMF patches are also located on

Step 1   Go to the following website:

Step 2   Download the appropriate CEMF patch to a directory on your hard drive.

Step 3   From the same directory, enter:

./ cemfinstall

Starting Cisco EMF

Step 1   Log in as the root user on the system where you want to install the Cisco UGM.

Step 2   Change to the CEMF bin directory by entering:

cd <CEMF_ROOT>/bin

where <CEMF_ROOT> is the directory where Cisco EMF is installed.

Step 3   If the Cisco EMF background process are not already running, enter

./cemf start

Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the Cisco EMF startup processes to complete.

Note   Do not start the Cisco EMF GUI session (./cemf session) because the Cisco UGM installation will end any running Cisco EMF GUI-based sessions.

See the "Starting a Cisco EMF GUI Session from a Local Workstation" section.

Overview of Installing Cisco UGM

After the Cisco EMF server or client image is installed on your systems, install the Cisco UGM on your server and client.

The Cisco EMF run level is lowered (placed offline) at the start of the Cisco UGM installation process and is reset at completion to its former level (placed online).

Caution   If Cisco UGM is reinstalled (after the Cisco UGM initial installation), any existing data is lost. Back up any existing data before reinstalling Cisco UGM.
See the
"Backing Up Your Database" section.

If Cisco EMF detects any traces of Cisco UGM from a previous installation, this installation ends. Enter the ./removeEMS command to remove traces of the previous installation.

See the "Overview of Deinstalling Cisco UGM" section .

If the installation script does not find the swap space disk partition, you are asked to enter the location of the swap space; if the swap space disk partition is less than 2 GB, the installation ends.

For help in setting up the swap space partition, see the "Overview of Installing Cisco UGM" section .

Installing the Cisco UGM Software Image

Note   If you are planning to operate Cisco UGM with CiscoView, make sure that the Netscape browser is installed on your system and that you are running CiscoView version 5.0 or 5.1.

Step 1   Check that you are running the correct version of Cisco EMF by entering:

<CEMFROOT>/bin/cemf install -show

Cisco EMF version and patch information appear. Compare this with the release notes shipped with your Cisco UGM product.

Step 2   Start Cisco EMF by entering:

<CEMFROOT>/bin/cemf start

Step 3   Insert the Cisco Universal Gateway Manager CD-ROM.

Step 4   Change to the CD-ROM drive.

Step 5   If you are installing Cisco UGM on the server, enter:



If you are installing Cisco UGM on the client, enter:

./installEMS -c

The installation script checks to see that Cisco EMF version 3.0.4 is installed. If it detects an older version of Cisco EMF, the installation ends.

Step 6   Specify if you will use CiscoView with this Cisco UGM installation:

Step 7   Enter the following information for CiscoView:

Enter path where netscape can be found: /opt/cemf/bin/netscape Using netscape at /opt/cemf/bin/netscape Use telnet found at /usr/bin/telnet? Press Enter to accept or enter new location: <Enter> Using telnet at /usr/bin/telnet Select on which host CiscoView is installed by using 1) its HostName 2) its IP Address Enter 1 or 2:2 Enter IP Address:
Note   The HostName specified in this step must exist in the /etc/hosts file of the Unix system.

The Cisco UGM installation takes approximately one hour to complete. This installation time excludes that for the Cisco EMF, which is already installed.

Note   If the installation fails, check the log file llinstall.log in the /tmp directory to identify the problem.

Sample Error Messages Generated during Cisco EMF and Cisco UGM Installation

Some environment-specific error messages may be generated when you enter the UNIX pkgadd command during the installation process. Even though these messages may not be fatal and may allow installation to continue, Cisco UGM may operate unpredictably. Contact Cisco's TAC (Technical Assistance Center) for assistance in troubleshooting these errors.

pkgadd: ERROR: cppath ( ) : unable to stat </usr/local/src/asm/CEMF_3.0.4-RC2/packages/CSCOcemfm/reloc/config/
genericController/stateMachines/networkStateMachine> ERROR: attribute verification of </usr/local/cemf/config/
genericController/stateMachines/networkStateMachine> failed
pathname does not exist pkgadd: ERROR: source path </usr/local/src/asm/CiscoUGM_1.0/ASMainEM/packages/ASMainEM/reloc/conf ig/dialogs/ChannelStatistics.ASMainEM.dialog> is corrupt
pathname does not exist

Accessing Cisco UGM Remotely

You can access Cisco UGM functions from a workstation or PC remotely.

When you access Cisco UGM remotely, it takes longer to run certain functions than if you are connected to the server. This section contains system settings that can help you optimize Cisco UGM remote access and viewing.

Step 1   From your Windows desktop, choose Start > Programs > Reflection > Reflection X.

Step 2   From the toolbar in the X Client Manager window, select Settings > Window Manager.

Step 3   From the toolbar in the X Client Manager window, choose Settings > Color.

Starting a Cisco EMF GUI Session Remotely

Step 1   From your Windows desktop, choose Start > Programs > Reflection > Reflection X.

Step 2   From the X Client Manager left pane, select a telnet mode:

Step 3   In the hostname field, enter the server that you want to telnet to, and click Connect.

Step 4   Login as root (username) with a password provided by your system administrator.

Step 5   Enter the following command:

cd /opt/cemf/bin

Step 6   Start the Cisco EMF client by entering:

./cemf session

Step 7   Log in as an admin level user and enter the password:


Note   admin is the system default password. Use the username and password assigned by your system administrator.

The Cisco EMF Launchpad appears, and Cisco UGM starts automatically.

Starting a Cisco EMF GUI Session from a Local Workstation

Step 1   Start Cisco EMF by entering:

./cemf session

Step 2   Log in as an admin-level user and enter the password:


Note   admin is the system default password. Use the username and password assigned by your system administrator.

The Cisco EMF Launchpad appears, and Cisco UGM starts automatically.

Overview of Deinstalling Cisco UGM

Cisco UGM and Cisco EMF must both be running when you deinstall
Cisco UGM.

If you have difficulty deinstalling the software, see the "Troubleshooting Deinstalling Cisco UGM" section.

The Cisco EMF run level is lowered (placed offline) at the start of the Cisco UGM deinstallation process and is reset at completion to its former level (placed online).

Note   The ./removeEMS script detects and removes the server image, the client image, or both.

Table 2-3: Cisco UGM Deinstallation Command Options
Command Option Description

-help or -h

Displays online Help.

-upgrade or -u

Performs an upgrade instead of a removal.

To preserve Cisco UGM databases when the system is deinstalled, use this option.


Performs a forceful removal without checks. Since the controller does not participate in this forceful removal, Cisco UGM objects are still seen in the Map Viewer.

Manually delete the objects to remove them from the Map Viewer and the database.

Use this command only if the ./removeEMS command fails.


Assumes a yes answer to all script prompts.

The Cisco UGM deinstall process takes approximately one hour to complete.

Deinstalling Cisco UGM

Note   You must run the deinstall script from the directory where the script is located.

Step 1   Verify that you have exited all Cisco EMF sessions.

Step 2   Insert the Cisco Universal Gateway Manager CD-ROM.

Step 3   Change to the CD-ROM drive and enter:


This script removes Cisco UGM Version 1.0. You can specify several options with this command.

Tip If the deinstallation fails, check the log file lluninstall.log in the /tmp directory to identify the problem.

See the "Overview of Deinstalling Cisco UGM" section for details.

Overview of Deinstalling Cisco EMF

When Cisco EMF is deinstalled, all Cisco EMF processes are automatically stopped.

If ObjectStore was installed as part of the Cisco EMF installation, it is removed during deinstallation. If ObjectStore was installed as a separate package before the Cisco EMF installation, ObjectStore still remains installed after Cisco EMF is deinstalled.

Note   Ensure that you have backed up all databases as the deinstallation removes dynamically created files (for example, log files and databases).
"Installing and Deinstalling the Software" in this document, and refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide.

Deinstalling Cisco EMF

Caution   The order in which components are removed is important. You must deinstall the patches first—in reverse order—by starting with the latest patch. For example, if patches 3, 4 and 5 are installed, you must deinstall patch 5, then patch 4, then patch 3; then deinstall Cisco EMF itself.

Step 1   As a superuser (su), log in to the machine where Cisco EMF is installed.

Step 2   Ensure that Cisco UGM has been deinstalled.

Step 3   At the command line prompt, change to the Cisco EMF bin directory, and enter:

cd /opt/<CEMF_ROOT>/bin

Step 4   At the command line prompt, enter:

./cemfinstall -remove

Step 5   Choose an option from the menu.

For more details, see the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Licensing Guide.

Troubleshooting Deinstalling Cisco UGM

You may have difficulty deinstalling Cisco UGM for these reasons:

If either of these conditions exists, deinstall each individual element package.

The names of the server packages are:

The names of the client packages are:

Step 1   Remove the element package registration from Cisco EMF by entering:

<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf load -removelock -skipportcheck -remove <Pkg Name>

Step 2   Remove the element package by entering:

/usr/sbin/pkgrm <Pkg Name>

Step 3   Remove Cisco EMF by entering:

<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemfinstall -remove

Posted: Sat Sep 28 16:55:32 PDT 2002
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