You use command-line mode to customize a SwitchProbe device. SwitchProbe devices contain internal objects on which specific values are defined. These specific values are used as follows:
To control how the SwitchProbe device operates.
To specify the parameters and descriptions.
To enable or disable options.
To define the unique IP address assigned to the SwitchProbe device.
To perform various useful functions or define useful values.
Available as an option from the Agent Configuration Utility, command-line mode offers a way for you to work with specific commands: get, set, do, help, and quit. With these commands you can view, define, edit, and get help on customizing objects within the SwitchProbe device.
The command-line overview screen displays the name and description of each available command, and a list of all currently available objects that you can customize. There are five commands: get, set, do, help, andquit.
After you attach a local or remote console to the SwitchProbe device, the following Agent Configuration Utility menu is displayed:
***** SwitchProbe Ethernet Rev 4.5 *****
[1] Change IP Address
[2] Change Net Mask
[3] Change Default Gateway Address
[4] Change Read Community public
[5] Change Write Community public
[8] Select Interface ETHERNET
[9] Change Server Address
[10] Upgrade Software
[11] Enter Command-line mode
[12] Reset Agent
Enter your response or Enter "exit" to logout
Selection #:
Use the get command to view the current value of objects. The following example shows the use of the get command to view the contents of the agent_location object:
% get agent_location
Agent Location Here
The default value of agent_location is "Agent Location Here."
Use the set command to set the value of an object. The following example shows the use of the set command to change the contents of the agent_location object, and then use the get command to check the results:
% set agent_location "San Jose"
% get agent_location
San Jose
Use the do command to instruct the agent to execute the code named by the object. (You cannot use all objects with the do command.) The following example shows how to use the do command with the ping object:
% do ping
Reply from seq=0, time=40 msec
The ping object can be very useful when troubleshooting because ping is executed from the agent to the specified address, not from the management software to the specified address.
Use the Resource Manager option to automate pings and SNMP queries from the agent to any IP device and to set alarms on user-specified thresholds.
Use the help command to access online help for specific objects. To access online help, enter help followed by the object name and press Enter. The following example displays the command options and the syntax of entries that are available for the agent_location object:
% help agent_location
command to display or change given parameters:
get agent_location
set agent_location new_value
The following list describes the command-line objects. For more detailed information about the commands and their uses for each object, enter help followed by the object name, and press Enter.
However, in other environments, PVCs usually use a non-zero VPI. In that case, use the set atm_maxvpibitscommand to specify the maximum number of bits used for specifying the VPI. The number of bits used for VCI will then be (10 minus maxvpibits).
For example, if you set the maxvpibits to 3, three bits will be used for VPI, and seven bits for VCI. The total number of bits used for VPI and VCI is 10.
The ping is sent from the agent to the specified IP destination, not from the management station to the destination. The agent displays the result of the ping.
start_protocol_distValue (1 or 0) in this option determines whether the SwitchProbe device tracks protocol distribution statistics at boot time.
start_nl_hostValue (1 or 0) in this option determines whether the SwitchProbe device tracks network-layer host statistics at boot time.
start_nl_matrixValue (1 or 0) in this option determines whether the SwitchProbe device tracks network-layer conversation statistics at boot time.
enable_other_domainValue (1 or 0) in this option enables or disables the "other" domain feature (represented by display of a tilde [~] next to a domain name in a domain name list). If the other domain feature is disabled, the SwitchProbe device will not allow installation or monitoring of tilde domains.
slip_routeAllows you to view (get) or establish (set) a SwitchProbe device's SLIP IP address and managed interface IP address (used to implement the SLIP routing function).
tracksessionTo free up dedicated protocol ports, some server devices transmit/receive communication from client devices on alternative ports. For example, rather than receiving FTP communications on (well-known) port 21, a device might receive that communication on a lesser-known port. The ability to count packets to and from these alternative ports is known as TrackSession capability. All Cisco SwitchProbe devices have TrackSession capability.
The set tracksession command-line object allows you to establish the frequency (in seconds) at which the tracksession table will be purged (minimum is 300 seconds, maximum is 72000 seconds, default is 30 seconds), and the total number of alternative tracksession ports allowed on the SwitchProbe device (minimum is 100, maximum is 65535, default is 2000).
For example, set tracksession 120 500 purges the tracksession table every 120 seconds, and will allow up to 500 alternative ports on the SwitchProbe device.