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Service Monitor Support for SNMP MIBs

System Application MIB Implementation

System Application Resource MIB Tables

Sample MIB Walk for System Application MIB

Service Monitor Support for SNMP MIBs

Service Monitor implements the system application MIB using SNMP v2 and supplies an SNMP subagent. You can use simple SNMP queries to monitor the health of applications in the Cisco Unified Communications Management suite that supports the MIB.

For information about configuring your system to use SNMP to manage Service Monitor and other Cisco Unified applications, see Using SNMP to Monitor Service Monitor, page 6-10.

Related Topic

System Application MIB Implementation

System Application MIB Implementation

The system application MIB, defined in RFC 2287, provides applications installed, processes running for an application, and past run information. You can use the information in the system application MIB to determine the overall health of Service Monitor and drill down to the actual processes running for the application.

For more information about the system application MIB, you can browse MIB information at the following URL:


Related Topics

System Application Resource MIB Tables

Sample MIB Walk for System Application MIB

System Application Resource MIB Tables

This section describes MIB tables that contain the following information:

Installed Packages

Installed Elements

Package Status Information

Element Status Information

Status of Packages when They Ran Previously

Status of Elements when They Ran Previously

Process Map

Scalar Variables

Installed Packages

Table E-1 stores information for installed packages for Service Monitor and other applications in the Cisco Unified Management Suite that support the system application MIB.

Table E-1 sysApplInstallPkgTable 

MIB Row Entry
Description from the MIB
Cisco Unified Communications Management Suite Usage


Part of the index for this table. An integer used only for indexing purposes. Generally monotonically increasing from 1 as new applications are installed.

Running number for each application registered with the SNMP subagent.


The manufacturer of the software application package.

Cisco Systems, Inc.


The name assigned to the software application package by the manufacturer.

Name provided when the application was registered with the SNMP subagent, such as Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0.

Note Use this name to select an application to watch.


The version number assigned to the application package by the manufacturer of the software.

Version number such as 2.0.2, where 1 is the major version, 0 is the minor version, and 2 is the patch version or incremental device update (IDU) number.


The serial number of the software assigned by the manufacturer.



The date and time this software application was installed on the host.


The complete pathname where the application package is installed.

NMSROOT—Directory where Service Monitor is installed. If you selected the default directory during installation, it is C:\Program~1\CSCOpx.

Related Topic

Installed Elements

Installed Elements

For each entry in the installed packages table, Table E-1, there can be many entries in the installed element table, Table E-2. The number of installed elements for a package corresponds to the number of processes being monitored for that package.

Table E-2 lists the contents of sysApplInstallElmtTable.

Table E-2 sysApplInstallElmtTable 

MIB Row Entry
Description from the MIB
Cisco Unified Communications Management Suite Usage


Part of the index for this table. This value identifies the installed software package for the application of which this process is a part.

Value from sysApplInstallPkgTable, Table E-1.


Unique number across the applications.

Running number.


The name assigned to the software element package by the manufacturer.

Process name used in the daemon manager (not a file or executable name as specified in RFC 2287).


The type of element that is part of the installed application.

Default application(5).


The date and time that this component was installed on the system.

Note All dates and times are formatted using SNMPv2 textual conventions.


Install location for this application

NMSROOT—Directory where Service Monitor is installed. If you selected the default directory during installation, it is C:\Program~1\CSCOpx.


The installed file size in 232 byte blocks.

Default 0 (not implemented).


The installed file size in 232 byte blocks.

Default 0 (not implemented).


An operator-assigned value used in the determination of application status.

Value used in determining application status:

required(3)—Process that must run for the application to be considered running.

unknown(5)—Optional process.


The date and time that this element was last modified.

Note All dates and times are formatted using SNMPv2 textual conventions.


The current file size in 232 byte blocks.

Default 0 (not implemented).


The current file size in 232 byte blocks.

Default 0 (not implemented).

Package Status Information

Table E-3 supplies current application status for Service Monitor and other applications in the Cisco Unified Management Suite that support the system application MIB.

Table E-3 sysApplRunTable 

MIB Row Entry
Description from the MIB
Cisco Unified Communications Management Suite Usage


Part of the index for this table. This value identifies the installed software package for the application of which this process is a part.

Value from sysApplInstallPkgTable, Table E-1.


Part of the index for this table. An arbitrary integer used only for indexing purposes. Generally, monotonically increasing from 1 as new applications are started on the host, it uniquely identifies application invocations.

Running number.


The date and time that the application was started.

Note All dates and times are formatted using SNMPv2 textual conventions.


The current state of the running application instance. The possible values are running(1), runnable(2) but waiting for a resource such as CPU, waiting(3) for an event, exiting(4), or other(5).

This value is the measure of application health:

running(1)—All required processes are running.

other(5)-One or more required processes are not running.

When all required processes stop or the daemon manager stops, this entry moves to the sysApplPastRun table.

Element Status Information

Table E-4 provides current status for processes that belong to each application that is currently running.

Table E-4 sysApplElmtRunTable 

MIB Row Entry
Description from the MIB
Cisco Unified Communications Management Suite Usage


Part of the index for this table. This value identifies the installed software package for the application of which this process is a part.

Value from sysApplInstallPkgTable, Table E-1.


Part of the index for this table. This value identifies the invocation of an application of which this process is a part.

Default 0.

Note Service Monitor processes run independently and are not invoked by any other process.


Part of the index for this table. A unique value for each process running on the host.

Process ID in the operating system.


Part of the index for this table. The value of this object is the same value as sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a running instance.

Value from sysApplInstallElmtTable, Table E-2.


The time the process was started.


The current state of the running process. The possible values are running(1), runnable(2) but waiting for a resource such as CPU, waiting(3) for an event, exiting(4), or other(5).

If all processes are running successfully, value is running(1).

Note If the process terminates, the process entry moves to the sysElmtPastRun table.


The full path and filename of the process.


The starting parameters for the process.


Hundredths of a second of the total system CPU resources consumed by this process.

Obtained from the operating system.


The total amount of real system memory, measured in kilobytes, currently allocated to this process.

Obtained from the operating system.


The number of regular files that the process currently has open.

Default 0 (not implemented).


The process owner's login name.

Either casuser or SYSTEM.

Status of Packages when They Ran Previously

Table E-5 contains the status of applications when they ran previously.

Table E-5 sysApplPastRunTable 

MIB Row Entry
Description from the MIB


Value from sysApplInstallPkgTable, Table E-1.


Part of the index for this table. An arbitrary integer used only for indexing purposes. Generally monotonically increasing from 1 as new applications are started on the host, it uniquely identifies application invocations.


The date and time that the application started.

Note All dates and times are formatted using SNMPv2 textual conventions.


The state of the application instance when it was terminated.


The date and time the application instance was determined to be no longer running.

Note All dates and times are formatted using SNMPv2 textual conventions.

Status of Elements when They Ran Previously

Table E-6 contains the status of processes when they ran previously.

Table E-6 sysApplElmtPastRunTable 

MIB Row Entry
Description from the MIB


Part of the index for this table. Identifies the invocation of an application of which this process is a part.


Part of the index for this table. A unique value for each process running on the host.


Part of the index for this table. The value of this object is the same value as the sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a running instance.


The time the process was started.


The time the process was ended.


The full path and filename of the process.


The starting parameters for the process.


The last known number of hundredths of a second of the total system CPU resources consumed by this process.


The last known total amount of real system memory, measured in kilobytes, allocated to this process before it terminated.


The number of regular files that the process currently has open.


The process owner's login name.

Scalar Variables

These variables are used to control MIB table size. You cannot update them.

Table E-7 Scalars 

MIB Row Entry
Description from the MIB
Default Value


Maximum number of entries allowed in the sysApplPastRun table.



Counter for entries removed from the sysApplPastRun table after the maximum number (sysApplPastRunMaxRows) of entries are exceeded.

20 entries


Maximum time that an entry in the sysApplPastRun table can exist before being removed.

86400 seconds (1 day)


Maximum number of entries allowed in the sysApplElmtPastRuntable.

2000 entries


Counter for entries removed from the sysApplElmtPastRun table after the maximum number (sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows) of entries are exceeded.

20 entries


Maximum time that an entry in the sysApplElmtPastRunTable can exist before being removed.

86400 seconds (1 day)


Minimum interval at which polling to obtain the status of the managed resources occurs.

60 seconds

Process Map

The sysApplMapTable contains one entry for each process currently running on the system. Table E-8 provides the index mapping from a process identifier to the invoked application, installed element, and installed application package.

Table E-8 sysApplMapTable 

MIB Row Entry
Description from the MIB


Process identification number.


Invoked application (sysApplRunIndex).


Installed element (sysApplInstallElmtIndex).


Installed application package (sysApplInstallPkgIndex).

Sample MIB Walk for System Application MIB

This example shows abridged output from a MIB walk of the SYSAPPL-MIB on a system where Cisco Unified Operations Manager and Service Monitor are installed.

1: sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer.1 (octet string) Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc.[43.6F. (hex)]
2: sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer.2 (octet string) Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc.[43.6F. (hex)]
3: sysApplInstallPkgProductName.1 (octet string) Cisco Unified Service Monitor [ (hex)]
4: sysApplInstallPkgProductName.2 (octet string) Cisco Unified Operations Manager and Service Monitor [ . (hex)]
5: sysApplInstallPkgVersion.1 (octet string) 2.0.0 [32.2E.30.2E.30 (hex)]
6: sysApplInstallPkgVersion.2 (octet string) 2.0.0 [32.2E.30.2E.30 (hex)]
7: sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber.1 (octet string) n/a [6E.2F.61 (hex)]
8: sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber.2 (octet string) n/a [6E.2F.61 (hex)]
9: sysApplInstallPkgDate.1 (octet string) 2006-10-12,15:36:45 [07.D6.0A.0C.0F.24.2D (hex)]
10: sysApplInstallPkgDate.2 (octet string) 2006-10-12,15:36:45 [07.D6.0A.0C.0F.24.2D (hex)]
11: sysApplInstallPkgLocation.1 (octet string) C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx [43.3A.5C.50.52.4F. (hex)]
12: sysApplInstallPkgLocation.2 (octet string) C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx [43.3A.5C.50.52.4F. (hex)]
13: sysApplInstallElmtName.1.1 (octet string) QOVR [51.4F.56.52 (hex)]
14: sysApplInstallElmtName.1.2 (octet string) QOVRDbEngine [51.4F. (hex)]
15: sysApplInstallElmtName.1.3 (octet string) QOVRDbMonitor [51.4F. (hex)]
16: sysApplInstallElmtName.1.4 (octet string) Apache [ (hex)]
17: sysApplInstallElmtName.1.5 (octet string) CmfDbEngine [43.6D. (hex)]
18: sysApplInstallElmtName.1.6 (octet string) JRunProxyServer [4A.52.75.6E.50.72.6F. (hex)]
19: sysApplInstallElmtName.1.7 (octet string) Tomcat [54.6F.6D.63.61.74 (hex)]
20: sysApplInstallElmtName.1.8 (octet string) WebServer [ (hex)]
21: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.9 (octet string) AdapterServer [ (hex)]
22: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.10 (octet string) Apache [ (hex)]
23: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.11 (octet string) CmfDbEngine [43.6D. (hex)]
24: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.12 (octet string) DCRServer [ (hex)]
25: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.13 (octet string) DfmBroker [44.66.6D.42.72.6F.6B.65.72 (hex)]
26: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.14 (octet string) DfmServer [44.66.6D. (hex)]
27: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.15 (octet string) EDS [45.44.53 (hex)]
28: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.16 (octet string) EPMDbEngine [45.50.4D. (hex)]
29: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.17 (octet string) EPMServer [45.50.4D. (hex)]
30: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.18 (octet string) ESS [45.53.53 (hex)]
31: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.19 (octet string) FHDbEngine [ (hex)]
32: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.20 (octet string) FHServer [ (hex)]
33: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.21 (octet string) GPF [47.50.46 (hex)]
34: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.22 (octet string) INVDbEngine [49.4E. (hex)]
35: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.23 (octet string) IVR [49.56.52 (hex)]
36: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.24 (octet string) IPIUDbEngine [ (hex)]
37: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.25 (octet string) IPSLAServer [ (hex)]
38: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.26 (octet string) ITMDiagServer [49.54.4D. (hex)]
39: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.27 (octet string) Interactor [49.6E. (hex)]
40: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.28 (octet string) InventoryCollector [49.6E.76.65.6E.74.6F. (hex)]
41: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.29 (octet string) IPIUDataServer [ (hex)]
42: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.30 (octet string) ITMOGSServer [49.54.4D.4F. (hex)]
43: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.31 (octet string) jrm [6A.72.6D (hex)]
44: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.32 (octet string) LicenseServer [4C. (hex)]
45: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.33 (octet string) NOTSServer [4E.4F. (hex)]
46: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.34 (octet string) PTMServer [50.54.4D. (hex)]
47: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.35 (octet string) PIFServer [ (hex)]
48: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.36 (octet string) QoVMServer [51.6F.56.4D. (hex)]
49: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.37 (octet string) SRSTServer [ (hex)]
50: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.38 (octet string) SIRServer [ (hex)]
51: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.39 (octet string) STServer [ (hex)]
52: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.40 (octet string) Tomcat [54.6F.6D.63.61.74 (hex)]
53: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.41 (octet string) TISServer [ (hex)]
54: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.42 (octet string) TopoServer [54.6F.70.6F. (hex)]
55: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.43 (octet string) VsmServer [56.73.6D. (hex)]
56: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.44 (octet string) VHMIntegrator [56.48.4D.49.6E. (hex)]
57: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.45 (octet string) VHMServer [56.48.4D. (hex)]
58: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.46 (octet string) ITMCTMStartup [49.54.4D.43.54.4D. (hex)]
59: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.47 (octet string) IPSLAPurgeTask [ (hex)]
60: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.48 (octet string) GpfPurgeTask [ (hex)]
61: sysApplInstallElmtName.2.49 (octet string) FHPurgeTask [ (hex)]
62: sysApplInstallElmtType.1.1 (integer) application(5)
63: sysApplInstallElmtType.1.2 (integer) application(5)

111: sysApplInstallElmtDate.1.1 (octet string) 2006-10-12,15:36:45 [07.D6.0A.0C.0F.24.2D (hex)]
112: sysApplInstallElmtDate.1.2 (octet string) 2006-10-12,15:36:45 [07.D6.0A.0C.0F.24.2D (hex)]

160: sysApplInstallElmtPath.1.1 (octet string) C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx [43.3A.5C.50.52.4F. (hex)]

209: sysApplInstallElmtSizeHigh.1.1 (integer) 0

258: sysApplInstallElmtSizeLow.1.1 (integer) 0

307: sysApplInstallElmtRole.1.1 (integer) required(3)

356: sysApplInstallElmtModifyDate.1.1 (octet string) 2006-10-12,15:36:45 [07.D6.0A.0C.0F.24.2D (hex)]

405: sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeHigh.1.1 (integer) 0

454: sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeLow.1.1 (integer) 0

503: sysApplRunStarted.1.2 (octet string) 2006-10-18,17:13:24 [07.D6.0A.12.11.0D.18 (hex)]

505: sysApplRunCurrentState.1.2 (integer) running(1)

507: sysApplElmtRunInstallID.0.0.888 (integer) 0

563: sysApplElmtRunTimeStarted.0.0.888 (octet string) 2006-10-18,17:15:35 [07.D6.0A.12.11.0F.23 (hex)]

619: sysApplElmtRunState.0.0.888 (integer) running(1)

675: sysApplElmtRunName.0.0.888 (octet string) C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\lib\vbroker\bin\osagent.exe [43.3A.5C.50.52.4F. .5C.62.69.6E.5C.6F. (hex)]

731: sysApplElmtRunParameters.0.0.888 (octet string) -p 42342 [2D. (hex)]

787: sysApplElmtRunCPU.0.0.888 (timeticks) 0 days 00h:04m:27s.39th (26739)

843: sysApplElmtRunMemory.0.0.888 (integer) 676

899: sysApplElmtRunNumFiles.0.0.888 (integer) 0

955: sysApplElmtRunUser.0.0.888 (octet string) SYSTEM [ (hex)]

1000: sysApplElmtRunUser.2.0.9220 (octet string) casuser [ (hex)]

1011: sysApplElmtPastRunInstallID.2.0.6180 (integer) 44
1012: sysApplElmtPastRunTimeStarted.2.0.6180 (octet string) 2006-10-18,17:16:27 [07.D6.0A. (hex)]
1013: sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded.2.0.6180 (octet string) 2006-11-5,12:45:49 [07.D6.0B.05.0C.2D.31 (hex)]
1014: sysApplElmtPastRunName.2.0.6180 (octet string) C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\bin\cwjava.exe [43.3A.5C.50.52.4F. .65.78.65 (hex)]
1015: sysApplElmtPastRunParameters.2.0.6180 (octet string) -Dcom.smarts.conf.clientConnect=C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\objects\smarts\conf\clientConnect.conf -Djava.security.policy=C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\lib\jre2\lib\security\java.policy -Xmx128m -cw:jre C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\lib\jre -cw:xrs -cp:pmf conf\vhm\vhm.classpath [2D.44.63.6F.6D.2E.73.6D. .74.3D.43.3A.5C.50.52.4F. .6D. .20.2D.44.6A. . . .3A.6A. . .68.6D.2E.63.6C. (hex)]
1016: sysApplElmtPastRunCPU.2.0.6180 (timeticks) 0 days 00h:01m:52s.06th (11206)
1017: sysApplElmtPastRunMemory.2.0.6180 (integer) 970216
1018: sysApplElmtPastRunNumFiles.2.0.6180 (integer) 0
1019: sysApplElmtPastRunUser.2.0.6180 (octet string) SYSTEM [ (hex)]
1020: sysApplPastRunMaxRows.0 (integer) 2000
1021: sysApplPastRunTableRemItems.0 (integer) 20
1022: sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit.0 (integer) 86400
1023: sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows.0 (integer) 2000
1024: sysApplElemPastRunTableRemItems.0 (integer) 20
1025: sysApplElemPastRunTblTimeLimit.0 (integer) 86400
1026: sysApplAgentPollInterval.0 (integer) 60
1027: sysApplMap.2.888.0.0 (integer) 0

1082: sysApplMap.2.15056.0.28 (integer) 2


Posted: Fri Aug 31 12:37:35 PDT 2007
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