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Table Of Contents

Unified Communications Manager Configuration

Configuration Tasks for Supported Unified Communications Manager Versions

Configuring Unified Communications Managers

Setting Unified Communications Manager Service Parameters

Setting Unified Communications Manager Enterprise Parameters

Adding Service Monitor to Unified Communications Manager 5.x (or 6.x) as a Billing Server

Changing the Password for smuser in Unified Communications Manager 5.x and 6.x

Configuring MicroSoft SQLServer on a Unified Communications Manager System

Enabling Mixed Authentication in Microsoft SQL Server for Unified Communications Manager 4.x

Adding Microsoft SQLServer User Accounts

Unified Communications Manager Configuration

Note For the Unified Communications Manager versions that Service Monitor supports, see Release Notes for Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0.1.

Service Monitor can collect and analyze data from Unified Communications Managers only if you first configure Unified Communications Manager systems as described in these topics:

Configuration Tasks for Supported Unified Communications Manager Versions

Configuring Unified Communications Managers

Configuring MicroSoft SQLServer on a Unified Communications Manager System

Configuration Tasks for Supported Unified Communications Manager Versions

For Service Monitor to obtain CVTQ data from a Unified Communications Manager, you first need to perform configuration tasks while logged in to:

Unified Communications Manager—To access Unified Communications Manager Administration and Unified Communications Manager Serviceability.

The server where Unified Communications Manager is installed—To access Microsoft SQLServer.

Depending on the Unified Communications Manager version that you use, you need to perform some subset of the tasks listed in this section. Where tasks themselves differ slightly from one Unified Communications Manager version to another, version-specific steps are noted in the procedures.

Table B-1 lists the configuration tasks you must complete for each version of Unified Communications Manager that you want Service Monitor to obtain CVTQ data from.

Table B-1 Unified Communications Manager and Microsoft SQLServer Tasks 

Configuration Task
Perform Task for These Unified Communications Manager Versions:
Configure Unified Communications Manager

Setting Unified Communications Manager Service Parameters





Setting Unified Communications Manager Enterprise Parameters





Adding Service Monitor to Unified Communications Manager 5.x (or 6.x) as a Billing Server



Configure Microsoft SQLServer on the Server with Unified Communications Manager

Enabling Mixed Authentication in Microsoft SQL Server for Unified Communications Manager 4.x

Caution Failure to complete this task as documented can prevent Unified Communications Manager from writing CDRs.


Note Mixed authentication should be configured for 3.3.x by default. If it is not, you can use this procedure to configure mixed authentication for 3.3.x.

Adding Microsoft SQLServer User Accounts

Caution Failure to complete this task as documented can prevent Unified Communications Manager from writing CDRs.



Configuring Unified Communications Managers

This section contains the following topics:

Setting Unified Communications Manager Service Parameters

Setting Unified Communications Manager Enterprise Parameters

Adding Service Monitor to Unified Communications Manager 5.x (or 6.x) as a Billing Server

Setting Unified Communications Manager Service Parameters

Note Set these parameters on each Unified Communications Manager in a cluster.

Step 1 Log in to Unified Communications Manager Administration.

Step 2 Go to the Service Parameters Configuration page as follows:

For Unified Communications Manager 3.3 and 4.x, select Service > Service Parameters.

For Unified Communications Manager 5.x and 6.x, select System > Service Parameters.

The Service Parameters Configuration page appears.

Step 3 Select the server and the service:

a. Select the name of the Unified Communications Manager server. This is a Unified Communications Manager from which Service Monitor will gather data.

b. Select the Unified Communications Manager service.

Step 4 Set these parameters:

For Unified Communications Manager versions 3.3.x and 4.x:

CDR Enabled Flag—Scroll down to System. Set to True.

Call Diagnostics Enabled—Scroll down to Clusterwide Parameters (Device - General). Set to True.

For Unified Communications Manager 5.x and 6.x:

CDR Enabled Flag—Scroll down to System. Set to True.

Call Diagnostics Enabled—Scroll down to Clusterwide Parameters (Device - General). Set to Enable Only When CDR Enabled Flag is True.

Step 5 Click Update.

Setting Unified Communications Manager Enterprise Parameters

Perform this procedure for Unified Communications Manager versions 3.3, 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x.

Step 1 Log in to Unified Communications Manager Administration.

Step 2 Select System > Enterprise Parameters. The Enterprise Parameters Configuration page appears.

Step 3 Scroll down to CDR Parameters and set these parameters:

For Unified Communications Manager 3.3 and 4.x:

CDR File Time Interval (min)—Set to 1.

CDR Format—Select CDRs will be inserted into database.

For Unified Communications Manager 5.x and 6.x, set CDR File Time Interval (min) to 1.

Step 4 Click Update.

Adding Service Monitor to Unified Communications Manager 5.x (or 6.x) as a Billing Server

NotePerform this task on Unified Communications Manager version 5.x and 6.x only.

Perform this task only while Service Monitor is up and running.

Step 1 Launch Unified Communications Manager Serviceability.

Step 2 Select Tools > CDR Management.

Step 3 Scroll down to Billing Applications Server Parameters and click Add New.

Step 4 Enter the following:

Host Name / IP Address—Enter the IP address of the system where Cisco Unified Service Monitor is installed.

User Name—Enter smuser.

Note Do not enter any username other than smuser.

Password—Enter a password. The default password is smuser. To change this password:

Change it in Service Monitor first. (For more information, see Configuring and Viewing Other Settings.)

Enter the same password that you entered for smuser while configuring other settings in Service Monitor.

Note If you changed the password in Service Monitor and Unified Communications Manager does not immediately accept the new password, wait one minute and enter the new password again.

Select SFTP Protocol.

Directory Path—Enter /home/smuser/.

Note Do not enter any directory path other than /home/smuser.

Step 5 Click Add.

Note In some cases, for CDR/CMR files to be delivered to a newly added billing server, it is necessary to first restart the CDR Repository Management Service.

Step 1 From Unified Communications Manager Serviceability, select Tools > Control Center - Network Services.

Step 2 From the list of Unified Communications servers, select the publisher.

Step 3 Scroll down to CDR Services.

Step 4 Select the Cisco CDR Repository Manager radio button.

Step 5 Click the Restart button.

Changing the Password for smuser in Unified Communications Manager 5.x and 6.x

Note Perform this task on Unified Communications Manager versions 5.x and 6.x only.

The SFTP password for smuser in Service Monitor and the password for the Service Monitor Applications Billing Server smuser in Unified Communications Manager 5.x and 6.x must be identical. Any time you change one, you must change the other to match. To change the SFTP password for smuser in Service Monitor, see Configuring and Viewing Other Settings.

Use this procedure to change the password for the Service Monitor Applications Billing Server smuser in Unified Communications Manager 5.x and 6.x.

Step 1 Launch Unified Communications Manager Serviceability.

Step 2 Select Tools > CDR Manageability.

Step 3 Scroll down to Billing Applications Server Parameters and double-click the link for the Service Monitor.

Step 4 Enter a new password.

Note If you changed the password in Service Monitor and Unified Communications Manager does not immediately accept the new password, wait one minute and enter the new password again.

Do not change the values in any other fields; Host Name / IP Address, User Name, SFTP Protocol, and Directory Path must remain the same.

Step 5 Click Update.

Configuring MicroSoft SQLServer on a Unified Communications Manager System

Caution Failure to complete these tasks as documented can prevent Unified Communications Manager from writing CDRs.

Complete the following tasks:

Enabling Mixed Authentication in Microsoft SQL Server for Unified Communications Manager 4.x

Adding Microsoft SQLServer User Accounts

Enabling Mixed Authentication in Microsoft SQL Server for Unified Communications Manager 4.x

Perform this task for Unified Communications Manager 4.x only.

Step 1 Log in to the server where Unified Communications Manager is installed.

Step 2 Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

Step 3 Select Console Root > Microsoft SQL Servers > SQL Server Group and right-click (local). A dialog box appears.

Step 4 Select the Security tab:

a. Under Authentication, select SQL Server and Windows.

b. Click OK. A message appears, asking whether to restart the SQL server. Click No.

Note If Cisco Security Agent runs on the Unified Communications Manager server, it might block the message that asks whether to restart the SQL server and the change is not applied. To work around this problem, open Windows Services user interface and stop Cisco Security Agent. After you complete steps 4 b and 5, restart Cisco Security Agent.

Step 5 Restart the SQL server:

a. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. The Services window appears.

b. Right-click MSSQLSERVER and click Stop. A list of services that will be stopped in addition to MSSQLSERVER will be displayed. Note them; you will need to start each one in step 5 c.

c. Right-click MSSQLSERVER and click Start. For each of the additional services that were stopped during the previous step, right-click the service and click Start.

Adding Microsoft SQLServer User Accounts

Add Microsoft SQLServer user accounts for Unified Communications Manager 3.x and 4.x as directed in this topic.

Service Monitor needs a Microsoft SQLServer user account to access local databases on the system with Unified Communications Manager. Use this procedure to add user accounts on these Unified Communications Manager versions:

4.x—Add an account to enable Service Monitor to access the CDR database.

3.3.x—Add an account to enable Service Monitor to access the CDR database and the device database, named CCM030n; for example, CCM0300. Alternatively, add two accounts: one for the CDR database and another for the CCM030n database.

Step 1 Log in to the server where Unified Communications Manager is installed.

Step 2 Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager > Security.

Step 3 Right-click Logins and select New Login. A window appears.

Step 4 On the General tab:

a. Enter a username.

b. Select SQL Authentication and enter a password.

Note Make sure that SQL Authentication is selected and not Windows Authentication, which can sometimes be selected by default.

Step 5 Select the Server Roles tab and select the System Administrators role.

Caution You must complete step 5; otherwise, you might prevent Unified Communications Manager from writing CDRs to the database.

Step 6 Select the Database Access tab and do the following:

a. Select databases as follows:

For Unified Communications Manager version 4.x, check the Permit column for the CDR database.

For Unified Communications Manager version 3.3.x, check the Permit column for the CDR database and for the device database, named CCM030n; for example, CCM0300. Alternatively, select only one database, CDR or the device database, and continue creating the account. After creating one account, repeat the procedure to create another account for the other database.

Note Each time you upgrade Unified Communications Manager, the n in CCM030n is increased by 1 and a new device database is created. If there are multiple device databases, choose the most recent one (the one with the highest number); for example, CCM0302. If you upgrade Unified Communications Manager 3.3 after you complete this step, you must return to this procedure and repeat this step ( Step 6).

Note Alternatively, select only one database, CDR or the device database, and continue creating the account. After creating one account, repeat the procedure to create another account for the other database.

At the bottom of the window, database roles for the selected databases are displayed; public is checked by default.

b. Check the db_owner role (so that public and db_owner are checked).

Caution You must complete step 6 b; otherwise, you can prevent Unified Communications Manager from writing CDRs to the database.

Step 7 Click OK. A confirmation dialog box appears.

Step 8 Confirm the password (previously entered in step 4 b) by entering it again in the dialog box.


Posted: Fri Aug 31 12:42:15 PDT 2007
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