
Table of Contents

Mainframe/Workstation Installation Checklist

Mainframe/Workstation Installation Checklist

This appendix lists the SNA View parameters that must be coordinated between the SNA View mainframe configuration and the SNA View workstation configuration. We recommend that mainframe or workstation installers agree on these values before the mainframe or workstation installation is started.

TCP/IP Connection Parameters

Table A-1 lists the TCP/IP parameters that configure TCP/IP connection between the SNA View mainframe and the SNA View workstation. On the workstation, these parameters are contained in the /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME file and are set using the cwbconfigure or smit command when you configure SNA View on the workstation. The related mainframe parameters are set using the TCP parameter card in the NSPPARM member.

Table  A-1: TCP/IP Configuration Parameters

TCP/IP address of the mainframe:

Mainframe value: _______________________________
Workstation value: SVMF_AGENT_ADDR= _______________________________
Default: none
Connection protocol:
Mainframe value: TCP parameter card
Workstation value: SVMF_CONNECT= TCP
Default: none
Name of NetView for MVS operator task:
Mainframe value: _______________________________
Workstation value: SVCMD_OPERATOR= _______________________________
Default: NSPAUTO1
Host connection interface port:
Mainframe value: _______________________________
Workstation value: SVMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT= TCP HCS_port ______________
Default: 6106
Host command server port:
Mainframe value:
Workstation value: SVMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT= TCP ________________ HCS_port
Default: 6107

The TCP/IP address of mainframe is the host name or IP address of the mainframe on which the SNA View mainframe component is installed. Use the SVMF_AGENT_ADDR parameter in the workstation /etc/vopen_config_DOMAINNAME file.

The connection protocol is the communication protocol between the mainframe and the workstation. The SVMF_CONNECT parameter indicates whether the workstation will connect to the mainframe using TCP/IP. To connect via TCP/IP, specify SVMF_CONNECT = TCP in the workstation /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME file and provide a TCP parameter card at the mainframe.

The NetView for MVS operator task is the name of the mainframe NetView operator task. Use the SVCMD_OPERATOR parameter in the workstation file. This value is used by CiscoWorks Blue SNA View to issue and receive NetView commands. This parameter is applicable when NetView is present on the mainframe; it must match the value established during the NetView updates for the mainframe installation.

The host connection interface port is the port number used by the SNA View host connection interface. Use this port number in the SVMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT parameter in the workstation /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME file and on the mainframe TCP parameter card.

The host command server port is the port number used by the SNA View host command server. Use this port number in the SVMF_CMD_AGENT_PORT parameter in the workstation /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME file and on the mainframe TCP parameter card.

Coding the TCP Parameter Card

Use the TCP parameter card at the mainframe to identify the ports to be used for the host command server and the host connection interface. The TCP parameter card has the following format:

TCP hciport cmdport


hciport is the port for the host connection interface, usually 6106.

cmdport is the port for the host command server, usually 6107.

LU 6.2 Parameters

This section describes an additional set of parameters for connecting the workstation to the mainframe using LU 6.2. Table A-2 lists the LU 6.2 parameters.

Note Before you configure LU 6.2 for SNA View, you must have already configured the mainframe and workstation to support an LU 6.2 connection between them. SNA View configuration only adds the additional information for SNA View workstation to be able to communicate with SNA View on the mainframe. Items like the Remote Link address have been omitted, since this should already be configured.

Table  A-2: TCP/IP Configuration Parameters

Connection protocol:

Mainframe value: LU62 parameter card
Workstation value: SVMF_CONNECT= LU62
Default: none
Name of NetView for MVS operator task:
Mainframe value: _______________________________
Workstation value: SVCMD_OPERATOR= _______________________________
Default: NSPAUTO1
Secondary independent LU:
Mainframe value: _______________________________
Workstation value: ______________________________
Default: none
Log mode:
Mainframe value: PARALLEL
Workstation value: PARALLEL
Message transaction program:
Mainframe value: NSPOPNMS
Workstation value: NSPOPNMS
Command transaction program:
Mainframe value: NSPOPNCS
Workstation value: NSPOPNCS

The connection protocol is the communication protocol between the mainframe and the workstation. The SVMF_CONNECT parameter indicates whether the workstation will connect to the mainframe using LU 6.2. To connect via TCP/IP, specify SVMF_CONNECT=LU62 in the /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME file and provide a TCP parameter card at the mainframe.

The NetView for MVS operator task is the name of the mainframe NetView operator task. Use the SVCMD_OPERATOR parameter in the workstation in the /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME file. This value is used by CiscoWorks Blue SNA View to issue and receive NetView commands. This parameter is applicable when NetView is present on the mainframe; it must match the value established during the NetView updates for the mainframe installation.

The logmode specifies the VTAM logmode entry. Use PARALLEL on the SERVER parameter card.

The message transaction program identifies the SNA View workstation message server transaction program (MESSAGE_TP). Code NSPOPNMS on the SERVER parameter card.

The command transaction program identifies the SNA View workstation command server transaction program (COMMAND_TP). Code NSPOPNCS on the SERVER parameter card.

Coding the SERVER Parameter Card

You specify the mainframe parameters on the SERVER card in the NSPPARM member in the SNA View samples data set.



plu is the label of the VTAM APPL definition that you coded with APPC=YES, that is the primary LU for SNA View at the mainframe.

slu is the label of a CDRSC for the independent secondary LU defined for the SNA View workstation and associated with the SNA View workstation PU.

PARALLEL is the logmode.

NSPOPNMS is the name of the SNA LU 6.2 transaction program for the SNA View workstation message server (MESSAGE_TP). You must use NSPOPNMS.

NSPOPNCS is the name of the SNA LU 6.2 transaction program for the SNA View workstation command server (COMMAND_TP). You must use NSPOPNCS.

Defining the Workstation SNA Package

On the SNA View workstation, you configure LU 6.2 workstation parameters using the SNA package on the workstation (Communications Server for AIX or SNAplusLink). Use the following values:

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