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CiscoWorks Blue SNA View 1.0 Release Note

CiscoWorks Blue SNA View 1.0 Release Note

April 25, 1996

This release note discusses two elements of CiscoWorks Blue SNA View, Software Release 1.0:

Use this document in conjunction with:


This release note is organized as follows:

Hardware and Software Requirements

This section describes the hardware and software requirements for CiscoWorks Blue SNA View on the following components:

Workstation Requirements

CiscoWorks Blue SNA View can run on the following systems:

The network management systems listed here (NetView for AIX, HP OpenView, and SunNet Manager) are optional but recommended.

If the workstation will communicate with the mainframe by LU6.2 instead of TCP, see Table 1 for the requirement corresponding to your operating system.

Table  1: LU6.2 Stacks Supported by SNA View
on AIX on SunOS on HP-UX
LU6.2 Stack IBM AIX SNA Server/6000 version 2.1.1 not supported not supported

All platforms require the following hardware and software:

To verify your workstation's compliance with the requirements in this section, see Table 2.

Table  2: Hardware and Software Verification Methods
Verify on AIX on SunOS on HP-UX
Hard Disk Space df -I df -a bdf
OS Version oslevel uname -a uname -a
NMS Version lslpp -L nv6000.base.obj $SNMHOME/bin/
RAM Size lscfg | grep mem dmesg | grep mem /etc/dmesg | grep Kbytes
Swap Space Size lsps -a pstat -s swapinfo
X Window System

Ask your system administrator.

To create a file system, see the mkfs, fsck, mkdir, and mount manual pages.

Cisco Internetwork Operating System (Cisco IOS) Requirements

To be manageable by CiscoWorks Blue SNA View, all routers must be running the appropriate software version:

Mainframe Requirements

The mainframe application has the following requirements:

Note A future release of CiscoWorks Blue SNA View will not require a network management application (NetView or Netmaster) on the host.
Summary of Required System Software Changes

This is a summary of required changes to the mainframe system software.

Workstation Information

The information in this section applies to SNA View on AIX, HP-UX, and SunOS workstations.

Workstation Online Help and Documentation Caveats

The following errata have been discovered in the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide :

Workstation Installation, Configuration, and Deinstallation on AIX

See the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide.

Workstation Installation, Configuration, and Deinstallation on HP-UX and SunOS

Follow these steps to install and configure SNA View on SunOS and HP-UX. The installation and configuration processes take at least 30 minutes.

Step 1 If you are installing from a remote CD-ROM drive, insert the CD-ROM into the drive on a remote system and export the CD-ROM file system (make it available to an outside system). See "Exporting a CD-ROM File System from a SunOS or HP-UX System" and "Mounting a Remotely Exported CD-ROM File System on a Local System."

If you are installing from a local CD-ROM drive, insert the CD-ROM into the drive on the local system, then mount the CD-ROM file system on the local system. See "Mounting a Local CD-ROM on SunOS or HP-UX."

Step 2 Perform installation. See "Installing on SunOS and HP-UX."

Step 3 Perform configuration. See "Configuring SNA View on SunOS or HP-UX."

Step 4 After successful configuration, remove log files. See "Removing Log Files on SunOS or HP-UX."

Caution The instructions for mounting a remotely exported CD-ROM drive on a local system are for like systems. For example, the instructions are for exporting a CD-ROM file system from an HP-UX system and mounting it on another HP-UX system for installation, and for exporting from a SunOS system and mounting on SunOS, but not for cross-platform operation. If necessary, your system administrator can help you with cross-platform exporting and mounting.

If it is necessary to reinstall a CiscoWorks Blue product, deinstall the existing software using procedures in "Deinstalling on SunOS or HP-UX," then reinstall as if it were a new installation.

To stop the SunOS or HP-UX installation or configuration process at any time, press Break or Ctrl-C.

Exporting a CD-ROM File System from a SunOS or HP-UX System

The root .rhosts file on the remote system must contain the host name of your local system and an entry for the user root. Otherwise, you cannot access the remote system to download software from its CD-ROM drive. For more information, refer to the rhosts manual page.

To export a CD-ROM file system from a SunOS, Solaris, or HP-UX system, perform the following steps on the remote system:

Step 1 Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.

Step 2 Log in as the root user.

Step 3 Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:

If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.

Step 4 Create an /etc/exports file using a text editor, if the file does not exist.

Step 5 Edit the /etc/exports file to include the following line:

Step 6 If you just created /etc/exports (in Step 4), you must enable your workstation as an NFS server. Start the nfsd server option by entering the following at the UNIX command line:

Step 7 Mount the CD-ROM by entering the following command:

On SunOS:


In the SunOS command, the -r option mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.

In the HP-UX command, the -o ro option mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.

In each command, -t indicates the type of file system: hsfs for the ISO 9660 standard and cdfs for the High Sierra standard with Rock Ridge extensions.

In the SunOS command, replace the device_filename variable with /dev/sr0.

In the HP-UX command, replace the device_filename variable with /dev/dsk/c201d2s0 or a different device number reported by the /etc/ioscan program for the CD-ROM device.

Step 8 If the /etc/exports file existed previously (before Step 4), enter the following command to run exportfs:

Step 9 If /etc/exports did not exist previously, reboot your system.

Step 10 Go to "Mounting a Remotely Exported CD-ROM File System on a Local System."

Mounting a Remotely Exported CD-ROM File System on a Local System

To mount a file system that is exported from a remote system, perform the following steps on the local SunOS or HP-UX system:

Step 1 Log in as the root user.

Step 2 Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not already exist, by entering the following command:

Step 3 To mount a file system that is exported from a remote system, enter the following at the command prompt:

For example, to mount the /cdrom file system from a remote host called faraway on a local directory named /cdrom, enter the following command at the prompt:

The remote CD-ROM is ready for installation of software on the local system.

Step 4 Go to "Installing on SunOS and HP-UX."

Mounting a Local CD-ROM on SunOS or HP-UX

To prepare the system for installation of software from a local CD-ROM drive, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.

Step 2 Log in as the root user.

Step 3 Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:

If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.

Step 4 Mount the CD-ROM by entering the following command:

On SunOS:


In the SunOS command, the -r option mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.

In the HP-UX command, the -o ro option mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.

In each command, -t indicates the type of file system: hsfs for the ISO 9660 standard and cdfs for the High Sierra standard with Rock Ridge extensions.

In the SunOS command, replace the device_filename variable with /dev/sr0.

In the HP-UX command, replace the device_filename variable with /dev/dsk/c201d2s0 or a different device number reported by the /etc/ioscan program for the CD-ROM device.

Step 5 Go to "Installing on SunOS and HP-UX."

Installing on SunOS and HP-UX

After the CD-ROM is mounted, use this procedure to move the software to the host system.

The default for each prompt is the value in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter. Note that you can press Break or Ctrl-C to stop the installation script at any time.

Step 1 Start the interactive installation and configuration script by entering the following commands:

Step 2 In response the the following prompt, enter the source of the software to be installed.

On SunOS, press Enter to accept the default directory.

On HP-UX, enter the image file in which the software is stored.

Step 3 In response the the following prompt, press Enter. Do not override the default.

Step 4 In response to the following prompt, press Enter.

Step 5 The installation program reviews your responses to the previous questions and asks:

Press Enter to continue, or type n and press Enter to terminate installation.

Step 6 The program installs the software from CD-ROM and reports on its progress.

Step 7 Examine /tmp/update.log for error messages by typing the following command:

On SunOS, press Enter to accept the default directory.

On HP-UX, type:

Press Enter to advance the display one screenful at a time.

Step 8 Installation is complete. Go to "Configuring SNA View on SunOS or HP-UX."

If it is necessary to deinstall any or all CiscoWorks Blue Maps applications, see "Deinstalling on SunOS or HP-UX."

Deinstalling on SunOS or HP-UX

If it is necessary to deinstall CiscoWorks Blue Maps, such as after a failed installation, follow this procedure. Note that you can press Break or Ctrl-C to stop the deinstallation script at any time.

Step 1 Shut down the SNA View application.

Step 2 Log in as the root user and set the CWBROOT and NMSROOT environment variables.

If you are using the K shell, type commands like the following:

If you are using the C shell or the TC shell, type commands like the following:

Step 3 To start the interactive deinstallation script, type the following commands:

Step 4 Log in as the root user and type the following commands:

The deinstallation script lists the Maps and SNA View filesets that are installed.

Step 5 To deinstall the SNA View application only, type the following and press Enter:

Step 6 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to begin the deinstallation, or type n and press Enter to terminate deinstallation.

Step 7 When the system prompt returns, examine the deinstallation log file. Unless you see an error message in that file, deinstallation is complete.

On HP-UX, type:

On SunOS, there is no deinstallation log file.

Step 8 Remove the deinstallation log file. On HP-UX, type:

You can now reinstall the software.

Configuring SNA View on SunOS or HP-UX

Perform these steps on a SunOS or HP-UX system when installation of the software in complete.

The default for each prompt is the value in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter. Note that you can press Break or Ctrl-C to stop the configuration script at any time.

Step 1 To run the interactive configuration script, type the following:

Step 2 In response to the following prompt, type snaview to specify that you want to configure the SNA View product.

Step 3 The following prompt appears only if the CWBROOT variable is not already set. Press Enter to accept the default (the same directory in which you placed the software during installation), or type an alternate directory name.

Step 4 In response to the following prompt, type the name(s) of the SNA domains from which SNA View will collect information. Separate multiple names with a space.

If you are reconfiguring an existing domain, press Enter without typing a name.

Step 5 The configuration program reviews your responses to the previous questions and asks:

Press Enter to continue, or type n and press Enter to terminate configuration.

Step 6 An SNA View domain selection window pops up. The window lists the name of each domain you specified, plus the name of each pre-existing domain. In the Domain Selection Menu, click once on a domain name, then click the Select button at the bottom of the window.

The window also lists domains configured for the E/View/Open product from NetTech, Inc. Do not select a domain originally configured for EView/Open.

Step 7 See "Configuring Domain-Specific Parameters" in the "Installing and Configuring SNA View on AIX" chapter of the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide, and configure the selected domain. To put the cursor in a field where you want to make a change, point and click with the mouse. Press the TAB key to move down the list, or press Shift-TAB to move the cursor up the list. Click the scroll bar to move the form up and down.

Note that the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide incorrectly names the parameters with an SV prefix. The EV prefix that appears in the window is correct.

If you want to configure LU6.2 connectivity with the mainframe rather than the default TCP connectivity, see "Configuring LU6.2 Connectivity" under "Workstation Installation and Configuration Caveats" in this release note.

Step 8 When you are finished with the parameters of a given domain, click Save, then click Quit.

Step 9 Repeat Step 6 through Step 8 for each SNA domain.

Step 10 When you have configured each domain, click Close on the Domain Selection Menu.

Step 11 Click Done, then click Cancel.

Control returns to the window in which you previously executed the configuration script.

Step 12 Unmount the CD-ROM by entering the following commands:

Step 13 Eject the CD-ROM.

Step 14 Configuration is complete. Go to "Removing Log Files on SunOS or HP-UX."

Removing Log Files on SunOS or HP-UX

During installation and configuration, messages are recorded in a log file to provide diagnostic information in case a problem arises. Perform these commands on a SunOS or HP-UX system when you are satisfied that configuration of the software is complete.

On SunOS:

# rm /usr/cw-blue/log/cwb_install.log


# rm /tmp/update.log
Note Do not use rm *.log to remove the log files because the directory might contain other applications' log files that you do not want to remove.

Workstation Installation and Configuration Caveats

The installation caveats in this section apply to SNA View on AIX, HP-UX, and SunOS workstations.

Environment Variables

Table 3 lists the environment variables applicable to CiscoWorks Blue SNA View on AIX, HP-UX, and SunOS.

Table  3: CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Environment Variables
Variable Typical Value
CWBROOT /usr/cw-blue
NMSROOT /usr/nms
HHPATH $NMSROOT/hyperhelp/bin

You Need Not Set AIX Environment Variables by Hand

You do not have to set the environment variables described in Step 3 of "Installing CiscoWorks Blue SNA View" in the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) installation process performs this step automatically.

You Must Set Environment Variables Before Deinstallation on Any Platform

Before deinstalling SNA View from any platform, you must set the CWBROOT and NMSROOT environment variables by hand.

SMIT Screens in AIX 3.2.5 Are Not the Same As in AIX 4.1

The CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide describes installation of the product using SMIT that is part of AIX 3.2.5. In AIX 4.1, the SMIT screens are slightly different.

EV and EVO Prefixes are Correct, Not SV Prefixes

All parameters is Table 2-2 on page 2-15 and 2-16 of the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide should have an EV prefix, not SV. During configuration, you see the correct EVxxx parameters in the Domain Configuration window.

The default value of the EVOCMD_OPERATOR parameter (shown in Table 2-2 on page 2-16) is NSPAUTO1.

Check Your Spelling When Configuring Domains

The evoXconfig utility (found in the $CWBROOT/snaview/bin directory) accepts configuration parameters for each mainframe domain that is managed by SNA View. The utility is invoked by SMIT or the configuration script and can be executed independently if you want to modify parameters without using SMIT or the configuration script. When you are entering data into evoXconfig, read the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide carefully because the utility does not detect invalid or misspelled input.

Configuring LU6.2 Connectivity

To configure LU 6.2 connectivity between an AIX workstation and a mainframe domain, perform these steps.

Step 1 As the root user,

Domain is the domain name.

Step 2 Start the evoXconfig tool:

Typically, set the parameters as follows.

Step 3 Use SMIT to set up two SNA Server/6000 Transaction Program profiles for the LU6.2 sessions:

Set "Full path to the TP executable" to /usr/cw-blue/snaview/bin/evohci_server.
Set "Server synonym name" to nsppencs.
Set "Full path to the TP executable" to /usr/cw-blue/snaview/bin/evohci_server.
Set "Server synonym name" to nsppenms.

Configuring TCP Connectivity to Multiple Domains

If you configure TCP connectivity to multiple mainframe domains, you must match the EVOMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT and EVOMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT parameters of each domain to the TCP Parameter Cards in the mainframe. (TCP Parameter Cards are documented on page 2-13 of the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Mainframe Installation Guide.) Example:

The TCP Parameter Card in the mainframe for domain north is:

TCP 6116 6117

The TCP Parameter Card in the mainframe for domain south is:

TCP 6126 6127

The workstation parameters for domain north should be:


The workstation parameters for domain south should be:


Workstation Operational Caveats

This section contains general caveats that apply to CiscoWorks Blue SNA View on all platforms.

Alert Server is Not Implemented

The Alert Server described in the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Workstation Installation Guide is not yet available.

Do Not Interfere with Discovery

When you launch discovery from the SNA View Task Manager, do not use the Task Manager's Clients> Mainframe Commands feature or the Status Manager until the Task Manager reports that the status of the Discover process is Inactive. Doing so might interfere with discovery and cause incorrect results.

HP and Sun Use TCP Connectivity Only

Support of LU6.2 connectivity to the host is not currently available in the SunOS or HP-UX versions of the product. When configuring a mainframe domain in the SunOS or HP-UX workstation application, always select TCP connectivity. LU6.2 connectivity on SunOS or HP-UX will be available in the future.

Online Help Hyperlinks Do Not Work

Hyperlinks in the online help system of SNA View do not work.

Let the PU Discover Process Finish

After you start start the PU Discover process from the SNA View Task Manager, allow it to complete before running other processes.

Mainframe Information

This section applies to the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View mainframe application.

Coexistence of SNA View and EView/Open from NetTech, Inc.

If CiscoWorks Blue SNA View will coexist on the workstation with EView/Open from NetTech, Inc., Cisco's NSPOPEN procedure on the mainframe will serve both SNA View and EView/Open on the workstation.

Installing SNA View When EView/Open Is Already Installed

To install SNA View when EView/Open is already installed and configured, follow the instructions in the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Mainframe Installation Guide. Note the"Mainframe Documentation Caveats" in this release note and the following clarifications to the procedure.

Step 1 Before you start the installation of SNA View, stop EVOPEN by entering the following:

Step 2 In the NetView procedure steplib, where the EVOPEN load modules were copied, rename the EVOPEN version of DSIEX06 to DSIEX06E, and rename DSIEX11 to DSIEX11E.

Step 3 See "Configuring IBM TCP/IP Connectivity" on page 2-4 where modifications to PROFILE.TCPIP are described. PROFILE.TCPIP must reflect that NSPOPEN uses certain ports for SNA View on the workstation and certain ports for EView/Open on the workstation. Modify entries in PROFILE.TCPIP as follows. Change entries like:


Also add the port numbers that will be utilized by SNA View, such as:

In this example, 6116 and 6117 are the ports to configure in the Domain Configuration window of SNA View on the workstation. 6106 and 6107 are the ports that are probably already configured for use by EView/Open on the workstation.

Step 4 There is a TCP Parameter Card (such as on page 2-13) for each domain already configured for EView/Open, such as:

Add a TCP Parameter Card for each additional domain that will be configured in the SNA View workstation software. The port numbers in the TCP Parameter Card for a given domain must match those defined in the PROFILE.TCPIP for the same domain. The following card matches the ports added in the previous step:

Step 5 Per the instructions under "Assembling and Linking NetView Exits" on page 2-16, copy the SNA View NetView modules from prefix.SNAVIEW.NSPLOAD into the NetView steplib. The modules have been assembled using NetView version 2.3, not 2.2 as stated on page 2-16.

Step 6 Start the NSPOPEN procedure on the mainframe to serve both the EView/Open and SNA View applications on the workstation.

Step 7 Start EView/Open and SNA View on the workstation and verify correct operation.

Installing EView/Open When SNA View Is Already Installed

If SNA View is already installed and configured, do not install EView/Open on the mainframe. SNA View's NSPOPEN procedure will serve both the EView/Open and SNA View applications on the workstation. Perform the following steps.

Step 1 PROFILE.TCPIP must reflect that NSPOPEN uses certain ports for SNA View on the workstation and certain ports for EView/Open on the workstation. PROFILE.TCPIP already shows that certain ports are configured for use by SNA View on the workstation, such as:

Add the port numbers that will be utilized by EView/Open, such as:

In this example, 6116 and 6117 are the ports to configure in the Domain Configuration window of EView/Open on the workstation.

Step 2 There is a TCP Parameter Card (such as on page 2-13) for each domain already configured for SNA View, such as:

Add a TCP Parameter Card for each additional domain that will be configured in the Eview/Open workstation software. The port numbers in the TCP Parameter Card for a given domain must match those defined in the PROFILE.TCPIP for the same domain. The following card matches the ports added in the previous step:

Step 3 Start the NSPOPEN procedure on the mainframe to serve both the EView/Open and SNA View applications on the workstation.

Step 4 Start EView/Open and SNA View on the workstation and verify correct operation.

Mainframe Documentation Caveats

The following errata appear in the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View Mainframe Installation Guide.

In the next release of SNA View, the existing example will be correct:
In the next release of SNA View, the existing example will be correct:
In the next release of SNA View, the text will revert to:
PROC Description
NSPKDOC Documentation of procs, how to implement SNA View
NSPKCNM Documentation on changes to CNMPROC for SNA View
NSPKPPO Documentation on changes to PPOPROC for SNA View
NSPKPPI PROC--CNM & PPO message PPI sender
NSPKCMD PROC--Command PPI receiver (NSPNETV)
NSPKCM1 PROC --Command issuer and sender
In the next release of SNA View, the existing text will be correct:

Mainframe Operational Caveats

If the MVS or VTAM Message Client Fails

If the MVS Message client or the VTAM Message client of the SNA View Task Manager stops receiving messages, enter the following on the MVS host console of a NetView console twice:


If the OUTPUTQ of your TCP task is reported to be non-zero and if it continued to grow between the first report and the second, stop and restart the mainframe application by entering the following commands.


Then start the SNA View Task Manager on the workstation. Access the domain whose message client had failed. Restart the Host Command Interface and Command Server for that domain.

Beware the VTAM MSGMOD Option

If you turn on the VTAM MSGMOD option at the mainframe for diagnostic purposes, supplemental information appears in messages to the workstation. This information causes errors in the Discover and Status Manager processes on the workstation. If you must activate MSGMOD, shut down SNA View on the workstation first.

Do Not Filter IST590I Messages

Do not filter mainframe IST590I messages. SNA View on the workstation relies on this message.

NSPOPEN Issues Messages With EVO Prefix

Many messages issued by NSPOPEN have an EVO prefix. In a future release of the software, all NSPOPEN messages will have a uniform prefix.

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