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Table Of Contents
Release Notes for
Cisco Transport Manager
Release 4.1.3What's New in CTM Release 4.1.3
Upgrading from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3 and Oracle8i on the Same Workstation
Upgrading from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3 and Oracle8i on Separate Workstations
Installing the CTM R4.1.3 Client
Verifying that the Oracle8i and CTM Server Processes Are Running
Installing the Sockaudit Patch
Adding the ONS 15454 R4.1.1 NE Version String to the Supported NE Table
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Release Notes for
Cisco Transport Manager
Release 4.1.3
September 14, 2006
These release notes describe the caveats for Cisco Transport Manager (CTM) Release 4.1.3. These release notes accompany the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Operations Guide and the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
You can access the most current Cisco documentation, including these release notes, online at http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/rtrmgmt/optnet/ctm/index.htm
This document includes the following topics:
What's New in CTM Release 4.1.3
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Customer Impact
This patch is applicable only to ONS 15454 R4.1.1.
Cisco Transport Manager is the element management system (EMS) for the Cisco Optical Networking System (ONS) 15000-series products. CTM provides standard fault, configuration, performance, and security management capabilities across the element and network management layers of the Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) reference architecture.
CTM GateWay is an architectural component that provides northbound EMS-to-network management system (NMS) interface mediation. CTM GateWay enables service providers to integrate CTM with their existing Operations Support Systems (OSSs) by using standardized open interfaces. In Release 4.1.3, Cisco offers TL1, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) interface options for CTM GateWay.
In CTM R4.1.3, the GateWay/CORBA functionality is sold separately.
What's New in CTM Release 4.1.3
Table 1 describes the features that are new to CTM R4.1.3.
Cisco recommends you read the entire maintenance release notes document before applying a new patch to your CTM-managed network.
Upgrading to CTM R4.1.3
This section describes how to upgrade from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3. This section contains the following subsections:
Upgrading from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3 and Oracle8i on the Same Workstation
Upgrading from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3 and Oracle8i on Separate Workstations
Installing the CTM R4.1.3 Client
Verifying that the Oracle8i and CTM Server Processes Are Running
Installing the Sockaudit Patch
Adding the ONS 15454 R4.1.1 NE Version String to the Supported NE Table
CautionDo not perform the historical migration, as this could cause unwanted results.
If you are upgrading from CTM R3.2.x or R4.0.x and you want to migrate your current database information, you must first upgrade to CTM R4.1. Refer to the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide for the exact installation procedure. After you install CTM R4.1, you can upgrade to CTM R4.1.3.
After upgrading to CTM R4.1.3, the old CTM server directory is moved to CiscoTransportManagerServerX.Y.Z, where X.Y.Z is the previous version of CTM software. If a CiscoTransportManagerServerX.Y.Z directory existed before the upgrade, the old CiscoTransportManagerServer.X.Y.Z directory is renamed with a time stamp as CiscoTransportManagerServerX.Y.Z-hh:mm:ss, where hh is the two-digit hour (in 24-hour format), mm is the two-digit minute, and ss is the two-digit second.
Any data previously saved under /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/admin, /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/images, /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/cms, /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/bin/jcorbagw.sh, and /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/cfg/corbagw.properties is saved under the new directory. Before removing the old version, move any relevant data to the new /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer directory.
For an explanation of error messages that you might encounter during the server installation, see Appendix B, "Installation Error Messages," in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
If you need instructions to mount or unmount CDs, see Appendix D, "Mounting and Unmounting CDs on Sun Solaris," in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
Upgrading from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3 and Oracle8i on the Same Workstation
This section describes how to upgrade from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3 when you are installing the CTM R4.1.3 server and the Oracle8i database on the same Sun Solaris 8 server.
The C shell is assumed for all UNIX commands entered during the server installation.
Install the CTM R4.1.3 Server
Do not install the CTM database.
To install the CTM server, log in as the root user and complete the following steps:
Step 1
If you are using an xterm window or a remote host, enter the following command to set the DISPLAY variable:
setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0
Step 2
Stop the CTM server by entering the following command:
Step 3
Insert the CTM R4.1.3 server installation CD and enter the following commands:
cd /cdrom/cdrom0/ctms
The setup program searches for Sun Microsystems JRE version 1.3.1_04 on your workstation.
If JRE is not installed, the setup program starts the Java installation program. Follow the prompts to install JRE. Enter yes at the following binary license code agreement prompt:
Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no]
Then, continue installing the CTM server.
If the required Solaris patches are missing, including patches 111327-03, 110934-04, 108827-19, 108528-15, 108652-65, 108921-15, 108940-46, 108714-07 or later, you must install them manually. Click Cancel; then, click Quit. Download the patches from SunSolve Online at http://sunsolve.sun.com. After you install the patches, continue installing the CTM server and database.
Wait for up to 60 seconds while the following message appears:
Installing Cisco Transport Manager server...
Step 4
Click Next at the Introduction screen.
Step 5
At the Select Products screen, check the Install Cisco Transport Manager Server check box; then, click Next.
CautionDo not check the other check boxes on the Select Products screen.
When you choose Install Cisco Transport Manager Server, the High Availability Installation option becomes available. This option applies only to HA installations. Do not choose it. To install HA, refer to the Cisco Transport Manager High Availability Installation Guide for CTM R4.1.
The license for CTM GateWay/CORBA is sold separately. If you are using this feature in a production environment, you must purchase the license. You can install CTM GateWay/CORBA when you install the CTM server; however, this section assumes that you are installing the two products separately. For more information, see Chapter 4, "Installing CTM GateWay/CORBA," in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
The license for CiscoView is sold separately if used to manage the ONS 15530, ONS 15540 ESP, or ONS 15540 ESPx. If you are using this feature in a production environment to manage the ONS 15530, ONS 15540 ESP, or ONS 15540 ESPx, you must purchase the license.
The license for CiscoView is bundled with CTM if used to manage the ONS 15501 DC or AC. You do not need to purchase a separate CiscoView license to manage the ONS 15501 DC or AC.
You can install CiscoView when you install the CTM server; however, this section assumes that you are installing the two products separately. For more information, see Chapter 6, "Installing and Setting Up CiscoView," in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.Step 6
At the CTM Group Information screen, enter the name of the UNIX group to which you want to assign administrator privileges. Click Next.
For information about this feature, see the "Overview of Sudo Commands" section in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
Step 7
At the License Agreement screen, read the license agreement and click the I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button. Click Next.
Step 8
At the Main Options screen, complete the following substeps:
Check the Check Systems Settings check box.
Check the Install CTM server check box.
Click Next.
Do not check the Create CTM Database check box or the Migrate historical data check box.
Step 9
At the Server IP Address screen, specify an IP address for the CTM server; then, click Next.
Step 10
At the Select Network Configuration screen, specify the size of your network; then, click Next.
Step 11
At the Option screen to "Optimize the system paramets in /etc/system", click Next.
Step 12
At the Specify CTM Database to Connect to screen, enter the IP address or host name of the workstation where Oracle8i is installed; then, click Next.
If you entered a host name, the setup program automatically translates the host name to a physical IP address and prompts you to confirm the address. Click Yes.
Step 13
At the Destination Folder screen, specify where you want to install the CTM server. The default directory is /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer. You can click Change to choose a different destination. After you specify your destination, click Next.
If the destination directory that you specified is a new directory, you receive the message "Specified directory does not exist, create it?" Click Yes.
CautionCTM checks for the /opt directory or a symbolic link to it. If CTM cannot find the /opt directory or a symbolic link, CTM creates a symbolic link automatically. Therefore, do not delete any instances of /opt from your CTM file structure.
Step 14
The Pre-Installation Summary screen shows the items that will be installed. Click Install.
Step 15
The Install Complete screen summarizes the results of the installation. Click Done.
Step 16
Reboot the system. The CTM server starts automatically after rebooting.
To verify that the CTM R4.1.3 server is running, enter the showctm command after the server reboots. In the output, you should see the text "CTMServer," "SnmpTrapService," and "SMService." This indicates that the CTM server is running. You should also see some NE-specific processes, depending on your network.
Updating CTM R4.1 Database Information to Support CTM R4.1.3
To update your CTM R4.1 database information to CTM R4.1.3:
Step 1
Stop the CTM server. As the root user, log into the CTM R4.1.3 server workstation and enter the following command:
Step 2
Verify that the Oracle server is running.
Enter the following command to log in as the Oracle user:
su - oracle
Enter the following command to verify that the Oracle8i database can connect to the CTM server:
tnsping Oracle_SID
The default Oracle SID is CTM4_1.
You should receive the following reply:
Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=IP_address) (Port=1521))
OK (time msec)
Step 3
If the Oracle server is not running, start the Oracle server by doing the following:
Log in as the Oracle user by entering the following command:
su -oracle
At the Oracle prompt, enter the following command:
sqlplus internal
Start Oracle; at the SQL prompt, enter the following command:
Oracle is started. An SQL prompt appears.
At the SQL prompt, enter the following command:
At the Oracle prompt, enter the following command:
Step 4
Move to the /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/bin directory by entering the following command:
cd /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/bin
Step 5
Run the ctm41_413.sh script by entering the following command:
./ctm41_413.sh <password for ctmanager Oracle user>
The default password for the ctmanager Oracle user is ctm123!.
Copy the Client Upgrade Files After the CTM Server Installation
You have two options to upgrade each client installation to the latest version of CTM which is on the server. You can choose to:
Manually upgrade each client installation. If you have a previously installed version of the CTM client, you must delete the directory where the previous client is installed before installing the CTM R4.1.3 client. See Installing the CTM Client on Microsoft Windows or Installing the CTM Client on Sun Solaris.
Automatically upgrade each client when it connects to a server. During login, if the CTM client software version is older than the CTM server software version, the client will be prompted for upgrade. See Starting the CTM Client in Microsoft Windows or Starting the CTM Client in Sun Solaris.
For this option you must copy the client installation files to the server. The CTM client and server installation files reside on separate installation CDs. To copy the client installation files to the server, you must eject the CTM server CD, insert the CTM client CD, and run an automated script, CopyUpgradeFiles.sh, to copy the client installation files to a specific folder under the CTM server installation directory. To do this, log in as the root user and complete the following steps:
The CTM server must be installed before completing the following steps.
Step 1
Enter the following commands to eject the CTM R4.1.3 server installation CD:
cd /
eject cdrom
Step 2
Insert the CTM R4.1.3 client installation CD and enter the following commands:
cd /cdrom/ctm/ctmc
Upgrading from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3 and Oracle8i on Separate Workstations
This section describes how to upgrade from CTM R4.1 to CTM R4.1.3 when you are installing the CTM R4.1.3 server and the Oracle8i database on separate Sun Solaris 8 servers.
The C shell is assumed for all UNIX commands entered during the server installation.
Install the CTM R4.1.3 Server
To install the CTM R4.1.3 server, log in as the root user on the workstation where the CTM R4.1.3 server will run and complete the following steps:
Step 1
Set the DISPLAY variable by entering the following command:
setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0
Step 2
Stop the CTM server by entering the following command:
Step 3
Insert the CTM R4.1.3 server installation CD and enter the following commands:
cd /cdrom/cdrom0/ctms
The CTM server installation begins. Wait for up to 60 seconds while the following message appears:
Installing Cisco Transport Manager server...
Step 4
Click Next at the Introduction screen.
Step 5
At the Select Products screen, check only the Install Cisco Transport Manager Server check box; then, click Next.
Step 6
At the CTM Group Information screen, confirm the name of the UNIX group to which you want to assign administrator privileges. Click Next.
Step 7
At the License Agreement screen, read the license agreement and click the I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button. Click Next.
Step 8
At the Main Options screen, check only the Install CTM server check box; then, click Next.
CautionDo not check the other check boxes on the Main Options screen.
Step 9
At the Server IP Address screen, specify an IP address for the CTM server; then, click Next.
Step 10
At the Select Network Configuration screen, specify the size of your network; then, click Next.
If you installed Oracle Standard Edition, you can only choose Small.
Step 11
At the Optimize the system parameters in /etc/system screen, click Next.
Step 12
At the Specify CTM Database to Connect to screen, enter the IP address or host name of the workstation where Oracle8i is installed; then, click Next.
If you entered a host name, the setup program automatically translates the host name to a physical IP address and prompts you to confirm the address. Click Yes.
Step 13
At the Destination Folder screen, specify where you want to install the CTM server. The default directory is /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer. You can click Change to choose a different destination. After you specify your destination, click Next.
If the destination directory that you specified is a new directory, you receive the message "Specified directory does not exist, create it?" Click Yes.
CautionCTM checks for the /opt directory or a symbolic link to it. If CTM cannot find the /opt directory or a symbolic link, CTM creates a symbolic link automatically. Therefore, do not delete any instances of /opt from your CTM file structure.
Step 14
The Pre-Installation Summary screen shows the items that will be installed. Click Install.
Step 15
The Install Complete screen summarizes the results of the installation. Click Done.
Step 16
Reboot the system. The CTM server starts automatically after rebooting.
To verify that the CTM R4.1.3 server is running, enter the showctm command after the server reboots. In the output, you should see the text "CTMServer," "SnmpTrapService," and "SMService." This indicates that the CTM server is running. You should also see some NE-specific processes, depending on your network.
Updating the CTM R4.1 Database Information to Support CTM R4.1.3
To update your CTM R4.1 database information to CTM R4.1.3:
Step 1
Stop the CTM server. As the root user, log into the CTM R4.1.3 server workstation and enter the following command:
Step 2
Verify that the Oracle server is running. If it is not running, start it by doing the following:
Log in as the Oracle user by entering the following command:
su -oracle
At the Oracle prompt, enter the following command:
sqlplus internal
Start Oracle; at the SQL prompt, enter the following command:
Oracle is started. An SQL prompt appears.
Step 3
At the SQL prompt, enter the following command:
Step 4
At the Oracle prompt, enter the following command:
Step 5
Move to the /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/bin directory by entering the following command:
cd /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/bin
Step 6
Run the ctm41_413.sh script by entering the following command:
./ctm41_413.sh <password for ctmanager Oracle user>
The default password for the ctmanager Oracle user is ctm123!.
Update the UNIX Environment on the Workstation Where the CTM R4.1.3 Server Will Run
To update the UNIX environment on the workstation where the CTM R4.1.3 server will run:
Step 1
Log in as the root user on the workstation where the CTM R4.1.3 server will run and insert the CTM R4.1.3 server installation CD.
Step 2
If the tnsnames.ora file in the /oraclesw/product/8.1.7/network/admin directory exists, enter the following commands to back up the file and copy it from the CTM R4.1.3 server installation CD:
cp /cdrom/cdrom0/ctms/cfg/{small | medium | large | high end}/tnsnames.ora /oraclesw/product/8.1.7/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
Step 3
Enter the following command to change file permissions:
chmod +w /oraclesw/product/8.1.7/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
Step 4
Edit the tnsnames.ora file by replacing the parameter CTMhostname with the host name or IP address of the workstation where Oracle8i is installed and running.
Step 5
Edit the /var/opt/oracle/oratab file by adding the following line as the first line in the file:
The default Oracle SID is CTM4_1.
Verify the Oracle8i Client Connection
To verify the Oracle8i client connection:
Step 1
Verify that the Oracle8i database is running on the workstation where it was installed.
Step 2
Enter the following command to log in as the Oracle user:
su - oracle
Step 3
Enter the following command to verify that the Oracle8i database can connect to the CTM server:
tnsping Oracle_SID
The default Oracle SID is CTM4_1.
You should receive the following reply:
Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=IP_address) (Port=1521))
OK (time msec)
Copy the Client Upgrade Files After the CTM Server Installation
You have two options to upgrade a client installation to the latest version of CTM which is on the server. You can choose to:
Manually upgrade each client installation. If you have a previously installed version of the CTM client, you must delete the directory where the previous client is installed before installing the CTM R4.1.3 client. See Installing the CTM Client on Microsoft Windows or Installing the CTM Client on Sun Solaris.
Automatically upgrade each client when it connects to a server. During login, if the CTM client software version is older than the CTM server software version, the client will be prompted for upgrade. See Starting the CTM Client in Microsoft Windows or Starting the CTM Client in Sun Solaris.
For this option you must copy the client installation files to the server. The CTM client and server installation files reside on separate installation CDs. To copy the client installation files to the server, you must eject the CTM server CD, insert the CTM client CD, and run an automated script, CopyUpgradeFiles.sh, to copy the client installation files to a specific folder under the CTM server installation directory. To do this, log in as the root user and complete the following steps:
The CTM server must be installed before completing the following steps.
Step 1
Enter the following commands to eject the CTM R4.1.3 server installation CD:
cd /
eject cdrom
Step 2
Insert the CTM R4.1.3 client installation CD and enter the following commands:
cd /cdrom/ctm/ctmc
Installing the CTM R4.1.3 Client
This section describes how to install and start the CTM client on Microsoft Windows or Sun Solaris.
This section contains the following topics:
Installing the CTM Client on Microsoft Windows
Starting the CTM Client in Microsoft Windows
Installing the CTM Client on Sun Solaris
Starting the CTM Client in Sun Solaris
For an explanation of error messages that you might encounter during the CTM client installation, see Appendix B, "Installation Error Messages," in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
Installing the CTM Client on Microsoft Windows
This section describes how to install the CTM client on your Windows 2000, NT 4.0, or XP workstation.
To install the CTM client on Windows, you must have administrator privileges on the local workstation and all the client software must be down before performing the installation.
Uninstall the Previous Version of the CTM Client
If you installed a previous version of the CTM client, you must uninstall that version before installing the CTM R4.1.3 client. See the "Uninstalling the CTM Client on Microsoft Windows" section in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
Install the CTM Client
To install the CTM client:
Step 1
Insert the CTM R4.1.3 client installation CD and navigate to ctmc\win32\setup.exe. Double-click setup.exe.
Step 2
Click Next at the Introduction screen.
Step 3
At the Destination Folder screen, complete the following substeps:
Specify where you want to install the CTM client. The default destination folder is C:\Cisco\TransportManagerClient4_1_1. You can click Change to choose a different destination.
Specify whether you want to create a CTM desktop icon, a CTM shortcut in the Start menu, or both. If you choose the Start menu shortcut option, specify the destination folder for the shortcut. The default shortcut folder is Programs\Cisco Transport Manager.
Click Next.
If the destination directory that you specified is a new directory, you receive the message "Specified directory does not exist, create it?" Click Yes.
Step 4
The Pre-Installation Summary screen shows the items that will be installed and the space that is required. Click Install.
Step 5
The Install Complete screen summarizes the results of the installation. Click Done.
Step 6
Eject the CTM R4.1.3 client installation CD.
Specify the Default Browser to Display the Online Help
In Microsoft Windows, CTM uses the default browser to display the online help. If you want to use a specific browser to launch the CTM online help, make that the default browser for your workstation.
During testing, Cisco uses Internet Explorer and Netscape to display the online help; other browsers have not been tested.
Starting the CTM Client in Microsoft Windows
To start the CTM client:
Step 1
Depending on the option you chose during installation, double-click the CTM desktop icon or choose the CTM Start menu shortcut to start the client.
It is not necessary to restart the workstation.
Step 2
The first time you log in, use the default username and password:
Username: SysAdmin
Password: CTM123!
The username and password are case sensitive.
Step 3
Enter the CTM server host name or IP address and click OK.
Do not enter a host name unless Domain Name System (DNS) is enabled in your network.
Step 4
For security reasons, you are prompted to change the password after you log in for the first time. Click Yes. The password must:
Contain at least 6, but not more than 12 characters.
Contain at least two alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z).
Contain at least one numeric character (0-9).
Contain at least one special character (. ; : % & ! + #).
Not contain the username or any circular shift of the username. An uppercase letter and its corresponding lowercase letter are considered equivalent. For example, if the username is Arthur, the password cannot contain the string arthur, rthura, thurar, hurart, urarth, or rarthu.
Change the password; then, click OK.
Step 5
Click OK in the login advisory dialog box.
Step 6
If your CTM client software version is older than the CTM server software version, you are prompted with the following dialog box:
CTM client needs to be upgraded for proper operation. Do you want to start the upgrade now? Selecting "No" will exit the application.
Click Yes. The CTM server automatically upgrades your CTM client to the newer version. Click OK at the "Proceeding with upgrade" prompt and follow the prompts to install the newer client version.
The default SysAdmin user has limited privileges. Create new CTM users with Superuser privileges to have access to all CTM operations. Depending on access given to users, other privileges, such as operator or provisioner privileges, can be added from the CTM client. Refer to the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Operations Guide for information about user profiles and creating CTM users.
Installing the CTM Client on Sun Solaris
This section describes how to install the CTM client on your Sun Solaris 8 workstation.
Uninstall the Previous Version of the CTM Client
If you installed a previous version of the CTM client, you must delete the directory where the previous client is installed before installing the CTM R4.1.3 client. See the "Uninstalling the CTM Client on Sun Solaris Section" in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
Install the CTM Client
To install the CTM client:
Step 1
Log in as the root user and insert the CTM R4.1.3 client installation CD.
Step 2
From a terminal window, enter the following commands:
cd /cdrom/cdrom0/ctmc/solaris
The CTM client installation begins. Wait for up to 60 seconds while the following message appears:
Installing Cisco Transport Manager client...
Step 3
Click Next at the Introduction screen.
Step 4
At the Destination Folder screen, specify where you want to install the CTM client. The default destination folder is /opt/CiscoTransportManagerClient. You can click Change to choose a different destination. After you specify your destination, click Next.
If the destination directory that you specified is a new directory, you receive the message "Specified directory does not exist, create it?" Click Yes.
Step 5
At the CTM Group Information screen, enter the name of the UNIX group to which you want to assign administrator privileges. The default is the group name of the root user. You can uncheck the "Ignore user-entered group name" check box and enter the group name of your choice. After you specify the CTM group name, click Next.
The group name should exist on the UNIX workstation. The users that belong to the group should have the umask 002 command configured.
Step 6
The Pre-Installation Summary screen shows the items that will be installed and the space that is required. Click Install.
Step 7
The Install Complete screen summarizes the results of the installation. Click Done.
Step 8
Enter the following commands to eject the CTM R4.1.3 client installation CD:
cd /
eject cdrom
Requirements to Display the Online Help
In Sun Solaris, CTM invokes the netscape command to display the online help. By default, the directory where your Netscape executable is installed must be in your PATH environment variable.
If you are using CiscoView, you should use Netscape 4.76.
If you are using Netscape 4.76 on a Solaris workstation, the online help does not open if Netscape is not already open. Therefore, open the Netscape browser before opening the CTM online help. This problem does not apply if you are using Netscape 4.79 and later.
If you cannot launch the online help, open a command prompt from another window and enter the xhost + command. Also, verify that the DISPLAY variable is set correctly.
Starting the CTM Client in Sun Solaris
To start the CTM client:
Step 1
At the console, enter the following command:
The installation program creates a soft link on /usr/bin for ctmc-start. If the soft link is missing, enter install_directory/ctmc-start at the console.
The following message appears:
Starting Cisco Transport Manager client. Please wait.
Wait 10 to 20 seconds for the CTM client application to start.
Step 2
The first time you log in, enter the default username and password:
Username: SysAdmin
Password: CTM123!
The username and password are case sensitive.
Step 3
Enter the CTM server host name or IP address and click OK.
Do not enter a host name unless DNS is enabled in your network.
Step 4
For security reasons, you are prompted to change the password after you log in for the first time. Click Yes. The new password must:
Contain at least 6, but not more than 12 characters.
Contain at least two alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z).
Contain at least one numeric character (0-9).
Contain at least one special character (.; : % & ! + #).
Not contain the username or any circular shift of the username. An uppercase letter and its corresponding lowercase letter are considered equivalent. For example, if the username is Arthur, the password cannot contain the string arthur, rthura, thurar, hurart, urarth, or rarthu.
Change the password; then, click OK.
Step 5
Click OK in the login advisory dialog box.
Step 6
If your CTM client software version is older than the CTM server software version, you are prompted with the following dialog box:
CTM client needs to be upgraded for proper operation. Do you want to start the upgrade now? Selecting "No" will exit the application.
Click Yes. The CTM server automatically upgrades your CTM client to the newer version. Click OK at the "Proceeding with upgrade" prompt and follow the prompts to install the newer client version.
The default SysAdmin user has limited privileges. Create new CTM users with Superuser privileges to have access to all CTM operations. Refer to the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Operations Guide for information about user profiles and creating CTM users.
Verifying that the Oracle8i and CTM Server Processes Are Running
After installation, complete the following steps to verify that the Oracle8i and CTM server processes are running:
Step 1
Enter the following command on the CTM database workstation to verify that Oracle8i is running:
/bin/ps -aef | grep ora
You should see multiple processes running.
Step 2
Enter the following command to verify that the CTM R4.1.3 server is running:
In the output, you should see the text "CTMServer," "SnmpTrapService," and "SMService." This indicates that the CTM server is running. You should also see some NE-specific processes, depending on your network.
Step 3
If the CTM server is not running, log into the UNIX workstation as the root user and enter the following command:
If you do not have root user privileges but you belong to the UNIX group that can use sudo functionality to run commands as nonroot, enter the following command:
sudo ctms-start
For information about this feature, see the "Overview of Sudo Commands" section in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide.
Setting Up Sudo
As described in the "Overview of Sudo Commands" section in the Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide, the CTM server installation includes installation of the UNIX sudo command. This command allows nonroot users who belong to the UNIX group specified during installation to run certain CTM administrative commands. For security reasons, the installed sudo command setuid is disabled by default. You must enable setuid on the sudo command in order for it to work.
To enable setuid:
Step 1
Log into the CTM server as the root user.
Step 2
Enter the following command:
chmod 4111 /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/admin/sudo/sudo
Step 3
Verify that users have /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/admin/sudo in their path environment, so that they can execute sudo without having to specify the full path.
Sudo is often available in the standard UNIX environment established by the CTM server system administrator. If so, it is not necessary to use the sudo bundled with CTM or follow this procedure to enable it. Instead, you can use the sudo established by the system administrator.
Installing the Sockaudit Patch
The sockaudit patch works around a problem where Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) and CTM database backup requests fail on the ONS 15454 SONET R3.0.x and R3.1. This problem is triggered by sending simultaneous file transfer requests (such as database backup, restore, or software download). The typical cause is a duplicate cron job.
If your network contains ONS 15454 SONET R3.0.x or R3.1 NEs, complete the following steps to install the sockaudit patch:
Step 1
Insert the CTM R4.1.3 server installation CD.
Step 2
Log into the CTM server as the root user and enter the following commands to run the sockaudit installer:
cd /cdrom/cdrom0/patches/sockaudit
Step 3
Enter the path where sockaudit will be installed. The default path is /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/sockaudit.
Press Enter to accept the default path.
Step 4
After the installation is finished, you are prompted to edit the root user's crontab.
Crontab is a scheduling program. Its files consist of lines, each of which contains six fields. The fields are separated by spaces or tabs. The first five are integer patterns that specify the following:
Minute (0 to 59)
Hour (0 to 23)
Day of the month (1 to 31)
Month of the year (1 to 12)
Day of the week (0 to 6, where 0 represents Sunday)
Each of these patterns can be either an asterisk (meaning all legal values) or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number or two numbers separated by a hyphen (meaning an inclusive range).
For example, to run the job nightly at 12:30 a.m., enter the following command:
30 0 * * * path/sockaudit/sockaudit_cron.sh
After the cron job runs, events are written to the log file path/sockaudit/saudit.log. You can expect execution of the script to take up to 30 seconds per NE over a DCC connection, so you should not schedule memory backups for at least 30 seconds per NE after the cron job.
Adding the ONS 15454 R4.1.1 NE Version String to the Supported NE Table
In order for CTM to support the ONS 15454 R4.1.1, you must add the software version to the Supported NE Table. Complete the following steps:
Step 1
Log into the CTM client with the appropriate CTM user access profile.
Step 2
In the Domain Explorer window, choose Administration > Supported NE Table.
Step 3
Select the row that lists "Cisco ONS 15454" as the NE model and "04.11-003K-21.16" as the version.
Step 4
Choose Edit > Add (or click the Add Supported NE tool).
Step 5
The Add Supported NE dialog box opens. Change the version string from 04.11-003K-21.16 to 04.11-003L-24.19. The Version Name field remains 15454 4.11.
Step 6
Click OK.
Resolved Caveats
Table 2 lists caveats that are resolved in CTM R4.1.3.
The following sections describe the caveats that are not resolved in the CTM R4.1.3 software.
CTM Client Caveats
Installation and Migration
ID CSCdz10315Symptom
The installer shows that required Solaris patches are not installed, when in fact they might be installed.
During installation, you might receive the following error:
Checking Solaris patches for JRE 1.3.1
awk: record `Patch: 108528-13 Obs...' has too many fields
If one of the patchadd -p output lines is too long, the awk command fails and the installer indicates that the patches are not installed.
Manually check if the patches in the patchlist2.8 file are installed on the server. The patchlist2.8 file is located in the ctms directory on the CTM CD-ROM. If the required Solaris patches are missing, you must install them manually. Download the patches from SunSolve Online at http://sunsolve.sun.com.
ID CSCeb32158Symptom
The CTM server installation scripts ctms-start and ctms-stop fail to start/stop the CiscoView server, and the CTM server uninstallation script does not uninstall CiscoView.
The first case can occur when CiscoView is not installed. The second case occurs with the ZeroG installation package, when it cannot remove CiscoView files along with CTM server files.
To uninstall CiscoView, enter:
This removes the CiscoView installation files. When you try to install the CiscoView server again, the old files are removed first; then, CiscoView is installed.
ID CSCin47468Symptom
The Help directory is not deleted with a client uninstallation, and the uninstall results incorrectly show that all directories were successfully removed.
This problem occurs when you uninstall the client.
Delete all directories manually.
Performance Monitoring
ID CSCdy68043Symptom
If an NE's time-of-day clock changes while the NE is in service, PM data collection might be incorrect.
If the NE time offset changes, CTM does not receive an event from CTC. Therefore, the PM Service cannot dynamically change the time of a scheduled data collection.
Mark the NE as Out of Service (in the Network Element Properties sheet > Status tab > Operational State field) and click Save. Then, mark the NE as In Service and click Save.
ID CSCeb53923Symptom
The HP-BBER value on STM-16 cards is displayed as N/A.
HP-BBER is a ratio PM statistic that should never be greater than 1. Due to errors in the collected HP-BBER value on the STM-16 card, the reported value is greater than 1. When the HTTP interface on the NE (which CTM uses to gather PM statistics) encounters erroneous values, it converts them to -1, a value that CTM normally interprets and displays as N/A.
ID CSCeb54312Symptom
CPU utilization is high (around 65%) whenever PM Service is running and PM collection is enabled for a large number of NEs.
This problem occurs on ONS 15327, ONS 15454 SONET, and ONS 15454 SDH NEs with Release 3.4 or 4.0 that contain Ethernet cards and have PM collection enabled.
Disable Ethernet PM collection (Control Panel > PM Service > ONS 15327/ONS 15454/ONS 15454 SDH > PM Collection Parameters > Ethernet PM). Alternately, upgrade the NE software to Release 4.1.
ID CSCeb71554Symptom
Cannot sort on any columns in the POS PM Table.
The sort functionality does not work in the ML-series POS PM Table displayed for the ONS 15454 SONET and ONS 15454 SDH.
ID CSCeb71610Symptom
The last cleared time stamp shown in CTM for preprovisioned cards or out-of-service Ethernet ports is incorrect.
This problem occurs if you preprovision an Ethernet card on an ONS 15327, ONS 15454 SONET, or ONS 15454 SDH, or install the card physically and keep the port out of service, then enable PM collection in CTM. The Ethernet PM statistics are shown as ENEQ when the card is not physically present or when the ports are out of service and Ethernet PM collection has not started on the hardware. However, the last cleared time stamp displays an invalid value in the Ethernet PM Table.
The last cleared time stamp does not make sense when the card is preprovisioned or when historical Ethernet PM collection has not yet occurred. Ignore the time stamp on the Ethernet PM Table.
ID CSCed52322Symptom
PM tables for ML cards are not initialized for proxy/firewall setup.
This problem occurs if you configure a resilient packet ring (RPR) between nodes and create a VLAN when PM data collection is enabled. If you open a PM table for an ONS 15454 SDH node that contains ML cards, the CTM client might not show PM data for the ML cards.
ID CSCin34720Symptom
An ONS 15454 R3.3 NE might show invalid PM data for a preprovisioned card.
This problem applies to PM data collection for preprovisioned cards.
ID CSCin45451Symptom
RxPackets counts are displayed incorrectly for ONS 15454 E-series cards.
This problem applies to the ONS 15454 R3.0.3 and R3.2.1.
From the Domain Explorer, choose Configuration > ONS 15454 and launch CTC to see the correct RxPackets counts.
ID CSCin51374Symptom
The PM Query by NE Model and PM Query by Category options show different values for pointer justification parameters.
This problem occurs when the PM Service is running in optimized mode and the SONET line parameters are either all zero or ENEQ, or a blank is displayed for them in the SONET PM table. This issue applies to the ONS 15327, ONS 15454 SONET, and ONS 15454 SDH.
Because the PM Service is running in optimized mode, which indicates it is being used to monitor only the positive non-zero value of these counters, you can safely ignore this issue. There are no mismatches when the counters are non-zero and positive.
ID CSCeb64027Symptom
Inventory table entries are shown as unknown for:
Type:Mid Band SM
Description 200Mbps-1250 Mbps
Perform the following steps to view the correct information.
Step 1
Telnet to the IP address of the desired NE and execute the CLI command:
>show hardware details
This prints all the information except capacity range.
Step 2
To retrieve the capacity execute the commands:
>conf t
>interface <slot-number/sub-slot-number/port-number>
>clock rate ?
ID CSCuk44503Symptom
If you try to sort a PM table on the "In Pwr" and "Out. Pwr" columns, the table closes with EID-315.
This problem occurs under the following conditions:
In the Domain Explorer, select an ONS 1580x NE and choose Performance > PM Query by NE Model.
As the Type, choose Amplifiers; do not change the other selections. Click Next.
Select Pre-line amplifiers and click Next.
Click Next again.
Click Finish.
The PM table opens. Try to sort on the "In Pwr" or "Out. Pwr" columns. The table closes with EID-315.
ID CSCea00262Symptom
ONS 15454 SDH PM tables do not contain far-end path-level PM data for E1-14 and E1-42 electrical cards.
This problem occurs if the frame format for E1-14 and E1-42 cards is multiframe E1 framing with CRC-4 checksums (E1_CRCMF). This problem applies to the ONS 15454 SDH R3.4.1 and R4.0.
Upgrade to the ONS 15454 SDH R4.1.
ID CSCea02586Symptom
CTM and CTC display invalid threshold crossing alerts (TCAs) for EC1N cards.
EC1N cards on ONS 15454 SONET NEs show invalid TCAs such as T-BBES and T-BBEMS.
ID CSCea13800Symptom
TCAs generated for pointer justification counts are not reflected for STM1 cards.
The Multiplex Section PM Table for STM1 and STM4-4 cards does not show TCAs for MS-PPJCPDET, NPJCPDET, PPJCPGEN, and NPJCPGEN parameters.
ID CSCea14023Symptom
PM statistics for regenerator section (RS) parameters on trunk port #5 are not colored purple when TCAs are raised.
If TCAs are raised for RS parameters on trunk port #5, the fields in the PM table should have a purple background. Instead, the background color is missing.
Use the Alarm Log window to view TCA information for RS parameters on trunk port #5.
ID CSCea20982Symptom
PM statistics for multiplex section severely errored seconds (SES) for transponder modules are colored purple when there is no PM data for that parameter.
This problem occurs in the Multiplex Section PM Table. The fields in the table should have a purple background if a TCA has been raised. In this case, the fields are purple even though no PM data exists for the SES PM parameter.
ID CSCin35137Symptom
The Alarm Log and PM tables do not show higher order path unavailable seconds (HP-UAS) and lower order VC3 path unavailable seconds (VC3-LP-UAS) TCAs for DS3I cards.
When an HP-UAS or VC3-LP-UAS TCA occurs, the ONS 15454 SDH R3.4.1 does not generate a TCA.
ID CSCdx80747Symptom
It takes a long time to open the Filter dialog box for the NE User Access Administration Table.
This problem might occur if you select many NEs (or a group that contains many NEs) in the Domain Explorer tree, open the NE User Access Administration Table, and try to open the Filter dialog box.
Select a group that contains fewer NEs or select an NE node. Then, launch the NE User Access Administration Table and open the Filter dialog box.
ID CSCea31454Symptom
The NE Software Table indicates that software was successfully activated or reverted, but the Job Monitor Table reports that the operation failed.
This problem occurs if you open the NE Software Table and the Job Monitor Table. If you activate or revert software on an under-maintenance or out-of-service NE, the Job Monitor Table indicates that the job failed.
Mark the NE as In Service and click Save. Then, activate or revert software on the NE.
ID CSCed49406Symptom
During L2 topology creation on ONS 15454 SDH NEs, the L2 Service Resync state is shown as "Partial Complete" for ML cards that were used previously in a point-to-point (PTP) or RPR topology.
If you have a barebone configuration file and you create a PTP topology, the L2 Service Resync state is shown as "Complete." If you create VLANs with this topology, the state is still shown as "Complete." If you then delete the VLANs and topology and create a new PTP topology using the same cards, the L2 Service Resync state changes to "In Progress" and then to "Partial Complete," where it remains indefinitely.
ID CSCed49907Symptom
Cannot enable the L2 service front port.
This problem occurs if you log in as a provisioner, network administrator, or superuser and choose the Modify Port Drop menu option in the L2 Topology Table. Select the port and try to enable or disable it. CTM returns the error "Failed to modify port." The error message details show "Can't update port on cards."
NE Explorer
ID CSCdx96050 (Related DDTS numbers: CSCin17418, CSCdy52385)Symptom
When performing add card operations on the NE Explorer, the GUI response is delayed for several minutes or more.
This problem might occur if the NE contains one or more configured DS3XM cards. The more DS3XM cards the NE contains, the more likely it is that this problem will occur.
ID CSCec12193Symptom
Changing the control mode in the ONS 15216 NE Explorer > Laser tab when the pumps are in idle mode causes the Control Mode combo box to display a blank field.
If you open the ONS 15216 EDFA2 NE Explorer > Laser tab and try to change the control mode for either of the pumps from Idle to another mode, the Control Mode combo box is shown as a blank.
Click the combo box and reselect the mode you want to set.
Domain Explorer
ID CSCin50859Symptom
When an NE is added to a newly created network partition, the partition is shown as inactive even after the NE becomes reachable.
This problem occurs if you add a new network partition to the Subnetwork Explorer, then add a new NE to the newly created network partition. When the new NE becomes in service and available, the network partition is still shown as inactive.
Close and reopen the Subnetwork Explorer window.
ID CSCin51761Symptom
The Domain NE Table for an unmanaged NE displays incorrect information for some of the fields.
In the Domain NE Table for an unmanaged NE, the IP address, GNE ID, and other fields are shown as blank, when they should be shown as N/A; and other fields, such as PM State, should be shown as N/A, but are shown as disabled.
ID CSCin51856Symptom
Occasionally, an error message is returned when trying to launch the Alarm Browser, Alarm Log, Job Monitor Table, Audit Log, or Error Log from the Domain Explorer.
If you try to launch the Alarm Browser, Alarm Log, Job Monitor Table, Audit Log, or Error Log from the Domain Explorer, the following exception is thrown:
Exception while creating metadata for ACTIVE_ALARM_VIEW_WITH_ACK
Launch a new CTM client.
Circuit and Link Management
ID CSCeb66319Symptom
No SCEs are sent when the ML VLAN state changes from Complete to Incomplete and vice versa.
This problem occurs when the ML VLAN state toggles between Complete and Incomplete.
ID CSCeb68751Symptom
During point-to-point L2 topology creation from an ML-series card to an optical card, nodes with XC10G cards are shown in the VC LO Grooming node options.
This problem occurs when you use the L2 Topology Creation wizard to create a VC3 point-to-point topology with an ML-series card as the source and an OC-N card as the destination.
Select a non-XC10G node as the grooming node.
ID CSCeb73839Symptom
An error message is returned when creating a VC3 RPR in autoroute mode.
While creating a VC3 RPR in autoroute mode, if you select the Review Route Before Creation option in the Routing Preferences screen, a "No link exists" error message is returned.
Go back to the Routing Preferences screen and deselect the Review Route Before Creation option. Then, proceed with RPR creation.
ID CSCeb79152Symptom
From the L2 Topology wizard, creation of a VC3-rate RPR using an existing tunnel fails.
This problem occurs while creating a VC3-rate RPR if you select the autoroute option and if you try to use an existing tunnel.
Create the VC3 topology using a new tunnel, not an existing one.
ID CSCec72524Symptom
TL1 circuits remain in the "DELETING" state.
When TL1 circuits are deleted via CTM, the circuits remain in the "DELETING" state and are not deleted from the CTM database, even though they are deleted from the network or CTC.
Restart the NE Service to resynchronize the circuits. This issue is resolved in CTM R4.1.4 and in the CTM R4.1.3 patch. Contact your Cisco account representative for the CTM R4.1.3 patch.
ID CSCdz51064Symptom
DS3I cards cannot transmit a J1 path trace on the ONS 15454 SDH.
The DS3I card supports setting the transmit string for the J1 path trace on a circuit with CTPs; however, the received string on the destination CTP is not supported. This issue applies to the ONS 15454 SDH R3.4 and R3.4.1. This issue occurs on certain hardware and firmware versions of the DS3I card.
ID CSCeb25496Symptom
Multiple circuit creation is not allowed for circuits with multiple sources or destinations.
ID CSCeb25633Symptom
The higher order circuit source and destination displayed in circuit tables does not have a circuit size range.
This problem occurs wherever circuit end points are shown in the GUI.
The range information is part of the circuit size and is contiguous.
ID CSCeb33907Symptom
During an upgrade from two-fiber to four-fiber MSSP, the summary table shown in the Protect Port Selection screen is blank.
This problem occurs if you change the span reversion in the Upgrade screen and then click Next to show the Protect Port Selection screen.
ID CSCeb43770Symptom
Cannot complete the roll on a unidirectional circuit whose destination is being rolled.
This problem occurs only when the destination is being rolled. The roll enters the ROLL_PENDING state and cannot be completed (the Complete button is disabled).
Use CTC launched from CTM to complete the roll.
ID CSCeb65918Symptom
While creating monitor circuits, you cannot apply the circuit state to the ports.
This problem occurs whenever you create monitor circuits.
ID CSCeb65980Symptom
Cannot create protection channel access (PCA) drops on a unidirectional circuit.
This problem occurs while creating drops on a unidirectional circuit.
Create the drop from CTC.
ID CSCeb66172Symptom
When you create multiple circuits of type VC_LO_PATH_CIRCUIT and size VC12, the created circuits are not in the correct order up to the VC12 level.
This problem occurs only on VC12 circuits on ONS 15454 SDH NEs. The circuits use the time slots in the correct order only up to TUG2.
If the order is important, create the first circuit on the first available TPS on VC3, TUG2, VC12. This ensures that the correct order is used. Alternately, use CTC to create these types of circuits.
ID CSCeb68844Symptom
Link utilization is shown incorrectly on intermediate nodes of a circuit going through the tunnel off of these nodes.
This problem occurs if you create a tunnel involving more than two nodes. Create a circuit through that tunnel—for example, from node A to B to C to D. Link utilization observed at link A to B does not include CTPs from the context of B. CTPs are retrieved from the A side of the link, but from a calculation perspective, because the same CTPs are not retrieved from side B, link utilization counts the CTPs as unprovisioned. Therefore, only 50% of the usage is considered for the overall calculation.
ID CSCeb76537Symptom
The Link Table displays VC3-2 instead of VC3-1 in certain cases.
CTM link utilization is shown incorrectly when a VT circuit goes over VAP and VT Tunnel, or when the VT circuit uses VAP for some of its spans and non-VAP for the rest.
Use the Circuit Trace window to identify the correct lower order circuit details that the circuit uses.
ID CSCeb78781Symptom
During circuit creation, the Review Route > Selected Span option does not show TUG3, TUG2, and VC12 values for the selected span.
This problem applies to VC3 and VC12 circuit creation.
Create the circuit; then, use the Circuit Table to view the TUG3, TUG2, and VC12 values.
ID CSCin51766Symptom
The Ethernet PM table does not contain StatsLastLineClearedTime. Also, the table displays average Ethernet utilization statistics, which are not supported for R4.1 NEs. Finally, the Rx and Tx PM parameters are not grouped together.
This problem occurs when you use the PM Query by Category wizard to launch the Ethernet PM table for an R4.1 NE.
Use the PM Query by NE Model wizard to launch the Ethernet PM table.
ID CSCeb80047Symptom
Ethergroup VC4 circuit creation fails.
This problem occurs if you create the circuit with any state other than In Service.
Create the circuit with In Service as the state.
ID CSCin51888Symptom
For VT (DS1) circuits starting on an XTC card on ports other than 1, the loopback state shown is that of port 1. In other words, if loopback is set to terminal on port 1, circuits passing through ports 2 through 28 show the loopback terminal in the circuit trace.
This problem applies only to VT circuits starting on ports 2 through 28 of an XTC card on an ONS 15327 NE.
Check the loopback state in the NE Explorer window. Ignore the trace loopback state.
ID CSCin51923Symptom
The Description, Customer ID, and Service ID fields in the monitor circuit creation wizard are grayed out.
This problem applies to monitor circuit creation.
Create the monitor circuit. Then, edit the newly created monitor circuit by changing the description, customer ID, and service ID.
ID CSCin52093Symptom
Rarely, the CTM client returns an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION and hangs.
This problem might occur while launching the Link Table from the Subnetwork Explorer.
Close and reopen the current session.
ID CSCin52155Symptom
Cannot route a circuit when the link chosen for the route constraints is in the reverse direction.
If the topology is A-B-C, the circuit is between A (source) and C (destination). If you choose the constraint with the current NE as B and the adjacent NE as A (so the link is B-A), routing fails.
Choose the routing constraints in the correct direction for the link.
ID CSCeb40286Symptom
The NE Explorer shows customer information that is associated with endpoints that are no longer part of the circuit.
This problem occurs when there are low order circuits through a VAP and the VAP becomes incomplete. Also, if the source NE of the circuit is marked out of service or becomes unreachable, the customer information might be missing for some endpoints that are part of the circuit.
ID CSCeb46669Symptom
If you create monitor circuits, a valid error is raised for the administrative state, but the circuit is created as incomplete.
The circuit remains if you do not cancel the wizard but instead change the administrative state and finish the circuit. This creates one valid active circuit and one incomplete circuit. If you cancel the wizard after the error is raised, the extra invalid circuit is not created.
Cancel the Circuit wizard when the error is raised. Alternately, delete the incomplete circuit if it is created.
ID CSCeb49423Symptom
A null pointer exception is thrown during circuit editing.
This problem occurs when the circuit is being edited in CTM and the same circuit is deleted from CTC, or when the circuit drops are deleted from CTM and the same circuit drops are deleted from CTC.
Close and reopen the Edit Circuit dialog box.
ID CSCeb49521Symptom
The Circuit Table does not show the newly created circuits in auto or manual refresh mode.
This problem occurs only when the Circuit Table is launched from the Network Map by selecting a link.
Close and reopen the Circuit Table.
ID CSCeb51916Symptom
Changing the reversion time, SF/SD BER, and PDI-P for the first (a-b) selector in a path protection circuit does not have any effect. However, changing (c-d) values changes the other selector values too.
This problem applies to a dual-source, single-destination path protection circuit, where both sources are on the same NE.
Always change the values of the second selector (c-d).
ID CSCeb57459Symptom
After deleting a card, a link is not removed from the Link Table.
The Link Table shows a manual link between a pair of physical termination points (PTPs). One (or both) of the termination points has corresponding empty slots. This problem is most likely to occur when one of the link endpoint NEs is marked out of service and the corresponding card is deleted in CTC.
In the Link Table, delete the manual link.
ID CSCeb57696Symptom
While creating a monitor circuit, the following error is returned even though the PCA option is disabled:
EID-932: Failed to route circuit. The circuit is using an aggregation point on the PCA bandwidth. Please use the PCA routing preference for this circuit.
This problem occurs if you have a VT circuit through a VAP circuit and you attempt to create a monitor circuit on the VT circuit at the termination point on the VAP, and if the VAP circuit is also a PCA circuit.
Use CTC to create this type of circuit.
ID CSCeb59702Symptom
While editing a BLSR, if you change the ring ID, you might receive the error "EID-1065: cannot set reversion to INCONSISTENT."
This problem occurs only if the ring has a Ring Reversion or Span Reversion value of "INCONSISTENT."
Change the Ring Reversion or Span Reversion value to something other than "INCONSISTENT."
ID CSCin50062Symptom
The Source STS combo box is disabled when you click the Selected Spans list box on the Manual Routing screen in the Create Circuit wizard.
The Source STS combo box is used to select an STS number to route the circuit for a given link. Normally, this problem does not appear: you select the STS and then add the link to the route. However, if you mistakenly click the Selected Spans box, the STS combo box becomes disabled and you cannot change the STS on the link.
To change the STS selection, add the link; then, remove it from the selection list and add it again.
ID CSCeb61122Symptom
A trace window might open after some NEs lose connectivity; or an unclear error message might be displayed when a circuit trace does not open after the NEs lose connectivity.
This problem occurs if you mark a GNE as Out of Service and wait for other NEs connected through the GNE to lose connectivity.
If the trace window opens, wait until circuits going through the lost NEs are marked as Incomplete in the Circuit Table and launching the trace window triggers an error message. The unclear error message indicates that launching a circuit trace for incomplete circuits is not supported.
ID CSCeb33389Symptom
When you add or delete drops from a monitor circuit, the circuit becomes incomplete.
This problem occurs when adding or deleting drops from a monitor circuit that is on a VC3 circuit going over a LAP.
Mark all NEs involved in the circuit as Out of Service and then back In Service.
ID CSCdz43366 (Related DDTS number: CSCin33644)Symptom
CTM does not check for duplicate port group circuit names.
CTM allows you to create two port group circuits on the same NE with the same name, which causes duplicate circuits. This problem applies only to the ONS 15454 SDH.
Edit the circuit name so that the actual state of the circuit is retained. To avoid this problem, choose a unique name for each port group circuit.
ID CSCdz79862Symptom
Alarms are not generated after creation or deletion of 1:1 or 1:N protection switching on DS3I-N cards.
If you create or delete a 1:1 or 1:N protection group on a DS3I-N card, no alarms are generated.
ID CSCdz87566Symptom
The circuit state for monitor circuits reads "Duplicate ID."
CTM generates a unique number that is suffixed to the circuit name to make the monitor circuit name unique. On rare occasions, CTM might create two or more monitor circuits with the same name. The circuit state for these circuits reads "Duplicate ID."
Use the Modify Circuit wizard to enter a unique name for each monitor circuit.
ID CSCea14141Symptom
When ports on an E1 card are marked in service, CTM shows loss of signal (LOS) alarms. If the E1 card becomes a protect card for a protection group, the LOS alarms are not cleared.
This problem occurs if LOS alarms are present on an E1 card when the card becomes a protect card for a protection group.
Before making the E1 card a protect card for a protection group, clear the LOS alarms by marking the ports on the card as out of service.
ID CSCea22514Symptom
CTM shows high-order path PM data for VC3 circuits on the first port in the group, regardless of the actual port on which the circuit was created.
This problem occurs if you create a VC3 circuit on port 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, or 12. The high-order path PM data is shown on port 1, 4, 7, or 10, respectively.
Use CTC to view high-order path PM data for VC3 circuits.
ID CSCea24639Symptom
Automatic routing of circuits fails with routing constraints when the topology contains a manual link whose physical termination end point exists on the source NE of the circuit.
This problem might occur if the shortest route available includes the manual link but does not follow the routing constraints. In this case, the manual link is not part of the include or exclude routing constraints.
Exclude the manual link from the routing constraints if you do not want it to be part of the circuit route. Alternately, include one link as part of the possible route, starting from the source NE of the circuit in routing constraints.
ID CSCin33457 (Related DDTS number: CSCin29243)Symptom
Multiple circuit deletion might fail.
This problem occurs intermittently.
Delete the failed circuit(s) again.
ID CSCin33549Symptom
When the J1 path trace is set to Auto mode, you cannot configure the expected bytes on G1000 cards.
This problem occurs intermittently.
Set the J1 path trace mode to Manual and configure the expected bytes manually. Then, set the path trace mode back to Auto.
ID CSCea29076Symptom
After editing Reversion Time, SF BER LEVEL, and SD BER LEVEL attributes, the change is shown in CTM but not on the NE.
This problem applies to dual-source and dual-destination subnetwork connection protection (SNCP) protected circuits on ONS 15454 SONET and ONS 15454 SDH NEs. The NE synchronizes the Reversion Time, SF BER LEVEL, and SD BER LEVEL attributes. Therefore, if you change an attribute on one of the two source or destination circuits, the corresponding entry for the other source or destination is also changed.
Modify the attributes for both end points. For example, if the initial SD BER LEVEL for both source end points is E-3, change the value to E-4 for both end points in the Edit Circuit window and click Apply.
ID CSCin57828Symptom
When creating a two fibre BLSR, identical termination points for East Line and West Line are shown for some of the NEs in the Working Span Selection dialog box.
Identical termination points are shown only in the BLSR graphic display.
Correct termination points for the selected spans can be seen in the BLSR text box.
Alarm Management
ID CSCin53014Symptom
The progress bar for the CTC Upgrade Table continues to increment.
This problem occurs when you add a CTC binary to the CTC Upgrade Table. The Add operation begins and the status is indicated through a progress bar. If you attempt to delete the same package, the earlier progress operation should be discontinued and the progress bar should stop incrementing; however, the progress bar continues to update status.
ID CSCeb46446Symptom
For an STS path alarm raised on an XTC card, the Alarm Browser displays the incorrect module name and physical location information.
This problem occurs when you create an STS circuit using all 28 ports of a DS1 interface on an XTC card. If a TIM-P alarm is raised on a STS circuit by enabling J1 path trace in manual mode, the affected object is shown as DS3 instead of DS1. The physical location is shown as slot=5, port=3 instead of slot=5, port=1.
ID CSCeb68597Symptom
When you open the Alarm Browser for the ONS 15600 and try to locate a previously generated environmental alarm, the NE Explorer opens, but the NE property sheet is empty.
See above.
The external alarms/controls for the ONS 15600 are located in the NE property sheet of the NE Explorer. Open the NE Explorer manually and select the Alarm Extender tab.
ID CSCeb20367Symptom
Rarely, processing of events sent from the NE might be delayed.
Occasionally it takes a long time to process events in CTM, which blocks further activity until the processing is complete. If an NE generates many events during circuit creation, processing becomes backed up and events remain in the queue until prior events are completed.
Stop and start the NE Services.
ID CSCdz79954Symptom
CTM does not show a warning alarm when a manual switch is performed for a revertive 1+1 protection group on an STM1-8 card.
This problem occurs when a manual switch is performed for a revertive 1+1 protection group on an STM1-8 card.
Cisco Transport Controller
ID CSCeb72587Symptom
The affected object for a TIM-P alarm on a DS3I card is shown incorrectly in the Alarm Browser.
This problem occurs if you create 12 VC3 circuits from the DS3IN (slot 15) to DS3I (slot 17) card. For each circuit, enable the J1 path trace in such a way that a low order TIM failure alarm is raised for ports 11, 12, and 2 of the DS3I as well as DS3IN cards.
The affected objects are shown in Table 3. Notice that the affected object is shown incorrectly for the DS3I card:
Table 3 Affected Objects
Port Number DS3IN DS3IPort-2
ID CSCeb72881Symptom
When TIM-P and PDI-P alarms are generated for an ML-1000 card, the Alarm Browser incorrectly shows the physical location as port 2.
This problem occurs if you create a VC4 intranode circuit from port 0 to port 1 and enable J1 path trace in manual mode on both ports. Set transmit and receive strings such that TIM-P alarms are generated on both ports 0 and 1.
ID CSCeb72973Symptom
In some situations, cleared TIM-P alarms continue to be shown in the Alarm Browser.
This problem occurs under the following conditions:
A TIM-P alarm is raised on a VC4 circuit containing J1 path trace in manual mode between ports 0 and 1 of an ML-1000 card.
The circuit is deleted while the TIM-P alarm condition is still raised.
The circuit is now recreated, but this time without the J1 path trace enabled.
ID CSCin31518Symptom
CTM does not show TCAs for DS1 Tx parameters in the Alarm Log or in PM tables.
This problem occurs on all supported ONS 15454 NE versions.
ID CSCin49847Symptom
CTM loses connectivity to the GNE for some time when proxy is disabled and firewall is enabled on the GNE.
See above.
Connectivity from CTM to the GNE is automatically restored in about 30 minutes.
ID CSCin35459Symptom
The Alarm Log is missing TCAs for ES-L, SES-L, and LOSS-L.
This problem applies to the ONS 15327 for ports 1 and 3. The missing TCA causes the PM table to show incorrect information, such as displaying the PM value with the wrong background color.
Check CTC to confirm whether a TCA has occurred.
ID CSCin38618Symptom
The DS1 PM Table does not show TCAs for AISS-P for DS3XM cards.
This problem applies to the ONS 15454 R3.2.1.
Use the Alarm Log to view TCAs for AISS-P for DS3XM cards.
ID CSCin44660 (Related DDTS number: CSCeb00733)Symptom
The Job Monitor Table reports that a software activate operation failed, but the software activate succeeds on the NE.
If CTM starts a software activate job on an NE and loses connection to the NE before the job completes, CTM reports that the job failed, even though the job succeeds on the NE.
ID CSCea90827Symptom
A "Protection unit not available" alarm is shown twice.
CTM displays a "Protection unit not available" alarm twice for an XCVXL_10G card in slot 8. Both alarms show Equipment as the affected object. The module name is shown as XCVXL_10G and the physical location is shown as slot 8.
ID CSCea91525 (Related DDTS number: CSCea91542)Symptom
ML-1000 and ML-100T port numbering differs on alarms.
CTM shows the POS ports on the ML-series card as ports 0 and 1. The ports are shown as ports 5 and 6 on the alarm.
ID CSCea14157Symptom
PM statistics for nXP modules are not colored purple when TCAs are raised.
This issue occurs in the Optical Transport Network Forward Error Correction (OTN FEC) PM Table. If the NE raises a TCA for PM statistics for nXP modules, the cell in the table should have a purple background. Instead, the background color is missing.
Use the Alarm Log window to view OTN FEC TCA information for nXP modules.
ID CSCeb34902Symptom
Protected drop functionality does not work on some VT circuits.
This problem occurs when a VT circuit uses a VAP for which the drop is not on the drop-protected port and the VT circuit needs to be on the drop-protected port.
Do not use the VAP for VT circuit source or destination if the VAP is not on the drop-protected port but the VT circuit needs to be on the protected-drop port.
ID CSCeb38524Symptom
The circuit protection type becomes unknown.
This problem might occur when discovering port grouping circuits on an SDH platform.
ID CSCeb78179Symptom
Multiple circuit creation fails.
This problem occurs during multiple VC12 or VC3 circuit creation, passing through a tunnel.
Create a tunnel circuit and use the tunnel to create VC3 or VC12 circuits.
ID CSCeb60841Symptom
Unidirectional VC12 circuits are shown as incomplete in the Circuit Table.
This problem occurs when multiple unidirectional VC12 circuits are created from CTM.
Create one circuit at a time, using manual routing.
ID CSCeb67724Symptom
Circuit spans do not show the correct switch state.
This problem occurs if you change the switch state of the c-d selector of an SNCP-DRI circuit node from Lockout to Clear.
Modify the a-b selector state to Lockout; then, change it back to Clear.
ID CSCeb68535Symptom
Rarely, BLSR/MSSP creation fails when one of the nodes in a topology is synchronizing.
This problem might occur when you add NEs. Some NEs are initiated. One topology has a firewall proxy set, and all NEs are up in this topology. Another NE in a different topology is still synchronizing. If you try to create a BLSR/MSSP by selecting a node in the firewall proxy setup, the BLSR/MSSP creation fails.
Use the NE Explorer to create the BLSR/MSSP on the individual nodes. Alternately, wait until the all the nodes are available in CTM.
ID CSCin52809Symptom
While routing with constraints, sometimes even if you exclude the VT tunnel between the NEs, the VT tunnel is still used for routing.
This problem occurs if the first available STS of the physical link is the one used by the VT tunnel.
Use manual routing and select an STS other than the one used by the VT tunnel.
ID CSCdy52197Symptom
A deleted 1+1 protection group is not removed from CTM, or it takes a while for the group to be deleted.
If you delete a 1+1 protection group in the NE Explorer window, the deleted group is still shown.
In the NE Explorer window, choose File > Refresh Data (or click the Refresh Data tool) and refresh data from the NE.
ID CSCin33872Symptom
CTC and CTM are missing line threshold options for PSC-S and PSD-S for STM4-4 cards.
See above.
ID CSCin26798Symptom
Cannot create monitor circuits through a CTC session launched from CTM.
This problem occurs if you select an ONS 15454 R3.2.1 NE in the Domain Explorer, launch CTC, and try to create a monitor circuit. An error message is displayed.
Launch CTC for the NE from the browser and try to create the circuit.
ID CSCea59756Symptom
CTM does not receive updates on the EtherPortModel when changing the Ethercard mode to port-mapped.
The problem applies to Ethercard in single card or multicard mode.
ID CSCeb00957Symptom
A manual timing switch fails.
When performing a timing switch that does not succeed for any reason other than bad SSM, the system ignores the switch command without alerting the user.
Look at the timing alarms report to determine the state of the timing subsystem.
ID CSCeb30141Symptom
The PJSTSMon number might have a value that is out of range for the number of STSs for an OC-N card.
This problem might occur during hardware downgrade from a higher capacity card.
Reprovision the card PJSTSMon number to an STS that is in range for the card. Generally, this is limited to one STS per facility.
ID CSCeb38711Symptom
Cannot route a VT circuit under certain conditions.
This problem occurs when provisioning VT circuits with constraints, while at the same time requesting auto creation of a VAP.
Create the VAP first; then, create the VT circuit using the VAP instead of auto creating the VAP. If the problem persists, provision the VT circuit without constraints when auto creating VAP.
ID CSCeb38765Symptom
Occasionally, a BLSR/MSSP might be shown as incomplete in CTM but complete in CTC.
This problem might occur after rebooting an NE that is part of the ring.
Mark the NEs in the ring as Out of Service and then back In Service.
ID CSCin46672Symptom
Manual routing fails while routing a circuit that is dropped on the protection bandwidth of a two-fiber or four-fiber MSSP/BLSR using the Fully Protected option. Automatic routing succeeds.
This problem occurs if you route a circuit on a two-fiber or four-fiber MSSP/BLSR. Pick the destination (or source) of the circuit on the protection bandwidth. Select the Fully Protected option to route the circuit. If manual routing is used, an error message reports that the circuit sanity check failed. If automatic routing is used, circuit creation succeeds with the spans on the working bandwidth and destination (or source) on the protect bandwidth.
Use automatic routing to create the circuit.
ID CSCdz31204Symptom
When launched from CTM, CTC does not provide GUI options to disable network discovery or disable circuit management.
All instances of CTC launched from CTM for the ONS 15327, ONS 15454 SONET, ONS 15454 SDH, and ONS 15600 exhibit the same behavior.
Launch CTC from the browser to view these GUI options.
ID CSCdx84648Symptom
If you launch the Alarm Browser for a group that contains ONS 15327 or ONS 15454 SONET and ONS 15454 SDH NEs, then filter on only STM-N as the affected object, the filter returns STM-N and OC-N rows.
See above.
Deselect all ONS 15327 and ONS 15454 NEs to see the STM-N rows only. This also applies when an OC-N is selected.
ID CSCdz86588Symptom
CTM does not show TCAs for multiplex section pointer justification PM statistics.
All STM cards fail to indicate TCAs for pointer justification in PM tables.
Use the Alarm Log to view TCA events. The associated purple color in the PM table is not shown.
ID CSCea90737Symptom
CTM misses audit records after a software activate and revert for certain NE software versions.
This problem occurs if you perform a software activate and subsequent revert (memory restore) on an NE from R3.4.1 to R4.0 or R4.1 and back again. The NE time stamp is reset to 01/10/70 (until the NE resyncs from SNTP server). CTM misses audit records generated by an NE with this time stamp.
ID CSCeb39352Symptom
A DRI circuit does not have DRI protection; it has only path protection/SNCP protection.
This problem occurs under any of the following conditions:
There is no DRI segment in the network, but CTC still succeeds in creating a DRI circuit by creating only a path protection/SNCP circuit.
The primary and secondary nodes of a DRI circuit are set up so that the path from the source to the primary destination is the same as the path via the secondary destination.
The SNCP path is the shorter path, as compared to the DRI path.
Use manual routing.
ID CSCeb26255Symptom
Cannot create a circuit with a secondary destination and DRI protection.
Use manual routing to create the circuit. Alternately, use automatic routing to create the same circuit and reverse the primary and secondary destination nodes.
ID CSCeb22752Symptom
VT circuit creation over VAP fails.
This problem occurs when there is a VT path to the VT grooming end of a VAP, using VAP spans used by the VAP, and the VT path is shorter than any other path.
Use manual routing. Alternately, use required links/nodes to direct the routing to use a path that is not used by the VAP.
ID CSCea31730Symptom
The E1-42 card does not report alarms with the correct severity.
This problem occurs if you mark ports 1 to 4 on the E1-42 card as In Service. An LOS alarm is generated with a severity of minor. Now provision a VC4 circuit that consumes all ports. Ports 5 to 42 show an LOS alarm with a severity of major. However, ports 1 to 4 continue to show the LOS with a severity of minor, which is incorrect.
ID CSCin40920Symptom
VT circuit routing does not use a tunnel. A tunnel is created for the circuit, but the circuit does not use it.
This problem occurs if you select a VT circuit and select Required Nodes/Links. The tunnel either comes with the required nodes/links, or you specify that creating tunnels is necessary. In either case, the tunnel is not used.
Do not use Required Nodes/Links when routing a VT circuit where tunnels are necessary; or, if you must use Required Nodes/Links when routing a VT circuit, use manual routing.
ID CSCea13560Symptom
CTC does not generate TCAs for electrical path EB-P thresholds on E1-42 cards.
For E1-42 cards, the EB-P thresholds are the same as CV-P thresholds. The NE generates a TCA against the CV-P threshold, but the mapping of EB-P to CV-P is not done.
ID CSCin18488Symptom
Deleting threshold values freezes CTC opened through CTM.
This problem occurs if you open CTC through CTM for an ONS 15454 SONET R3.2.1. If you delete line or path threshold values, CTC freezes.
Use CTC launched from the browser to delete threshold values, or use CTM to delete threshold values.
ID CSCec03414Symptom
The NE is not reachable in CTM, even though a ping to the NE succeeds from the CTM server.
This problem occurs in a GNE/ENE scenario when the ENE does not have direct LAN connectivity to the CTM server. This problem has been observed only in large networks with more than 1000 NEs.
Mark the NE as Out of Service and click Save. Then, mark it as In Service and click Save.
ID CSCin55446Symptom
When multiple NEs are backed up simultaneously, one of the backups fails.
When multiple NEs are backed up at the same time, all files are stored with the same name in the tftpboot directory, which leads to a conflict in filenames. As a result, backup fails for one of the devices, which could also lead to corruption of the backup files.
ID CSCec00851Symptom
Cannot change the CTM password.
You cannot change the CTM password if you do not have any CTC users allocated and you try to change the password from the Edit > Change Password menu.
Specify a CTC user to the CTM user; then, change the CTM password.
ID CSCeb86506 (Related DDTS number: CSCeb86447)Symptom
After migrating the database and activating a client binary upgrade, CTC launched from CTM does not open correctly.
This problem occurs if you migrate the database from CTM R4.0 to R4.1 and upgrade a client binary. If you try to launch CTC, the CTC instance opens for a different NE than the one selected, or the CTC instance does not launch and an error message is shown.
Launch CTC from the web browser.
ID CSCeb50312Symptom
Sometimes after performing certain operations, such as zooming in on an area or dragging nodes and then opening the Link Table, the CPU goes to 100% utilization. The CTM client freezes for approximately 1 to 3 minutes.
This problem occurs if you open the Link Table from the Network Map when the CPU is 100%.
Open the Link Table when the CPU is less than 100%.
ID CSCeb57575Symptom
Unable to enter username and password for ONS 15600 NEs via Domain Explorer.
Launch Domain Explorer > NE Authentication tab > Username/password fields for the ONS 15600. Attempt to enter username and password. Window refresh occurs and all input data is lost.
Edit the username and password using the "Administration > 15600 > NE Authentication" dialog.
ID CSCeb62464Symptom
The CTM Active GateWay/TL1 Users Table does not reflect changes made in the GateWay/TL1 Client Configuration Table.
This problem occurs if you open the GateWay/TL1 Client Configuration Table and select a logged in TL1 user. If you modify the Listener Mode or Domain Manager Mode field and save the changes, the Active GateWay/TL1 Users Table does not reflect the changes.
Force a GateWay/TL1 user logout before modifying properties.
ID CSCeb65013Symptom
Automatic data refresh does not show link rate changes in the Network Map window.
If the Network Map is launched with automatic data refresh and there is a link rate change, the Network Map does not show the change until the Refresh Data button is clicked.
Click the Refresh Data button.
ID CSCeb76147Symptom
The Alarm Browser Filter reports EMS alarms with the wrong source ID.
If you select the CTM Domain node in the Domain Explorer tree, launch the Alarm Browser Filter, and filter on "Equipment" as the affected object, EMS alarms with "Source ID = CTM" are also shown in the result set. Only alarms with "Affected Object = Equipment" should be shown.
In the Filter dialog box, click the ID tab and uncheck the EMS Alarms check box. Filtering by affected object applies only to non-EMS alarms.
ID CSCeb32434Symptom
All the NEs become unavailable and then become available after a time.
NE service restarts unexpectedly.
ID CSCeb68739Symptom
If you add an NE with the wrong IP address and then correct the IP address, CTM does not discover the NE.
See above.
Delete the NE and add it again with the correct IP address.
ID CSCeb50049Symptom
Administrator users still receive user notifications after a change to their user properties should cause them to be logged out.
To reproduce this problem:
As a SuperUser, create an administrator user in CTM and log in as the administrator user on a different machine.
From the SuperUser session, change the user properties of the administrator user. CTM notifies the administrator user that privileges have been disabled and the application will be closed. The warning dialog box has an "OK" button. Do not click OK.
From the SuperUser session, send a notification to the administrator. The administrator receives the notification, even though he or she should have been logged out.
Click OK in the warning dialog box.
ID CSCeb53620Symptom
When two or more NEs that have links between each other and are in same group are cloned and moved to a new group, a network map launched from the parent of both groups shows duplicate links.
See above.
ID CSCea78846Symptom
Occasionally, when more than three GUI tables that have a time stamp column are open, changes in the time zone are not reflected accurately in the GUI.
This problem might occur if you open more than three GUI tables and then change the time zone in the User Preferences dialog box.
Restart the client.
ID CSCeb00804Symptom
If you launch the CLI for an ML-series card, the title is not displayed correctly. The Telnet session opens with the title "Telnet and NE IP address."
The Telnet session for an ML-series card opens with the title "Telnet and NE IP address;" however, the title contains no NE ID or slot. Therefore, if multiple CLIs are open, it can be difficult to identify which CLI belongs to which NE or slot. Although you can configure the host name using IOS commands, labeling the CLI session would be clearer. The title of the command window should include the IP address and slot number, such as "SJC-454-168-36 - IOS CLI - Slot Number: 2015." This problem applies to Windows NT only.
ID CSCeb05226Symptom
CTM issues no warning if an NE that shares circuits with other NEs is moved to another subnetwork in the Subnetwork Explorer.
See above.
ID CSCuk44442Symptom
The server is slow to purge NEs after they have been deleted. The server should purge NEs faster, so that users can reintroduce the NEs and reuse the IP addresses from the deleted ones.
This problem occurs if you mark NEs as Out of Service, delete them, and then delete them from the Deleted Network Elements folder. If you try to recreate NEs with the same IP addresses, the system responds that those IP addresses are still in use.
Wait until the next health poll cycle, and note when the NE Service quits. Then add NEs with the IP addresses of the deleted NEs.
ID CSCeb28087Symptom
When using a Solaris version 2.8 workstation, the CTM client crashes.
This problem is due to a JVM issue (Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.3.1_04-b02 mixed mode)).
Restart the CTM client.
ID CSCdy56240 (Related DDTS number: CSCdy60009)Symptom
Clicking the OK button does not close a dialog box.
This problem occurs when a modal dialog box is already open when a second dialog box pops up. Nothing happens when you click a button on the second dialog box, because the first modal dialog box has the control. This is a known limitation of Java 1.3.1.
Click the X icon in the top right corner of the second dialog box to close it.
ID CSCea93330Symptom
When you single-click a table cell, you can enter values even without a blinking cursor in the cell.
This problem occurs in any editable CTM table. If you single-click a table cell and enter values, the data is not processed correctly. This is because the table cell has focus and processes the data; the actual text component in the cell does not have the focus.
If you single-click a table cell, enter data, and click OK or Apply, the data is not saved and/or special processing (such as rejecting alphabetic characters or enabling or disabling other button or components) is not done. This is a known Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.3 problem that is resolved in JDK 1.4.
Double-click the table cell and make sure that a blinking cursor appears in the text field. Now any valid values that you enter will be saved, and you cannot enter invalid values.
Symptom CSCin30113
After performing many operations on the CTM client, the client might stop responding.
On rare occasions, CTM might stop responding for up to five minutes. After this pause, CTM starts responding and resumes normal operation. It is not necessary to restart the CTM client or server. This problem might be due to the fact that the CPU is busy reclaiming resources.
Wait until the CTM client starts responding again.
CTM Server Caveats
Performance Monitoring
ID CSCeb41636Symptom
The J1 path trace for G1000 cards shows the STS number as "Delta."
If there is a circuit passing through a G1000 card, the J1 Path Trace tab shows the STS number as "Delta." The CTC user interface also displays "Delta."
ID CSCeb43127Symptom
Duplicate J1 path trace entries are displayed in the card level > VC4 > J1 Path Trace window. For each VC4 x there is a duplicate entry for VC4 (3x-2).
This problem occurs for an ONS 15454 SDH participating in a two-fiber MSSP, with card-level maintenance J1 path trace.
Ignore the duplicate entry.
ID CSCdy59373Symptom
SONET PM tables opened through the PM Query by Category wizard do not show validity and TCA coloring.
This problem occurs if you use the PM Query by Category wizard to open the SONET Line, STS Path, or SONET Section PM Table for the ONS 15327, ONS 15454, or ONS 15600 for 15-minute or 1-day intervals. The tables do not display the gray color used for invalid information or the purple color associated with TCAs.
ID CSCeb35998Symptom
An incorrect value of LOSS-L is shown for port 1 on an E1 card.
This problem applies to the ONS 15454 R4.1.
Link Management
ID CSCeb23429Symptom
When launched from the Link Table, VT circuits passing through a multi-hop VT tunnel are not displayed in the Circuit Table.
This problem occurs for a multi-hop VT tunnel circuit. For example, in a tunnel passing through A-B-C-D, the VT circuits are not displayed in the Circuit Table launched for link B-C.
Use the Link Utilization Table to view circuit information for a specific link.
ID CSCeb29631Symptom
The Circuit Table and Circuit Trace windows cannot differentiate between G1000-4 and G1K-4 cards.
See above.
Use the NE Explorer to find out which slot has a G1000-4 or G1K-4 card.
ID CSCea78951Symptom
The Link Utilization Table does not show PCA circuits.
This problem applies to circuits on protect links in a four-fiber BLSR.
ID CSCdw74656Symptom
The Network Map does not report the correct links after a reconfiguration.
If you merge two network topologies so that the new topology host is disconnected from the other NEs, the CTM server is not synchronized with the new network topology and cannot retrieve network or link updates.
Remove the links completely by deleting the SDCC termination on the ports rather than by simply unplugging the fiber cable.
ID CSCeb67824Symptom
Launching the TL1 console on the ONS 15600 opens the VxWorks console instead of the TL1 console.
In CTM, if you select the ONS 15600 R1.1 and choose Configuration > ONS 15600 > Launch TL1 Interface, the VxWorks console launches instead of the TL1 console.
Launch the TL1 console on the NE by entering the following CLI command:
telnet <ONS_15600_NE IP_address> 3083
ID CSCeb70314 (Related DDTS number: CSCin51895)Symptom
Rarely, NEs in the CTM client remain in the same operational state permanently and do not respond to any operations. The showctm command shows that the NE Service restarts every second.
This problem can occur when the NE Service is repeatedly started and stopped from the Control Panel.
"showctm" is a script which, when executed in the command line of CTM server machines, shows a list of CTM process information and status, including process ID. Each CTM process is assigned a unique process ID by the operating system. The process ID remains the same throughout the life of the process. When this problem occurs, the NE Service process is killed and restarted continuously. Every time it restarts, the NE Service process is assigned a new process ID. If the administrator executes showctm multiple times, the NE Service process shows a different process ID each time. This indicates that the NE Service is getting continuously restarted.
Restart the CTM server.
ID CSCed48998Symptom
Backup files are not created in a dual-server scenario.
This problem occurs in a dual-server setup with the database and CTM server installed on separate workstations. If you execute a backup from the Control Panel > Database Properties sheet, the /ctm_backup directory remains empty and no backup files are created.
ID CSCin51901Symptom
If the SYS ID, GNE ID, and IP address are the same, changing the IP address should change the SYS ID as well as the GNE ID. Instead, the GNE ID is not updated.
If you add an NE whose SYS ID is the same as the IP address and make the NE a self-GNE, then change the IP address, the GNE ID does not update.
Manually change the GNE ID to match the SYS ID.
CTM GateWay/TL1 Caveats
ID CSCec37345 (Related DDTS number: CSCeb07125)Symptom
CTM GateWay/TL1 does not forward alarms and events to northbound OSS clients.
For a large installation where CTM manages more than 300 NEs, the CTM GateWay/TL1 Service occasionally runs out of allocated resources required to communicate with the NE. Therefore, CTM GateWay/TL1 does not receive alarm and event information from NEs and does not forward alarms and events to the OSS clients. This problem occurs only rarely.
Restart the CTM GateWay/TL1 Service.
ID CSCin51927Symptom
The CTM client allows modification of the IP address field on the GateWay/TL1 Client Configuration Table.
This problem occurs when you modify an existing GateWay/TL1 OSS user profile.
Do not modify the IP address of a GateWay/TL1 OSS user when there are active GateWay/TL1 sessions using the OSS profile. End all active GateWay/TL1 user sessions for the specified OSS user profile before modifying the profile in the GateWay/TL1 Client Configuration Table.
ID CSCeb20421Symptom
If CTM loses connectivity to a GNE, Gateway TL1 cannot communicate to ENEs even if CTM has direct LAN connectivity to ENEs and GNE is not configured to run proxy for ENEs.
Consider NEs A, B and C. Each of these are DCC connected and CTM has direct LAN connectivity to all of them. None of these are configured to run as proxy server for others. Now add NE A to CTM. This NE is marked as GNE by CTM and will also discover NEs B and C. At this point, CTM loses connectivity to NE A, but B and C are still reachable. In this scenario, Gateway TL1 cannot receive alarms from NEs B and C. However, CTM still has LAN connectivity to NEs B and C. So CTM receives alarms from these two NEs. Therefore the issue originates in Gateway TL1.
Since CTM has direct connectivity to NEs B and C, if they are each configured as self GNE, Gateway TL1 will report alarms from these NEs.
CTM GateWay/CORBA Caveats
The following caveats apply only to customers who have purchased the CTM GateWay/CORBA option.
ID CSCeb66228Symptom
A ProcessingFailureException.EXCEPT_INTERAL_ERROR is thrown when you attempt to create a manually routed DRI subnetwork connection.
This problem occurs when using the manual route option.
Use the auto route option to create DRI subnetwork connections.
ID CSCeb66479Symptom
CTM GateWay/CORBA does not receive a state change event when the state of the SNC changes from COMPLETE to INCOMPLETE.
See above.
ID CSCin53027Symptom
A ManagedElementMgr_I.getAllTopologicalLinksForME command for the ONS 15327 results in a EXCPT_NOT_SUPPORTED exception.
If you enter the getAllToplogicalLinksForME command from CTM GateWay/CORBA for the ONS 15327, the action fails with the error "getAllTopologicalLinksForME:not supported by this ME type."
Use the MultiLayerSubnetworkMgr_I.getAllTopologicalLinks command, passing the name of the MultiLayerSubnetwork to which the ONS 15327 belongs. From the returned list, select all topological links, where the source or destination point is a PTP on the ONS 15327.
ID CSCeb67158Symptom
CTM GateWay/CORBA throws a CORBA_UNKNOWN exception when you try to create an SNC.
This problem occurs when you specify the upsrSfBerLevel value and the input value contains white space characters.
The upsrSfBerLevel should be an integer. Verify that the input value does not contain white spaces.
ID CSCeb82881Symptom
A MangedElementMgr_I.forceNEResync method call triggers two state change events for the emsInSyncState attribute.
This problem occurs when the method is called to perform a resync on the NE.
Ignore the duplicate state change event.
ID CSCec09688Symptom
A BAD_PARAM exception error is thrown while trying to create an RPR L2 topology with the MultiLayerSubnetworkMgr_I.createL2Topology method.
This problem occurs while trying to create an RPR L2 topology.
Use the MultiLayerSubnetworkMgr_I.createAndActivateSNCFromUserLabel method to create constituent L1 SNCs of the RPR. CTM automatically discovers the RPR L2 topology.
ID CSCin51337Symptom
When you modify a CTM GateWay/TL1 user EFD profile, the modified EFD state is effective only on the first opened GateWay/TL1 session.
This problem applies to a GateWay/TL1 user profile using a user-created EFD profile.
Delete the existing user profile and create a new one.
ID CSCeb43036Symptom
Cannot set J1 trace parameters immediately after circuit creation.
If you create an SNC between two NEs and immediately try to set J1 trace parameters using the ManagedElementManager_I::setTPData method, it does not work.
First, set the IPPM parameter using the ManagedElementManager_I::setTPData method, or set threshold parameters using the PerformanceManagementManager_I::setTCATPParameter method; then, set J1 trace parameters using the ManagedElementManager_I::setTPData method.
ID CSCeb28884Symptom
When you create a circuit (SNC) using CTM GateWay/CORBA, intermediate nodes can be outside of the subnetwork.
See above.
If you want to require that all intermediate NEs be in the same subnetwork, create the circuit using the CTM client.
ID CSCec45460Symptom
An invalid CTP name is reported in the SDH port on a SONET NE.
This problem occurs if you configure a SONET OC-N port to be an SDH port on a SONET NE, and then create an SNC from this port to another SONET port. The CTP reported in the SNC on the SDH port has an empty native name and an invalid layer rate.
ID CSCec46341Symptom
Alarms from a DS3 port on an ONS 15327 NE contain the wrong port number.
This problem occurs when the northbound interface (NBI) client receives alarms from a DS3 port on an ONS 15327 NE. The port number of the DS3 PTP is from 1 to 3. The port number should be from 29 to 31.
Add 28 to the port number, so it becomes 29 to 31.
ID CSCec73205Symptom
Trying to deactivate the CTM GateWay/CORBA Service fails with a "Cannot connect to Service Manager" error message.
Occasionally, if you try to stop or start CTM GateWay/CORBA from the Control Panel, the error message "Cannot connect to Service Manager" is displayed.
Complete the following steps:
Step 1
Open the OpenFusion Manager GUI.
Step 2
Choose localhost > NotificationService > NotificationSingleton.
Step 3
Right-click the NotificationSingleton node and select NotificationService Manager.
Step 4
Double-click the Event Channel Factory node. The Notification Channel node is listed.
Step 5
Right-click the Notification Channel node and choose Destroy Channel from the menu. This destroys the existing notification channel.
The CTM GateWay/CORBA Service creates a new channel and creates the missing Supplier Admin object. No manual intervention is required if the CTM GateWay/CORBA Service starts and stops continuously.
ID CSCed59044Symptom
The Additional Info field for the TopologicalLink_T method shows "provType = INVALID" for some links.
If you enter the getAllTopLevelTopologicalLinks command from the NBI client, some topological links are returned with "provType = INVALID" in the Additional Info field.
ID CSCin21991Symptom
Setting multiple attribute thresholds on the same object resets attributes to the previous values.
If you set different attributes (such as STP enabled, coding violations, errored seconds, severely errored seconds, and failure count), CTM GateWay/CORBA sets these attributes without a delay. However, some attributes are set to the previous values.
Set all the attributes on the same object in a single call, or do multiple sets on the same object with a small delay. This workaround applies to the attributes listed in Table 4.
NE-Specific Caveats
Cisco ONS 15454 SONET
ID CSCeb80771Symptom
An Ethernet traffic hit of 500 to 600 ms might occur when upgrading the node to Release 4.1 from a prior release.
If active traffic is running on a G1000-4, G1K-4, or G1000-2 card when upgrading the node to R4.1 from an earlier release (such as R4.0 or R3.4), an Ethernet traffic hit occurs the first time you upgrade to R4.1. On subsequent downgrades followed by upgrades there is no traffic hit and the upgrade succeeds without errors.
ID CSCin53397Symptom
For the ONS 15454 SONET R3.3, you can set STS path far-end PM thresholds for OC3 and EC1, even though R3.3 NEs do not support these parameters. No error message is thrown. Support was introduced in R3.4.1.
If you create an STS circuit involving an OC3 or EC1 card, open the NE Explorer, select the OC3 or EC1 card in the tree view, and click the STS > Path Thresholds tab, you can see the far-end table.
Ignore the extraneous information.
ID CSCea08209Symptom
When creating an MSSP or a BLSR, CTM does not check for a DCC on the east or west port.
If you open the NE Explorer for the ONS 15327, ONS 15454 SONET, or ONS 15454 SDH, you can create a ring without a DCC on the east or west port.
Create a DCC on the port that you want to designate as the east or west port. Then, create a ring with that port as the east or west port.
ID CSCea80606Symptom
The NE software version displayed in the first line of the NE Explorer > NE Defaults tab displays a different version string from the actual NE version.
This problem applies to the ONS 15327, ONS 15454 SONET, ONS 15454 SDH, and ONS 15600. The NE Defaults tab shows the default parameters for the NE. In the first line, the NE software version information is displayed. The version information string shows the correct major and minor versions, but the rest of the string indicating the internal build version is different from that of the actual NE.
View the actual NE version in the NE Explorer > Identification tab > Software Version field.
ID CSCeb42872Symptom
When you close or lock the CTM client, the CLI window is not closed.
This problem occurs if you launch a CLI window (IOS or TL1). When the CTM client is closed or locked, the CLI window is not closed.
Close the CLI window manually or wait for the timeout that closes the session.
ID CSCeb68618Symptom
In the Revertive Time drop-down list the entry "0.0 (2 second wait)" is missing. When this value is set from CTC, CTM shows an empty field.
If you select the Timing tab and check the Revertive Time field, the value "0.0 (2 second wait)" is missing. If you set this value from CTC, CTM shows an empty field. You cannot set the Revertive Time value from CTM.
Set the value "0.0 (2 second wait)" through CTC.
ID CSCeb68630Symptom
In the Alarm > Alarm Behavior tab, entries for fan trays are missing, making it impossible to suppress alarms on those entities.
If you select the Alarm > Alarm Behavior tab in the NE property sheet and check the table in the tab, the entries for fan trays are missing.
Use CTC to suppress alarms for fan trays.
ID CSCeb68875Symptom
The optical card names in the DCC Termination columns show STM-N instead of OC-N for SONET NEs.
If you open the NE Explorer for an ONS 15454 SDH NE and then open the NE Explorer for an ONS 15327, ONS 15454 SONET, or ONS 15600 NE, the name of the card in the DCC table is incorrect for the SONET NE.
Open the NE Explorer for a SONET NE first.
ID CSCeb74377Symptom
When a manual or forced switching operation is performed on a 1+1 protection group on an ONS 15600, the traffic switches from a working card to a protect card, or vice versa. The ONS 15600 NE Explorer does not reflect this switch event to indicate which card is active and which is standby.
When traffic switches from a working card to a protect card, CTM should show which card is active and which is standby.
Use CTC to find out which card is active and which is standby. Alternately, perform a sync from the NE.
ID CSCin52388Symptom
The J1 Path Trace tab is missing in the NE Explorer for the ONS 15454 R4.0 and R4.0.1 DS3E card.
The NE Explorer for the ONS 15454 R4.0 and R4.0.1 DS3E card contains an incorrect Path Thresh 1 Day tab instead of a J1 Path Trace tab.
Use CTC to view J1 path trace information.
ID CSCeb55334Symptom
Rarely, in the DCC tab the SDCC Terminations column shows incomplete information: The name of the card is "null."
See above.
Try one of the following: Refresh data from the server; close and reopen the NE Explorer; or close and reopen the CTM client.
ID CSCeb27543Symptom
When you create a new alarm profile from the Domain Explorer and upload the new alarm profile to multiple NEs, all the existing alarm profiles that have the same name as the most recently created one are overwritten.
When you create and upload a new alarm profile to multiple NEs, there is no check for alarm profiles with the same name on the NEs. Therefore, the new profile overwrites any alarm profile that has the same name.
If you do not want to override any existing alarm profiles that have the same name as the new one, use CTC to create the alarm profile on multiple NEs.
ID CSCin46866 and CSCeb30148Symptom
When you delete a locked XCVT card, the card responds by changing the lock to an invalid state. When this occurs, one card might remain in lock mode while another goes into unlock mode.
This problem can occur when both XCVT cards are locked and one XCVT card is deleted from CTM.
Delete both XCVT cards at once and let CTM detect them both as unlocked cards.
ID CSCea92062Symptom
When you attempt to switch timing to BITS1, BITS2 from internal while BITS1 and BITS2 sources are not connected, the switch appears not to have taken place, but in fact it does take place.
Switching does occur successfully from CTM and on the NE, but the NE reverts back to internal immediately, as there was no BITS1 or BITS2 source present to switch to. The NE relays this update to CTM, and CTM updates to internal. The NE should not have switched in the first place, but rather, should send an exception back to CTM.
ID CSCeb03737Symptom
When a protection group is created or when a switch operation on a protection group is performed, the NE Explorer might take up to 30 minutes to reflect the change.
If you create a protection group or perform a switch operation, the NE Explorer should be refreshed in less than one minute. Occasionally it takes up to 30 minutes for the NE Explorer to refresh.
Perform a refresh operation from the NE. This can take a few minutes.
ID CSCea02296Symptom
The Alarm Log window does not show STS path-level TCAs for DS3E and DS3XM cards.
This problem occurs when STS path-level TCAs are generated for DS3E and DS3XM cards.
Check for TCAs on the OC-N span between the cards.
ID CSCin17848Symptom
Identification information is lost when deleting and adding an Alarm Interface Controller (AIC) card.
If you delete an AIC card in the NE Explorer and immediately add the card again before the update is received, the Identification tab on the AIC card property sheet loses all of the information except for equipment type. This problem applies only to the ONS 15454 SONET R3.3.
Do not provision the AIC slot if the card is physically present. Let CTM discover the card. Alternately, upgrade to the ONS 15454 SONET R3.4.1, R4.0, or R4.1.
ID CSCin33096Symptom
For a 1:1 nonrevertive protection group on a DS3XM card, the protection state changes for working and protect cards.
If you perform a lockout operation on a working slot on a DS3XM card, the working card becomes standby and the protect card becomes active, even when the 1:1 protection group is nonrevertive. Similarly, if you perform an unlock operation on a protect slot, the working card becomes active and the protect card becomes standby. This problem applies to the ONS 15454 SONET R3.3.
ID CSCin33104Symptom
Cannot perform 1:1 nonrevertive protection switching for DS3XM cards.
If you click the Switch button for an active DS3XM card with 1:1 nonrevertive protection, the standby card might not switch to active. This problem applies to the ONS 15454 SONET R3.3.
Related Documentation
Refer to the following publications for additional information:
Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Installation Guide
Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Operations Guide
Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 Database Schema
Cisco Transport Manager Release 4.1 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Online Help for Cisco Transport Manager
Documentation CD-ROM
Obtaining Documentation
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Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online and printed sources.
The Cisco Product Catalog describes the networking products offered by Cisco Systems, as well as ordering and customer support services. Access the Cisco Product Catalog at this URL:
Cisco Press publishes a wide range of networking publications. Cisco suggests these titles for new and experienced users: Internetworking Terms and Acronyms Dictionary, Internetworking Technology Handbook, Internetworking Troubleshooting Guide, and the Internetworking Design Guide. For current Cisco Press titles and other information, go to Cisco Press online at this URL:
Packet magazine is the Cisco quarterly publication that provides the latest networking trends, technology breakthroughs, and Cisco products and solutions to help industry professionals get the most from their networking investment. Included are networking deployment and troubleshooting tips, configuration examples, customer case studies, tutorials and training, certification information, and links to numerous in-depth online resources. You can access Packet magazine at this URL:
iQ Magazine is the Cisco bimonthly publication that delivers the latest information about Internet business strategies for executives. You can access iQ Magazine at this URL:
Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering professionals involved in designing, developing, and operating public and private internets and intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL:
Training—Cisco offers world-class networking training. Current offerings in network training are listed at this URL:
This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the "Related Documentation" section.
Copyright © 2004 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Posted: Thu Sep 14 15:49:02 PDT 2006
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