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CiscoWorks CD Installation for HP-UX

CiscoWorks CD Installation for HP-UX

The following instructions describe installing the CiscoWorks' CD-ROM from either a local or a remote machine on HP-UX (Versions 9.x and 10.x).

Note Perform all tasks as the superuser. If this is an upgrade from CiscoWorks 3.0 refer to "Installing from a Remote CD-ROM Drive on HP-UX 9.x and HP-UX 10.x" in the CiscoWorks Installation Guide for HP-UX before proceeding.

Installing from a Local CD-ROM

To install the CD-ROM from a local CD-ROM drive, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. If a /cdrom directory does not already exist, enter:
# mkdir /cdrom

  1. Insert the CD-ROM in the drive.

  2. To mount the CD-ROM, enter:
# /etc/mount -rt cdfs /dev/device_name /cdrom

-r mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.

-t indicates the type of filesystem, where cdfs specifies a filesystem with an ISO 9660 standard or High Sierra standard with Rock Ridge extensions and a CDFS filesystem.

device_name is the device that you mount, usually /dev/dsk/c201d2s0 on HP-UX 9.x, or /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 on HP-UX 10.x.

If you do not use these options, media error messages may display on the console.

Proceed to "Installing on HP-UX 9.x," or "Installing on HP-UX 10.x."

Installing from a Remote CD-ROM

To install the CD-ROM from a remote CD-ROM drive, perform the following steps on the remote machine:

  1. Log in as the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. If a /cdrom directory does not already exist, enter:
# mkdir /cdrom

  1. Insert the CD-ROM in the drive.

  2. Use a text editor to create an /etc/exports file, if one does not exist.

  3. Add the following line to the /etc/exports file:
/cdrom -ro

  1. Make sure that your workstation is enabled as an NFS server.

    Check rpc.mountd daemon status by entering the following command:

    # ps -ef | grep rpc.mountd

    On HP-UX 9.x:

    If no rpc.mountd daemon is running, start one by entering:

# /usr/etc/rpc.mountd -n

If your machine is enabled as an NFS server, the following daemons should be running: /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd and /usr/lib/nfs/mountd.

  1. If these daemons are not running, enable your machine as an NFS server as follows:

    On HP-UX 9.x, start the System Administration Manager by entering:

# sam

Select Services> Enable/Disable from the menu. On the Services: Enable/Disable menu, check the status of the NFS server against the Status column. If the status is disabled, select Actions>Enable from the menu to enable it. Exit sam.

On HP-UX 10.x, enter:

# /sbin/init.d/nfs.server start

  1. Mount the CD-ROM as follows:

    On HP-UX 9.x, enter:

# /etc/mount -rt cdfs /dev/device_name /cdrom

On HP-UX 10.x, enter:

# /usr/sbin/mount -rt cdfs /dev/device_name /cdrom

-r mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.

-t indicates the type of filesystem, where cdfs specifies a filesystem with an ISO 9660 standard or High Sierra standard with Rock Ridge extensions and a CDFS filesystem.

device_name is the device that you mount, usually, /dev/dsk/c201d2s0 on HP-UX 9.x, or /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 on HP-UX 10.x.

If you do not use these options, media error messages may appear on the console.

  1. On HP-UX 9.x only, enter:
# exportfs -a

On HP-UX 10.x, this step is not necessary.

  1. Go to the local machine and become the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. If a /cdrom directory does not already exist, enter:
# mkdir /cdrom

  1. Mount the CD-ROM as follows.

    On HP-UX 9.x, enter:

# /etc/mount remote_machinename:/cdrom /cdrom

On HP-UX 10.x, enter:

# /usr/sbin/mount remote_machinename:/cdrom /cdrom

  1. If you are installing CiscoWorks for the first time on HP-UX 9.x, create a directory for the CiscoWorks files by entering:
# mkdir /usr/nmscw

On HP-UX 10.x, you do not need to create a directory for the CiscoWorks files. By default, CiscoWorks is installed in the following directories:

/opt/CSCOcwh HP OpenView version
/opt/CSCOsyb All Sybase modules

Proceed to "Installing on HP-UX 9.x" or "Installing on HP-UX 10.x."

Installing on HP-UX 9.x

To install the CiscoWorks files on an HP-UX 9.x platform, perform the following steps:

Note Before installation, make sure that you have enough disk space. See the CiscoWorks Installation Guide for HP-UX for disk space requirements.

  1. Create the directory in which you will install CiscoWorks files:
# mkdir /usr/nmscw

  1. Copy the installation and configuration scripts to the new CiscoWorks directory as follows:

    On HP OpenView 3.3, enter:

# /etc/update -s /cdrom/HP9_OV3/cw.tar -d /usr/nmscw CWIC

On HP OpenView 4.x, enter:

# /etc/update -s /cdrom/HP9_OV4/cw.tar -d /usr/nmscw CWIC

-s specifies where the CiscoWorks software is located on the CD-ROM.

-d indicates the destination where the scripts are stored. For example, if you enter the pathname /usr/nms, the scripts are stored in /usr/nms.

  1. Enter the cwinstall command to install the CiscoWorks software:
# cd /usr/nmscw/install/bin

On HP OpenView 3.3, enter:

# ./cwinstall -s /cdrom/HP9_OV3/cw.tar -d /usr/nmscw

On HP OpenView 4.x, enter:

# ./cwinstall -s /cdrom/HP9_OV4/cw.tar -d /usr/nmscw

If you do not enter any options, cwinstall prompts you for them. Command options for cwinstall include:

-s--source. The pathname you enter after -s is the same as the source pathname you entered in Step 2.

-d--destination. This specifies where the CiscoWorks software will be installed.

-f-- filesets. This specifies the filesets that must be loaded. To install only CiscoWorks, specify CISCO-WORKS after the -f option. If you do not specify the -f option, cwinstall loads CiscoWorks, Sybase, and HyperHelp.

-help--Prints command usage.

  1. After installing the CiscoWorks files, enter the following to configure CiscoWorks:
# /usr/nmscw/install/bin/cwconfigure

Answer the system prompt questions.

  1. To unmount and eject the CD-ROM from your local and/or a remote machine, enter the following commands:
# cd / # umount /cdrom

Remove the CD-ROM from the drive and store it in a safe place.

For information on minimum and recommended requirements, installation verification procedures, and customizing procedures, refer to the CiscoWorks Installation Guide for HP-UX.

Installing on HP-UX 10.x

The installation process on HP-UX requires you to install the CiscoWorks packages, modify the kernel configuration file, and run the configuration scripts. Before performing an upgrade, back up the Sybase database and the $NMSROOT directory. Then load CiscoWorks on top of the previous version.

Note Before installation, make sure that you have enough disk space. See the CiscoWorks Installation Guide for HP-UX for disk space requirements. Also, refer to the "Software Access Control on HP-UX 10.x" section in the CiscoWorks Installation Guide for HP-UX for information about the swacl command.

To install CiscoWorks on an HP-UX 10.x platform, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the files from the CD-ROM by entering:
# cd /cdrom/HP10_OV4 # ./cwinstall -s /cdrom/HP10_OV4

  1. Answer yes each time cwinstall prompts whether you want to install a package.

  2. Begin the CiscoWorks configuration process by entering:
# cd /opt/CSCOcwh/install # ./cwconfigure

Answer the cwconfigure script questions according to the information you entered on the CiscoWorks Configuration Worksheet in your CiscoWorks Installation Guide for HP-UX.

  1. To unmount and eject the CD-ROM from your local and/or a remote machine, enter:
# cd / # umount /cdrom

Remove the CD-ROM from the drive and store it in a safe place.

For information on minimum and recommended requirements, installation verification procedures, and customizing procedures, refer to the CiscoWorks Installation Guide for HP-UX.

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