
Table Of Contents

Release Notes for Cisco Secure
User Registration Tool Release 2.5.5 and VLAN Policy Server

Hardware and Software Requirements

New Features in Release 2.5

Feature Enhancements in Release 2.5.1

Clarification about Auto-Install

Collecting Troubleshooting Data from the VLAN Policy Server

Disabling the URT Event Bus

Changes to AdminServerAttributes

vlancmd Feature Available on Linux Clients

Setting DNS Settings on the VLAN Policy Server

Support for International Java Runtime Environment

New Features in Release 2.5.3

URT Client Login

New Device Support

Switches Supported in URT 2.5.5

Upgrading URT to Release 2.5.5

Downloading the Application

Upgrading the URT Administrative Server

Creating a VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD

Upgrading the VLAN Policy Server 1101 Software

Verifying the VLAN Policy Server 1101 Upgrade

Upgrading the VLAN Policy Server 1102

Verifying the VLAN Policy Server 1102 Upgrade

URT Documentation

Additional Information Online

Documentation Updates

User Guide Updates

URT Installation and Setup Guide Update

Cisco 1102 VLAN Policy Server Installation and Setup Guide Updates


Known Anomalies in URT 2.5.5

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5.1

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5.3

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5.4

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5.5

Obtaining Documentation

Documentation DVD

Ordering Documentation

Documentation Feedback

Cisco Product Security Overview

Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco Technical Support Website

Submitting a Service Request

Definitions of Service Request Severity

Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Release Notes for Cisco Secure
User Registration Tool Release 2.5.5 and VLAN Policy Server

These release notes are for use with Cisco Secure User Registration Tool (URT) Release 2.5.5 and the VLAN Policy Server (VPS).

These release notes contain:

Hardware and Software Requirements

New Features in Release 2.5

Feature Enhancements in Release 2.5.1

New Features in Release 2.5.3

Switches Supported in URT 2.5.5

Upgrading URT to Release 2.5.5

URT Documentation

Additional Information Online

Documentation Updates


Obtaining Documentation

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Hardware and Software Requirements

Table 1 lists hardware and software required for installing and using URT 2.5.5. Table 2 lists software required for installing and using URT.

Table 1 Hardware Requirements 

URT Element
Minimum Requirement

URT Administrative Server and Administrative Client Interface

Pentium III CPU


64 MB disk space

Color monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution, with at least 256 colors

URT VLAN Policy Server

Cisco VLAN Policy Server 1101

Cisco VLAN Policy Server 1102

URT Client Module

Traditional logon clients:

Pentium II CPU


1 MB disk space

Web logon clients:

Pentium II CPU


1 MB disk space

Table 2 Software Requirements 

URT Element
Minimum Requirement

URT Novell NDS Domain

Novell Netware: 5.1

Server Version: 5.00

NDS Version: 8.38


URT Administrative Server and Administrative Client Interface

Windows 2000 Professional and Server with Service Pack 4

Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1

Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, with latest Windows updates

Although URT functions independently from CiscoWorks2000, the addition of CiscoWorks2000 streamlines the process of adding network information to URT.

URT Client Module

Platforms that either traditional logon clients or web logon clients can operate on:

Windows 98 SE

Windows NT 4.0 Workstation and Server with Service Pack 6a

Windows 2000 Professional and Server with Service Pack 4

Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 1

Platforms that only web logon clients can operate on:

Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1

Macintosh OS 10.1 or 10.3.2

RedHat Linux 7.1

Mandrake Linux 7.2

SuSE Linux 7.2

VA Linux 6.2

Clients must be running:

TCP/IP using DHCP to obtain IP addresses. You must use TCP/IP; you cannot use only IPX or NetBIOS.

At least one of these:

Windows Networking (NetBIOS or Client for Microsoft Networks).

Novell NetWare Client 4.6 (or later) for Windows NT clients.

Novell NetWare Client 3.0.1 (or later) for Windows 98 clients.

Web Browser

Internet Explorer 5.5 with Service Pack 2

Internet Explorer 6.0 with Service Pack 1

Netscape 4.79, 6.2, and 7.1

Macintosh OS 10.1 supports Internet Explorer 5.1 or Netscape 6.2.2 only.

Internet Explorer cannot be used on Linux systems.

New Features in Release 2.5

The VLAN Policy Server hardware has been superseded by the Cisco 1101 VLAN Policy Server.

URT Release 2.5 contains the following new features:

Web-based logon from Windows, Macintosh, and Linux clients.

Support for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory authentication for Active Directory (AD) and Novell Directory Service (NDS).

RADIUS web authentication and accounting.

Secure link between the client and VLAN Policy Server (VPS).

Support for Windows XP clients.

Support for multiple users per port based on user ID (web logons only). This feature allows several users to connect to the Internet through a hub that is served by a single switch port. (All users behind the hub must be assigned to the same VLAN.)

Protection against network access by unregistered MAC addresses.

Viewing of MAC registration events through the user interface.

Automatic save of all changes to the URT database; database changes are reflected immediately in the network.

Support for additional Cisco Catalyst switches.

Feature Enhancements in Release 2.5.1

URT Release 2.5.1 contains the following feature enhancements:

Clarification about Auto-Install

Collecting Troubleshooting Data from the VLAN Policy Server

Disabling the URT Event Bus

Changes to AdminServerAttributes

vlancmd Feature Available on Linux Clients

Setting DNS Settings on the VLAN Policy Server

Support for International Java Runtime Environment

Clarification about Auto-Install

For the auto-install feature to work properly, the PC domain membership must match the domain of the domain\domain_user logging into the PC.

Collecting Troubleshooting Data from the VLAN Policy Server

You can collect data from VLAN Policy Server (VPS) log files and XML files to provide troubleshooting information to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). The log files (UrtVmpsServer.log) and XML files reside in the /opt/CSCOpx/objects/urt/data directory on the VPS.

To collect this information, you must first enable trace on the primary (active) VPS:

Step 1 Open a browser window.

Step 2 Enter the following URL in the address field:


where VPS_address is the IP address of the active VPS.

Step 3 In the CiscoWorks2000 Login Manager window, enter admin in both the Username and Password fields.

Step 4 Under the Diagnostics tab, click URT Debugging.

Step 5 At the bottom of the window, click Enable Debug Trace Mode.

Step 6 In the URT Debugging window, click Confirm.

The following message is displayed:

URT VPS Server has been restarted and debug trace mode is now enabled.

Step 7 Under the Diagnostics tab, click URT Debugging again.

Step 8 To download the .tgz file, click the Download URT Debug Information link.

Step 9 In the next dialog box, select Save to Disk.

Step 10 In the Save As... dialog box, navigate to the location in which you wish to save the debug file.

Step 11 Click Save.

The diagnostic information is saved (in compressed format) to the location you specified in Step 10. You can send this file to the Cisco TAC for troubleshooting assistance.

Step 12 To disable trace on the VPS, select URT VPS Servers from the URT Administrative interface.

Step 13 Double-click the appropriate VPS.

Step 14 In the URT VPS Server Configuration window, deselect the Enable Trace setting.

Disabling the URT Event Bus

In the Options dialog box of the Administrative tab, the Disable URT Event Bus feature allows you to disable the TIBCO event bus to suppress the display of exception messages during client logon and logoff.

Changes to AdminServerAttributes

Three of the administrative options previously saved in the UrtOptions.xml file are now saved in the UrtAttributes.xml file.

These options, available from the URT Administrative interface by selecting View > Options, then clicking the Admin tab, are:

Enabling and disabling trace on the Administrative Server.

The UrtAdminServer.log file location.

The Group Membership setting.

A new administrative option, Disable URT Event Bus, is also saved in the UrtAttributes.xml file.

vlancmd Feature Available on Linux Clients

The vlancmd feature is now available for use on Linux clients.

Setting DNS Settings on the VLAN Policy Server

When the VPS is used as a DNS server, the clients in the logon VLAN must know the Windows domain controller host names and corresponding IP addresses.

You can use the new option in the URT Administrative interface, Customize >  Options >  DNS > DNS Settings > Add, to enter the host name and IP address mappings.

Support for International Java Runtime Environment

Release 2.5.1 includes the English JRE plug-in and the International JRE plug-in. By default, the English JRE plug-in is used. However, if the client system is running a non-US-localized Windows operating system (for example, Japanese), you must use the International JRE plug-in.

Caution You must use only the English JRE on systems running a US English (non-localized) Windows operating system.

To change the JRE default from English to International, go to the Customize tab, then select Options. In the Options window, click the Web tab, then select the check box Use International JRE Version as default download. (If the check box is deselected, the English version is used).

Note The JRE is downloaded only if the client system does not already have a JRE or native Java installed.

New Features in Release 2.5.3

The following new features are available in URT release 2.5.3:

URT Client Login

New Device Support

URT Client Login

An alternative method for logging client systems into URT is available. This new method runs an executable file (urtlogon.exe) on the client system after a user logs in. The advantage of this method is that the executable file runs in the background, so the user cannot incorrectly cancel it, as is possible with the older method, which runs the file urt.bat after the user logs in.

The file urtlogon.exe is located in the same directory as the urt.bat file. To enable this new logon method for a client, place the urtlogon.exe file in the logon script of that client's Windows profile, replacing the urt.bat file if necessary.

New Device Support

URT release 2.5.3 adds support for new Cisco Catalyst switches in the following series:











Switches Supported in URT 2.5.5

Table 3 lists the switches supported by Cisco Secure URT 2.5.5.

Table 3 Switches Supported by Cisco Secure URT 2.5.5 



Catalyst 1924


Catalyst 2820


Catalyst 1924


Catalyst 1912


Catalyst 1912


Catalyst 2908XL


Catalyst 2916M-XL


Catalyst 2924XL


Catalyst 2924CXL


Catalyst C2924XLv


Catalyst C2924CXLv


Catalyst C2912XL


Catalyst C2924MXL


Catalyst C2912MfXL


Catalyst C3508GXL


Catalyst C3512XL


Catalyst C3524XL


Catalyst C2948GL3


Catalyst C3548XL


Catalyst C3524PXL


Catalyst C295012


Catalyst C295024


Catalyst C295024C


Catalyst C2950t24


Catalyst C355024


Catalyst C355048


Catalyst C355012t


Catalyst 2924LREXL


Catalyst 2912LREXL


Catalyst C295012G


Catalyst C295024G


Catalyst C295048G


Catalyst C295024S


Catalyst C355012G


Catalyst C4006


Catalyst C355024DC


Catalyst C355024Mmf


Catalyst C295024GDC


Catalyst C295024SX


Catalyst C295024LRE


Catalyst C29508LRE


Catalyst C295024LRE


Catalyst C355024P


Catalyst C4507


Catalyst C4506


Catalyst C4503


Catalyst C375024


Catalyst C375048


Catalyst C375024TS


Catalyst C375024T


Catalyst C37xxStack


Catalyst C4510


Catalyst C2940-8TT


Catalyst C2940-8TF


Catalyst C297024G


Catalyst C356024PS

Upgrading URT to Release 2.5.5

This section describes the procedure for upgrading Cisco Secure URT software from any URT 2.5 release to URT release 2.5.5.

As part of the upgrade, you must perform some reconfiguration tasks to activate URT Release 2.5.5 in the network.

Upgrading the URT Administrative Server

Creating a VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD

Upgrading the VLAN Policy Server 1102

Downloading the Application

Step 1 Navigate to the Software Download page at the following URL:

Step 2 Download the Cisco Secure User Registration Tool v 2.5.5 - AdminServer:

Step 3 Download any of the following images depending on your hardware platform requirements:

The Cisco Secure User Registration Tool VLAN Policy Server 1101, Release 2.5.5 Recovery Image is required to create a recovery CD for URT VPS 1101.


The Cisco Secure User Registration Tool VLAN Policy Server 1102, Release 2.5.5 Recovery Image is required to create a recovery CD for URT VPS 1102.


The Cisco Secure User Registration Tool v 2.5.5 - VLAN Policy Server1102 can be used to upgrade URT VPS 1102 software.

Upgrading the URT Administrative Server

Note A single URT Administrative Server is recommended. If more than one URT Administrative Server is installed, URT will not coordinate logons between the servers.

Step 1 Log into URT using an account that has local Administrator privileges.

If you are installing from downloaded software, skip to Step 5.

Step 2 Insert the URT 2.5.5 Administrative Server CD in the Windows system.

Step 3 Select Start > Run, then enter:


where drive: is your CD-ROM drive.

Step 4 Click OK.

The installation program starts. Proceed to Step 7.

Step 5 If you downloaded the software, unzip the Cisco Secure User Registration Tool v 2.5.5 - AdminServer image that you downloaded.

Step 6 Run UrtAdminServer.exe.

The installation program starts.

Step 7 In the uninstallation dialog box, select Yes to uninstall.

Step 8 In the confirmation dialog box, select Yes.

The uninstallation program begins. When uninstallation is complete, a dialog box opens.

Step 9 Click OK.

The installation program begins.

Step 10 In the Welcome window, click Next to continue.

Step 11 In the User Information text box, enter the username and the company name.

The installation program displays the destination location.

Step 12 To continue, click Next.

Step 13 In the URT VPS Port Number dialog box, click Next.

Note Do not change the port number that the VPS uses to connect to the URT Administrative Server. This setting is preconfigured on the server.

Step 14 In the Create URT Administrative Services text box, enter the user ID and the system password. (The user ID must have administrator privileges on this system.)

The installation program begins copying files to your system.

Step 15 To complete the installation, select Yes to reboot.

After you restart the system, the URT Administrative Server begins to run, the URT Administrative Client Interface is installed, and URT is added to the program list in the Start > Programs menu.

Creating a VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD

To upgrade the VLAN Policy Server 1101, you must create a VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD to reimage the VLAN Policy Server. You can also use this procedure to create a recovery CD for VPS 1102.

Step 1 Download the VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD image from

See Downloading the Application for information about downloading the image.

Step 2 Use a CD creation tool to create the recovery CD using the downloaded image.

Upgrading the VLAN Policy Server 1101 Software

To upgrade the VLAN Policy Server 1101 software, use a VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD. See Creating a VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD for information about how to create the VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD.

Note During the upgrade, the VPS will reboot twice.

Step 1 Connect a console to the VLAN Policy Server console port.

For the location of the console port, see the Front Panel Features section at the following URL:

Step 2 Log on as user administrator, and enter the password created when the VLAN Policy Server was configured.

Step 3 Insert the VLAN Policy Server Recovery CD into the VPS CD-ROM device.

Step 4 Enter the reload command:


The VLAN Policy Server reboots.

Step 5 At the prompt Do you wish to continue (yes/[no]/rescue):, enter rescue. For more information about the rescue image, see the section Using the Rescue Image at the following URL:

Step 6 When the VLAN Policy Server ejects the recovery CD, remove it.

Step 7 Wait until the system reboots twice and the logon prompt is displayed.

Step 8 Delete the URT VLAN Policy Server from the URT Admin GUI.

Step 9 Add the URT VLAN Policy Server back into the URT Admin GUI.

Verifying the VLAN Policy Server 1101 Upgrade

After upgrading the VPS 1101, you should verify the upgrade.

Step 1 On the system where you performed the upgrade, open a web browser.

Step 2 Enter the following address:


Step 3 In the login window, enter the administrator userID and password in the Username and Password fields.

Step 4 From the desktop, select Software Management > Software Update History.

Step 5 To verify that the last installation was successful, review the information in the Status column.

Upgrading the VLAN Policy Server 1102

Caution A recovery of the VPS 1102 may have to be done before attempting upgrade. Refer to Bug ID CSCed89609 (see page 51) regarding an issue with new VPS 1102 running URT 2.5.3

Note During the upgrade, the VPS will reboot twice.

Step 1 Obtain the upgrade image in one of the following ways:

Download it from—From any system on the network that can connect to the VPS, open a web browser, then download the URT VLAN Policy Server Release 2.5.5 upgrade ( The upgrade image folder opens. Proceed to Step 2.

Use the upgrade CD:

a. Insert the User Registration Tool VPS Upgrade CD (version 2.5.5 Cisco 1102 VLAN Policy Server) into the CD-ROM drive of any Windows system on the network that can connect to the VPS.

b. Using Windows Explorer, access the CD-ROM drive.

c. Double-click the vps1102UpgradeCDImage folder.

The upgrade image folder opens.

Step 2 Double-click autorun.bat.

Note A DOS command window opens; do not close this window.

Step 3 In the next dialog box, click Select to update VPS.

The Setup dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 In the Appliance Host field, enter the VPS IP address.

Step 5 Click Install.

Step 6 In the User name and Password fields, enter admin.

Step 7 Click Login.

Step 8 Select the radio button for the URT Release 2.5.5 upgrade.

Step 9 Click Install.

The installation process begins.

After installation has completed, you are asked if you wish to upgrade another VPS.

Step 10 To upgrade another VPS, select Install next; otherwise, select Cancel to end the upgrade.

Verifying the VLAN Policy Server 1102 Upgrade

After upgrading the VPS 1102, you should verify the upgrade.

Step 1 On the system where you performed the upgrade, open a web browser.

Step 2 Enter the following address:


Step 3 In the login window, enter the administrator userID and password in the Username and Password fields.

Step 4 From the desktop, select Software Management > Software Update History.

Step 5 To verify that the last installation was successful, review the information in the Status column.

URT Documentation

Note Although every effort has been made to validate the accuracy of the information in the printed and electronic documentation, you should also review the URT documentation on for any updates.

The following documents are provided in PDF on your product CD:

User Guide for the Cisco Secure User Registration Tool

Installation and Setup Guide for the Cisco Secure User Registration Tool

Installation and Setup Guide for the Cisco 1102 VLAN Policy Server

Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco 1102 VLAN Policy Server

User Registration Tool Software Developer's Guide

Note Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later is required.

Use these documents to learn how to install and use URT:

Installation and Setup Guide for the Cisco Secure User Registration Tool—Provides instructions for installing URT, and quick-start steps for using URT. This publication is available on the URT CD-ROM in PDF.

User Guide for the Cisco Secure User Registration ToolDescribes URT and provides instructions for configuring, administering, and operating it. This publication is available on the URT CD-ROM in PDF.

URT online helpContains all of the information available in User Guide for the Cisco Secure User Registration Tool. This ensures that you have complete information, even if you do not have the manual readily available while
using URT.

Use this publication to learn how to install the Cisco 1102 VLAN Policy Server:

Installation and Setup Guide for the Cisco 1102 VLAN Policy Server (DOC-7816255=)—Provides instructions for installing and setting up the 1102 VLAN Policy Server. This publication is available on the URT CD-ROM in PDF.

Additional Information Online

For information about URT supported devices, check the URT documentation on

Documentation Updates

This section contains updates to the URT documentation.

User Guide Updates

This section contains updates to User Guide for the Cisco Secure User Registration Tool.

Chapter 1 Update

The following information was omitted after the second note in the "Understanding Traditional Logons and Web Logons" section on page 1-5:

For traditional logons, you can specify the same Active Directory server as both an NT domain and an LDAP directory; users can be associated with both. The LDAP association takes precedence over the NT domain association.

Chapter 4 Updates

These topics contain updates to Chapter 4:

Managing LDAP Servers

Adding LDAP Servers

Overview of RADIUS Authentication Support

Adding RADIUS Servers

Managing LDAP Servers

On page 4-11, the following italicized information was omitted after the second paragraph in the section:

URT supports redundant LDAP servers. If the primary LDAP server fails, URT can query a second or third LDAP server for the user, group, or organizational unit assignment.

It is recommended that redundant LDAP servers use the same Base Distinguished Name.

In the Add Directory window, you can select multiple LDAP servers from the list of IP addresses. During logons, the VPS queries a random LDAP server from the list. If a connection to that server fails, logon attempts continue with other servers in the list until an available server is located.

LDAP associations are arranged in a hierarchical tree. An example tree might be structured as follows:

United States : Western States : California : San Francisco : Ken

URT might assign a VLAN to any place in the tree. If the username Ken has multiple organizational unit associations, URT searches for the username Ken first when looking for a VLAN association, and uses the first association it finds.

Adding LDAP Servers

On page 4-12, the following italicized information was omitted from Step 7:

Step 7 Select the interval at which the Client Module looks up the user in the LDAP tree to determine if the user's Distinguished Name (DN) has changed.

When you use a long interval, the LDAP server is queried less frequently, resulting in less network traffic. If you change the interval, the change is not recognized until the original interval has elapsed.

For example, if you first set the interval to 3 hours, and you make changes every hour thereafter, the changes are not recognized until 3 hours have passed.

When you use a short interval, network load on the LDAP server and the URT VPS increases.

Overview of RADIUS Authentication Support

At the top of page 4-16, the following note was omitted from the description of the RADIUS attribute syntax example:


Note For a description of these attributes, see Step 4 in the "Setting Web Associations" section on page 6-3.

Adding RADIUS Servers

On page 4-18, the following italicized information was omitted from Step 8:

Step 8 Enter the interval for verifying client attributes. A client sync message takes 5 minutes and the default interval is 12 minutes; therefore, verification occurs every 60 minutes (12 x 5).

When you use a long interval, the RADIUS server is queried less frequently, resulting in less network traffic. If you change the interval, the change is not recognized until the original interval has elapsed.

For example, if you first set the interval to 3 hours, and you make changes every hour thereafter, the changes are not recognized until 3 hours have passed.

When you use a short interval, network load on the RADIUS server and the URT VPS increases.

Chapter 6 Update

This information supersedes the information documented in the "Logging on as a Web Client" section on page 6-7 and the information published at

To achieve URT web logon, you must log in twice, as follows:

Step 1 Logon to the local system from an account that has privileges to release and renew IP addresses.

On Windows systems, you must logon to the local system as Administrator.

On Macintosh systems, you must logon as root.

On Linux systems, you can either:

Logon as root.

Allow non-root users to perform web logon. To do so, enter the following command to allow non-root users to control the dhcp client (pump, dhcpcd, or dhclient):

chmod u+s /sbin/pump

Note If you are using the dhcpcd or dhclient dhcp client instead of pump, make the appropriate command substitution.

Caution This method provides users with higher privileges than they would normally have. If non-root users are allowed to control the dhcp client on the Linux client systems, those users can release and renew IP addresses on that system. Therefore, verify your security policy before doing this.

Step 2 Launch a supported web browser, then logon to URT.

URT Installation and Setup Guide Update

This section contains late-breaking updates to Installation and Setup Guide for the Cisco Secure User Registration Tool.

Chapter 1 Update

In Table 1-1 on page 1-4, eDirectory should not be listed as a supported domain server.

Chapter 5 Update

The following information was omitted from the beginning of Chapter 5:

Note To ensure proper operation, you must be running the same URT environment on each component of your network (the URT Administrative Server, the VLAN Policy Server, and the URT client system).

For example, you can run a combination of Release 2.0.7 with 2.0.8, or a combination of Release 2.5 with 2.5.1; however, you cannot run a combination of Release 2.0.x with Release 2.5.x.

Cisco 1102 VLAN Policy Server Installation and Setup Guide Updates

This section contains late-breaking updates to Installation and Setup Guide for the Cisco 1102 VLAN Policy Server.

Chapter 4 Updates

Disregard the information in the "Administering User Accounts" and "Backing Up and Restoring Your VLAN Policy Server" sections.

Shutting Down and Reloading the VLAN Policy Server

Substitute the following procedure for the second paragraph:

To restart the VLAN Policy Server using the web interface:

Step 1 Select Diagnostic > Restart.

Step 2 Click Yes in the dialog box.

The VLAN Policy Server restarts.

Preparing to Install the Replacement VLAN Policy Server

Disregard Step 3.

Appendix C Updates

Command Summary

In Table C-1, disregard the following commands:




show anilog

show backupconfig

show collectorlog

In Table C-1, note the following changes to these commands:

Old Command
New Command

show hseaccesslog

show webaccesslog

show hseerrorlog

show weberrorlog

show hsesslaccesslog

show websslaccesslog

Privilege Level 15 Commands

In the "Privilege Level 15 Commands" section and all subsections, disregard the following commands:




show anilog

show backupconfig

show collectorlog

In the "repository" section, substitute the following italicized paragraph for the existing first paragraph:

To configure the VLAN Policy Server to be a repository, and to download software updates and images from an ftp server (or the product CD-ROM), enter the following command:

Note the following changes to these commands:

Old Command
New Command

show hseaccesslog

show webaccesslog

show hseerrorlog

show weberrorlog

show hsesslaccesslog

show websslaccesslog


This section lists the known anomalies in URT 2.5.5 and the anomalies resolved in this and previous releases of URT 2.5.

Known Anomalies in URT 2.5.5

This section lists the known problems in URT 2.5.5. Known problems (bugs) in URT are graded according to severity level. These release notes contain descriptions of:

All severity level 1 or 2 bugs.

Significant severity level 3 bugs.

All customer-found bugs (regardless of severity level).

You can search for problems using the Cisco Software Bug Toolkit. To access the Software Bug Toolkit:

Step 1 Log into

Step 2 Select Service & Support > Technical Support Help—Cisco TAC > Tool Index.

Step 3 In the Jump to: links at the top of the page, click the letter S, then select Software Bug Toolkit.

You can also access the Software Bug Toolkit by entering the following URL in your web browser:

Table 4 describes the anomalies known to exist in all releases or URT 2.5.

Table 4 Known Anomalies in URT 2.5.X Releases 

Bug ID


When Windows 2000 laptop systems are connected to a docking station, login is unsuccessful.

The default setting for a Windows 2000 laptop system when connected to docking a station is for all network adaptors to be enabled. The system cannot log on when more than one network adapter is enabled.

To work around this problem, set up your hardware profiles using the Hardware Device Manager option. Configure your system so that the network adapter for the docking station is the only network adapter enabled when the system is connected to the docking station.

CSCdu52546 (3)

VPS1100 cannot set or delete an NTP server.

If you logon to a VLAN Policy Server 1100 series as administrator or root, then try to delete an NTP command, the command-line interface returns an error. You cannot delete the NTP setting.

There is no workaround.

CSCdw08035 (3)

On MacOS 10.1 systems, the release and renew feature does not update the TCP/IP panel.

When logging onto a MacOS 10.1 system, the IP address is changed according to the VLAN assigned to the user. However, when you select TCP/IP > Properties, the new IP address is not shown.

There is no known workaround; however, you can obtain a client IP address by entering the command ifconfig en0 in a terminal window.

CSCdw46686 (3)

The client is not assigned to a user VLAN when using a Catalyst 1900 or 2820 as the access layer switch.

When using a Cisco Catalyst 1900 (v 9.00.05) or Cisco Catalyst 2820 (v 9.00.05) as an access layer switch, the client is not assigned to a user VLAN. This occurs when the client system uses any port from 1 through 9.

The logon user is assigned to a logon VLAN, but was not assigned to a user VLAN.

This problem has been resolved in Catalyst Release v 9.00.06.

CSCdx20706 (3)

When synchronization packet fails, no error message is displayed.

When logged onto either a RADIUS or LDAP server using a web client, and the client system fails to send a sync packet to the VPS, an error message appears only in the web client log. You do not see an error message to indicate that the sync packet has failed.

There is no workaround.

CSCdx35302 (3)

The web logon does not log off automatically when logging off Windows systems.

When using the web client on any supported Windows system, the web client does not automatically log you off when you log off your Windows system. When you log back onto your system, you are still in the user VLAN. You remain in the user VLAN for approximately 5 minutes before being switched to the logon VLAN.

To work around this problem, log off the web client at the same time you log off your Windows system.

CSCdx45576 (4)

Search feature does not work on Windows XP systems after installing the URT Web Client.

This is a known Windows XP problem.

To work around this problem:

1. Log in as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group.

2. From the Windows desktop, select Start > Run, then enter %systemroot%\inf.

3. To open the INF folder, click OK.

4. Right-click the Srchasst.inf file.

5. From the drop-down menu, select Install to reinstall the files that the search feature requires to proceed normally.

6. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Windows\srchasst\mui\0409 folder.

7. Right-click each of the following files:




8. For each file, select Properties in the drop-down men.

9. In the Properties dialog box, select the Read-only checkbox.

10. Click OK.

11. Repeat Step 7 through Step 10 for each file.

CSCdx50935 (3)

Netscape 6.2.2 on Windows NT systems requires you to download the Java plug-in even when it is already installed.

When attempting to log on using a web client, you are prompted to download the Java plug-in. Even after installing the plug-in, you are prompted every time you open the browser to download and install the plug-in.

To work around this problem:

1. Uninstall the Java plug-in.

2. Delete the NPJAVA*.dll and NPOJI600.dll files from the <netscape6>/plugins/ directory.

3. Reboot the system.

4. Install the Java plug-in.

5. If requested, reboot the system.

6. Verify that all files are copied into the <netscape6>/plugins directory.

7. Start the web client.

CSCdx51792 (3)

Cannot download the Java plug-in on Linux Mandrake 8.1 running Netscape 6.2.2.

If the Java plug-in is not installed and you try to install it, the download dialog box does not allow you to select anything, and you cannot download the plug-in.

To work around this problem, download the plug-in using Netscape 4.7.

CSCdx53561 (2)

The VQP sends trunking port MAC address requests.

These requests occur when the client system is connected to a dynamic switch port and another switch port is set to trunking mode.

The VQP sends a request for two MAC addresses on the switch port:

One MAC address is that of the client attached to the switch port.

The other MAC address is that of the trunking port.

The switch behaves as if there are two MAC addresses on the switch port, causing the client to be switched back to the logon VLAN.

This behavior has been observed on Cisco Catalyst 2900XL, 2950, and 3500XL switches.

There is no workaround.

CSCdx57155 (3)

The web client logon redirection does not work when using an IP address as the URL.

When entering an IP address in the web browser and the URT web client is still in the logon VLAN, the web client logon redirect does not work.

To work around this problem, enter the server name in the web browser.

CSCdx57498 (4)

Install on Demand message box is displayed when Java plug-in is not installed.

When logging on using Internet Explorer 6.0 on a Windows XP web client, and the Java plug-in is not installed, the Install on Demand message box opens.

To work around this problem, do one of the following:

In the Internet Options window, disable the Install on Demand option.

When Internet Explorer 6.0 starts, click Cancel in the Install on Demand message box.

CSCdx60047 (3)

The Administrative Server help search on Windows XP systems does not work with the Java plug-in.

The online help search feature does not work if the Administrative Server is installed on a system on which the Java plug-in is installed.

To work around this problem, install the Windows update on the Windows XP system before installing the URT Administrative Server.

CSCdx60072 (3)

Switch sends out an incorrect VQP message when using a hub.

When a client is connected to a hub, the switch caches the client information (the switch port to which the hub is connected):

1. The client is moved to another switch in the same VTP domain.

2. The VQP update is sent by the first switch; the VPS responds as if the user is on both switch ports.

3. The user is moved to the logon VLAN, and the history log shows the client on both the new port and the hub port.

There is no workaround.

CSCdx60911 (3)

Cannot save the History log file with a file extension on Windows XP systems.

You can save a history log file as a text file or as a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Regardless of which format you select, the file is saved without a file extension.

To work around this problem, right-click the file, then use the Windows Notepad application to read it.

CSCdx61384 (3)

The history events file logs multiple logon events if there is no response from the VPS.

The history events log file reports multiple logon events for the same user if the VPS does not response immediately.

There is no workaround.

CSCdx62862 (3)

The option to close the web browser after logon does not work on VA Linux operating systems.

The web browser remains open after logon, even if you select the Close browser window on logon check box in the Web Options settings of the Administrative interface.

There is no workaround.

CSCdx63169 (4)

When using the command-line interface, a message incorrectly states that the process has completed.

This message is displayed when you use the following CLI command to import a text file containing the MAC address to VLAN mappings:

urtgui -cli [full path\filename]

If the VTP domain is not valid, an error message indicates that the VTP domain is unknown. The last message says:

Completed loading data into URT

The message should indicate that the import failed.

CSCdx63706 (3)

On Mandrake Linux systems using Netscape, the active and Grant Session windows close.

This problem occurs on Mandrake Linux web clients using Netscape 6.2.2. When you launch Netscape for web logon, and do not click Grant Session or Grant All within 1 minute, the active Netscape window and the Grant session window close.

The following message appears in the browser status bar:


You cannot log on because the Logon dialog box is not open.

To work around this problem, close, then reopen the browser. When you log on, click Grant Session. The Logon dialog box is displayed.

CSCdx63741 (4)

Non-DHCP hosts with static IP addresses can install the URT client service.

When you manually install the URT Client service through a Windows NT host, the following message appears:

NOTE:Install will fail on non-DHCP hosts.

You can disregard this message.

CSCdx70808 (3)

Client system is moved to the logon VLAN when the Energy Saver option is activated.

When the Energy Saver option is enabled on a client system and the client system powers down, the timer (clock) on the URT Administrative Interface stops. The user is moved to the logon VLAN.

When the system is rebooted, the clock restarts and the user is moved back to the user VLAN during the next sync.

To work around this problem, disable the Energy Saver option.

CSCdx70956 (3)

Linux clients lose network connectivity.

During unique situations, such as when all VPSs are being upgraded simultaneously, logged on Linux client systems may lose network connectivity.

To work around this problem, you must restart the network as a user with root privileges:

1. Open a terminal window on the Linux system.

2. To stop the network, enter one of these commands:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop

/etc/rc.d/network stop

The path you use depends on the location of the network script.

3. To stop the eth0 interface, enter:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down

4. Use the DHCP client to issue a release command. Depending on the DHCP client running on your system, enter one of these commands:

/sbin/pump -k

/sbin/dhcpcd -k

/sbin/dhclient -k

5. To start the network, enter one of these commands:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start

/etc/rc.d/network start


6. To start the eth0 interface, enter: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up

7. To start the DHCP client, enter one of these commands:




You can now logon to the network.

CSCin09948 (3)

When installation fails, a URT option on the Programs menu and a shortcut are created.

This problem occurs when you enter an invalid user ID during installation of the Administrative Server. An error message appears and the installation fails.

Even though the installation failed, the URT option is added to the Programs menu. If you enable the Create desktop shortcut option during installation, a shortcut for URT is also created on the desktop.

If you click the shortcut on the desktop or select URT from the Programs menu, an error message appears and URT does not launch.

To work around this problem, reboot the system, then perform the installation again.

CSCin09951 (3)

Administrative Interface reinstallation loops continuously.

When you reinstall the Administrative Interface, the following message appears:

A previous version of URT was detected. You must uninstall the....

You then do the following:

1. Click Yes to uninstall.

After a confirmation dialog box is displayed, the following message is displayed:

The log file D:\urttest\ UrtAdminServerUninst.isu is not valid or the data has been corrupted. Uninstallation will not continue.

2. Click OK.

The first message displays again, and you must repeat Step 1 and Step 2.

The reinstallation process continues, but the Administrative Server is never reinstalled.

CSCin09951 (continued)

Administrative Interface reinstallation loops continuously.

To work around this problem, start the Registry Editor, then delete this registry entry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems\URT Administrative Server

After you remove this entry, URT stops detecting the previous version of URT, and the reinstallation continues.

CSCin10062 (3)

Traditional logon is allowed even when the Web Only Logon option is selected.

If you deselect the Web Only Logon option, then later select it, you can logon using the traditional logon method. This occurs even though the Web Only Logon option is selected.

There is no workaround.


DNS (named) service resolves hostnames inconsistently on VPS.

On pre-Windows 2000 systems using NetBIOS, underscores (_) were permitted in hostnames. On Windows 2000 systems, the URT VPS uses DNS to resolve hostnames. DNS converts the underscores to hyphens (-); as a result, hostnames are not resolved correctly.

To work around this problem, be sure to use hyphens—not underscores—in the DNS Attributes window when entering the hostname.


If Sun JRE not used, Microsoft JVM dialog box prompts repeatedly.

The Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (JVM) "Install on Demand (Other)" dialog box prompts the client repeatedly to download and install the JVM if Sun JRE 1.4.0_01 is not selected.

By default, Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) 6.0 installs its own version of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). However, if you want to use Netscape with URT, you must use the Sun JRE (provided on the VPS). You can use the Sun JRE as the default runtime environment for both Netscape and MSIE.

To work around the problem of the repeating dialog box, do one of the following:

1. In the Install on Demand (Other) dialog box, select the "Never download any of these components" check box, then click Cancel.

2. Download the Sun JRE and establish that as the default for both MSIE and Netscape.


Firewall settings are lost after rebooting the VPS.

The VPS does not retain the firewall settings after a reboot. Firewall settings are retained during each session, but are lost when the VPS is rebooted.

Workaround: Reenter the firewall settings after rebooting the VPS.

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5

Table 5 describes the anomalies resolved in URT 2.5.

Table 5 Anomalies Resolved in URT Release 2.5 

Bug ID


The Administrative Interface accepted invalid MAC addresses.

If you entered the MAC address in a format other than 00-00-00-00-00-00, an error message displayed. This problem has been resolved.

CSCdw79430 (4)

The install script dialog box that appeared when you selected a specific Windows domain controller (DC) within the same domain was misleading.

The message has been updated to indicate that the URT script might be replicated to other domain controllers.

CSCdw81489 (3)

UrtVmpsServerAttributes.xml was written to a subfolder that could be inadvertently deleted.

The UrtVmpsServerAttributes.xml file has been moved to the etc directory.

CSCin03687 (2)

The VPS went down when using the web browser to install from the VPS Recovery CD.

The package information has been changed for the Recovery CD.

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5.1

Table 6 describes the anomalies resolved in URT 2.5.1.

Table 6 Anomalies Resolved in URT Release 2.5.1 

Bug ID


URT installed the English (not international) JRE.

In the Customize tab, a new check box, Use International JRE Version as default download, has been added to the Web tab of the Options window. Use this option to download the international JRE for use by URT web clients. (If the box is deselected, the US English version is used.)

Note This JRE is downloaded only if the client system does not already have a JRE or native Java installed.


vlancmd on Linux was hanging occasionally.

This problem has been resolved.


Windows 95 client IP address was not changed dynamically during login and logout.

To resolve this problem, you must download an updated version of the Microsoft Windows Sockets 2 (Winsock 2.0) run-time components for Windows 95 from the Microsoft web site:;EN-US;Q177719

Note This web site is Copyright © 2002, Microsoft Corporation.

At this location, you can obtain msvcrt.dll and a working version of winicpfg (4.10.0.x or later) for URT.


History Logging by date wrote one event to an earlier file.

This problem has been resolved.


XML data files were not synchronized on the VPS.

The XML data files were not properly synchronizing on the URT VPS. Some files had the correct version number but incorrect data. Other XML files had incorrect version numbers. Therefore, the data was not synchronizing properly with the URT Administrative Server.

This problem has been resolved.


Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems only supported 22 VPSs from the command line.

Entering more than 22 VPSs resulted in an error message.

This problem has been resolved.


LDAP bounced a logged on user every 60 minutes.

When users log into the network using the URT web client, they are authenticated by Active Directory as the LDAP server.

Using LDAP, URT verified the user associations and domain name settings after 60 minutes. The domain name failed and returned a NULL, indicating to URT that there was no user assigned to the VLAN. The user then returned to the logon VLAN. The user's confirmation packet determined the correct domain name and association for that user; the user then returned to the user VLAN. As a result, the user was bounced and returned to the user VLAN every 60 minutes.

This problem has been resolved.


Web option to close window after logon returned user to the logon VLAN.

When a user set the web option to close the browser window after logging on, the user could log on as expected, and the browser window closed. However, after approximately 15 minutes, the VPS returned the user to the logon VLAN.

This problem has been resolved.


Apache Web Server vulnerability.

URT uses the Apache web server to upgrade the URT VPS and to service the URT Web Client module on the VPS.

This patch release resolves the security vulnerability described in:

Note This web site is Copyright © The Apache Software Foundation.


Note This web site is Copyright CERT© Coordination Center. CERT© is a registered trademark and service mark of Carnegie Mellon University.


After a GroupUpdate, user no longer displayed in the UrtGroupMemberships.

This problem has been resolved.


Null pointer exception when shutting down LDAP server, then double-clicking that server.

When shutting down the LDAP server, then double-clicking that server from the URT Administrative interface, a null pointer exception was displayed in the DOS window, suspending the user interface.

This problem has been resolved.


Reconfirm of switch did not set VMPS Server settings.

The URT VPS now sets the VMPS Server settings before issuing the SNMP reconfirm.


TibrvException error displayed during client logon and logoff.

This problem has been resolved.


Could not add task item to ClientScheduler queue because the queue limit had been reached.

Users were not being switched from the logon VLAN to the user VLAN.

This problem has been resolved.


Client sent out 300 ping packets to verify that the link was up.

The ping interval has been significantly shortened.


Windows XP Professional host could not join Windows domain with VPS/DNS.

To use the web logon feature, the VPS must be configured as a DNS server for the logon VLAN. During a traditional logon, a DNS query to resolve the Windows domain controller name from Windows XP Professional systems was not resolved to the correct IP address by the VPS being used as a DNS server.

This problem has been resolved.


VPS/DNS was resolving Windows domain controller names.

A VPS used as a DNS server should not have resolved all incoming requests to its own IP address. During a traditional logon, the client system sends a DNS query to resolve the Windows domain controller name.

The VPS/DNS behavior has been changed so that it does not resolve the domain controller name to its own IP address. Hostnames are now resolved to IP addresses based on a list of hostnames added using the URT Administrative interface. You can use the DNS Option tab to add a list of names to the IP addresses. The VPS will resolve those names to the specified IP addresses.


On Windows XP systems, Netscape 6.2 installed JRE 1.3.x when JRE was 1.4.0 needed.

On Windows XP systems, URT requires the Sun Java JRE 1.4.0_01 plug-in.

While installing Netscape 6.2 for the first time:

A full installation installs JRE 1.3.1_02.

A recommended installation does not install the JRE.

When you introduce this client system to URT, URT detects that either the incorrect JRE or no JRE has been installed. A Java Plug-in dialog box informs you that, for the page to display properly, you must download and install the 1.4.0_01 plug-in (which resides on the VPS).

You can download the US English (the default) or All Languages (International) version of the plug-in.

In the dialog box, click the link that takes you to the download; then follow the installation instructions.


JRE 1.4.0_01 sometimes does not plug into Netscape 6.2.3.

When you install JRE 1.4.0_01 and select Netscape 6 to use the Java plug-in as the default Java Runtime, the installation sometimes fails and the URT web client is repeatedly prompted to download and install JRE 1.4.0.

Note This behavior was most often observed on Windows XP systems.

This failure is not detrimental to the operation of the URT web client; however, to work around this behavior:

1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Java Plug-In 1.4.0_01.

2. Click the Browser tab.

3. Select Netscape 6 again.


Space embedded in the system variable was not recognized.

On some clients, the %TEMP% system variable is defined as:


The space between LOCAL and SETTINGS caused the remainder of the command to be truncated.

The URT.BAT script has been changed so that all occurrences of the %TEMP% variable are enclosed in quotation marks, as in the following example:

"%TEMP%\OnOffHandler" -domain domain_name -trace -logoffDelay 7 -exec "y:\posturt.bat"


URT client file system needed domain access rights.

If the file system on the client system is locked, the domain controller, which requires right access to the files, cannot update the client files upon logon. In these situations:

The client remains in the logon VLAN.

Each client must be manually updated by an admin user with the appropriate rights (a prohibitively time-consuming solution in environments with a large number of PCs).

A "Permission Denied" error message is generated.

To work around this problem, you must grant Domain Controller rights to the client.


Client service pings the switch gateway continuously.

The URT client sometimes continues to ping the gateway repeatedly, even after the logon process has completed.

No user intervention is required.


Need more information about resynchronizing mobile clients.

URT allows a client to disconnect from one port and move to another port without logging off. If a user disconnects their system by unplugging a cable, logoff takes approximately 10 minutes (the time it takes for two synchronizing messages to be generated).

When connecting to a new port, it takes the VPS approximately 4 to 5 minutes to reinitialize the client on the new port.

There is no workaround.


Menu item for Update URT Server Group Entries was not intuitive.

To use the Update URT Server Group Entries feature in URT Release 2.0.x, you would select the Windows domain name under the NT and NDS Domains folder, then select Customize  >  Update Server Group Entries.

In Release 2.5, this feature was grayed out and unavailable from the menu if you did not first select the Groups icon from within the NT and NDS Domains folder. (You can find the Groups icon by expanding the NT and NDS Domains folder, then looking under the Windows domain name, then looking under the Users icon.)

This function has been changed back to an available selection when only the domain name or group is selected.


No online help associated with DNS Attributes in URT Options.

In the URT Administrative interface, when you select Customize >  Options >  DNS >
DNS Settings  >  Add
, no help topic is associated with the Help button.

The following information should be associated with the Help button:

"When the VPS is used as a DNS server, the clients in the logon VLAN must know the Windows domain controller hostnames and corresponding IP addresses. You can use this feature to enter the hostname and IP address mappings."


No online help associated with Disable Event Bus feature.

At the bottom of the Customize  >  Options   > Administrative window is a check box to enable or disable the "Disable URT Event Bus feature." If you click Help, no help topic is available.

The following information should be associated with the Help button:

"Use this option to enable or disable the TIBCO event bus."


Auto-install failed on some Windows clients.

This problem has been resolved.

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5.3

Table 7 describes the anomalies resolved in URT 2.5.3.

Table 7 Anomalies Resolved in URT Release 2.5.3 

Bug ID


URT VPS receive queue appears to freeze and VPS will not respond.

VPS will not reply to VQP requests or URT client requests to change a VLAN. As a result the switches will failover to a secondary VPS Server. The VPS log files do not indicate any problem.

Workaround: Restart the VPS.


Clients loosing VLAN intermittently.

Users either keep losing their assigned VLANS or are not allowed to log into the VLANs through the VPS server.

There is no workaround.


URT VPS does not reply to the switches and the JRE quickly enough.

The primary URT VPS does not reply to the 2950 switches quickly enough, so switches keep sending reconfirm VQP to primary and backup URT VPS servers. This causes excessive traffic on the URT VPS servers. The JRE version that URT is using (2.0.7) is delayed in sending the URT VPS reply packet to switches.

Workaround: Reduce the number of switches owned by the URT VPS Server.


URT Monitor needs to reboot system when error discovered.

The URT Monitor now reboots the system when any of the sockets being monitored exceeds the threshold limit.


urtgui -cli command does not work properly.

Symptom: Using the urtgui CLI command to update MAC to VLAN associations fails to properly add a MAC address when a sequence of commands exists in the command file. An example of the sequence is the following:

00-00-00-00-00-01, delete

00-00-00-00-00-02, VTP, VLAN

00-00-00-00-00-01, VTP, VLAN

Deleting and then readding a MAC address can result in the MAC address not being added.

Workaround: Remove the delete command from the file.


Every 15 minutes a new named process starts.


Client service failed to upgrade to new version due to locked files.

The client service failed to upgrade because files are locked. When the client service was halted during the upgrade a Dr. Watson error occurred. As a result, the service client files remained in use and could not be removed and the service was not upgraded to a newer version. The cause of the failure is unknown and occurred only on a small percentage of the systems.

Workaround: Log on with administrative privileges so the service will be removed locally or disable the URT Client Service from running on boot up.


Client system lost IP address for a few seconds while logged in.

The loss of IP address was not switch related and caused some applications to fail as a result of the IP loss.

There is no workaround.


URT207: "Restarting the UrtAdminService..." message appears in application log.

The following messages appear in the Application Log in the Windows2000 Event Viewer:

"Restarting the UrtAdminService process D:\PROGRA~1\Urt\service\UrtAdmin.exe."

After that, the log file is rotated and a new log file is created.

Conditions: URT 2.0.7

Further Problem Description:

This problem seems to occur when the Windows server (URTAdminServer) is logged-off.

There is no workaround.


URT GUI does not show all users of an OU.

The URT user interface shows only 1000 users in an organizational unit (OU). However, the LDAP server shows the correct number of users. The GUI should display all users for an OU in the GUI and should not have a limit.

Workaround: Create OUs with no more than 1000 elements.


URT252:AutoInstall not sending correct information to VPS/OnOffHandler.

The auto-install sends extra packets that are not required.

The feature still works without issue.


VPS1101: sysDescr and sysObjectID are wrong.

sysDescr and sysObjectID value are wrong in the VLAN Policy Server.

"system.sysDescr.0 : Cisco Hosting Solution Engine 1105 ... "

"system.sysObjectID.0 :"

There is no workaround.


Misleading information on CCO for memory requirements for PCs.

The memory requirements for the traditional URT.BAT client and the web client were reversed in some product documentation.

The URT 2.5 installation guide states 256 MB of DRAM for the traditional client. However the URT 2.5 data sheet specifies 64 MB of DRAM for the traditional client.

The correct memory requirement is 64MB for the traditional logon and 256 MB for the web client.


RADIUS VLAN not parsed correctly when quotes used around VLAN names.

RADIUS VLAN is not parsed correctly when quotes are used around VLAN names with the following syntax:


The VLAN name parsed is VLAN".

The VLAN name should be VLAN.

The quote is being added to the VLAN name and as a result a correct VLAN name is not found for the user.

Workaround: Do not use quotes around VLAN names with the preceding syntax.


RADIUS NAS-IP-Address field being sent in ASCII format instead of binary.

The RADIUS accounting packet field for NAS-IP-Address is being sent in ASCII format, and the RADIUS server is rejecting the packet as a result.

There is no workaround.


URT: Unable to upgrade to 2.5.1 from 2.0 directly on VPS.

Symptom: After upgrading directly to 2.5.1 from 2.0 on VPS1100, the web interface on VPS is unavailable.

There are two upgrade workarounds:

1. URT2.0 -> URT2.0.7 -> URT2.5.1

2. URT2.0 -> URT2.5.0 -> URT2.5.1

For more information, see Upgrading URT from Release 2.0 to Release 2.5:

Upgrading URT from Release 2.5 to Release 2.5.1:


Cannot get MAC address (Windows 95, Netware, IP)

Without NetBIOS, URT cannot retrieve MAC addresses properly.

The following error message occurs (from UrtService.log) with URT v2.0.8, Windows 95, Netware (IP only), and NetBIOS not installed:

"Attempting to get MAC address using NetBIOS"

"Cannot get MAC address"

Workaround: Install NetBIOS.


Switching users between groups fails with foreign characters.

You cannot use foreign language characters for group names. Characters containing accent marks, (for example, ~ or `) will fail when you try to change VLAN assignments.

Workaround: Do not use foreign language characters in group names.


VPS 1101: eth1 cannot be used when eth0 is disconnected.

Ethernet1 cannot be used when Ethernet0 is disconnected on version 2.5.1 on a VPS 1101

Workaround: Connect Ethernet0 if you want to use Ethernet1.



URT client should change to user VLAN quickly after loosing connection.

The URT client becomes disconnected and then reconnects. It takes up to 5 minutes before the VLAN is changed correctly again. The client should sync with the VPS server within seconds after reconnecting to the LAN switch port.

The client module has been updated so that it is notified of an IP address change and attempts to synchronize with the VPS server at that point.


URT client not determining correct MAC address with multiple adapters.

When there are multiple adapters, URT tries to find the adapter with the latest DHCP lease time, but this is not always the correct adapter to use. When the Cisco VPN client is installed, URT at times picks the wrong MAC address. As a result, users are not switched to the correct VLAN. The client module must attempt to discover the first correct adapter attached to the switch port.


URT253: Group refresh causes VLAN association to be deleted.

The group membership list used to determine the group VLAN assignment for a user can be reset incorrectly when it is refreshed. If all domain controllers fail to respond to the query for the list of users in a group, the group can be cleared. As a result, users might be assigned to an correct group VLAN or remain in the logon VLAN.

Workaround: Refresh the group again from the URT Admin GUI.


URT253: named not running on the new VPS appliance.


URT2.5.2: Problem with parsing attributes returned to VPS server from Radius server.

There is a problem with parsing the attributes that are returned to the VPS server from the RADIUS server.

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5.4

Table 8 describes the anomalies resolved in URT 2.5.4.

Table 8 Anomalies Resolved in URT Release 2.5.4 

Bug ID


VPS Server not able to determine correct IP address for 3 digit numbers.

Symptom: After you upgrade VPS Server to 2.5.3, URT Web and Traditional clients bounce from user-assigned VLAN to logon VLAN several times. The client then appears to either hang or show failure. When you verify the VLAN, the IP address will be correct for most systems.

The problem occurs only when a client has an IP address digit greater than 100.

Workaround: Change IP addresses for all numbers to be below 100.


URT 2.5.3:Unable to upgrade a new VPS 1102 with manufacturing image.

Symptom: Attempting to upgrade a new VPS 1102 from URT 2.5.3 to 2.5.4. Select the version to upgrade to and click Enter.

A Java bind exception occurs and results in an upgrade failure.

Workaround: Use the VPS 1102 recovery CD to reimage the VPS 1102. After the system is reimaged and reconfigured the upgrade will work successfully on the next try.

Anomalies Resolved in URT 2.5.5

Table 9 describes the anomalies resolved in URT 2.5.5.

Table 9 Anomalies Resolved in URT Release 2.5.5 

Bug ID

CSCee03695 (3)

Macintosh WEB client connectivity

Under Mac OS 10.3.2 (with all current patches applied), the client loads, but when you click on login the client hangs. The initial login screen never goes away.

The VLANs do not change, nor does the IP address of the client.

Workaround: None

CSCee68011 (3)

Admin Privileges not determined correctly from multiple NICs

Admin Privileges not correctly determined from multiple NIC when using the URT Web Client. The client was checking the privileges for the wrong NIC.

Workaround: Disable the other NICs.


BIND running on URT VPS Server is upgraded to BIND 9.2.5 from BIND 8.2.2.


The data tables initialization on VLAN Policy Servers does not have the proper order. This causes the failure of URT VPS server failover.

CSCsa14571 (3)

URT winXP client does not switch correctly when running UrtLogon.exe

When you run urt.bat as URT client login script, the URT switched from login VLAN to correct user VLAN. But when you run UrtLogon.exe, it did not change.

The user also tested NT/Win2K Server using Urtlogon.exe and it worked fine.

This is happening only when the client is XP.

Workaround: Use the urt.bat for the logon script

CSCsa16310 (3)

Web Client not launching properly due to caching problem

When a browser is given an IP address of the VPS Server, the Java plug-in cached the previous version of the URT Web Client.

Workaround: Clear the cache in the browser

CSCsa42596 (3)

Novell support not documented properly

The release notes do not specify which versions of Novell are supported by URT. The URT supports the following versions of Novell:

Novell Netware: 5.1
Server Version: 5.00
NDS Version: 8.38

Workaround: None

CSCsa42605 (3)

In a multi-VPS environment some traditional client logon and logoff operations fail

URT client seemed to have problems logging on and off when connecting to different VPS Servers. Several attempts or a reboot of the client was required before the logon was successful. This only occurred when the client had to use a new VPS Server for a logon.

Workaround: Reboot the client PC

Obtaining Documentation

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco also provides several ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical resources. These sections explain how to obtain technical information from Cisco Systems.

You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL:

You can access the Cisco website at this URL:

You can access international Cisco websites at this URL:

Documentation DVD

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a Documentation DVD package, which may have shipped with your product. The Documentation DVD is updated regularly and may be more current than printed documentation. The Documentation DVD package is available as a single unit.

Registered users (Cisco direct customers) can order a Cisco Documentation DVD (product number DOC-DOCDVD=) from the Ordering tool or Cisco Marketplace.

Cisco Ordering tool:

Cisco Marketplace:

Ordering Documentation

You can find instructions for ordering documentation at this URL:

You can order Cisco documentation in these ways:

Registered users (Cisco direct customers) can order Cisco product documentation from the Ordering tool:

Nonregistered users can order documentation through a local account representative by calling Cisco Systems Corporate Headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, elsewhere in North America, by calling 1 800 553-NETS (6387).

Documentation Feedback

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You can submit comments by using the response card (if present) behind the front cover of your document or by writing to the following address:

Cisco Systems
Attn: Customer Document Ordering
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883

We appreciate your comments.

Cisco Product Security Overview

Cisco provides a free online Security Vulnerability Policy portal at this URL:

From this site, you can perform these tasks:

Report security vulnerabilities in Cisco products.

Obtain assistance with security incidents that involve Cisco products.

Register to receive security information from Cisco.

A current list of security advisories and notices for Cisco products is available at this URL:

If you prefer to see advisories and notices as they are updated in real time, you can access a Product Security Incident Response Team Really Simple Syndication (PSIRT RSS) feed from this URL:

Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products

Cisco is committed to delivering secure products. We test our products internally before we release them, and we strive to correct all vulnerabilities quickly. If you think that you might have identified a vulnerability in a Cisco product, contact PSIRT:

Emergencies —

Nonemergencies —

Tip We encourage you to use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or a compatible product to encrypt any sensitive information that you send to Cisco. PSIRT can work from encrypted information that is compatible with PGP versions 2.x through 8.x.

Never use a revoked or an expired encryption key. The correct public key to use in your correspondence with PSIRT is the one that has the most recent creation date in this public key server list:

In an emergency, you can also reach PSIRT by telephone:

1 877 228-7302

1 408 525-6532

Obtaining Technical Assistance

For all customers, partners, resellers, and distributors who hold valid Cisco service contracts, Cisco Technical Support provides 24-hour-a-day, award-winning technical assistance. The Cisco Technical Support Website on features extensive online support resources. In addition, Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers provide telephone support. If you do not hold a valid Cisco service contract, contact your reseller.

Cisco Technical Support Website

The Cisco Technical Support Website provides online documents and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. The website is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, at this URL:

Access to all tools on the Cisco Technical Support Website requires a user ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a user ID or password, you can register at this URL:

Note Use the Cisco Product Identification (CPI) tool to locate your product serial number before submitting a web or phone request for service. You can access the CPI tool from the Cisco Technical Support Website by clicking the Tools & Resources link under Documentation & Tools. Choose Cisco Product Identification Tool from the Alphabetical Index drop-down list, or click the Cisco Product Identification Tool link under Alerts & RMAs. The CPI tool offers three search options: by product ID or model name; by tree view; or for certain products, by copying and pasting show command output. Search results show an illustration of your product with the serial number label location highlighted. Locate the serial number label on your product and record the information before placing a service call.

Submitting a Service Request

Using the online TAC Service Request Tool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service requests. (S3 and S4 service requests are those in which your network is minimally impaired or for which you require product information.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Service Request Tool provides recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved using the recommended resources, your service request is assigned to a Cisco TAC engineer. The TAC Service Request Tool is located at this URL:

For S1 or S2 service requests or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by telephone. (S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or severely degraded.) Cisco TAC engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests to help keep your business operations running smoothly.

To open a service request by telephone, use one of the following numbers:

Asia-Pacific: +61 2 8446 7411 (Australia: 1 800 805 227)
EMEA: +32 2 704 55 55
USA: 1 800 553-2447

For a complete list of Cisco TAC contacts, go to this URL:

Definitions of Service Request Severity

To ensure that all service requests are reported in a standard format, Cisco has established severity definitions.

Severity 1 (S1)—Your network is "down," or there is a critical impact to your business operations. You and Cisco will commit all necessary resources around the clock to resolve the situation.

Severity 2 (S2)—Operation of an existing network is severely degraded, or significant aspects of your business operation are negatively affected by inadequate performance of Cisco products. You and Cisco will commit full-time resources during normal business hours to resolve the situation.

Severity 3 (S3)—Operational performance of your network is impaired, but most business operations remain functional. You and Cisco will commit resources during normal business hours to restore service to satisfactory levels.

Severity 4 (S4)—You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities, installation, or configuration. There is little or no effect on your business operations.

Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online and printed sources.

Cisco Marketplace provides a variety of Cisco books, reference guides, and logo merchandise. Visit Cisco Marketplace, the company store, at this URL:

Cisco Press publishes a wide range of general networking, training and certification titles. Both new and experienced users will benefit from these publications. For current Cisco Press titles and other information, go to Cisco Press at this URL:

Packet magazine is the Cisco Systems technical user magazine for maximizing Internet and networking investments. Each quarter, Packet delivers coverage of the latest industry trends, technology breakthroughs, and Cisco products and solutions, as well as network deployment and troubleshooting tips, configuration examples, customer case studies, certification and training information, and links to scores of in-depth online resources. You can access Packet magazine at this URL:

iQ Magazine is the quarterly publication from Cisco Systems designed to help growing companies learn how they can use technology to increase revenue, streamline their business, and expand services. The publication identifies the challenges facing these companies and the technologies to help solve them, using real-world case studies and business strategies to help readers make sound technology investment decisions. You can access iQ Magazine at this URL:

Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering professionals involved in designing, developing, and operating public and private internets and intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL:

World-class networking training is available from Cisco. You can view current offerings at this URL:


Posted: Tue May 17 13:22:54 PDT 2005
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