
Table of Contents

Release Notes for CiscoWorks Common Services 1.0 on Windows 2000
Documentation Roadmap
Installation Notes
Using Cisco Secure ACS 3.1 With CiscoWorks Common Services
Known and Resolved Problems
Obtaining Documentation
Obtaining Technical Assistance

Release Notes for CiscoWorks Common Services 1.0 on Windows 2000

September 2002

These release notes are for the CiscoWorks Common Services product running on a Windows 2000 platform. Supported operating system versions are Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server.

These release notes provide the following:

Documentation Roadmap

The following documentation is available for CiscoWorks Common Services:

Note   Although every effort has been made to validate the accuracy of the information in the printed and electronic documentation, you should also review the CiscoWorks Common Services documentation on for any updates.

Paper Documentation

Additionally, to learn more about the desktop environment and CiscoWorks2000 Server functionality, refer to the following publications:

Online Documentation

You can access the help in two ways:

Note    Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later is required.

Installation Notes

Note    CiscoWorks Common Services was fully tested with Windows 2000 Service Pack 2. It passed preliminary testing with Windows 2000 Service Pack 3.

CiscoWorks Common Services JRE Bypass Patch

The JRE Bypass Patch eliminates the requirement to download the Java plug-in to client systems when the systems connect to the CiscoWorks Common Services login page. This can increase the speed at which client systems connect to the CiscoWorks Common Services server, especially over a slow connection.

You can install this patch only on a server running CiscoWorks Common Services and CiscoWorks Common Services client applications; you cannot install this patch on a server running CiscoWorks2000 Server.

You can download this patch from Refer to Bug ID CSCdy50848 in the Bug Toolkit (see Known and Resolved Problems, for more information about looking up bug reports) for the download location of this patch.

To install the JRE Bypass Patch, follow these steps:

Step 1   Extract the cmf2.1-Windows-Core-Patch1.tar file to the <install_path>\bin\ directory.

Extracting the file creates the Core-Patch-1 directory in the bin directory.

Step 2   Open a command prompt.

Step 3   Change directory to <install_path>\bin\.

Step 4   Enter perl Core-Patch-1\

The patch installs. The message "INFO: Patch Installation was successful." appears. If this message does not appear, make sure you are not attempting to install the patch on a server with CiscoWorks2000 Server installed.

Using Cisco Secure ACS 3.1 With CiscoWorks Common Services

To use Cisco Secure ACS authentication with CiscoWorks Common Services, you must use Cisco Secure ACS version 3.1 or later. You cannot use CiscoWorks Common Services with any earlier releases of Cisco Secure ACS.

Documentation for installing and using Cisco Secure ACS is available at:

Known and Resolved Problems

Known problems (bugs) in CiscoWorks Common Services are graded according to severity level. These release notes contain descriptions of:

You can use the Cisco bug tracking tool, Bug Navigator II, to search for problems. To access Bug Navigator:

Step 1   Point your web browser to:

Step 2   Log in to

Step 3   Select Launch Bug Toolkit.

Table 1 describes the problems known to exist in this release.

Table 1   CiscoWorks Common Services Known Problems

Bug ID
Summary Explanation


"UninstallShield is in use" message appears during install


The installation program checks the Windows account permissions during installation. If the Windows account that you are installing CiscoWorks Common Services under does not have local administrator privileges, InstallShield displays the following error message:

Setup has detected that UninstallShield is in use.

Please close UninstallShield and restart setup. Error 432.


Click OK to close the error message, log out of Windows, and log back into Windows using an account that has local administrator privileges.


Performing shutdown during Restore, user is not notified of failure


You should not attempt to perform the following tasks simultaneously:

  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Compact
  • Management/Monitoring Center command generation
  • System shutdown or restart

The system does not warn you if one of these activities is in effect. You should coordinate the times when these activities occur with the other administrators and users of the system.


None. Review the job logs to verify that scheduled and on-demand jobs completed successfully.


Restore freezes during management/monitoring center command generation


You should not attempt to perform the following tasks simultaneously:

  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Compact
  • Management/Monitoring Center command generation
  • System shutdown or restart

The system does not warn you if one of these activities is in effect. You should coordinate the times when these activities occur with the other administrators and users of the system.


None. Review the job logs to verify that scheduled and on-demand jobs completed successfully.


Apache.exe failure on uninstall


An error message stating that the apache.exe service failed appears during the uninstall of CiscoWorks Common Services.

Note This error also appears whenever you manually shut down or restart the CW2000 Daemon Manager service.


Click OK to close the error message and continue the uninstall. This error has no effect on the uninstall process.


Errors appear in Event Log when the system is not defined in a domain.


NetBT errors appear in the event log if the server is not part of a Windows domain or more than one CiscoWorks server has the same workgroup name.

Example error message:

C:\>nbtstat -n

Local Area Connection:

Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []

NetBIOS Local Name Table

Name Type Status


MC-DEMO <00> UNIQUE Registered

WORKGROUP <00> GROUP Registered

MC-DEMO <03> UNIQUE Registered

CASUSER <03> UNIQUE Conflict

MC-DEMO <20> UNIQUE Registered




Add the machine to a Windows domain and, if multiple CiscoWorks servers exist in the domain, assign each server to a unique workgroup name.


Scheduling future Backups and Compacts requires two steps


While defining a schedule for a Backup or Compact job the scheduling fields do not automatically select the displayed value.

The affected panels are:

  • VPN/Security Management Solution > Administration > Common Services > Compact Database
  • VPN/Security Management Solution > Administration > Common Services > Backup Database


Selecting the desired value requires a two-step process:

1. Scroll to the desired value.

2. Click the value.

When selected, the value is highlighted.


Services do not start after reboot during installation


After installing CiscoWorks Common Services successfully and rebooting the server, you receive a Service could not be started due to Logon Failure error for the following services:

  • CW2000 KRS Database
  • CW2000 Lock Manager
  • CW2000 Device Agent Framework
  • CW2000 Tomcat Servlet Engine

This error usually indicates that the password for the account associated with the services has changed. In this case, the message indicates that the Windows account used to install CiscoWorks Common Services was part of the INTERACTIVE group in the local Administrators group. Any user who logs in to the server as part of the INTERACTIVE group has administrator privileges during the login period, allowing the user to install CiscoWorks Common Services.

However, when the Windows service manager starts the services using the associated user name and password, it does not do so interactively. Therefore the services cannot start.


Verify that the account used to install CiscoWorks Common Services is part of the Administrators group. If it is not directly included in Administrators group, add the account to the Administrators group and reboot the server.


Directory path/file names are limited to 62 characters.


The directory fields used by CiscoWorks Common Services has a 62-character limit for path/file names. These directory fields appear in the Backup, Restore, and administrative Preferences pages.


None. Use directory path names with less than 62 characters.


Letting a session time out may fill event log with crmtftp messages


When a session times out, the Windows Event Viewer starts to fill up with Informational and Error messages sent by the crmtftp service. Crmtftp is a tftp server used by some applications to move files to and from devices.


Restart the CW2000 Daemon Manager service to stop the continued logging of these messages. To remove the messages from the Event Log, you can manually delete the crmtftp events.


Audit logs are not getting cleaned up


Audit logs are not removed according to the user definable setting in the CiscoWorks Common Services administration pages.


Manually remove the log messages. Audit logs are located in the following directory:



The "Mail To" field is not set on the Administrative Preferences page


When you install CiscoWorks Common Services, you are prompted for an administrative e-mail address. This information is applied to the "Mail From" field on the CiscoWorks Common Services Administrative Preferences page and NOT to the "Mail To" field.


Manually set the "Mail To" field on the Common Services Administrative Preferences page. Refer to "Specifying Administrative Preferences" in Chapter 3 of Using CiscoWorks Common Services 1.0 for information about setting the "Mail To" address.


Difficulty browsing CiscoWorks2000 desktop from server machine


If multiple plugins are installed on a system, the browser displays erratic behavior when logged in to the desktop.


Remove all plugins installed on the system except v1.3.1 that is provided by CiscoWorks Common Services.


Daemon Manager may not display the correct state of services


The Daemon Manager does not always display the correct active or inactive state of CiscoWorks Common Services services running under Windows.


If the system stops responding, use Windows Control Panel to check the status of the CiscoWorks Common Services services:

Star > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

The services used by CiscoWorks Common Services include:

  • CW2000 Daemon Manager
  • CW2000 Device Agent Framework
  • CW2000 KRS Database
  • CW2000 Lock Manager
  • CW2000 Sybase Server
  • CW2000 Tomcat Servlet Engine
  • CW2000 Web Server

If any of these services have a status of "stopped", use Windows Control Panel service manager to restart the CW2000 Daemon Manager service. The CW2000 Daemon Manager service controls the other CiscoWorks Common Services services, and will restart them in the required order.


Restoring while a scheduled backup is taking place requires reboot


You should not attempt to perform the following tasks simultaneously:

  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Compact
  • Management/Monitoring Center command generation
  • System shutdown or restart

The system does not warn you if one of these activities is in effect. You should coordinate the times when these activities occur with the other administrators and users of the system.


None. Review the job logs to verify that scheduled and on-demand jobs completed successfully.


MDCSupport utility does not erase its temporary directory


If the MDCSupport utility does not run to completion, it does not remove the temporary directory that it creates. This causes subsequent uses of this utility to generate the following error:

Failed to create the following directory:



Manually remove the temporary directory after running the MDCSupport utility. The directory is named mdcsupporttemp and is located in the following directory:



Cannot launch CMF desktop after Common Services installed on system with netForensics


Installing netForensics before CiscoWorks Common Services on the same server prevents the desktop from displaying correctly.


Install CiscoWorks Common Services first, and then install netForensics.


Expiration date is Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 1900 when sybase is down

Confusing error message from licensing code when SQL service is down.


When the SQL database service is shutdown, license validation generates the following error:

You have an invalid license file!
The license file is invalid
Expiration date is Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 1900


Restart the "CW2000 Daemon Manager" service.


Sybase service problem on Win 2K server with Terminal Services on


There is a known incompatibility between Sybase SQL Anywhere and Windows Terminal Services. (Sybase SQL Anywhere is used by CiscoWorks Common Services).

Details about the problem are available on the Microsoft web site: TSApCmpt.doc


Disable Windows Terminal Services on the server where the CiscoWorks Common Services is installed.


Library conflict during installation


The installation terminates with the following error messages:

The following files are locked.
C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\bin\MSVCP60.DLL.
Please stop all running processes and click the Next button to proceed or click the Cancel button to abort.


An error occurred during the move data process: -115
Component: xrts
File Group: xrts
File: C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\bin\MSVCP60.DLL


Shut down all applications and run the installation program again.


Link to Backup Jobs Log field information page does not work


Clicking the Backup Job Logs link on the Logging page in the CiscoWorks Common Services online help system displays a 404 Page Not Found error.


Expand Logging in the help Contents, and then click Field Information for Backup Jobs Log Page. The correct page will display.


Patch to eliminate JRE dependency


This patch eliminates the JRE dependency for the desktop login. The patch can only be applied to a server running CiscoWorks Common Services and CiscoWorks Common Services client applications; it cannot be applied to a server running CiscoWorks2000 Server or other CiscoWorks applications, such as RME.

Note The Monitoring Center for Security uses the JRE 1.3.1 plug-in. However, it is not required at login and will be downloaded when needed. Therefore, you can still use the JRE patch if you intend to use the Monitoring Center for Security application.


The patch is available on Use the Bug Toolkit to find this bug ID and obtain the exact URL for the patch. Refer to Known and Resolved Problems, for information about accessing the Bug Toolkit.

Refer to CiscoWorks Common Services JRE Bypass Patch, for information about installing the patch.


Pentium IV: java.exe error shown during installation


While installing CiscoWorks Common Services or CD One on a Pentium IV machine, you receive the following error:

java.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being created.

Duplicate: CSCdx57116


Click OK to close the message box. The installation will continue normally. This message does not affect any functionality.


Install aborts if HIDS Agent is active


The Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) Agent conflicts with the installation of CiscoWorks Common Services.


Disable the HIDS Agent during the installation of CiscoWorks Common Services. You can re-enable the HIDS Agent after CiscoWorks Common Services is installed.


Installing CiscoWorks Common Services on a system with Sybase SQL causes errors.


Installing CiscoWorks Common Services on a system with Sybase SQL Anywhere already installed causes a conflict with the database engine.


Remove Sybase, and any libraries used by Sybase that may have been left behind from a previous installation, and then install CiscoWorks Common Services.


Changing the Windows password causes service startup to fail


During installation, some services get associated to a specific user ID with administrator privileges. The service manager verifies this password during the start phase of the service.

If the user change the Windows login password, the service manager will not authenticate these services properly and the services will not start.


Change the password of the services. Refer to "Changing Service Passwords" in Appendix A of Installing CiscoWorks Common Services 1.0 on Windows 2000 for information about changing the service passwords.


CiscoWorks links does not work due to change in server IP Address


If the administrator of a CiscoWorks Common Services server changes the IP address of the server, the CiscoWorks Common Services pages become unavailable.


Reboot system after IP address has been change.

Obtaining Documentation

These sections explain how to obtain documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at this URL:

Translated documentation is available at this URL:

Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a Cisco Documentation CD-ROM package, which is shipped with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or through an annual subscription.

Ordering Documentation

You can order Cisco documentation in these ways:

Documentation Feedback

You can submit comments electronically on In the Cisco Documentation home page, click the Fax or Email option in the "Leave Feedback" section at the bottom of the page.

You can e-mail your comments to

You can submit your comments by mail by using the response card behind the front cover of your document or by writing to the following address:

Cisco Systems
Attn: Document Resource Connection
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883

We appreciate your comments.

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco provides as a starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can obtain online documentation, troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from online tools by using the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Web Site. registered users have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site. is the foundation of a suite of interactive, networked services that provides immediate, open access to Cisco information, networking solutions, services, programs, and resources at any time, from anywhere in the world. is a highly integrated Internet application and a powerful, easy-to-use tool that provides a broad range of features and services to help you with these tasks:

If you want to obtain customized information and service, you can self-register on To access, go to this URL:

Technical Assistance Center

The Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is available to all customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product, technology, or solution. Two levels of support are available: the Cisco TAC Web Site and the Cisco TAC Escalation Center.

Cisco TAC inquiries are categorized according to the urgency of the issue:

The Cisco TAC resource that you choose is based on the priority of the problem and the conditions of service contracts, when applicable.

Cisco TAC Web Site

You can use the Cisco TAC Web Site to resolve P3 and P4 issues yourself, saving both cost and time. The site provides around-the-clock access to online tools, knowledge bases, and software. To access the Cisco TAC Web Site, go to this URL:

All customers, partners, and resellers who have a valid Cisco service contract have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site. The Cisco TAC Web Site requires a login ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a login ID or password, go to this URL to register:

If you are a registered user, and you cannot resolve your technical issues by using the Cisco TAC Web Site, you can open a case online by using the TAC Case Open tool at this URL:

If you have Internet access, we recommend that you open P3 and P4 cases through the Cisco TAC Web Site.

Cisco TAC Escalation Center

The Cisco TAC Escalation Center addresses priority level 1 or priority level 2 issues. These classifications are assigned when severe network degradation significantly impacts business operations. When you contact the TAC Escalation Center with a P1 or P2 problem, a Cisco TAC engineer automatically opens a case.

To obtain a directory of toll-free Cisco TAC telephone numbers for your country, go to this URL:

Before calling, please check with your network operations center to determine the level of Cisco support services to which your company is entitled: for example, SMARTnet, SMARTnet Onsite, or Network Supported Accounts (NSA). When you call the center, please have available your service agreement number and your product serial number.

This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the "Documentation Roadmap" section.

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All rights reserved.

Posted: Thu Jun 12 17:12:11 PDT 2003
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