
Table Of Contents

Viewing Statistics

TCP Statistics

SSL Statistics

PKI Statistics

Viewing Statistics

CVDM-SSLSM allows you to view the statistics of the traffic through the SSL Module. The values are not auto-refreshed. You can manually refresh the values.

CVDM-SSLSM provides statistical information on the following:

TCP Statistics

SSL Statistics

PKI Statistics

Figure 10-1 Statistics Page

TCP Statistics

To view TCP Statistics:

Step 1 Click Setup in the task bar, then select Statistics from the left-most pane.

Step 2 Select TCP Statistics from the Object Selector.

The following fields appear:


Last Update Time

The time at which the statistics information was last updated.

Show Counter Value Change (Delta)

Values are:

Delta—Select this option to view the counter value change (delta) between subsequent updates. When this option is selected, the measurement period between subsequent updates will be displayed.

Absolute—Displays the cumulative value.

Connection Statistics

Connections in Established State

Number of connections in ESTABLISHED state.

Current in TIME-WAIT State

Number of connections in TIME-WAIT state.

Connections Initiated

Number of TCP connections initiated by the SSLSM.

Connections Dropped

Number of connections that were dropped.

Connections Closed

Number of connections that were closed.

Connections Accepted

Number of TCP connections accepted by the SSLSM.

Click Update to refresh the values.

SSL Statistics

To view SSL Statistics:

Step 1 Click Setup in the task bar, then select Statistics from the left-most pane.

Step 2 Select SSL Statistics from the Object Selector.

The following fields are displayed:


Last Update Time

The time at which the statistics information was last updated.

Show Counter Value Change (Delta)

Values are:

Delta—Select this option to view the counter value change (delta) between subsequent updates. When this option is selected, the measurement period between subsequent updates will be displayed.

Absolute—Displays the cumulative value.

Connection Statistics

Active Connections

Number of Active SSL connections

Active Sessions

Number of Session IDs in use.

Connections in Handshake

Number of connections in the Handshake phase.

Connections in Data

Number of connections in data phase.

Connections in Renegotiation

Number of connections in re-negotiation phase.

Connections Attempted

Number of connections attempted.

Connections Completed

Number of connections that were completed.

Renegotiations Attempted

Number of re-negotiations attempted.

Session Reuses

Number of times when the session got reused.

Full Handshakes

Number of Full Handshakes performed.

Resumed Handshakes

Number of resumed handshakes performed.

Error Statistics

No-Cipher Alerts

Number of Handshake Failure alerts sent due to unsupported Cipher suites

No-Compress Alerts

Number of Handshake Failure alerts sent due to unsupported compression scheme.

Version Mismatch Alerts

Number of Handshake Failure alerts sent due to unsupported SSL version.

Fatal Alerts Sent

Number of fatal alerts sent.

Fatal Alerts Received

Number of fatal alerts received.

Overload Drops

Number of connections that were declined due to overload.

Session Failures

Number of instances when the allocation failed.

Handshake Failures

Number of connections that failed in the Handshake phase.

Data Failures

Number of connections that failed due to data errors (Pad Error/Bad MAC Error)

Pad Errors

Number of SSL records received with error in padding.

Bad MAC Errors

Number of SSL records received with Bad MAC.

Average Statistics

Connection Rate (conns/sec)

Number of connections in a second.

Full Handshakes/sec

Number of handshakes in a second.

Resumed Handshakes/sec

Number of handshakes resumed in a second.

Handshake Failures/sec

Number of handshake failures in a second.

SSLv3 Statistics

Connections Established

Number of SSLv3 connections established.

Handshake Failures

Number of SSLv3 handshakes failed.

TSLv1 Statistics

Number of TSLv1 connections.

Connections Established

Number of connections established.

Handshake Failures

Number of handshakes failed.

Timeout Statistics

SYN Timeouts

Number of SYN Timeouts.

Idle Timeouts

Number of Idle Timeouts.

Reassembly Timeouts

Number of Reassembly Timeouts.

FIN-WAIT2 Timeouts

Number of FIN-WAIT2 Timeouts.

Drop Statistics

Invalid MSS Drops

Connections dropped due to unsupported MSS size.

Connection Buffer Pool Drops

Number of connection buffer pool drops.

Packet Statistics (Transmit)

Total Packets

Number of packets transmitted

Data Packets

Number of data packets transmitted.

Retransmitted Packets

Number of packets retransmitted.

Packet Statistics (Receive)

Total Packets

Number of packets received

Packets in Sequence

Number of packets received in sequence.

Packets out of sequence

Number of packets received out of sequence.

Click Clear to clear the counter values on the SSLSM.

Click Update to refresh the values from the SSLSM.

Proxy SSL Statistics Summary

You can view a summary of the statistics for the client and server proxy.

To view Proxy Service Statistics Summary:

Step 1 Click Setup in the task bar, then select Statistics from the left-most pane.

Step 2 Select SSL Statistics > Client Proxy or Server Proxy from the Object Selector.

Step 3 Click the Summary tab.

The following fields are displayed:


Last Update Time

The time at which the statistics information was last updated.

Show Counter Values Change (Delta)

Values are:

Delta—Select this option to view the counter value change (delta) between subsequent updates. When this option is selected, the measurement period between subsequent updates will be displayed.

Absolute—Displays the cumulative value.

The table displays the following details:


Proxy Service

The name of the proxy service.



Number of connected attempted.


Number of completed connections.


Number of active connections.


Fatal Alarms

Number of Fatal Alarms.

Handshake Failures

Number of handshake failures.

Throughput (bytes)


Number of encrypted bytes.


Number of decrypted bytes.

Click Clear to clear the counter values on the SSLSM.

Click Update to refresh the values from the SSLSM.

Proxy SSL Statistics - Proxy Services

You can view the statistics for the proxy service (client proxy and service proxy).

To view Proxy Service Statistics:

Step 1 Click Setup in the task bar, then select Statistics from the left-most pane.

Step 2 Select SSL Statistics > Client Proxy or Server Proxy from the Object Selector.

Step 3 Select any of the proxy service from the list of configured proxy services.
The following fields are displayed:


Last Update Time

The time at which the statistics information was last updated.

Show Counter Value Change

Values are:

Delta—Select this option to view the counter value change (delta) between subsequent updates. When this option is selected, the measurement period between subsequent updates will be displayed.

Absolute—Displays the cumulative value.

The table displays the following details:


Proxy Service

The name of the proxy service. Click the proxy service name to view the details of the selected proxy service



Number of connected attempted.


Number of completed connections.


Number of active connections.


Fatal Alarms

Number of Fatal Alarms.

Handshake Failures

Number of handshake failures.

Throughput (bytes)


Number of encrypted bytes.


Number of decrypted bytes.

Click Clear to clear the counter values on the SSLSM.

Click Update to refresh the values from the SSLSM.

.Proxy Service SSL Statistics

You can view the statistics for a single proxy service (client proxy and service proxy).

To view Proxy Service Statistics:

Step 1 Click Setup in the task bar, then select Statistics from the left-most pane.

Step 2 Select SSL Statistics > Client Proxy or Server Proxy from the Object Selector.

Step 3 Select any of the proxy service from the list of configured proxy services.

The following fields are displayed:

Connection Counters

Connections Attempted

Number of connections attempted.

Connections Completed

Number of connections that were completed.

Full Handshakes

Number of Full Handshakes performed.

Resumed Handshakes

Number of resumed handshakes performed.

Active Connections

Connections in Handshake

Number of connections in the Handshake phase.

Connections in Data

Number of connections in data phase.

Connections in Renegotiation

Number of connections in re-negotiation phase.

Valid Sessions

Number of valid sessions.


Handshake Failures

Number of handshake failures.

Data Failures

Number of data failures.

Fatal Alerts Sent

Number of fatal alerts sent.

Fatal Alerts Received

Number of fatal alerts received.

No-cipher Alerts

Number of no cipher alerts.

No-compress Alerts

Number of no compress alerts.

Version Mismatch Alerts

Number of version mismatch alerts.

Bad MAC Received

Number of SSL records received with Bad MAC.

Pad Errors

Number of SSL records received with error in padding.

Session Limit Exceeds


Bytes Encrypted

Number of bytes encrypted.

Bytes Decrypted

Number of bytes decrypted.

Click Clear to clear the counter values on the SSLSM.

Click Update to refresh the values from the SSLSM.

PKI Statistics

To view PKI Statistics:

Step 1 Click Setup in the task bar, then select Statistics from the left-most pane.

Step 2 Select PKI Statistics from the Object Selector.

The following fields are displayed:


Last Update Time

The time at which the statistics information was last updated.

Valid Signatures

Number of valid signatures.

Invalid Signatures

Number of invalid signatures.

Invalid Certificates

Number of invalid certificates.

Authentications with Warning (No CRL Check)

Number of authentications with warning.

Number of CRL Polling

Number of CRL polling.

Requests with no Peer Certificate

Number of requests received with no peer certificate.

CRL Query Failures

Number of CRL queries failed.

Unauthorized Requests

Number of unauthorized requests.

No Certificate Chain

Number of requests without certificate chains.

Root Certificate not Self-signed

Number of root certificates without self-signature.

No DER Encoded Certificate

Number of Certificates without DER encoding.

No Memory

Number of certificates failures due to lack of memory.

Bad DER Certificate Length

Number of certificates with bad DER certificate length.

Failed to get Key from Certificate

Number of requests that failed to get a key from the certificate.

Click Clear to clear the counter values on the SSLSM.

Click Update to refresh the values from the SSLSM.


Posted: Fri Apr 15 01:45:55 PDT 2005
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