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Table Of Contents
Configuring Phone Button Templates
Viewing the Maximum Number of Lines on Phone Button Templates
Specifying a Default Phone Button Template for a Phone Type
Displaying the Phone Button Template Option on Orders
Configuring Provisioning Attributes
Advanced Setup
This chapter described the following advanced setup activities:
Configuring Phone Button Templates
Configuring Provisioning Attributes
Configuring Phone Button Templates
The maximum number of lines allowed on a particular phone type is configured by using the phone button templates.
A phone button template in Cisco Unified Communications Manager specifies the number of lines and speed dials that a phone can have, and where they appear on the phone. Older phone models have fixed templates, meaning the lines map directly to specific buttons on the phone. Newer phone models have more dynamic button structures. For example, the Cisco 7960 has six buttons, each of which can be either a line or a speed dial.
During a Cisco Unified Communications Manager infrastructure synchronization, Provisioning Manager retrieves all phone button templates that have been defined in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. There is always a set of standard phone button templates, therefore every phone type has at least one template.
Viewing the Maximum Number of Lines on Phone Button Templates
You can view the maximum number of lines for each phone button template of a Call Processor. Blank or negative values are treated as unlimited.
Step 1
Select Advanced Setup > Policies > Phone Button Templates. The Phone Button Template Configuration page appears.
Step 2
Select a Call Processor.
Step 3
Click View Maximum Line Information. The Phone Button Template Maximum Line Information Form appears.
Specifying a Default Phone Button Template for a Phone Type
Step 1
Select Advanced Setup > Policies > Phone Button Templates. The Phone Button Template Configuration page appears.
Step 2
Select a Call Processor. The page refreshes.
Step 3
Select a phone type. The phone type information is displayed.
Step 4
Click Update Template List. The Phone Button Template Configuration Edit Form appears.
Step 5
Select a template and then click Update.
Displaying the Phone Button Template Option on Orders
You can specify whether or not the option to choose a phone button template is displayed to users when ordering phones by enabling the ChoosePhoneButtonTemplates business rule. If you enable this rule, the system provides users with the option to choose a phone button template when placing an order for a phone. If the rule is disabled, then no option is presented to users during the order process and the default templates as defined in Cisco Unified Communications Manager are used. For more information, see Business Rules.
Business Rules
This section provides details on the standard Provisioning Manager business rules and how to modify them.
It contains the following sections:
Provisioning Manager contains a predefined set of business rules that determine how components within Provisioning Manager are used. These business rules control the processing of orders, the behavior of the synchronization processes, and the default values for various objects in the system.
Business rules are applied at a domain level. When you install Provisioning Manager, you configure the business rules in the Customer Domain Template according to your business processes. When you create a new domain, it inherits the standard set of business rules from the Customer Domain Template. You can then change the business rules as required for each new domain. Changes made to the Customer Domain Template affect only new domains created after that point.
In addition to business rules, new domains inherit the default Subscriber Type information, and folders are automatically created in the Inventory Manager Instance Browser for the users, Service Areas, and Voice Terminals that will be placed into that Domain.
Business Rule Descriptions
This section lists and describes the standard business rules in alphabetical order, and provides the default Data and Enabled settings. Rules can be data driven (Provisioning Manager uses the Data field), enabled or disabled driven, or both. The descriptions of the rules indicate which applies.
For some business rules, the Data or Enabled field is not applicable, which is indicated by N/A. All user input in fields marked as N/A is disregarded by the system.
Assigns a unique name to a softphone that workflow is provisioning. The Call Processor automatically generates the name using the value in the Data field as the prefix, then adds the CTI port counter number + 1. The Call Processor checks if the combination of prefix + CTI port counter number is in use, and if it is, it adds 1 to the CTI port counter number until a unique combination is found.
Data SoftPhone_
Enabled true (n/a)
If enabled, during a domain synchronization, all of the user accounts in all of the Call Processors in the domain will be assigned to the domain being synchronized. If disabled, only users whose department is the same as the domain will be assigned to the domain.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
If this rule is enabled, all user accounts in a given Unified Message Processor are assigned to a Provisioning Manager Domain. Otherwise, only user accounts in the given Unified Message Processor with a matching Call Processor user account are assigned.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
If enabled, Call Processor user accounts are associated to this Provisioning Manager Domain based on their department code value matching one in the specified list of values. The list of department code values should be enclosed in double quotes (") and separated by the delimiter (;). Department code values may contain wildcards (* or %).
For example, if you specify the following in the Data field:
"Dept 1";"";"Dept 2"
The Call Processor user accounts that belong to Dept 1 or Dept 2, or have no department code set, will be associated to the domain.
If the rule AssociateAllUsersInCall Processor is enabled, it takes precedence over this rule.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
If enabled, the system provides users with the option to choose a phone button template when placing an order. If disabled, then no option is presented to users during the order process and the default templates as defined in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager will be used.
Data <blank>
Enabled true
If enabled, the system automatically creates login accounts for new subscribers so that they can submit their own orders. When the rule is disabled, the system still creates login accounts, but those accounts will not have the capability to place orders for themselves.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
Sets the default password for new Cisco Unified Communications Manager accounts, which are created when a phone or line is ordered for a user for the first time. You can also use this password with a Cisco SoftPhone to gain access to the user-assigned lines. Minimum length is five characters.
Data admin123
Enabled true (n/a)
Sets the default PIN to be used when a user is activated in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. A user is activated in Cisco Unified Communications Manager the first time a line or phone is ordered for the user. Beyond initially setting the PIN, this rule is not used in Provisioning Manager. Minimum length is 5 characters.
Data 12345
Enabled true
Used for Extension Mobility-enabled phones. The default setting of NONE (or left empty) causes the rule not to be used.
Enabled true (n/a)
This rule, paired with the matching numbered DefaultServiceURL4, describes a Cisco Unified Communications Manager service to which all new phones/device profiles will be subscribed. You must specify both in a pair (the DefaultServiceName4 and the matching DefaultServiceURL4), otherwise they will be ignored by the system. You can specify up to 5 pairs. The system always checks for all 5 pairs.
Data <blank>
Enabled false (n/a)
This rule, paired with the matching numbered DefaultServiceName1, describes a Cisco Unified Communications Manager service to which all new phones/device profiles will be subscribed. You must specify both in a pair (the DefaultServiceName1 and the matching DefaultServiceURL1), otherwise they will be ignored by the system. You can specify up to 5 pairs. The system always checks for all 5 pairs.
Data <blank>
Enabled false (n/a)
Sets the default password for new voicemail accounts on the Cisco Unity system. The workflow uses the Data value as the initial password. In Cisco Unity, this value must be an integer. Cisco Unity rejects trivial values, for example, 12345.
Data 53421
Enabled true (n/a)
Specifies the user type that new users are assigned by default. The value of the Data field must contain the name of a valid user type.
This rule should be set to the subscriber role that makes up most of the organization. This will ensure that during domain synchronization most of the users will be set up correctly.
Data Employee
Enabled true (n/a)
Default description string used on new phones, new user device profiles (EM_Access), and new users. FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, and EXTENSION are keywords that will be replaced with the users first name, last name, and their extension, respectively.
Enabled true (n/a)
If enabled, and if the line is being moved within the same Call Processor, the directory number associated with a canceled line will be automatically reserved for the original owner. Directory numbers can also be selected manually during the order process.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
Specifies the period of time (days:hours) that the directory number will remain in the Reserved state.
Data 7:0
Enabled true
Contains the email address to use for the From address in Provisioning Manager emails.
This rule must be enabled in order to send emails from Provisioning Manager.
Data shipper@sample.com
Enabled true
When enabled, the External Number mask associated with the service area of an order will be used as the External Phone Number Mask value on the line display for lines ordered against this Service Area. For change phone orders, the value for this rule is taken from the previous phone service order. But if the value was not set in the previous order, the Service Area value is used.
This rule accepts the same values as Cisco Unified Communications Manager does for external phone masks.
Data <blank>
Enabled true
If enabled, an Approver must approve Add orders before provisioning can occur. If disabled, the system automatically approves Add orders.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
If enabled, an Approver must approve Cancel orders before provisioning can occur. If disabled, the system automatically approves Cancel orders.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
If enabled, an Approver must approve Change orders before provisioning can occur. If disabled, the system automatically approves Change orders.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
Template string used to construct the Internal Caller ID display format for the phone line. If disabled, the system will default to FIRSTNAME LASTNAME.
For Call Processors, the combination of characters for First Name and Last Name cannot exceed 30 characters. If this limit is exceeded, when you place an order, the Call Processor sends an error.
Enabled true
Contains the name of the SMTP server that is used for sending Provisioning Manager emails.
This rule must be enabled in order to send emails from Provisioning Manager.
Data mail.sample.com
Enabled true
If enabled, tracks whether phones have been returned by implementing an additional workflow activity that is assigned to the user group specified in the Data field.
Data Shipping
Enabled false
This string is used to construct the auto-attendant name dialing string. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME are replaced, but not the extension.
This feature is available for Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 3.3.3 only.
Enabled true
If enabled, an automated email is sent to the subscriber for whom the order was placed, stating that the order was provisioned.
For this rule to work, the EmailSender and MailHost rules must also be enabled. The value in the data field of this rule, which specifies the template script to use when the email is generated, should not be changed.
Data java://dfc.ipt.im.OrderProvisionedEmailTemplate:buildEmailTemplate
Enabled false
If enabled, an automated email is sent to the subscriber for whom the order was placed, stating that the order was rejected.
For this rule to work, the EmailSender and MailHost rules must also be enabled. The value in the data field of this rule, which specifies the template script to use when the email is generated, should not be changed.
Data java://dfc.ipt.im.OrderProvisionedEmailTemplate:buildRejectionEmailTemplate
Enabled false
Specifies the user group that is responsible for completing the Assignment step of the workflow for a Phone order.
The following are the valid options:
OrderOwner (the user who initiates the order)
None (workflow automatically assigns the phone and MAC address)
Data None
Enabled true (n/a)
Specifies the user or group of users that is responsible for completing the Receipt step of the workflow for a Phone order. The Receipt step indicates that the user has actually received the phone.
The following are the valid options:
OrderOwner (the user who initiates the order)
None (step is skipped)
Data None
Enabled true (n/a)
Specifies the period (in days) that a phone will stay reserved in the system. If disabled, then the phone will be reserved indefinitely.
Data 10
Enabled true (n/a)
Specifies the user that is responsible for completing the Shipping step of the workflow for a Phone order. The following are the valid options:
OrderOwner (the user who initiates the order)
None (step is skipped)
Data None
Enabled true (n/a)
If enabled, a user's email and voicemail are purged from the system when their Cisco Unity account is removed.
You enable or disable this rule by specifying true or false in the Data field.
Data false
Enabled true (n/a)
Specifies the default password for self-care accounts. By default, the user password is the same as the user ID. If you want to specify a different default password, you must specify a default password in the Data field and set Enabled to true.
Data <blank>
Enabled true
If enabled, user and subscriber information is updated from the associated Unified Message Processor account; otherwise it is updated from the Call Processor. When the rule is enabled, you can also specify the Unified Message Processor ID, which takes precedence if a user has accounts on multiple Unified Message Processors. This value can also be left blank to indicate no preference.
Data <blank>
Enabled false
Using Business Rules
When you configure Provisioning Manager, it is critical that you plan how you will use your business rules. This section provides details on the business rules that you must consider depending on how you want the Provisioning Manager components to work. At a minimum, you must consider the following rules:
Configuring User Access
When a user cancels a line, do you want to automatically reserve that number for the specific user?
DNAutoReservation—Toggles the reservation
DNReservationTimeout—How long to reserve the numbers for
Do you want users to have self-care accounts?
What user type should new users get by default?
Do you want the users of a specific domain to manage Phone Inventory?
Do you want users to manage User Types?
Configuring Domain Synchronization
During synchronization, which domain should Provisioning Manager put Cisco Unified Communications Manager users in?
During a domain synchronization, do you want all of the subscriber accounts in all of the Call Processors in the domain assigned to the domain being synchronized?
During synchronization, do you want all the subscriber accounts in a given Unified Message Processor assigned to a domain?
Configuring Products
What name do you want the CTI ports to have in Cisco Unified Communications Manager?
AssignSoftPhoneName—See rule for default value
Do you need to reserve directory numbers?
Do you need to track if phones have been returned after having been canceled?
Configuring Orders
What are the default passwords you want to use for Cisco Unity or Cisco Unified Communications Manager accounts?
Do you want emails sent when an order is rejected or completed? You have the option of not sending any emails.
You must enable both EmailSender and MailHost for email features to work in Provisioning Manager.
Is authorization required for any type of order?
How do you handle phone assignment, shipping, and receiving?
When a voicemail and/or email account is canceled, should messages in the canceled voicemail and/or email accounts be removed as well?
Configuring Business Rules
When you change business rules, you must first select the domain. You can change the values for the rules and whether they are enabled. You cannot change the rule names or descriptions.
All business rules have the following properties. You can modify the Data and Enabled fields.
You must review the documentation for each business rule carefully to ensure that you set the Data and Enabled properties appropriately.
CautionProvisioning Manager does not have a default reset capability for business rules. If you change a business rule's settings and later want to return to the default settings, you will have to manually change the settings.
The following procedure uses the AssignSoftPhoneName rule as an example of how to change rule properties.
Step 1
Select Advanced Setup > Policies > Rules. The Rule Configuration page appears.
Step 2
Select the domain that you want to change the rule for. The Select Rule list appears.
Step 3
Select the rule. The rule information is displayed.
Step 4
Click the Edit icon (
) .The Data and Enabled fields become active.
Step 5
Make the required changes.
Step 6
Click Save. The changes are added to the AssignSoftPhoneName rule.
Configuring Provisioning Attributes
Provisioning Manager enables you to configure product attribute settings using provisioning attributes. Provisioning attributes are configuration settings that are applied to a product during activation. You can assign and configure provisioning attributes throughout different levels within Provisioning Manager. At order time Provisioning Manager will take into account the configured provisioning attribute assignments in addition to the service area settings to determine the final product configuration to be provisioned.
Provisioning attributes are assigned at three levels, in the following order:
Service area
Subscriber type
This means that the provisioning attributes that are defined for a service area will override the provisioning attributes defined for a subscriber type, which override the attributes defined for a domain. You can override the order of precedence by using the Advance Order Options on the Order Entry page (see Ordering Products and Services, page 3-2). Any provisioning attribute changes you make using Advance Order Options take precedence over the provisioning attributes set for service area, subscriber type, or Domain (to use the Advance Order Options, you must be assigned the advance order role; see Managing Authorization Roles, page 2-11).
You must have administration privileges to configure the content of the provisioning attributes (see Managing Authorization Roles, page 2-11).
Table 6-1 describes all possible provisioning attributes. Depending on your Provisioning Manager setup, all attributes may not be available to you.
Table 6-2 describes at which level (domain, subscriber type, or service area) each provisioning attribute can be assigned.
Step 1
Select Advanced Setup > Policies > Provisioning Attributes. The Launching Provisioning Attributes Management page appears.
Step 2
Do one of the following:
Click Domain; then, from the Choose a Domain dialog box, select the domain for which you want to configure the provisioning attributes.
Click Service Area; then, from the Choose a Service Area dialog box, select the service area for which you want to configure the provisioning attributes.
Choose a subscriber role:
From the Subscriber Role list, choose the domain or domain template where the subscriber exists.
Click Choose Subscriber Role. The Choose a Subscriber Role dialog box appears.
Click the desired subscriber role.
A Provisioning Attribute Management page appears. The specific page that appears depends on which option you chose. Table 6-1 list all possible provisioning attributes. Depending on your Provisioning Manager setup, and the version of your Call Processor or Unified Message Processors, all attributes may not be available to you. Table 6-3 and Table 6-4 list which attributes are available for each version of the Call Processors and Unified Message Processors, respectively.
The Provisioning Attribute Management page for each object (domain, service area, and subscriber role), also can be accessed when configuring the respective object. For more information, see the following:
Editing Provisioning Attributes for a Subscriber Role Type, page 2-8
Editing a Domain's Provisioning Attributes, page 5-15
Editing a Service Area's Provisioning Attributes, page 5-20
Step 3
Click the plus sign next to the attribute headings that contain the provisioning attributes that you want to configure. The attributes are displayed.
Step 4
Do one of the following:
If you want to change the attribute settings, click the Edit icon (
) and make the appropriate changes.
If you want to delete the attribute, click the Delete icon (
Step 5
When finished, click Done.
Table 6-1 Provisioning Attribute Descriptions
Attribute DescriptionAAR Calling Search Space
Automated alternate routing (AAR) calling search space.
AAR Group
Automated alternate routing (AAR) group.
Authentication Server URL
The URL that the phone uses to validate requests that are made to the phone web server.
Auto Answer
Set auto-answer options.
Auto Line Select
Enable automatic line selection.
Busy Trigger
The maximum number of calls to be presented at the line before incurring a busy signal or being sent to call forwarding.
Built in Bridge
Enable or disable the built-in conference bridge for the barge feature.
Call Pickup Group
Directory number that allows users to pick up incoming calls within their own group.
Forward All
Forward all calls.
Forward Busy External
Forwards the calls when the line is in use and the busy trigger setting is reached. This is for external calls.
Forward No Answer External
Forwards the call when the phone is not answered and it reaches the configured no answer ring duration. Also, if the destination is unregistered. This is for external calls.
Forward Busy Internal
Forwards the calls when the line is in use and the busy trigger setting is reached.
Forward No Answer Internal
Forwards the call when the phone is not answered and it reaches the configured no answer ring duration. Also, if the destination is unregistered.
Forward No Coverage External
Forwards the call when either it exhausts or times out, and the associated hunt-pilot for coverage specifies Use Personal Preferences for its final forwarding. This is for External calls.
Forward No Coverage Internal
Forwards the call when either it exhausts or times out, and the associated hunt-pilot for coverage specifies Use Personal Preferences for its final forwarding. This is for internal calls.
Forward Unregistered External
Reroutes calls placed to a temporarily unregistered destination. This is for External calls.
Forward Unregistered Internal
Reroutes calls placed to a temporarily unregistered destination. This is for internal calls.
Calling Search Space
Specifies the partitions that devices can search when attempting to complete a call.
CME Line Configuration Template
Free-form text field to input Cisco IOS commands that will be executed in Line configuration mode on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express.
CME Phone Configuration Template
Free-form text field to input Cisco IOS commands that will be executed in Phone configuration mode on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express.
Common Device Configuration
Configuration of common device settings, such as the softkey template and user locale.
This attribute is not available when using the Edit Provisioning Attributes link (see Editing a Service Area's Provisioning Attributes, page 5-20) or through the Provisioning Attribute Management page . You can only update it in the Update Service Area page (see Configuring Service Areas, page 5-18).
CUE User Configuration Template
Free-form text field to input CLI commands for the EXEC and configuration modes for Cisco Unity Express. Include the appropriate CLI commands to enter and exit the configuration mode.
CUE Voicemail Configuration Template
Free-form text field to input CLI commands for the mailbox configuration mode for Cisco Unity Express.
Description to identify the purpose of device.
Device Pool
Device pool to be used by device.
Device Security Mode
The security mode (authentication or encryption) to be used between the device and the Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Directory URL
URL of the server from which the phone obtains directory information.
Disable Speakerphone
Disable device speakerphone.
Disable Speakerphone And Headset
Disable device speakerphone and headset.
Forward All - Calling Search Space1
Call-forward all call search space.
Enable Mobile Voice Access
Enable mobile voice access for the subscriber on the currently selectedCallProcessor.
Enable Mobility
Enable mobility feature for the subscriber on the currently selected CallProcessor.
Forwarded Call Information - Caller Name
Causes the caller name to display upon call forward.
Forwarded Call Information - Dialed Number
Causes the number that was redirected to display upon call forward.
Forwarded Call Information - Dialed Number
Causes the caller number to display upon call forward.
Forwarded Call Information - Redirected Number
Causes the original dialed number to display upon call forward.
Forwarding Delay
Indicates whether the internal switch begins forwarding packets between the PC port and the switch port on the phone when the phone becomes active.
Idle URL
The URL that the phone displays when the phone has not been used for the time specified in the Idle URL timer.
Generic CLI Commands
Free-form text field to input CLI commands that will be executed on the applicable processor.
Generic IOS Commands
Free-form text field to input Cisco IOS commands that will be executed on the applicable processor.
Gratuitous ARP
Disable the acceptance of Gratuitous ARP packets, which devices use to announce the presence of the device on the network.
Idle Timer
Amount of time, in seconds, that elapses before the URL specified in the Idle URL option appears.
Information URL
The URL of the help text that appears on the phone.
Location to use. Specifies the total bandwidth that is available for calls to and from this location.
Max Desk Pickup Wait Time
Maximal desk pickup wait time.
Maximum Number of Calls
Determines the maximum number of calls to be presented at the line.
Media Resource Group List
Media Resource Group List to use, otherwise phone defaults to that specified in device pool. A Media Resource Group List comprises a prioritized grouping of media resource groups. An application chooses the required media resource, such as a Music On Hold server, from the available media resources according to the priority order that is defined in a Media Resource Group List.
Message Lamp Waiting Policy
Configures the handset lamp illumination policy.
Configures the messages URL.
MLPP Calling Search Space
The calling search space to associate with the alternate party target (destination) number.
MLPP Domain
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption (MLPP) domain that is associated with this device.
MLPP Indication
Specifies whether a device that is capable of playing precedence tones will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call.
MLPP No Answer Ring Duration
Alternate-party no-answer ring duration.
MLPP Preemption
Specifies whether devices in the device pool that are capable of preempting calls in progress will use the capability when the devices place an MLPP precedence call.
MLPP Target
Alternate-party no-answer target.
Module 1
Expansion module to use with device.
Module 1 Load Name
Expansion module 1 load name.
Module 2
Expansion module to use with device.
Module 2 Load Name
Expansion module 2 load name.
Network Hold Audio Source
The audio source that plays when the network initiates a hold action.
Network Locale
Network location associated with the phone user. The network location identifies a set of detailed information that supports the phone in a specific location, including definitions of the tones and cadences used by the phone.
PC Port
Indicates whether the PC port on the phone is enabled or disabled.
PC Voice VLAN Access
Indicates whether the phone allows a device attached to the PC port to access the voice VLAN. Setting this option to No (disabled) prevents the attached PC from sending and receiving data on the voice VLAN.
Phone Load Name
The custom software for the Cisco IP Phone. Value overrides the default value for the current model.
Port Ranges for IP Communicator
Port ranges for IP Communicator.
Enable or disable the capability of users with phones that share the same line to view call status and to interrupt the call.
Proxy Server URL
URL used to proxy HTTP requests for access to non-local host addresses from the phone HTTP client.
Remote Destination Limit
Maximal number of remote destinations for the subscriber on the currently selectedCallProcessor.
Retry Video Call As Audio
Applies only to video endpoints that receive a call. If this phone receives a call that does not connect as video, the call tries to connect as an audio call.
Ring Setting (Phone Active)
The ring setting that is used when a phone has another active call on a different line.
Ring Setting (Phone Idle)
The ring setting that is used when a phone has another active call on a different line.
Route Partition
The partition to which the directory number belongs.
This attribute is not available when using the Edit Provisioning Attributes link (see Editing a Service Area's Provisioning Attributes, page 5-20) or through the Provisioning Attribute Management page . You can only update it in the Update Service Area page (see Configuring Service Areas, page 5-18).
Services URL
URL for Cisco IP Phone Services.
Settings Access
Device settings access.
Softkey Template
Softkey template that determines the configuration of the softkeys on Cisco IP Phones.
Speed Dial Info
Speed dial settings on device.
Subscriber CoS without TTS enabled
Class of service template used when disabling Unified Messaging on subscriber account in the Unified Message Processor.
Subscriber CoS with TTS Enabled
Class of service template used when enabling Unified Messaging subscriber account in the Unified Message Processor.
Subscriber Template without TTS Enabled
Subscriber template used when disabling Unified Messaging on subscriber account in the Unified Message Processor.
Subscriber Template with TTS Enabled
Subscriber template used when enabling Unified Messaging on subscriber account in the Unified Message Processor.
User Hold Audio Source
The audio source that plays when a user initiates a hold action.
User Locale
User location associated with the phone user. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language, font, date and time formatting, and alphanumeric keyboard text information.
Video Capabilities
Indicates whether the phone can participate in video calls when connected to an appropriately equipped PC.
Voicemail Profile
Voicemail profiles assigned to a directory number.
Web Access
Indicates whether the phone's internal web server is enabled (Yes) or disabled (No). When disabled, you cannot access a phone's web pages.
1 This attribute is not available when using the Edit Provisioning Attributes link (see Editing a Service Area's Provisioning Attributes, page 5-20) or through the Provisioning Attribute Management page. You can use the Update Default Settings button on the Service Area Configuration page (see Configuring Service Areas, page 5-18) to configure the attribute, or you can use the Advanced Order Options button when placing an order (see Ordering Products and Services, page 3-2).
Unless certain Phone provisioning attributes are configured when placing an order, they will display Not Set. But when you view the phone in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager user interface, the attributes will appear as being set to a default value. This occurs because the Cisco Unified Communications Manager AXL interface does not return default values to Provisioning Manager for these attributes when provisioning a phone.
This applies to the following provisioning attributes:
Auto Line Select
Disable Speakerphone
Disable Speakerphone and Headset
Forwarding Delay
Gratuitous ARP
PC Port
PC Voice VLAN Access
Port Ranges for IP Communicator
Retry Video Call as Audio
Settings Access
Video Capabilities
Web Access
Posted: Tue Jul 17 11:24:19 PDT 2007
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