
Table Of Contents

Release Notes for Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager 1.1


New Features

Product Documentation

Known Problems

Resolved Problems

Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines

Release Notes for Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager 1.1

These release notes are for use with Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager (Provisioning Manager).

These release notes provide:


New Features

Product Documentation

Known Problems

Resolved Problems

Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines



IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This Supplemental License Agreement ("SLA") contains additional limitations on the license to the Software provided to Customer under the End User License Agreement between Customer and Cisco. Capitalized terms used in this SLA and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the End User License Agreement. To the extent that there is a conflict among any of these terms and conditions applicable to the Software, the terms and conditions in this SLA shall take precedence.

By installing, downloading, accessing or otherwise using the Software, Customer agrees to be bound by the terms of this SLA. If Customer does not agree to the terms of this SLA, Customer may not install, download or otherwise use the Software.


Installation and Use. The Software components are provided to Customer solely to install, update, supplement, or replace existing functionality of the applicable Network Management Software product. Customer may install and use the following Software components:

Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager: May be installed on a server in Customer's network management environment.

For each Software license granted, Customers may install and run the Software on a single server to manage the number of IP phones specified in the license file provided with the Software, or as specified in the Software License Claim Certificate. Customers whose requirements exceed the IP phone limit must purchase upgrade licenses or additional copies of the Software. The IP phone limit is enforced by license registration.

Reproduction and Distribution. Customers may not reproduce nor distribute the Software.


Please refer to the Cisco Systems, Inc. End User License Agreement.

New Features

Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager adds the following:

Support for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.1(1) and 6.0(1).

Support for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express 4.1.

Support for Cisco Unified Personal Communicator 1.1 and 1.2.

Support for Cisco Unified MobilityManager through Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0(1).

Support for Cisco Unity 5.0.

Support for Cisco Unity Connection 2.0.

Support for Cisco Unity Express 3.0.

Support for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G.

The ability to delete the following from Provisioning Manager:

Call Processors

Unified Message Processors


Service Areas

Product Documentation

Note The originally published printed and electronic documentation is included with your product. Any changes after original publication are reflected on, where you will find the most up-to-date documentation.

Table 1 describes the product documentation that is available.

Table 1 Product Documentation 

Document Title
Available Formats

Supported Devices Table for Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager 1.1

On at the following URL:

Release Notes for Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager 1.1

In PDF on the product CD-ROM

On at the following URL:

Installation Guide for Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager 1.1

In PDF on the product CD-ROM

On at the following URL:

User Guide for Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager 1.1

In PDF on the product CD-ROM

On at the following URL:

Known Problems

Table 2 describes problems known to exist in this release.

Table 2 Known Problems in Provisioning Manager 

Bug ID


An order on a dependent product should be blocked if the parent product is processing an order.

When a product has an outstanding running order, any orders on its child product fail.

For example, if a change phone order is running, canceling a line on the phone fails.


Abort the failed order. After the order against the parent product completes, place the order on the child product again.


Extension Mobility Line Orders fail when the Call Pickup group provisioning attribute specified in a batch order.

When Line products (Line Upgrade, Phone Service, Phone Service with Extra Line, Extension Mobility Line, Extension Mobility Access with Line) are ordered through batch ordering that have a value specified for the Call Pickup Group provisioning attribute, the batch order fails.


Remove the value specified for the Call Pickup Group provisioning attribute from the batch file, or order the product through the Order Entry wizard.


You cannot cancel a Cisco Analog Telephone Adapter 186 through batch ordering.

You cannot use batch ordering to cancel a Cisco Analog Telephone Adapter 186.

Workaround: Access the product through the Subscriber's Record and cancel it.

Provisioning Manager synchronizes the data in Cisco Unified Communications Manager with Call Processors in Provisioning Manager. Problems can occur while obtaining the data from Cisco Unified Communications Manager, due to known problems in certain versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Table 3 lists the known problems and the related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID. When a related bug is fixed, the problem will no longer exist in Provisioning Manager.

Table 3 Known Problems in Call Processor Devices 


Canceling or changing phone orders may fail for Cisco Unified Communication Manager 5.1(2).

When placing a change phone order or canceling a phone order, the request may fail. The following error message appears:

IPT-1700: A device error occurred, please check NICE log to determine the problem. - Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.1(2). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsj44521.

Workaround: None.

Subscriber synchronization and batch ordering for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4), 5.1(1) and 6.0(1) takes along time to process when compared to the Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.X.

The time it takes for subscriber synchronization and batch order processing for a large number of users is longer for 5.0(4), 5.1(1) and 6.0(1) when compared to the Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.X. This is due to the reduced AXL performance on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4), 5.1(1) and 6.0(1) when compared to the Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.X.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4), 5.1(1) and 6.0(1). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsi41499.

Workaround: None.

When a phone has two lines and line 1 is canceled and recreated using a new number, the new number is not applied.

This problem occurs on a phone with two lines. If line 1 is canceled and then recreated with a different number, the first number for line 1 is still listed as the telephone number in the end user information.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.1(1) and 6.0(1). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCs93796.

Workaround: None.

SIP phones provisioned through Provisioning Manager cannot register to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

SIP phones cannot be provisioned by Provisioning Manager.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4) and 5.1(1). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsi28204.


To register with Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you must go to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager interface and set the SIP profile field.

In Voice Region Configuration Template, for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.1(1) and 6.0(1), the Default Codec cannot be set with the values Use System Default or Keep Current Setting.

When creating a Voice Region Configuration Template, the default Codec field does not list Use System Default or Keep Current Setting. These selections are available on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.1(1) and 6.0(1), but are not supported in Provisioning Manager.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.1(1) and 6.0(1). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsi82847.


After the voice region is created, make updates to the voice region using the Cisco Unified Communications Manager user interface.

A blank Translation Pattern cannot be created for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4) and 5.1(1).

A Translation Pattern with a blank pattern cannot be created using the Configuration Templates. If you try to create a blank translation pattern you will get an error message similar to the following:

Dial Plan is required for non-SIP Route and Translation Patterns that have @ in the pattern.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4) and 5.1(1). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsi59637.

Workaround: None.

Removing the number from the Contact Number field on the subscriber wizard does not remove the number from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager End User Telephone Number field.

When updating a subscriber's information, if you remove the number from the Contact Number field on the subscriber wizard, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager End User Telephone Number field displays the previous value. The expected behavior would be for the End User Telephone Number field to be blank.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.1(1) and 6.0(1). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsi93796.

Workaround: None.

MLPP Domain objects are created on Cisco Unified Communications Manager if a nonexistent MLPP Domain ID is specified when creating a Common Device Configuration.

If you specify a nonexistent MLPP Domain ID when adding a Common Device Configuration object from Provisioning Manager using the Configuration Templates, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager creates a new MLPP Domain object using the provided ID instead of returning an error message stating that the MLPP Domain does not exist.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 6.0(1). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsj10137.


Specify the correct MLPP Domain ID in Provisioning Manager.

The MLPP Domain ID is considered a hexadecimal value on Cisco Unified Communications Manager, whereas it is considered a decimal value in Provisioning Manager. You can convert the hexadecimal MLPP Domain ID in Cisco Unified Communications Manager to a decimal value and use that value in Provisioning Manager.

Provisioning Manager cannot synchronize users that were created on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0.4 and that have phones or device profiles associated to them.

If you create a user in Cisco Unified Communications Manager with an associated phone or device profile, the user is not added to Provisioning Manager when a subscriber synchronization is performed.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0.4. The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCse43192.

For more information regarding this issue, contact TAC. For information on contacting TAC, see the following:

Workaround: None.

Members of the CallPickupGroup and the LineGroup are not saved in the Provisioning Manager database.

Provisioning Manager cannot obtain values for the members of the CallPickupGroup and LineGroup objects during synchronization with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. However, these objects can be configured on Cisco Unified Communications Manager using Provisioning Manager.

This problem applies to the following versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

All Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.x


The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug IDs are CSCsf07468 and CSCsf07560.

Workaround: None.

Synchronizing Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4) is sometimes unsuccessful.

There are two issues causing this problem:

Provisioning Manager cannot support RoutePatterns that are configured to use a gateway as the destination. The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsh36013.

Provisioning Manager cannot support RoutePatterns whose configured RouteLists are deleted manually from Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsh29825.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4).

Workaround: None.

In some cases, a change phone order changes the phone load name on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

When performing a change phone order, a phone load name is set on the phone.

This problem occurs if the phone load name was originally not set (which means that Cisco Unified Communications Manager is using the default phone load).

Also, the problem results in different situations for the Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.x and 5.x:

In the Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.x, a change phone order sets the phone load name with the default phone load name.

In the Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x, only when a Module load name is present does performing a change phone order set the phone's load name with the module load name.

This problem applies to the following versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

All Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.x

All Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x

The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug IDs are CSCsh26744 and CSCsh58736.

Workaround: None.

Performing a change order on a phone where networkLocale is set deletes the phone in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

When you run a change order on a phone, the phone is deleted if networkLocale is present in the phone.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.1(3)SR3. The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsd82084.

Workaround: None

Change phone order sets User Locale and Network Locale to None.

If after synchronizing a subscriber you perform a phone change order, User Locale and Network locale are set to None.

This problem occurs in the following:

User locale is not supported on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.0(2) AXL API.

Network locale is not supported on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.0(2) and 4.1(3) AXL API.

The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsd82084.

Workaround: None.

Canceling a shared phone for a subscriber does not disassociate the phone in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

A canceled shared phone remains associated in the user's account on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager, if the subscriber has only one phone in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsh48876.

Workaround: None.

Change phone orders fail on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4) when Extension Mobility is on and using the same MAC address.

If you perform a change phone order on a phone that has Extension Mobility set and keep the same MAC address, the order fails.

This occurs because Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not delete the autogenerated profile on Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Therefore it is attempting to regenerate the same autogenerated profile.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsd60519.


Before placing the change order, remove the autogenerated device profile from Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

When ordering Phone Service, the primary extension is set to None.

When ordering Phone Service for a new subscriber (which creates a user, phone, and line in Cisco Unified Communications Manager), the user's primary extension should be set as the line's directory number. Instead, the primary extension is set to None.

This problem applies to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(4) and 5.1(1). The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsh77973.

Workaround: None.

The default value is not set to True for the following:

Forwarded Call Info - Caller Name

Forwarded Call Info - Dialed Number

Because of this, call forwarding doed not occur.

In Cisco Unified Communications Manager, the following provisioning attributes are set to False:

Forwarded Call Information - Caller Name

Forwarded Call Information - Dialed Number

These attributes must be set to True for call forwarding to occur.

This problem applies to the following versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

All Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.x

All Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x


The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsg37872.


After creating a Service Area, set these provisioning attributes to True.

The MLPP Domain ID is not set on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager when an H323 gateway is created through Configuration Templates.

The MLPP Domain ID is not set for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

This problem applies to all Provisioning Manager supported versions of Cisco Unified Communications Managerr 4.x. The related Cisco Unified Communications Manager bug ID is CSCsh56843.

Workaround: None

Resolved Problems

Table 4 describes problems that where fixed in this release.

Table 4 Problems Resolved in Provisioning Manager 1.1 

Bug ID



A batch order that contained duplicate MAC addresses would fail.

If you placed a phone batch order that contained MAC addresses that already existed on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager, the order failed. Now, a batch order with duplicate MAC addresses does not fail.


Searching for a deleted subscriber by directory number after a Domain synchronization would cause an error.

If a subscriber was deleted from Cisco Unified Communications Manager and then a synchronization was performed, Provisioning Manager did not delete the subscriber. Provisioning Manager only deleted the subscriber's associated products. This is fixed.


You could not place an order for a phone if the phone's MAC address was already registered but was not configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express.

If you tried to provision a phone through Provisioning Manager with the same MAC address as one that was already registered but not configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, the order failed. This is fixed.


On partially failed orders, the Cancel Service button was not present.

When part of an order with more than one product produced an error, the products which were successfully provisioned as part of the failed order could not be canceled from the Subscriber Record (the Cancel Service button is not present). Now you can cancel partially failed orders.


You could not place change phone orders (new phone type, new MAC address) through batch provisioning.

Batch orders failed in the following instances:

If you did not use uppercase letters for all MAC addresses.

If you entered a change phone order for phone type and you did not list the new phone button template.

These circumstances no longer cause batch provisioning to fail.


Infrastructure synchronization would fail on Cisco Unified Communications Manager when a blank translation pattern existed.

If a translation pattern was created on Cisco Unified Communications Manager with a blank pattern, Provisioning Manager infrastructure synchronization would fail. This problem no longer occurs.

Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines

For information on obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, and also recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:


Posted: Mon Jul 9 11:28:32 PDT 2007
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