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Table Of Contents
Performance Utilization Report
After you complete your assessments, you can generate four reports that show your network's readiness for deploying a Cisco TelePresence solution. You should complete the questionnaire before generating the report.
Completing the Questionnaire
The questionnaire extracts information about your network that cannot be determined through inventory collection or compliance analysis. Although this step is optional, we recommend it for a more thorough and accurate assessment of your network. It contains questions about the following:
IP addressing
WAN design
QoS and CAC
Microsoft Exchange design
Telephony infrastructure
IP security
Bandwidth percentage
Type of information to display—By default, only values that violate acceptable thresholds are displayed.
Generating the Report
Step 1
Select Reports > Reports.
Step 2
Do one of the following:
Click Start, if this is the first time you are generating a report.
Click Regenerate Report, if you have generated a report in the past.
Step 3
On the Generate Report page, enter the appropriate values to customize the report.
You must enter text in the first three fields: name of company receiving the assessment, name of company performing the assessment, and name of engineer performing the assessment.
Step 4
Click Finish.
Viewing Reports
After you complete the steps to generate the report, the Report Generation Status page appears. Three buttons are available on this page:
Refresh—Updates status of report generation. Click this button to see updated progress.
Regenerate Report—Generates the report again. You should regenerate the report if the report fails to generate correctly.
View Reports—After you click this button, a list displays:
Executive Report—Summary of device compliance, Cisco TelePresence recommendations, and utilization statistics based on network paths.
Performance Utilization Report—Detailed utilization statistics for the devices selected for the performance study.
Compliance Analysis Report—Analysis of device compliance (according to device network best practices), recommendations on Cisco TelePresence systems, and recommendations based on the answers you entered in the questionnaire.
Traffic Simulation Report—Cisco TelePresence traffic analysis of your existing network. The video and audio traffic analysis is based on reports provided by the traffic analysis agents deployed at strategic locations for each network path in your network.
Executive Report
This report gives feedback on your organization's network readiness to deploy a Cisco TelePresence Solution. Recommendations and feedback for planning and designing your network are based on the state of your network andthe deployment options you chose at the beginning of the assessment.
This report
Recommends types of Cisco TelePresence systems
Analyzes device compliance with best practices
Analyzes telepresence traffic
Captures utilization statistics
Performance Utilization Report
This report contains information about how individual devices perform on each network path or in network inventory.
Utilization is calculated by taking the daily or hourly average CPU/memory/bandwidth utilization of each device and separating them into the following threshold categories:
OK—Average utilization of a router or a switch is less than or equal to 30%.
Minor—Average utilization of a router or a switch is more than 30% but less than or equal to 50%.
Major—Average utilization of a router or a switch is more than 50%.
Utilization Calculation Example 1
This example explains how utilization is calculated for one day.
Performance Study Details
Pathname: ABC-XYZ
Number of devices: 5
Length of study: 12 hours for 2 days = 24 hrs = 1440 minutes
Polling interval: Every 5 minutes
The default polling interval is every 3 minutes. To change the polling interval, select Assessment > Performance > Device Poll Settings. To simplify explanation, the polling interval for this example is set to 5 minutes.
Number of samples collected for each device: 1440 / 5 (length of study/polling interval) = 288 samples.
The term sample represents the utilization data captured at the time TelePresence Readiness Assessment Manager polled the device.
Utilization Severity Levels and Threshold Percentages:
OK—Average utilization of a router or a switch is less than or equal to 30% (0-30%).
Minor—Average utilization of a router or a switch is more than 30% but less than or equal to 50% (31-50%).
Major—Average utilization of a router or a switch is more than 50% (51%or more).
The report displays the graph shown in Figure 5-1:
Figure 5-1 ABC-XYZ Path : Average Device Utilization for Two Days
TelePresence Readiness Assessment Manager checks each sample value against the threshold and marks it as bad or good depending on the threshold violation. The bad sample rate is obtained by dividing the number of bad samples by the total number of samples. If the bad sample percentage is greater than 20% then the devices is considered as bad. The category of the severity of the device depends on the average of the bad sample values.
For example, Device 1 had the following utilization values for November 6:
188 samples = 4% (OK)
40 samples = 20% (OK)
60 samples = 52% (Major)
Device 1 average utilization = ( ( 4 x 188) + (40 x 20) + ( 60 x 52 ) ) / 288 = 16.2 %
Actual thresholds for each sample will vary. Only three threshold values are used in this example to simplify calculation.
Devices are considered bad if 20% or higher of the samples are bad. Bad samples are samples that violate the threshold (51% or higher). In this example, Device 1 is considered bad since 21% (60 samples / 288 samples) of the samples had Major utilization (52%). All other devices recorded on November 6 had the following average utilization:
Device 2 = 13%
Device 3 = 17%
Device 4 = 10%
Device 5 = 12%
The daily average for all devices on November 6 is ( 16.2 + 13 + 17 + 10 + 12 ) / 5 = 13.64 % (as shown in Figure 5-1). The bad average is 52%.
The following values were taken on November 7:
Device 1
280 samples = 5% (OK)
8 samples = 40% (Minor)
There are no bad samples. 90% ( 280 / 288 ) of samples are categorized with severity level OK.
Device 2
288 samples = 6% (OK)
There are no bad samples. Samples are categorized with severity level OK.
Device 3
208 samples = 10% (OK)
80 samples = 54% (Major)
There is a bad sample average of 28% ( 80 / 288 ) with severity level Major. This device is considered bad since the bad sample average is more than 20%.
Device 4
288 samples = 6% (OK)
There are no bad samples. Samples are categorized with severity level OK.
Device 5
288 samples = 8% (OK)
There are no bad samples. Samples are categorized with severity level OK.
Figure 5-1 shows the bar graph with four devices having good utilization with severity level OK (green color). Since Device 3 has a bad sample average of 28%, the November 7 bar graph displays one device having high utilization with severity level Major (red color).
The total and bad sample averages are shown as line graphs. The right y-axis represents utilization. The black line denotes total average of samples. The blue line denotes total average of bad samples.
Utilization Calculation Example 2
This example shows how utilization is calculated each hour. Calculation is based on the average samples collected each hour.
Performance Study Setup
Pathname: ABC-XYZ
Number of devices: 5
Length of study: 2 days from 12 pm - 5 pm
Polling interval: 5 minutes
Daily number of samples collected for each device each hour: 60/5 (hour/polling interval) = 12 samples
Total number (two days) of samples collected each hour = 24 samples
Threshold Percentages:
OK—Average utilization of a router or a switch is less than or equal to 30% (0-30%).
Minor—Average utilization of a router or a switch is more than 30% but less than or equal to 50% (31-50%).
Major—Average utilization of a router or a switch is more than 50% (51%or more).
The report displays the graph shown in Figure 5-2
Figure 5-2 ABC-XYZ Hourly CPU Utilization
On November 6, Device 1 had a bad sample average value of 55% for hours 12 and 13. All other devices for hours 12 and 13 had good samples. On the graph, the red color for hours 12 and 13 represent Major utilization for Device 1. The blue line represents the bad sample average (55%).
Device 2 had good samples on November 6, but had bad samples on November 7 for hours 14, 15, and 16. Since at least one device (Device 1 or Device 2) had bad samples across all hours, the graph shows one device in red with major utilization.
The table following the graph displays the devices that experienced major utilization per hour information including violated thresholds, maximum values, and corresponding timestamps.
Compliance Analysis Report
This report analyzes device compliance (according to device network best practices), recommends types of Cisco TelePresence devices, and displays recommendations based on the answers you gave in the questionnaire.
Device compliance is calculated using the highest severity of a rule that the device does not comply with.
The Best Practice Analysis rules and their associated severity levels (Informational, Warning, and Critical) are listed at the end of the Compliance Analysis Report.
For example, if Device 1 does not comply with Rule 1: STP Convergence (Informational) and Rule 8: Check QOS (Critical), the device is shown as noncompliant and assigned a severity level of Critical (bar will be red). See the following example ( Figure 5-3):
Figure 5-3 Device Compliance Summary Example
Path Name Number of Devices Device Compliance Summary Severity of NoncomplianceNew York
0 - Compliant 2 - Noncompliant
0 - NotApplied
San Jose
0 - Compliant 1 - Noncompliant
0 - NotApplied
Traffic Simulation Report
This report analyzes Cisco TelePresence traffic in your existing network. Video and audio traffic analysis is based on reports for each network path from traffic analysis agents deployed at strategic locations in your network .
Figure 5-4 is an example of a traffic simulation graph displaying daily video jitter results.
Figure 5-4 Traffic Simulation Graph for Daily Video Jitter
Performance Study Setup
Test name: test 1
Length of study: 2 days
Calculations are similar to those described in the Performance Utilization Report. The bar represents the traffic time. If the sample violates the threshold, the 30 second traffic time is marked as bad and the severity is dependant on the average violated sample value.The line graphs represent the total average and bad average value.
Sampling rate is 30 seconds.
In this example, jitter has the following time thresholds:
Good—Average value of jitter less than or equal to 20 ms.
Acceptable—Average value greater than 20 ms but less than or equal to 40 ms.
Unacceptable—Average value higher than 40 ms.
Latency and packet loss have different thresholds which are listed in the report.
Posted: Thu Jan 24 20:22:37 PST 2008
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