
Table of Contents

Installing Cisco Network Order Manager

Installing Cisco Network Order Manager

This chapter describes the steps required to install and configure CNOM and the supporting software in a new site. It contains the following sections:


The following sections provide important background information for installing CNOM software.

System Requirements

Install the CNOM software on a SUN Ultra 60 server with:

Installation Prerequisites

Before you install CNOM software, make sure the following software is installed on the system. For information about which software releases and patches are required, see the Release Notes for Cisco Network Order Manager Release 1.3. Note that the software must be installed in the following order:

    1. Cisco EMF

    2. Cisco EMF patches

    3. The element manager for the type of equipment in the network:

For detailed procedures on installing Cisco EMF and Cisco EMF patches, see the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Licensing Guide (Cisco EMF Release 3.0). For procedures on installing CDM or SCM, see the documentation for the specific element manager.

Installing CNOM Software

This procedure describes how to install CNOM software using the cnominstall script. The cnominstall installation menu provides choices for installing CNOM in different environments: DSL, Cisco 6400, and CWM. The installation process automatically installs all of the CNOM software components required for each particular environment.

CNOM software is installed in the following directories:

To run the cnominstall script:

Step 1   Log in as superuser on the system on which you plan to install the CNOM software.

Step 2   Create a CNOM installation directory, and go to that directory (for example, /var/tmp/install/CNOM).

Step 3   Prepare for installation by copying the CNOM software tar package to the CNOM installation directory. You can download a copy of the CNOM software using Cisco Connection Online (CCO) at either of the following locations:

Step 4   Uncompress and untar the CNOM software. This process creates several directories and subdirectories (for example, /packages and /packages/ATMDMMc, /packages/ATMDMMm, and /packages/ATMQOSPc).

    uncompress CDDM-1.3.x-pkg.tar.Z tar -xvf CDDM-1.3.x-pkg.tar

Step 5   Make sure that the Cisco EMF is running. If it is not, enter the following command (where <CEMF_ROOT> is the directory containing the Cisco EMF software):

    <CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf start

Step 6   Start the CNOM software installation process:


A menu listing CNOM installation options appears.

Step 7   Select the CNOM software to install:

The installation process installs all of the CNOM software required for the selected environment.

Note   Do not install the DSL Manager and the 6400 Manager on the same system.

Step 8   After you install the CNOM software, enter the following command to make sure that no core dumps occurred:

    Note   To determine the version numbers of installed modules, use the <CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf install -s command.

Although you can use cemfinstall to install CNOM software, cnominstall is preferred. If you use cemfinstall, you must install each of the following CNOM software components separately:

Installing and Accessing CNOM Man Pages

CNOM man pages install automatically when CNOM is installed. To use the man pages, enter the following commands from the CEMF shell:


Now, when you execute the man or xman command, CNOM man pages appear along with all of the UNIX command man pages.

Removing CNOM Software

Follow the steps in this procedure to remove CNOM software.

Note   If you plan to upgrade to a new version of CNOM software, perform the steps in the "Upgrading CNOM Software" section on page 2-4. Do not simply remove the old software and then install the new version. If you do, all CNOM objects in the CEMF database (including connections) will be lost.

Step 1   Log in as superuser on the machine on which the CNOM software is installed.

Step 2   Enter the following command to start the CNOM software removal process:

    <CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemfinstall -r

The system displays a menu listing currently installed software packages.

Step 3   Select the software package you want to remove and follow the prompts. If you are removing multiple packages, be sure to remove them in the following order:

A prompt appears, indicating that the software removal is about to take place. When you proceed with the removal, the system displays informational messages as it deletes the software components.

Upgrading CNOM Software

To upgrade CNOM software, perform the steps in this procedure. You can also upgrade CNOM software manually by running the <CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf load -skipportcheck <package_name> command for each CNOM package.

Note   When you upgrade from CNOM Release 1.03 or 1.05, or CDM Release 3.1 or later, you must remove the Subtend package before you begin the upgrade.

Step 1   Log in as superuser on the machine on which the CNOM software is installed.

Step 2   Make sure that the Cisco EMF is running. If it is not, enter the following command (where <CEMF_ROOT> is the directory that contains the Cisco EMF software):

    <CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf start

Step 3   Optional. Use the command ./cemf install -s to display the current version of all installed software packages.

Step 4   Enter the following command to start the software upgrade process:


The system displays a menu listing the software packages available for upgrade.

Step 5   Select the software package you want to upgrade and follow the prompts to upgrade the selected package.

Note   If the software package does not already exist on the system, this procedure installs it. However, you must then use the <CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf load -remove -skipportcheck command to remove the package; you cannot use cemf install -r.

Step 6   If you are upgrading from CNOM Release 1.0 or 1.2 to CNOM Release 1.3, and your configuration contains connections created in either of those releases, proceed to the next section ("Migrating Existing Connections") for instructions on moving those connections to the new connection object store.

Step 7   If you plan to run existing policies, make sure the policies are compatible with the new CNOM release (see the "Checking Compatibility with Existing Policies" section).

Migrating Existing Connections

After you upgrade from CNOM Release 1.0 or 1.2 to CNOM Release 1.3, you must move existing connection objects to the new connection object store, as described in the following procedure.

Note   This procedure is not necessary if you are installing new CNOM software, or upgrading from CNOM Release 1.3 to a later release.

Step 1   Open a CEMF shell:

    cd <CEMF_ROOT>/bin ./cemf shell

Step 2   If you upgraded to SCM 2.2(2) from SCM 2.2(1) or previous releases, make sure the following script was run as part of the data-migration process (see the SCM 2.2(2) Release Notes for detailed instructions).


Step 3   Issue the following command to migrate existing connection objects:


CNOM moves existing connection objects into the new connection object store, which is based on multiple hash buckets, each of which can store thousands of connection objects (see the "Storing Connection Objects" section for more information).

Step 4   By default, migrated connections are not displayed in the connectionObjects view. You can use the policies MakeConnectionVisible and MakeConnectionInvisible to view the connections and then hide them again. See the "Viewing and Hiding Connection Objects" section for instructions.

Step 5   Type exit to close the CEMF shell.

Step 6   CNOM is now ready for operation. See the following chapters for information about using CNOM.

Checking Compatibility with Existing Policies

To ensure that existing policies run properly with the latest CNOM release:

Instead, use the following construct to find a connection object:

    FindConnectionObject : connectionOid = find(connectionIdentifier)

Posted: Sun Sep 29 05:32:21 PDT 2002
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