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Release Notes for CNOM Release 1.2

Release Notes for CNOM Release 1.2

May 2001

These release notes provide information about Cisco Network Order Manager (CNOM) Release 1.2, which runs on the Cisco Element Management Framework (CEMF).

Use these release notes in conjunction with the Release Notes for  Cisco Element Management Framework Version 3.0.4, the release notes for element managers that are installed with CNOM Release 1.2, and the release notes for Cisco IOS Release 12.0(S).


These release notes contain the following sections.

Installing the Software

For information about installing the CNOM software, refer to the Cisco Network Order Manager Solution Guide.

System Requirements

CNOM Release 1.2 runs with the following element management systems:

CNOM Release 1.2 requires:

To calculate the system requirements for element managers running with CNOM:

    1. Find the recommended system configuration for each of the element managers that will be running on the system as specified in its documentation.

    2. Add the memory, disk, swap, and processor requirements specified for each element manager for the number of nodes being managed by that element manager.

CNOM Release 1.2 Software Features

CNOM Release 1.2 supports the management of the following entities in equipment managed by Cisco DSL Manager Release 3.3.1:

CNOM Release 1.2 supports the management of the following entities in equipment managed by Cisco Service Connection Manager Release 2.2(1):

CNOM Release 1.2 supports the following northbound integration methods:

CNOM Release 1.2 also provides the utility cemfql, which supports queries into the Cisco Element Manager Framework object model.

Limitations and Restrictions

The following sections describe important limitations and restrictions that you should review before you use CNOM Release 1.2.

Using an Installation Directory Other Than /opt/cemf

Many of the scripts supplied with CNOM Release 1.2 do not work if the product is installed in a directory other than /opt/cemf.

As a workaround, create a soft link between the actual installation directory and /opt/cemf. Use the following command:

% ln -s <actual_cemf_installation_dir> /opt/cemf

Work Order Processing During CEMF Backup/Restore

A requirement of the CEMF backup process is that you cannot perform any object deployments while the backup is taking place. Currently, this has to be enforced manually, but will be automatic in future CEMF patches.

Caution   Do not submit work orders during CEMF backup. Timeouts on the submitting system or serious CEMF data integrity issues may occur.

Further, the work order view must be empty before the CEMF backup process starts. Inconsistencies may develop between the submitting system and CNOM when work orders that time out in the submitting system complete later in CNOM.

End-to-End Connections

CNOM Release 1.2 does not support end-to-end connections between different devices. This means that you cannot use CNOM to set up a connection between a Cisco 6400 UAC and a DSLAM, or between two Cisco 6400 UACs through a WAN. You can, however, use CNOM to set up an end-to-end connection between subtended DSLAMs, or between multiple UACs in a local network.

CNOM Release 1.2 Open Caveats

Table 1 lists the open caveats for CNOM Release 1.2. For caveats affecting CNOM, but not caused by CNOM, the Caveat column lists the component causing the problem.

Table 1: CNOM Release 1.2 Caveats
Caveat Description


Soft PVCs (SPVCs) created by CNOM appear in the ComponentManaged and connectionObjects views; they do not appear in the SubtendPVC view.

Workaround: None.


When a DSLAM (chassis) with valid connections is decommissioned and then recommissioned, connection objects in the CDM GUI and in the Object Configuration window remain in the decommissioned state.

Workaround: After you recommission the DSLAM, manually commission the connection objects.


You cannot use connect_cdm with the -auto option to create SPVCs.

Workaround: Use connect_cdm without the -auto option to create SPVCs. In this case, you must explicitly assign valid VPI/VCI values to the SPVC.


The CNOM upgrade procedure displays error messages even though the upgrade was successful.

Workaround: Ignore the error messages.


You must be logged in as root to create the first connection; otherwise, subsequent connections fail. This is because the system uses the concount file to set connection IDs, and the file is created only if you are logged in as root. After the file is created, you can create subsequent connections from a regular (non-root) login.

Workaround: Log in as root to create the first connection.


CNOM does not check the values of ATM QoS and WAN ATM QoS profile parameters; therefore, it is possible to create profiles with invalid values.

Workaround: Be sure to specify valid values for profile parameters. Note that the WAN ATM QoS Profile window now lists valid ranges for parameters.


The time it takes for the Cisco 6400 SCM Connection Policy to create connections increases as the number of connections increases.

Workaround: None.


If you use the CDM Upload Configuration feature to restore connections in CDM, and then use restoreCDMConnection policy to restore those same connections, the names of the connections in CDM views will not match the names in the CNOM connectionObjects view.

Workaround: None.


If you use the Cisco 6400 SCM to delete a connection from the connectionObjects view and then run the restoreSCMATMConnection policy, the policy fails but it does create some connection objects in the connectionObjects view.

Workaround: None.


The set_IMT script only works the first time you run it. If you use set_IMT to specify the trunk port between two Cisco 6400 UACs, you cannot re-run the script to specify a new trunk port. Although a success message is returned, the script actually fails and the original trunk port assignment remains unchanged.

Workaround: None.


If you use cemf load -skipportcheck to upgrade a CEMF package whose name contains a package version, this upgrades the package, but does not change the package name.

Workaround: After you upgrade the package, use the cemf install -s command to display the current version number of the upgraded package.


When you use the connect_atm script with -syslog option to create an ATM connection, only part of the work order for the connection is stored in the syslog file. This is because the record in the syslog file can only hold up to 1037 characters, and the work order is larger than that.

Workaround: None.


A provisioning failure displays a misleading error message.

Workaround: None.


After you install or upgrade CNOM, the component version for the DDMG package is incorrect.

Workaround: None.


When you create an SPVC using CNOM, the SPVC object does not appear under the top chassis trunk port in the CDM GUI.

Workaround: None.


When there are more than 2000 connections, it takes more than one minute to delete a single connection.

Workaround: None.

Closed Caveats

The following sections list problems resolved in CNOM Release 1.2 and in earlier releases.

Caveats Closed in CNOM Release 1.2

Following is a list of problems fixed by CNOM Release 1.2.


When you provision SPVC connections with CDM Release 3.3, CNOM no longer uses the wrong NSAP address and the connection no longer fails to complete in the node.


The disconnect_cdm script no longer fails to remove the connection from the ComponentManaged view.


The CNOM command connect_cdm no longer fails to create the connection and the error message is no longer confusing.


CDM no longer crashes when you run two CNOM scripts at the same time.


The system no longer hangs when you run two CNOM scripts that contain daSet at the same time.


Previously, there was no way to determine the valid values for parameters in the WAN ATM QoS profile. This information was added to Table E-1 in the Cisco Network Order Manager Solution Guide.


Previously, the Cisco Network Order Manager Solution Guide was missing instructions on how to make the CNOM manual pages available. Those instructions were added to Appendix A.


Previously, you had to edit the /etc/syslog.conf file and restart the syslogd daemon to configure CNOM to send messages to the syslog file. Now, however, the syslog facility is turned off by default.


Previously, when you updated a class configuration file in the directory /opt/cemf/config/CNOMSync/objectClasses, you had to run updateCNOMSync twice for the changes to take effect. You no longer have to do this; the changes take effect the first time you run updateCNOMSync.


The CNOM connect_scm script no longer fails to create the connection.


Previously, if you upgraded CNOM or CDM without first removing the Subtend package, the system crashed when you tried to reset CEMF. The Cisco Network Order Manager Solution Guide was updated to indicate that the subtend package must be removed before attempting an upgrade.


Previously, the Cisco Network Order Manager Solution Guide did not mention that the commands cemf install -r and cemf -install -s do not display package information for CNOMSync. This information has been added to the guide.


Running the disconnect_atm script no longer fails to remove all of the connection objects from the Map Viewer window in the GUI.


When you try to create an ATM connection with existing VPI/VCI values, the system no longer fails to display an error message.


The SyncLog.log file no longer fails to record information about ATM connections that are created or deleted through the SCM GUI.


When you use CDM to create a subscriber connection, CNOMSync no longer fails to record the creation of the corresponding PVC object.


When you use the GUI to delete a connection object from the connectionObjects view, the system no longer fails to record a message to the SyncLog.log file.


The disconnect_atm script no longer takes 4 minutes to disconnect a single ATM connection, and it no longer fails to remove all GUI subscriber objects in the Cisco6400Subscriber view.


The getConnectionData script no longer displays connection data for a failed connection.


CEMF no longer fails to restart after you install the CNOM packages DDMG, DDMGen, CNOMSync, and C6400DMM, and reset the database.


When you run the connect_atm script with the noSave option, the system no longer fails to write a record to the connectionsLog.log file. In addition, the system no longer writes a record to the SyncLog.log file.


The system no longer denies permission to run an executable file created by the getResoreWO script.


You no longer need to run Discover Subtends on a single chassis to create a connection.


Loading CNOM objects and views into the connectionObjects view no longer causes a CNOMsync core dump.


The system no longer displays an incorrect package version when you run cemf install -s after installing or upgrading the CNOMSync package.


The connect_atm script no longer fails to create an ATM connection in a single Cisco 6400 chassis.


When you run the restoreSCMATMConnection policy in an environment with multiple Cisco 6400 UACs, the connection objects are no longer restored under the egress port of the CLEC chassis. They are restored under the tie port of the CLEC chassis, which is where they should be restored.


If a Connection template is applied to one or more connections, it is no longer possible to delete the template after running the restoreSCMATMConnection policy.


The Cisco Network Order Manager Solution Guide did not indicate that matching names are required for DSL technology profiles and their corresponding ATM QoS profiles. That information has been added to the guide.


It no longer takes more time to start up CEMF when there are a lot of connections.


The create_QoS_profile script no longer fails to create an ATM QoS profile.


When you run the set_IMT script, the system no longer fails to log the work order in the connectionsLog.log file.


The script delete_QoS_profile no longer fails to delete an ATM QoS profile that was created through the SCM GUI.


The disconnectSCM script no longer contains error statements in its success message.


Previously, the disconnect_atm script removed a connection in CEMF but failed to remove the connection on the device if there were communication problems between CEMF and the device. Even though the connection still existed on the device (but not in the CEMF database), the script returned a success message.

The disconnect_atm script has been fixed. Now, if communication problems exist, and the system cannot access the device to remove the connection, the script returns an error message and does not remove the connection from the CEMF database.

Previous CNOM Releases

Following is a list of CNOM bugs fixed in previous CNOM releases.


An attribute format change for NSAP address in CDM no longer causes the wrong value to be used in CDM SPVC creation. (Fixed in 1.0.5)


Connection failure in CDM no longer causes panic in CDMDMMCtrllr process due to a message buffer being too small. (Fixed in 1.0.4)

CSCds76503 (Complete fix)

After executing set_line_id several times, CEMF backup no longer pauses indefinitely.
(Fixed in 1.0.3)


Memory leaks on the CDM NOA module no longer occur when you run the bulk cdm connection script. (Fixed in 1.0.2)

CSCds76503 (Partial fix)

After executing set_line_id several times, CEMF backup no longer pauses indefinitely. (Fixed in 1.0.2)


The Bulk_disconnect_atm script no longer deletes objects too slowly. The desired performance numbers were not set for disconnects. (Fixed in 1.0.1)

Obtaining Documentation

The following sections provide sources for obtaining documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at the following sites:

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Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or through an annual subscription.

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Posted: Thu Oct 24 05:38:01 PDT 2002
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