
Table of Contents

Managing the Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway Object Model
Accessing EM Objects
Working with XML Arguments

Managing the Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway Object Model

This chapter describes how to configure and view EM objects through the CORBA/IDL interface, and contains the following sections:

Accessing EM Objects

Use the invoke method of the ObjectAccess interface to perform operations on EM objects. This method takes the following parameters:

ObjectAccess Interface Definition

The ObjectAccess interface is defined using the Interface Definition Language (IDL), as shown below.

interface resultIterator
   boolean getNext(in short howMany, out string outargs);

interface ObjectAccess {
   enum ExceptionType

   exception invokeException
      string errorReason;

   boolean invoke(in string oid, in string func, in string inargs,
out string outargs, out resultIterator reIt) raises(invokeException);

The two IDL interfaces, resultIterator and ObjectAccess, are described in subsequent sections.

ObjectAccess invoke Method

The invoke method provides access to all Cisco gateway device objects.

boolean invoke(in string oid, 
in string func, 
in string inargs,
out string outargs, 
out resultIterator reIt) 

Syntax Description

This section describes the parameters for invoke.

Specifying the OID Argument

Network management layer applications use object identifiers to specify the objects on which to perform operations. Object identifiers are exported as part of the containment hierarchy, and may be obtained by using the operations that traverse the containment hierarchy of the underlying object model.

Identify objects in the model by containment and identifier:

The following table identifies all the containment characteristics and object identifiers for Cisco Gateway objects:

Table 3-1   Cisco Gateway Containment Path

Level 1 Objects  Level 2 Objects  Level 3 Objects 


























The nn or n suffix indicates the object number.

When specifying the containment path and OID, separate each branch in the path by a forward slash (/). For example:


Specifying the func, inargs, and outargs Arguments

The func parameter of the invoke method supports the following operations. The table also summarizes inargs and outargs usage.

Table 3-2   Operation Keywords

Operation  Description 


Performs a specific action on the specified Cisco Gateway object, such as adding a DS1 line. The type of action depends on the type of object. Client applications specify the action type and attribute names and values as an XML encoded string using the inargs argument.


Returns a list of containment paths that satisfy the conditions of the input statement. Clients can use this operation to discover the path for all objects of a specific type that satisfy filter criteria. Clients specify the scope and filter values as an XML encoded string using the inarg argument.

The results of the query are returned as an XML string in the outarg argument. An iterator, described in the "ObjectAccess getNext Method" section, may be returned.


Selects the objects in the EM's containment hierarchy according to a set of criteria, and FTPs their OIDs and attributes to the specified host. Clients specify the selection criteria as an XML encoded string, which includes the following types of information:

  • Starting point (root path) specified as a path to a portion of the containment hierarchy. A special value, EM:, indicates that the starting point is the absolute root, and to upload the entire tree.
  • FTP destination file name.
  • FTP host name and account information.
  • Selection filter.


Obtains a list of attribute values for an object. The client application selects the desired object using an XML encoded string. Returns the results in an XML string that contains a list of attribute names and values for the objects.


Changes one or more attributes for an object. The client application specifies a list of attribute names and values as an XML string. Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway triggers an attribute change event for objects that have changed.


Obtains object attributes from one or more Cisco Gateways. Clients select the desired objects and attributes using an XML encoded string. Returns the results in an XML string that contains a list of attribute names and values organized by chassis.


Changes object attributes in one or more Cisco Gateways. Clients specify a list of attributes and their new values as an XML string. Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway triggers an attribute change event for the object or objects that have changed.


Downloads software images to multiple Cisco Gateway nodes.

For more information, see the "Creating Input Arguments" section.

Using the resultIterator Argument

The resultIterator parameter facilitates iteration through a sequence of operations. If a non-null iterator object is returned with the results, use the GetNext function of the iterator to obtain the next set of results.

ObjectAccess getNext Method

This method provides an iterator for return values of the invoke method.


boolean getNext(in short howMany, out string outargs);

Syntax Description

The following table describes the valid arguments.

Table 3-3   Arguments for getNext


The number of additional results to return, expressed as a number


The results, encoded as an XML string

Usage Guidelines

This function takes a single parameter, an integer, that specifies how many more ResultUnit sections of the XML encoded results need to be returned. The function returns the next set of ResultUnit sections of the XML.

ObjectAccess Exceptions

ObjectAccess defines the following exception types:

Table 3-4   Exceptions

Exception  Cause 


The client invokes an invalid operation.


A ObjectAccess internal error.


The XML string is incorrect or incomplete.


The object does not exist.


The upload or software download operation failed due to incorrect host or user information.


A file access problem exists.


A chassis is not in a valid state.

Catch these exceptions using standard procedures for the specific programming language in use.

Example Program

The following example shows how to connect to VCG Server (ObjectAccess) using naming service and also shows how to perform an operation using the invoke IDL method:

#define MAXCOUNT 300 
#define MAXATTRCOUNT 10000

CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext; 
CosNaming::Name_var name; 
CORBA::Object_var objVar; 
ObjectAccess_var objectAccessVar = NULL;

char oid[MAXCOUNT]; 
char operation[MAXCOUNT]; 
int intResult; 
char *outargs = NULL; 
resultIterator_ptr& reIt=0;

try { 
objVar = orb_ptr->resolve_initial_references("NameService"); 
rootContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(objVar);

if (CORBA::is_nil( { 
cerr << "CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow "; 
cerr << "returned a nil object reference" << endl; 
return obAcVar; 
} else { 
name = new CosNaming::Name(2); 
name[0].id = CORBA::string_dup("Cisco"); 
name[0].kind = CORBA::string_dup(""); 
name[1].id = CORBA::string_dup("ObjectAccess"); 
name[1].kind = CORBA::string_dup(""); 
objVar = rootContext->resolve(name); 
objectAccessVar = ObjectAccess::_narrow(objVar); 

if (!CORBA::is_nil(objectAccessVar)) { 
   cout <<"Narrow to ObjectAccess works" <<endl; 
} else { 
   cout <<"Failed to resolve ObjectAccess via name server" <<endl; 
} catch (CORBA::SystemException &sysEx) { 
cerr << "Unexpected system exception" << endl; 
cerr << &sysEx; 
} catch(...) { 
cerr << "The Use of Naming Service Failed" << endl; 
cerr << "Unexpected exception " << endl; 

intResult = objectVar->invoke(oid,"QUERY",inXML,outargs, reIt); 
} else if (!strcmp(operation,"GET")) { 
intResult = objectVar->invoke(oid,"GET",inXML,outargs, reIt); 
} else if (!strcmp(operation,"SET")){ 
intResult = objectVar->invoke(oid,"SET",inXML,outargs, reIt); 
} else if (!strcmp(operation,"ACTION")){ 
intResult = objectVar->invoke(oid,"ACTION",inXML,outargs, reIt); 
} else if (!strcmp(operation,"BULKACTION")){ 
intResult = objectVar->invoke(oid,"BULKACTION",inXML,outargs, reIt); 
} else if (!strcmp(operation,"UPLOAD")){ 
intResult = objectVar->invoke(oid,"UPLOAD",inXML,outargs, reIt); 
} else if (!strcmp(operation,"BULKGET")){ 
intResult = objectVar->invoke(oid,"BULKGET",inXML,outargs, reIt); 
} else if (!strcmp(operation,"BULKSET")){ 
intResult = objectVar->invoke(oid,"BULKSET",inXML,outargs, reIt); 
} else { 
cout <<"Invalid Operation" <<endl; 

cout << "result:" << intResult << endl; 
cout << "outargs:" << outargs <<endl; 

Working with XML Arguments

The input and output for the invoke method are XML strings. This section provides an overview of XML string usage. For details, see "Using Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway Operations.".

Creating Input Arguments

The ACTION, GET, SET, BULKGET, BULKSET, and QUERY operations require operation details that are encoded in an XML string. The input argument varies by operation type.

For example, an ACTION request specifies the action type and provides a list of attribute names and values:

  <OBJECTATTRIBUTE name="attributeName">attributeValue</OBJECTATTRIBUTE>

A GET request specifies a list of attribute names, as follows:


A BULKGET request specifies a list of attribute names, organized by managed object, as follows:

  <MO identity="cmgm:CMGM_Site_default/">
    <OA name=attributeName1></OA>
    <OA name=attributeName2></OA>
  <MO identity="cmgm:CMGM_Site_default/">
    <OA name=attributeName3></OA>

These examples represent a few operations. For more information, see "Using Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway Operations.".

Table 3-5   Input XML Tags

XML Tag  Description 


Encloses the attributes for an ACTION operation


Encloses the type of ACTION


Encloses the attributes for a GET operation


Encloses the attributes for a SET operation


Encloses the attributes for a BULKACTION operation


Encloses the attributes for a BULKGETREQUEST operation


Encloses the attributes for a BULKSETREQUEST operation

<MO identity="value"></MO>

Specifies the identity of a Managed Object and encloses a list of attributes


Encloses the criteria for a QUERY operation


Specifies class name of the Managed Objects on which QUERY operation has to be performed

<OBJECTATTRIBUTE name="value">

Specifies the attribute name of an object for GET, SET, and ACTION operations

<OA name="value"></OA>

Specifies the attribute name of an object for BULKGETREQUEST, BULKSETREQUEST, and BULKACTION operations

Specifying Attribute Names

When creating an input argument, identify the target parameter with an attribute name. These names are based on the storage location and the relevant RFC standard. The storage location is one of the following:

To construct an attribute name, follow these steps:

Step 1   Look up the attribute to view or change and note its Cisco EMF attribute name and source location. Refer to "Cisco Media Gateway Manager 3.0/3.0.1 Attribute Summary".

Step 2   Prefix the attribute name with the desired source keyword and a colon. The source keyword is SNMP, LocalDB, or EMCtlr. For example:


Interpreting Result Strings

The ACTION, SET, GET, BULKGET, BULKSET, and QUERY operations return results as an XML string. All results are wrapped in the <OPERATIONRESULTS> and <RESULTUNIT> tags. The other XML tags vary by operation type.

For example, an ACTION request returns the results of the operation:

    <ACTIONRESULTS> Text message and status </ACTIONRESULTS>

A GET request returns a string of attribute names and values:

      <OBJECTATTRIBUTE name="attributeName">attributeValue</OBJECTATTRIBUTE>

A BULKACTION request returns a string of attribute names and values grouped by path:

      <PATH name="cmgm:CMGM_Site_default/">
        <OBJECTATTRIBUTE attributeName> attributeValue</OBJECTATTRIBUTE >
      <PATH name="cmgm:CMGM_Site_default/">
        <OBJECTATTRIBUTE attributeName> attributeValue</OBJECTATTRIBUTE >

These examples represent a few operations. For more information, see "Using Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway Operations.".

The following table summarizes the results tags.

Table 3-6   Results XML Tags

XML Tag  Description 


Encloses the overall operation results


Encloses results units


Encloses the data of a RESULTUNIT, in response to an ACTION operation


Encloses the data of a RESULTUNIT, in response to a GET operation


Encloses the data of a RESULTUNIT, in response to a SET operation


Encloses the data of a RESULTUNIT, in response to a BULKGET operation


Encloses the data of a RESULTUNIT, in response to a BULKSET operation


Encloses the data of a RESULTUNIT, in response to a BULKACTION operation


Encloses the QUERY results

<OBJECTATTRIBUTE name="value">

Specifies the attribute name of an object


Specifies the containment path to an object

Working with Upload Strings

Upload operations are wrapped with the following XML tags. For more information, see the "Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway Upload" section.

Table 3-7   Upload XML Tags

XML Tag  Description 


Encloses an UPLOAD request.


Encloses the containment PATH of the Managed Object where UPLOAD starts.


Encloses a username for the host used during FTP upload.


Encloses a password for the host used during FTP upload.


Encloses the destination file name on the client host for the uploaded information.


Encloses the host name of the destination machine to be used.


Encloses filter strings that apply during UPLOAD. Only the information related to the classes and attributes specified in the class filter is uploaded.

<MO identity ="value"></ MO>

Specifies the identity of a Managed Object and encloses a list of attributes.

<TB name="value"></ TB>

Specifies the name of a table.

<ROW></ ROW>

Specifies the row in the table.

<TA name="value"></ TA>

Specifies the multiple columns for each row

<OA name="value"></OA>

Specifies name of the Object Attribute for the UPLOAD operation.


Encloses the UPLOAD results.


Encloses the containment path of the Managed Object. The PATH and OID uniquely identify an object.


Encloses the object identifier of the Managed Object.

Posted: Tue Sep 9 11:12:06 PDT 2003
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