
Table of Contents

Element Manager Object Classes
Physical Classes
Profile Classes
Virtual Circuit Connections Class
Virtual Circuit Object Class
Summary Classes

Element Manager Object Classes

This chapter describes the element manager object classes and includes a complete list of classes that the Cisco DSL Manager (CDM) can deploy. The classes are organized into the following categories:

This chapter includes the following sections:

The description of each class includes a list of attributes, which determine the technological capability and purpose of a class. Attributes are often identified by the combination of three pieces of information—section name, module name, and attribute name. The format is <section_name>:<module_name>.<attribute_name>. For example, LocalDB: Proxied.agentId. The descriptions provide attribute listings in an abbreviated <module_name>.<attribute_name> form. You can determine the section of an attribute from its definition in <cemf_root>/config/objectTypes. For example:

% grep Proxied.agentId *
S00generic.types: ATTRIBUTE Proxied.agentId LocalDB optional

Note   The unconventional use of upper and lowercase letters in the names of the class attributes is based on the naming conventions of the Cisco EMF object model.

Physical Classes

This section describes the physical classes:

CiscoShelf Class

The CiscoShelf class contains no attributes.

Chassis Physical Classes

This section describes the chassis physical classes:

CiscoStatus Class

The CiscoStatus class defines types and attributes for monitoring chassis and module status. For modules, currently only CPU type modules have status attributes.

The CiscoStatus class has the following attributes:

CiscoManagedObject Class

The CiscoManagedObject class defines the basic state attributes of managed objects and is the base class of all CDM managed object classes.

The CiscoManagedObject class has the following attributes:

CiscoInventoryItem Class

The CiscoInventoryItem class defines basic inventory attributes, such as serial number and hardware revision.

The CiscoInventoryItem class has the following attributes:

snmpAgent Class

The snmpAgent class defines attributes that allow chassis management through the use of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

The snmpAgent class has the following attributes:

CiscoIOSHost Class

The CiscoIOSHost class defines types and attributes that apply to any device that runs Cisco IOS. These attributes provide management capability such as software download and IOS username and passwords.

The CiscoIOSHost class has the following attributes:

Note    The term supplementary in the object class is mis-spelled as supplimentry.

CiscoChassisLayer3Configuration Class

The CiscoChassisLayer3Configuration class defines types and attributes for Layer 3 configuration of a chassis, including Layer 3 routing protocol configuration and access control lists. The CiscoChassisLayer3Configuration class contains no attributes.

Concrete Chassis Classes

The following classes are concrete and deployable chassis classes:

The Concrete Chassis classes inherit from the classes that are shown in Figure 4-1 and contain no additional attributes.

Figure 4-1   Chassis-Level Class Diagram

The Concrete Chassis classes inherit from the following classes:

Module Physical Classes

This section describes the module physical classes:

CiscoModulePerformance Class

The CiscoModulePerformance class defines the types and attributes for monitoring module performance. Currently, only CPU type modules have performance attributes.

The CiscoModulePerformance class has the following attributes:

CiscoModule Class

The abstract CiscoModule class defines types and attributes that you need to generically manage a module. This class also combines other abstract classes. Each of these abstract classes defines a set of types and attributes that further describe generic capability for a module. The module class provides implementation for the combined types and attributes as well as its own types and attributes. A module represents line cards, CPU cards, and other module type entities.

The CiscoModule class has the following attributes:

snmpProxied Class

The snmpProxied class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The snmpProxied class has the following attributes:

ciscoDSLModule Class

The ciscoDSLModule class acts as a grouping base class for all types of DSL modules. This class defines no types or attributes. The ciscoDSLModule class inherits attributes from the CiscoModule class.

ciscoDSLLineCard Class

The ciscoDSLLineCard class acts as a grouping base class for all types of DSL line cards. This class defines no types or attributes. The ciscoDSLLineCard class inherits attributes from the ciscoDSLModule class.

ciscoNI2MgmtCard Class

The ciscoNI2MgmtCard class represents an NI-2 card and provides the state machine implementation. The ciscoNI2MgmtCard class inherits attributes from the ciscoDSLModule class.

The ciscoNI2MgmtCard class has the following attributes:

ciscoDMTCard Class

The CiscoDMTCard class represents the DMT line card and the 8xDMT over ISDN line card. This class provides the state machine implementation. The CiscoDMTCard class inherits attributes from the ciscoDSLLineCard class.

The CiscoDMTCard class has the following attributes:

ciscoFlexiCard Class

The ciscoFlexiCard class represents the Flexi card and provides the state machine implementation. The ciscoFlexiCard class inherits attributes from the ciscoDSLLineCard class.

The ciscoFlexiCard class has the following attributes:

ciscoGSHDSLCard Class

The ciscoGSHDSLCard class represents G.SHDSL line cards and provides the state machine implementation. This class inherits attributes from the ciscoDSLLineCard class. The ciscoGSHDSLCard class contains no attributes.

ciscoSDSLCard Class

The ciscoSDSLCard class represents SDSL line cards and provides the state machine implementation. This class inherits attributes from the ciscoDSLLineCard object class.

The ciscoSDSLCard class has the following attributes:

CiscoGenericInterface Class

This section describes the CiscoGenericInterface class:

Cisco Generic Interface Class

The CiscoGenericInterface class is an abstract base class from which all interface union classes inherit characteristics. The CiscoGenericInterface class itself inherits attributes from the snmpProxy abstract class; therefore, all interface union classes automatically inherit the attributes that are needed for SNMP management. The CiscoGenericInterface class inherits attributes from CiscoManagedObject and contains no additional attributes.

CiscoGenericFunctionality Class

The CiscoGenericFunctionality class is an abstract base class. The CiscoGenericFunctionality class defines attributes that are common to all interfaces, for example, IF-MIB attributes. Therefore, any class that inherits attributes from this class automatically inherits attributes of the generic capability that is associated with this class.

The CiscoGenericFunctionality class has the following attributes:

Note    The spelling of utilisation is based on the British spelling of this word as it is used in the Cisco EMF object model.

CiscoATMFunctionality Class

The CiscoATMFunctionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of ATM interfaces, including attributes that are defined in ATM-MIB.

The CiscoATMFunctionality class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableInterface class provides the subtend capability for a class. Use this class to restrict the launching of subtend services and windows (dialog boxes) based on this class. This class contains no attributes.

ciscoSubtendableDSLLine Class

The ciscoSubtendableDSLLine class provides subtend capability for the DSL Line Card Interface classes. (See the "DSL Line Card Interface Classes" section for more information about these classes.) Use this class to restrict the launching of subtend services and windows (dialog boxes) that are based on this class. This class contains no attributes.

CiscoATMEndPointInterface Class

The CiscoATMEndPointInterface class provides no capability through types and attributes, nor does it act as a grouping class. Use the CiscoATMEndPointInterface class to restrict the launching of services and windows (dialog boxes) based on this class. Use this class initially to restrict deployment of virtual circuits.

Note   An ATM endpoint interface is an ATM interface that the network uses only to create half-leg virtual circuits (terminating virtual circuits) and not ATM cross connections.

This class contains no attributes.

CiscoATMSwitchInterface Class

The CiscoATMSwitchInterface class acts as a grouping class for the different types of ATM switch interfaces and provides the service-launching restriction. The CiscoATMSwitchInterface class defines no types or attributes. An ATM switch interface is an ATM interface that the network uses as one end of an ATM cross connection across an ATM switching fabric. The CiscoATMSwitchInterface class contains no attributes.

Network Interface Classes

This section describes the Network Interface classes:

CiscoDS1Functionality Class

The CiscoDS1Functionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of DS1 (and E1) interfaces, including attributes that are defined in RFC-1406.

The CiscoDS1Functionality class has the following attributes:

CiscoDS3Functionality Class

The CiscoDS3Functionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of DS3 (and E3) interfaces, including attributes that are defined in RFC-1407-MIB.

The CiscoDS3Functionality class includes the following attributes:

CiscoIMAGroupFunctionality Class

The CiscoIMAGroupFunctionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of IMA group interfaces. These attributes include those that are defined in the imaGroupTable, imaGroupMappingTable, and imaGroupCurrentTable of the ATM Forum IMA-MIB.

The CiscoIMAGroupFunctionality class has the following attributes:

CiscoIMALinkFunctionality Class

The CiscoIMALinkFunctionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of IMA link interfaces. These attributes include those that are defined in the imaLinkTable and the imaLinkCurrentTable of the ATM Forum IMA-MIB.

The CiscoIMALinkFunctionality class has the following attributes:

CiscoSONETFunctionality Class

The CiscoSONETFunctionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of SONET interfaces, including the attributes that are defined in RFC-1595-MIB.

The CiscoSONETFunctionality class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATM EndPointoverDS1Interface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverDS1Interface class represents interfaces that support ATM capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as DS1 (or E1).

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverDS1Interface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndpointoverDS1Interface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverDS1Interface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverDS1Interface class represents interfaces that support ATM capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as DS1 (or E1).

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverDS1Interface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverDS1Interface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverDS3 Interface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverDS3Interface class represents interfaces that support ATM capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as DS3 (or E3).

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverDS3Interface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverDS3Interface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverDS3Interface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverDS3Interface class represents interfaces that support ATM capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as DS3 (or E3).

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverDS3Interface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverDS3Interface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverSONETInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverSONETInterface class represents interfaces that support ATM capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as SONET OC-3.

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverSONETInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverSONETInterface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverSONETInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverSONETInterface class represents interfaces that support ATM capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as SONET OC-3.

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverSONETInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMSwitchoverSONETInterface class has the following attributes:

CiscoATMOverIMAGroupInterface Class

The CiscoATMOverIMAGroupInterface class represents interfaces that support ATM capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as IMAGroup.

The CiscoATMOverIMAGroupInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The CiscoATMOverIMAGroupInterface class has the following attributes:

CiscoIMALinkOverATMOverDS1Interface Class

The CiscoIMALinkOverATMOverDS1Interface class represents interfaces that support ATM capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as IMALink.

The CiscoIMALinkOverATMOverDS1Interface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The CiscoIMALinkOverATMOverDS1Interface class has the following attributes:

DSL Line Card Interface Classes

This section describes the DSL line card interface classes:

CiscoADSLFunctionality Class

The CiscoADSLFunctionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of ADSL interfaces, including those that are defined in adsl-line-mib.

The CiscoADSLFunctionality class has the following attributes:

ciscoDMTFunctionality Class

The ciscoDMTFunctionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of DMT interfaces, including those that are defined in adsl-dmt-line-mib and cisco-adsl-dmt-line-mib.

The ciscoDMTFunctionality class has the following attributes:

ciscoSDSLFunctionality Class

The ciscoSDSLFunctionality class defines attributes that apply to all types of SDSL interfaces:

The attributes include those that are defined in the cisco-sdsl-line-mib.

The ciscoSDSLFunctionality class contains the following attributes:


The ciscoSDSLFunctionalityCSdslLineConfProfileTable is a vector attribute and contains the following MIB capabilities:


The ciscoSDSLFunctionalityCSdslLineTable is a vector attribute and contains the following MIB capabilities:


The ciscoSDSLFunctionalityCSdslStucIntervalTable is a vector attribute and contains the following MIB capabilities:


The ciscoSDSLFunctionalityCSdslStucPerfDataTable is a vector attribute and contains the following MIB capabilities:


The ciscoSDSLFunctionalityCSdslStucPhysTable is a vector attribute and contains the following MIB capabilities:

ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverGenericInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverGenericInterface class represents interfaces that support ADSL capability, but for which the network recognizes no Layer 1 technology.

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverGenericInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverGenericInterface has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverCAPInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverCAPInterface class represents interfaces that support ATM and ADSL capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation (CAP).

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverCAPInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverCAPInterface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverDMTInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverDMTInterface class represents interfaces that support ATM and ADSL capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT).

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverDMTInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverDMTInterface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverDMTInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverDMTInterface class represents interfaces that support ATM and ADSL capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as DMT.

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverDMTInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverDMTInterface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMoverSDSLInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverSDSLInterface class represents interfaces that support ATM and SDSL capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as SDSL.

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverSDSLInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMoverSDSLInterface class has the following attributes:

ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverSDSLInterface Class

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverSDSLInterface class represents interfaces that support ATM and SDSL capability and for which the network recognizes the Layer 1 technology as SDSL.

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverSDSLInterface class inherits attributes from the following classes:

The ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverSDSLInterface class has the following attributes:

Profile Classes

This section describes the two types of profile classes that CDM supports:

ATM QoS Profiles Class

The characteristics of ATM QoS profiles are based on the class CiscoQoSProfile. ATM QoS profiles are global in scope and stored in the hidden view that is named profileContainment. When an ATM QoS profile is applied to a connection, the profile is written to the device through the CiscoVirtualCircuit class. At that time, its attributes are validated.

The ATM QoS profiles class inherits attributes from the snmpProxied class and has the following attributes:

xDSL Profile Class

The characteristics of xDSL profiles are based on the class CiscoXDSLProfile. The chassis contains each instance of this class in the ComponentManaged view. xDSL profiles are stored in the chassis and verified when they are created. All attributes for an instance of this class have default values in IOS. Therefore, any value that can be associated with an instance of this class is optional.

The xDSL profiles class inherits attributes from snmpProxied and CiscoManagedObject. The xDSL profiles class contains the following attributes:

Virtual Circuit Connections Class

This section describes the virtual circuit (channel) connections class. The virtual circuit (channel) connections class includes the following containment relationships:

Figure 4-2 shows a diagram of the Virtual Circuits under ATM Interface class.

Figure 4-2   Virtual Circuits Under ATM Interface

Figure 4-3 illustrates virtual channel links (VCLs) under permanent virtual connections (PVCs) and soft PVCs (SPVCs).

Figure 4-3   Virtual Channel Links Under PVCs and SPVCs

As illustrated in Figure 4-2, the CiscoATMInterface class, or an interface derived from this class, can contain:

Note    Because of the transient nature of the VCLs that are associated with SPVCs and therefore not modeled as objects, a Cisco switched virtual circuit (SVC), or CiscoSVC, class does not contain the CiscoVCL class.

A CiscoATMEndPointInterface class can contain only the CiscoVCL and CiscoSVC classes, as shown in Figure 4-4. Both VCLs and SVCs terminate at the ATM interface, which is why this interface is named EndPoint interface.

Figure 4-4   Virtual Channel Links Under ATM EndPointInterface

A CiscoATMSwitchInterface class can contain only the CiscoCrossConnectVC base class. This relationship is shown in Figure 4-5. This base class has two derived classes—the CiscoPVC class and the CiscoSPVC class.

Figure 4-5   Cross Connected Virtual Channels Under ATM Switch Interface

Both PVCs and SPVCs connect between two VCLs that exist on separate interfaces. Therefore, a CiscoCrossConnectVC class has two parent CiscoATMSwitchInterfaces, one for each VCL of the connection.

A CiscoVCPath class contains at least two CiscoNonTransientVCs (that is, VCLs, PVCs and SPVCs). This specification allows the modeling of virtual circuit paths through a network that can consist of a combination of PVCs, SPVCs, and terminating VCLs. This relationship is shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6   Nontransient Virtual Circuits Under Virtual Circuit Path

Virtual Circuit Object Class

This section describes the virtual circuit (connection) object class.

The CiscoVirtualConnection class acts as a grouping base class for all types of ATM connections such as nontransient virtual connections, soft virtual connections, and virtual paths. The CiscoVirtualConnection class defines no types or attributes and includes the following classes:

CiscoVirtualCircuit Class

The CiscoVirtualCircuit class also acts as a grouping base class, but it is used to group ATM virtual circuits. This class inherits attributes and technology from the CiscoVirtualConnection class. The CiscoVirtualCircuit class defines no types or attributes.

CiscoVirtualPath Class

The CiscoVirtualPath class acts as a grouping base class for all types of ATM virtual path. This class inherits attributes from the CiscoVirtualConnection class. The CiscoVirtualPath class defines no types or attributes.

CiscoNonTransientVC Class

The CiscoNonTransientVC class groups all types of ATM VCs that have statically allocated VCLs and can form part of a VC path. This class inherits attributes from the CiscoVirtualCircuit class.

The CiscoNonTransientVC class includes the following attributes:

The ciscoVCLCiscoAtmVclTable is a vector attribute and contains:

CiscoSVC Class

The CiscoSVC class represents a switched virtual circuit (SVC). An SVC is a connection between two VCLs in which the VCL at each end and the connection or connections in between are created or deleted as traffic flow through the virtual circuit starts and stops. The CiscoSVC class inherits attributes from the CiscoVirtualCircuit class.

The CiscoSVC class includes the following attributes:

CiscoCrossConnectVC Class

The CiscoCrossConnectVC class groups all types of ATM virtual channels that can form cross connections—that is, connections between two VCLs. The CiscoCrossConnectVC class inherits attributes from the CiscoNonTransientVC class.

The CiscoCrossConnectVC class includes the following attributes:

CiscoVCL Class

The CiscoVCL class represents a virtual channel link that can be either one end of a virtual channel cross connection or the termination point of a virtual channel. The CiscoVCL class inherits attributes from the CiscoNonTransientVC classes.

The CiscoVCL class includes the following attributes:

The ciscoVCLAtmVclTable is a vector attribute and contains:

CiscoATMCrossConnectVC Class

The CiscoATMCrossConnectVC class acts as a grouping base class for all types of Cisco ATM Cross Connect virtual channels. This class inherits attributes from the CiscoCrossConnectVC class. The CiscoATMCrossConnectVC class defines no types or attributes.

CiscoPVC Class

The CiscoPVC class represents a PVC, which is a connection between two VCLs in which the VCL at each end is created statically for the life of the PVC. The CiscoPVC class inherits attributes from the CiscoATMCrossConnectVC class.

The CiscoPVC class includes the following attributes:

CiscoSPVC Class

The CiscoSPVC class represents an SPVC, which is a connection between two static VCLs, and might span multiple SVCs. This class inherits attributes from the CiscoATMCrossConnectVC class.

The CiscoSPVC class includes the following attributes:

Summary Classes

This section describes the summary classes:

Each class summarizes the capability, status, and performance information across all DSL technologies.

CiscoXDSLFunctionality Class

This section describes the CiscoXDSLFunctionality class. This class summarizes capability across all DSL platforms. The CiscoXDSLFunctionality class inherits attributes from the snmpProxied class and the CiscoGenericFunctionality class.

The CiscoXDSLFunctionality class contains the following attributes:

CiscoXDSLSummary Class

This section describes the CiscoXDSLSummary class. This class summarizes status and performance information for all DSL platforms. The CiscoXDSLSummary class inherits attributes from the snmpProxied class.

The CiscoXDSLSummary contains the following attributes:

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