
Table of Contents

Static Class Models
Chassis-Level Static Object Model
Module-Level Static Object Model
Interface Class Model

Static Class Models

This chapter describes the static class models, which includes the chassis, module, and interface classes. In the case of the Cisco DSL Manager (CDM), the chassis type is most often a digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM).

This chapter includes the following sections:

Chassis-Level Static Object Model

The static inheritance of chassis object classes is shown in the chassis-level class diagram (see Figure 2-1). All deployable chassis object classes share the same characteristics for DSLAM chassis that have a network interface-2 (NI-2) configuration.

Figure 2-1   Chassis-Level Class Diagram

The abstract Cisco Chassis class defines types and attributes that you need to generically manage a Cisco DSLAM. This class also intermixes other abstract classes, each of which defines a set of types and attributes that provide additional generic capabilities for a Cisco DSLAM. The chassis class provides the implementation for its own types and attributes, as well as for types and attributes that are intermixed with this class. The Cisco Chassis class includes the class types that are described in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1   Cisco Chassis Class Description

Class Description


Defines some basic inventory attributes such as serial number, hardware revision, and so forth.


Defines types and attributes that provide status monitoring of chassis and modules. For modules, normally only CPU types of modules have status attributes.


Defines the basic state attributes; this class is the base class of all CDM managed object classes.


Defines types and attributes that apply to any device that runs Cisco IOS. These attributes provide management capabilities such as software download and IOS user name and passwords.


Defines attributes that allow chassis management through the use of SNMP.


Defines types and attributes for Layer 3 configuration of a chassis. This class includes the Layer 3 routing protocol configuration and access control lists.

Module-Level Static Object Model

The abstract CiscoModule class defines types and attributes that you need to generically manage a Cisco module. Figure 2-2 shows a diagram of the CiscoModule class model. In this diagram, the classes—CiscoManagedObject, snmpProxied, CiscoModulePerformance, CiscoStatus, CiscoInventoryItem, and CiscoIOSHost—represent the abstract classes. The classes that are shown below the abstract classes inherit the attributes of the abstract classes.

Figure 2-2   Module-Level Class Diagram

The CiscoModule class combines other abstract classes. Each of these abstract classes defines a set of types and attributes that provide additional generic capability for a module. The module class provides implementation for its own types and attributes, as well as for the combined types and attributes. A module represents line cards, CPU cards, and so forth.

The CiscoModule class is described in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2   CiscoModule Class Description

Class Description


Defines some basic inventory attributes such as serial number, hardware revision, and so forth.


Defines types and attributes that provide performance monitoring of a module. Normally, only CPU type modules have performance attributes.


Defines types and attributes that provide status monitoring of chassis and modules. Normally, only CPU type modules have status attributes.


Defines the basic state attributes; this class is the base class of all CDM managed object classes.


Defines types and attributes that apply to any device that runs Cisco IOS. These attributes provide management capability such as software download, IOS username and passwords, and so forth.


Defines attributes that allow a module to be managed using SNMP.

If a system requires technology-specific module management, you must create an appropriate class, and the new class must inherit from the CiscoModule class. The technology-specific management functions are specific to a module and not provided by generic module management. This technology-specific class can override any of the generic functions and attributes; in other words, this class can also add its own functions.

Although all modules support inventory attributes, not all modules support performance and status attributes. When a deployed ConcreteCiscoModule object is commissioned, you must determine which attributes the module supports. Consequently, only the relevant attributes are available for the user to configure.

Interface Class Model

This section describes the interface class model that includes the following classes:

Generic Interface Class

As described in the "Interface Design Pattern" section, the design of the interface class is based on the concept of layer classes. This section describes several abstract classes that define how the generic interface class and the ATM interface class function. All CDM interface classes inherit from these classes to provide a common technology capability for a deployable interface class.

The abstract interface classes that are defined in CDM are described in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3   Abstract Interface Class Descriptions

Class Description


An abstract base class from which all interface union classes inherit. This class itself inherits from the snmpProxy abstract class; therefore, all interface union classes automatically inherit the attributes that are needed for SNMP management.


An abstract base class that defines attributes that are common to all interfaces, such as IF-MIB1 attributes. Therefore, any class that inherits from this class automatically inherits this generic functionality (or technical capability).


Acts as a grouping class for the CiscoATMSwitchInterface and the CiscoATMEndPointInterface ATM classes. The CiscoATMInterface class itself does not define any types or attributes.


Acts as a grouping class for the different types of ATM switch interfaces and provides the service-launching restrictions of this class. This class does not define any types or attributes. An ATM switch interface is an ATM interface that can be used as one end of an ATM cross connection across an ATM switching fabric.


Acts as a grouping class for the different types of ATM endpoint interfaces. It inherits from CiscoBaseATMEndPointInterface class to provide the service launching restriction of this class. An ATM endpoint interface is an ATM interface that you can use to create half-leg virtual circuits only (terminating virtual circuits); you cannot use an ATM endpoint interface to create ATM cross connections.

1IF-MIB = interface management information base

Network Interface Static Class

This section describes the Network Interface Static Object model and includes diagrams of the network interface object classes.

CDM currently supports the following network interfaces:

Figure 2-3 shows a diagram of the ATM Endpoint Network Interface classes.

Figure 2-3   Diagram of the Static ATM Endpoint Network Interface Classes

Note   In Figure 2-3, the CiscoXXFunctionality class represents DS1, DS3, and SONET interfaces. These classes would therefore be CiscoDS1Functionality, Cisco DS3Functionality, and CiscoSONETFunctionality.

Figure 2-4 shows a diagram of the ATM Switch Over Network Interface classes.

Figure 2-4   Diagram of the Static ATM Switch Over Network Interface Classes

Note   In Figure 2-4, the CiscoXXFunctionality class represents DS1, DS3, and SONET interfaces. These classes would therefore be CiscoDS1Functionality, CiscoDS3Functionality, and CiscoSONETFunctionality.

Figure 2-5 shows a diagram of the StaticATMLinkOverDS1Interface class, which is a static class.

Figure 2-5   Diagram of the StaticATMLinkOverDS1Interface Class

Figure 2-6 shows a diagram of the StaticATMOverIMA Group Interface classes, which are static classes.

Figure 2-6   Diagram of the StaticATMOverIMAGroupInterface Classes

DSL Line Card Interface Static Class

CDM currently supports the following DSL line card interfaces:

Figure 2-7 shows a diagram of the static ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverGenericInterface class.

Figure 2-7   Diagram of the Static ciscoSubtendableATMEndPointoverADSLoverGenericInterface Class

Figure 2-8 shows a diagram of the static ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverCAPInterface class.

Figure 2-8   Diagram of the Static ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverCAPInterface Class

Figure 2-9 shows a diagram of the static ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverDMTInterface class.

Figure 2-9   Diagram of the Static ciscoSubtendableATMoverADSLoverDMTInterface Class

Posted: Fri Jan 24 05:25:31 PST 2003
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