
Table Of Contents

Release Notes for the Cisco Digital Subscriber Line Manager NI-1 and NI-2, Release 3.4


System Requirements

Small Site Requirements

Large Site Requirements

Client Workstation Requirements

Cisco IOS Compatibility

Installation and Migration Utilities

Navigational Hints for CDM NI-1

New Features for CDM 3.4

Caveats for Release 3.4

Caveats for CDM NI-2 Release 3.4

Caveats for CDM NI-1 Release 3.4

Related Documentation

Obtaining Documentation

World Wide Web

Documentation CD-ROM

Ordering Documentation

Documentation Feedback

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance Center

Release Notes for the Cisco Digital Subscriber Line Manager NI-1 and NI-2, Release 3.4

March 22, 2002

These release notes document caveats, new features, and updates that pertain to the Cisco Digital Subscriber Line Manager (CDM) application software. This release supports any Cisco 6015, 6100, 6130, 6160, or 6260 DSLAM chassis that has a network interface-version 2 (NI-2) card, and any Cisco 6100 or Cisco 6130 DSLAM chassis that has an NI-1 card.

Note Cisco DSLAMs are also called IP DSL switches.


This document contains the following sections:

System Requirements

Cisco IOS Compatibility

Installation and Migration Utilities

New Features for CDM 3.4

Caveats for Release 3.4

Related Documentation

Obtaining Documentation

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Note CDM Release 3.4 can support 250 nodes (DSLAMs) and 30 operators logged on to the same network simultaneously if the server is set up according to the large site requirements (see the "Large Site Requirements" section). The server must be configured with 4 GB of RAM and four CPUs, and the Object Store database must be configured to use a striped RAW partition spread across at least four disk drives. The CDM server can support only one to three users. Any more users should be set up with one or more additional Cisco EMF client workstations. Future releases will support additional nodes and operators.

Note When you install CDM Release 3.4, you must also install any necessary Cisco EMF patches. For more information about which patches you should install, see the Readme.txt file that is included with the software package located on the following URL:
To download and install Cisco EMF and any related patches, refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Administration Guide. You must install Cisco EMF before you install CDM.

System Requirements

You can deploy CDM in a number of different configurations, from a single hardware system to a multisite distributed management system. Use Sun Solaris or Sun SPARC hardware with Solaris Release 2.6. Specifications are given in the following sections.

Small Site Requirements

In the context of CDM Release 3.4, a small site is one that manages no more than 25 to 50 DSLAMs. As you add more DSLAMs, memory requirements increase. You might be able to manage a few more DSLAMs than you are already managing by increasing the memory and swap space on your computer. The CDM server requires about 2 GB RAM when it starts up. If your computer has less than 2 GB RAM, processes are swapped out to disk, and most processes run more slowly. Always set up the swap space to be at least 2 to 3 times the amount of memory on the computer.

We recommend that you have no more than one to three users on the CDM server computer. If you need to support more users, set up a separate computer with the CDM client software. A small site configuration that has a client and a server computer should be able to support from six to eight users.

Computer specifications for a small site are described in the following sections.

Minimum System Requirements for a Small Site

The server computer must meet the following minimum requirements:

Sun Ultra Enterprise 60

Two 45- MHz processors

1 GB RAM or greater

Two 7200-rpm internal drives, 15 GB total

4 GB swap space

17-inch color monitor

Recommended System Configuration for a Small Site

We recommend the following configuration for the server computer:

Sun Ultra Enterprise 80

Two 450-MHz processors

1.5 GB RAM

Three 40-Mbps 10 K rpm internal disks, 18.2 GB each

3 to 4 GB swap space or larger

21-inch color monitor

Large Site Requirements

In the context of CDM Release 3.4, a large site is one that manages more than 50 DSLAMs. As you add more DSLAMs, the memory requirements increase. You might be able to manage a few more DSLAMs if you increase the memory and swap space on your computer. The CDM server requires about 2 GB RAM when it starts up. If your computer has less memory, some processes are swapped out to disk, and most processes run more slowly. You should always set up the swap space to be at least 2 to 3 times the amount of memory on the computer.

It is very important that you set up the Object Store database on RAW file systems and across as many disk drives as you can afford. The more disk drives you use, the better the database will perform. See the Installation Notes for the Cisco DSL Manager, Release 3.4 for more detailed information and instructions about this topic.

We recommend that you have no more than one to three users on the CDM server computer. If you need to support more users, set up a separate computer that is running the CDM Client software.

The computer specifications for a large site are described in the following sections.

Minimum System Requirements for a Large Site

The server computer for a large site must meet the following requirements:

Sun Enterprise Ultra 450

Two to four 480-MHz processors

Four 10 K-rpm hot plug drives, 9 GB each

Object Store database set up as RAW file system (rawfs)

1.5 GB RAM

5 GB swap space

17-inch color monitor

Recommended System Configuration for a Large Site

We recommend the following configuration for the server computer:

Sun Enterprise Ultra 450

Four 480-MHz processors

2 to 4 GB RAM

Six to eight 10,000 rpm 18-GB drives

Three Ultra SCSI controllers

Four disks configured as a rawfs for ObjectStore

4 GB swap space for every 2 GB RAM (a total of 8 GB swap space)

21-inch color monitor

Client Workstation Requirements

You can have multiple client computers connected to the CDM server manager computer. The more CPU power you have on the client computer, the more client sessions you can support.

In large deployments that have client-server configurations, We recommend the following hardware specifications for typical client deployments:

Sun Ultra 5/10 workstation

256 MB RAM

2 GB swap space

Support for one local session

Sun Ultra 60

2 CPUs

512 MB RAM

2 GB swap space

Support for four to seven X-Terminal Sessions

21-inch color monitor running at 1280 x 1024 resolution

Note You can use smaller monitors. We recommend the 17 to 21-inch monitors because they provide the best view of the CDM GUI windows.

Cisco IOS Compatibility

CDM Release 3.4 NI-2 manages any DSLAM running IOS 12.1(4) to 12.1(7), including their functions and hardware features. CDM Release 3.4 NI-2 has functional compatibility with IOS 12.2(1b)DA1 and 12.2(5)DA; additionally, the Annex B and Cisco 6015 DSLAM (for outside plant environment) 12.2(5)DA features are supported.

For all CDM Release 3.4 features to operate correctly, you must have Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)DA or later installed.

CDM Release 3.4 also manages any DSLAM running IOS Release 12.2(1b)DA1, but does not manage any new IOS Release 12.2(1b)DA1 features. If you are using the CAP line card in a Cisco DSLAM, you must install Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)DA.

Note For any IOS image from Releases 12.1(2) to 12.1(7), make sure that you have the released version installed. To verify that you have the correct version installed, use the show version (sh ver) command. Entering this command displays IOS 12.1(x) DA.

Note If you are running IOS Release 12.1(6), be aware of the following caveat (CSCdt37180) and workaround:

Description: The getbulk request does not report all the rows. [getbulk is a command farther down, not a request]

Impact: E1 entries are missing from the IF table. The getbulk request does not return all rows when some columns are deprecated.

Workaround: Enter the following CLI command before you use the getbulk command:

no snmp-server sparse-tables

Note Because of a change in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6), IOS generates a number of link up/link down traps that fill the snmp server queue; the size of the trap log file might be greater than the snmp server queue size. If more link up/link down traps exist than the queue can display, some traps (of any type) can be dropped. To receive all traps, use the add snmp-server queue command to increase the queue size. We recommend that you set the queue size to at least 300.

Installation and Migration Utilities

Refer to the Installation Notes for the Cisco DSL Manager, Release 3.4, for installation instructions and instructions on migrating from CDM 3.3(x) to CDM Release 3.4:

Refer to the Release Notes for the Cisco Digital Subscriber Line Manager, Release 3.3 (3) for information about migrating from CDM 3.0 to CDM 3.3(3):

Navigational Hints for CDM NI-1

To access object menus for specific managed objects, first display the chassis view that you see after you click the trap manager map hierarchy view from below C6100v30Mgr. Then right-click the icon of the line card or other module whose status or configuration window you want to open.

You can access object menus by right-clicking the name of the managed object from below the Physical view map on the left side of the Map Viewer window.

Alternatively, below the Physical view map, you can click the name of a managed object and the Map Viewer window displays an icon for this object on the right side of the window. You can right-click the icon to open the object menu for this object.

New Features for CDM 3.4

Table 1 provides a summary of the new GUI features for CDM 3.4.

Table 1 Summary of New GUI Features 


Consolidation of Views

In previous releases of CDM, it was necessary to navigate through a number of different hierarchical views (or trees) to get information about a DSLAM. CDM 3.4 provides a single way to access information from the DSLAM. Also, hierarchical views that are not useful no longer display in the Map Viewer window.

Consolidation of DSL Line Card Information

Information about each type of line card—DMT, CAP, or SDSL/G.SHDSL—displays in one window, separated by tabs for each type of line card.

PVC Provisioning Enhancements

CDM 3.4 simplifies PVC provisioning. In previous releases, you had to open multiple windows and select many options to provision a single PVC. The windows for setting up PVCs have been consolidated.

PVC Synchronization

In previous releases, CDM did not automatically synchronize with PVCs on the DSLAM. CDM 3.4 provides a synchronization mechanism that reflects the status of and changes to PVCs on the DSLAM.

Profile Synchronization

In previous releases, CDM did not automatically synchronize with the profiles on the DSLAM. CDM 3.4 provides a synchronization mechanism that reflects the status of and changes to profiles on the DSLAM.

Alarm Synchronization

CDM 3.4 automatically stays in sync with DSLAM alarms.

Chassis Configuration Synchronization

CDM 3.4 automatically stays in sync with the DSLAM chassis configuration.

Command Line Interface Commands in CDM

CDM 3.4 supports the following IOS CLI commands through the Technology Commands menu:

save running config

show facility alarm status

set temperature rating—either commercial or OSP1

show environment

show run int2 alarm

show dsl int alarm

show atm vc traffic int atm

show atm vc int atm

clear atm int


no shut

reset card

View of Subtend Virtual Connections

CDM 3.4 provides a view of subtend virtual connections across a subtended DSLAM.

IOS Download for Multiple DSLAMs

CDM 3.4 provides more options for downloading IOS releases than did previous CDM releases. CDM 3.4 allows you to group DSLAMs when downloading IOS images.

Acknowledgement of Cleared Alarms

With this release, an operator must acknowledge that an alarm has been cleared. Cleared alarms are then listed in a log file.

Support for NI-1 DSLAMs as a Parent Node

CDM 3.4 supports the use of an NI-1 DSLAM as a parent node that has NI-2 DSLAMs as child nodes.

Map Viewer Enhancements

CDM 3.4 includes the following changes to the Map Viewer window:

The chassis map is within the Physical hierarchy view.

ADSL alarms display in the DS3/E3 Interface Status window in a coordinated manner.

The administrative color for a port or interface is brown.

The Chassis Summary Data window includes a Total field for displaying the total number of ports, subscriber PVCs, and equipment items

Interface Summaries

The Interface Summary window includes three tabs—Summary, Connections, and SNMP Errors. This window displays relevant troubleshooting information.

1 OSP = outside plant environment

2 int = interface

CDM 3.4 supports the following new Cisco DSLAM hardware:

Cisco 6015 OSP for outside plant environment; recognition of this chassis and related line cards

Temperature rating mismatch alarm for commercial line cards versus outside plant environment line cards (Cisco 6015, 6160, and 6260 chassis)

Annex B line cards

Refer to the following CDM 3.4 publications for more detailed information about using the new GUI features of CDM 3.4:

Cisco DSL Manager NI-1 User Guide

Cisco DSL Manager NI-2 User Guide

These guides are located at the following URL:

Caveats for Release 3.4

This section describes unexpected behavior in the system. Please refer to the DDTS entry (tracking number) if you communicate with Cisco about any of these issues. This section also includes a list of caveats that have been resolved since CDM Release 3.3(3).

This section includes the following topics:

Open Caveats for CDM NI-2 Release 3.4

Resolved Caveats for CDM NI-2 Release 3.4

Open Caveats for CDM NI-1 Release 3.4

Resolved Caveats for CDM NI-1 Release 3.4

Caveats for CDM NI-2 Release 3.4

The following sections list open and resolved caveats for the Cisco Digital Subscriber Line Manager, NI-2 version, Release 3.4.

Open Caveats for CDM NI-2 Release 3.4

Table 2 lists open NI-2 caveats for CDM Release 3.4.

Table 2 NI-2 Open Caveats for CDM Release 3.4 

DDTS Entry


During the subrack discovery process, if the DSLAM loses communication with the CDM server (discoverylostcomms state), the DSLAM might get stuck in the discovery state.

Impact: Chassis cannot get past the discovery state.

Workaround: None.


The XDSL controller might experience a memory leak.

Impact: The XDSL controller uses more memory while it is running.

Workaround: When you notice that the XDSL controller is using too much memory, kill the XDSL controller then restart it. Use the following commands:

/opt/cemf/bin/cemf shell

/opt/cemf/bin/cemf -k XDSLCtrl

/opt/cemf/bin/cemf -x XDSLCtrl


If you open the Deployment Wizard window from a specific port to deploy a PVC, the Source and Destination port fields are blank in the Deployment Wizard window.

Impact: You assume the source or destination port field will display the port from which you opened the Deployment Wizard window to deploy the PVC, but it does not.

Workaround: You need to specify the source or destination port when you deploy a PVC in the Object Selector window.


The Frame Relay connection manager uses its own upload window to synchronize with the DSLAM.

Impact: The synchronization request from the synchronization framework does not include having the Frame Relay connection manager synchronize with the DSLAM.

Workaround: When Frame Relay is available on the CDM GUI, you will be able to request the Frame Relay connection manager and have it synchronize its data with the DSLAM.

Note Resolution of this DDTS is postponed until a future release of CDM.


You cannot simultaneously commission a chassis map in more than one hierarchy view, for example, in both the Physical hierarchy view and the Component Managed view.

Impact: The bitmap of the DSLAM chassis appears in only one Cisco EMF view.

Workaround: None.


If you schedule a download/backup operation for a time that is up to 9 minutes in the past from the regularly scheduled time, the download/backup operation starts even though it should not.

Impact: The scheduled download/backup is invoked even though the scheduled time was 9 minutes earlier than the current time.

Workaround: None.


When you delete a preprovisioned line card from CDM, a confirmation dialog does not open to inform you that the card is being deleted.

Impact: You are not sure whether CDM is deleting the line card.

Workaround: None.


If the active NI card fails and you switch to the redundant NI card, the switchover takes place. However, connections do not display under the new active NI card on the Map Viewer window.

Impact: After the NI card switchover occurs, connections that initially displayed below the NI interface icon on the Map Viewer window are no longer visible. You can no longer manage these connections from CDM.

Workaround: Delete and redeploy the chassis.


If you try to restore a Cisco EMF database, in which the original backup contains a large number of DSLAMs (for example, over 100) that are in a commissioning state, the restore action might fail.

Impact: The restore might fail. However, it is unusual to run a backup while the system is in the process of a large network change.

Workaround: You should wait to run system backups after large changes to the system are completed.


After you enter the cemf stop command, the Cisco EMF system does not shut down.

Impact: Occasionally, when the Cisco EMF system is under a heavy load (such as when you are bulk commissioning 250 chassis), cemf -stop does not stop the system until the system has stabilized (that is, the bulk operation has completed).

Workaround: If you are running a system operation that uses a lot of memory, wait until the operation concludes to stop Cisco EMF.


When you are simultaneously creating and deleting an unusually high number of objects (for example, deleting and re-adding hundreds of PVCs) in a short time frame, deploying an SPVC might fail.

Impact: The SPVC is not created in the DSLAM; it is only created in CDM.

Workaround: Delete and re-create the SPVC in CDM.


If you download an IOS image during an extreme system load, on rare occasions the DSLAM might appear in normal state while the modules remain in a download state.

Impact: Modules appear to still be in download state.

Workaround: Re-open the Map Viewer window.


When you attempt to disconnect SPVCs that were created through the CORBA interface, the disconnect is successful; however, writing to the startup configuration fails.

Impact: The write memory operation fails; the disconnected PVC configuration is not saved in the startup configuration.

Workaround: Use CDM or IOS rather than the CORBA interface to create SPVCs. Or, manually issue a write memory request after the SPVC is disconnected.


When you perform an ATM connection upload on multiple DSLAMs, a dialog box opens to inform you of the status of the synchronization process. If you select more than one DSLAM for the ATM connection upload process, CDM uploads only one DSLAM at a time. The dialog box provides status about only the one DSLAM that is currently being uploaded; the status does not include the summary of the entire chassis list.

Impact: It appears that only one DSLAM has been uploaded when you have actually selected multiple DSLAMs for ATM connection upload.

Workaround: None.


When you commission a large number of DSLAMs (for example, 135) and allow the commissioning process to run overnight, some interfaces might be stuck in a discoverylostcomms state the next day.

Impact: You cannot manage ports that are in a discoverylostcomms state.

Workaround: Decommission and recommission the chassis whose ports are are in a lostcomm state.


When you commission a large number of DSLAMs (for example, 135) and allow the commissioning process to run overnight, some interfaces might be stuck in commissioning state the next day.

Impact: You cannot manage ports that are in commissioning state.

Workaround: Decommission and recommission the chassis whose ports are are in commissioning state.


After you have made a change to an entity in the DSLAM (such as pulled a line card), subrack discovery might take longer than two to three minutes if the system is busy.

Impact: It might take longer for CDM to synchronize with the DSLAM.

Workaround: Enable SNMP traps in the DSLAM by adding the CDM server as the SNMP host in the device. Then SNMP traps will be sent to CDM server and when it receives the traps, subrack discovery is triggered.


A subtend discovery discovers the DSLAM with an old IP address after the IP address has been changed.

Impact: The Subtend topology view does not have the correct DSLAM information when the IP address on the DSLAM changes.

Workaround: Use the IOS Reload command on the DSLAM before you discover the subtend topology.


The cdmController experiences memory leaks in two places, even when not in use.

Impact: The cdmController increases memory use over time.

Workaround: None.


In the SNMP tab of the Interface Summary window, the traffic light for the No Peer Present field does not correctly display for an SDSL interface. Rather than displaying a red light for no peer present, or a green light if a peer is present, this field displays a circle with a slash across it.

Impact: You cannot see the correct value in the No Peer Present field for the SDSL interface.

Workaround: The SNMP tab is not applicable to an SDSL interface.


The Action Report dialog displays "Actual Failure" when you create an SPVC even if there is no error.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


When you uninstall CDM, errors are generated even though the end report states that the uninstall was successful.

Impact: You might get conflicting information about the status of an uninstall procedure.

Workaround: None.


If you click Cisco DSL Manager > Technology Commands > reset card from a module, the card does not get reset. Cisco IOS does not support this command.

Impact: You cannot reset the card using this command.

Workaround: None.


This caveat has two parts:

1. The Interface Summary window and the Apply XDSL Profile window display the Subscriber ID in the ATM layer rather than the physical layer. When the you set the subscriber ID on the physical layer rather than on the ATM layer, the Subscriber ID field displays nothing in these windows.

2. On the Chassis Summary window, the Subscriber ID field does not display the subscriber name that you entered when you created the PVC.


1. The subscriber ID does not display correctly on the Interface Summary window or on the Apply XDSL Profile window when the you use the IOS command dsl subscriber subscribername to set the subscriber ID. The IOS command sets the subscriber ID on physical layer.

2. The subscriber ID that is used to create the PVC creation is not saved to the DSLAM.


1. You can use the IOS command description to set the subscriber name on the ATM layer and the subscriber name will display in the Interface Summary window and the Apply XDSL Profile window.

2. None.


When you create a subtend PVC, CDM might not automatically refresh the Subtend PVC view.

Impact: You might think that the creation of the subtend PVC has failed.

Workaround: Click the Subtend PVC icon on the Map Viewer window to see the children (PVCs), or close and re-open the Map Viewer window.


Some IMA alarms do not display in the Event Browser window.

Impact: You are not notified about some IMA alarms, critical or otherwise.

Workaround: You must use the IOS command show facility-alarm status to see all the alarms from the device.


CDM does not update the subtend cache when you delete multiple subtend chassis.

Impact: Subtend discovery will fail the next time the chassis is deployed.

Workaround: Delete each of the subtend chassis one at a time. Alternatively, you can kill the subtend controller, SubtendCon; if you do that, the cache is rebuilt.


The XDSL controller contains some synchronous calls.

Impact: XDSL-related operations are slow.

Workaround: You must wait a longer time for xDSL operations.


The restore operation in data migration does not check to see whether enough disk space exists in the system for the log files.

Impact: Not all the data is restored if not enough disk space exists.

Workaround: Make sure you have enough disk space for the cemf log files before you run the restore operation. For a 100-DSLAM configuration, 100 MB should be enough space.


When you create a subtend PVC, individual PVCs are created on the nodes with matching VPI/VCI pairs. If a situation exists in which, for example, three nodes are subtended, and the PVC creation succeeded on the first two, but fails on the third node, the system should delete the PVCs on the first two nodes; they are not viable. However, the subtend PVCs that you created on the first two nodes still display in the Map Viewer window.

Impact: The PVC in each of the subtended nodes remains in CDM; the PVCs appear to exist, because you can still see them in the Map Viewer window, but they do not.

Workaround: Use one of the following workaround steps:

Take extra precaution before you create a subtend PVC. Make sure the user name and password are set for the chassis. Select only those VPIs or VCIs that are available in the subtended chassis for the subtend PVC.

Set the device to be the master (DeviceisMaster) in the connection synchronization policy so that when the next synchronization time occurs, the stranded PVCs are removed from the CDM database. (Choose DeviceisMaster in the Connection Policy area of the Chassis Polling/Connection Policy window. Refer to Chapter 4 in the Cisco Digital Subscriber Line Manager NI-1 User Guide for more information.)


When you create or modify an xDSL profile in the XDSL Interface Manager window, you might enter invalid data in fields that do not include a down arrow that you click to display valid values.

Impact: The XDSL controller does not validate all of the xDSL profile parameters and some data returns an SNMP bad value error; for others, SNMP accepts the invalid values and sets them to device.

Workaround: Enter only valid values for profiles when you configure or modify an xDSL profile.


When profiles are being synchronized between CDM and the DSLAM, the following error occurs in the XDSLCtrl.log:

"ERROR: Converting attribute section to real section"

Impact: This error does not affect synchronization.

Workaround: Disregard this error message when it appears in the XDSLCtrl.log.


The hourglass disappears before CDM retrieves chassis summary information.

Impact: You have to wait for the Chassis Summary window to open even after the hourglass disappears.

Workaround: None.


A misleading error message displays when you provision a connection through CNOM1 if passwords are not set.

Impact: The error message "CDM_505 unable to set up PVCs in the subtend path" does not imply that the password is not properly set up.

Workaround: Make sure passwords are set before you provision connections using CNOM.

Note Resolution of this DDTS is postponed.


Attributes are listed in the Performance Management window whose performance cannot be monitored.

Impact: You might try to monitor these attributes, but no data displays to the Table and Graph tabs.

Workaround: Select only those attributes whose performance might be actively monitored.


Alarm synchronization does not synchronize link up/link down traps.

Impact: Missed link up/link down traps are not synchronized.

Workaround: None.


The Frame Relay Connection Manager sometimes does not respond to a lock request.

Impact: You cannot back up the system.

Workaround: Restart Cisco EMF and run backup the command again.

Note This DDTS is postponed until a future release of CDM.


The PPP PVC connection fails.

Impact: You cannot provision a PPP PVC through CDM.

Workaround: None.


The list of profiles that you can apply to a connection shows FR, PPP and ATM—all three types of QoS profiles.

Impact: If you choose a connection type that is not supported for a selected interface, no error message displays to explain why the connection fails.

Workaround: You must make sure that you apply the correct profile to the correct connection type.


The Frame Relay connection manager leaks memory.

Impact: The system will eventually run out of memory and stop working.

Workaround: None.

Note This DDTS is postponed until a future release of CDM.


You cannot rename a chassis once it has been deployed.

Impact: It is difficult to change a chassis name once it appears in CDM.

Workaround: To change the name of chassis that you have already deployed, you must first delete the chassis and then redeploy it using the new name.


You cannot enable a link up/link down trap when configuring an xDSL profile.

Impact: In addition to not being able to enable a link up/link down trap when you configure an xDSL profile, you also cannot determine whether the link up/link down trap is enabled in the XDSL Interface Manager window.

Workaround: Enable the link up/link down trap from the IOS CLI by using the snmp trap link-status command.


When the Chassis Polling/Connection Policy window is open, you cannot access the Cisco EMF online help.

Impact: You cannot open Cisco EMF online help in a browser when you press the ? button.

Workaround: See the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide or the Cisco DSL Manager NI-2 User Guide for the topic you need, or use the tooltips.


The length of the name for an xDSL profile is limited to 32 characters in IOS, but can have 256 bits after SNMP encoding.

Impact: Some xDSL profiles that you can upload from IOS do not display any data in the XDSL Interface Manager window.

Workaround: When you create a new profile, avoid using a name whose length might be greater than 256 bits after SNMP encoding.


If you attempt to save a profile on a chassis that is decommissioned, a message displays that the profile has been saved. However, the profile is not really saved; this can happen if the XDSL Interface Manager window is already open when you decommission the chassis.

Impact: The profile that you try to save on a decommissioned chassis is not saved on the device, and you are not informed about the failure to save the profile.

Workaround: After you have decommissioned the chassis, close and then reopen the XDSL Interface Manager window.


A subtend PVC is not always able to use the ATM autoallocation feature (to have CDM autoallocate the source or destination VCIs and VPIs).

Impact: If a subtend PVC uses autoallocation, it might fail.

Workaround: Create a subtend PVC without using autoallocation. In the Add Subtend PVC window Source and Destination areas, use the down arrow to select No in the Auto Allocate fields.


Link up/link down traps do not display for IDSL cards.

Impact: You do not know whether a particular IDSL interface is up or down.

Workaround: None.


The data migration restore process is unable to properly restore the QoS profile names when there are duplicate profiles in CDM.

Impact: The profile names are not restored properly.

Workaround: None.


The choices for DMT training mode do not include g992.1, g992.2, and T1.413, as supported by IOS, but this field displays splitterless in the XDSL Interface Manager window.

Impact: You cannot select g992.1, g992.2, or T1.413 training mode for various DMT devices.

Workaround: Use IOS to set the correct training mode.


The Frame Relay connection synchronization does not work.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None. This does not impact the user with this release.


The Frame Relay controller should inform the synchronization framework of the completion of auto synchronization and upload of connections and profiles.

Impact: Frame Relay synchronization is not streamlined.

Workaround: None. This does not impact the user with this release.


The chassisOiD requirement when you deploy a profile object is not necessary. CDM can get this information from the containmentSpec inside the objectDef of the profile.

Impact: Front-end applications such as CNOM need to provide chassisOid as an attribute in objectDef.

Workaround: Enhancement.


All of the PEM2 traps go to the chassis, which is okay. However, if a PEM is not detected or missing and you look in the Event Browser window for the error message, it indicates that the chassis is not detected or missing instead of indicating that the PEM is not detected or missing.

Impact: You think that the chassis is not detected or missing when it is actually the PEM that is missing.

Workaround: Look in the Map Viewer window to see that the chassis is present but the PEM is missing.


When you deploy and commission a chassis by using the following steps, an old Deployment Wizard opens to create the PVC connection:

1. Deploy and commission a chassis.

2. Right click a line module.

3. Choose Deployment > Deploy FR Connection > PVC.

Impact: You expect the new Deployment Wizard window, for creating the connection as implemented for ATM connections, to open.

Workaround: You can still create both FR and PPP connections (PVC, SPVC), but the process is more involved:

1. Deploy the PVC object.

2. Open the ATM QoS Profiles Management window.

3. Create the QoS profile and save it.

4. Open the ATM QoS Management window and apply the profile to the PVC  object.

5. Open the ATM Connections Management window and enter the VPI/VCI values.

6. Press Connect to create the connection.


If you disconnect the OC-3 link on an active NI-2 card, an alarm is raised. However, this alarm is not mapped to the NI-2 card; it is been mapped to the chassis and to an IDSL card present in the DSLAM.

Impact: You might miss the event.

Workaround: None.


If you use Reflection X to run the CDM client, the ADSL Interface window can unexpectedly close and crash. This problem occurs when you have the Window Mode set to X terminal desktop and the Default local window manager set to Reflection Window Manager.

Impact: ADSL windows disappear.

Workaround: Use the Reflection X default settings when using this application to run the CDM client. To check the window settings, choose Windows Manager from the Settings menu in the Reflection X menu bar. Doing this opens the Windows Manager Settings dialog box. Set the window settings fields as follows if they are not already selected:

In the Window mode field, click Microsoft Windows desktop.

In the Default local window manager field, click Microsoft Windows.


The Cisco EMF coordinator process can crash when you stop Cisco EMF while CNOM is running in parallel.

Impact: The process crashes.

Workaround: Stop Cisco EMF again, and then restart Cisco EMF.


If the network is continually sending link up or down traps for ports on an interface and, at the same time, a user is attempting to stop or back up Cisco EMF, Cisco EMF cannot suspend the alarms.

Impact: You cannot stop or back up Cisco EMF.

Workaround: Disable traps for the port that is sending the alarms before you stop Cisco EMF or before you perform a backup on Cisco EMF. To disable the link up and down traps on a port, follow these steps:

1. From the left side of the CDM Map Viewer window, right-click the port whose traps you want to disable to access the object menu.

2. Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Physical > Interface > Generic > Configuration to open the Interface Configuration window.

3. Use the down arrow in the Link Up/Down Trap Enable field to select disabled.

4. Click the Save icon in the toolbar for this change to take effect.

After you have completed the backup and have restarted Cisco EMF, you need to reset the Link Up/Down Trap Enable field to enabled.


The software can map entity traps to an incorrect object in CDM. This error occurs if the entPhysicalIndex of an object changes during subrack discovery; the device sends out entity traps during subrack discovery.

Impact: Traps are mapped to an incorrect object in CDM.

Workaround: Open the Event Browser window to read trap descriptions.


When you change the configuration of a subtend DSLAM, the node that was used previously for the subtend configuration keeps the old subtend IP address with the subtend port. This incorrect address identification happens if you do not create a new IP address for the subtend port.

Impact: When you use autodiscovery, CDM discovers the incorrect subtend topology.

Workaround: None.


If you open the Add Subtend PVC window (by right-clicking an interface and choosing Cisco DSL Manager > Add Subtend PVC) from any hierarchy view other than the ComponentManaged or the SubtendPVC view, the PVCs that you create do not display in this window.

Impact: CDM creates the PVC, but does not display it.

Workaround: Open the Add Subtend PVC window from either the ComponentManaged or the Subtend PVC view.


CDM allows you to apply or connect an PVC or SPVC to a standby NI-2 interface.

Impact: You think you can create PVCs or SPVCs on a standby NI-2 interface when you really cannot.

Workaround: Do not try to create PVCs or SPVCs under an inactive NI-2 trunk port.


When you deploy an SPVC in the Deployment Wizard—Templates window, and you click SPVC with non-CEMF endpoint, CDM might not create this SPVC with a non-CEMF endpoint.

Impact: A failure occurs when you are making a connection on non-CEMF endpoint SPVCs.

Workaround: None.


If you create a site name that includes spaces, this causes problems in the CNOM GUI set_line_ids file.

Impact: A failure in the set_line_ids function results.

Workaround: When you create a site name, avoid using spaces in the name.


When you create PVCs or SPVCs and enter data in the Subscriber Info field in the Deployment Wizard—Object Parameters window, CDM does not always register the Subscriber ID. In these instances, after you have completed upload management, the Subscriber ID does not display in the Subscriber Info field in the ATM Connections Management window.

Impact: No subscriber ID displays.

Workaround: None.


When you insert a module into a provisioned slot, the alarm that informs you of a provisioned slot being empty does not clear from the Event Browser window. This occurs when a module is in an active state.

Impact: The slot is empty alarm continues to display.

Workaround: You must manually clear this alarm.


Sometimes when you apply an ADSL profile to a port object, no change occurs.

Impact: CDM does not apply the profile to the port.

Workaround: Stop and restart the ATMADSLDMTCon process by entering the following commands:

Run /opt/cemf/bin/cemf shell; /opt/cemf/bin/sysmgrClient -k ATMADSLDMTCon; /opt/cemf/bin/sysmgrClient -x ATMADSLDMTCon


When you create a profile and then close the Interface Profile window before the action has completed, CDM managers exit and dump core.

Impact: Any other status or configuration windows that are open at the time can disappear. The profile is created in the Cisco EMF database and you can view the profile when you reopen the Interface Profile window.

Workaround: Do not close the Interface Profile window before CDM has finished creating the profile; wait until the interface returns to the normal state.


If you reload the running configuration on a DSLAM, the following values are not set:

snmp-server host public

snmp-server host v2c

After you add these values, decommission the DSLAM, and then commission it again, only the NI-2 card recovers. No line cards recover.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: Decommission the DSLAM, delete it, and then redeploy it.


Sometimes the user is unable to apply a CAP profile to a flexiCAP module.

Impact: You cannot apply a CAP profile.

Workaround: If you continue to apply the profile, eventually the CDM applies the profile.


The configuration and status windows for interfaces can take as long as 2 minutes to display. This delay occurs in a configuration that has 100 simulated DSLAMs that are deployed and commissioned.

Impact: Users cannot get a timely response to their actions.

Workaround: None.


If you have to delete the configuration in a DSLAM that has been deployed and commissioned with 128 SPVCs (for example, replace an NI-2 card, or solve some other hardware problem), CDM still assumes there are 128 SPVCs present. However, these 128 SPVCs are no longer present after you delete the configuration.

To get CDM back in sync with the DSLAM, you would have to manually delete each module. To save time, you might try to upload an unconfigured DSLAM. CDM would have to delete all of the SPVCs that were previously commissioned.

If you open the upload management window to upload the running configuration, it will take 10 minutes for the DSLAM to appear in the right side of the window. If you click Upload, it will take 25 minutes for the upload process to complete.

Impact: Any solution you choose can take a long time.

Workaround: None.


When you deploy and commission a Cisco 6160 DSLAM, it can take over an hour for CDM to complete the commissioning process.

Impact: Under heavy data loads, commissioning takes a long time.

Workaround: None.


When most of the slots in a DSLAM are filled and you place interface cards in the remaining slots, the system begins a subrack discovery. The subrack discovery process can take over 20 minutes and also causes up to two-thirds of the modules to go into a "Module commissioning failed" state.

Some of the module states display as "discoverylostcomms" and some display as "normal," which is an incorrect state for a module that has lost communication with the server.

Flexi cards have fewer errored states in these situations. Some of the Flexi cards that are preprovisioned can have a "Module commissioning failed" trap display, but the Flexi cards that are actually present in the chassis are normal. However, the 4xDMT, 8xDMT, and IDSL modules all display a "Module Commissioning Failed" error state.

Impact: A subrack discovery occurs whenever you insert any module into the DSLAM and the system takes a long time to complete the subrack discovery process. If you insert a card and the DSLAM discovers it, you probably do not want an entire subrack discovery to occur, only discovery for that particular card.

Workaround: Decommission and commission the modules again, but in smaller groups such as 10 to 15.


It can take an hour to delete a DSLAM that contains a large number of PVC connections.

Impact: The time it takes to delete a DSLAM that contains a large number of PVCs can be a problem.

Workaround: None.


CDM needs to support fast path latency for 8xDMT and FlexiDMT interfaces. (This does not pertain to 4xDMT line cards.)

Impact: Currently you can use only interleaved latency paths for 8xDMT and Flexi DMT line cards.

Workaround: None.


When you apply a profile that has an incorrect value, no error message or alarm displays.

Impact: You can be unaware that a problem with the applied profile has occurred.

Workaround: None.


The Frame Relay PVC connection choices for an IDSL module do not display when you try to select Frame relay QoS from the CDM Physical view.

Impact: You cannot apply Frame Relay PVC connections to an IDSL interface.

Workaround: Apply the Frame Relay QoS profile using these steps:

1. From the Component Managed view in the MapViewer window, click the IDSL Line card for which you want to set frame relay PVCs.

2. Choose Cisco DSL Manager > Logical > FR/PPP Connection > Configuration from the object menu.

The FR Configuration window opens and displays the connections.

3. Apply the Frame Relay QoS profile.


A message displays that says "Application exiting. Connection has been lost to the CEMF Client platform."

Impact: CDM windows close.

Workaround: Reopen the applicable CDM window.


When you manually deploy a DSLAM, it is deployed under a subnet that is based on class IP addressing. When you deploy a DSLAM using autodiscovery, it is deployed based in the subnet mask in the Cisco EMF Autodiscovery window. If the subnets are different, you can add the DSLAM more than once.

Impact: You can erroneously deploy more than one DSLAM having the same IP address under the same site.

Workaround: When you deploy a DSLAM through autodiscovery, use class addressing subnets.

If you have deployed more than one DSLAM with the same IP address, delete the duplicate DSLAM using these steps:

1. Make sure you decommission the DSLAM if you have commissioned it.

2. From the left side of the Map Viewer window, right-click the name of the duplicate DSLAM that you want to delete.

3. Choose Deployment > Delete Objects from the object menu.

4. Click Finish in the Deployment Wizard Summary window.


The SDSL Profile window does not include an option to enter the SHDSL margin threshold.

Impact: You cannot set the margin threshold by using CDM.

Workaround: You must use IOS to set the margin threshold.


The bit rate value of 1552 for G.SHDSL line cards is not available in CDM or IOS.

Impact: You cannot choose this value, although it is valid.

Workaround: None.


The status bar in the ATM QoS Profiles Configuration window displays the number of times that the profile is attached to a PVC. However, the tracking goes from 0 to 1 and stops at 1, no matter how many times the profile attaches to a PVC.

Impact: You cannot correctly track the number of times a profile is connected to a PVC.

Workaround: None.


When a user creates a profile in the DMT Interface Profile window, the default value for the field Codeword Size is 0. However, 0 is an invalid value in IOS and results in a profile rolldown.

Impact: The user is unable to correctly create a DMT profile.

Workaround: Modify the DMT profile by using the down arrow to select a number other than 0. Apply the profile.


CDM does not check to verify whether an illegal baud rate value has been saved to CAP profile.

Impact: An invalid profile can be created.

Workaround: You need to follow the instructions in the Cisco DSL Manager NI-2 User Guide to select the correct baud rate.


Sometimes a problem occurs in which CDM stops processing the alarms sent for various traps. The alarms are apparent on the physical chassis or through IOS, but not in the CDM GUI.

Impact: You do not see the alarms in CDM, and therefore you are unaware of any problems that are occurring in the network.

Workaround: When you notice the alarms on the physical chassis or through IOS, stop and restart Cisco EMF.


You cannot change the two fields, profile description and profile type, of an uploaded profile, but when you apply the profile to the ports, these two fields remain unchanged.

Impact: None.

Workaround: None.


CDM does not perform range checking for profile RxTx parameters.

Impact: Incorrect input values cause an error when you try to apply the profile.

Workaround: Input the correct values.


When CDM performs system backups, it names the files in the backup directory with a number corresponding to the day of the week that the backup occurs. Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, and Saturday is 6. If the current version of CDM performs backups on any day except Sunday (0), a problem occurs with the restore function; specifically, the restore function always looks for day zero (0). Thus, the restore function fails if the backup file is named with a number other than zero (0).

Impact: The CDM restore function fails if the backup is performed on a day other than Sunday (0).

Workaround: Open a terminal window and enter the following commands:

mv day6.1 day0.1

This command renames day6.1 to day0.1

mv day6.config day0.config

This command renames day6.config to day0.config.

cemf restore -t {dateofdirectory}

This command begins another file restoration.

For example, if the date of restoration is December 10, 2000, you enter:

cemf restore -t 12-10-2000


Status messages show no value for the Frame Relay.

Impact: None.

Workaround: None.


The CDM backup failure message indicates the incorrect directory for the backup file.

Impact: CDM cannot complete the restore operation.


Follow these steps:

1. Log on to the server and go to the TFTPboot directory.

2. Create a file with the address of the IOS host. For example:

touch IOSHost172.21.178.12

3. Grant read/write permissions to the file. For example:

chmod a+rw IOSHost172.21.178.12

4. Perform the backup operation. Here is an example of the message that displays:

Manager and the TFTP server are different TFTP Service is not running tftp host is!!! 5344 bytes copied in 1.246 secs (5344 bytes/sec) NMS-DC6


CDM cannot retrieve performance data for a FlexiCap interface.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


After you successfully apply a QoS profile, you receive an error message from CDM if you attempt to apply a second QoS profile. The message states that the profile was applied but the RxTx parameters were not updated.

Impact: You might unintentionally cause CDM to use incorrect parameters to update the second profile.

Workaround: Click the refresh icon when the RxTx parameters display for the first profile. This action updates the screen with the new values.


When two or more users perform basic system tasks, the objectServer process consumes almost all of the CPU. This usually occurs during the first hour of usage.

Impact: The system becomes sluggish or gives slow performance. Occasionally, the system fails.

Workaround: None.


When you apply a QoS profile to a PVC, the profile indicates it has been applied but the parameters are not changed.

Impact: You cannot apply a QoS profile.

Workaround: None.


A core dump occurs when you enter a new SDSL profile.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: Enter and exit the SDSL Profile window twice. The newly created SDSL profile appears in the Component Managed view or in the Apply Profile window drop down list and a second core dump occurs.


DSLAM objects in CDM are green when DSLAM experiences a loss of communication. Further analysis shows

The chassis does not generate a loss of communication alarm when changing state.

The OSI3 State mapping for loss of communication is identical to the OSI State for decommissioning.

Impact: CDM does not detect a loss of communication in the DSLAM.

Workaround: None.


No performance data displays for the filtered period that contains traffic in the Performance window for the 8xDMT interface.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


In the Performance window for the 8xDMT interface, the line chart does not draw data (ADSL-LINE-MIB.adslAturIntervalLofs) for the entire filtered period. Only data for the first 15 minutes displays.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


When you select the time filter between Previous Time and Now in the 8xDMT Interface Performance window and click Refresh, an error message displays "The start date and time must precede the end date and time."

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


The status icon in the ADSL Interface Status window does not show any status.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


No performance data (monitored attributes) displays for an 8xIDSL interface.

Impact: You cannot retrieve performance data for the 8xIDSL interface.

Workaround: None.


When you upload subtend PVCs from a child chassis, the ATM Connection Manager core dumps and the subtend PVCs are not successfully uploaded.

Impact: You cannot successfully upload subtend PVCs.

Workaround: This problem occurs when there are PVCs with no corresponding VCLs. For CDM to work properly, use IOS to remove the PVCs whose VCI values are set to 0. An example follows:

node# show atm vc and note the PVCs with VCI=0 node# conf t (config)# interface atm x/y (config-if)# no atm pvc <vpi> 0 remove all the PVCs with VCI=0 (config-if)# end # write mem


You cannot add a site under the physical component from classpallet.

Impact: The site is not created.

Workaround: None.


An error message appears prematurely while you are changing the FlexiCard configuration from DMT to CAP (or vice-versa) when CDM is actually continuing to configure the line card in the background.

Impact: CDM misinforms you that an error has occurred during the reconfiguration of a FlexiCard.

Workaround: After approximately 3 minutes (4 minutes total), the card reappears with changed functionality.


After you apply a QoS profile in the QoS Profile Configuration window, a dialog window indicates that the profile was rolled down to the node successfully. However, the QoS profile does not roll down to the node.

Impact: CDM incorrectly displays a message indicating successful QoS profile application.

Workaround: Always use IOS to set a QoS profile.


CDM cannot manage up to 1500 DSLAMs as specified by scalability requirements. The current limit is 130 DSLAMs.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None. There is a plan to significantly improve scalability in a future release of CDM and Cisco EMF.


When you Telnet outside of CDM and modify or delete a PVC, CDM does not synchronize the alterations within the CDM Frame Relay/PPP Connection Manager.

Impact: If you modify or delete a PVC through a Telnet session outside CDM, your alterations do not synchronize to the DSLAM within the CDM Frame Relay/PPP Connection Manager.

Workaround: None.


After you create two PVCs on a FlexiCAP card for the Cisco 6015 DSLAM, apply the QoS profile to each PVC, and attempt to perform a cross connection for both PVCs simultaneously, the ATM connections process crashes when you click Connect in the ATM Connections Management window.

Impact: You cannot perform a cross-connection for more than one QoS-profiled PVC at a time.

Workaround: Connect only one PVC at a time.


When you open the Map Viewer window, the name at the top of the hierarchy view in the left side of the window displays as "C61xxChassisView". It should display as "C6100ChassisView."

Impact: The name of the chassis view in the left side of the Map Viewer window is incorrect.

Workaround: None.


You cannot use the symbol "/" to name a PVC connection.

Impact: CDM does not accept the use of "/" as part of a PVC connection name.

Workaround: Do not use blank spaces or the symbols "&" or "/" when you naming PVC connections.


You cannot delete a profile from the Edit menu option.

Impact: As above.


Follow these steps:

1. Right-click the profile you want to delete.

2. Select Deployment > Delete Object.


The cell rate fields in the ATM QoS Profile window incorrectly ask for values in cells/second. The correct rate is kbps. Additionally, the CDVT field incorrectly asks for a value of cell times. The correct unit is microseconds.

Impact: The use of incorrect units causes confusion about actual rates supported by the connection.

Workaround: You might have to perform unit conversions to determine the exact rates supported.


CDM gives no error message if you enter an invalid value for PCR4 in the ATM QoS Profile window.

Impact: Using an invalid PCR value could affect provisioning and usability of the ATM connection.

Workaround: See the Cisco DSL Manager 6015, 6100/6130, 6160, or 6260 user guide for the correct PCR values to enter.


No default values display in the ATM Qos Profile window.

Impact: Incorrectly entered values could affect provisioning.

Workaround: See the Cisco DSL Manager 6015, 6100/6130, 6160, or 6260 user guide for the correct PCR values to enter.


When you add a second Frame Relay or PPP PVC that has the same values as an existing connection, CDM deploys a new connection object.

Impact: Two connection objects in the ComponentManaged hierarchy view display even though they represent the same PVC. If a connection is disconnected through one object, the remaining connection object still shows that the connection exists.

Workaround: Do not add a PVC using existing PVC values.


If a preprovisioned card differs from the physically present card and the preprovisioned card is deleted, CDM does not perform subrack discovery for the actual card present.

Impact: CDM does not perform continuous polling to determine the cards present. CDM does not discover a card that is physically present in a chassis. CDM performs the discovery and subrack discovery only during commissioning.

Workaround: Decommission the chassis and commission it again. CDM does a subrack discovery on the physically present card.


The Module Type display in CDM differs from the MIB for 8xIDSL.

Impact: The incorrect Module Type displays.

Workaround: None.


Manual deployment of NI-2 cards in a Cisco 6160 chassis fails. When CDM commissions the NI-2 card, the card enters a discoverylostcomm state.

Impact: You cannot access a commissioned NI-2 card in this state.

Workaround: None.


The ATM Connection Manager terminates when you try to apply QoS profiles if there are no profiles.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


After you apply a QoS category UBR5 + profile to a PVC or an SPVC, the last apply profile status field in the ATM QoS Profiles Management window displays the following message:

Values were not in the range for the following params(s): Value supplied: UBR+ QoS Category must be any one of these: ubr, vbr-nrt, vbr-rt, cbr, abr Profile Application failed

Impact: You must know all of the appropriate values and interdependencies.

Workaround: Use the IOS CLI to create QoS category UBR+ profile.


After you commission an IDSL interface, the status displays as follows:

CiscoGenericFunctionality (no value)

CiscoModule (normal)

CiscoChassis (normal)

The status display that you expect to see is

CiscoGenericFunctionality (normal)

CiscoModule (normal)

CiscoChassis (normal)

Impact: You cannot determine whether the IDSL port is in the correct, or normal, state.

Workaround: Check the state of the IDSL port by using the IOS CLI.


CDM object type files and binary names reference objects as Version 3.0, although they are Version 3.2.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


Connecting in the ATM Connections Management window fails due to script error.

Impact: You cannot achieve an ATM connection in the ATM Connections Management window.

Workaround: None.


When you configure a hardware subtend and select the Subtend Configuration, you must perform an Update or Discover so that the subtend/trunk interfaces are configured. After updating, however, the Subtend Configuration window displays an incorrect Interface Type and neighborIPAddress.

Impact: The incorrect Interface Type and neighborIPAddress display after you configure a subtend for hardware.

Workaround: Select a new port to refresh the interface type and neighbor IP address.


You cannot upload SDSL profiles using CDM 3.2.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


CDM does not update the chassis list.

Impact: You cannot access a recently added or modified DSLAM.

Workaround: Close the Chassis Configuration window and reopen it to refresh the chassis list.


When you open the Subtend Configuration window, the top list box displays the chassis and the lower list box displays the NI ports for that chassis. Frequently the lower list box displays all of the ports for all of the DSLAMS that CDM is managing rather than just those that pertain to the chassis that is highlighted in the top list box.

Impact: You might not be able to determine which port is associated with which DSLAM when you are performing either a Connect or a Disconnect.

Workaround: None.


CDM allows the creation of a FlexiCAP profile without the availability of CPE Signature data.

Impact: A FlexiCAP profile that has no CPE signature data impacts security.

Workaround: None.


Autodiscovery is limited to the number of IP addresses allowed by the subnet mask for the gateway to which the node is connected.

Impact: None.

Workaround: If the subnet mask is for example, the autodiscovery process detects nodes with 59 IP addresses. Therefore, CDM would have to autodiscover n number of IP addresses until the entire range is discovered.


The ADSL Status window does not display data for CAP modules.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


Occasionally, if IOS preprovisions a Flexi/DMT card, CDM reports it as a Flexi/CAP card.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


After you preprovision a Flexi line card (either CAP or DMT) and then physically insert a Flexi line card into a 6100 DSLAM, the card appears in the Map Viewer window on one server, but not on the other.

Impact: The card appears in the Map Viewer window on one server, but not on the other.

Workaround: Decommission the chassis that does not display the card and then recommission it. CDM discovers the line card.


This caveat pertains to the Cisco 6015 DSLAM. CDM does not allow you to reparent one or more objects from the componentManaged hierarchy view.

Impact: The componentManaged view does not reflect object parents.

Workaround: You need to perform IMA reparenting only from the IMA hierarchy view. Also, for best results, perform subtending reparenting from the Subtend hierarchy view. You can perform all other types of reparenting from either the physical hierarchy view or the cdmManager hierarchy view. The componentManaged view is a display-only view; launching reparenting operations is not part of its functionality.


The IMA View fails to display generic objects such as sites and its own hierarchy view. As a result, the IMA view does not support redundant NI-1 or NI-2 cards if the names are not unique between the two ports of the redundant card.

Impact: The IMA view does not support redundant NI-1 or NI-2 cards if the names are not unique between the two ports of the redundant card.

Workaround: None.


The following line card support caveats relate to specific DSLAM types:

The Cisco 6100 DSLAM chassis supports only the 4xCAP/DMT2 Flexi line card. However, DMT and DMTI display as choices.

The Cisco 6160 DSLAM chassis supports only the 8xDMT2 and 4xFlexi DMT2 line cards. However, DMT and DMTI display as choices.

The Cisco 6260 DSLAM chassis supports only the 4xDMT2 line card. However, DMT and DMTI display as choices.

Impact: You might attempt to deploy a line card that the DSLAM does not support.

Workaround: Deploy only line cards that the chassis supports.


When you are deploying a Frame Relay or PPP6 connection, a series of Deployment Wizard windows opens. One of these windows is the Object Selector window, in which you select source and destination ports. With IDSL, those ports can be configured as having Frame Relay encapsulation or PPP encapsulation. If the port has PPP encapsulation, Frame Relay connection cannot be deployed on it and vice versa. However, the Object Selector window allows you to choose any IDSL port, regardless of encapsulation. If the incorrect IDSL port is selected, CDM does not create the connection in the DSLAM.

Impact: You cannot create a FR/PPP connection if you select a port with a profile that specifies an encapsulation type of FR/PPP.

Workaround: Select ports with an encapsulation type that matches the type of connection desired.


In the IDSL Interface Profile window, you can enter any value into the bc-default field.

Impact: If you enter a value in the bc-default field outside the valid range, the IDSL profile will not apply to the IDSL port.

Workaround: Enter a bc-default value within the valid range of 0 to 32768.


When the power to the CPE is disconnected, the CiscoSDSLFunctionality, CiscoCAPFunctionality, and CiscoDMTFunctionality status displays as "errored."

Impact: None.

Workaround: None.


When you refresh the Command Log window, the value that you specify for the Maximum Table Entries field returns to the default value of 10 rather than refreshing the contents of the Command Log window.

Impact: The Maximum Table Entries field is reset to default and does not retain the specified value.

Workaround: None.


The Command Log window is not consistent with the SysLog Messages window. When you click Save in the Command Log window, the Save icon is not dimmed as it should be after you click Save.

Impact: It might appear that the Save operation failed.

Workaround: None.


After CDM deletes any line card, the node does not consider the card preprovisioned. When you remove the card and reinsert it into any slot, CDM does not detect its presence even though the node sent a module insert trap.

Impact: Module discovery does not automatically initiate after the line card is reinserted into the DSLAM.

Workaround: Provision the line card instead of allowing the DSLAM to automatically provision the card after a module insert trap.


If you decommission a DSLAM, the PVCs display as being disconnected and decommissioned. In fact, when you decommission a DSLAM, the PVCs remain connected. When you recommission the DSLAM, CDM does not recommission PVCs.

Impact: If you decommission or recommission a DSLAM, the active PVCs remain in a disconnected and decommissioned state after recommissioning. CDM should depict the active PVCs as being connected and commissioned after CDM recommissions the DSLAM.

Workaround: After you recommission a DSLAM, you must recommission each active PVC. You can recommission the PVC by selecting the PVC in the ATM Connection Management window and clicking Commission.


Periodically, the content of the Edit menu in the CAP Interface Status and DMT Interface Status windows is not dimmed as it should be, because the Edit menu functions are not valid in these windows.

Impact: You might believe that the Edit menu functions are valid. In fact, the Edit menu items should be dimmed; do not use them.

Workaround: None.


When you try to backup a configuration for the first time using the Configuration Backup/Restore window, CDM fails to create a new file on the TFTP server.

Impact: You must create an empty file and set its permissions so that it is writable.


Complete these steps:

1. Try to back up the configuration; the correct filename displays in the Status field of the Configuration Backup/Restore window.

2. Telnet to the TFTP server.

3. In the root directory use the touch command on the file.

4. Enter the command chmod 777 <filename>.

5. Back up the configuration data to the file.


CDM does not always process SNMP traps. It is unknown whether the traps are dropped at the DSLAM, in the network, or in CDM.

Impact: Occasionally, the Event Browser window for the DSLAM fails to display events for that DSLAM. These status events are typically recognized when another trap is processed from the same DSLAM.

Workaround: Confirm the status of a module or interface using the Object Status field at the bottom of most GUI windows.


If you initiate a Telnet session in CDM, the session does not close when you exit CDM.

Impact: The Telnet session does not close automatically when you close the Map Viewer window and exit CDM.

Workaround: To close the Telnet session, enter the following command:

> exit


The SDSL Interface selection box within the SDSL Interface Configuration window does not function correctly. The selection box displays all SDSL interfaces that populate the chassis regardless of the selected module.

Impact: You cannot determine which SDSL interface should be used with a selected module.

Workaround: None.


CDM allows you to enter or deploy a site without specifying a name for that site.

Impact: A deployed site could have no name, resulting in confusion.

Workaround: Always enter a unique site name for each management server.


After receiving a commissioning failure alert from CDM, you cannot decommission the DSLAM.

Impact: You must use an alternate method to remove the chassis.

Workaround: Open the configuration window, decommission the chassis (although it is not commissioned), and choose Deployment > Delete Objects from the ComponentManaged view.


When you are deploying a Cisco 6160 DSLAM, major (orange) alarms display on any NI-2 cards, even if no problem exists.

Impact: Falsely displayed alarms can be misleading.

Workaround: None.


If you preprovision a slot in a Cisco 6130 DSLAM for a FlexiDMT card and insert a 2xCAP card, the SysLog does not generate an error message.

Impact: CDM does not inform you if there has been a card mismatch in a Cisco 6130 DSLAM.

Workaround: None.


When the Create PVC process fails, the error messages are difficult to understand.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


IOS fails to set FlexiDMT values for the current upstream codeword size, current downstream codeword size, and current FEC size.

Impact: These FlexiDMT Interface Status values are not updated in CDM.

Workaround: None.


You cannot view data in the Interface Performance window for DMT, CAP, or SDSL interfaces.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


If you choose Tools > Performance Manager from an SDSL, DMT, or CAP interface, the following message displays:

This object has no attributes which are being monitored.

Impact: You cannot see performance attributes change at the appropriate time intervals.

Workaround: None.


You cannot view port objects in the CDM Manager view.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: You can view and access all services associated with a port from the site and chassis objects.


You cannot create an SPVC7 with a non-Cisco EMF endpoint.

Impact: You cannot create an SPVC with a non-Cisco EMF endpoint.

Workaround: Use the IOS CLI to create an SPVC with a non-Cisco EMF endpoint.


The GUI (in particular the IMA8 view) does not reflect the correct hierarchy after CDM reparents the IMA link.

Impact: The hierarchy view that displays does not reflect the current hierarchy that is on the DSLAM.

Workaround: Exit the Map Viewer window and reopen it. The hierarchy view refreshes with the correct IMA parenting.


In the Deployment Wizard—Views window, CDM automatically enters data into the first and second fields, for example when you are deploying a PVC.

Impact: When you select an object for the first field, CDM automatically generates the second field with that object.

Workaround: Enter text in the top field first, and then enter a new value for the second field to replace the value that CDM automatically generates.


If you deploy an incorrect type of NI-2 card on an NI-2 card that is physically present in a DSLAM (for example, an OC-3 on top of a DS3) in a decommissioned chassis and then commission that chassis, CDM incorrectly discovers the physical NI-2 card. CDM discovers the incorrect NI-2 card as a preprovisioned type with physically present interfaces marked normal and discovers the remaining interfaces as preprovisioned.

Impact: The NI-2 object will be in an inconsistent state.

Workaround: Delete and then redeploy the DSLAM.


Some OC-3 and DS3 alarm states supersede other alarm states and render them as unknown. CDM reports all alarm states as either present or absent, and suppressed alarms do not appear as suppressed.

Impact: Although some alarm states might appear as normal, the true states are suppressed or unknown.

Workaround: None.


CDM displays a DSLAM in an errored state for a period of time after an operator resets the system controller in the DSLAM.

Impact: You must wait several minutes after performing a system controller reset before CDM indicates that the managed element is in a normal state.

Workaround: None.


In the PVC/SPVC Deployment Wizard, you are prompted to choose the PVC Source and Destination ports. Both fields in which this selection takes place have labels that read Component Managed instead of Source Port and Destination port.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: Ensure that the two managed components are unique and represent the source and destination.


SNMP Community strings that you enter in the Deployment Wizard window always appear in the SNMP V2 fields of the SNMP Management window, no matter which version of SNMP you select.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


You should not be able to edit the SNMP9 Version field in the Deployment Wizard.

Impact: If you change the SNMP version, the deployment process could fail.

Workaround: Do not edit the SNMP Version field.


If you attempt to delete a preprovisioned card using CDM, you cannot complete the task.

A deletion using CDM should result in the card being removed from CDM as well as from the DSLAM. CDM currently only removes the card from CDM.

Impact: The deleted card is not removed from the DSLAM IOS configuration. The deleted card initially disappears from the CDM GUI10 , but the card reappears when CDM performs subrack discovery (either by user request or through a trap-initiated discovery) on that DSLAM.

Workaround: Delete the affected card from the DSLAM by using the CLI11 after you delete the card through CDM.


In the Syslog Messages window, when you change the Maximum Table Entries field, the Syslog Messages area fails to automatically update when you click Save.

Impact: You saved changes, but it appears that CDM did not save them.

Workaround: Close the Syslog Messages window, and then reopen it to view the changes.


The SDSL Module Inventory window contains empty fields; this is because the values for these fields are not set in Cisco IOS.

Impact: None.

Workaround: None.


If you try to apply a profile and you have not selected a specific profile (such as an ADSL or DMT profile), the window stops responding and the process fails.

Impact: You cannot apply a profile.

Workaround: When you apply a profile, first make sure you have selected a profile to apply.


After you enter values in the fields in the IOS Image Download window, you must click the Save icon in the toolbar to save these values.

Impact: If you do not click Save, CDM does not receive the values that you selected for downloading.

Workaround: None.


Initially all of the Interface Configuration windows indicate that a profile was applied, but the profile was not really applied.

Impact: The Configuration window displays information when it is initially deployed even though a blank is appropriate when there is no information assigned to the interface. The information that appears is residual, arising from a previous selection or from a list of defaults.

Workaround: None.


If the config-register parameter in Cisco IOS software is set to 0x0, and you choose "reset device using new image—yes," this fails to result in a DSLAM reset with newly-downloaded Cisco IOS image.

Impact: You cannot successfully reset the DSLAM with the new Cisco IOS image.

Workaround: Access the Cisco IOS prompt and set the config-register as follows:

> # conf term

(config)> # config-register 0x2104

The reset device from CDM now works.


Image Download status only displays the status of the previous download.

Impact: This attribute does not show status of a download in progress.

Workaround: View the status of a download in progress in the IOS image download window.


The Cisco IOS image download fails if you launch it from the NI-2 card.

Impact: You cannot download the IOS image.

Workaround: Launch the IOS image download process from the site or chassis objects.


CDM displays the same icons for different chassis, line cards, and interfaces. With CDM Release 3.2, only the 6160 chassis, SDSL line card, and SDSL interface objects display icons that are specific to those object types.

Impact: You cannot identify the type of chassis and card by looking only at the icon.

Workaround: None.


You cannot cancel or edit a scheduled Cisco IOS image download.

Impact: You might decide you do not want to continue the download process, or you might want to edit the process, but you cannot do either.

Workaround: If you want to cancel the download, stop Cisco EMF at the time of download.


If the avload.log file is full, the IOS image download fails.

Impact: Performing an IOS image download fails if the file system is full.

Workaround: You can clear the flash memory at the node and then re-initiate the IOS image download procedure.


The chassis gif, dialog, and menu selections all refer to a DSLAM6100 MUX chassis regardless of whether the managed element is a 6100 MUX chassis or a 6130 MUX chassis.

Impact: It is difficult to determine whether the MUX chassis is a 6100 or 6130 chassis based on the chassis bitmap, dialog, or menu chassis references.

Workaround: To determine the proper MUX chassis version, look at the Chassis Rev field in the MUX Chassis Configuration window. If the chassis revision is 5 or less, the MUX chassis is 6100. If the chassis revision is greater than 5, the chassis is 6130.


When an operator changes the connection mode from Digital Off-Hook to Direct Connect, or vice versa, CDM does not reset the DSLAM alarms.

Impact: You cannot identify the outstanding alarms against a DSLAM after changing the connection mode from Digital Off-Hook to Direct Connect, or vice versa.

Workaround: After you change the connection mode of a DSLAM, delete that DSLAM from CDM and then redeploy it. Deleting a DSLAM removes all outstanding alarms against it. After redeploying the DSLAM, you can identify any new outstanding alarms that the DSLAM generates.


When creating a new profile, CDM adds the profile to the object list in the left side of the relevant Profile window. The newly added profile is not automatically highlighted, or selected.

Impact: You must select the newly created profile by clicking it to highlight this profile; it is not automatically highlighted.

Workaround: Click the newly created profile to highlight or select it.


In the Interface Status window, the Type attribute incorrectly displays the value for a DMT card.

Impact: The DMT card configuration displays incorrectly.

Workaround: None.


In the Module Fault Management window, the Operational status attribute does not display a value for a DMT card in a chassis. This attribute is not valid for a DMT card.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


In the Chassis Configuration window, some attributes appear that are invalid for Cisco DSLAM devices. These attributes are not present in the ENTITY MIB12 ; you cannot read these attributes from or set them to the device.

Impact: These attributes display as ERROR in the window.

Workaround: None.


In the Management Information window, you can set the System Name, System Contact, and System Location fields for the current DSLAM configuration. However, the software does not save these values to the startup configuration.

Impact: If you reboot the DSLAM, the changes to current running configuration are lost.

Workaround: Periodically save the current running configuration to the startup configuration if you want the software to retain these changes.


You can manually commission and decommission every object in CDM.

Impact: Being able to commission and decommission any object might be confusing.

Workaround: Always click a chassis object and open the Chassis Configuration window to commission or decommission a chassis.

1 CNOM = Cisco Network Order Manager

2 PEM = power entry module

3 OSI = Open Systems Interconnection

4 PCR = peak cell rate

5 UBR = unidentified bit rate

6 PPP = Point-to-Point Protocol

7 SPVC = Soft PVC

8 IMA = Inverse Multiplexing over ATM

9 SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol

10 GUI = graphical user interface

11 CLI = command line interface

12 MIB = Management Information Base

Resolved Caveats for CDM NI-2 Release 3.4

Table 3 lists resolved caveats for CDM Release 3.4.

Table 3 NI-2 Resolved Caveats in Release 3.4 

DDTS Entry


Object icons remain "hatched" even though the objects are in the normal state. Hatching is driven by the value of the OSI state and should only appear when an object is decommissioned.

Impact: You commission, decommission, and then commission and upload a chassis using CDM 3.3.3. After the upload process, the PVC object continues to display as "hatched" on the GUI even though the controllerState value is normal.

Workaround: None.


The View Subscriber PVCs on the Chassis Summary window do not display the line card interface.

Impact: See above

Workaround: None


When you use the utility to migrate from the .NSS ViewRunner DSLAM configuration file to the IOS config file, the field "Circuit ID" is converted with spaces in the IOS file.

Impact: IOS cannot read that field.

Workaround: Manually edit the IOS configuration file and replace spaces in the Circuit ID with underscores.


Configurations that you change in the dsl profile using IOS are not reflected in CDM even after you upload the profiles and management information.

Impact: CDM DSL profile information is not in sync with the DSLAM.

Workaround: Use the IOS CLI to see actual profile parameters.




When you create an ADSL profile in the ADSL Interface Profile window that has values in both the Interleave Transmit Rate fields and the Fast Transmit Rate fields, CDM uses the values for fast path.

Impact: Because you cannot enter both Fast and Interleave values, CDM always uses the values that are entered in the Fast Transmit Rate fields (Minimum and Maximum).

Workaround: Enter 0s in the Fast Maximum Transmit Rate and Fast Minimum Transmit Rate fields if you want to set the path to Interleaved. Enter 0s in the Interleaved Maximum Transmit Rate and Interleave Minimum Transmit Rate fields if you want to set the path to Fast.


When you commission a DSLAM with flexi cards inserted, the flexi cards are in a nonconfigured state. If you configure these cards through IOS, the cards appear to be in Module Mismatch state in CDM.

Impact: Flexi cards must be preprovisioned in CDM before deployment.

Workaround: Decommission the cards, delete them, and then redeploy them through CDM.


You can manually deploy and successfully commission the OC-3 NI-2 card when the physical card that is in the DSLAM is an NI-2-DS3-DS3 card.

Impact: CDM is unable to detect that the deployed NI-2 card is a mismatch.

Workaround: None.


The alarms generated by a flexi line card mismatch and a pulled card are not propagating to the chassis level.

Impact: Alarms can be seen only at the line card level.

Workaround: None.


You can deploy a chassis under another chassis in CDM.

Impact: The new chassis will be in the wrong hierarchy of the tree.

Workaround: Only deploy a chassis under the site.


The creation of a subtend PVC is slower in CDM 3.3(1) than in CDM 3.2.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


After you apply the FlexiCAP profile to a FlexiCAP interface, no status line displays in the lower left corner of the CAP-ADSL Interface Configuration window.

Impact: No status displays showing the upload as successful or not.

Workaround: None.


If you create a subtended PVC with incorrect profile names, the PVC does not roll back.

Impact: A subtended PVC with incorrect profile names does not roll back.

Workaround: None.


After you apply a profile to an interface, CDM does not allow you to edit that profile.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None.


When you delete a profile in CDM, CDM does not delete the corresponding profile on the DSLAM.

Impact: CDM and the DSLAM could get out of sync in terms of what profiles exist on the DSLAM.

Workaround: You must delete the profiles on the DSLAM using Cisco IOS CLI. To resync CDM with the DSLAM, you can upload all the profiles from the DSLAM.

Caveats for CDM NI-1 Release 3.4

The following sections list open and resolved caveats for the Cisco Digital Subscriber Line Manager, NI-1 version, Release 3.4.

Open Caveats for CDM NI-1 Release 3.4

Table 4 lists open NI-1 caveats for CDM Release 3.4.

Table 4 NI-1 Open Caveats for Release 3.4 

DDTS Entry


The DSLAM slot alarms are mapped to the wrong chassis when a "Module did not respond to system monitor" alarm is raised on the DSLAM.

For example, a "Module did not respond to system monitor" alarm might be raised on module 15 of Chassis 1 in DSLAM A. If a slot alarm is raised on slot 15 in chassis 1 in DSLAM B, the slot alarm incorrectly displays against slot 15 of chassis 1 in DSLAM A.

Impact: You cannot identify the outstanding slot alarms against a DSLAM.

Workaround: None.


After you delete a subtend PVC in the subtended node, the transit PVC is deleted from its parent (subtending) node. However, the PVC in subtended node is not deleted; that PVC seems to be a local PVC.

Impact: You cannot delete a subtend PVC from the node.

Workaround: Manually delete the remaining PVCs from the nodes.


CDM assigns configured VPI/VCI values to subscriber network side VPI/VCI. Thus, CDM duplicates the network side VPI/VCI values.

Impact: Duplicated values can cause confusion.

Workaround: None.

Note Resolution of this DDTS is postponed until a future release of CDM.


When you double-click a module, the module details do not display.

Impact: You cannot view module details by double-clicking the module object.

Workaround: Right-click the module and select the Module Configuration dialog to view details.

Note This DDTS is on hold because this feature is not currently supported by Cisco EMF.

Resolved Caveats for CDM NI-1 Release 3.4

Table 5 lists the NI-1 caveats for CDM Release 3.4 that have been resolved.

Table 5 NI-1 Resolved Caveats in Release 3.4 

DDTS Entry


There is mismatch between the ObjectName parameter, on which an alarm is raised, and the alarm description for that alarm in the Event Browser window. For example, the following description displays in the Event Browser window for an alarm raised on slot 22:


Description:The line encoding for the physical pool does not match the modem card. slotNo:2

Impact: There is a mismatch between the actual modules and the physical pool (ppool) types. For example, the module is sdsl/cap-dmt and the ppool type is cap-dmt/sdsl.

Workaround: None.


When you change the physical pool type from CAP-DMT to SDSL or vice versa, the following error message displays:

ERROR: Failed to set Data

Impact: The physical pool type is changed, but certain cards in that pool are not reset and are in maintenance state.

Workaround: None.


When you try to manually deploy an inband managed DSLAM twice with same inband IP addresses but different Ethernet IP addresses, the duplication is not detected and the same DSLAM deploys twice.

Impact: As above.

Workaround: None


If you install CDM using initial installation and then uninstall it, the objects (C61xxChassisView,C6100v30Mgr and DSLAMs) exist in the Map Viewer window and the C6100v30Ctrl process is still running.

Impact: CDM indicates that the chassis is still being installed.

Workaround: Start Cisco EMF using the cemf start command, and then install the CDM package.


When you create an LC chassis object on a DOH1 node by right-clicking the ManagedElement object and selecting Create LC Chassis to open the Create LC Chassis dialog, the LCChassis does not display in the Map Viewer window.

Impact: The LC chassis does not display in the GUI.

Workaround: None.


When you deploy an NI-1 chassis by right-clicking on the Physical hierarchy view and following the "Steps to manually Deploy a Cisco DSLAM Chassis" in Chapter 2 of the CDM NI-1 User Guide, the objects C6100v30TrapMgmt and C6100v30ManagedElement are deployed as two separate objects without any hierarchical relationship between them.

Impact: Incorrect deployment.

Workaround: Manually deploy a DSLAM chassis by right clicking either the C6100v30Mgr or the C61xxChassisView object. Do not attempt to deploy the chassis by right-clicking the Physical view.


When you deploy NI-1 DSLAMs by autodiscovery (as described in the "Steps for Invoking the AutoDiscovery Process" in the AutoDiscovery section of Chapter 2 in the CDM NI-1 User Guide), DSLAMs deploy directly below the Physical view even though you tried to deploy the DSLAM under a site object in the Physical view.

Impact: The DSLAM does not deploy under the correct object.

Workaround: None.


Alarms are not received when a node is managed through inband management.

Impact: You cannot determine the alarm conditions in the node.

Work around: None.


The same transit subscriber list appears for both subtend host module ports in the Physical view.

Impact: All transit subscribers in the node display for an subtend host module port.

Workaround: Use the C6100v30Mgr view to view transit subscribers for a particular SHM port. Do not use the Physical view to view transit subscriber information.


If you install CDM NI-1 over CDM NI-2 and Cisco EMF is not running, the installation fails with errors.

Impact: You cannot run CDM NI-1 and NI-2 on the same server.

Workaround: After you install CDM NI-2, restart Cisco EMF before you install CDM NI-1.


You can delete DSLAM objects, such as line cards, ports, subscribers, and so forth, by clicking on the object name in a hierarchy view (from the left side of the Map Viewer window), and selecting Deployment > Delete Objects from the object menu.

Impact: After you delete the object, CDM removes the object from the hierarchical view but does not remove this object from the node.

Workaround: If you remove an item by choosing Delete Objects from an object menu, click Synchronize in the System/Commission/Decommission/Config sync Dialog window to resynchronize CDM with the DSLAM chassis. Use the Delete Objects menu item only when you are deleting a DSLAM chassis by deleting the associated Trap Management item.

Note If you need to delete a line card object, you must delete its subscribers first. To update the map view of the DSLAM chassis that managed this object, you must first delete the DSLAM and then recommission it. All of the subscriber data will be intact except for the module that you deleted.

1 DOH = Digital Off-Hook

Related Documentation

A complete list of all Cisco DSL Manager related documentation is available on the World Wide Web at

A complete list of all Cisco Element Management Framework related documentation is available on the World Wide Web at

A complete list of all DSL hardware related documentation is available on the World Wide Web at

Obtaining Documentation

The following sections provide sources for obtaining documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

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Documentation Feedback

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To report problems, click Feedback in the toolbar at the top of any document web page, press the Contact Cisco Now button, and under Problem Type, select CD/Online Documentation. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco.

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P3—Your network performance is degraded. Network functionality is noticeably impaired, but most business operations continue.

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P2—Your production network is severely degraded, affecting significant aspects of your business operations. No workaround is available.


Posted: Wed Oct 6 15:32:07 PDT 2004
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